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48c Pair" Women's Sik Gloves, two-daap style, podfigers, nblk, gray champagne aid Fant bl- re fulty ls the lot from 6 to to but not Inoach color. 75c Sik Gl o ve, 3c I...w' Wk Glass, bw.-.hwp ~ie~. disnh. tisped dagrrs; whit. emly; tins S. 4 anld f. Oddment's o Coroveto good t servicble i that has come to mean somuch to Washinton people geed under way tomorrow morning .R. TplIp. fedelrs, in UNIO SUI cha sT n-a distinct Goldenberg occasion, originate by this store many years ago and not imitated a ~ and P.00; $16Si O; orgi us eret ; ie i h discontinued lines and remainders of seasonable merchandie, and they go in this Rummage Wai Ceram f lo and a few extasbutctalt.Wl 7hie a ik Gaeilos, 3.2 ,0 Ua 309eessprorgaiyi~tC W.laMipss sits Ol, duble THALF ENOUGH TO TELL TJIE STORY OF THE STIRRING -veld.uai f Zn ~269 'ot" "mctm~bto AT WILL TAKE PLACE HERE TOMORROW- '-' t .at'5.Wap, t d sn r hie y; sa the ndl. eas~ns..4lcs mola sa. WOddmentsV of3 Cotrdopnetsetwsec ad 1*~. R...'sIR.CToplee ssemo.dee. ,ntasanicsoeht seckndite X .00LaceCurtainsat$1. Pairoies andrgadiesRummage lot of 80 pairs of Fine Grade Nottingham and Filet weave b tyle itht pae Curtains, white, ivory and ecru colors; 2y yards long, 36 to 43 inches At' I.fBoy' $125 l75 i s r aand .ide. From one to six pairs of a pattern Wuar 4 7. . .. wht and 5 9 c miternae anih r v rv, snkle Voile.":.. .'"*...a.. . 2. ' W-a' umr egtl$9 .sasoafwkeelnts ., $6 and $7 Lace Curtains, $3.69 .75 Imported Pair ibd t C ni ir Lace Curtans, whit.,bvory and cru-color;f2ct yardlong,3362t 45ainche T6 enof Superior Quality Scotch, Filet and Cable Net weave Lace Curtains, R Co c nna tedn r e l 8 e long; full width. white and ecru calors. In patterns that are copies Voaes light an d I Yard F o~~~~~~~~~~~.aenbewg's-Ww~ !+eer, grounds, in a large assortment of desirable 45-inch Imported Organdies, superfine,_________________________________ patters. sheer transparent quality withr the desira- Rum~ aeo 75c and 85c Printed Voiles, ble cobwebby finish. Larg6 assortment of Ru geSl 42ofd atd oos watesclos Blanketsse-ndaromfortes 69c &-79c Cretonnes, 36c Yd. 38-inch Pit Y ar and In 1.00 $4.r6 $16.7 to $ Wo Bnanketbr Several hundred yards of Fine Quality Washable Cretonnes, yard wide, all the most Panted Vois darkgns, $ C Voile. Bakt. In 1 ht and dark colorings, choice of floral or tapestry designs; in mill $1.50 66c Yard It, re largeoul but enough alike for draperies, couch and furniture covers. P, h39c and 50a Madas and Silkolines, 24c Yardtwo-plyrd10 $2laintCWoolon Voiles, $10eando$12yCo10oe,$$5.8 Shor aenso d -wid Madas and betaeSilkolines, inforlca p 40-ih Imported and Domestic Printed quality, in a full range of wanted street 26 valrs or d9biee said PartWoo deorgn seiere pieces anlike for doubeie anbofrioeigdViesnalvl:ssrmn fgogte n vnn hds Baktwievi Short -engthsnof yard-wde.Madraseandrbesigradradelkolinesein ooral, strip *md desigs; severa piecescahkerfnredapVoieesad coghoracodedink )b us ie* UIS O - B aN g m _ ab ls. patterns. olald% of blue t - AP~ 7 - w eu LOs of Bedwear and Domestics T $2.75 Bleached Sheets, $1.89$25BlcedSet,$.5260PrsfWoe',Mss'adCide'ShsinNeGopst slxso Seamless Bleached Sheets, full double-bed 69=99 (note thq extra length) Seamless Bleached ue: made of heavy round thread quality sheeting Sheeta. correct se for .Ingle beds: a auperior qual Btndleache PeI o lowcaa wrde termt run of th ilo acuto slihtd" $1.00, 1$1 .29, $ .39, $1 .49, $1 .85 85c Pillowcases, 69c r t 3. U ersa ly known. Perfect quality; correct also T-tuec Galatea Cloth. an extra la twilled grade. reuato rglto pilw.plain colors. stripes and checks; launders perfectly. $ 26. 