Newspaper Page Text
bistem Ior .* l reos; I. h. *inhare beau 'adn iliil &leave; ame 10=r7M.E Of ousekolpls 1 111 Ali porch; Mait sur W., 1238--Two urnlahed rooms I heuaekeeping. . .,f6..On arg 266 3 esa; lIgt 1107sup .4007-Frent room; Iage fseeend or next bath; three fneeg went; phone, else .oo; escluive neighborhood; , 34-Pront room and kitchen .... ..t Alkh housekeeping; no children. S '. i3.. 33-Purashed fpat room: t; sear bath; good home It.. X. 46-Nicely furnished S~;With private family. *_ 11T.N W.IVI- rge room, bath, peach; hoiu*ekeeping; reasonabile. , i. ,, 1012-L ge. handsomely ed m, eloctrio ighto and hot ' r two entlemen. * W.. 511-One large front room, W iaed; suitable for 3 or 3 gen .o floor with bath. . 3s. W.. 1330-Large lot-floor front o 1 atlemen- hone. SW.- SIT-Three 1st floor f oping. Frank. 7241-W. . N. W.. 613-Desirable furnishel with reh; next to b*th. . N. W.. 621-Near Commerce large bright roome: $16 to $33. ph. I W 34-.y-window oingle nst to lath. $16; also large room. 4 r.West 3137. U 14AT the room you want t Mowing and Transfer ada k is this paper. Vs theO er oUNtiraIlbed A AVE. 1.:.~. 141-Tnroe Unfur. rese$ with use of bath for 1. h. k., Se;adults eo. 11%.-2 romsfurnished or r f houseke bhN oor ' T. N. W., 632-Three unfurnished Se for housekeeping, bath Earn. foor P 480 furfished roome for housekeeping; =21t2=1dabe. Phone Columbia 9340-J. N. W.. 3234-Two large adjolui em on Sad floor; next to bath; IN etikering. tturniabed . M. 18-Osa jarge room, kIteben. -i h housekeeping. M. 3.. 1400-Two unturnished rooms rent. Linc. 2131. N. VSM-Two unfurnished rooms for , AVI inenudin TOL .. 67-Room and board for t . nc. 4721. I A AVM. N. W., 224-Two large. crer fro m111;' 1. h. k. prmit.* W., 41&-TNo 1. h. k.. lacing ;a. mL . 1. private family; M3 A Vv. N. W., 434-Three unfurnished togetA naewly papered, reasonable. T. RAINIR. MD.. 3721 23D ST.-Two esturniahed rooms: next to bath; 1. h. k. itt couple; no children. k * Av . 3.. 1617-Three unfurnished .% . on 2nd floor; 16. 3 St. N. W.. 914-Two Urge front rooms, Gooord Ivo. basement room. with housekeeping blgee; outside entrance; bright and 'att~eve; rent $10 per month; Willard 1. Phone N. 7IM-3. * It N 14W.. 1210-Room and board, 2 lt . W. 1431-- unurnished room, for frot. adjoining bath; $37.60. 11th UT. N. W., 3229--Two rooms for 1. h. - all modern conveniences: unfurnish ed ;Csonable. Phone Col. 172. Deem. with Beard WICK HOTEL, 836 Pa. ave. N. W. ished rooms; steam heat; 52.56 up; oselseed patron. OLUM7UIA RD.. "7,4-Refined young lady for roommate with private family. Col U ST. N. W.. 1000--Room and board: e g water; electric light; $1 per table board; $65 and $7 per week. k T . .. 31-Rosm and board, three meals each day, for two young ladles, 53. elil. phone Frsnk. 761. LAYGO frot room, twin beds. with mesas. . _th ; gentlemen. so mnouth. room, board, gentlemen. Is we"p table board, 1306 N mt. N. W. e NIQELY furnished front room; excellent able; references. N. 4704-W. p T. N. W.. 1641-Comfortably furnislhed room for two; twin beds; excellent meals. Norh 3323. MMONT AVE. N. W.. 1326 (private home)-Large room, with board, for 2 irl* piVileges. Frank. 6666. ROOMS WANTED f UR. room for 1. h. k.; N. W. eeeteao . BOX 267r Time. office. TABLE BOARD ST. N. W.. 1641-Exoellent meals. well talanoed. properly cooked attracUvely orved, moderately priced. North 2332. N UTQN.W.. 684--flBeet home cooking, good ia~t:2meals $6.60: 3 meals 8.680. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Punasshed 31OOMS. cool. airy, bright; specially esmfortable for summer; near Columbia Sadd Wyoming ave.; two bath. -three fooms; balcony; no table ilver or no; references required: May 5 to Octo her T, or longer. Call North 621. apart. 604. between 2 and 12 a. in.. or 6 and 7 p.m. * adboth car lietwo :parments. Iwo 5om . kitche2N ea aio and bahlbclyf riad; bet-water heat; immediate posseshion; it-nt $60 er mnth.Phone 1.. 5421. dth 3. 5. U., 218--Apt. 1; 2 bright rooms, kitchen, bath, perch. ysrd; near Csai toiiogployedpeople; rs.~l-eaonable. * ZIIGHLaANDS APT.-To sublet. fur.. unill October; eultable for 3 or more bach.el Phone North 1340. TN.W., 456-Two communicating imht housekeeping roome, with private ; tinspctionl evenings, 6 to 2, 13th IT. N. W.. 317--Three large front roe ~ad bath, trictly private; adults 0th 3T. N. W., 1026-3 room. and kltch--n; newly papered. CAtIFONNIA UT. N.W., 136-(Furnishe, unturnished, er partly).-Entire floor, 8 ye s, th and telephone; 75. 17th IT. 5. 3.. 439-8 room.; let floor; PCelaia cink; new gas range; deep, bee yard; 525; apply after 4:30. * grA,. AVU. N. W., 2145-Two room.; front; gggage.;_running water; $40. PA. AVE. N. W., 2511-Lar~ge fur 'alihed bachelor apt.; 800 square .; a. im. I.; dormitory with 7 win dow.; ideal for 3 or 5 people. West S2568. PA. AV3. N. W.. 11145-4-room apt.. nilcely furunhed* bright and gunny; very con wenient. Franklin 1364. E UT. N. W., 1115-Two apartmnente for housoheeping. Phone. Reasonable. AFERIIWF-NuriiniC~chelor; two roots and bath: 57', fine cafe. The. Teroate. Dupont Circle, Apartment 74. worth 156. L T. 5. 3.. 140-Meer Capitol and Lai bi-ary and both car line., two apart ptent. two room. kitchen and bath; nicely turnishod; hot-water heat: immediate poa gie: legnt._56 per mo. Phene . 4 21. 8th ST. i. W., 224-Three-rmom apt., nicely turnlab; also two ainghi. rooms. furnish~ed, glectripit' phone; reasonable. Ua fmrniahedi T ST. 14. W., 1118, NOLANDlO APT. NO. 10.