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eU.........~-...............................'U.......-.U..................U..............US........ . --- oyad.Otor es Wia nnery TA ... aadM.N at NMot ter MMslL 11 and $1.? far $1.50 and Ivaleur Powder Bases sad Hair Bessivr. ., .0 at Paa.Uirsees at 50.. the for $1.50 Celeesal Ivory Powder Boses and Hair Beesivers. i -81M to $4.05 Hq.r Breebs a' M8. lb Ieeuag Comb., 3k. 55.25 Large dMs ter b Pia Trays. $.* for $2.25 Boudoir Bise T August Sale of Furniture August Sale of Furs a. ~ nssAn hnportant Opportunity to Those ExpectIng to Buy Furs This Fal ""* at 20% O ff R egular P rices The Trend of Fashion points 'with great favor to Fur Coats and Wraps promising them a vogue even greater than last winter. We offer In this Sale a very handsome collection of the very best and most desirable Fur Coats, made from skin of B egins M onday assured quality,by the most reputable makers. 'I- Our P4=hases were made at the beoon of a recent lerny ha F7r Prices and we besew that we are able The Annual August Event that lI Waited for by Hundreds of Thrifty Shoppers to ow - ,,"e ide...ts ant a.s for th. ,rece that d..l... who di ot by at that time, are mt * We are indeed forhtnate to be able to give 20%' off our always moderate furniture prices for this August Sale, and it is ae to caw. * gely due to the fact that we are very -heavily stocked with furniture that has been shipped to us on contracts placed Furs are certain to be in great demand this fall and at present t a months ago. In New York have been on strike for the past few weeks with pros The fatery o today are from 25% to 65% higher than we paid one ye ag with beyond any reasonable doubt means higher prices later, as roductihnwiwenpaidonl * EBle pagespec of it. b mig down coon. - We hold our August Furniture Sale this year as usual for two reasons. One is to keep faith with our patrons, who In Substantiation-of Our Opinio W 1 look forward to this sale at 20% off. The other very frank reason is that we want to keep the Pot Boiling in August and * roll up a big month's business, to do which we are offering furniture at lower prices than you will see again for some time. p As a Concrete Example of the Savings Offered ~ ~~The Qualities and Values offered in this August Sale will be adeihflsrie.Tepceyuayifa'nte Ui As a Concrete Example of the Savings OfferedagainstdeclineuptoNovegn dcnutNeena o oioials2 t2%etnhsfuwls frar g We have in this se 4-Piece Dell Mahogany Co-ial Bedroom Sault. that we have received on old 25% deposit will hold any fur in a eseiaels and have been seeling at $245.50. The August Sale Price will be lees 20%, or $196.40. Whn until ou need it, about Novembe thee. emitSes are received on the new contracts we will not he able to sen them at $245.50, but to make our 0 nan=====y moderate will be compelled to ask $325 or more for this suite. AustraliWn a~ PaDel ot Another Example is.a 4-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite. Our Regular price is $287.50. August Sale Price is $230. Oat Seal Coats Seal Coats Future price after the August sale will necessarily be $350 or more. ular Priced Furs. Made ob se$ letdconey clipped and dyed, Australian Seal Cpats.1 36 nches, much the same process are Hud- lonR with large* collar and cuffs of1 A 41-nho ul eghWa Consider Carefully This Oaportinity. We are offering Furniture in this August Sale at 20% off pf our famously close bonSeal. deld sAugus sle $9 a ca 0l margined furniture prices on furniture that was bought at from 25V' to 65 % below present day costs on the same goods. length S $rice " " "c en t Beaver25 j Australian Seal Coat, 30 Inches,________________ U4~I.3.p,,4~. ollr ad cufswitg h collar and cuffs of nat Any Terms Within Reason to Responsible Parties3: Inc length A lon skunk s t ald $275N eC cuffs to Pier. 2in lengtrkhav ben onsrk.o teps e wek wihpopcsoUhi ont okso e neti.Ti Bed Room. Suites Living Room Suites collar anyd cuffs $2ob d me an e cat, aennchs Nur Sill2Cnal,%40 initylng, 34-inch length Australan Opos long oit f uro belte Gelu n bort Olr, col l hsum collar and $nd V as eand cuffs of natural Aust ralan witiea 25% deo i wil holds Sany fu n stoag unti4 inch length Beaver $2I6t, collar and