Today V Who Shall Dominate? I Harding's Four Points, f Japan's Worry. Lenin's Newest Idea. , By ARTHUR BRISBANE? (Copyrtftot. It I? ) Cox says Republican Senator*, | In opposing the Peace League, are "trying to annex the Presidency of the United States to their domination." May be so, but that would pleaae L Americans at least as well as to I have Mr. Cox, as advocate of the Peace League, annex the whole United States to the domination of . Europe. As between control of the United States by Republican Sen, a tors and domination by a European council, the people of this country would prefer the Republican Senators, however little they may think of Republican Senators generally. Senator Harding announces his Presidential fight on four issoes ??" Labor, Peace League, Farm and Tariff." As the fight will be against the Peace League, that makes four American issues. The four issues may not be exactly ideal or complete Irom every standpoint, but they compare favorably with four such issues, for instance, as "Bessarabia, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Siberia." To have a candidate for President of the United States apparently taking interest in things that concern the United States is a refreshing change from Czechoslovakia and the fourteen little points east of the Atlantic ocean. Japan, for a change, has something to worry about more important than the fact that California does not want her land owned by the Japanese, or the color of her population changed to yellow. The Japanese worry about China. They suspect a social revolution there, and well they may suspect it, considering that the Russian Bolshevists have been very busy on Chinese soil. Naturally, Japan does not like the idea of having right next door hundreds of millions of Chinese inspired with the Bolshevist spirit and the Bolshevist fighting capacity. If a ferret, preparing to eat a nice fat rabbit, saw the rabbit turning into a wolf, that wouldn't please the ferret. Japan, prepar| ing to swallow nice fat China, is not pleased with the idea of a Bolshevist China that may turn around and swallow Japan. Russia announces her plan to reI duce the regular army of Poland to 50,000 men, and at the same time supplying the workmen of Poland, especially those organized in workmen's unions, all the arms they want. Lent.) says that the regular Polish army belongs to "imperialistic landlords" whom he does not like or trust. Therefore he will not let them have many soldiers. But he has confidence that the [ Polish workmen, if armed, will use their arms to protect themselves, protect peace, and prevent war; | therefore he is going to supply tVio urnrlrprs nf Poland with arms and ammunition, while taking away a big army from what he called the "imperialistic Polish landlords." r Lenin puts it mildly when he .says "this is quite a new idea in international affairs." It is entirely a new idea to take power from constituted government and give it to workmen, organized or not organized. V Lenin's theory is that government is bad, those that have seized power are wicked and use it only for themselves. Ordinary workmen are good, and if you give thme power they will use it for good. That is one of many interesting ideas and experiments that came out of Russia. How it will work we shall know later. Those that now do the ruling and executive thinking for the world will continue to believe until the contrary is demonstrated that it is a little dangerou* to take power away from the head and give it to the feet. The same message from Lenin, through his foreign minister, Tchitcherin. conveys what may be called a "hurry-up call" for England. Lenin says "until a general agreement is reached with Great Britain the Soviet government has an absolutely free hand in th* Orient."" Bolshevism is at work among 4 the hundreds of millions that til* British Empire controls in India. It is pushing into Persia, which is now under a British protectorate, and will eventually become paft of the British Empire, after the fashion of Egypt. Bolshevistic activities In tha "Orient," that Is to say. In the outlying parts of the British Empire, make England anxious for a Russian peace and cause lack of interest In the French effort to collect her thirty billions of franca lent to the Czar. The position of ffingland is that she wants to keep the empire that she has and doeen't want Russian Bolshevism to Interfere. The poeitlon of France jg that she wants to get back the thirty billions of francs invested In Russian bonds that she lost when Lenin took charge of Russia and repudiated the Russian debt, it is easy to understand that France and England can't work well together under these conditions. A man named Walker has Inherited about fifty million dollars from his friend, Mr. Searles. Mr. Hearles married the money when he married the widow of Mr. Hopkins, who got his money from l'nlon Pacific railroads. Mr. Searleg seems to have left the