-S rooms and bath; 575. Riggs An;. No. 46 1402 15th at. N. W. 3 rooms snd bath; bss. AppAly & e 1502 H St. N. W. APARTM3NT 130. THE iiADLI1H Will sublet till Ootober I or later; large lMviag room, bedroom, breakfast roo, kitebn te. bathronm and hall reirigera tis s f eleotrie light Included at 51100 per 3OOMS--Ettehen and beth. on first U ar;toernl; at 11th and N ste. Apply AVS.. N. W., 241-Four rooms. ho'; . .A;eleetuie light; porch; large ga. Base; hot-water heater in ha' n; Goverame6t Printing Ogle. $40. pri *s etrsoire. .. Ist ST. W.. $131- rooms em lad 0 oor; I ragms and killeaemtte sa 3rd Boor; newly papered; oesvetlent and reaema.10. APARTNTNl WANTE 1-ROOM apartment, furalished. reasonable, for rous 1ady. 95 1621 T dimsa office * VSeIsSs. PROrZRTT oR RE T 011o" A fSudes_ ,OFICs ROOM. 11th and K ste. N. W.. 340. D. H. ROLAND DRURY. i 03. ater 8: p. M. OFFICE SPACE, on 2nd floor Mar den, Building. 1426 U mt. N. W. Phone North r494. F ST. At. W. 1715-..Stadio. very large handsomey 'furnished. rent reasonable. Phone Franklin 330s-J. ROUND FOR REN? U'rmiashd COLORED-Ruy your own home; $1 starts you. EDW. M. McNEELY. Bradford A Co., 1216 U mt. N. W. 634 HARVARD ST. N. W.-G-room and bath house. completely f(trnished. with gerage; reasonable; calI Sunday after 2 p in. Usfurmished H ST. 8. W.. 607-6-room house for rent.e BUILD YOUR WVE NI3ST. No interest no taxes; very easy term. FLORAINCIC ahANs KAY, 17 Bond BIdt HOUSES WANTED IF YOU have a home for sale and you price is reasonable. list it with me. have a great man'y buyers for homes and business properties. J. D. GARMAN, Dist. Nat. Bank Bldg. WE NERD ,OUs38 for sale to colored; any location in the city. Olve us price, terms. ate. We will show you restaile. BRADFORD & CO., Inc.. 337 Southern bldg. I HAVU MANY prospective buyers for homes. 1600 cash. If you have any homes for sale on 600 cash. list them with me. J. D. GARMAN, Main 8329. Dist. Nat. Bank Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE BROOKLAND. $4,850-$500 Cash, $50 Per Month Until Paid. Vacant-Possession With Deposit. 1368 Newton at.. in Brookland's best real dential section. Less than two blocks from every convenience. A very substantial 6 rrom and full-bath home that will last a lifetime. In excellent condition. Newly papered and painted; trimmed in whitt and mahogany finish. New electrie light fixtures. This home is completely modern except heating plant, which will be in stalled at cost. Lot 60z160. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP'N, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings North 313. $500 CASH, balance terms. owner occu pant; possession; cozy 6-room brick; ex cellent condition. 615 13th St. N. E. HOLLOW-TILE BUNGALOW. 16,000-81.500 CASI. On Monroe St.. near 14th; 6 rooms, bath, h.-w. h.. electric lights. open tirep;ace, laundry trays, built-in refrigerator. One of the prettiest locations in Brookland. af fording a grand view of surrounding see tion. Everything convenient, and a'- excel lent value at the price. Immediate puss,,s sion. 1% BLOCK FROM UNIVERSITY. $8,.00-SPECIAL TERMs. On Monroe at.: a splendid location for rooming or boarding. A large b-room and bath home (4 bedrooms); workmanship and m'aterial better than we find today. First floor has reception hall. large living room, large library, dining room and kitchen; 4 bedrooms and bat% second floor. This home represents a future -value as an in vestment. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP'N, Real Estate Dept., 10th and G. Main 432. Eveninp North 313. BLOOMINGDALE 2400 NORTH CAPITOL ST. One of the best corners in Bloom ingdale; suitable for business or residence. Has six rooms and bath, furnace heat, space for garage on alley; $2,000 less than actual value. Inspection by permit only f!pm WILDMAN & CO., 4 rxclusive Agent.) 9th and H N. W. Fr. 6406. IN RANDALL ifIGHI LANDS $-room brick bungalow; hot-water %eat; elec. lights; tile bath; lot 60:110 ft.; orice4 garage for two cars. This bungalow is in a strictly white neighborhood and is in ix cellent condition. The owner has had esti mate of what it would cost to build this bungalow and claims it will cost 2.00., not including the garage. You can buy it now at $7,000. Owner is wanting to leare the city and wants a quick sale. J. D. GARMAN, District National Bank Bldg. Main 8329 or F. 3993. $9,000--DOWNTOWN location: 9-room house; latrobe heat; gas lights; cella.-; front and back yards: entire property !n excellent condition; owner wishes to sell at once and will accept a reasonable ofler. $9.7i0-On Ontario rd.; 9-room hous!; steam heat; gas light; 6 bedrooms; large lot with garage; excellent location. $5.000-5-room bungalow; modern heat ed and lighted; large lot; entire property in excellent condition; location Cottage City. Only 8100 cash. $7.250-strictly modern home in every respect; 0 room.; hot-water heat; electri! lights. ga; beautiful concrete cellar; 2 porches; lot to alicy; garage; homne prac-. ticatly new; good N. E. location. Sui,00-Near Lincnln Park N. E.; 6-roomi house in fine conditin; excellent furnace heat; cement front porch; entire progterty in excellent condioln. I have a great miany homes in different parts of the city for sale." J. D. GARMAN, District National Bank Bldg. Main 8829 Franklin 3993 JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Avenue S. E. FOR COLORED PURCHASERS. Price $5,800 A two-famIly apartment eltuated on 5th st.N. W., close to New York ave S under a pre-war rental of 350 per month. exciusive of a two-story brick building en the rear that will easily rent for 320. 