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rubr tongho .i syan-* "MAC wetl onwe P. 0 . No A o- F N aE. as a er.... .u NUMBER 12.020. a"'i". "'' WASHINGTON, SATURDAY llWNING, EPEBE 24, 1921. [Gs'ag WI Stre Priem] TRECENTSEEYEB Today A =yrs' Week. -A Reekefeller Act'ess. Mn Nale Chaty. Hypodermic Neede. --B ARTUR BI3S3AN3..1 (Ceprrigbt. 1921.) Merchants everywhere, the pub lie also, are interested in a buying and selling week organized in New York city with Franklin Simon, able business man, as president of the esterprise. Uomstimes when a baby is born With buns closed, gasping for bseathtJ@ throw water in its fe ,at toss it in the air to set thags ging. America's business baby needs such treatment, some shock to stir and start It. Every elty should inaugurate a "Buyers' Week," all merchants combining, se they will do in New York, to spIprise buyers with the best pos sible bargains, stimulating busi ees, clearing shelves, crehting a desmand for workmen in factories. The New York Times says Miss Muriel McCormick. grand-daugh ter ef John D. Rockefeller ane daughter of the head of the Inter national Harvester Trust, is study I for the stage, and may start as a professional actress in Mu It is interesting. Those that have asme the young woman dash ing rg" the front to the back at the Wand opera know that she has aesmtimm and energy. Such a WeIOM finds her oporuni1ty Ou" of motherhoo in acting, uhlMgr, public speaking, or as Astrnomyin dull for many. aing de d that wrle pour own Sng a voice. A demands MTiteluxene,~ vir Ise and st enu m n. W==5 natural eareer-next to d fate of the actress is better than 4 used to he. in days when Vdtalk to protect a friend of his. bqugt th uiulaw that amn tened w&atessto be buried 46 to creasroads, emsluded from OMMa . won his er a thousa acres of , and an exact reproduction of the Comedie Franesise for mausoleum. Galton proves that the nius of great me is inoitd only th'ough the femal What m bmore interesting Than to ame e powe of Rockeftller third , 14naSB e, tearing a pas donM to tatters with inherited eegy that ones built up Standard O0l? la the city, richest in Amres, sleep In pub Hic per, en grass or benches, with newilmes uder them to keep got 1wea. And in te city's free lodging hoMuse four or five hundred beds an; z~ evry night. Wr N ot at all. Worse than :2 homelessness, or even ha men hate CHARITY. You have persuaded Nancy Hanks to take her baby, Abraham IUnoesn, from the dirt floor of her shack without windows to the fin est poorhouse ever built-not if it had had floors well carpeted. Hu g" beings like Independence; that's why we are in this country. It is thq business of general in telligence and prosperity, repre seated in Government, to provide men with work and a chance to elein their own beds. public lodging house Is semse. heattendants are cold and b ueas men always are that jlhabtualy with the poor. And a ~etyIdiotte rule compels the unempoyedlodger to stay and tohours to pay for' his ~1.gin the morning, the only hereal objection to lodging Imssand breadlines is hatred of CA TY. must sink low he eats willingly from an Anefortnaedn woman, after a disgaefldrink ng'W with asn of whom every one shem e injaI Newsaprs will egeen that performed the au asamall n destroy everything-first mm~ts~esharaeter then reaon the robemsof prohibition. A charek In Montreal es t w Sto cme to church a tlyta ~. ,arm and nok covered, a -...anos heaven? What Is nodreaker., noe ' Atstashow us angels with beee dress lhing ea niht ~ii? she a dress would net MAD WIIH JEALOUSY, FOLLOWED GIRL fOE Investators In Shooting of Mins Hanan by Mms Lawes Unfold Weird Tale. ft Intermetsal News sries. NEW YORK, Sept. 24.-Mrs. Grace Lawus, beautiful San rau cisco divorcee, shot down her former chum, Misn Mildred Haean, Oagh ter and heiress of the late Alfred P. Hanan, millionaire ohe manufac turer, only after she had abandosnor a plan to mar her victim'as beauty, sewordt te eridence uneartbed by investigators today. As ify as last ,i dslan , Laves, W dIn* g, had to. a..BInd herfso to f~e.the este~s he heiress. ttractive to men." Miss Hanan's condition was report bd today as highly critical. Phyjelans who are in attendance on her at the Long Island hospital said it would be a miracle if she lives through the day. Investigators learned that about ten Mays after Mrs. Lawes had been heard to threaten to disfigure Miss Hanan she appeared suddenly at Shoreham. L. I., en her wa9' to the country