PV - 4 - ,~;. * .".-A4 C -77 VM- A PM, 7ieTOR CAUSES EMI OF CHAMP0' ATLANTIC CT 3 l, une go to" to in iAMd bet la with CaQW 4Aover Doe X ha omlen calling off . Aft-81 the Bridgepod bog" over the chaem's p trea nt. As a teult b sea 'ew to allow the iljuredt otwrd pearances Dempsey's eye Aside $m the wounded eye Demp 557 Is i great condition .and, the fast that be has reached a very (ine of physical pdrfection Is be ed to have s much to do with the halt in his training as anything else. DUMP T WWDUR WEGUT. Manager Kearns neglected to give a , specific reason fo'r his action in closing up Airport. but those who watched Dempsey in action Suaday before- a crowd of nearly two thou and were keenly- Impressed. with his gppearance. Dempsey looks to be very finely drawn. He is brown as a berry and has lost the plumpuess about his jowls. The hard work he has been doing under the hot sun has caused him to lose poundage and according to his trainer. Teddy Hayes, Is but six pounds over the weight expects to carry into the ring for Carpentier Julyt 2-190 pounds. This means that he has taken off in the neighborhood of nine pounds. Old timers who have watched Dempsey for the last few days are unanimous in the belief that Manager Kearns Ibes a very good reason for calling the champion off. He is ready, aside from his injured eye, per baps, to enter the ring today and with more than two weeks remaining be fore the big fight comes of. a come plate rest will do him more good than asything else. TANgS NORIDDACK RIDEL Dempeey substituted a horseback y14e for his usual jaunt on the road gghggy, He went out riding with X**or Xd Rader. . In the afternoon he staged his usual routine for the 0 that gathered at Airport, the bag, shadow boxing and the sixty-pound bag for a ed of twenty-seven minutes. She fAnished he was covered with tration, but" did not draw a vy breath. proving tht his wind Is perfect. The layoff he will take today and perhaps tomorrow will give im an opportunity to take on several pounds, but he will easily work this poundge ofN, as the weather here is getng hotter day by day. gaity murke. Jack Renault. 'Larry Williams, and Battling Ghems the Mem phis polored heavyweiqbt, make up the Ampions' sparnkg quartet at 1%eh he resumes boxing will take on the Itemphis battler, and there is no little interest in the irst meeting between them, as * e, who claims to have won a ver ie, t eves Sam Langford, promises to make the champion stap some in train age 6 SAY STATE LAQS LAND OAME FROM SHAMROCKS %e Nay State A. C. continued Os Asisterrupted way of winning games by large scores when SW - the Shamrock A. C. V"este y by the soorn ef 17-4. Green" team. ocoquerore Me 1,pontans laM week. could 0 ROti i (yeeftes slants, and ali ftW tm ftaned. while 11" hit* wp their total. On the other hand. the aY tate elubmnen slammed four -1e hurlers to all corners of the g twenty-one hite. Mext Sunday the Bay state team Is without a game, and wish the Kniek rb*eekers, Rex or Silver Spring. or gO&* fast team of equal caliber would take the date. E. m. Ridy. 26 New Tork avenue northwest, Franklin gts, will take are of details. Twomey Eletd. Mathew Twomey has been ptked to lead the Junior High Schoot track teem fee next season, BASEBALL MM. AMeKEVELAM A. M AM.I~ AN ffn aain ~MPSEY'S. EYE IORARY HALT N'S TRAINING VEIOCK. - 13.-Jack Dempsey's trantig activi Dempsey' aasser, isck Keans not resume his irk in pr o entier before Tuesda orW . said to have someting d with rits. More than. a week ago ti, butted Dempsdy with his . a is-deep and has been sow to re le physician has ordered -a complete a to heal up completely. , From all is getting aloeg ery nicely. Odd Golf Competition Played by Seattle Women ' There is no game in the world which leads - itself to so much variety in competition as , and a number of women Va er at the Seattle Golf Club have added just one more novelty to these already In order. Condi tions call for teams of five to play against one another, with a catain over each. Each member of a lineup will be given the name of a club such as, for instance, Miss Bras sle, Miss Midiron, Miss Putter and so on, with the captain as Miss