OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, December 02, 1920, FINAL EDITION, Image 1

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Moe War, Says Shaw.
Fins Marketing These Days.
The Prinss Weeps.
The Donkey Died.
p ay AarThS sa:SgAax
- George Bernard Shaw belieews
War is esming between England
ad America. He says:
"War between England and
AmSries is, therefore, inevitabha
"Sase the war it has been clear
ie everyone with say diplema is
flair that the Usited States mpe
gravitate toward an allane with
" Germany-war betweda an alliance
.t the eeatrallsed French Rep6
No with the British Empire against
an alliame. of federated repubbe
an of the United States with these
of Central Europe."
That is an extract from Shaw's
article, to be published in the
Bearst newspapers next Sunday.
With all respect to Shaw, it
ought to be possible for the United
States to avoid war by making the
prospect too dangerous for any at
tacking nation or group of nations.
The right flock of flying ma
ines, the right fleets on the
water and under water, would en
able the United States to mind its
own business and make other peo
ple. mind theirs without fighting
about it. But it is an unpleasant
fact that the great war that should
have ended wers apparently opens
the way to innumerable future
Fighting is as contagious as the
measles. Every statesman and
bartender knows that.
In these days the big man goes
to market-needs a new safe to
hold new securities. Copper con
cerns, oil concerns, General Motors
(greatest industrial concern in the
country except one) are among
bargains gathered in.
Occasionally, in old days, some
prophet announced the end of the
world. Then wise men bought rdl
estate bargains from people that
thought they wouldn't need land
any more. The world did not end;
the real estate buyers were the
So with an occasional cataclysm
in the stock market. Fools think
the world is coming to an end and
a~l t an v *e. The wise ge'
By and by it will be discovered
that the world of Wall Street is
not going to end. The wise men
will have the stocks, the little
lambs will have the experience.
There is a cry "in the heart" of
some big speculator. He had bor
rowed ten millions on Sinclair Oil,
which has recently done some
sweet tumbling. The bargain
hunters have also gathered in buy
ers of Chile Copper at the rate of
one hundred and fifty thousand
shares or more a day. Financial
prediction for the next six months:
Bright sunshine for a few,
stormy weather for the others.
Princess Troubetakoy concludes,
with tears, that she made a mis
take in marrying "a commoner"
otherwise, W. S. Schutz, prosper
ous citizen of Milwaukee.
The princess, it seems, has an
extra husband living, and Mr.
Schutz is no polyandrist. While
tears glisten, the princess asks:
"What does it all matter? I may
not be here long."
It does seem strange that ttido
rampaged so violently on the beach,
Heloise mourned so hard, Cassan
dra fussed so, 6.Wopatra had the
' snake bite her, sad that women
have gone thre'urt so many con
niption fits, since we are only
soap bubbles, blown up, broken
and forgotten.
Many things are vague in the
future but the tax proposition Is
not vague. It has been decided by
those that pay big Income taxes
they run the country-that big
Income tax is a failure and the na
tion must go back to the good old
plan of "letting the people carry
the load."
The idea Is to make everybody
contribute to the Government one
cent on every dollar spent on the
theory that nobody notiees a cent
given to the Government, while the
man who has to pay a million feels
It keenly.
It has been shown that, for the
present, in this country, high In
come taxes, excess profits taxes,
and similar efforts to make those
that the GJovernmnent protects pay
for the Government protection,
will not work. There have b~een
issued now, in the United States,
fifteen thousand million dollars
worth of securities, municipal
bonds, State bonds, etc., on which
the Government can collect noth
lag. That means huge tax dodg
lng. Untaxed stock dividend.
mean more dodging.
The load of taxation is going
onto the backs of the little people,
and no one need be surprised.
It is La lFontaine's pleasant
fable brought up to date. The
plague was killing off the animals.
The lion called a meeting. Thi
beasts decided that, to placate
angry divinity, some animal must
die. With unanimeus eoenst the
donkey was chosen.
In the matter of taxatlh, the
donkey is going to be chosen
again. and after all he Is used to it.
Hie will bray, but carry the load,
and presently forbet that it is em
dails "wi Wm~' we
as m.eurnS NUMBE 11,703- N; i~~o Mallet :u" WASHjINGTON, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2,II FElrrI
- -e e-i4mhl k'E YW -E E
Six Irishi
Film' Star Among 200 Trapped
. by Flames in Spectacular
- Blaze.
NEW YORK, Dec 2.-Trapped on
the third, fourth, and fifth floors
of a West Fifty-seventh street
apartrnept hogse, five persons- four
of them women-were burned to
death today despite the frantic ef
forts.of a young woman, Miss An
nette Bracy, to arouse all the sleep
in' g tenants.
