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STYLSTOI -flED IN . S Noted Gown Designer Returns From Paris Predicting American Superiority. 'ay WINWFRED VAN DiSUE. NEW YORK, Aug. .-That once se dear Pari i lea tagJts asterial punch. in only a littl tim- year or two at lougost-the werld's t tri es olothes mgtles il 0oe to Ameria toar lt61 stle, he h fashion supremay will have ended. This .qtesam pg meat was made by ape tj'he y two creators of models lit Ol~susUtT U Franes. t I3m., ., AM sa advoeater + she talked f Open a pile af said held tow weeks' visit to the No more than b step al - pia muzzled the plot, great',e - ater shatmefully beld oapto, b a piece of rope. * To the left errowd. forced to eder lines by officers. mllied aroned Mr. sad Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks. returne honeymooners. All altout was cruA and confusion. The little Amtcean modiste expressed her opinion simul taneously with touching toot to pier. She said: NOTHING NUW IN PARIS. "One wouldn't put upon one's maid models now being shown In the best shops abroad. "They bring them out with a flour ish-the French modistes-and they may 'Are they not beautiful, madame?' But they are not. They are ordinary and old-fashioned and without a dis tinctive feature. "About the only striking styles to be observed In Paris these summer days are American sty e. French shop .. are copying those." ' Cla from the bottom of her snub. nosed boots to the top of her crushy. three-quarter aise hat in misty gray. Madame Francis looked as if she had just been turned out from the exclu sive little shop off the avenue which bears her name. Her dress looked like a misty winter day, frost-touched where it was embroidered in medallions of cut steel beading. There was a sugges tion of ice in it too-jade-green satin outlining a round throat and bottoms of short sleeyes. The sleeves were alit at the top. and caught only at intervals, giving brief glimpses of the arm beneath. The dress was a blend OCEAN and BAY RESORTS Boating, Bathing, Fishing Oea View Willoughby Beach Buckroe Beach Virginia Beach Cape Henry HOTELS AND COTTAGES moderate Rates Daily Steamers from Washlamten Bostoi-Providense -AND New England Resorts By Sea Infermatien and Literature t City Ticket Offee. 731 15th St. N. W. Norfolk&Washington Steamboat Co. Health, Nervous Vitality, Er The Vacuum Natureopi IN COMBINATION WiTH CHRO PRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS REMOVES THE CAUSE of YOUR AILMENT and NATURE GETS BUSY and D)OES the REST. DO NOT SUFFER from those IN CURABLE (so-ealled) AILMENTS. DO NOT resign YOURSELF to a LIFE of SUFFERING. When you have ther oumhly given the VACUUM NATUREO. I ATHKIC NERVE TREATMENT an ep " .ertuahI to demomtrate Its WONDER b'UL POWER In RESTORING HEALTH LIFE'S PLEASURES and JOYS WILL RETURN. OTHERS that thought TH EY were Ineurable have REGAINED THEIR HEALTH THROUGH THIS METHOD and YOU may do ikewise. A thorough examinatten and first treat ment (nothing effensive or Indelieste) free, after which YOU will he i. a better peaition TO JIUDGE for YOUR. SEl.F the POTENCY of the VACUU~ NATU'REOPATHk C NERVE TREAT. MENT COMRINED with CHIROPRAC 'TlC AD)JUBTMENTS a. a health re storer. A WORD to the WISE Ia suffi eleat. FOLLOW THE (ROWD TO SUITE 222, 1410 H STREET N. W. REFERENCES . HR. e. N. NORTON. Architect, '729 8th at. MR. E. P. GODFRtEY, 941 Westminster ave. N. W. MR. AND MRS. T. Hr. LEWIS. 1600 Park rod O N r .t e Theater and Ameriean funchroom, 6I0 9th at. N. W. MR. R.M. R OW. Pealr in Paint. and MR. IIRNJ. Ttr.THIYN, Contractor and Builder, I60t Oregon ave. CONSULTATION FREE. ~PROF. H. N. D. PA ~,FRANK L. ANKI NATUREOPATHl Phane Mi I"O1U1RS-12 11. to N P. M.