home of the Hanans. At the station she raw the Hana' automobile drive away with only the chauffeur In it. She learn rom the station agent that Mie Hanan had taken a train for Seagate, her brother's home. Oremte aeNe.. Mrs. Lawes then went to Seagate, where she learned Miss Manan was Lt the Atlantic Yacht Club. She then rent there and tried to gain admis dion. It is reported she created a scene when she was not permitted to enter, 3ot having credentials. Soon after that, investigators have earned, she trailed Miss Hanan on several occasions. She was never Lble to meet her. Investigators be. Joe she finally decided to abandon he plan to disfigure Miss Hanan's !eatures and decided to kill her and md her own life. Miss- Hanan and Mrs. LAwes., It '*. developed, had their first open weak last Decoration Day. It was 0, ,pronounced, It was said, that the eiress asked the divorcee to leave ier home. I John S. Borland, the exporter who Was with Miss Hannan when she was lhot down, could throw no further ight upon the case today. He re terated his denial that Mrs. Lawes MouM have been jealous over his ittentions to Miss Hanan. 2e6 Is Removed, Pr. Abraham Mandel Birg, one of he physicians !n attendance on Miss lanan, said that while not certain. t was ftired peritonitis hd set in. )ne of the bullets that lodged in dias Hanan's chest was removed resterday, but one tbat lodged in ker liver had not been touched. The body of Mrs. Laws was still meld in a Brooklyn morgue. An au owas to be held this afternoon. - oer . Barker, anothar of dims Hfanon's attending urgeons, leelgred at noon today that Miss lanan was "very mnuch Improved." 19 denied that peritonitis had set in. Seek for Drugs. Miss Hanan's mother, her brother Ialfred P. Hanan 2nd her grad ather, William Moqai; and Bor and, unwitting eus of the regedy, who was with Miss Hanan w'hen she was shot, spent the night 1.t the hospital awaiting the results mf the operation. The mnehe- was sported to be in a state of ellapee. Detectives Investigating the shoot ng declare that even though jealousy ppears to have bean the underlyn native, there appears to be a - raystery to be solved. The police are particularly aunxious o knew where M~rs. Lawes got her upplies of drugs and llquaor. Hialt .desen toen ft'om the nereotie squad rare out ely today on a search er the "coke" paen.e whoe pray en omten of wealth and fashipa. Teibso et akeaeies. Mis6 Dorothy Geteonhan', in front f whose homne, at 85 Cohermerhorn limet, Breeklyn, Mine Hanan was hot, was greatly upset over the zagedy. ls believes it must have meens the plan of a mind craned by salousy. Mine Gottabalk maid: "It was I who introduced Orace I awe to Jack Borland, and She in mntia en Pa=e 3. nomn 4. t ICE Woman Is Given Seat At Unemployment Parley of tMg Se he~ation and ftrmer of the Department of Lab9 'es . Industry part ee, wis has been appointed one of the' three women zmembwge at the United States unemployment conforenos that has been called I Secretary Hoover. The other wo min members are Ida M. Tarbell, of New York. and Elisabeth Christ nun, of Chicago. "BOARDWALK VAMP" TO BE ELIMINATED ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 24.-Act. lag on orders from Chief of Police bert Miller, four detectives were as ed to duty on the boardwalk to fty, to clear the esplanade of "board walk vamp." Mrs. Adelaide Bennett, who mid her bh4ne was in Washington, was the first to be arrested after she was al legd to have cast roguish eyes on one 9t the sleuths. The woman posted $60 cash ball for her appearance. She mid It was a terrible mistake, but did not appear In 3ourt this morning when the case was Naled. FEAR HAZING LED TO DROWNING OF YOUTH CHICAGO. Sept. 24.-Mrs. J. L. Mount, of Evanston, yesterday ex. pressed fear that her son. Leighton, Pighteen yegrs old, freshman in Vorthwestern University. was am bushed by sophomores after the an tual class struggle, beaten and hrown into Lake Michigan, or left, nentally unbalaficed. in the woods. The boy, a strapping fellow, who was the center of the lower class in he battle, has been missing since Wednesday night, when he was last msen near the lake by a fellow-stu lent, Harry Cook. Searching partes ire dragging the waters. DLIVES GIVE FORTY PTOMAINE POISONING CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., Sept. 24. -'orty persons, mostly women, who at ended a dinner at the home of Mrs. )llle Luce, at Perryopolis, a small samnlet, some distance from here l'huraday night, were poisoned by 'ating olives, It became known here oday. The dinner, served late at nIght, was art of a birthday party. Early Friday .oning all those who had eaten any f the olives were stricken with tomaine poisoning. Doctor. hurried. y attended the many victims. All are sported out of danger. BOCACCIO'S SKULL FOUND IN VIJ.,LA NEAR FLORENCE FLORENCE, Sept. 24.