59c Shaker Flannel, 44c s 9 hkrFanl 4 6CPaetV &$.-nedh Bleached Shaker Flannel. a heary double ,"to 59d Pillo cases 33cc rps cloe tn t~.d BwahdSae nelahaydul ich indse4 flora repe, ore oundrs- This g reat Rummage Sale in the Shoe Department will prove the banner bargain event of the sao 59c Pillowcases, 33c jng gowns and house garments. because of the unprecedegted savings offered on footwear for the entire family. It will be long rem 42Ws BleachedTiowaemlseodon n g mlehd 'Pillowcases, mill econds. seos, $4,50 Bdpes,$3.19 bened by the thrifty folks of Washington who take advantage of the wonderful values and buyfot Matring of small tear or tiny oil soot. wear for future as well as present needs. All sales inal-no exchanges or refunds.t 69 Cambric, 39cven Marsells patterns; full uble Whit. Csmbrio. a superfine quality, for bed eae. Flo,,.beLOT ONEILOTWFOUR Women's $3 and $4 Sho2., $ Women's Footwear Worth Up t 300 pairs of Women's White Canvas High Shoes, $8 at $2.69Upt 9pairs of Women' Oxfords and Pumps of plengtareSootlSandBlsachrt R meete.fceots rrc to for o dr; areg sto b e c black kid, and gunmetal leathers, with hi menta andre a od lotFfom ounr gu ar st ck and low ee la. Sig e n the lot 23 to 7. Uty00 ee ruf of of Wil on Chtounr oent d- S l an P ~~gen Uncterwects. r lg madras athltic an reguar styes.9c Nig atoes Clth 39bi.culnan ao nSolo rs , oeo and sevcal qche s lsedss 6 8 and 8 LOT TdWOntLOTeFIcoE roll. 50 Underwear45ing nds andthose adorme w rnd.LO Men's $2 Work Shirts, $1.12 Up to $3.50 Shirts, $1.29 lie's Work Shirts, of Golden Rule. Defiance and Men's lige Shirts, of madras. percale, crepe ArMIS Blue Chanbray and Black Matine. Broke n d anderoeri l ;oft Suffs; $lighy soled andomen's$, $ lot~s and sizes, mussed from haa.n. Shen120pisgfWmn.WieCavsLw ~ ~ duirrs ~ ~ e . UUpo$1Unerea,$15 $.5Utn$derwear, 8 icldig2xfrdcad$ums1wthhih ntloohel$200parsogChldtnsohbesnasHih8hosc eon Underean'dbalbrig an. esh. nainsook and Mon Nightoe ond cabritc.e muslen andd nain- 0 ar fWmnsHg ahn hei eSzsi h o rm2 ie o7 odru au.a 14 ar Ismakes- Men's Army Khaki Work Butts, for mechanies $1.50 to $2.50 Union Suits, 98c l aautr'l- Full cut and ,.rect quality. isnd b oens an bc Se 2o t ao t LOTaInM'$o4 jN$ Men's $2.79 Straw Hats, $1 of-,- uetesanad other wi l ma wm ras ..n's T yo Imiaton anma Hat.. all bet en sf" autes and ,Vriy 7a es Ies;L sae Shoe Up to. Me' and5 ChlrnsSos Men's 25c Hose, 12%dd c andaad enad,* on's $5, $2.98 C'o"***n'' ' lamaks. Khaki Wore, buitc, for melhnic Wortrh upo to $4.00g PLor, at $1.85alo $ 1.'Ma* cotton .h imn ictnono; o -s. c Men s t5 to $6.75 Hats, $3.39 39C to 60c Hose, 27e O m*,"aof"isma Has. aTnledChopel dine, ans ,hildren's Nn's Uno Suto abign az otn100piso e' xordsanmPups ofor patep Boys'n and LittlebDas Boyssinlc and to tls otaddl etes o8 o1 n 1 ai~~Iis ~o tea ; os~e. c ba knd e d a dflllnghMe'p$loaiPaa asn1.9ctctnognetlanrlakki;eahrscozl2oroftnsi, umea