Driver. Only one ball will be used, the captain naming which club is to be utilized at each lie. The team returning the lowest gross score shall be de eared the winner.and each mem-A ber of the victerious combination will receive on# new rubber core, to be paid for by the correspond Ing member of the losing team. BETWING.MENARE NOT WAGEN ON COMING CONTEST Jack Doyle Believes $50,000 Would Cover All Money Put on Big Bout. NEW YORK. June 13&-Considering the importance of the bout, the Demp .ey-Carpentier lontest bas drawn out lese money in wagers than any other ehampionehip -ontet. Two hemi apheres are watahing the battlers and talking of little sloe.. Many are to be found of the opinion that Carpen tier will win. But there is little betting on the result. - John, Doyle, who is- a barometer en such matters, is inctined to think that the bout will never reach the amount in dollars that was risked on the Jef ries-Johnson fight and the meeting between Dempsey and Joe Willard at Toledo. two years age, when Jack ascended the heavyweight throne. "Fifty thousand dollars, I believe, is an outside estimate at this time,' said Doyle. "This bout does not begin, to compare with te Jeffries-Johnson and Dempsey-Willard affairs at a cor responding time in advance of those meetings. "The Dempsey-WIllard bout was un doubtedly one of the bigge$ betting, propositions in the history of sport. I believe that at least $2,000,00 must have changed hands on the result of that scrap. I goese it would be safe to say that $1,000.000 was wagered on the Jeffries-Johnson affair. "There was not so much betting on the meeting between Willard and Johnson at Havana. but the money placed was much more than har yet shown on the coming fight. There must have been $6ob.000 up when Willard defeated Johnson and won the heavyweight championship." AlloW" OMe W't Bert Niehau, last year with Cleve. Iad. phtsbed a twelve-inning one-hit game fot Bacramento the other day in the Coast league. Aldridge, once with the WRIte 30, twirled against Ihim for L4Angel s ad gave but three bingi* Finn, Esq. -tm m Arod~ Is so Robust nhat saig Bhds An sig Bam gy SUTLTLT FIgN, (eAtm .*r Ks Nmer). Both panthers a p e a t Sunday training in a hammock. Carpentier's interpreter devoted the mroing reading the bad news to his client. Six attendants kept files oft of Dempsey while he played bid piodde w I t It his landlord. Telegrams of condolence al ready arriving in Manhasset. De Seampe has posted a sign that Carp's fa vorkte flowers a r e canliflow era Trainload of sparring part ners backed into siding at Atlan tie City. Vemp soy will lay 'em out in rows like poppies. Gamblers betting American will bunt Frenchman over centerfield fence. And Babe Ruth goes on knitting home rune. Keepers taking every precsution with animals. Blightest incident enrages them. Public has been cautioned against throwing peanuts or chewing gum in cages. Gets In hair and mdeses up temporments. ALL SVUPICIOUS-LOOKNG CUAACTMRS ARM SBARCUED. All suspicious-looking visitors are searched for arms or bottles. Oint ment used on sore muscles was col lected off of Philadelphia delega Uon at yesterday's matinee. Queer looking package addressed to champion contained sample vial TNT. Bundle was returned with note saying Carp needed it meanest. Hotel rates at Jersey City going north. Can now get suite of baths and room for $2.00. Dempsey's rugged disposition be coming contagious. Grass around camp growing long and unmanag able. Onyons in patch have kiek enough to kill 18th amendment. Front yard rose bushes have more thorns than porcupine in bad temi per. Mushrooms popping up in robust soil whacked down daily with meat cleaver. Clams come right up on, shore and bark for hand-out. UMUNW Ruslaws uTIEL ATMOPMERE GETS XObm Al. Dandelion soup stronger than pvr-war vinegar. Carpontier's camp also outgrow Ig nature. Canaries - all singing Snails galloping areOhd plot npeW as fire .horses taking encore. 'Tian't safe to go in tbp barn yard where the ferocious hens are bawling the roosters for failing, to shave on Sabbath. Mice chasing the c~ts with rAser in each paw and boing glove strapped to tails. Sheriff of Manhasset resigned un til the war is over. There's much shrugging of shoUl ders and lifting of eyebrows. TWENTY-FOUR,STRMOHT WINS NOW ORIOLES' MARK BALTIMORE, Mo., June 13.