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BUTCHEI SLAYERIS HELD TOBE DEMENTED Orewsome Crimes Extending Over Many Years Are Pinned on Him. jaus"urn No" off~te BERLIN, Sept. 19.-The beut brains of Berlin's detective depart ment wen busy today piecing to gether the last links in the nruesome, chain of evidence that would b - Of couse you know the reason why ilions of men like LuckyUSSTike Cigarette -becm f o toastd youc havesuhk evr the rei BurleyWthcnn AuhsBacon eS ever tie ofits i Whd y a-tinu and-f-fat oreak ingsg"odness. Sod by a ~nde t .over SHELD emea hangman's xqoose for Karl Grossmann were he a normal man. Stage Set For TriaL The stage Is almost met for the trial of this shabby, shivering old man, who unquestionably will go down in criminal history as the most cold-blooded fiend ever known. But it i already certain that be will never be hanged or even go to the penitentiary, for he has alrealy proved to be history's worst degen erate, a psychopathic patient fore. doomed in his cradle to turn beast in human form, the most pitiable, if obhorrent, living example of the curse of heredity. This confesed killer of a core et girls and women, butcher of their Lodles. and seller of the flesh of some of them in the guise of "veal steak" or "sausage," will spend the rest of his life-a&fter a trial that is des tined to fill the whole world with &huddering awe-In a hospital for the criminally insane. Already famous savants, medical faculties of great universities, and anatomic laboratories are bidding for his skull. A race is on to buy his body, even while he is yet alive, so that when he dies he may serve the one solitary useful purpose of his existence-bimection for the further ance of criminology. Details of Crimea. The International News Service is able today to give exclusively some of the printable details of the blood curdling career of "Butcher Gross mann. HiM criminal career dates back to his early youth. He is now more than sixty. Am a young man he served fourteen years in the peni tentiary for an attack on a seven yea-old girl. After he came out of prison he was watched for a while, but then the police lost track of him. The last they knew he was keeping a small butcher shop. It is not known exactly how many girls and women fell victims to his fiendishness, but evidence on hand confirmns his confession of at least twenty murders. They extend prob ably over the last twenty years, Had Brazen Nerve. The almost superhuman cunning which goes with his kind of degener aCy, as well as unmitigated ierve, of the brasen. bully sort, made it pos sible for him to ply his bestial trade in the thick of one of ' Berlin's busiest, most populated, and yet dark*-st districts-the area around the Silesian railroad station. Since his arrest, many persons have told the police of having seen, almost daily, this thin. shabbily-dressed sen ile sliding along the narrow little streets and alleys in that district. Nearly all of them recall that each time they saw him he (arried a package, usually of brown wrapping paper. He held it tightly with both hands, almost hugging it to his stomach. (*hildren-barefoot tene ment tots-have come forward with stories of this "bogey man" some times looming out of some dark hall way and watching them with un canny stare as they played "ring around a rosle" in the gutter. Carried His Victims. Little did those who caught such glimpses of Karl Grossmann know that in the packages he "hugged" were human flesh and bones, still warm, and that his errand usually wCame of tWeo things-to peddle the contents to some shady itinerant butcher or half-starved Inhabitant of darkest Berlin, or, if unable thus to dispose of them, to toes them into river or canal. For years the murky waters of the canal near Andreas Square and those i slice of Auth's [ELL it! Get that iat honest-to-good Wonder now why ravenous appetite oma reaches your eating mere mat sts when they can enjoyable? Eat rery day!I' You'll ch, appetite-inspir .nding grodes arket stands. rcle of Cood 'ng Ath's a iit on rN. Auth Provision Co. ament Supervisin, FOR KILl Fresh Fr 9.