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S8O. 0..*...... Wmen... ~That Eagerly-A w*k . - Women'sBungalow Aprons at 79c Each Lot of about 6 dozen Women's Bunga low Aprons of percale, in a variety of colors; made in open back style. Medium and small sies only. A clearance lot from ggmg 0 7 ONts Km Mr, our regular stock-reduced to. 7$c each. Come early for these bargains. - ---------------------m ------- - ----------- 98c 4 59c Women's $2.50 and $3.00 9&. .AWia ou of dte . e sall lot of White Aprons of dotted swims -r a. Fe S H. .. 'e.. The great elearaway to force but remaining lines of merchandise left from the seasods : Thread& Fib r Satk9:se5 o-clo.k. It is recognized and appreciated as the outstanding bargain event of the entir. $5.98 Kimonos at $4.49 so far. Every department in the house has brouht out all the short and broken lines, the 89c Clan-up et odd Iots from our regular stock. Sale at prices reduced to the utmost, regardless of cost, profit or loss. Fine quality white dotted swim and pretty floral Women's Pure Thread and Fiber Silk Hose, full fashioned and mock at d , wit e les trimmed cllars and - T E EW PA E S A RE.. seam back; In black, white and colors; some have very slight imrfe "'I''. ul cut skirts. Rummage ask0 pin.*I nifalno ~odbekn odadI ouleaimT E E TO P E R tans which in no way affect the wearing qualities nor appearance. roken U .. a. s e.. of the smallneE of VENT lots, w must deSlime to accept p E7r assortment of sizes. C._0.D._orersfranyhingdvertsediourummagSale Pa Silk Stockings, Worth up to $2.50 Odd lot of Women's Pure Thread and Fiber Silk Hose, sensational Rum some full fashioned; others with mock seam back; In black and colors. These are damaged, and sold "as is." 5 0 $3.00 Chifon Taffetas, $1.95 " U~5-inch Chiffon Taffeta, an extra fine pare silk, guaranteed quality, in all wanted Vre Up to $3.25 Silk Hose, $1.19 street and evening shades, includuing plenty of navy blue and black. Odd lot of Women's Full Fashioned Thread and Ingrain Silk Hose, In black, $4.00 Crepe Meteor, $2.69 white and a few colors. Blacks have lisle garter tops, some white silk all the way 40-inch Satin Crepe Meteor, a rich, soft, clinging, pure silk, satin face grade in up; all with double sole, heel and toe; mostly all sizes. Slightly irregular weaves. navy blue, brown, taupe and gray. Up to 75c Womnen's Hose, 35c Boys' 50c Stockings, 25c $.0StnCamue 24 * Lot of Women's Hose, in black, white Boys' medium Ribbed Sto-gs, in se Sand af f es sae, isla blacksd e white;By'mdu Ribbe~ t fa gs i 40inch Black Satin Charmeuse, a rich, heavy satin face quality, pure silk and All Remaining Lines ofSisCotDeaadSrs and a few street shades, of lisle and black and few white; some or the fa- gaate o er ~ a cotton; full, fashioned and mock seam mous Round Ticket brand included in , back; "Onyx" band, in perfect qual- the lot; also coarse ribbed stockings, w py yu t p o a e ity. with double toe and knee; perfect qual- 33-inch Imported Tan Pongee Silk, an extra heavy pure silk grade, for men's m anl l pe Ws 3 Hose, 2k bk sizes . ad o ' r You'll find values so big and&ntny;'lbuketopshes. Women's full fashioned White Cot- Up to 39c Infants ' ?&/%e $1 each purchase made your12%m too Hose, also seamless gauze lisle, in' Small lot of Infants' Socks, plain $.0TbSls 19 " white and few black; perfect quality; i h alot o roltd S o s ; 33 and 36 inch Satin Strip Tub Silks, pure silk quality that launuders per- Silk and Cloth Dretoa$; mostly al sizes. slightly soiled from handling; broken " fectly. grounds ndsome colored satin stripes. Vime..