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Whoop efoassin Di OnesAver tmore than 4510 ases of :ag ough officially knows to Ia the Distriet, atA believing t re hundreds of others net re 1. Dr. William C. Pewter, Die. tri health Officer, today Called the p ae's attention to the quaraatise tPo lateMsm with regard t this malady. "it is vitally necessary to the health of the' eity that these regulatisas are strietly adhered to." said Dr. Powter, "this disease is very contagies. This department is now seding nursee to the homes where cases are reported, and they have peen inastrceted to make sure the regulations are followed." live new cases were reported today. This is an unusually small number, the daily average being' twelve cases a day. Since July 1, !4 oeas have bees reported. *UARANTINU RUULAYIgS. The quarantine regulations follow: "School attendance-No person suf fering from whooping cough can law fully attend school, Sunday school, or chbro#, the theater, or any place of public assemblage. Pupis' living in the same house as the patient, but not themselves suffering from the dis ease. may, however, coninue to at tend school, and are not excluded Ifrs n any of the other places named. While there I. no hard and fast limit for the period of exclusion of patents sufering from whooping cough from private schools, no such patient can return to the public schools within flyv weeks after the onset of the dis ease; but at the expiration of that time the patient may return if he if well-without a qertificate from the healt4 okloer. "Exposure to Infection-No person can ligwfullyp expose himself, or his child, br any other, person to infection of whopiag cough, or permit any BOY SCOUT In and Near By' The first word from the .party of American Boy Scouts who left New York recently ,to attend the scout rally in Xondon'was received via cable at National Scout Headquarters, New York city,' last week. The cablegrant reads: "Boys met Southampton by Ehler (Ehler is the advance agent). Offi cial reception impossible account dis embarkation ahead of schedule.' Com FINANCIAL KNOWL[DGJ of late important developments whieh will no dpubt strongly af fect the market action of : " AMSHIP NIPISSING MINES AETNA EXPLOSIVES TEXON OIL & LAND BOSTON & WYOMING UNITED PROFIT SHAR'G RAILWAY SHARES AM. SHIP & COMMERCE CHANDLER MOTORS SINCLAIR CONSOLID'T GENERAL MOTORS MERCANTILE MARINE is of pertinent interest to inves tors. The above and many other securities are comprehensively covered in the current edition 'of our "NEWS OF THE MARKET." Also in this issue we give nu merous tabulated diversified in vestment saggestions of different combinations and amounts which fnay be secured on payment of from $10 to $200 a Month Write for your copy TODAY-no obit gation. Ge.A. LOOMI & CO. Investment Securities 42 Broadway, N. Y. Brooklyn-Boro Hall Bldg., Harlem-125th and 5th Ave. Bsete Philadelphiab ico TEN AYMENT -- What Is Ahead Of. The Railroads? With the majority of roads continually showing de :reasing net earnings, there are thousands of people in terested in thin questiom, wrhich we believe is corn. prehensively answered in our special report on the railrodd situation. Every railroad steekholder, ms well as those contem plating purchase of railroad securities, should read this report. for VT-4 we ich inclues boklet bescribing The Ten Waybtent Plan. E.U. Fuller &Co. ('~ M5 sebme of '. SO Bred St., New Yorks. New'Y NCwmehed ing CougI strict; New igel2a Day such'sepesUre. An WeUO is msde In favor of these was are in atte5& aoe' on the patest. 55gW TAT INDOOR5& fee of Publie Street.-It is ualaw ful for any perage suffering from whooping ough to appear uPo" the pablie street at such a time or is such a manner as to espese othe persens to Infection. And s patOin less than oighteen years of age Can Appear at all upon tae public streets unless ssompantd by some perse more than eighteen years old, duly authorised by the parent Or guard 1as to compel the child to conduct himself so as to avoid exposing other persons to the dimase. in the cases of sush children, the atteddant Is 10 gaily responsible for the conduct of the child. FUALTg rEum on JAIL. "Use of Street Cars. 1te.