#.9 IN spite of the -inceptioll of the ca and the revival of the coat and sk more appropriate for autumn than such a model is developed in black petticoat of black lace. The standi sleeves are features of the new mo4 effect of fulness without really beit B EIGE twill, In an attractively dr unusual smartness upon a mink it. This high-collared cape, althoug over the shoulders and reaches the cuffs are banded in fur to match. at the Paris openings, Is achieved I skirt over oneohip, from which dra hem of the skirt. of the Engelbecken. (Angel's basin)l have from time td time yielded frag ments of womens' bodies. Always every resource of the famed Krim inal-Polizei was employed to track down the murderer, but always in vain. Girl after girl, woman after woman, was reported "mysteriously missing," supposedly a victin of "Jack the Slaughterer," but never was there any substantial clew to lead to his identity. Story of Diseovery. Yet, the sight of that half-dark. filth-sodden tenement room in which the fiend was finally caught red. handed. showed that one single, per functory inspection of the place would have sufficed to clinch the gruesome case and nail the culprit; for it was a veritable slaughter room. Here is the story of his discovery: Grossman hadl begp living for a long time in a single room on the fourth floor of the house. The room served him as a combination kitchen. bedroom and "parlor"-and "operat Pleople in the same house and those adjoining had frequently occasion ton complain of the myisterious old man, and the wonder to all Berlin Is that none ever "tipped" the police. But it is a shady quarter Q1 this metropo ADVERTISEMENT. Why People Nerves and So Often]1 ad are trampled dc red-blooded mun a Without strong nerves you los your magnetism, force and courage. You feel your own weakness and others know that you are weak. Trifling things annoy you-this Is a sure sign of nerve exhaustion. Some people are born with a very small amount -of nervo-vital fluid, be cause their nerve force has been squandered by the lives lead by their ancetor Othe s up their nve fore when your nerve force becomes weak heir ormal strength and ofiour an ase result, al kia d oft talerming symtom bark omeapsn thik ahnhe hnae kdney njured because of the tender spots which maye ocrthereon. The dul heavy pin o think heis gl ito Jwae paet an ure I. the fro t fhis head aetio abilty heart palpitato aenda a ige tl Dower ar cold grea tly weakenedadi .ING TW) Dm Paris J pe-coat and the three-piece tailleur, irt suit, nothing will be smarter nor the one-piece dress. At the left, chiffon broadcloth with a gilet and ng collar and the long, bel-shaped 14, while the two tunics mnagae as i bouffant. aped trotteur frock, depends for its scarf-cave designed to be worn over a narrow in front, widens gradually hem of the skirt in the back. The The uneven hem-line, so ubiquitous n this model by the drapin of the >ery a single point falls beown the 11. and most of its ihabitants have more to hide than to reveal, though In many cases the "secret" is only unspeakable misery. Made Leud Noises. .Often, when mounting the dark stairs to his room, Grossman half dragged a girl or woman with him. Never did any one' see the same one 'it was always a new fae. Soon after they got to the room there were usually loud, quarrelsomg words -sometimes shoutA and screams. It was on the night of August 21 that he fetched his latest and last vio tim up to the slaughter room. Gross man was obviously drunk and made more noise than usual in going up stairs. The door of his room had hardly been slammed shut when piti able moans and screams began to be heard. Most of his fellow dwelleru merely turned over on the other side with a casual remark, "the old man is at his tricks again." But the screams grew louder and louder, and finally some one notified the police. When they game, the "operation" was over and the reom was dark. To their knocks, Gross mann gruffly responded that It was too late for him to open the door. They forced It. and what they saw is iadescribable. ADVERTISEMENT. With Weak Thin Blood rail in Life ith nerves of ae.L serve force, there is enty ese thing that is going to help you-and that is more nerve fore.. In such casese mere .timu lating medicines and narcotle drugs are have is inomething to funih an Ineae serve eells. Th. a os effectively ac cempliehed by the free use of Nuzated Iron. This valuable product contains the principal chemical contiltuent of active nearlyres'n'ie.t'hatain te bran an nerve cells of