money to Mr. Walker berauM , ^PJP i |i;i [COX PR( WEATHER: J Partly da>0 nlik f rtklklf nulml t Uutor >k*w?n i*at?kl I m< iMitmn. NM ?all? I M ??m UMrraw. ' TtBftrilin at 'rlork, TT thing else He Isn't married, doesn't see baseball games, doesn't belong to a club, doesn't dance. There ar? many young Americans who would say "if that is so, you can have your fifty millions; you have earned them.' The interesting feature of this $60,000,000 news lies in its revelations of the effect that money has on men. Mr. Searles married $30,000,000, then devoted himself to makitig the $30,000,000 into $fi0,j 000,000, then died and left the money to a msn who presumably i will turn the $50,000,000 that he gets into $100,000,000. Possibly by the time he has finished with that undertaking there will he arranged a system for the i distribution of wealth through t*M* that will turn the $100,000,M^back to Uiom that created WISES H ublishad ?? avanlnc uncludlna ?unda> | Knlorad moodiI claaa raatlar *1 Iba poatuffU* at Wtihlniloa, D. C. m Labor For President W His Perm S^L % Bur ^HHBn -.- ~y^\JaH B9F The house shown in the well dotted with trees, occupy Wisconsin avenue, near Porte n^rcrmaT nhv;irhn nnri intimat extensive alterations the Presii TROOPS SLAY f. IRISH CITIZENSs ? k P Fresh Outbreaks Are Reported . In Erin?Many Killed and ?< Wounded. ? . a I LONDON, Aug. 16.?Many persons ^ were killed and wounded In a new outbreak of disorders reported from pi Ireland today. *' One eoldler and four civilians wero killed in a clash at Clonbanlc, County jr Cork, when a crowd of civilians attempted to seize an aeroplane. A civilian was killed during a fight between soldiers and excursionists near Lurgani according to a Central 8 Newa dispatch from Dublin. Sinn " Feiner leaders accuse the soldiers of precipitating hostilities by opening fire upon the excursionists. Fighting broke out between Sinn J" Felners and Unionists at Belfast, but the police charged the combatants and cleared the streets. ^ "RELAPSE TO PAGANISM" j BISHOP LAYS TO WOMEN , LONDON. Aug. 10.?"The tendency of society to excess, particularly P1 those tenden.-ies displayed by women d In dress, reading and dancing, indl- cl cate a relapse toward paganism," said Bishop Gailor, of Tennessee, who 11 Is now In London. He added: al "The feminist movement, with lta insistence on the entire Independence of women, unquestionably Is resposlble for this condition. By d?y the women try to compete with men in the business world, and In the evening try to maintain the feminine lure. This Is truer of the Rngllsh women than of the American." ' lai MEXICO AVOIDS WAR ? WITH CANTU BY ? CONCESSIONS e YEHA CRUZ, Mexico, An*. HU- fr( ( Ml war In l.ower California has tai Item averted liy a provisional en agreement between Ihr Mexican co government and the revnlntlnnur) " administration of tJenernl ( antu, J1'" governor of the district, according ( 1 ' to a report from Mexico ( It) todaj. | fh, The government la said to hate j made concession* and promUairft- foi form*. . _ V IGHER I Mi WASHINGTON, MON DEVOI * Genera I ilson Likely anent Horn '/'' :e prlr.e estates Just outside of Washington. It Is ideally located . i a beautiful tract of twenty-t*o sres well dotted with shade trees. It Is the President's Intention, so le rumors go, to occupy the manIon Immediately after March 4. ntll next summer. Extensive nitration* are to be made in the Duse to modernise It. President Wilson spent so many pars at Princeton University be>re he entea^d political life that e has no regular residence. Now lat he is going to leave the house e has been occupying for the last ghf years. It Is Just as probable lat he will apend as much of his me here as anywhert elae. Admiral Grayson bought the old lourse residence several months jo and never has occupied It. Reorts say that he acted as Preslent Wilson's agent In the purlase. ANGS SELF TO SCARE MOTHER; FOUND DEAD idy of (liieago Boy Who Had Been Reproved Discovered in Bueemnt. CHICAGO, Aug. 16?William Dotigi, 13 years old. was found strangled death yesterday by a rope fastened a nail high up on a wall In' the sement of his home here. It Is the lief of his father, W. A. Douglas, asitant telegraph superintendent for t Rock Island Railroad, that the boy iced the rope around his neck In an ort to frighten his mother who had ?t scolded him, and then was unable unloosen the slipknot. Williams had Just been graduated >m grammar school and was to have ken up a course In electrical glneerlng. His mother had keen mpelled to rebuke him for breaking clothes wringer which she had forIden him to try to Ax. When she reatened to tell his father, the boys' es filled with tears and he went to ? basement. Ten minutes later Mrs. Douglas und him. An hour was spent In eflU t* revive Ua M la m avail. a * 9 >AY FOR nfifon DAY KVBNING, AUQUBT 1 LT AS / Strike // > To Make e In Capital iril *! Jiff*' iBf W i v r^nfi iSiiiii h twenty-two acres of