-No pa tient sefferlag from whooping cough can lawfully ride in a public convey ance in which there are or may be other persons, or which may be liable to be immediately used without due attention to disinfection by means of exposure to sunlight or fresh air, or otherwise. "Penalties-Failure to report to the Health Office a case of whooping cough makes the offender liable to a line not exceeding $100, and to Im prisonment not exceeding thirty days. Violation of any other pro visions of the law set forth above makes the offender liable to a fne not exceeding $60 for the irst of tense and not exceeding $100 for each subsequent offense." Dr. Fowler pointed out today that the law requires the reporting of all cases. He says if there is no physi clan in attendance the parent of the child or someone in the house must make the report. ACTIVITIES Washington BOB." fortably quartered London. Training and sightseeing progressing satisfac torily. All well except Taylor, of To peka; light attack of measles. Baden Powell visited scouts yesterday, most complimentary. Move to fine camp Richmond Monday. Guests Mrs. Marsh, Warwick Castle, ,Sunday. Perry (our Jamboree historian) mail ing complete log to date. Our cable address is Jamboree, London. (Signed) "GIGNTLLIAT." Troop 19. of York, Pa., under Scout master J. B. Truett. came to this city Monday, and will camp for ten days at Randle Highlands. Senior Patrol Scout Woodruff Youngs, of troop 61, was present at the last meeting, after having spent his vacation in New England, where he was pursuing missionary studies. Youngs is a splendid performer on the ukulele, and will be a valuable addition to the troop glee club. The troop's annual exhibition will be given the first week in December. Plans will soon be made for the troop dance to be given the last week in September. With the return of the different members, Troop 61 is beginning to take on new life. L. L. McDonald, national camp, director, Boy Scouts of America. Inc., was in Washington last week, and inspected the new camp at Burnt Mills. He declared it to be one of the best in the country. Boy Scouts of this city, as well as members of that organization through out the country, will take part in the safety first campaign to be conducted under the auspices of the National Safety Council, beginning August 30, according to reports received here. Plans for the campaign have not been made, but it is believed that the scouts in this city will take a part in it similar to that of the "Walk Rite" campaigns held in this city several years ago. The following troops will be at Camp Roosevelt this week: Troop S, Col. W. W. Taylor, scout master; Troop 26. V. O. Yetter, scout nmaster; Troop 30. Edwin Kirk, scout master; Troop 35. Joseph Stimnson, scoutmaster; Troop 40, Thomas E. Snyder, scoutmaster; Troop 64, 8. Rt. Dobbs, scoutmaster; Troop 63, Lew S. Mohler, scoutmaster, and Troop 2, Fairfax. the Rev. B. J. Rudderow, scoutmaster. Plans for a hike on September 1 through the Shenandoah Valley have been completed by Troop 32. Forty boys are expected to go in the party which will be under the leadershIp of Scoutmaster Newell. They expect to visit places where battles were fought during the civil war, including New Market. Va., where the Virginia Mili tary .Cadets held the Union troops. The historic caverns of Lu ray. Va., which have recently been declared by sightseers more wonderful than the Mammoth cave in Kentucky, will be inspected by the scouts. F. E. Matthes, seoutmaster of troop 1, is leading a party of New York ..eout e. on a tour of the natIonal parks. The boys are the guests of the Far Western Travelers' Associa tion. FINANCIAL COMPARE YOUR, INVESTMENTS! Is your presnt investment yield ing ynu six per cent interest. ad is it mecure againist the disastrous ef feet.s of- pastas, depressiegs and warsf Our firt Mertgage 6% Wete are secured on Washingt D.C.n p roved propertpapees ert, because real estate valse in the Nation's Capital are net aifeeted by pauies and depreesions that fre euaently menace imvestments is other parts of the eostry. Even ia the dark dais of the World War the values of our Notes never dropped below per. If a cemparison does st vindieate your present investment you owe it t. yourself and to your damily to in vestigate our eks Resi gg6 Mees. Hensey Co. 77 Flfteeth Street Wan~~e D.nCr BETTER THAN - 50-50 I don't know howof atyu ne e their feo e asnt seres of leters wh bae appeared in this neem ed they a" you shall all shan alike in the paper seq last wendmy under the abo e q hfg P te. "setter Than W40wd but I hope a great naw of Yos will admit, I know, that it is most usa 3.