man, It also contains organic Iron like the iron in your bleed and like the iron in spInach, lentils and apple.. This form of iron will net blacken nor injure the teeth nor upset thme stom ach. It is an entirely different thing from mnetallie iron which people - usually take. Nuzated Iron may therefore be termed both .a blood and a nerve feed aa It feeds strength-giving Ire. to your bleed and the prInctpal chemnloai iagre din et actv liig nerve torme to 7eu1 ated Iron annal.Pom the remnack ably benefletal results wimtch it has pro duced, the manufacturers fsei s oertata of its efficacy that they guarantee eatie fator res4ur to ery purchaser er the, stituten. Look for the word "Nuzatedi ENTY GU KU KLUX CZAR GROWING RICH SELLINGEATER (continued from First Page.) none too clean, for it is taken from the Chattahooche river (Indian name for "Muddy Water"), which runs a few miles from Atlanta. It could just as well be taken from any other river but the Georgia river is most con venient. Presumably the dirty water of the river becomes purifled and sanctified by decree from the imperial Wizard, Professor William Joseph Bimmons-and very costly. Until reading the above. I doubt if any Klansman ever suspected the source of this "mysterious dedication fluid" as it is spoken of in the Kloran page 40. Non-refhlaMe Ca. It I the same water that the people of Atlanta drink and bathe in. The Atlanta drinking water is, of course. filtered, and presumably pure; yet it does not bring an big a price as the "blessed" fluid retailed in cans by Clarke. Clarke sells his "sacred" water at $10 per quart can. After a can in once opened it cannot be used for a second ceremony, the theory being that the magic has been taken into the souls of candidates for Klanamen. So you are forced to buy another can when you hold A second ceremony. Imagine the financial profit derived by Clarke from this coannea river water. In the initiation of the 700,000 mem bers of the Klan. most of whom were taken in In the last year, there must have been at least 350.000 coremonies. at each of which a new can, at $10. had to be opened. That's $3,600.000 right there, and the $10 price is f. o. b. 4tlanta, the purchasers paying the freight or ex press charges. The can must nqt, In deed cannot, be used a second 'timae. because it In sealed and must be open ed with a can opener. I wonder if it has ever occurred to Clarke that he might go Into the mar ket with "sacred" can openers. He doesn't mise many opportunities. For example, when the thought of going In for horse breeding, to supply Klanx men with horses to fill the horse robes they are forced to buy, he actually told me he intended manufacturing curry combs and all other horse ac cessories. But I am digressing from the "sacred" water. Clarke's "canned spirits," In one quart cans, are put up In Clarke's cannery in Atlanta. The imperial factory in about eighteen miles from the river and the water in piped to the cannery. The imperial cannery might have been built near the river. but for reasons of shipping con venience, the railroad yards being In Atlanta proper, the water is cannd right there. No initiation earemony can tSke piace without this very impertant "sacred" water. The ceremony Is known as the dedication section. ad follows immediately after the terri ble oath and the ncking of the sign of the fiery cross with the blood from the arm of the candidate. The Cermn. The ceremony, as described in the Kloran an pages 40 and 41. Is as follows: The Exalted Cyo , addressing the candidates. says: "Birs, have each of you assumed without mental reservation your oath of allegiane to the Invisible 1m. pire? 'Mortal man cannot assume a more binding oath; character and courage alone will enable you to keep it. Always remember that to keep this oath means to you honor, happiness and life; but to violate It mens disgrace, dishonor and death. May honor. happiness and lif be yours." He then heds up the vessel frn the Sacred Altar containing the dedi cation fluid (Clarke's "canned spir Its"). addressing the eandlate. as followe: "With this transparent, lf-giving, powerful, God-given fleu, more pre cious and far mere significant than all the sacred oils of the acints, I set each ot yeu apart from the men et your daily association to the great and honorable ta* yeu have