'Ihe property is free of encumbrance We recam mend this as a good investment and .will accept reaeonabie terms. Price $3,000 T. st. N. WV.. between 9th and 10th. A nine-room house under a pre-war rental of $26. worth a great deal more. The owner has instructed us to offer this at .v low price for a quick sale. We know it is a bargain. Terms. Price $2,750 Heeckman at. P. E. A six-room, modern brick house with bath, cellar. The cheap est house that has been sold on thts street for a long time. Can be sold on terms of 3500 ca~h, balance 330 per month, Includ ing interest and principal. If you are inqk ing for a bargain. this Is your chance. ON W NEAR N. CAPITgL. Colonial brick. 6 rooms, reception hall. and tiled bath. Hag hot-water beat. electricity. front and rear porchee, garage space. Sou:l, ern exposure. Poeseesion in 30 days. Price. $1,600. WIbDITMAN & CO. 9ith and H sts. N. W. Pr. 66. FOR HOM3 M INVESTMENTS. S'ee MAHIORNEY a SULLIVAN They Know Washington." 1627 Eyy it. N. W. Tel. MaIn ?521. COLORED)-LeIroit Park; 5 rooms tramp; newly psinted andl papered, 32.060; 3:00 cas h. 321 per month. BRADFORD & COMPANY, Inc., 337 Southern Building. COI.OREP- Vacant. Beet N. W. eectlon; email .sh payment. be c Ikrn. BRADFORD & OPNY n. 887 Sanuharu Building NOUS$ FOR AL McKEUVS 1408 Eye St. REAL BT.OOMINGDAL. Dandy home Is good aeUla %I"e tooms and bath; with lare p10004; front sad double rear porebes; mod era throughout; with hot-water beat: hardwood Boore; bas large yard; brick garage; alley. Pried low at 11,600. A six and aN're of 4round with many shae and fruit trees. .m preve* attractive comfortable home of fifteen rooms and two bathe; attractively Balshed: has tve opes Lre a'es; electric lights; good heat. ng plant; apIouS porch across front and side; cq)heen house and bars. A splendid alue. Phone a for ap pointment to Inspect. McKEEVE 1405 Eye St. . Mmabers Washington 6-ROOM house on Florida ave. N. U., be tween 6th and 8th ats.; overlooks beau tiful Kendall Green: furnace heat, electrie lights; full basement; large back and aide yard; good terms; price too cheep to men tion.. Call Line. 2613-W. NEAR N. Capitol and R. 1. ave- rooms. --bath, furnace. 86,350, $1 se0 cash; 6 rooms, bath, furnace. $6.100, oo cash. CAPITOL HILI.-6 roonia, bath h.-*. h., .360. 51,000 cash; 10 rooms, 3 bath. IL-w. ., $81,50, terms; three-apt. bldg.. 4 apt.. 3 rooms and bath each. h.-w. h.. elec. NEAR JEFFERSON ST. AND GA. AVE. N. W.-7 rooms, bath, h -w. h., ee.; large lot; garape; vacant; must be sold at oaoe. Term.. rice i right. HOME REALTY CO., 403 Ith at. N. E. lAnc. 6110. C VACANT! VACANT-7-room bay-wiotow brick. 13th, near B P. W.; convenient to Govt. buildings and parks; price. S6.260; 750 cash, bal. monthly. 617 4% at. S. W. THOMAS P. BROWN. WjTHITN THREE BLOCKS OF WHITE ROUSE-10 room*, 2 baths, hot-water heat; terms reasonable. Price. 510,60. NEAR INTERIOR DEPARTMENT-, room, and bath. latrobe heat; very Iarge lot. 1.7600. An offer Invited. I.OWiTOWN BARGAIN-Near 10th at. and Massachusetts ave. N. W.: 14 rooms and bath; suitable for doctor or dentist. Prios $90. NEWTON ST.. NUR ISTH-6 rooms and bath, hot-water het; garage; Ia per fect order. $10.000. t.AMONT ST.. NEAR GA. AVE.-6 rooms and bath: in fine shape. Price. $6.600. Cash $1.600, and balance on Ume. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. 723 20h at. N. W. , (XLOfRZD-Call or send for our list of houses for sale. Small eash payment, balan s tha rent. BIRADFORD & CO., Inc., 837 Sothern bldg. LEITER PARK, VA. One acre, $-room bungalow. new, faseg State highway. 6 min. by auto from elec. -are. Wash. & Va. ft. R.; *lec. lights, beau tiful lot; level and now I alfalfa; near stores. schools. etc. Only 6 lots will be nold with improvements at this prte. Get buqy. Our auto will show you the prop orty. Price, $3,600; 5600 cash balance $30 monthly. C. W. MOORE, 11 14th ST. N. W. ONE OF THE BENT homes in Wasning ton, 1.. '., for this much money, if tot the beat, $6,600. In Anacoatia; beautiful location; 4 rooms, hot-water heat; the en tire property In perfect condition; ;arge lot, with brick karage for 2 cars; brick chicken coop. About $1.606 cask. $6,600. Good location in Mt. ReaIner: 6 large rooms; modern heated; large pebble dashed house; 2 porches; the entire prop erty has been newly papered and painted. Vacant and can give you immediate poe session. Cash payment. $1,001. $3,800. 6-room, semi-detached home near Lincoln Park car barn; front cementet floor; plenty room for a garagv. $100 cash. balance, $46 per month. J. D. GARMAN, District Nat. Bank Bldg. BEST VALUES NORTHEAST $4,b&O-Colonial home; convenient to Gov. Printing Office; 6 rooms. tile bath; excellent furnace; first clams condition; $760 cash. Posses sion. $6,500-On East Capitol wt., near Lincoln Park; an exceptional value; 6 large rooms; reception hall; bath. Hot-water heat; large front and back yard. Wide alley. Sulstan tial cash payment. $4,000-Nar 14th and V sts. N. X.; 6 large rooms and bath; cellar under entIre hddse. Good condition. Voe aesaion; $600 cae. HOWENSTEIN BROS., 7th and H It. N. E., Line. 897.. I HAVE a few of the bet modern hom-.. In the N. N. for sale, most of them beautiful corner properties and modern in every respect; hot-water heat. gas. electric lights, hardwood noors. built-in 'Ice box.e; Z porches; Instantaneous hot-water neaset; aervants' toilet; built-in arages; prices rang lng from $7.750 to $12,230. Cash paymert from i1.500 to 13.101. Don't fail to see thee good homes before you buy. as you can buy them for 4t least 62,000 lee, than they can be erected for at the present time. J. D. GARMAN, District Nat. Bank Bldg. IfOUSES for white or colored, all sections of city; terms. Arthur Brandes, 11 16th. PETWORTH BEMI-DETACH81D HOME-6 large and bright rooms; all modern improvements; southern exposure; large closets. 