-Baron Dick Hoblitsell's ramblers from Reading were crushed and beates to a pallid pulp yestrday afternoon as the belligerent Brdies tattered ad flogged "Molly" Kraft's tment Of Boaters for nineteen u and, in cidentally, their twenty4ourth 0ee soeutive victory. The soose was 12 to 3. About ten thousand spectators wit nessed the Monumental massacre and passed a greater portion of the after noon in whooping gleefblly as the weary pellet was propelled fenee-, wards by the boisterous bludgeons of the Birds. Of the onerseer less one of wallops that oe"prised the swash of the shblalah sounded by the voracious elan of Dan. two of the lot were Ruthian elouts by Malsel and Holded. Another brace was et the three sack variety and was donated by Lawry and Holden, while Dentlir, Masse and oertaeb shers. "GREAT TO BE SAYS KING fy DAMON (Cespright, 1901,1 ' Sted fthe riM e1 a 4RO They are abaost -varhimy th t adversity, of disouragpsne The tale always oads It the p is left -to the hgination 6there aot of "lived-happily-ever after" lA No one hes ever told what happ how he lives, actai and thinks during Before Jack Dmpoey beoa*ee4 heavyweight champion, the writer set down his career under the title. "A 'ale of Two Fists." The story left Dempsey training at Toledo, Ohio, for the battle that made him champion. At the time "A Tale of Two Fists* was written there was no certainty that Dempsey would beat Willard. He might have been whipped in short order by the ponderous Kan san, and thereafter drifted into the oblivion which is the port ef beatan men. Out none the less Dempsey seemed worth a story, because he was the most picturessue figure that had ever come to the prise ring. He had been a hobo-a tramp ragged, penniless, and often hungry. He made his way from place to place, riding brakebeams, working when he could find work, and beg ging from door to door when he couldn't. Now and then he saw the inside of a jaiL His adventures made interesting reading, even had he not been eon tending for the greatest prise In fistiana. A KING OVERNGHT. Then overnight he became a species of king, followed by admiring crowds; living on the fat of the land, his pockets lined with money his very mane invoking cheers. I watched this transition with in terest, wondering how It had affected hihn. srondering what were the thoughts of a young follow who had known the bitter coldness of the world, in the midst of all this pros perity and adultation. Dentpsey Is no intellectual giant. but he has native intelligence. and his early experiences on "Ihe road" have given him a great insight into human nature. Furthermore, he has a s$rong sense of humor. I woodered if it came to his rescue as be rode the wave of popularity, or if the hurrah were warping his views of life. How many of the rest of us at 23 could go along, always the same, with the publia pack at our heals wherever ine went, elbowing and shoving for a peek at us? How many. I imagine. THEY HURL 3OC1. Then came tales of various troubles. The popular pastime of many persons I& hurling rocks at the newest idol, and rejoicing if the missiles l4nd. Sometimes the impact leaves the idol a bit bewildered. The new champion found himself beset by enemies ani mated by envy, malice. mistaken me tives, or something even more sinister. They worked against. his happiness, and for his money. They got most of the latter for a time. I wondered how Dempsey was takibt this. What were the thoughts of a man who had tasted the sweets of popular acclaim oL encountering adverse Influencea? Greater men than Dempsey haye I.ad the same experiencence. States men, actors, reformers, and publiO oflcils from the President of the United States down to dog catchers have learned the fickleness of **e of the publio-not al, but some. PILLS PUULW NYT. I wondered if Dempsey knew, and how much he knew. Once more, in training for a bout that is the talk of two continents. he fills the publio eye. He rides again the wave of popular favor, followed by cheering