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He Wll Tke Sron ' Su Manger ofte Ohairma Gofero Demy cratic national committee, to al'l Dem ocratic members of the Tennessee legislature, urging them to vote for woman suffrage when a ballot is taken on ratification of the national suffrage amendment on August 9. A strong stand by Governor Cox, Democratic Presidential nominee, in favor of muffrage, when he makes his acceptance address August 7, is fore cast by Mr. White. He says: "Governgr tox: will make his speech of acceptance on Atugust 7. It would be most pleasiig to him and to Dem oerats throughout the nation If we had the asauranoe from a majority of the Tennessee legislature in the forthcoming special session of their intention to make Tennessee the thirty-sixth State to ratify the suf frage amendmetqt, tilus ineuring, the enfranchisement of the women of America. As new chairpian of the Democratic national commpitt'ee, I in vite your co-operation in th3is, great progressive movement." Strong pressure is byeing brought to bear upon Republican members of the Tennessee legislature to give a unanimous vote for ratificatton, ac-| cording to advice. received at theI headquarters of the National Wopn ans Party. A letter has been sent by Hal H.' Clements, Tennessee State chairman of the Republican party, to all Reputbliein legislators, urging them to pledge their vote.unreserv edly for ratiacaMon. The letter said, in part: "The Republicans of the State ana nation have always been foremost in the fight for sugfrage, and I thereforc feel safe in pledging every tiepublic an member et the legislature for im mediate ratinecation of suffrage. I shall do everything in my power to insure among Republicans a favor able and unanimous vote.' Aliee Paul, chairman of the Na tlsonal Wotoan's Party, will leave for Nashville within a few days to con duct ths fight for ratification in per sen, She said today: "Under the favorable situation for $1 TIRE SALE Orestest bargains ever offered in high-grade. reliable tires. For l'st ofr prices see our ad in todiay's classified section, riHE TIRE BARGAIN HOUWE aa mi Rhe iase Ami it. V IE EFECMC E NOV@S& E NIAI "Only 4 Women Friends Left," Says Mrs. Asquith; 'And Society Speculates LONDON, Aug. L-"I have never succeeded in making persons the least different from what they were originally, and in my efforts I have lost every one of my women friends except four," writes Mrs. R. H. Asquith, wife of the former premier, in the first installment of her autobiography, just printed. British newspapers, that believed Mrs. Asquith's friends in society were legion, are asking: "Who are the four?" ratification presented in Tennessee. refeat of the amendment would be interpreted as deliberate or a. due to sheer carelessness on the part of both political parties." HEAT NEAR $2 MARK FIRST TlME IN2 YEARS Drop of 45 Cents During Week Puts Price In Chicago at $2.12. CHICAGO. Aug. 1.-For the first time in more than two years, wheat lutures on the Chicago Board of Trade were near the $2 mark today. A drop of 10 cents in December wheat ;esterday - brought the total rop for the w'eek to 45l cens, and put the price at $2.12. March wheat fol lowed the December closely, the final bid being $2.13. The, drop in wheat wan the feature of the week on the Board of Trad., but there was little sensational in its accomplishment. There were no buy e, and sellers simply lowere~d the prices at which they would part with the crop. Corn and oats dropped in sympnthy with wheat, but to a lesser extent. For th~e week the louses in corn wer: July. 20 cents; September. 17; D)e cember, 17, July oats dropped 9% cents; Sep tember and December, 7. each. The drop in provisions was not so noticeable. TRAIN DERAILED, 18 HURT. SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 1.-EIght een persons were injured, one per haps fatally, when Oregon Short Line taln No. 32. Butte, Mont.. to Malt Lake, was derailed near Dlowney yesterday, accordin gto information obhtained from the coinpany's offices here. Nine of the twelve conches of the train overturned. Officials of the company, doctors., and nurses, were rushed on a special trai. from. h.ere to t. of te. 