voluntarily allotted yourselves as citisens of the Invisible Entpire. Kfights of the Ku lux Klan. mm Is Sung. "As a Kiansman may your chorac. ter be as transparent, your life pur pose as powerful, your motive In all things as mnagnanimous and as pure, and your klanishness as real and as faithful as the manifold drops herein, and you a vital being as useful to hu inanity as is pure water to mankind. "You will kneel on your right knee." Here the following stana Is sung in a low, soft but distinct tone by a quar tet to the tune of "Just As I Amn With out One Plea": "Te Thee. eh, Gee, I call to The. True tedni eth. eb. hel ame to1 Oh. give mn e e that I sot ta1. The Exalte Cyclops then continues: "lire: Neath the uplifted 'iery cress which by Its holy light looks down upon you to bless with Its sacred tadiI, tions of the past--I dedicate yod in mind, in spirit and in life, to the holy service et our country, our lan, cur homes, each other and humanity." He then advances with Clarker. "canned spirits," which have been poured into a special container also sold by Clarke, to each canetidate, re peating the following operation: Pouring a few drops of the dedica tion fluid on each candidate'. back he says. "In body," then a few drops on his head, saying "In minQ," then placing a few dropps in his own hand and tossing ft ugnard into the air, saying "In spirit.' Then -moving his hand In a horisontal circular motion around the candidate's head he eon cludes with "And in life." Everyone then kneels except then officers officiating at the Scored Altar. The Exalted Cycossteps te the rear and left of the Koludd (Chaplain), the Night Hawk (In charge of andatmes) remaining in his peel, ties, the Xoludd advanes and standa close to the Sacred Altar en thn side towmid Se station of the Dx alted Cyclops. The IKoludd then e mands, "Let us praay" and repeata the dedicatory prayer: "God of all, author of mU go Thou who didst create man cai I purposme ha..a .sg.s em a m. RLS ANE Congressman Who Will Demand Inquiry Into Ku Klux CONG. PETER F. TAGUE, Of MAs=echusette. a member of the Ways and Means Committee and one of the number of Con greosmien who will dema~nd an Un mediate Inquiry Into the activit es of the Ku Klux Klan when the House assembles. inct place and perform a specific work in the economy of Thy good government. Thou hast revealed Thy self and Thy purpose to man, and by this revelation we have learned our place and our work. Therefore, we have solemnly dedicated ourselves as Klansmen to that sublime work harmonic with Thy will and purpose in our creation. The Exalted Cyclops then steps to the altar. instructs the candidates to arise and says: "Sirs, you are no longer strangers or aliens among us, but are citisens with us: and with confidence In your character that you have not sworn falsely or deceitfully in the assump tion of your oath, I, on behalf of 3pr Emperor and all Klansmen, wl. come you to citisenship In the Em pire of Chivalry. Honor, Industry and Love. "By authority Invested in me by our Emperor. I now declare and proclaim each of you a citisen of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. and invest you with the litle of Klansman. the most honor ible title among men." Wat< when Tea who aesepted th* I Palmolive Shamapoo know * are. Yob ave seen thegsll It cheanged yoar scalp e elogging dirt and daadruf, este organism of each hair work. These reuetts afe de to I ad olive oils In combinatl Oriental oils, famous for ce lgrelaxng beautiyn Tesoftefing efects of sponibl forthelovely gi ,It produces the mildest ta lathers, which is given ho the blending with palm oil. This lather is fur me cleauser. It enters ev r and purges them from 'zr Yet this hair, which I edeaneed, hsut d , harsh inoothing action p7al. as It soft and glossy. PA LMC Sham The Rlend af Palmn ISELLIN MINGO LEADERS SURRENDBER ON SLAYING CHARGE C. F. Keeney and Fred Mooney, of Miners' Union, Looked Up at Williamson. By MILDRED MORRIS, Interastiseal News Service. WILLIAMSON. W. Va.. Sep 9. C. r. Keeney and Fred tMoney. president and secretary. renpectivly. ot District No. IL United Mine Workers of Anitrica, were landed in Jail hero early today. They are in dicted for the murder of two men during the battle of TuC Lyer, near Ke~eneyt and Mooney disappeared from Charleston during the