crowds, surrounded by admirers eager to pat him on the back, and tell him how good be is, ad what he will do to he French mum He smiles constantly, ad listens. apparently with close attention, to the babblers. He bears with human posts in trousers and skirts, posing fbr camera fiends, kissing the smudgy cheeks of babies uplifted by proud parents, and answering myriads of questions. By nature a friendly, kindly soul. Dempsey takes a real pleasure In these things, and be knows they are eapected of The Champion. But two years have taught him much of the payehology of the public. He tnows the magle is all in the ti: tie--The Champion, The other night.' out at his house at Airport, he was npeeking a huge CHAMPION," OF SWGGERS RUNYON. bythe r Os) O I ane not nw, s old story of the early it and diappoAtment, ma=b that brings the crewn, the rest Wier, which natsipily en8jurs up a Ish. ma after a man becomes ehampion; t days of his chamadEmdhp reli" DEMPSEY'S LIFE STORY BY DAMON RUNYON Would you know the real in side story of the world's cham pion? you. must read it as told interestingly by that master sports writer, Damo Runyon. It will appear in thess columns, beginning today. No man is better equipped for telling this story than Run , a fillow Coloradan with psey. Runyon has besn e pecially intimate with Demp snce he amsin ite the lime is and h atha story inqiethe best obtainable. TeWashington Time" Wilt offer Damon Runyon's story daily. It cannot but make friends for Dempsey, for Run o n and for The Washington imes. That's the kind of story It is. him by a Chicago admirer, Warren Brown, of the San Francisco Call. was lending a helping hand. The covering removed. Dempsey stood back and gased admiringly at the shining mahogany box. "I'll send that to mother out in galt Lake," he said. It'll go well with a piano I just bought her. I paid $4,00 for that piano." Then he pointed to a tall silver lov ing cup on a table. "You know." he said. "Thqt cup and this phonograph are the oily things that were ever given me ince I have been a champion." He stared at the cup a moment, and then remarked, wistfully: "It's a great thing to be The Cham pion." "But after you get bit on the chin?" I suggested. Dempsey laughe. "Well, then you're just a fellow around." he answered. "But it's a great tbing to be The Chauhpinn." ATHLETICS EQUAL MARK WITH SEVEN HOME RUNS The Athletic, by poling seven home rune while the Tigers, in the name cobtest. gt one, equaled a record that had stood In the. "majors sinee June 12j 1884, When the Dctrolt Na tJonals combed seven homers and the St. Lonis Nationals in the same game got one. Detroit's homers were as follows: Sam TWompeon and Jack Rowe, two apieco, white Sam Newhall Crane, the famous baseball write' of today. Dan Brouthers and Chartey Bennett each hit one, and Jerry Denny snared one for Mt. Louls. Detroit secured her homers off Pitcher 8weeney. The record for the most home runs in a game by two clp be is jointly held by the Phicago and Cincinnati clube, these worthies in the second game of the double-header staged July 4, 1M, garnering nine round trippere, the game going only six and one-half innings. Chicago got five home runs while Cincinnati smashed out four. MIXED DOUBLES TO ROLL IN BUND PIO TONIGHT About afty lair of mixed deubles are emtere4 in a blind pig bowling tournament to be held tonight at the Grand Central Palace as the final event in the women's - city tourna ment. Rolling will start at 7:30 o'clock. The entry fee of one berry Per individual and the cost of the games will be Paid by the men partners. Distribution of prises for the re cent championship will take plaea at 8 o'clock. lowlers Postpone Election. 