'OLLIES 01 4WAR WORKESSE TAOKfR BRD Featere Fol Fid Lie Rthe "EsyPci'"W e ClerksLunch Wherewo w eat oday Thisquetiondoen't orr th preat il nthered FolkFn Liether Cliedte brks toudeahb ed Wn herem. eA ordao on Thubing qeon desnt acorrt the pakbrteedays.Ofcue Woltyuhf o ere wanatm-u now birdf wihpretty girl to rorteruyou choiche gbrlar crkrs aveostan horie the biry? Tt's dethe by te in hm n obirds feeltabootany Youbn onv passe ownaroun thers Wroud ou, tifmo e a prkbyhav weenthaett girl tto onfer youhe or inde the yTtres teay ther birdhs feel at bai ,adtoun ou have paotsed thefock the parks around note eatnd froam ther handh irl. itcing nthe ube.nThee orghtder the reegs feting the birds during their lunch hour, in a park opposite the White House, has become one of the attractions to vis itors to the National Capital, Lafayette Park across from the Ex eutive Mansion is the park most popular with the girls and birds. There are birds of many kinds in habiting the greens, black bird., sparrows, pigeons and starlings. The gila come from the Eni'reau of Wat Itisk Insurance, just behind the park. As many as 7,500) girls occupy the building. JILTE, mILS FIANCEE, THE SHOOTS HIMSELF CAMBRIDGE, Mass.. Aug. 1.-Be cause his fiancee. Mrs. Grace Rowan Cummings, thirty-three divorcee, Ia alleged to have refused to carry out her agreement to marry b im, Henry Wilbur Douglass, twenty- fie, of Chel sea, shot and killed her and then at tented suicide by shooting. The sheeting took plage at the Cambridge apartment of Mrs. Cum mings ss she lay asleep. Without warningt, Douglas entered Mrs. Cum mings' bedroom, pieced a revolver -lose to her right temple and fired. kneeling beside the bed, Dougla. then ahot himself. THE PASS hat the Switch-i HEARD A By BILL I got on the ouia board to talk wIth Lewis Carroll. author of that curious alsters'-brothers' problem. He tried to tell me slomething, but the best I could get was that he thanked Q. E. D. for telling others that nineC was large enough for any family. A. V. Mf. CAMPAIGN ISSUES. 1900-The full dinner pall." 1920--"The full beer keg." 1940-"The full cigar box." FRED VETTER. If cherry smash lemon, or grape punch nut sundae on Monday, would egg flip flop? SIGMUND D. GETS A GIeRL'S GOAT. The fellow who visits you and spends most of the time talking about the beautiful girl he' took to the Wil lard the night before. When you typewrite a whole page and find that the ribbon forgot to move. ERNA OTTO. THAT "JOKEY" POEM. "The night was dark, the moon wasn blue, Around the corner a villain flew And from hi.: treast, a dagger drew. And plunged it into an oyster stew." in thot idl rnf ar' ol .winter's night. Two paralysed men got up to fight. AThe ndum man ellted, hurray, hurray." NETTIU M. How mean is a woman who will not give a blind man a wink, espe eially~ if she saw the police coming. NAT. I hanvn read most of ithe big newspapers of thn couintry, and none of them have anything to compare with Heard and iSeen, which is of, by and for the com eclians. No other sheet has much a column. Let it go on as it is. PAUL WHITE. Cleveland, Ohio. This sign at Twelfth and U streets had me guessing: "Cold watermelon on ice soft shell crabs.'" P. E3ER'I"3 EPIGRAMU. The fellow who works the hardest generally gets the least pay. To get to the top by trampling on other, can't really be called success. The boss never notiees you when you're working: it's only when yo are not on the job that he sees you. PfIILIP' ETIEIT. The H AND S jurors who unani mously declared the column to be all right am It ia were wise jurors. I HENEY F. SMITH. ING SHOW ND SEEN PRICE. "Shmrck wrtsmaylneo poerytotel owth floeso theirdons G irl th Kn i" petr tei Wtelow. tHe' sl oyal though. ___ A NEW VERSION. T. S. WRIGHT, who lives near Mt. Vernon, the tomb of Washington, says an old tradition floating around in that country about Washington and the hatchet is this: Washington's father gave George a black boy namel Isaac for playmate. When the father made inquiry about the cherry tree young George answered: "Fathor, I cannot tell a lie; Ike cut it with my little hatchet." Many of the "fresh" guys refer red to by FRED H. failed to get their quota of salt because they're not worth it, And, furthermore, does the plentiful use of salt remove hu man "freshness?" JEFF. COINCIDENCES. On Friday. June 13. 