-s'r t user. sis. - G.ld.b.I5.-Iot F'... Worth Up to $27.50 street and evein sh i n atp n1ty0of.navy0bouefand0blak ______________________________________________________100 Dresses of Taffeta Silkt ani ih n akefcs mnge ots 0 Rummage Lots of Crepe do Chine, Serge, Foula and Georgtte Combinations, rep-Smfiesmsig Chidr n' S mm r W ar bls lret bofen sies ad incom White Wash Goods p l of $1.7 oatockU 45-nc Imore Wht Or gandy, and extra Drsss-etr sheer,75S e e Cot transparent quality thatwil $1.19 W Summer $earaite and te2 line of our regular White $ it gs , , summer dresses of tine colored organdies, - 36-inch White Mercerized 36-inch extra finish Meree lawns and voiles, in stylish models. roken 2.9o of 8 Sport Sweater Coat nmaterial for skirts and suits. of even thread quality, espe Rummage sandy, an extra fine sheer, cially adapted for fine !ingerie. Sale price......................... duced to $4,85 each. transparent quality that will $1 White Wabatineg, 69 Ten yards In each launder perfectly. 36-inch White Imported Nov- 2ine Silk Poplin Dresses, in 59c and 79e Wash Hats, for $1.19 and $1.25 Whit.e ity Voile Waistings, white, $1 White Voile, 66 green and Copenhagen; hand baby boys, in assorted 39c Women's Capes and C fancy stripes and checks; a su- 44-inch White Chiffon Voie, embroidered d e perior flne two-ply quality. a extra fine two-ply quality 36-inch White Mercerized for waists and dresses. al$8, as....... $1.98 $3.0 7 ,midyit Drselor olar 15 women's and misses' cape,.CasadDt 5wmnsad iss ot fa-olHah $5,50 a loth, $3 49 at in made wt srtine. Taffe ailve a Novotyelty i sSncudng UP.Dge, includingbeS lbraid Drtrimmed.rad tSizedSizss6 10 1 lied1nduln12moelinBeakd ands spenidioatefr erlyfellwar;sBrokeerin handsome white satin mercer- 40-inch (note the width), $1.25 e PpN 8 Copenhagen only; hand em- and 14 years Two rok8 ized woven stripes, plaids and Longeloth, a fine chamois fin- 86-inch White Yarn Mercer- broidered and trimmed with vel- doze at ...........$.9 Slimmer Wash SkirtsSl t. W m nsad Mse'C as broken checks. ish quality, full ten yards in Ized Poplin, a rich milk finish vet ribbons. Sizes 7, 8 and 10 Gdember'-Firut Floor. each piece. grade, for dresses and skirts. years. Regularly 26 Tan Raincoas1ih hats; $5.98 and $6.50, f $12.98, at size., 4.8V ls 6, 8,10, 14 an 5years. 1Boyrs'at, nWadcesfom$498aritsinsprtmoel,19t wdBoys'i Ntimedorfolnk ndmise'Coaoaftseron. o3 Chiyd' Wash utov u $2.98 Odd lot of Wash Skirt of Stripfdrany' kind hifn fa riw anlsn aa m ith fromre tty ofw i varrous pear onttons.lyFirntvyloor.; plottyand T ed"Cith:argk linrdbandonnlin(d yer o aeRummage Sale of poke model. Sold for Girls' 79c Bloomers, of white (Frst fhoor.)royCl mage f ' $2.50 and $3; reduced to. C cambric; elastic waist and knee ' ~ "1 Ba ie NeedsP'~ 8 Mull Bonnets, tucked and lace trimmed; sizes 16 39 c 8 wome~n's and misses' high-gaeCaso '3 Babies' Short White Pique embroidery trimmed; odd ad 18 years onlyBolivia and Slvertone In thre q ! 