-What wrobaeologists assert are the bones f Bocaccio have been found in a r'jla near here, owned by James W. Dlsworth, of New York. A skull Is aneng the bon~ found. According e tradition clo lived in the illa and wrote "De Cameron" there. Elluworth is owper of the beautiful 'lla Paleri, near Florence. The 'ila was purchased some years ago bed restored to Its sacient historic pleader. )AYL~IGHT SAVING ENDS IN N. Y. SUNDAY MORNING NEW YORI, S4. 24.-Daylight aving ends here at 9 o'clock tomer ow mornlipg. At that hour the locks are to be turned boek one our. Trho New York Utock Eiohange wlU pea at 10 'ceds BEstera esadard I.n ow Neay. ama.n Doctoi CAPTURE BANDOITS IN GUN FIGHT Many Nesims Shot Up as Des peradoes Hunt for Gold. Rovgers Make C A-War ft luateema News 11is.. BROWNSVILLE. Pa., Sept. 24. Three armed bandits, with plenty of ammunition, entere4 Adah, a mining town near here, Friay night and, after shooting up seven homes and injuring even peosis, one serious ly, were arrested by State police and placed in the Fyette county jail. Iaul Otea, e ear s om 04 wa" 01 baes t t e body. APE -n of .3 ss .was 3inidtIi out, Shee CP Twe 1ens0. th bandwe lng down a doow at the Otteo r n, entered a demand ed mone 'hey were told there Was the kitchen sn thi g hpangiing @booting holes through pots and pans. went on the wall f Later the robbes ttJohn Stack. the .tten dweing. broke dow the door, entered andi demanded money. When they were refused they shot up the kitchen. using everything hanging on the wall for targetO This Performance wan repeated at I the home of Mrs. Andrew H erey. Mrs. Hemroy In In a delicate ondl- I tion and this morning Is suffering severely from shock. 11ailts 41deicklaptalred. After the shooting at the Otten home semoe one tolepfwoned to the Stae police at New Salem, but before the constabulary arrived other house were shot up. The bandits escaped to the outskirts of the town, but were quickly appre headed. BOORS BARRED TO HUSBAND BY OPERASINGER Walska's Orde "Admit No. body,"f Apisk Alexander Cochran, He Is Told. PARIS. dept. 24.-Returning from Dieppe yesterday Ganna Walska, beautiful 4pera singer. drove In a closed limousine to the mansion at 14 Rue Lubeck. where nbe remains bar ricaded against all comers. Even her husband. Alexander Smith. Cochran. who journeyed from the Hotel Rits soon after her arrival. found1 he door shut tight. The jani-) tor slhe had order, to admit no to everybod, 'o matte wh i ed I Cochran returned to the hotel ufter the janitor Imparted this informatIon ter iquirr were tod Min. Wal as kasior aion is due to roe up In Noeber, Itinderstod tomorow, ewol yonly: "Every Wralska is t onadeg aeun to th hc she frmerl was member Comn y intended to tae erumIk will depart fo Nw Yok o seam.boat with Mr.Malon. Abar th Ge Wasngt ad iehae been set chiefy in St anad. lb .lsa to ......i t.o P"s Stoi K.K.LKGIRDS TO WAR ON CATHOLICS Offtica Organ of Klan Chal letups ftmau Churh to Doeth Saul. The Ka AKux p swgstated in Atlaeds rsterde, MWuagl its of fieL prompraad. sked, ihe Bearek Aigt, a deelartion efwr" against the a xm- 'Catholiu Owrek and the Knighab of Celuwtbue. the Kiam in vited "al Ameriesa parewt" to take VP its tikt, la.Qdap's 'nneninn 4 h. V. C. A to "suad ats I-&-e nt" try. Heu Orture end tel. of a f.uilty in.e ligstion now uinder way at Colmbie iverit. ATLANTA, Go., Sept. 24.-A ckal lge of war to the death is huried at al1 members of the Roman Cath ek Church and the Knights of Columbus in particular in the latest issue- of theSarhli tofficial I arm of the KU Klux Ma . triots are calleCon to shed their blood in defense of Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler, heaki of the woman's division of the Klan. Kla's Can to War. The war challenge was part of a highly inflammatory editorial signed by Carl F. Hutcheson, young Atlanta attorney, who, as a member of the school board, obtained prominence re Dently by his active part in having fired a veteran school teacher for the reason that she Is a CathoUe. The editorial contained the follow In~rrah: 0bnIss L bugle eanl So an of you te bucle