1913, 1 com pounded I'rescription No. 31313 at the Soliers' Home HoAlatal diepe lsary. WV. DAY BOYER. About the funniest sign I see in Washington is that one on New York avenue: "Free Air. Lowest prices." _ __MAE V. P. sA lady whon all did adrmir, Her notes were So sweet And for th roa d to blis did inqur 1ly only regret is that you won't allow me to use Heard and Seen to get personal with some ef my frends. V. W. SORE WITH THE. WORLD. i'v d a l i i orro. ea e ;all that I spent, One in lve with s woman, but that came o set yorsl agood dog, boys, he' your CENSUS flOAT (GRABERB. Beveral goat grabors in the Cen sis Bureau are worth mentioning. There's the classy guy from ,Toidy told street and Toid avenue, N. Y., who's always saying. "Wat made me leave my happy home for dii dump?" The hard-boiled vamp who ptunctu ates her ptunching duties by telling "Memie" w hat 'illy told me in the can't' last night." The guy wiho spends all his time floating betwee'n the htalic and 'him desk but gets at rnale gain*riy. -By Hanlon V" L11 DNJa " "Y Fl WILSON GOING OUT OF SHEEP BUSINESS White House Shepherd Offers "Royal" Flock to Highest Bid der as Moving Day Nears. Woodrow Wilson, sheep rancher, is about to sell out. and it wAM be what might be termed a forced sale, be cause he is being diupossessed of the ranch, admittedly the foremost sheep grase of the country-to wit, the White House grounds. So the celebrated Wilson cheep go on the auction block. Finding a buyer for this distin guished flock of wool-producers is not going to be so easy, however. Many sI veteran of the sheep-raicing game will hesitate, to burden himself with these animals with appetites for lux uriec only as grass goes. Furthermore they have been accuced of tempera mental tendencies. That their "royal" curroundin gs have failed to affect their wool-grow ing powers has been attested to. though, by Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. workers, whose organisations have alway, profited at cheating time (brough Mrs. Wilson's generosity. And stili the Wilson ranch activities hav'e not been without profit. Here's the secret: Early in 1917 the President. anxious to set an exampie in wartime produc tion of necensities, purchased eight een head of thoroughbred sheep. To day, with the nloc offered for sale. the bill of particulars specifies forty eight head. Notice of the sale went out today. No one has even hinted that Governor James M. C'ox of Ohio and Senator Warren G. Harding of Ohio wifl enter into any spirited competition for pos session of the dlock. General belief is that they will confine their efforts to the contest for possession of the "ranch." As the ranch appears destined to fall into the hands of one or the other of the Ohioans, the problem then comest Who will undertake to accli mate these cheep to an ordinary gruse. where spears of grass are as scarce as visitors have been on the White House grounds since the same cheep took possession there? How the sale is to be effected. sni! when and where, are details yet to be mrade public hy the President. Some still embittered against the Admin istration over the attempts to sell the ships at ridiculously low prices, have suggested the plan of etteating a 'sheeping board" for that puarpose. conwet. iuse, bg Pan, C. 4una r N.I. "th&E CcIC Sdf ATT.MOS CT . cBSE tES of A Coni ftPAeE InepndnATNero 15 XEX RSIONS T onso oaa;Ags ,Frs BEACH IN AUGUST OdFlos fFretilM. Auther Org niaton Expectedn, o.1 an ings Thiso Month. . fth Mc curseons thispli montho at. Cheapak Btech Other izutins Eexpected o tcOdr fteVildPoht The schdue follows:al; ugst12 ig ThsM nhtrc;August 3,, Capitant BenecvolAeso Aosofa onad August , orest0 'Fitee oraniatonswil hod e- au ta 10,eNation Tent No 1, and cursins tis m nth a Cheape eersand of e Forign Wars ofub th Ic Au u 1 . - alN. 105, - Fedral 4.:m c 1ton -ahinto AeiaN.15 ntdAmrcnMcais AetSTo osessTeBuyn EnegyoFPrernt Oreraglh-adGr Says Phyoucial--F the IndeWhynPenntyrofrIro K15p EXCURSONS Suppn Ativ adb;Ags ,Frt Fulo io- OddFlow fFretilM. NUEATED IN AUELP MAKE rno HEITen, of4f h OToer O oanans n Ex oger ytcOro take anled "ohets tcHive te esapotdorke , ut- Vacks ofFregeWr o teoDi ng to hidothe th. h wan ts tic/ e gn~cnefj" dieo, ga andon w i l l thol spakl an al F e at raivo es Po e sie esien a tis oto aan C ses s eCek n the W indrihirt l. Incth.; buoynt nery aduprfe t esseocl so 15 Fgedieranli Beah Ofthe ouigred-lood ~ed on, s non uus 0 Cedr"am beadt the lio won re ay.N.15 od eate theoWold Aug-e The schel olos:t2, Gret Counly the. Iproved titel facrde-r owed n; aned Augst hep Addigt3 Ci tal onf icalAs Co i reld u rtea, rundorn e w ome atdo anc ing tone A ra. No. nd5 nierd egran M eanics. n T hiper woee Buoyant ,Ebeethy of Perfec H a,t- ao Kb pu lood fae ih/Frledun Withne wre Nuterng on*s ProCsDESWy Plenty of heltinabute Ke The Body Supple, Actrve und Ffull nofseVtigor-Howen Tetery oa h a noslonge t er ano in th lo Dcti. Irintands in, outdoork life who l nk teaddent ina le th tet . nee dteght Mec lo the tingms-ac ofe wront to a es doe ano o hfasened th sr p arkle and attvn es as owan of ern y o maner cmales and reagerrn desr at tme to, agr, ~ po se the Ivra n te