-L3 L A)Z Dinelw. you have read them - for you t btha. d mt whether you he sAot, den't mis. s ang * M of this type in a pat eat see andto be a edsing this letter, for it reveals ta ou" E yo allowed, with you fellows, to own by your copo- rta to make an investment that ougt stock-hlding. actual control yo the Com. splendid return. Pany which, as I he said In the hadin of all I , LYNCK Dl.eeor. The men who conceived this great enterprise my letters, Is "DEIT THAN 5000 In gI of toRb made their own sucem by taking advantage of Who are these men-the ofiem an directore opportunities not nearly so favorable as the one Let me first quote from a letter written by the tog oTsiswue in they offer to you. appraiser, Hon. John T. I Johnston: . They wnt throug to success becaise of their "I know seeral of the ofcer of this Company .Is en ItIL Dsiac"oT ourage, initiative, energy, character and abilty. personally They are men who believe in giving everybody I know ima r. a. to Preranisationl traveling along with them the same opportunity "I csider i a grea a to th e ai - as themselves--therefore, before inviting you, the W. F.SIMS, Dir..,., people, to join them, they established a sound basis t s in everythin he has undertaken Is a beaker ad merd wat el Ifldws, Tars, viut bevesnts forsveral ears. ea b* tate ftr the great thing. expected of this enterprise. character i unquestioned and his honesty he They are already under way and results thus farbe relied upon. Coinuw f Tes t his jufsu as a That aleadtensiedevelopmnt i result Inufa "I would belive an statemient Mr. A. C. Parker busiaess s- ad h i certaiao ass, smmee prove that extensive development will result inmake to me or to anyone, ese. very profitable returns The name of the Company Is a good name, and have been proven by You an bank on their ability. lyf successful operation in all of his undertaking. You can bank on their character eIt "His knowledge of the mid-contiaent field is such You can bank on their knowledge of the il TEAS, th GREAT SAE TR UMC 0- that he knows values, and therefore has selected business. 1,500000 shares of common stock (only), par value s with unusual wisdom. You an bank that they would not go into wild 10.,0 shrso'omnsok(nyprvle-he fact that Mr. Parker is to be permanently cat schemes either with their own money or with Since the orgaization of the Company, its nnected with the Company in a vital way, in my properties have enhanced in value more than judgint, practically assures the success of t Do you appreciate that there has never been a g000,000 which is proven by an appraisal made failure of an oil company that organized on a sub under the direction of John T. M. lohnston, who of he a "bin ao the that werl srtdith os is admitted to be one of the most conservative, most capable, and most thorough men who ever A. C. PARKER, President and General Maager. 1 The only failures are those brought about by measured the value of oil properties. Mr Parker Is self-made man with wonderu vision and promoters of wildcat schemes who haven't de Mr. Johnston has the distinction of having ly. He hs tremaldo: capacity for work. Best of Ali, veloped oil-producing properties and who seek "Hon." prefixed to his name, which in his case whi insI hisht webs the peples money to help pay for a guessing con means what it stands for-"honorable." sm pounds; looks a man square in the eye, and expect test as to where oil might be found. Mr. Johnston is a prominent banker; capitalist, pverbial "silveryspoonnever entered Into his l. H I The pity is that people allow themselves to make and independent oil operator of St. Louis, Mo., was lucky to ave a pewter spoon. He got started on his Investments without looking into the character business career in a modest 'way at thirty, and in the fourteen and Wichita