3lection of officers of the ,Was!,. Ington City Duekpin Aseboitaton was poetponed from yesterday to June 2. Wins Eleventh., Reoamer A, C. landed a 5 to 4 win ever the hterling A- C. yesterday mehiag the eleventh straight win fer the 3aamara. M.Fav M dewbres, India 01 "s rs"r Of the Pi roebm hap 7pstmI In only a few hJ Is one of members of the C. TUhe il is atr= bnt s r y aan and accord ing to thse have seen hiM in action is a very good pitcher in the making. ery m a Pirate ptcher Is knocked out of the bog at Forbes Field the fans elarw flor YeUewbor, and even when a munber of the Wneld or outield is diabed and withdrawn or there is ocuona to use a pinch hitter there is acry from the crowd for the Redskin. Yellow horse, incidentally, is oae of the few suryfvors of the Pawnee tribe, and at one time appeared with a eires. DEMSEY A SHELL WHEN HE ENTERED RilNG WITH BRENNAN Champion Was Borned Out From Training on Broad way, Tad Learns. , TA06 NEW YORK. June 1I.--The fol lowing is exactly what a prominent sporting man told the writer yester day. This man has been in the erting game for years. knew Dempsey be fore be was a clgamplon. and knows a conditioned and "burnt-out" athlete when he sees one. "Bill Brennan saved Jack Dempsey's title. Dempsey didn't HOLD ZIX UP. Don't let them tell you that. Jack Dempsey was through that night and it's lucky for, him that Crpsetler wasn't in the ring Instead ot the slow thinking, heavy-footed BreanA. HE WAS A WaNK. "T saw Jack before h% won his title, before he had, money, and he was a rough follow. The night he fought Brennan he was a wreck. I saw him coming dow'h the aisle to the rint that night and he was (IREEN. isot pale, but OR1MEN. That stage stuff, those big purses. those partie--that's what set that fellow btck. "He was just a shell. Didn't you notioe them giving him stryehuine tablets between rounds and rubbing him around his heast? Every one around me did. "He was not trying hinself out with Breanan. He was doing the best he could. He just barely beat his man that night, and I'll tell you he got the scare of his life. Ne tried train tag for a fight on Broadway. Nd one has succeeded at that yet. "That Brennan fight soared Demp soy tnto real work. Ito's training now the way he should have done for Bren nan. "I DON'T THINK H's RIGHT YET. It sets a Allow bask -quite a lot-that bright light traini . "The luckiest thin gtht arns ever did was to make tat mateb with Banunan. It Just showed him NOW FAR BACK Dempsey had gone" HARVARD SELECTS TEAM TO TACKLE BRITISHERS CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 33-'rke three Harvard tennis players who will combine with the same number from Yale to meet Cambridge and Ox ford universities. July 4 are Capt. Brooks ftnno. Captain-sleet Morris Duane and Edward Fieldmai. The international match will be played either at NewpOrt, R. I., or Brookline, Mass. Barron to Lead. Harold E. Barron, Penn State hurdler, has been chosen to lead the track team next season. Brookland Wine. Metropolitan A. C. players were knocked off by the Brookland players by a. 12 to 11 score In ileven innings yesterday. Washington Ahead. Washington Couneli pl yere won a 13 to 8 game freon caroueebt the K. of C. League game yuaSeaday EARU R FOR the de t es&Ise tha isPO irete Tos evade the esming days .1 fn agaist -l-- he eeMbe ports from Airport, telling of his eon diltlon have not been . I LAter in the week I wil t the camp of the champles. .I have not seen him for several weeks And do not feel qualised to make a positive statement regarding Jst where he stands phgsikally at this writh.i But from *hat I know of him I believe 5. Ie capable of rounding into physieal perfection as rapidly " Carpentier. As for that, they have been training about the same length of tlini. WAT ALL e .um Carpentior has reached the proper pitch to light at his best --a- Nis muscles are as supple en r as the masale of a tiger. They ripple a. der his skia and he dainees about and hits with perfect freedom and poise. gotfig- the imnimui of qWer to his punkhe. RiMo stomach maclee are tough and strong. Thero is no tat on him. inside or out. as far as I ean judge. Georges has also reaehed the right Pitch temperamentally. In my talks with him I have found him .i the best of humor. He Is a very likable chap. highly intelligent, with a keen sense of humor and withal a very interesting character all around. He has made his mind up regard ing the sort of battle he will have on his hands July 3. I'm ere of that. But of . eooree. he ia&t tell ing his campaign plane. And he isn't underestimatiag Jaek Demp sey for a moment. cAW-r LOM ANTYEINP. When