'p'UJ ' o~~WW W W Coats, high waist models; sizes lots. Regularly 59c~, at.. 3 c Ooideuber's-Tblrd Floor *Is. Full silk lined. Boys' Wash Seits, $1.19 Boys' Norfolk Cots $32.98 and yer.49 8Regularly______________ Women's Silk Dresses SodU anbetdtte. Boys' Wash Suite' of various Boys' Norfolk Belted Coats, left $1.9 kinds of fabricsu all made with froBo suits of various kinds only at to $35, at $13Four short straigt knee pants ; white a limited quantity and mostly n h. *and colored effects in sailor. small sine. 4 aishrtWiePque Rummage Sale ofjQ o fGoret rp.T daddy. Jack Horner and junior ppr,,Cat;sihl soiled. Sold ?cat resses In embroidered, beade n rme Nerf oe (is floo Boys' Khaki Pants, $1.19 for $2.49 each; ' ffets. Broken sizes0 Nof moel is 2oPntoys' $2.75 Ca;thn 98c Sendern is ins Stylish Stout Coats,Pantoearsoadordu Boys' Norfolk Scts, $9.50 Sits, with knickerbocker pants; 3 White Coats of Cashmere Boys' Na y Blue All-wool srze. 15) 16 and 17 years only. 3 Pds o aiseik with net eoer y $35 at $15.0 Worsted Serge Norfolk belted Boys' $1 Neckwear, 50c cit with full-lined knicer B fine quaity Silk Four broidered designs; also braid boer pants; nes to of yar at-srp;8 oe 9 digas ae roe o f1 sfrsotW bole at;szs7t 1yasin-Hand Ties, flowing end style. trimmed. Size 2 years. Re- at 'IC sizes; at........39e all-wool Poplin. in na vy blue. Size 4La. . trn: fires $4in0 theotfrom7to By'KaiPns$11 Rumg Lo ofBoys' dtoe from . ... $ 2.509 $1.25 and $1.50 Corset Covers, $1.98 Dorothy Skirt Drawers, $45 Frnc erge Su1.5 ad,-mnsadmiss ikfauot:fl Bo'Khaki Pants, $1.19 reRnunage For of pink material, lace and in- of fine quality nainsook, with y nd hil dukpants lso and Chiliren's Wear, 50c tiabme-i lloom. Suits g t ut knickerbocker styles;' not all Odd lot of Boys' and Chil- ei. lace 14 on's and i uofen sizes In th: lot. (First Floor.) dren's wearables, including Camisoles. Oddments insertion Two Percale and Chambray reduced to dozen at........... Boys Suis, $.75Blouses, Cotton .Jersey Bath Boys.' l'an.'y Cuseimere Knick- ing Suits. Wash Suits, Straw f Fas erbocker Suits. Norfolk belted Hats, Blue Overalls, in small coat an ful lned nicerbck- sizes, jackets, left from playDrs Go d17hg-aeCtsf ml' er pants; one and two of a Gat- and wash stilts, and many tern: sixes in the lot from 7 to other articels. i 18 years.- ~~First Fleer-nargaiu Beeth.$ aa'g 12 oe ulsl ie;treqatrmdl.'Glebr'~e54For 4Inh Panama.iln na2y and Rummage Sale 'or Boys' Shirts, 98c Boys' Reefer Topcoats, $2.50 midnight blues. Boys' Shirts, of light striped Little Boys' prin Weight $1.25 storm serge, 98c percale arnd corded madras; made Reefer Top Coats, light gray Storm Serge, in U m re la anti Parasols sleeves; sizes 12 to 14 neck sizes 2 to 8 years of age., navy blue, brawn. Mur's and measure. Goldenberg's--I'hird Flrn.o. green. warranted fast black; paragon frames; good assortment of ____________________________________________ $4 AliWool Ser'ge, $2.69 handles, many with silk cord loops. Regular $2.98 50-Inch All-Wool Navy Blue values 45nc Men'e and Yxung Men'swll ed quality. Children's Parasols, solid colors. figures, stripes and novel mael;b e~Ten pieces ofn ew m lethd r iyt Rummage Sale of $5 Check Skirtings, $3.69 designs of satins and imitation silks; neatly made w'ith styiish weishtYanMrcerizad Tc i only. Regucrl upto8. hae. al 54-Inch Check Skirtings, stylish sticks, some with silk cord wrist loops. Values worth $1109 Da.masks, inn assorted nneat pat- sc........? 5 i ' ....~ 20 o1 a drab shade with neat to $2.50 ............................................. ....t asiRich piermantent ftinishWoS.'Et, odqatyoe'.ilJsdiiubi i from st 4 , b 3 a n d that 4h M nsa d Y u g Men's Clothing che~cks. Oolldsubrr's-First Floor, tos sio........t 44cl notes tau' woth$95 Up to $22.50 Suits, $9.75 Men's Sut, $6.50 O' t or_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Rg lut9 e lhroor. 