en yer esor and iefend this goed ly, eve, with rear ives! "To you American patriots, we address ourselves! Unleash your logs of war and make these hounds of convict stripe pay penalty for the great injury done. To you we Ippeal! Southern womanhood has ben slaughtered! "RAt War Ceme." "Who is back of the damnable ruggernaut which extinguishes a lenan's life, character and reputa tion, in order to carry on the fight ent the Knights of Ku Klux "Patriots view the hellish counti. Iseaes of hundreds of thousands of Knights of Columbus and millions )f members of the Roman Catholic hureh! "Patriots, if ever red blood ran 1 through your veins for pure Amer Swomanhood, innocent and unde .1ed Southern womanhood, for the purity of your home and househod, et It run now with a warmth that (news no quenching! Yea, let your* ilod spurt fire! If thet's must be evar with the Roman Catholics, the Knights of Columbus, and their hire lang newspapers, editor, and reporers.d et it 'come! We are ready." Slnmmens Leaves Cdity. Col. William J. Simmon, Impteuial Plisrd of the Ku Klux Klan, left At- I ante, yesterday to be gone for a week. lE Members of hi. family and ether of. F 'iclals of the Klan refused to state his t orhis destinatIon. His son t its that Colonel Simmons had left a he ei ,but with the usual secrecy of ii he , othrolnat refused to dia mlos t. c It was also impossible to find Fd. ward Young Clarke, Imperial Kleagle. it the Imperial Palace yesterday, and ther officials refused to state whether ne bad left the etty. A secret meeting of the Atlanta Klan a Phureday night caDed before it Mr.- a Mlisbeth Tyler, who, with k4 has t4 en under fire, It was the mttime d n the history ef the erder that a worn. a sa has ever attended a meeting of the lant, and it was deoe in Order that the lI lanemen might attest th*i loyalty to , er In ispite et charges against her. p (dyeleps (lives Ster. Description of the meeting was noun ined in s statement furnished the tluanta newspapers last nigt "signed er the Cyepa with the otillseal." b rsahdeadof a leaklaaand ( esothued en Paa S. aChluan S3 e ry B15 LADY BLACK RUNNING.EN Mrs. Ashby, wife of an ez-serges shoeing and blacksmith's business land. She gained her elperience isfied her ambition by starting her LACK OF EATER SERIOUS Blow TO MR, TAFT Ex-President Very Anxious for a Certain Amount of Wetness In His Home. Water, water everywhere, but not a rep at the new home qi Chief Justice 'illiam Howard Taft. at 2241 Wyom mg avenue northwest. Realising that if he was to have offee and soft-boiled eggs for break mat tomorrow something must be one in a hurry, Justioe Taft motored D-the District building In search of Dme one who would turn on the water t his home. In his wanderings through the Div rict building he came upon Edward I. Grove. a clerk in the Water De artment. It wasn't long after the z-President of the United States ex lained his mission that Water tegistrar Wallace and Mr. Grove dis atched a man to the Taft home. I MORE ACCEPT BIDS TO HARDING'S WORK PARLEY Seerrtary of Commerc.e Hoover to my announced that three lmore invita ions to attend President Harding's neplemen t conference have been The new members are: 'Clarence J. icks, of New York, assistant to the resident of the Standard Oil Comn any; James A. Campbell, of Youngs wn. Ohio, i~jdent of the Yoenngs iwn Sheet d Tube Compay rid Charles V. Babeach, of St. aul, way commissioner of Minnesota. -one invitation, to attend the ,nference have now linen aeoepted. UOLSHEVIK" CATERPILLARS MENACE BALKAN CROPS "Bolshevik' caterpillars are men eing the mrope of Bulgaria. Bileeta rid Meravia. according to a report the Department of Commerce to my from American Consul Winan. SPrague. A new variety of caterpillar, be ived to ceome from Russia. has al iady done hug damage to the crops Bulgaria. lsa and Moravia. the pert sta e. Cuts Pay Cent an Hour. PHILADZU'PHIA. Sept. f4.