1EST SE'TION. double rear porches. Colonfal front porch; garage room: PRE-WAR CONSTRUCTION and PRICE. Values in this section are increasing. therefore ACT NOW and buy this WONDERFUL, HOME at $9,1,00. (ol. 4974-5. NORTHWEST REALTY CO. "Specialists in N. W. Properties.' 18th and Columbia Road N. W. Open 9 a. M. to 9 p. M. X NEW COLONIAL HOMES $1,000 CASH. T21 PRINCUTON ST. N. W. SIx large rooms and bath, double porchem;I lot 20 ft. to 20-ft. alley; room for 2 ga age.. These are the cheapest houses of fe~red on the market today. Only $7,950. Phone us for auto to inspect. H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO, 1314 F ST. N. W. 6-ROOM bay-window brick homse, modern improvementa; latrobe heat; near 5th at. and Pa. ave. S. E.; 84,600. Phone Fr. 1725-J, after 6 p. m. INEJ Virginia homne for sale; I room~ bath; a. m. 1.; $100 cash, term.. BO 254. Time, office. COLORED-Vacant. Good location, N. 3.; brIck, 6 rooma, bath, 82,500; 8210 ash, $20 per month. BRADFORD & COMPANY, Inc., 337 Southern Building. lUUIRBAN FOR SALD GREATER CAPITOL HEIGHTS ,HIGH OTS.ATION. HEALTHY LOCATION. SPLENDID HOME SITES. OVER ONE HUNDRED HOUSES already built and occupied by satiIed purchaaers. Macadsmiaed road all the way to Wash In gton, Dil4TRICT CAR AT 61ST ST. N. E. Why not purchase a tract of flyve lots or more at such price. at $30 to $60 a lot? No ireterest added, to the easy term. of $1.00 de wn and 82.00 a month. 0. B. ZANTZINGER, 4418 0Hayaa at. N. E. 61st and Dix eta. N. U. CHEVY CHASM NO0ME. Ten rooms, two bath.. 51,000 cash and 0121 per month. 322 LIVINGSTON ST. Inspect any time. Phone M. 1145. ErWUtIRBANBARGAIN-MT. RAITER Mn 6-room house; a. m. I.; receptIon hell: hIgh elevation; etrictly white neighborho id; In one fare Sonle; ahade trees; lot 50 ty .:1:, Price. 84.90; 5500 cash, balance 846 per month, or $300 cash. balance 530 per month. Why nay rent? A ty to H. C. MAYNO, 2512 80th at., Mt. RaInIer. Mft. GAB, water, sewer, electricIty, ptpeless fur nace In a new asmall 1-room-sand-bath Phungalow. 3 blocks econcrete sidewalk) te 14th st. car lIne; $5.100; 8100 cash and 81-0 month, Including Interest. 26 PIne eye., near Elm ave., Takoma.; open. Phone Col. 43s6-W. $6,750--A BARGAIN Beautiful 5-room bungalow. bath. gas and electric light; open fireplace; corner lot with gatage. 81.000 cash, balance monthly Owe.BXA10 ie ge 6-ROOM COTTAGE-z Ile. os good car line; bargain. 81.600. See T. T. HACK NUT. Berw. uMd tlael..ea o il MAIN 4762. DROLM.A, A detached hae let 010 fowset legle eautrati. we t-atr t -a" MAMMON trim; ae %dae ad worth more tu W 11011. . UA UL/ ADDITION. Very-ptty basse ad built to aford comN rla .aumtse-.o *sis brignt rooms awd batb with troat. do11e rear and sleepi prh ; hot-water Meat, eletrie ,i. ha wood Aeors trim; gas loge, built i tetlig4r ator; garage; alley; cam be bougat on easy terms. Price only, Wso$. E GOSS. Main 4753. Real Estate BoaWd. SUBURBAN FOR NAI. COLONIAL BEACH, VA. Beautiful summer bovess and large, Well draini lots for sale en eaw terms. Iar"e lote, so to $86; $3 eamh. $8 pe month. Twenty new summer bungalows ter sale at 100 each, on easy torms. Dish, healthy loe- tions. with no objettloatie features. Va water bathing. boatiag. crabbing %ad lIking. Just the place for your wife and children during hot summer ineaths. Write or call for full latyf I TAYLOR B RS, Phone M. 3284. 710 1491L. N. W. 383 ACRES near Marshall Halt; 1-roam house; spledId barn and other buildings; good land and ; $16,00. hall cash. . LAuRI_ U I EBL. LaPlata. 14. FORT MYkiR BIGIITS. VA.-is-rsom house. cellar. onet well water to Ceunty. outbuildings; very beat building material. telephone and electric light.; near echool. church and cear; $3.00. 7 Maploe t., Clarenden. Va. Telephone Clarendon .303-W-2, WOODRIDGE. NICE modern home; lare let and percheS; camh 1. 600. OWNE 3010 South - kota at. Phone N. 30- . MOVE IN. Modern, new bungalow; lot 10313; email cash payment; balanee 10 year. J. C. BYARS. Owner. Coluabia 0tt12. Arlington, Va. Plone Clareedon 5043. HiUBURBAN BARGAIN. 7-room house; electric lights; 3 lots 60 by 146 each; poultry ygrd and house; growing garden; only $3,560; $1.000 casn. balance 530 per month. Why pay rent? H. C. MAYNOR. 812 St0th 8t.. Mt. Rainier. 1d. C BARGAIN. -room bungalow; a. m. I.; lot 40126; gra pea. Priuo. SOW9. 11.300 cash. Balance t erms. E. H. SHINN, 8611 34th St., Mt. Rainier, Md. Phone Hyattsville 166.J. $-ROOM. both. h.-w. h.: newl decorated; lot 390064; beautiful Sh e; chiclke hdae; 56.150; about 11.600 eash. HOME REALTY CO.. 403 Sit st. N. E. lN. $116, S-ROOM COTTAGE-Ia Woedridge. ". C.: large corner lot, water. e, tile bath; some fruit and good garden; easy terms. OWNEM, Central avg. and Vista of. SUBURSAR FOR RENT COTTAOF-609 Little John Hill. Sherwood Forest. on Severn; G room@, bath. poreese; housekeeping or community board; furalsh ed; also porch owing. refrigerator. oil coo stove. etc. Phone Baltimore. Homowo 676. 2104 St. Paul et. LOTS FOR KALE 6 REAUTIFUf. IATS In Randle Highlanda. I minutes' walk to Pa. ave. car lines, quick *ale. $16 each; $10 down. $6 month. BOX A-. Time office. TW') %-AC.1R1 LOTS on water front. at South river. Apply 1133 Allison sL. N. W., or phone Col. A739-J. PROPERTY WANTED JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, Sit Pennsylvania Ave. . I. Let U Submit Our List of Homes and Investment& Defors Yog Purchase. WE WANT MOil HOUSb FOR SA.. Owners of pros-erty desirlig to make quick sales should list property with w at ee. WN. P. NORMOYL. sit F t. N. W. REAL ESTATE LOAXi UONEY TO LOAN-6O to $600.000 en D. C. real estate. Several trust fuads. All transactiono conducted with economioal consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern Building. 