cuffs Australian Seal Coat 30 inches On2o heuesn'iMs )Po r Ags ae 29adble Ags ae$5 mu6-Inch length Beaver ug. -inch border; sash belt. coles NearS l a 6 collar and cuffs fars and cuffs of dyed Qflft belted, 36-Inch length Skunk $rkunk. August Sal Pricet *DtPV self col collar gut cuffs ( Australian Seal Coats..36 inches Price at Ausraia Sea6 Cpto6once - lng.wit lagesollar, plain (1t$ or with 15-inch borde r sash Near Seal Coats, 30 inches long. Hudson Seal Coats t "r. " August Sale Price '239 a co's modl sthle*"' ' r . Australian Seal Coat, 40 inches Prie at Hudson Seal Wrap, 42 inches long. 19 inch self border. sash belt. long with large collar and cuffs of large collar and -uffs of natural Natural Leopard at Coats, a $675aAkkuk. August Sale 6r^te N395 u r a*aon olla, turn' cuffs and belted. $625, 4-Piece Dul Mahogany Bedroom Suite Hudson Seal Coat, a novelty Australian Seal Coats, 36 inches Sale Pr Antique Adam Style, dresser has large French' rlate mirror 30x40 in., $425, 3-Piece. Dull Mahogany Living Room Suite sty, l I pnche long with lar ong, plain or sih self t order aon 3 small and 2 large drawers, dust proof case throughout, sure olr one uf n I old brass pulls, dressing table extra large with r mrrrors, Queen Anne make, consisting of 9 ft. settee. I large pocket edge. August Sale ash belts. la en uar a der chiffonier has 4 large and 2 small drawers. 1Krge mirror, arm chair, I rocker, 2 large pillow ad I rol louse spring Price at beas of Rusunt 385 Marmot Coats bed, beautiful design with raised panel bead and foot . cushion covered in blue and gold silk damask. August u neC , ic ng ugust Sale Prtice at 35aI board. August Sale price at Sale price at Hudson Seal Coat, 3 ihes lan baare rc at inches3inc, of selected skins wiheta ag" MarmtCasl6ice o~ i . One 7-Piece Dull Mahogany 4-Piece Dull Mahogany Bed One 3-Piece Mahogany Finish One 3-Piece Queen Anne <ape collar and turn back cuffs. Australian Seal Coat, 6 inches brlarge ollars wnt cufrao R e omSie ue nebelted August Sale lung self bord-r. sash belt, large naturalfueo.orAsrlj wt Room Swite, plain design; 1 dress- Living Room Suite. Mahogany Living Room Suite. Price at 4 collara and cuffs of natu ri trap Opossum. elf bord-rs and b mirror 28x:3S in. n"+nity dresser. Cr. 1 double wood bed, k mahog- Queen Anne make. Wish 2 large Cane panel back and ends. loose Pquirrel. A ugu Sale ale ed Au7 P mirrors and t drawers. Mas- any chifforette, and I dressing ta- cushions, cane back and ends. Cov- spring cushions, covered in blue - rice At I rt rive Chifforette. sliding tray:. 2 ble. 7Tegular a. $260.00. Q ered in embossed blue. velour. Au- damask, 2 pillow v. Regular at Poats small and 2 large drawers; beau- , gtae a tomobile spring slip seats. Rtegu- t45. August Sale $244at Coats,6cel tiful straight end bed: one cane August Sale Price. at lar at $325. August Sale 2 Price 'Black Pony Coats, 40 inches larges seat rocker: chair and bench to Priceric aturaI Mukrat 4'oat n e I mn border and belt match. Cast brss hardwarei One 3piece Du lngU be tollars and cut" u5 ong with. large self collar, bell uff d August Sal Pice at , Ir eglra SI; uut$9 One 3-Piece Queen Anne Living p JU mn'f $149linOpssm egulariat aUi.. August 4-Piece Bed Room Suite, quar- Room Suite. Finish Living Room Suite August Sale Price at f $225 bsrd"'r bel2ed5, $492g ugs Sale Price.tRomSie at Auigust ale ir $250 Maooat sfrm~e,3 4-Piece Bed Roofn Suite, Queen tered oak; plain design: large Settee, rocker, arm , hair. cane Ilipple white. consisting of Black Pony Coats, 36 inches Natural Muakrat ceat.:n inch a inches ln. wit. collar of nat Anne style. old ivory finish, with mirror. 1 dresser. I chiffonier. 1 back and ends, 2 large pillows. tee. rocker and armchair. covered long, with collyr of Australin 0li>o- long, natural raccoon .ollar and utalracloon; collars and 'uff largre glasses 1 dresser. 1 (hiff- dressing table and 1 double wood covered in Mulber.V Velour. Has in tapestry seat and back, can um or collar and cuffs of nat ruff. 1lain nnd two kin bordtr. :f At - oiet te. I dlressing table and I -loose spring seats. Regular at rnods. Regular at 1;30. August mtrclarnd ul ontcui lanndti InIrr srlan poumU Sbed Regular at $27. e bed. Regular at $r7.50. Q 23. August Sale R ge3 ' . anal Raccoon, belted. August Q195 u"'' Sal I " $195 ^'ugur ale P * * * Agust Sale price. at August Sale Price. at $ * Price $260 I~ at $2 0ale Price at $195 '.a 1 .