45 Men's and Young Men' Small lot of Men's suits, of mo oo tu s anthn f l act e riaslo, alpaca and Palm Beach. in mi-es 3 to 46c o1lr. of w ool crash izela33 materials rken s is In the lot In sies 1 4 and 35 only. Two-ondy. from 32 to 44, but n 3 9 and 40. piece models. 30 & M a S $c5 55MMen's andtec untg Menf s g Cloth Suit of wool materials; Odd lot of Men's Coa, of mox- B 88 Me' a and co Rglr SouO neat dark patterns, also a few Cloth, Palm Beach end other ih oors well made; sizes 33 light weight materials' light $2.7 ! Roller Skats Chn acer, Sc19c ChpigBowls, 12c 1kC Perela olcupt 00U.eGojbc'-Fi' Se. int o from sha4s toze In 3P $27 e, hn acCopig shaes susi4helt2.n3 14 Odd lot of Decorated China Lot of Wooden Chopping Bowls; "Little Wonder" Aluminum Cot $1650.o5 $0 Stts $270toS2.iatt,,2.4$Od.lo5ofBal-4 arigSalle cSaces. eftfrotcfromgod sze..sf. grclatrssillfitanyfee___Percolator________will____At___any______e Utens two-piece Suits, of good quality materials, in dark mix- P t,$.9Skates, full of service. 139Bed oes6k$1.96 Jardlere, 9k o8n aedliltscfe.' turl and l colored 'iovett lot of Men's Separate Washable nequaLot of Brass fabrics; some weith al) lned Pants, of Cool Cloth, Palm each $25 Washing Machines, sladholyrmarredsmise;lslightlytdented. White China Meat Platter; as intltfrom 34 to ly ili e y Rum g sleevs and silk trimme ; sies andothr fbris;rized30tol0.o159 Utelfo 34 Sto 8- only Meres $16.50 Raincoats 3 Water Power Washing Ma- Up to 69c Kzilves and Forks, 76c Door Mat, 29c Ute m ims ma$ Small quantity of Rubber Door p to 12/c Plates, U ect o $ter f ine ualis $9.85 chine, slightly marred. Good Ie. 2k Each Mat, mie 14x26 Inches. White China Plates, assortedt nt ivof and Fons slightl marred. Wd ce 7 Bowls Lmt quantity. o ot of Untrim mnd 0 Wot of Tim siats Sailors Including Sincerity and other A Men's Rubberlsd Raincoats, $ Was Bo WlteCel Hande welknown makes. Assorted made of Oxford gray cheviot; Lot of'White China l~ash Bowls, U to$49IoigBoards, inwSrexens 0ine high. Up ~ thaes $2.2 Wshpesers stterns rend models, one anti belted all around; sis 30 to 44. slightly chipped.U two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ofe a4 andd 35zonly. Two-tetedt 3 nce. $7.50 $8.50 Pants,, $4.29 Decorated China, 3c $1.69 Heavy Tin Wash Boilerq. with fro 4to edd lot of Decorated China, Lot of ironing oards, on fold- 69 Soap Dishs, 43C cold wood handle; mimes;l Coats b $1.49 Men's and Young Men's Sep*, PO;n cracked, Ing stands. Slightly shopworn. White Enameled Hanging Soap slightly marred from handling.RaaItssmlshesol. gdquityrhtfcns.t. Small I qt of odd Coats, of Palm rate Pants, of good quality moae r and )leach and other materials, all In serials, in assorte pattern.: two I htI~ucol~; wll ade;spins-ads; thre pir ath ao kfroim 33Coig ete,1 al as 9 et Dse.$.9Eeti ap,$.9U o 14 rnnns kPnnot as 5 Mnn' Panto $2.4l9,1C al Mt,19 e forh oie ma e 33an-nd 'hre Lot of Blue nameled Cooking t of Japanese straw Table Up to $13.9 Clocks, $7.96 Maa hho a n fished lectrit n30 to Kettles, white lined; three-quart Mats for If't dishes; three In set; Mahogany finished Clocks; large Lamp, with ik shades. $4 ogy. G " beib sr %- MrW~ heo.. trade mime, worth a r ; set. siz ;: clear dials. (isedeu30 to 40aa.e i. madenbrRof590Oxford. re grasyndchnceviot;im belted all arouunm~uun;mss30t 4