850 1th Mt. N W. INVESTMENT PROPERTY A CHEAP PROPERTY-On easy terna& if sold Immediately. .ra. MINAR. 411 Eyan* bldg. CLAIRVOYANTS Liceueed by the District of Columbia DIFFERONT FROM ALL OTHEMd. MARTHA SPENCER, ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST DINTIN GUISHED MENTAL PYCHIC MEDIUMS AND LIFE READERA, STUDIO 924 14TH ST. N. W. CONSULT HIS GIFTED LAIY AND BE CONVINCED PERSONALLY OF THE HONESTY AND SINCERITY OF HER WORK. Without asking a question. Phe will tell you the object of your call, your name, names of friends. relatives and actual facte concerning your life and cir cumstances which you know to be aboo lutely true. The MADAME Wi.L RE FUS TO ACCEPT ANY FEE UN LESS OHM GIVES THE UTMOST SATIBFAC-, TION. Immediately benested and perma nently helped by consulting her at once. Hours. 1. to 6. CUT THI OUT FOR FU TURE SUCCESS AND REFERENCE. e Sue MADLAM A L .N klg6 CLAIRVOTANT AND PALMIST. T01 6th at. N. W. loer. 6th and 0), Guaranteec to read your entIre life--pest. p respnt and future; givec true advIce 00 mucinacs. lova. health and famIly afaie. Spec a readingm daly. 50c. Main 4011. MADAME VASHTL. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. 60e SPECIAL READINGS. PRIVATE READINGS DAILT AND SUNDAY. TElLS ANY THING YOU WISH TO KNOW. 135 ITH ST. N. W. e PROF. BELMONT Neted Clairvoyant and Paimlat, man read your life by the line. in your palm, which are the record of your life. Being a grad hate of two college. of paimistry, sad hia wonderful gift of mecond ight enable. hila to lift the vell of myctery and reveal to you Important imatters of your future life. Give. advice on busineas mattera, 1ev, health and famIly affaIrs; tellm name o your future husband or wife; telle if one you leve Is true or falme; what part et the country ie lucklest to you; what to de o be successful In life; removes trouble. e all nature; brings the eparated togetber; telle the seoretlef' having permomal 145u ence with your aseociatee. Pret. Beilmeat is a Psychologist of World Renown. Read ange. 51. 1216 New York ave, N. W., neat door to MasonIc Temple. IZPAH ELDON World's Greatest Clalrvoyagt. Iaimiet ad Sptrit Me4ium. Readlisgm daily from 10 a. m. toe8 p. m. 1216 14th mt. N. W.., ee Peoana cand, en Main T5t5 m MADAME D'AJsHMAN, Clairvoy3 nt. Crystal Gamer and Card hteader. Your fortune on love, marriage, davorce, changes; renlite. the separated. Remove. t roubem of all kind. Restorec loot love, tell if your lover is trtue or false, how to succeed Frangi. 036. 788 18th St. N. W. (bet. G and H). Dail til 8 . m; Sunday. I-T. . Noted SpirItualist Medium. give. private readings daily on all affairs; best advimer; givee full namem. date., factm; mee him, you will make no mistake. Studioc 605 0 at. N.LW.. corner of 5th street. a MADAM LEON4A-Lett sand free; reads enir fe, as, rsn.tutre, ass Oifted Egyptian clairvoyant and 1paltet, guaranteE to road your entire lif'e.nme present and future. She asks no quest one, hut will tell you what you wast to hnow. giving neos date. an I facts on buaineas matters, love, health and family affaire, Tella the name of who you will marry and when. If the one you love is true or false, what part of the country Ia lucket tar you, and juslt what to do to be muceemtal Ilife. Brng the eparated together, re raeves trouble: of al natarea se you earn win and held tho mne you love. Sseel r adiug, 1. 020 Fm .W.btwasa Ot WIll give ee tre adVeeaa depend el I l bptOLeuI.! wiu i tellme t r you Yele wail to do to be suseseasul to Mfe. 0Nt . K. W.. bet. N. T. ave, and 1 0e MADAME INLIA 50 Egptilan Palmist and Medlem 6ires tre advice se saepn en t busijes, love, bOait ad te2 the name of future Iwif how to win the 9e yea love, makes up lover' buarrele or family troubIle, re usitee tso separated and makes haplnoes is vyow heo; tell. what busmaess is lush Iest for yon and ow to gain - Is anything Itu take In had;feare - an Ing bad lacik or trouble eensult bline. Is she can belt ra; atisfaction guaranteed. Phone Framla 28184-. Confidential read ig. daily. 50 cents, s1 Ith st. N. W eat to Eye St. Oppo. McCrory's 1t store. . SPECIAL-Cards g0 cents: hand free; bostaes; separatpd reunlted. 7To 4th naw. 60. MADAM MAVIS. 50. Have Your Fortune Told D / TWE GREAT EGYPTIAN PA IlT. Tell$ your past. present and future; es same*, dates and facts known only t yers advie on business. lnve, iuk. eertship, marriage and divoree in fact. anything portining to your welfa.e and bil nes. Don't aIl to consult this wde Egytian. You will d true help. 5 14th T. N. W. BET. H. ANY) I 0 MME. BELLE 60C Egptian palmist, gives true advice I business, love. health and fjtmlly affairs; tells who and when you'll worry and how tW avoid all bad luck and evil indueace. Conadeatial readings daily. 10 a. M.-1 p. Ua. 1124 fth et. N. W.. betwes L and M. * MADAME PARKER Gift Clairvoyant and Medium gives true avee en business, health. love and family Stair. Tolls the name of your feture bghaad or wife. What to do to Ve 0seeserul in life. Removas evil in. Ileseno. Satisfactien or no charges, 1211 9 8t. IV.. btweem 12th end 12th eta. 0 spivituaim. MISS JANE B. COATES. 1704 Kilbourne pl. N. W. SPIRITUAL READINGS, HEALINGE. and DEVELOPMENTN. By appointreent only. Phone Col. 6227. LActure and Circle EVERY FRIDAY at 8:15 Admission, fc. Subject THIS week: "HOW CASEY MADE A HOME RU'N. PROPOSALS DEPARTM8NT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED NTATES PATENT OFFICE. Washington. V. C., April 26, 1931.