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Newspaper Page Text
S"~ I August 1, 1920. Open 9:15 A. M. AuWeather: Close 6 P. M. + NM PI ' -oN t T& rm Always Good at Kann' s ThM'W 66 *'bA m e The Cream of Monday's Big Sales Spcialy Selected to Interest Times. Readers Black Taffetas and Street and After- Many of Our 48c Genuine Swiss Black Messalines noon Dresses Voiles A Dbgandie $3.00 Qualities, Fonneuly Priced O ' y Sellig y =t,75 Special Up to $6.75, Up to 75c, .p1 3 Monday, a Yard. .. .... $1 6 Mna M$dy39ar... ona . .. .LU .90~ A Yard Monday.......... . Monday at... S1039-42.1 99 --n , this specal sale lot will be found -Sizes for misses of 16 years up to those -A splendid range of patterns taken right black chiffon dress taffetas and black satin for women of 46-inch bust measure. out of those selling at 48c, but which were -A beautiful crisp quality, 45 inches wide, Sr~gthji3.5 $4 ~k~$4 blackaperhanntnFndhefordressetand 2ndo black esatm messalines, all 36 inches wide. Think of -The materials are Georgette crepes, taf- much higher priced earlier in the season. bos. B hat yuneed torro n$.s buying such qualities at such a price-little fetas, crepe de chines, crepe meteor, satin Light and dark grounds, with plenty of bave Buy on y yar d ta$ 90rrw moreand tricolette. navy blue. Kann'a-Street Floor. Kann's--Second floor.. ___Hann'_--Steet__loor.______ ___StreFloor._____ Great Special Sale Special Sale Genuine Crex ofBleached Sheets Grass Rugs Four Lot-Big Bargains at Regularly Priced Riari 20 Values Up I CO~qiy ~to $8.95. Upo9975 39-Assortment includes six manufacturers'd t ay ond Mnday -Han over-runs nd disconinued numbrs. Paper over theihouldsizethleood kualityeyall -perfectchstenciled; inalttheawantedectluenigreeniande wantsatinefancy over-runs and discontinued numbers. Papers oe h hudr tltckes hyac adfe rmflig nsnl e ie rw hds vr u urnedgn ht ikpadas nt~ o r are in white and tints, gold and silver bevel- of tine mercerized batiste, crepe, etc., in hem- som wooe jesy the in are in 45ed, with tissue lined envelopes; also someis worth while uine Crex, and has name woven in ta edwit toisslied e neloes;t asokom stitched and tailored finish. I hurrying down for tomorrow, edges. Sizes, 6x6/ ft., 6x6 ft., 6x5 t. eylts tls sightly soiled boxes from stock. Kann's-Street Floor. Kann's-Third Floor. M onda ..... ... Kann'.-Ba~~gain Table-StreKann'loSrcon floor..65f.I" Kn'-eodfor Woens Reata"Atlei a '1 UnioniSuits Window Shades Children's Fancy Georgette and Crepe All "Seconds" Lisle Socks de Chine Blouses Values Up We Wil f the $1. and 45c and 50c to $10.00. $19"rds Qualities. Monday at. .5 9 .II .... Choice Monday...-.-.-.-.- --- Monday, a Pair... .... ... -Size 36x69 inches, mounted on strong-The eorgettes are frilled models, lace - spring rollers, complete with fixtures, in the -Closing out small lots of children's fancy trimmed, in white and flesh, many hand followin assortment: mercerized lisle thread socks, in white, rom- somely beaded and heavily embroidered, one -.S Albert Helland shade.. in yenew. per blue and tan, with striped tops, turn-over style ribbon trimmed. The crepe de chines =1o Dule: Shad.. In dark gees ad w te'. style; seamless feet; sizes 6 to 8 in. are mostly tailored styles. -4 shade. In dark sree- Kann's-Street Floor. Ka'nn'sSecond Floor.ofle -Kann's-Third Floor. and this -_____________ _________----____________ Every modlmnfcue shr o orslcin -1-- - - ours is thebs eetdstc ntect Women's Mercerized Excellent Quality Felt Base Floor Make Lisle Hosiery White Turkish Towels Coverings Regulauly $1.00. Regularly Choice, a Pair, 75e. ToGo c Gade. Monday, chase pri Mon ay . .o da .t ..................m..l. Monday .................... Moda Yard..... ... 39 mllsmweky o -These are made with seamless feet, mock Large-size towels, and in a very heavy In remnant lengths up to IS square yards XVI... $275.00 monthly, seam in legs, double soles, high spliced heels weight. These are the good-wearing double- included are congoleums, pro-lino, Texoleum, your con and 'garter tops. They are in black, white thread kind. If you are going to the sea Ietc. In good condition and desirable pat- -Our willingness to deliver any stylei h nieln and cordovan. All irst quality hose and shore for your vacation, pack plenty of these terns-tile, wood and conventional effects oa splendid value at the price. in your trunk. Remnants from our own stock. Harm's-Street Floor. Kann's-Street Floor. __________ .utTi lo in many a day that stocks have actuallybe opee ________________ -_ ____ Not for, Many, Many Months Hv elr Been Able Really to Make Whit Tuads Twes ,.Clearance Lot of Ray MdAwig31PeeWhite Delivery of Any Style Vcrl ormerly Selling $4.98 Regularly. Special, a -But do not delay making your se Up to $32.45. Choice Monday Set, $oda -The fact that the dema.nd exceedstespl a Monday, hoice, .. 2Moda y ..t.................08 Monday,... Chie.. 2 at at Moda of the,,, make it impossible for us to maintainoustccmlee. -Twenty-four beds in all, In all sizes. -These are in tan and white stripes, cor - -White porcelain ware, subject to slight for any great length of time. The ti satin and ribbonw in continuous and straight dows. They are in sizes to 44 inches. ieces. A set consists following: Choie ofthre difernt fnises, rigt, hleready ind puIf your oors tor win- seafcin, u hr ren rce post sts , fiall os s each: Cups, saucers, plates, oatmeal dishes ad2ipstyls, -ine withbll ons Buy for this year and next. and butter chips and one platter. Kan's-Third Floor. -Te Kann's-Third Floor. All-Slk Crepe Embroidered Kimonos Agust Sale WomIen's$ -In r1p m nantlengths up tomaen ysSelect de Chine of Japanese Crepe White Low Shoes Victrola Ium, Regularly Specia P"r ''n A Mnfacue' Victrola VI .$50 virlaX$1 .0 e3.50 a tc.ndo c onditio Victrola VIand.des -40 Inches wide, in thirty-five smart shades -All of good quality Japanese cotton o n conn oVictrola X for present use, also for fall wear. This is crepe, and all hand-embroidered in Japanese -TheniassoTe cnans Oxftord Pumpts. Mao aorok27.0 C . $50 quality we kno~w and can guarantee to gie dsgs nflowers, etc. Colors are lavender, Co- iThe ie an d utto Military Cuban,~i.... -excellent service. Save a dollar anid a half boelt. nadroe l refnse with French, are BaFienh wiheMilit, uan , $5r0 in America w in buying Monday. bylt Frenc heels, and are indhs XI . ' ' ' ' ' ______Electri Kann's-Street Floor. Kann's-Second Floor. a n'se-Tidh Floor. j IIeAultc . ... on Sale $na090 ClearanceLot of Brass Beds .- --- ---- -- --a- --- E-ormerly- . - -----Selling-- - . -