Newspaper Page Text
Riik +Brothers 1213 F Suits Street Frocks Afternoon Dresses Original Modes in c h a r a c t eristic RIZIK ideas. Our showing .for Au tumn has never before been quite so replete with models of unusual grace and charm. EAN BEAUTY SHOP - rwne Building 1800 Street 0,vr Val Richter's Shoe Shop) urese Tur mpleon. Try t reatmt . be con Tha B they are different. Lttsentifi methods of sAlp tneaLt am" ~sfi Alt rme t rie 2s th Mte. W .cb a a ZIP Nounr". Phone rank. 618 7% la"e to* HaveT YOUR FURS Deaeddekor hpaired. Lowest i n city. We do our own work. Owl.08ag to unfavorable weather ceaitions AU Chokers anewn A ILO Sarfc rcs 829 14th Street N. W. he men ma y i ne. NEURITIS tandreds of Testimonials of Relief Della Ledendcker, Chirpractor e614 N W g orf. 076 Formal Openi TAILORSUI Wen womasntn may ohese mosde mbe with thesnwso an clasns okatnshi cratnd at res ofprices. Usly rice disi00,v Open thepesoalgiThse oafkMonGO teA. or25~.rahaTeir a acuf d i Phendl ie.. ofWsintnmay co INJINTIBIIDA FIGHTITTICKED MWrs Condemns Operators' Pl. Avkft Jifte Ander. se to Retrah thion. * sews srvise. Tache isVrgina situation can bwta by an Injuncton -M* t r It can be by gun 011111 * g &vsrWAiet.- Frank the American ,decared in a Isa,=tt to nig on the at ' ;oeraor C4.have asked Judge Aeseta1a lis to enjom miness .#&J tap to unionipe sGun of the op r is ," MorWssN "sid. h coal rad - t .ther West Virginia is sot strong henaghem is their peonage to an Injuno m"iT goal owners p hat the minerse untlo Is lwu Coro bination4 mMpd.phas is always WsWI ntisl a when they attept, den~lug the right to or t* eouee wso p oen o ore a worki oo s. The ot yrginia aituation cannot be oleared ljp by an Injunction Judge, no more than It can be by gunmen and thug government, The oaly remedy Is the widest publcity. The cost owners' attitude toward publicity is indicated by the recent sta~ement In the public prs htthey et ted- tat Senat inves gating committee to defer- their probe while a trIgi in Mingo County is on. Th miners ojcted to this pro "Anotber signifteant fact, announced in the public pras, is the absence of the sheriff of Logan County while members of the Senate co mittee were In that section. It is sta the sheriff was "on a huntmg expedition." One would suppose this sheriff would be the Urst to welcome the Senators. "These methods will nqt bring peace in West Virginia and I hope that Judge Anderson will for once forego taking over duties of the 'law making and law enforcing departments of govern ment and notify these coal owners that they abandon using a State gov ernment for their anti-union purpose and permit the West Virginia govern. puent tip function." NEW IR BRAKE PROVES BIG SUCCESS IN TEST DENVER, Sept. 25.-One of the most remarkable experiments in the application of air brakes on moun lain grades has just been reported by the . Automatic Straight Air Brake Company. The demonstration took place with a thirty-four car freight train on the Denver and Salt Lake Railway. The - trin was pulled by a single locomotive. The entire train weighed 2.341 tons, and the test took place on a 4 per cent mountain grade from Corona to Tolland. Col. Corona is at the crest of the Con ithental Divide, I.6I feet qbove sea level. and I* the highest point In the world reached by a standard gauge -railroad. The. train was al towed to reach bisb speed and was stopped by one application of the brake withopt buckling and within a comparatively brief space of time. The automatic brake is a new de. vice recently approved by the In terstate Commerce Commission as a preventive of railroad accidents. BANK MISSES $125,000; CASHIER IS ARRESTED VINCENNES. Ind., Sept. 25.