,Mise Uracy oesupted a zoom on the
third floor, and when the fire, of un
known origin, swept up through a
dumb-waiter to the upper floors, she
gave 'the alarm,' clied to roomne,
knocked on their doors, and with Mrs.
Irwin Coyle. wife of the propriefoi.
refused , to Jeave . the. building until
almost overcome by smoke and heat.
More than 200 persons were driven
into the street, magny of them in their
flight 'attire. ahd several thrilling res
cues were made. Firemen had difti
culty in fighting the biase.
Miss Marjorie Leseomb, Englisti
film star and one of the doad, is said
to be related to British nobility.
*wo iqt perished in the A3,
Mts ,I. California opera
41{agr. , essie Jenkins, the
aItter having come to New York a
week ago, so as to be near her
daughter, who is in school here.
The blase was discovered by
Miss Bracy. twienty-three, who lived
on the third floor. As soon as she
srmelled smoke she hurled a book
through a window of her bedroom
and screamed for help. This aroused
a family in an adjoining apartment
house, who summoned the fire de
Firemen said Miss Bracy's action
(Continued on Page 2. Column 6.)
Bea Good
Many Chances Offe
Dispensers to All
Sadness This C
Old Folk Ai
Who is going to provid
needy old folk listed with Th
a cheerless Yuletide unless s
play Santa Claus to them?
Why, the Good Fellows,
did last year and they are n
the same thing this year.
While the Good Fellow i
The Washington Times prin
of the empty stocking on Ch,
many cases of needy old foll
thetic that the Good Fellows
and dejected elderly men ant
Last year the members nf churches.
sunday schools, l ny Scouts, and other
organisations lined up as Good. Fel
lows and cheer dispensers, and they
are bWng counted upon to stand mus
ter this Christmas.
Although each day brings to the
Good Fellow Department a consider
able number of men, women, and chil
dren willing to take one or more
Hero's a form for you to il
your plans for helping the pool
If you will be a Good Fello
in Wshintonplease fill out til
"The Times Good Fellow Der
I will bea good fello
or .,........ families
lease give me names of i
(State What section
assigned to you).
My name . .. .. .... ......
Address ........
Telephona ...... ,
men With
President Wilsen will be very
sled to repelve President-eleet
Neading dwing the laitters stay In
Washingtem en his return from Pan-.
ama. it was anmeunced at the While
Sieos. *dNy.
No indlectone was given. however.
that the PresideNt-edeet had sIgmA
11ed his des.le to egli en the ma
he win uueeeed.
We answer has as yet been re
eelved to the efter et President Wil
sea tendering the Pwesidemtiil yacht
Mayflower to carry senater Hard.
Ilg trem Neerpert News to Wash.
IIngte. It It expected that seatier
Harding will arrive here I)erember
8, and it Is.regarded as possible that
he may make hI4 appearance i the
Senate ebmber en nest Tuaday.
The Pesident's message to ('n
geeas, it was said at the White
Messe Today, was well under /way,
but was Met yet completed. .o eI
indietips wes given et its prob.
able geotests or the subjeets whieh
it will include.
LEXINGTON. Ky., Dec. 2.-Word
reached here yesterday from McKee,
.Jackson eoiuaty, of the most unusual
murder eves rmjnittdd in the noun
tains of Ai sky, Beecham Smith.
aded fourteen, and his brotner, Carl.,
aged thirteen, are charge.! with l.av
ing killed their father, Sidney Smith,
by atoning him.
The three lived together in a littlei
cabin far from the regular thorough
I fares in that section. There is no
l intimation that Smith ill-treated his
sons, according to the meager re
ports from there. The boys are the
youngest -persons ever accused of
murder in Kentucky.
I Fellow?
red Big-Hearted Joy
sviate Sorrow and
e Numerous.
e a merry Christmas for the
a Washington Times as facing
)me generous hearted persons
of course. The (od Fellows
anifesting an eagerness to do
novement was inaugurated by
arily to prevent the tragedy
ristmas morning, there are so
c and their stories are so pa
will have to take these forlorn
I women under their wings.
families uznde.r their wing, the list of
needy is still long and more Gond
Fellows are needed now. Among the
Good Fellows joining up today wasn a
wounded soldier at Walter Reed Hon
pital, who wrote':
"I mm pretty badly hunged up and
(Continued on Page 2, Column 3.)
11 out if you will aid in stating
, the ~p, and th, ill.
wr on Cristmas to some family
s attached blank and send it to
w to.......... persons
|as many as you wish);
ersons In.... .....
f city you prefer to have
Bombs S
Treason Conspiracy Charged
Following Capture of Import
ant Sinn Fein Papers.