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h EXTRA SPFCIALS FEATURED AT UNCOMMONLY LOW PRICES In Our Bargain~Basem * ~~~~~~A Fortunate Purchase of .- O rb r an ~ s mn A u P s36-inch Sealine Coat, rich look-, 36-inch Sealine Coat, extra fine. French Coney (ats, po Ing. deep shawl rollar and uffs of full shawl collar. e na iinril. :0 nehes long. 1:2 In.h slan I - 500 All Cotton Mattresses -ustralian pnssum. belted style ined : por $15 fancy*, . siltra lined. August blied 1' Ic/ -lkgr ln Prc p " l6 grwn c loee il iig Especially Priced for Our August -.-f-anillr-il August $187.50 ^"r"" " " '^ $75 Sale at .Pi tChina Lynx Sports Coat, collar 3 g 30-inch Sealine Coat, sports ein tuffs of :I Lnk Op,: French lit Coney Coats. 36 style, shawl collar. cnllar and ruff.' ert model, silk lined. Augut in.he. long, l ii sh. I toll. of Australian O1ossum. border bottom. fany sil.: ed. 9style. Silk lined. August i lt le. August sle Bed $All Metal Drop-Side Couch Beds Sale Price at 1 .6-inch Long Cina L i (oats. Prie a' Krochler Kodar Bed Davenports. Thee mattresses are actually worth (arge s on a .d 36-inch Poney Coats, beautifully hawl. collar. fane silk In- $115a *** Coats design. fured oak. goldcn $1 150. Closely tufted: rolled edge and -elink spring, finished 6.95 ""rkedn flat skies, collar :end rtff cd . Augu:i Sale "rie titi oa and m ahog an y fin ish. Gu a ru i are covered In fancy art titk ine e g ray enam el ... ... . or A ustralian oe 1 9n "'~ ty "e t"t1 3 teed sptring. All mat- $405 rooming and boarding house proprietors X195* .. nSl aaa oa-agln e. il ~fel Aita tries-es.ra ......... t49.75 e visit this $.15. rala.a Roy-al-Feurth Floor. August Sale Price at Bament. al e at$3 1a Ie *DINNER. SETS, REFRIGERATORS, CANNING SUPPLIES IN A TIMELY SALE Iced Tea Served Free: 1 Refrigerators Grape Cut Water Set Stone Water CoolerSade lan ning ,g p es Men i o ac down town Imm(row ome * 7-lb. Wooden Ice Cheats,F14ofC n i g up le 751b.9 W o den8ce.het 4 gal. ...$2.89 M ason Jars E. Z. Jar, to the fout I loor a u r t r g 1 0-lb. A p ar t me n Style, rt.. Toeltits. rt%. "er der.,ftebs cd' ayu vrtse-er on $16.98. 6-gal. ...$3.18 see doearn Qut- ee dos. i just to introduc 60-lh. 3-door Style, $24.98. s I ..d U..e 80-lb. 3-door Porcelain lined, '11Complete tae doseae isa-e a ,q g439.98. -oplt --- With. Spigt. Metal Nursery Refrigerator, Gold Band Pattern. Dainty Blue Bird. Rich Gold Border. ITith Si"o T ea - -Forks. file Pap, dler. $498. .- - 32-piece Set.. .$3.48 32-piece Set...$4.98 11-piece Set..11.9R ------- i 100-piece Set..$16.98 100.piece Set..$19.98 100-piece Set.~.21.98 T Banquet India-Ceylon Banquet Orange Pekoe ' Wooden Porch lothe Line Black Iron 'Cedar Mop Granite t Granite Granite Granite i Porch . Props. Garbage Cans, and Oil, Coffee Pot, Dish Pan, Tea Pot, Sauce Pans a2 2 for 39e, 49c 89C 59C 49c 59e Set for 39c I'Q Am100-piece Set Green 100-piece Set, 100-piece Set. -,,--=, Granite fr--e-zeArm and Gold Rand, Pretty Rose Border, . loin Gold Band' Double. Granite Granite 1 Gas Irony. ' $19.98 $22.98 $34.98 . .Moser, ie 1 4-piece Ice Gold tHand --T$1.69 59c Tea Set, Cups and a. - $2.98 Saucers. Sp rk in Cut$ -ls . o .An old law of nature has I Values $2,98 Values been put to work for you by $4.00 to $6.00 e $4.00 to $6.00 the invention of the Th'r * i the assortncft are tall ascs, monor. It uses only air and Flower Baskets, Rose Bowls, water-yet keeps your f ood 11. mtWHITE PNAMEL BATH No icc no machinery, cold and sweet in the hot covered Butter )isIes, Ice ROOM test sufnmer weather. S$1.98TinWah Cream 'Trays, Apple Riowl-. Rollman Water Power Strong Votr Values IJu. Boiler ana P ('o .M e peuanu l Sapw O range Bow ls, Footed uit S Food Chopper W ash M achines tep Ladder -r h i c e5 boat, cam p for g- o 6 8LaunCre on. I-len- nos Dust Pan, Stads Wah and Basket, Bowls, etc., etc. Ilft., $1.00 e lr- galow this summer. g 91.39 e'la 25c 19e $1.98 59c I'nlsls Roal-Fourth Flee * 5 ft., $l123 etc., etc. Demenstation-Pmlab o -h l ...*.u auu******...*...........................*.....u.....u**Eu*****mu*****uu