-Roy E. Laughlin. thirty-eight, cashier of the Bridgeport Bank and Trust Com port at Bridgeport, Ill.. just west of here, ras arrested yesterday on a charge of forgery. - - Following an examination of books by State examiners, a shortage of more than $125,000 is alleged. Forged notes on some of Lawrence county's citizens were found, it is said. ng E~IN son's latest n exclusive est fabrics' s the high able range CDSTEN nd created . S to a su- * - Nothing miore than an in tro ductory offer whereby the no and sequaint them. Bnd the ieonable BTEIN le Ladi' 1Corner MORNia~d86 NE NNN About ~l lg ~ i~m *~ZP our Ydt3a Deferred .vere ta , a I . a$10.00 The Last Week 27th nnual Furnitre Sale Reductions Range From 10% to 50% 200 Piec= of 150 Bedrooni Suites 50 Dintng Room Suites Living Room Furniture( Three (3) piece Lving Room Suite, consisting of large Gentlemen's Mahogany Chifforobe. Former price, $120. American Walnut Buffet. egular price $248.00. Sp Davenport, Armchair and Arm Rocker to match; uphol. ber Sale price, $69.50. stered in tapestry. Suite is made with spring seats; spring any Four Poster Bed, ful or twin size. September edge and spring cushion. Three (8) pieces, September Se Sale price, $35 China Cae to match. Regular price, $179.00. Septem price, $285.0. Mahogany Drsser. Former price, $84.00. September bor Sale price, $89.50. Three (3) piece Mahogany and Cane Living Room Sui e.00. Suit pice Mhogny ad Cne Lvin Roo Sute. Six Piece Walnut Polychrome Bedroomr Suite. Former SrigTbet ac.Rglrpie i20.Sp Suite consists of large Davenport, Armchair and Am price, $690.00. September Sale price, $".50. Rocker to match; Mulberry figured velour upholstering. Mahogany-finish Dresser. Former price, $129.00. Sep- tember Sale price, $56.00. Former price of suite, $426.00. September Sale price of tember Sale price, $79.50. suite, $323.00. Chiffonier to match Former price, $107.00. September Walnut Dining Table to match. Regular price, $143.00. Three (3) piece Mahogany-finish Living Room Suite, Sale price, $69.50. September Sale pice, $71.50. tapestry upholstering. September Sale price of suite, Toilet Table to match. Former price, $89.00. September Mogany Buffet. Regular price, $221.00. September $89.00. Sale price, $59.50. Three (3) piece Living Room Suite, consisting of short Full-size Bed to match. Fomer price, $71.00. Septem- Sale price, $127.00. Davenport, Armchair and Arm Rocker to match. Mulberry Sale price $47.0. Dveport pholrn Form Rce, $650.00. Septeber Mahogany Dresser. Former price, $150.00. September Mahogany Buffet. Regular price, $40.00. September' velour upholstering. Former price, $550.00. SeptemberSale price, $200.00. SaleChiffonier to match. Former price, $140.00. September Sale price, $97.50. Mahogany Buffet. Regu price, $163.00. September GentlemenaFuhsize Bed to match. Former price, $110.00. Sop- Sale price, $100.00 etember Sale price, $76.50. GoldeIn Oak Hall Rack. Former price, $2.00. Sep- Vanity Dresser to match. Former price, $190.00. Sep favvhop Rola ,u~ir-n tCISf 6A *m"", 4&1. 01 AS MO F "-. 91am This Tea Wagon equipped with remov- This. Gate-leg Table, size 4-8inches able tray and four rubber-tired wheels. round, in dull mahogany finigh. Sep- Mahogany Living Room Table, Queen Solid Ialogany Spinet Desk, spcal A splendid addition to the dining room. tember Sale price, $41.& Anne design. Former price, $45.00. Sep- dull finish. Former price, $50.00. Sep-| September Sale price, $24.00. Windsor Side Chair to match, $10.50. tember Sale price, $38.00. tember Sale price, $42.50. The Linen Shop' D Carpets and Rugs Special attention is called to the following low prices Drapery epartm en The Last Week of the September Sale on needed household Linen. A Porticls, 50 inches wide and 2 yards offers you some unusual opportunities to secure your Utica and Pequot Sheets and Cases greatly reduced. long. Blue, brown, mulberry and green. Regularly fail door covering needs at Sizes mentioned are torn sizes before hemming. $8.00 pair. Spcial, $575 pair. Pillowcases, 42x86 inches. Reduced to..36c Each Lacet Arabian Curtains, 2 yards long; neat Pill6wcases, 45x86 inches. Reduced to. .36e Each edge border. Regularly $7.50 and $8.50 pair. One lot of Seamless Velvet Rugs Special Prices Sheets, 54x90 inches. Reduced to..... $113 Each Special, $5O pair. in rich Persian colorings-heavy 912 $4.60 Sheets, 68x90 inches. Reduced to.....