land, ;ite the McLean mansion on id by Dr. Cary T. Grayson, >n. It is rumored that after upon retiring to private life. uinn/irM pi aim nUIVILIi uLnlm IENN. VICTORY Sixty-two Legislators Pledged To Vote for Suffrage Today, They Say. NASHVILLE. Tenn., Auk. Ifi?Both sides were outwardly confident as woman suffrage neared Its final bat tie In the special session of the special' session of the Tennessee legislature. Suffragists claimed to have 62 of the 99 members of the lower house pledged to vote for the resolution which the Senate passed on Friday. "Many of these pledges are in writing" said Miss Sue White, "and I have them in my possession." These claims were disputed by the "antla." Backed by the strength of Speaker Seth Walker, they claimed to have enough votes to Dlock ratlfl. cation. The Senate ratifying resolution will be Introduced when the House met* at 2 p. m. An attempt will be made to forec the measure to a vote, but it was problematical, whether this could be accomplished. Speaker ' Walker will attempt to refer it to a committee, and this, is expected to bring on a determined fight, with much debate. It is e*i??cted that the vote on thla effort to refer will give the first actual test of strength between the opposing forces. Suffrage leaders today asked Governor Cox to Investigate "corrupt In fluences" now at work against ratification in Tennessee. Warning has ?een sent him that (Continued on Page 4, Column B.) TURKISH MOSLEMS MAY BE FORMED INTO SOVIET CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug, iflFormatlon of an all Moslem soviet will be discussed at a general conference called by Hallal Pasha, who has Just returned to Baku from Moscow Persia. Turkey and Afghanistan are preparing to send delegates. The aultan Is contemplating another complete change of "tils cabinet, including the dismissal of the grand vliler, according to offlclala In close toueh with the palace. Tewfik Pasha, who la advising the Sultan concerning the formation of the new cabinst, may be lha new grand vlaia*. ' I , - "r" nr? r'"TV -XGOVERN i , 6, 1920. (doting Will St WARSJ U.S. A # 1 U. S. TO SELL 1,502 SHIPS "leet Valued at $3,000,000,000 Open to Purchase by American Citizens. 3ENS0N STATES HIS PLAN 3uyers Must Prove Nationality. Ten Per Cent Cash Down, Then Small Installments. By LEE ELLMAKER. International K?w? Vn Iff. Plans for the sale of the merchant vessels now owned by the U. S. Shipping Board and their operation by private owners were announced toiay by Rear Admiral Benson, chairman of the board. In a "statenjent of policyin accordance with the provisions of the Jones shipping act. VKftMU.ll WORTH Th? vra^flii owned by the board, which are tobe disposed of to citixens r>f the Tnlted tffatos, are valued at approximately |3,000.000,0ate ownership under the Merchant Marine act," Admiral Benson declared. The vessels purchased by the prli-?te owners are to be operated under tlw? supervision of the Shipping Board. When 50 per cent of the purchase price has been paid the purchaser takes tilte to the ship and the board holds a first fnortgage lien against Lhe .vessel. DKTAII.S OK SAMK. PLA*. The profit* made from tkftrarrrsl nperatloa of the veaarls mM by the tiMrd are limited to IS per cent for dividend distribution among stockholders. Aa Interval 'rate of 5 |?er rent per year will be charged by the hoard for all deferred paymenta. "All revenues derived from opera-. Lion are to be deposited in a controlled or supervised account and the installments provided for, except the Iqltlal payment, shall be taken therefrom," Admiral Benson's statement declared. When the vessels have been taken over by the purchaser, upon the payment of BO per cent of the price, the board will release all control over the bottom except for the fixing of its (Continued on Page 2, Column 6.) II. S. EXPECTED TO PIIBLMP NOTES Colby Probably Will Make Definite Announcement at an Early Date. Secretary of State Colby Is expected to make definite announcement at an parly date concerning the publication it notes exchanged between ttys Oovirnment and Japan relative to the Japanese occupation of Sakhalin. The Japaneae reply to thla Government's demand for an explanation of lapan's Intention was received Saturlay, and immediately the Secretary took up with the Japanese Ambassalor here the question of making public the two notes In Washington and Tokyo simultaneously. Until the notes are officially reeased. Secretary Co|hy stated that llacussion rff their contenta would be withheld. What have purported to be iccurate summaries of the two documents have been forwarded from Tokyo, but the State Department up :o this time has steadfastly declined 10 vouch for thelf authenticity. The Japanese reply, officials said. ,1* engthy, with many citations to support the course pursued. Diplomats lere expected It would disavow- any ntentlon upon the part of Japan to tccupy Sakhalin permanently. WENT El s F x=== rati