GLASGOW, Dec. 2.-Six Irish
men were arrested here today en
the charge of conspiring treason.
The police announced the discovery
of bombs, gelignite, and arms, in
the men's rooms. A number of
documents were seised also.
DUBLIN. Dec. 2.- Countess
Markiewies, M. P., one of the most
prominent Sinn Fein leaders in Ire
land, whoe was arraigned today be
fore a court-martial charged with
conspiracy and sedition, admIted
while in jail that she had killed
British army officers, according to
I prosentor in opening the
te's case.
When the noon recess of court
was taken the countess advanced
to the president of the court-mar
tial and, snapping her hagsrs un-'
der his nose, exclaimed: "That
for your British justice.'V
The nreseentr (lleged that the
countess was erRanIsing boy scouts
tn Ireland for the purpose of mar-.
The court was under heavy
guard. Soldiers with fixed bay
onets stood about the room ands
formed a eordon around the ea
trance. The prisoner has been Ill
and was accompanied by nurses.
Countess Markiewies asked for
permission to speak with her
friends, but was refused.
rIternatI.eaI News service.
DUBLIN, Dec. 2.-The British
government contemplates an exten
sion of the military curfew order
throughout the whole southwestern
part of Ireland, prohibiting people
from leaving their homes at night, it
was learned today.
Virtually all the important Irish
cities are now under curfew regula
tions forbidding people from appear
ing on the streets after 10 o'clock at
Thee chief reason for the extension
of the curfew order is paid to be the
failure of the British police to capture
important leaders of the Sinn Fein
army whose arrest is sought.
'The Government has begun to try
the hundreds of newly arrested Sinn
Fein prisoners by court martial. Two
of the prisoners who were acquitted
late Wednesday were rearrested as
they were leaving court.
Isaac Kellp, sun of the lort mayor
of Dublin. was arrested during the
More than twenty additional ar
rests were made in this city by
Black and Tan policemen on Wednes
day. Street cars and automobiles
weer halted and searched and pedes
trians were held up in the streets.
liarry M. Daughety. pre-convention
manager of Senator Harding and one
of the foremost of the advisers of the
President-eiect. arrived in Washington
today to confer with various Repub
lican leaders.
While in Washlngton, Mr. Daugh
erty, among other things is getting
the lay of the land with reference
to the inaugural chairmanship. He
is also talking with leaders in Con
gress about the legislative program
and about patronage and' other prob
lems ahead of Mr. Harding.
It waa stated today in thoroughly
well-informed quarters that the in
augural chairmanship will be settled
by Mr. Harding when he is here next
The chief entrants for this position
are Mil~n Ailes and W. T. (Galliher.
Senator Harding intends to arrive
here Mon.[ay, remain all of Tuesday
and depayt ,for Marion Wednesday
afternoon or evening.
His time will be taken up with a
multitude of conferences with leaders.
Chairman Hays will be' hre next
While there is pressure on Senator
Harding to remain here through the
winter, it is not expected he wtll
do so.
Mr. Daugherty will meet Neniator
liarding when he arrives at Norfolk.
A party will leave here tomnrrow
or Saturday e.naisting o.r Mr. Dauigh
erty, i.. It. Ml...an. Senator lRikins of
West Virginia and others to meet the
President-elect. They iwil go tn So.
ate. 31taa.' prve ear.
eizd in
e p38T photograph publishe
to the Royal Irish Coi
is being inspeoted pralimini
Prisoner Implicates Six Other
Members of Band-Five
Are Captured.
In a statement to Constable
Thomas V. Garrison yesterday at
Hyattsville jail, Roy Warren, col
ored, of this city, admitted' that he
was implicated in the hold-up early
Friday morning of three automo
biles on the Washington-Baltimore
road, about four miles from Hyntt+
ville. He implicated six other men,
five of whom have been caught. One
of them is a white man who gtve
the name of Gus Houder.