he eas through the ropes at Jersey Ct he will have every thing to gain. If he wis he will vindicate the bright hopes of his many admirers, and be is menident of wIAning, held he fail to win yet make it a tough iaght against the ohampion, he will be the gainer rAther than the loser, after all is said and doe and will wind up an popular.s ever, OWes mee so. Cagentier's Sn physteal eOnditiea is a great eredit ho Kemager Dee campa and Trainer Go Wilson. They have dose woaden wiM him. Thby have proven to ma that they know their beatma and when July 2 ar rives they will have done their bit. After the sgong rings, of course. the burden will be entirely on Georges eheuldews. And as be sa4s: 'ay the soet man wtml (0prrit by MNs OOeNaal Newd SOeVIeS.) WASHINGTON PRINTERS LAND ON VET PLAYERS The Wakhtmgton Union Printers ostiwed their winning streak -1 taking a fast game from the Vetee ass of Foreign 1hr at Camp 3um phreys yuederday by a seere ot 4o. Cullen's Pitching and home runs by Deeper and Moore were features Score: Union Printers ........... 4 12 6 Vets. of Foreign Wars.... 3 5 2 Datterte--Cullen and Goldsmith; Harvey and Adams. DESCH SETS NEW MARK . FOR 440 HURDLE RACE DAYTON. Ohio, June L--us Desch, of Notre Dame, cut 1 2-4 se onds from his previous worlds record tn the 440-yar4 low hurdle. in the A. A. U. meet here Saturday making the distanoe In 52 24 eseoonde. ts pre'vious record of 62 4-5 see ends was made at the - Pea relay meet Is Philadelphia last April. Aztee Trim Destreyers. For 'the seond time this seaen the Asteos triumphed over the De stroyer A. C. -of Alexandria. This time by a score of 9 to . Reavy hitting by both teams accounted- fot the high score. Smith played well for the wInners. Speedway. Want Omaw4. The qpeedway A. C. wisbat o ar range gaAes with eses Ie low sia. Addrea J. W. Owate4 , M Fourteenth street northwest, or phone Franklin 3335. T Club to Meet. The T Club of Teoh High wilU meet. tomorrow night at the high Bshs at S *'ceeh. -All taba In the ~ wphe have earned the letter are ivtdto atta TAE BU.TER - SAYS COURE eeN Carpeatier is in gyest ed I heie I amquiMAed to iboxbr. Aht right now. it weoo" -be .4b his take place tonnesem Itan mowahe; cangt and ithe eselid and dodge the a off. owhaweald be *sNuw Hughim WA Rocald hseMeasof 19S Sed.s "H Of do remember that wa fan in the stand ati Fied, ita. the other da whe ar, Adamw entered the box fo the Pt rates In the fifth inuigof the le m of the lm swime. rton whene the cry ea and '"EE..ee;...emb he..... for back In 1909, a matter twelve year. or uo ago, Babe, then an now, tchig for the Pirates, beat the it Tigers, then led I the wI d serles. 11 thm Adams has dropped out of. fast wandered around in the and been resurrected, to return to the big show with al meat as mnch g as he had in these- glds. days. He and Hugh s are m fnd, it might be BWIONWAS ML ESTATEFMM That Was Boro Oempee 1ee Anywhere In Ws Chas@After Ung ThS, OLD'IPLD.. .12e lW.-Whst a diferemes a ew makeI In 1015 look bftpsey Io~aght le TMoOM and GoMtdld Nev. At that time he was living In a cabili in Geld Peak maut a a t em the railway Amoo OmeO"Othe voted Johnny Shemweg. fTe *art marulige "Dee Leirk, * ..elfgwPh overator, '.e he next deor to Jack's humble Obede, O&W the Iatter leaving wi1t bg svgg. -oe" wa In his i u . Ne ..g the ee of Dem a aulteasehe mid, Where are you golagr tpulout.". Gard Jaokt. eT and rln gie you a re." emi "Doe." That thim will get beavy before you set to the depot." "woo, that. 04 'all rgh" replied Dinmg. say. "It wOn't get heavy. All I have tm It is a shirt ad a oollar buttom.7 And today Junk has IL nook .4 trUats, a private secretary nd a l'marieeu lilmeamo . What a dham emee a few year maket* MACCASEES ARE BUMPED BY HYATTSVILLE LEOO .tydPr-farmer Post Americam Leioa, of Rpetteve 34C. dated Meebee Athletic Aemolatiam , III&at I y the empt Mayflower te o Oan . =61t 11, at Ryattaville and Clare - lotie Club m Bunday. Jpae ia, at They Oen't Lead. The St. las Cardtals are leading the tMemel eague #A hat a&" a" i t"Ird pIa&l, WNW. the Detrot igere are at the top of the Ajnert ca " swatters ad roosting t 9LLh ' Wili PIMOUs, WAoILIIEar . Ut r nba