-Sealed proposal( (in quadruplicate) will be re ceived at this office until 2 o'clock p. m.. Monday. May 0, 1131. and will be opened Immediately thereafter. in the presence of sukh bidders as attend, for producing. In the City of Washington. District of Colum bia. during the fiscal year ending June 20, 193, copies of drawings of pending appli eatione and patents. &nd of foreign patents. papers and exhibits by photographi wr other proees. Bids will be received for the terms of six months and one year Contracts will be awarded for either six months or one year ma may seem to be to the best interest of the Government. Th prices named will be considered in con poetion with the ability of the bidder and to plant to d first-class work; and, prior to the determination of an award. such greliminary invstigation as to the quail cations of bidders and efficiency of plant will be made as the Department shall deem necessary A low bid, unsupported by oat Isfactory evidepce aS to ability to perforin the work in agreement with the terms of the proposals and contracts to be awarded. will be rejected. lAck of commercial standing on the part of the bidder or In adequate facilities or plant with which to perform the work specified will conatilute good and sufficient ground for the rejee ties of such a bid. BIJDDERN WHOSE WORK HAS BEEN UNSATiiFA4'TORY IN THE PAST MAY HE ElIMINATED PRFOM CONSIDERATION ON THAT GROUND. Specifications and specimens, with forms of proposal. will be furnished on application to the Chief Elerk of tie Patent Office. All bidders are invited to be present at the opening. The right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part. is hereby reserved. T. E. ROBERTSON, tommissioner. OFFICE OF THE COMMISlIONEIS. D. '.. Washington. April 29, 1921-Sealed :r, poesale will be received at Room 509 Dis trict Buliding. until 2 ojoc IL n., 114 . 13. 1921, for furnishing and delivering ?*6 low-pressure fire hydrants. spcai-an. and forms of proposal upon applicatioi in Purchasing Officer, Room 3.'0. Iflsort Building. CUNO H. RUDOLPH CRAR'.E W. KUT7. .AM F. OYSTER. Commia sioners, D. C. EDUCATIONAL MAX PiATSSI ITeeb vismuii. Muetal Directot. Teachee. Otstd. The St 101 TOL COL, 94T5.. LAKE SCHOOL - S2g milAlT AD TEfPEWEAT1X@A HALL-NOYES SCHOOL Full eoursee day and night. graded and high; also private coaching to college os. traneo. Es-Egaminer U. I. proparee for Cali V9 ervlice. I St. . -W. Pbeat . 39TT. MANDOLIN. GUITAR. BANJO Ezperlenced Tesher. 0. 3. T MAS 1231 Orard. Col. 1234-W. ROVING, PACKING & STORAGE THE ROYAL EXPRESS. Goeral moving and hauling, goode de. averd with care, NSULdON VURDOCK CO. 243? 0th st. N. W. Phene i4. leef. Wit.r Buiding Storag. A. 3. WILL.T.a Poeggeer, EquIpped to render first-cas service in 51. branches Moving. Packing, Crating and shippIng. 500 Storage rooms for Hlousehold Cecds and Nerchandise. Tel. N 84L 144 te 44 U t. N. W. THE NEW WAY Nemseheld Goods Mauled to sterage FREE OF CHARGE Grpete Cleaned and Wrapped Moth-proof Household Removals Estimaates gien. Storage 51.00 me. Air Uan. arsE tre 425-410 ath O.N . eeMt 6 CLEAN DRY STORAGhI FOR FUJRNITURE AND PIANOS. Estimatoe cheerfullw ro. -WSCHLER'S, 020 Ps. ave. N. W, -MOVAG PADDED VANS FURNISHED Phone N. 3010-Mu1. KRIEKG'S EXPRESS 38*0 NSt. N. W. BTOR AGE. PACKING AND uRIPPue FIREPROOF W A REROUSI -ETO RAGE Moving--Packng--Estimatee. tiNITED STATIS STORAG3 CO, 418.40 10th 86, N. W. - Phes Main 4210 or Fesuklle 3405. SEP TEROOMS, $ '"oul l.OCAL. AND LANGO D18I'ANCE NM 0b By Cretal Men. Rat esaenmbb . *hn 104 PACKING 'BY EXPERTS. North__ T05-1 Fla. Ave. N._W. UNIN *RAG MOERNARNI SHOCKS GRANDM Old-Fashioned Miss and Her Wrap Wins Majority Vote of Pittsburgh Women. P1TTS8URG, April 5.--The eM. fashioned girl, the kind of a girl Os was sixty Years ago, is just the kind of a girl she would be again if os had her lift to live over, said Mre. J. G. McKelvy, prominent elubwosan. grandmother and almost an octo genarian. in speaking to the Wednes day current events class here. She and others responded to the question: "What would you do if you were young again?" One class member, recalling the fact that women in her youthful days were barred from entering professions, oaid she would train to be a physician. The response made by another, that she would be a movie actress, revetled the fact that the dream of movie star dom entertained by many girls also is the dream of mature women. The* attention attracting make-up and apparel of the girls of today wort facetiously referred to by Mrs. Me Kelvy. who is spoken of as 'being "eighty years young" by her fellow mnembers of the club, of which she i the oldest in point of years. The ear biscuits affected by modern maids came up for ridicule by Mrs. McKelvy when she was stating the things she would not do if she were a girl again. She did not approve "them taking their pompadours down from the top of their scalps-and wear ing them over their ears." Paintung of cheeks and rouging of lips, now so popular in the way of facial adornment, she objected to. Neither would ra. McKelvy let the bottom of her skirts get so closely ac quainted with the knees. She and most of the others, although admit ting that the girl of today may be more aggressive, progressive and Self reliant. agreed that they would cast their votes in favor of the old-fash ioned girl. The hoopskirt and the minuet and other stately dance manoeuvres popu lar in the days when grandma was a girl, were all right, while the abbrevi ated skirt and the "foolish and fan tastic tlinches" in a terpsichorean way of the modern girl are vastly wrong. She declared she could not "see" jazz. HER NAMEISDON'T, BUTSHEIGNORES IT Woman Gets Into Swiss Prison For Making Undue Profit in. Hig Finance. BERNE, April 29.