adpaetootre;hn Szsco2.Godttronls Fq? n luded arcne' Up to $1.50 Union Suits, 69c Min'. $a2mas of crete Gabrc $erale ta o10 sligshtly imperfect. Mt et Un;io Suts all mra t andty nainsook: 4111:1,$ M en's $1 Hose, 39c M $1 best fashioneso $2.5 o vler a lln, $1.19 mtrass Men''sFibcrHose, Half/Hcsend Men's Mohairhandn's $h. Capseplalncolor9,tafretaasilks,_fulllengthmodels,_somelined;_usest0_and_12_years,_1x13_ft._and_8-WO-0_ft_______ e 'he c.dounl rlgt in e. e a c o . Men's Heavy Blue Denim Overalls. made withm n Hsels 10H%, 1 and 1. Irregular weaves. bib and suspender straps; sizes 36 and 38 only.Rlas Sake o 1 to 16 Hose, and Men's Gede ibe'. Flnor Hatele s . A ingafoe Macin especo y P trdro town aedu noSelt ck ug tn $24loo C A nd to cotto; bla a Rom or e Upm t on Sts$10.95 $16 Tihtls sapersfor ModyTedyn ensa ony Suity ofor ames dnisoohtly, Men's, $1.4 Ho2 9 tltcsye otyalpretcaiY 2 Girls' Coatsssof'navytblue Mens Fbe tik Bli I~QP semles.hig $.50OvealS, Msse' Cat, fshone ofsegeful lnvtl blterdel'se2.0gt.$0 poplin R and.6 $8to$10Asnnt$ran6Veve mare areio include inbb thist sale.n; tre-urer prt2 piDheelmoaol wi oe gien bk at yr ta i full length models n innd1y tDrioCIoaumbi ete s achma hee chim Ovras aede tes smart plad styls with fnn and d oo te cuane maeb cle Wove a aal pca.a. in in and Dmeet; ie to coats anWl Stad9r Frol -n $39.00 Upne Thsst sfrMnaTedyadWdedyodnly. Manys floor? aapelgtyno all-of dein.Cotor staiplaed ihrfr ny itnVletBg.smsihl mer1to r hirre are, 1 nld in~' thri a eale ,bbadssedrsrp;szs3 n 8ol.1 n 6j 1.6 t 2 .0 Vle inces o ie p ate n. bu n Drenulr in lenth best Up and W to s25 f aht$10.9it maty'ne. "hes 'chin5 ans $3.d V0 $15 to $17.5 Wo a1d XeRu a 22 GrlsacndMisss' (oat, ofFibetan L''.' ch4.44 wool leourwelg,50in a Ru 10ee Junior8 Si ie.Fo 5 C o ts , T o belby 9 20Cr ile To e ls hreequar er, sot'i an it o Vevt$4 .i6 5xi rx d L i.R gsa 96 atrntforn and b w t a nde ui Linen mest e E 26 rn HeVbrd Hnes T wchlnxarh.lachrne. ewngAfc 'nea Spcill Priced to ReueSokgrade calos woven aolh~rben and fusllr engt modes; ges navy cr. de siRgn s lih7n.akclrn1.d ueRr7'i'od9f. srcl efc ta,600 Pkai d qualty gt1yrars andft Women Mrse 'wandlChildren'suShoes And.c to Max Roo fo Newr Shpmnloeachh ie otton Cryars oe Turishb3s-5en Faec This 0l isen for M ongr ady Tu s a a Wadnesday en l M any flo sample s h te tns in nd tae R u 2s Yx1 fc n $ .0 $ . , $ 3 , 1 4 o $ stt Sa a lt quaunnty. 2 d Gres Rups $.1.85, marredtareincludedin tis sale. at9 P an, bu ar g. b e Thrison e t Rum mage 1eiveryptn ba r i e ofrthesseason be~uI shc ue o e lw ird t greesfed luoo br n f o e af e rilo co pbered of attachyeolsfith ea chem ariftylesks a cfi eiatr s d oo tkheead te $ 0 D l a usa andy f $29.9 3x6pl ft. close Rove Star~ watto absorbent Grass les Rg, is ea d al w s . 9 .0 0 Ue U nion f o ren f u cr T o w el a sn p re e n de e Am e sau e s T ow- e x h a g e ino rreen ,eu d bl.e and w hrt ; m d l i and e Latest generous 690rmnt-out Flor 46:6 of0 yard ofles bestb V grd 11hwar Flh'r. 30$ai1.25mns htCna Tighe Shoels, 1 ernbm ev mRgas lag is. ad.1attacments.of Women'. HighxBathing Shoes,,inrred, We awsvshn.' "it~ a oll uppl of eedls ad pats fr al maks ofsewig mahine. He1,Twels allwhit; mil so-mcrsh. Oxfords____and___Pumps,___of__patent__ on of3y. vaus,.d~e'V'gseFet