-Sanda1 VSUITE 222. M A RV.AND DLl THIS Notiee Is neood The Vacuum-NatureethiT1 D~r. Robert H. Carroll, M. T. b Md ws Tkms Dedis's WFim CONTA3fINOPLE. AWg. 1. Priaee Abdul Medid fendi. their apparent to the Turkish throne. after eoaferrlag with maly high oetlia"s ham "at the "Sttaa let ter renouncing his right to the sul tanate and transferring the succos saom to Prince Sells agendi. Pri.s Abdul said tat as the rights of Ere C4 hat* had been undermine. and re derv empty by the trgty. +e doeS not Rant to be the hei to a thjgee dergived of all its poter and robbed of territory rightfully belonging to it. Ing of eas9st tists, harmpaising with Madame's grey eyes and con trasting with her lips, just toyched by reuge. lb was the sort of gown one espeeta frog arsia at its best. . AmPUUS g geg U GeWWrU. But she explained that it wasn't any such thing. "It's just one of the dresses I took along. Th.9y .it me two boxes of gewah nater I'd gone wwhich would I g% * . ' i e of "t's t, o 'tat one, who likes Pareis as ouIh do to toll, but I'm going to., "Toid bow thk ray DjaIt I went over te setoet a new Wardrobe. Jose Collins. *be made the ''3fountsai Maid famous in London. also went on the same misalop. "But they couldn't And anything to buy. Ineredible% But true. They heard I was in the eity and called tp see me. And they begged so hard to see my clothes that I unpacked the two boxes. "The result is that I came home without theos. Those two girls bought every dress. "It has left me with hardly a thread to weir home. I even tried to buy. Incredible? But true. They couldn't And ons. Fancy my wearing this over and back!" She pointed with a smile to a black and white garment, somewhat the worse for wear, lying stop her lug gage. But there was triumph In the smile. She offered these bits of informa tion concerning what Paris .will wear this fall: WHAT PARIS WILL WEAM. Fashionable material will be bro caded in contrasting colors and enor mous designs. Lines and figures must be perpen dicular and thin, even though achieved by corsets. Suit coats will be hip length, em broidered. without belts. Hosiery will remain fawn-colored and pearl gray; black will not be used. Shoes will be low, short-vamp. round-toed, made of brocade and brightly colored suede. "You never would believe," she continued, "that brocades could be made in such vividly contrasting colors and such bizarre designs. Trees, bells, animals-all are worked out in materials for street, afternoon and evening garments. And with them will be worn shoes contrasting in stead of harmonizing in 'colors. "No matter what Paris may lack in way of originality or charm of its garments, that city knows how to dress its feet. You could imagine noth ing more Intriguing than the hosiery at thin, fawn-colored silk with the transparent look, unless it should be suede boots of the same color. "Hats, also, are beautiful, and are mostly white. The medium size, with turn-back rim, are correct. Many are embroidered. I believe that embroid ering will be popular for everything next season as it was last. * "Paris likewise excels in choice of jewels. The city wears a string of pearls as if they didn't cost a penny and emeralds as if they were picked up in the streets. Those are the popular jewels." COURT RETURNS TO KING $1,600,000 IN SECURITIES LONDON, Aug. 1.-The cgourt of appeals has decided that $1,600,000 worth of securities held in England by King Ferdinand of Bulgaria when the world war began should be re turned to Ferdinand. The court overruled the decision of the lower court that the securities should be forfeited to the British gov ernment. The decision was based principally on the ground that the securities were pri ate prop t. and in no way affected the re w ios of Bulgaria. ergy and Pep Restored By thic Nerve Treatment Pref it. N. D. PARtKEN., N. I) D. 0. The. Plse'r Dragiess Physice n. rY PERMISUIONU MR. W. S. HOOE. Notary, with House a H'errmann,. 