Falls, Tex. He is a director in the yeas since then (he is now forty four) Ie hee acquired a and standing of the men behind an enterprise. Intr-S~teCopan ofNe Yok; l- substatia fortune by honest industry and the practice of The leases owned by the GREAT STATE Van Noys InterSttesquare methods. He is interested I the Company to the rector of the Liberty National Bank of St. Louis, extent of Mo , which should be a guarantee of his faith PETROLEUM CO. OF TEXAS consist of 20,712 of which institution his son, Mr. J. L. Johnston, is in the ente Besides being President ad General acres-not all in one vast ract, but an acreage of Preidet; iretorof heFirt Ntioal ankof Mna r of this Company, he is also an important factor in assembled parts in all the principal producing oil President; director of the First National Bank of tefloi Joplin, Mo., and connected in a like capacity in a President Parker Oil & Rein Co., Texas. fields of Texas, and every part is either proven or P I ~~~~~~~~~~~~Director Sunshine State Reinin Co., ctdinlkypruigol score of other banking and manufacturing cor- Vice-President and Director rican National Bank, sd porations; director of Kellum Company of Kansas Wichita Fas. terrWiFl, s City, Mo.; and a large stockholder in PhillipsOnly a very small acreage out of the total has Petroleum Company o Brtlei Pkillipo HARRY A. HURT, Vice-Presdnt. been developed, but there are now 35 wells pro which his son, J. L. Johnston, is a director. the oil Idt, he was esaage4 inthelmbrbeshusi Ina-much as he has no financial ntest what- I Dallas, ousto ad Forth Worth, being for than likely that 350, or even 3500 wells may be de-A TREUt O. ever in the GREAT STATE PETROLEUM CO. IUS er ~te nteJnsLme opn 1 vlpdadyedadiypouto 0tmso OF TEXAS, nor in any of the properties owned ' ral Manager of the Jones-Hurt Lumber Company of Fot 100 times more than 35 wells. by the Company, and is not associated in a busi- Weatyiv a Treasurer o te Lumbe Cor ness way with any one interested in the Company punyof Housoe Texas. Mr. Harts personal investment In is kown positively that a great many more wells or its properties, it must be assumed that his e Grat Sta Ptroleum Company represents a very sub- can be drilled on acreage wher is stored a vast appraisal of the holdings of the GREAT STATE quantity of oil PETROLEUM CO. OF TEXAS is conservative and FRED 0. JONES, Vic-Prednt. k It is to bring into being the production of this Mr. Jonef is President of the Jones-Beers Construction f .,nrlr i rffpppd tn theb neir. nones(.ompany of Binghamton, IN. Y Su ioavactors; flf~LTreasurer of Lowell Jones & Baijey. Wholesale Jewelers, ,The Company owns and operates 50 miles of Mr. Johnston classifies his appraisal as follows: Bhgbamton, N. Y- e is a director bf the Sracuse Mort-l gageProducin Leases ..............2,720,000.0 N. Y and t" as d of pipe0 baew of 40 ceuto for g 000.0 N. Y., hebeing"Jon"a of cl~hmon" Mr. ones 11s been 650 The Undeveloped Proven Leases..... e 1,884,000.00 Interested ine oil industry t Oklahoma io t pag ,v pia. capacity of tis pipe line is Semi-Proven Leases 210,550.00 eral years, being very successful in all of the oil projects he rels a day. Unevloeds~ gone into. Mr. Jones' investment in this Company , Contracts have been made that in~sure carrying Undeveloped Leases in Favorable represents what would be a fortune for most of n. Territory ..................... 894,505.00 F. L. McCOY, Treasurer. The maximum capacity of the line. Pipe Line Properties, Equipment. Mr. McCoy is Vic-President of the American National The re ent retu rrm dion of Contracts, etc................. 1,000,000.00 Bank,WichitaFallsTexas,andextensivelyengagedinoil ________investments. Mr. McCoy was formerly President of a small every barrel of oil transported through -the pipe bak in the town of Burkbrnett, Texas. After the famous lnrpeetattlrnigit h ilos TOTAL ..........