--The a * * wTo SMITH IS IGLISH SHOP it and major, has started a horse near Leatherhead, Surrey, Eng luring the war and has now sat own force. AIRMEN ASSAIL ALABAMA'S HULK WITH SMOKE BOMBS NEWPORT NEWS, Sept. 24. Army airmen continued their bom. badatent of the defenseless old bat tleship Alabama today in efforts to prove that the day of battleship su premacy Is gone. Today's experiments included an attack with smoke bombs, swath ing the gray old hulk in a thick, Impenetrable blanket of smoke, and a later attack with small demolition b~omb. The experiments to date have proven * universly successful. The armny airmen, under cormand of Et. Gen. William Mitchell, are Juhilant over the showing made, and mven the naval observers have been rorced to admit that the showing has been Impressive. BURLESON'S UMBRELLA PERHAPS LEFT IN EUROPE Albert Sidney Burleson, former Postnaster General, who has just returned from Europe, has apparent. y learned continental fashions. At any rate he appeared in Wash. ngton today without an umbrella ucked under his arm and Washing. on hardly knew him. for during his maany years in public service here an unbrella has been his constant conk. panlon. NOODSIDE RE-ELECTED HEAD OF FOREION VETS DE2TRO1T. Sept. 24-Capt. Robert rI. Woodwide, of Pittsburgh. was today re-elected agtional commander of the eterans of Foreign Wars, which Is holding a cronvention here. He won by a vote of 323 to 213, de resting Colonel Huston. of New York meity, owner of the New York Amern ans. Huston put up a strong ftght ror the office. TALIAN CROWD HOOTS FAROLLE AND BARRERE MILAN, Sept. 24.-Anti-Prench larrere. General Dias, chief of the darshal Earolle and Ambassador lemonstrations broke out in Venice oday in coaneetlon with the visit of talian general staff, attempted to estore order, but faiIe.. if students and were meverely iqstled Mf. Brrers was caught in a crewd efore being rescued. The press do. loree the Ineident. 'LOODS LEAVE 18,000 HOMELESS IN MEXICO MEX100 CITY. Sept. 34.--Dighteen housand persons are homiebmse Ia the ampico petroleum district as the r. ult of heavy rains that have Seeded he Panuco river. At least two per one are dead and many are lnjurel.I Lightning set en fire a e the paa OIl Csaany caushn 91 U.00 Patt EATH OF ACTRESS LAID To INJURIES Hope That Testmuy Wod Prove Drink Caused Fatait Is Shattared. By IM-A M. 'lasse.mio suenms to samh aasr attemst seday to wrest troen the 'Np. of Al Sesmaeh, mamager of the la Virginia Rappe, wih Ubwose murder Rose.e "Fatty" e stands charged, the =en Isa story which Semnacher told a Los Angeles grand jury earlier in the week regarding alleged admissions of Arbuckle "the morning after" the gay party at which the State claims she received the injuries which caused the death of the pretty young film actress. Three Hoers Grilng. Throughout three hours of griling yesterday afternoon semnacher par ried all efforts to bring this out. and in addition materially softened testi mony that he had given at sessions of the local grand Jury and coroner's in tiuest. So marked was his reluctance to give material testimony that he was Inally ruled a "hostile" witness in order to permit the State to proceed with his questioning tinder rules of tross-xamination rather than the more refined process of direct exam i nation. "On with the party'" was the cry as Miss Rappe, the dying actress, was borne from the Arbuckle hotel suite. following "Fatty's" alleged attack upon her, according' to Semnacher. Testimony to thin effect was one of the sordid features of the hearing yes terday. 8emnacher said that the party continued, with drinking, singing, and dancing, while Miss Rappe, in a room not far way, was dying. Develops Bad Mesmry. Semnacher, a nervous wiry litite man whose dark, sparkling eyes peeped cautiously from behind shell rimmed glasses, developed a b&4 memnory. "I don't know," came frsqnently fromn his lips.tLhs n~r Confronted with his answers to im. iar questions before the coronwe's inquest he expressed the bellE that the stenographer had misquoted him. The examination developed into a battle of wits and sharp and crafty as were the efforts of Assistant Di. u u lyAt ey Gdethe witness It was only after two hours and a half of questiomnig that Golden brought forth trom Seismacher th Abckle's room. "I am iflying! I am dying!" Senm nachter quoted her as saying and described her as oving frown side to side as If in pain. She was en tirely devoid of elsth ug when he entered the room, he sd.Two wrn., an, whose names he esuMd not re member, had preceded him by several mnautee, he said. He was empat that no noises had omte fren the room and said that Arbuckle was in the other room "having a drink" when the two wossen who. had ea tered the bedrooma rushed .Mut and summnoned help. Mmt Questims e M When this stry f eest th Stas anamanasa lt Reen esaingesn~agehern's gues. psbet in hear and 6 oestlnued thea ntil st us.with the - thapechetaasbas wiN Saag in s thmame~ ap parent shift of pressetion to a de.ene the aneunemta tsderb Asit