$1.26 Each Tapestry Couch Covers, 60 Inches wide; full pile rugs that will w ar. 8.3z10.6 $42.00 Sheets, 72x90 inches. Reduced to..... $1.39 Each length, reversible. Oriental designs and colorings. Wilton Rugs, fine, eavy quality, Sheets, 72x99 inches. Reduced to. $1.52 Each Special, $4.50 each. in beautiful Oriental effects; in S Sheets, 81x90 inches. Reduced to.....$1.54 Each fact, copies of high-grade Eastern Sheets, 90x90 inches. Reduced to..... $1.67 Each Duplex Velvet Po~tieaes, French edges, color rugs. $105.00 values. 9x12 size only.1 Not both qualities in all sizes combinations of green, brown, rose mulberry and Figured Sna Rugs-the old- 9z12 SS8.0 sold.___Special,____$25.00___pair. 36072 $9.50 $9.50 White Satin-finish Bedspread; scalloped edge, g fashioned rugs that seemed to have 3 $7.75 cut corner, for single beds, with scalloped sham to Tapestry Couch Covers, heavy, reversible fabric; no end of wear, and are still rugs 26z54 $55 match, for $6.06 set. dark Oriental colorings. Regularly $13.50. Special, that will give excellent service. 21z45 W8 $8.75 White Satin Bedspread and Shams, scalloped $7.50 each. Axminster Rugs-Seaml A 02 $4L50 edge, cut corner, for double bed. For $5.75 set. goodly selection of attractiv signs~ ~ andJ0. cooins3llseia 00 $2.50 White Krinkle Dimity Spreads, hemmed; 72x90 2 besto sity Oil Ohaque, m n ed n gugrs low c 1 inches. $1.65 each. $12.00 Strictly All Pure Wool Blankets, pink andcolors, Reversible Art Rugs. Ve good x $10.50 white or blue and white checks. Size 66x80 inches. and shadings. 912 $19.00 For $7.50 pair. Fine quality Drapery Net, filet weave, flower These special low prices for the 9x15 $27.50 -215 $3.0 $11.0 White Wool (cotton warp) Blankets, pink or and 0lure designs. Some of these are 50 inches week. 1 blue borders. Sizes 70x82 inches. For $7.35 pair. wide. Regularly priced up to $3.00 yard. Special, 18z36 $&.5 $12 Fancy Plaid Wool, with Cotton Warp Blankets.$.25 Size 66x80 Inches. Blue, pink or tan checks. lai. Drapery Scrim, white, cream and ecru; 6 Oval Braided Rugs, woven In all 2448 Siz 668OinceL lu, pnk r an hecs.$L$ p iinches wide; plain center; double open-work bor- the light, airy colorings typical of 27z$4 $6.50 19eders. Special, yard. the old colonial rag rugs, with the 6x63 $9.75 TowHmels d3 Incch1.kls eamd fto use: 86-inch Drapery Net, white and ivory, filet added advantage that they lie 4 x71/s .$20.00 Towels, weave, small figure designs.. Regularly up to 75c firmly on the floor. iXn M5O each.$.00 Napki, 202 yard. Special, 35 yard. SxlO $45.00 29c Hemmed Huckaback Inches, for $220 dozen. oin chess Lace Curtains, white and Towels, 19x88 inches, 20eih~ n D 1 $80 Toeah. $8.50 Inches, 2202 Ivory, 2% and'3 yards long; neat edge border or Li1noleum Rugs 6X9 $7.50 59ch e $nche Nakin Insertion designs. Special, $7.50 pair. Try one In your kitchen or break- 7.610.6 $11.50 line HmUtckc Towls, inhs o2 $45dzn fast room anid you'll like the effect. I9z12 $14.75 linen Huckaback Towels, $42 Nakn,.1 4 18x86 inches, 37c each. ih Napin, dozen $1.00 Fancy Silkoline Covered Lamb Wool-mixed Everything in Carpets $1ches for $3.65 doPen. Comforts. Pleasing color combinations; full size. $3.90 Our unusually large stock of carpets in all widths, $1.25 Hemnstitched Pure Linen Huckaback Towels, $2.50 Napkins, 11 Gac*V from 27 inches to 9 feet, and a wide range of colorings 21x36 inches, 8W. each. lzkches, for *1.55 dozesn. $11.00 Fancy Colored Nainsook Covered Wool-lined affords you unusual opportunities to supply your needs 85c Bleached Pure Linen $1.00 Bleached Hemmed Comfofts. New desigs and colorings. For $7.50. with the least possible delay. Crash Toweling for 25. Table Tops, 45x45 inches, 25c Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels,, 23x44 In., 2 Plain colors as low as...............$285 yard. 70c each. . 39cS Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels, M845 in., 30. each Figured effects as low a.............$145 $1.00 Bleached Imported $1.80 Bleached Hemmed 50 Hqmmed Turkish Bath Towels, 21x45 in., 37. each Bordered Hall Runners for apartments and hotels Damask, 70 inches wide,86 lches wide.................. 45 Dt am,7. Ice wide ach.sSx5ich VW IOr RetRom, ManhF , Rea 54 inches wide ....................$5.W5