height of the recent miners' trouble in Logan county. All attempts to apprehend themn since have failed. Both men stated to the Interna tional News Service that they had been in Ohio. but they did not reveal in what part, of that State they had been. President Keeney and Secretary Mooney surrendered to Governor E. F. Morgan at Charleston yesterday. Wi Offer BalL H. W. Houston, counsel for the two men will go into court here to. day and otter ball for their release. In the event Keeney and Mooney are released, they will immediately be taken to Logan county,, whereI they were Indicted last week for a. leged participation in the disturb ances in that county recently. If they are not released #)n ball they will be held In the MIngo couny jail here and will be tried with other officers of the United Mine Workers. The trial Is net down for Octotier S. Senators Told Miner Was Slain in Prison For Refusal to Fight By H. I. REYNOLDS, fr Internatemal New@ Servi-e. WILLIAMSON. W. Va.. Sept. 19. Stories of alleged brutality-and even murder-by State efficias and mine guards of Logan county, the seat of the recent industrial war, were placed today before the Senate committee which i probing underlying causes of strife in the West Vinla coal fields. Sworn statements by two men who were looking for work in Logan county that a najn on August 14 was "shot down In cold blood in the corridor of htheGCh o s apo ohmi enh bats of tebe the deutk ishechee tod stural poo aisthoro ie action of palm M ordhmery tas soften AT is-e o and rcs by d~d te m You need new the a surface poo with Pahm. ot and hairdlcett oil aud daadruf. p s o ru~ thi copat 4 eMge og heps results whkh )LIVEr. e aThe Pah andt OlivE-O'ls a.. FLESH the jail at Iogan because he refnaed to take his place in the line of deputs sheriffs" to inel the advance of the miners' army were today placed be fore the committee. The affidavits. Signed by Colmug Stanfield and Floyd D. Griggs, wer put in the hands of Senator Kenyeo, chairman of the investigating commit. tre. by Harold F. Houston, attorney for the United Mine Workers oi America. Testify to Brntality. '"I witnessed two deputy sherifb bringing prisoners over to the jail," said Stanfield's affidavit. "They were beating and kicking one man, a union bricklayer from Huntington, W. V. He was kept in jail anl day. O re fuing to fight he was taken from his celt into the corridor and shot down in cold blood. Two deputies then took him by the feet and dragged him from the jail." Griggs alleged that after his ewe arrest he wax escorted by three deputy sheriffs before Sheriff Ibn Chafin in the courthouse, that Chafin pinned a white band around Griggs' left arm, escorted him to a room filled with rifles and ammunition and told him to select a Winchester rifle and "go to the front and fight." Griggs said that when he informed the sheriff he had carried a rifle fot eighteen months in the Fifth regi.. ment. United States marines, and that ho did not propose to go and fight as directed. Sheriff Chafin "drawed a .45 caliber revolver and, putting the muzzle in my face, told me I Would either fight or die." Griggs and Stanfield maid they were finally released from the Igan jail at midnight, September 2. and given fifteen minutes to leave town. Church Mortgage Burned. HAGERSTOWN, Md., Sept. 1. The mortgage which has been carried by th% United Brethren Church, Adamsport. was burned yesterday at a special service. Pricsa realized on fwift & Co. sales of carcass boeetoI Washington. D. C.. for week ending a4turda. September 17. 1931. on shpments mold out. ranged frem 10 cents to is cents per pound and avemom 13.26 cerits per pound-Adv. Hupmobile owners ar In universal accord that they have the best car of its class in the world. STRET a FELOIM, he. ch..,n . US. at ma. 11. ( 1541111 lab oireso Pbem Nrth - iange r way Uibat scal~~ esete a made f dandruf, which ad charge with aset bok emeg6 If, when yes Am ghly washed away. ales wihwithetod os accumulate mail the hak egins to coase out. This is of pmand ool pe-o tion of scales, loosening and from hair roots and sclp. . fear dandruff If you sham ret the free 15-cent trial bot Shampoo, fill out and maD he Palmolive Company. We It, that you may lema the l1ew een the Aret Palmeiye ..uvy. Company, Det 40' wahoo, U. 5. A. me kme e to an s maC .a*Mesa