501 7th st. N. W. MRNi. N. ft. STREET. Offiee Equipment, Suite 303 Reel Estate Trust Bldg. MR. LO0U1S COOK. 1416 Ri st. N. W. MR. FRANK OWINGS, Asmistant Cashier, Bank of Co~mmerce and Savings, north. .'ast corner of 7th and E ste. N. W. MR. (GEOR0E W. ES1TLER. Butcher; stalls 12 and 14. Weste'rn Market; residence, 1241 1st at. N. W. MR. WALTICR P. RAMNAT. Attorney. ibistrit? Natitonal Flank building. MR. JOhN R. HUTCHiNSON, 729 First at. N. W. LADY ASIUTANT. RKER, N. D., D. C. .RS, G. N., D. C. [c PHYSICIANS urn Te.T ~rn and Ititida ,~ 13 M. te 3 P. 3. l)0., 1416 H EfT . W. fee Firat Treatmnt reatment for Colorcol People I. )., 801 Florida Are,. N. W. ad Virs.. -use..... VmEK || || Big savings in seasonable merchandise. Look at prices quoted below. Come early and get your choice while picking is good. Don't stop at one pair, but select several pairs at this Wonderful Bargain Sale Elevator service for your convenience just inside D st. entrance. Your sav ing will justify the trip. Come up and get acquainted with this big daylight store. Two floors filled with bargains. Third Floor Bargains HERE we call you attention to several tables gTOP, look! 300 pairs of women's high grade HERE the e; wonceful apin hsplayed. of women's white canvas and white wash. low pumps and oxfords. Among them on tables so you may pick them over. able kid high lace and some button shoes; also Patrician, La France, and other wel known Women's and children's high and low white about 75 pairs of women's miscellaneous oxfords trade-mark lines. canvas shoes; some with Neolin rubber soles and 1/ and the price we quote you below is Sizes up to 5, some Brooklyn, N. Y., makes heels; also infants' high shoes and low strap slip. sensation at in the lot. Patents, dulls, tans, gray kid and pes in patent and dull leather. Your choice at gray suedes. the reduction price of " 9 We say they are rar bargains at Among them tans, blacks, and grays. Come and see them, you will appreciate the bargain. No C. 0. D. No Exchange. No Refunds. MEN'S LOW SHOES WHITE TENNIS LOW SHOES OUTING LOW SHOES Several bargain lots of Men's Black and Brown Low Women's, Men's, Boys' and Children's White Can Shoes, English lace and blucher lace vas Tennis Low Shoes; splendid qual- 100 pairs of Men.'s Tan Lotus leather low cut outing styles. Sizes up to 8,; all Goodyear ity; all sizes. Sensation Clearance shoes; seamless, with elk leather soles and no heels; un welt shoes. Among them Burt & Bargains ..................................9 lined, cool and easy to scuff around in Packard make. Clearance bargain..... e during the hot days. Sizes 7 to 11. Another small lot of Men's Low Shoes, Blacks and WHITE LOW SHOES Everybody's bargain .................. 9 Browns. Goodyear welt shoes; limited stock and sizes A table of women's white canvas oxfords and pumps; CHILDREN'S SUMMER SOCKS - 5/ to 7. Also Boys' Black English also women's high white canvas and Lace and Blucher Lace Low Shoes; white washable kid high shoes. You A lot of Children's Fancy sizes 3, to 5 . A bargain at the never saw such values at clearance bar- Top Socks, various reucio rie [..............egains............................. sizes at......... .....,* ***............ Second Floor, Ladies' Dept. Here is the chance to get several pairs for the price of Tv ude ar fteAeia ilbakseeWmnsPtn n ulCl n i uphg one pair. Choice of women's patent oxfords; high heels, bakkdadptn otcipdvm up, hes loBonadBakKdPms ua elhg black kid and calf oxfords, military heels, brown suede, wl o u ete n rw afOfrs ihwo oee field mouse and gray kid oxfords, high heels, white can- loknanwelitigleteLoiheswthlunmmtlpaeudrtplfs.Ao vas oxfords, high heels white canvas sport lace shoes X el umrcernehg n o el nbakkd h rubber soles; also white kid lace andAmrcnGlMra'adote button shoes. You may ask is it pos-WhtCavsHgleteenmldhePup, mk.Smerlaac.....$5 4 sible. We say yes, it is, at the clear- J. GoderwlsoeWhtCavsLc 50pisfWmnsDulMtKdHgLahe ance bargainsof{.....................YJ etPt xod ihmltr ht nml$ h' He upln apnro os loFw rGa No C. 0. D.'s. No Refunds,.el.Ti saseilbran orNbc xodlahrLusX White Washable Kid Oxfords, Goodyear welt, close $ trim soles, Cuban and military heels,'wving and straight tip. Wmns\'ieCna n ht eg lt x orwnsa hscernebran These are practical walking oxfords. If fodmltranhiheterndWMNSH E you see them you are sure to appreciatecoeehel.LFrnemkSu-AotfWmn'FbrSikHsat 1 " them-atthe ClaranceBargai JXV eCea.Smran c learan...tb O J sumrcean. .......... Oxfrd wiO Eiltarhwiteenme Woe' WieCavsan hTinCOR Ead-.W OvoreLencolnlNatioalFBanc-Takeke.eSum