-One would think that a person whose last name was l'ont would hesitate a long time be fore she would. And yet Elisabeth D'ont is now languishing in the Berness prison just because she did. and the nature of her crime is called "silver shoving." The mysterious and yet lucrative occupations has come into vogue in Switserland since the antics of inter national exchange have made it worth while to go in for it. Now that a Swiss five franc piece is worth about ten French francs, nine Belgian francs and twenty Italian lire, the ingenious work-shy are buyig these coins up in their own country witn their depreciated paper money, giv ing a little more than the face value to facilitate the operation and smur gling the silver across the border into Switzerland, where the Interna tional Coin union still permits them to be exchanged for Swiss bank notes of the same face value. With these good bank notes d5. posited in a Swiss bank. a check on a bank in their own country is drawn ond the result of the manipulation Is a profit of from 100 to 200 per cent for the manipulator. "BIGGEST" AiR E MEET IS PN BY DENVER DENVER. April 29.-Plans for the greatest "airplane meet' ever staged west of the Mississippi, to be held in Denver beginning May 15. are under way today, and it in expected that thirty planes will fly in exhibition feats during the air carnival. A score of individual flyers, mostly residents of the Rocky Mountain region, are expected to compete in the various contests, including a daily program of racing events. 'stunt" and exhibition flying. Trophies and money prizes will be awsrded for long distance and trick flying. Para chute jumpers will be secuar.-d. if pos sable, to lend an added thrill to tbe contests. FASTEST AIRPLANE MAKES TRIP WITH 8 PERSONS LONDON. April 29-Capable of traveling at double the speed of the fastest express train, the De Havi land 10. has just made its first flight since the closing of the air route to France. Its single 430-horsepower Naples' engine is so that, given a ftull load of eight persons, the cost of carrying passengers is only one cent more than the usual first-class railroad fare. Gold Miner on Full Time. TIMMINS. Ont., April 29.-For' the first time the Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines are now operating at full capacIty. The big reduction plant is crushing and treating 3.3~00 tons of ore every twenty-four hours. In do ing this, a total of approximately I. 450 men and eighty-two machines are employed. It is said that the Crown Mines in the Transvaal, South A frica, is the only rival of the Hollinger for world leadership in gold produc tion, with an otput annutally of 512. 500,.000. It is expected that the Holl inger output will be about $12,000,000 a year. LEGAL NOTICES IN THE Mt'NICIPAL COUnRT OF' THE~ D~tiTRI(T O7-COLUMBIA. A. Fnnor off, plaintiff, vs. Mrs. IL. A. Moody, defendant : No. 53,004. The object of this suit is to re cover ninety (555.0@0) dollars and to have judgment of eondemnation of certain prop erty of the defendant levied on under an at tachment issued in this suit to satisfy the piaintiff's claim. It is. therefore, this 27th day of April. 192t, oedered that the do fendant appetrr in this Court on or before the fortieth diay. ex.iustieo f Sundays and legal ihoidays, after the dar of the first publication of thi's orer, to defend this suit and shew ese why said condemnsati,' should not be had: otherwise the suit wilt be proeded with as in esse of default RO3T. 3. MATT'INGLY. .lerge. eC.etl A True Copy--Test. BI.ANCES. 1439F, Clek 1wr yam , 0 Lo s vTo, Ky. iSawn sige 6" fbr -iU -6& 8I 1Ah New -vk f, Ised a ms. CIY SEEKS.. Ab TO GET WATER SUMY LOB ANGELE-. April 29.-Eng neers for the public service,.depart ment of the city of Los Angeles have perfected pla a for the construction oft twenty-tw Vuge power plants in the Owens Valley, on the Los Angels aqueduct and on the Kern bnd Kings rivers. It Is anticipated that a total of 190,000 horste-power will be obtained from the projects. In addition to this vast program. it is anticipated that the city of Los Angels will seek to develop at least 250.000 horse-power from the Government's reclamation program In the Boulder Creek Canyon of the Colorado river where a survey is now eing made by engineers. A total bond issue for the complete program would amount to $26.000,011, I- is estimated. WOMEN REUGEFS SEEK HAVEN IN PORTE CiTY CONSTANTINOPLE, April 29.--The streets of the Porte city are haun:ed with hollow-ey slinking figures who were one tIe carefree girls in cultured homes in Russia. . These girl refugees came out cf Russig with General Wrangel's arpiy, and having lost their clothes and money and sold their jewels. they now exist from week to week on a chanc ly picked up loaf of mouldering bread. For those whose Slavic pride still burns fiercely, there are the solemn cypress swamps. It is no unusual sight to see a group of peering mus selmans drag the body of a woman of nineteen or twenty from the inky waters of the Ipset-mur. a gloomy cypress tarn on the outskirts of the city. Plenty Ships to Oil Fields. EDMONTON. Alberta. April 29. Ample accommodations for all 'per sons seeking transportation to the northern oil fields will be available this year. according to local officials of the three northern transportation companies. It Is estimated that 3.000 passengers. or even more, can be car ried by the three companles---the Hudson's Bay Company. Nnrthern Trading Company. and the Alberta and Arctic Transportation Company, operating on the Mackenzie and Peacs River routes. CAPT. MERION C. COOPER,1 of Jacksonville, Fla., for mer member of the Kosusuko Squadron of the Polish Army Air Service, who has arrived in Riga, Russia, after escaping from a Bolshevik