Warren and Alfred Armes were
caught in this city and were later
taken to Hyattaville by Constable
Garrison. James Slaughter. Ht.-:vor
Minor, Lloyd Monroe and louder
were arrested near belair. Md.. after
the sheriff and three deputies held
them up with rifles. The four :nen
in a high.powered car were seen to
be trailing other cars on the WaSh
inton-ialtimore road, and the sheriff
became suspicious. II. summo.ied
three deputies and, all armed with
rifles, gave chase. It was learned .hat
they were wanted in connection with
the hold-up of three machines near
fyattsville, and Prince Georges coun
ty authorities are trying to get cus
tody of them. They are charged at
Belair with violating traffic regula
tions, and also with having firear'ne
in their possession. everal pistola
were found int the car following the'
E-. J. Maloy. jr.. of this city, com
plained to lnspectoir Clifford L. Grant.
chief of detectives, that his party in
three automobiles while returning
from a Thanksgciving celebration at
Harwood, Md., had been held up. Hie
said that two of the machines were
running close to each other same dim
tance Ahead of his car. He sat~d he
had noticed two large touring ents
trailing him for some distance but
did not think they contaIned hold-up
When about four miles this side of
Hyattesville a large Packard car sped
by all three of the machines and.
when in front of the first car, began
to slow down. The first two rea
chines had almost eonme to a st'bp
when suddenly severa l olored men
leaped into the road from the' Pack
ard car and pointing pistols through
the windshields, commanded the
operators to hault. They then
searched the ears for littuor and, not
lading any, permitted the party to
proceed. Maloy's car was halted by
a second car that pulled up directly
in his path. His car also was
('onstable (',frim~on will go to lIte
Air today to ai-k for the e'istody of
thte four captive's therp. lie will
rharge all of Ithe men with attemptelI
highway robbery.
The police here are of the opinion
(fastlnu a Page . felusmm 5.
d in Washington of 'Blank and
istabulary, who are fighting S
hry to going on patrol duty h
I' y
1 1
D'Annunzio's Men Fire on
Vessels Off Fiume-Trans
port Reported Sunk.
MILAN, Dec. 2-During a dem
onstration by Italian warships off
Fiume, Gabriele d'Annunzio's troops
fired upon the warships with rifles,
said a dispatch from Fiume today.
The transport Cotellazzo, of d'An
nunzio's "fleet," is reported to have
been sunk' at the entrance to the
I mFiume harbor.
D'Annunzio military dictator of
FiLume, is threatening to make formal
declartion of war against Italy, ef
fective tomorrow, if the- Rome gov-|
ernment upholdst teneral Caviglia's
biokade of Fiume, said a dispatch
fromd lume today.
Annano ha sent wireles in
structions to the reporeentative f his
government at Rome to return to
Flume tomorrow, unless the Italian
government backs don"a
eneral (viglia. t;nimander of the
government troops in Istria that are
blockading Fiume, has warned d'An
nunzio's legtonare to retire ehm
the Islands of Arbe and Veglia, whifh
they recently seized in defiance of
Rome's wishes.
A desperate situation has been ere
ate'd on the Adriatic littoral by the
attitude of G;abriele d'Annunslo, the
Ifirebranid poet-warrior of Italy. H-is
threats are menacing the treaty
which was recently negotiated by
Italy and .Iugo-Slavia settlIng the fu
ture status of Flutme and other di.
puted terrifry on the Adriatie.
The. mayor of Flume han addressed
a letter to the pre'ss denouncing the
Itap~Illo treaty (between Italy and,
Jugn-$lavial and demanding annexa
tion of Fl.ume by Italy.
IA)NI)ON. Dee. 2.--Gabriele d'An
nuinzio's Insurgent forces at Plum.'
have sunk~ the cruiser ('ortellanyao
at ,the mouth of the Plume harbor to
prevent the Italian Adriatic fleet
from entering the port, said a Central
News dispatch from Itome today.
An earlier dispatch from Milan re
ported the pinking of "the transport
Corteitanyv.n at the mouth of the
Fl unme hairbor. but gave ni further
14AILT I.A KI R ITV, titah, Dec. 2 -
Mr.. Vina lKnight, wife of a farmer at
I'lain City,. I'tah,. gave birth to four
children. three boysp and a girl last
Inight. Two of the chlbren died a
few hours af'er lirthi. lir Gleorge.
linker. of (Wen. su.s - he thinks the
nther two will liv..
The habins weighed about four and
one-half pnemank
Tan' Police or AuIiliarles
inn Fein. This delegation
i the streets of Dublin.
President-Elect Willing to Con
fer With White House if
Imternatlonal News Service.
TORES, Dec. 2. (by wireless)
President-elect Harding has signi
fied his willingness to confer with
President Wilson upon the League
of Nations upon the formers' ar
rival in Washington next wees. but
will not seek a conference at iie
White House unless the Pre im.^t
expresses a desire for it.
Better weather prevnils andI the
Pastores is making good time. If the
steamship arrives at Norfolk in time,
the President-elect will speak at a
Chamber of ('omineree luncheon at
Nwport News Saturday afternoon.
lie will attend a reception later and
speak at a banquet in Norfolk on
Saturday night. In his sp< ch at the
Likes' memorial at ltedford. Va.. the
President-elect is expect.ed to pay
tribdte to the American soldic-r dead.