$6,709,055.00 Burkburnett field was discovered, Mr. McCoy sought larger connections, and was one of the organizer of the American If the present net revenue were applied toward National Bank of Wichita Falls, Texas, being active Vice- dvdnsotesoktu a sud h Now, the stock offered to you, the people, at President. His investment in the Great State Petroleum paying $12.50 the share-a price entirely justified b Company of Texa isa substantl amount, large enough to stockholders would earn a dividend of 33 percent. of the success already attained by the Company- command great personal interest n its a But only a small part of the net revenue is being is offered to you only because the President and WALTER H. MARSHALL, used to pay dividends-the greater part is going General Manager of the Company and the Board Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. into the further development of the properties. of Directors (who have personally put into thean o - You see, do you not, what long-headed, careful enterprise their own money to the limit of their. Mhal a Texan; he knows the state. Throumt ability) wish to develop quickly the proven leases, areen w ll red n larenai m att, Do you think I have .overlooked anything in and thus speedily multiply production. ad is uing his talents in developing the Oreat State Peto- presenting the facts about the GREAT STATE It costs a lot of money to prepare for big pro- lean Company of Texs. PETROLEUM CO. OF TEXAS? duction, but since all the money you, the people, THOMAS J. FILES, Director. If you are interested in the story I have told you wiH put into the enterprise will go toward the de- President, First State Bank, Hllsboro, Texas. The peed- send your check for whatever amount of stock you veloment of the properties where oil is known deny of a bank in Tes establishes a man's reputation can afford to buy to the New York offices of the eopmn among his fellows, for men are not given such jobs in Texas to exist, neither you nor the men now back of the without each one first having his faL enterprise, with their fortunes, will be taking any which are located'at 320 Fifth Avenue, N. a. undue risk. ALBERT C. RICK, Director. corner of 32d Street. I a sue ou il beineretedinthesttemntAt pesent egedin the oil business. Some two years Don't get the idea in your mind that Ibecause am stre you will be interested int e t e ago, retail furniture business in Dallas, their offices are located on Fifth Avenue-the thato p being conducted in Dallas under the Rick name for more Secrtar-wh is lsoAssstan Trasuer- than fot years. Since that time he has been engaged greatest business artery in the world-that they Secretary-who is also Assistant Treasurer-being a large landowner in draws one dollar out of the Company in the way Texas. r. Ricls investment in the Great State Petroleum y r of salaries, or in any other way, and the Secretary- Company of Texas amount* to nearly half a million dllars. are not. The Company probably occupies the most Asst. Treasurer is not drawing anything like the He knows good Investments democratic and most economical suite of offices in salary that one would expect from association J. F. BARKER, Director. New York City-at least I have never seen any with a Company dealing in millions of dollars. For many ears engaged in the retail lumber business In more modest offices in this big town and I have The the ofices ad drecors wih te lmit Texas, Mr. barker was induced to enter the oil business by lived here for 26 years. The other ofers and directors, with the limitC. Parker a few ears ago. Mr. Barker's suce of their wealth invested in the enterprise, feel that has been very rapid, and he is to-day considered a heeding The offices are really an index to the simplicity facto in the oil- ofucing and pieline business in Nortn and stabili of the Company, and its officers and they ought to go along without any personal re- CentralsTexas.SinvestmenttteetreaGreatmntatepssaele rct muneration until the enterprise has reached fullyours, development. And in the meantime, they think T. E. TOMLINSON, Director. WILLIAM C. FRUA"M, they are in honor bound to give every ounce of One of the leading bankers and merchants of Hillsboro, their experience in and knowledge of the oil busi- Texas, and has been for many years President of Ters Nw York, July W P. S. Would you like to have in complete documentary form the same evidence that con vinced me of the integrity of this company? If so, please send your name and address to the New York office, 320 Fifth Ave. W.C.F.