hiaatl three IW TO ids Poles SAFEGUARD AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE The Jonm act, under whoic provision* ^he .Shipping Board will dispone of Government veaaela, provides specifically for American reglatry of auch vea ela. The act says: Kvery vessel yirekawd, rharlrrrtf, or Irtted from the board shall, unless otfcerwlse autkorfsed ky Ike Hoard, be oprralrd only uader aurk lAaerlru) re*latry or enrollment or llrenae. Resale of vessels to forelffr. registry In prohibited The board Is authorized to sell i?uch vessel* as It may deem unnecessary to promotion and maintenance of an efficient American merchant marine to aliens, on vote of Ave of the seven members of the board, whose reasons for auch sale I must be made a part of the mln| utes of the board. llRliT FIGHTING REDS Workers In Eogland, France, and America Oppose Further Wars. CHICAGO, An*. 16?The Chicago Federation of Labor, one of ? t _ . t t me largest iaDor orKamiauuua the country, is on record today an demanding: a general strike of workers if the United States gives military aid to Poland again?t Soviet Russia. A resolution to this effect was overwhelmingly adopted at a general session. PARIS. An*. 16.?Though Europe's second Armegeddon is believed to be averted for the time being. It is impossible to hide longer the belief that the Eastern Hemisphere Is on the verge of a general "Bolshevisation." Even the most optimistic of political observers admit today the fear that France, in order to offset this danger, is doing her utmost to create a diversion by her militaristic programs. Marshal Joffre Is en route to Bucharest to .establish contact between the Frenph and Rumanian governments, should the Intervention of Rumania be considered necessary by developments In the Crimea. Pressure is being brought to bear on the White House to Induce President W'laon to Issue a pronunciation to establish on an unquestionable basis the Intention of America to throw in her might with France against Bolshevik Russia. It 1s pointed out here that the time for negotiations Is past and that only quick action can yet save Europe (Continued on Page 4. Column 3.) FRENCH LABOR ASKS U. S. TO HALT FIGHTING PARIS, Aug. 18.?The French I.aborltes have made x a direct appeal to American labor to Join with them In preventing war gainst Soviet Russia. The manifesto, which has lust been Issued, reads: "Tfle ?fate of Russia today Is l>V the hands of the American workers. By a dignified exhibition of their strength they can prevent America from endorsing the suicidal policy of France It is for American workers to de clde whether the recognition of Oeneral Wrangel, at which President Wilson connived, sTiall lead Into allied military Intervention In 4lussia which the French militarists urge. "The recognition by France was a direct challenge flung by the plutocrats and money kings of the world to the millions of workers, who, after five years of fighting, refuse again to shed blood unnecessarily. "The policy of France, hacked up by America, spells starvation and death to 120.000.000 Russians whose oAly sin Is their struggle for liberty, Just as America struggled for liberty In 1776. Remembering the Washington of today. American labor should signify Its refusal to Interfere against the right of the Rue slao people for freedom and el f-govern men L" i t WLOYES inalI | EDITION | CENTS EVEBYWHERE. nas PLAN MILITARY Cdl IP ATM ? ? Dmowski Faction Aiming to Overthrow Pilsudski and Form New Army. REDS REACH VISTULA RIVER t ? Outflank Poles on Bug and Capture Big Fortress?Capital in Gloom. PARIS, A as. IB.?A British Mtc rrKarrilnK (irfil Britain's ??llrr toward Ha?la *M kuM to Ik* Frrark forflgn oftlrr today bj L*r4 Derby, tkr British BmhaiM4or ) Kruno*. A l.OXDOX, Ai?. IB.?Russian lro?M ^ km rrowr4 Ikr frontier of Wnl Prussia, ofnyrl** tkt fortrau of Thora, (?rorilu? to aa umalnul report telegraphed from Berlla today. Berlin reported further that the Rusalaaa had oeetipled l.aotenbor*. Strasborsr, Loethan, Laekea, apd (ierandberic. According to Berlla advice a. the Ruulana oatflaaked the Polea oa the Bbk liver, tet(li( In tke Pollak rear. A violent eaatfalrlc attack aaalnat Warsaw la raflw over a front of fovrtoea aUlea, PARIS, lit. lfl.?"The buttle at tke irataa of Warsaw Is favoHai tke Poles." It waa a anon need at tka Pollak legation tkla aoralav. Tho Pollah legation atated that tke Brltlak aad Kreaek mlaaloaa are remain!ax la Waraaw aad dealed >en power to (to where they deem It necessary to protect American rights. Secretary Daniels stated that conditions in the Baltic sre somewhat \ unsettled, end that It hsd been deemed advisable to dispatch the ships in order that thry might be present in the event of an> outbreak which threatened or endangered American oltlxens. Me deelsred that there Is no special mission for the ?hips and that they arc not being sent because of any specific event, but as a matter { general policy.