President-elect Ilarding e\p est to
be in Washington on Mtonday wheg
ongress convenes. lie will immedi
ately confer with Senator Lodge and
others to arrange preliminary plans
for the forthcoming League of Na
tions conference.
Mr. harding will visit the Senate
and probably will be Invited to speak,
outlining hi. plans. During his stay
in Washington the P'resident elect
and Mrs. Harding will likely be
guuts of the McLean family.
Mrs. Harding appeared on deck to.
day after being confined to her cabin
by bad weather. Rhs watched the
PresIdent-elect playing deck gamnes.
W RIG HTIOW N. N. J1., Dec. 3.
lFirs early today destroyed the bar
racks of the motnr transport corps at
('amp Dix, causing a losa of many
valuable papers and personal effects
of the soldiers. A score of' men In
the buildIng at the time escaped with
out injury.
The prompt actinn of the camp's
fire depanrtIne-nt prevented the fire
spreading toe other buildings.
The fire started,. It is calid, when a
stove exploded after oIl had been
poured Into It.
'AItis. liec. '2. The epIdemie of
Spnnish grip in a milder form than
the iuual ruin of th e dsease. which
is nowi iwepieng throuegh, Frane, is
blamed hy the doctors on the ecent
enormous increases In the amount of
pape. .money an ccatioan,
Ball Passed Through Infant's
Arm and Strikes Woman
Il in Bed.
Declared She Was General
Pershing As She Fired
Fatal Shots.
Mrs. Mollie Beckerman. thirty-font
years old, was killed and her eight
een-month-old daughter AwIe was
wounded shortly before noon today.
when a negro woman shot them as
they lay In bed at the Beckerman
home, 707 Four-and-amalt street
Lelia E Wilson; colored, a servant
itrr the Beckerman home, who is said
to reside at 2323 Ninth street north
west, is locked up at the Fourth
precinct station house, and will' be
charged with the shooting. It is be
lieved that the servant went sud
denly insane.
Mrs. Beckerman Iras shat through
the chest and died on the way to
Emergency Hospital. The baby was
shot, through the left arm just above
the elbow, and the police believe that
the same bullet that wounded the
baby killed the mother.
The Wilson woman was washing
clothes on the ground floor of the
home, where the four other childrea
f Mrs. Beckerman were playing, when
she suddenly shouted:
"I am General Pershing and I ali
going to kill the Kaiser."
Policeman Moses Jacobs was near
Sixth and F streets southwest when
he noticed the Wilson woman running
down the street shouting. He stopped
her, and as he did so she made an at
tempt to pull the revolver from a
handbag she carried.
Before she was able to use it Po
liceman Jacobs disarmed her and
took her to the Fourth precinct sta
tion house. she told the police at the
stat ion house that "The Lord told me
to kill the Raiser. General Pershing
Sould not do it. so I wanted to do
She admitte d to the police that she
hought the revolver yesterday for
t . also tdld the police that she
kne " Mrs. Beckerman was a holy
wnman. but that she, too had been
anointeri l' .h. Lord.
fitHftAND IN HO1%E.
Itavid Beckerman. husband of the
Main w, man. was home at the time
and he ru.t.ed from the house and
fu:tmmoned a policeman. The police
mnan sent in a call for the ambulance
from Emergency Hospital, and the
mother and her haby were taken
there. The mother died on the way,
And the haby it still at the hospital
where it is expected that it will re
cover. The bulliet went through the
fleshy part of the baby's arm and just
grazed tne bone.
After the shooting the Beckerman
home presented a scene of sorrow.
The four children left alone in the
house, wept bitterly for their mother
and neighbors were unable to comfort
The four children are Harry, thlie
teen years old; 4assie, eleven years
old: Minnie, six years old, and Maurice,
four years old.
The father of the children, Davis
lieckerman, recently sold his grocery
store on t;eorgia avenue northlwest
and had moved to the southwest hottse
with his family.
BE RIIN, Dece. 2.-The Japanese,
who have had a specal detail of
army oftieers in Brlin studying
the German "war machine" that
was, espeeially the German wur
offiee, and its methods of 1adas
trial ortranltatiom and mobils
tion for war purpose., have p-?
chased the patents to a new pr.
man war in vention-the "shenl.
less eartridire,"
tisnamed the SLehhana
Iatridg, after the inventor. It
consists of a rifle and machine gun*
hlllet which has the powder eharge
directly in the hallet and reqires
no shell around It. The clam i.
muade for It that rifles and machine
gune can he mnde lter and thsh
rapidity of the fire greatly ln.

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