prison camp near Moscow. Captain Cooper was shot down and made a prisoner last July. Ofmm Who bw RW Cises Ra.. Fsia. Dsh v&Cbpes. NNW TOer. Aprl -I w. British seet selesrv agent American, army liatfllgenee whos. path$ Orosse bpe f as by Ghanee. when they dined at 1i11 iWN 300 miles north t Circle, met again aeoesa laI table at the Hotel Astor. They Sir Paul Dukes and Capt. KegM tin. Both bad been Invited to the members of the Merehats' AA sociation of New York en "Raeegt From Within." Sir Paul and Captain Martin bed not laid eyes on each etber &inee they said good-by and west doch &bobt *IS own country's buslienas, ad neitber had any Idea of the identity of his, fellow-speaker until the ebairman. William Hamlin Childs. started to in. troduce one to the other. EzPMsLiM JT Rums. Captain Margin spent three ad eo. ,half years in Russia under the rogimce of the Car. Keready, 4ad Lenin. Sir Paul. who spent much of his youth in Russia and took part in the 1917 revolution was esplled - b the Bolsheviki. but returned as a sew cret agent of his government and rM mained in the country disguised as a Russian workman. Captain Martin declared that Bol. shevism, not American and *ilL4 blockade, was reeionsible for too economic plight of Russia. "They tell you that Petrograd %at other cities of Russia are dying be. cause we blockaded Russia." he said. "A greater lie has never been sprend upon a credulous people. Russia i dying today, her industry is goee be. cause Bolshevism has destroyed Indi vidual initiative ahd human avabltion. There is, just one way for Rusia 10 be reconstructed. and that is for Cene munlsm to fall. "If Lenin wants to give in, as sOme people would have you believe he ba apparently given in, he has just one step to takir-the re-establshment of private property and the re-estab. lishment of reward for individual effort. 3OLSREVIU AIMS. "The Bolshevik has a peculiat philosophy. Where he finds a mind lie thinks he can readily convert he seeks to convert it. Where he Gade a mind he thinks he cannot readily convert he seeks to bewilder it. He has ben bewildering the mind of America most remarkably. He stands ready to make any promise any "where. any time, ts anybody, just s. long as he can promote the cause of Bolshevism, and the moment he finds that promise no longer serves his purpose he stands ready to break it and laugh in the face 9C the man who has been duped. "A Bolshevik official told me oa my last trip to Moscow they had one motive destruction of all orgatt ized governments and the setting up of the World Soviet Republic. I asked: "'Do you mean to tell me you are going td try to destroy my govern ment.o 'No,' he said. 'I do not tell pan we will try to do it: I tell you to your face we will do it: we will wreck you from within as we wreck ed from within.' "I laughed at him, but I did not laugh. long after I returned to thie country and saw what they were doing. Let us not be duped! "They tell you bolshevism is chang ing. I tell you that Bolshevism will change only when Bolsemism fall* When Lenin begins to change his policies of communism he knows bet ter than any other man knows that It means suicide. He Is not the sul ciding kind." Sir Paul related a number of hu morous incidents in which he had out witted the soviet officials during his surreptitious sojourn in Russia. CLIQUR RUIS RUSSIA. "Russia."'he said. "is dominated by a tiny clique. The population is somo thing like 150.000.000. According t* the maximum estimnate ever given by Lenin himself the numerical strength of the Bolshevik party amounts to roughly half a million: that is to sav. less than one-hdir of one per cot ot the entire Russian nation, "If you go and ask the Russian worker or the Russian peasant, they will tell you this Is not a dictator ship of the proletariat. but a dictater ship over the proletariat." Spasmodic attempts of the workers to ie agans the Bolshevik goversa men ha faledup until now. fSir Psali said. because or the intricate system of espionage, modeled after that r,f Ozarist days. and the utern' methouds of (ruel repression utilIsed by the Lenin government. The peasents, he added, had held aloof fro~m the counter-revo lutions led by Knlehsk and Wrengel because they feared thos ovemehts, if s'tceessful. presag'ed faction and the returni of the lsndlords to owner ship of their farms. "Piut the outbreaks of the workers witll enntinue." S4ir Paul went on, "The whole e.f Russia is sirrply simmering with discontent anld will revelt. And the persunt is playing a waiting game. When he can' he perfectly mure there is no~ chane for enmplete reaction, then ho wilt turn, snd he will turn violently against hisi oppremere to da~'y." 'CHICKENS MAY RUN WILD, SAYS NEW TOWN LAW GtAYN VALYfP:Y. Mn., April 29. Front! Boy! Page Rev, Voliv5. Th-- gsy night life of thig d Ig t i Icon tinule. I citizens of this town, irith a h'u mornus vein in .their utbkeup, nave decrr-d the following. 'All ehickens suhl be allowed to run wild on the streets at night as will as by day .' The citisens decided the ahove ques tin by a soinn referendum vote, lt.. formintin was not aivallable as to wh'h-r er not the "important" issue was dielded by the majority vot.w at the "weaker sea." who just ree*ll gaineli their right to the bsllot. mak Inlg heavy appearance at the polls. lI owe'. #r, the chicl~eni. are of the feath.ereil variety. 2,000OLOBSTERS SEIE EACH WEEK IN BOSTON r:OMTON, Anii '.'-- More then .VI0I sho.rt lnhwters s*Mipped here :) on nf o Fishe'r a :t i ';*.n. i int ci - h .: dod-buted aiong the s hore.s of Ni, p.nchuritt4 bey. *n be caugt av!nbstermen whenr thiey at. tai th leallength of nine inebae,