(Continued from First Page.)
start this week. Information has been
received that special investigators are
on their way here from Washington
to make the probe.
Clarke, imperial keagle of the klan,
In a letter to Colonel Simmons. last
night demanded that the Wizard ac
cept his resignation together with that
of Mrs. Tyler, head of the women's
These resignations were submitted
to .Coonel Sitmons. following publi
cation of charges against Clarke and
Mrs. Tyler. The charges were follow
ed by demands from A. Donald Bate
kleagle of the State of New Jersey,
that Clarke and Mrs. Tyler be dis
Daugherty's Agents
Keep Close Watch on
"Wizard" of Ku Klux
Agents of the Department of Jus
tice are closely watching the move
ments of William Simmons, im
perial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan,
it developed today. Last reports tow
Attorney General Daugherty stated
that Simmons is confining his move
ments 'to Atlanta, his home, and its
It was explained that the agents
were keeping track of Simmons so
that he would be available immedi
'ately if Daugherty decides to sum
mon him to Washington for exam
Daugherty, who is visiting his
home in' Ohio for a few days, prob
ably will decide when he returns to
Washington whether to question
Simmons and other high officers of
the klan. He is expected back
within a few days.
Two Senators now are among the
members of Congress who are press
ing for a Congressional investigation
of the activities of the klan. Senator
Pomerene of Ohio expressed his
amazement at the growth of the klan
In Ohio. and Senator King of Utah
indignantly deciared the United States
cannot afford to harbor any such or
ganization. Both Senators demand a
thorough investigation.
Under the direction of William J.
Burns, chief of the Justice Depart
ment Secret Service, scores of opera
tives are running down various angles
of the klan activities. Department of
Justice agents. including district at
torneys, marshals and others, are ac
t ive in hundreds of cities in a search
for evidence. Postoffice agents also
are gathering evidence. Local of
ficials are aiding the Government
Before leaving for Ohio Daugherty
said that the Government will search
into every nook and cranny of the
Ku Klux Klan; examine every activ
ity and settle the question of whether
the organization is in violation of the
Pederal laws. If the evidence proves
the Ku Klux Klan to be inimical to
the interests of the Government,
prosecution will be started Immedi
Claims Nine Men Have Defeated
Justice by Letting Oamn
biers Oo Free.
MEDIA, Pa., Sept. 25.--Under the
leadership of Mrs. Julia Yarnall, of
Swarthmore, active in social and edu
cational circles, six women and five
men, members of the Delaware county
grand jury yesterday went on a strike
against the action of nine other grand
jurors, all men, who had refused to
return indictments against prisoners
seized In the Chester gambling raids
last month.
With Mrs. Yarnall as their spokes
man, they summoned Assistant Dis
trict Attorney McCarter to the grand
jury room and informed him that they
would not consider any more bills
until they were allowed to protest in
court against the action of the nine
jurors who, they claimed, deliberately
thwarted justice. It was arranged
that their protest shall not be heard
until Monday, the jury being excused
until then.
'"The whole proceeding is absolutely
outrageous," said Mrs. Yarnall. "I is
Impossible to go along this way any
longer. The nine men who have been
continually voting against us block
any action that is right.."
On Thursday the grand jury ignored
the bill against William McClurg, one
of nine alleged gamblers, by an eleven
to nine vote, and put the costs on John
O'Toole, county dteotive.
I '
F I,0001
Mrs. Elisabeth Tyler, woman beh
the Invisible Emp ire of the Ku E
conferrinig with Lloyd P. Hooper,
New York, in the Pennsylvania Hol
in New York city doing organisat
54009,000 FILM
Deal for Picture Spectacle to
Outdo "Birth of a
NEW YORK.Sept. 25.-Plans ap
proved by Imperial Kleagle Edward
Young Clarke to have a New York
motion picture corporation make an
elaborate and costly feature film to
he used as propaganda for the Ku
Klux Klan were uncovered yesterday
by investigators working in this city.
Approximately 5400,000 was the
sum to be expended on a screen spec
tacle planned.to imitate and outrival
"The Birth of a Nation." and the con
tract for making it was drawn and
otwarded to the Wheeler Productions.
Inc., 1620 Broadway. "Ypsterday, To
day and Forever" was the title seleot
ed for this piece of up-to-date Ku Klux
Is Yale Man.
Clifford Slater Wheeler. president of
the Wheeler Producers, Inc., who de
scribed himself as a Yale man and Yale
club member, a captain in the French
urmy for four years during the war,
an da Ku Klux kleaglel in the "realm"
of New York, admitted yesterday his
company got the contract after Ar
thur Donald Bate, a former vice presi
Aent of the Wheeler Corporation and
king kleagle of the third territorial
Ku Klux district of New Jersey. went
to Atlanta last March and discussed
the project with Imperial Kleagle
Bate, who lives at 338 Rahway ave
nue, Elisabeth, N. J.. is the klansman
who several days ago sent a telegram
to Imperial Wizard Simmons calling
in him to dismiss Imperial Kleagle
Clarke and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler. fol
lowing the revelations against the
"The idea of the moving picture
scheme met with the aoornval of
Clarke and Imoerial Wizard Sim
mons." said Kleagle Wheeler yes
terday. "Kleagle Bate brought back
, letter which was binding until the
contract was delivored. Some time
later I learned from Atlanta that
Lloyd P. Hooper, New York grand
goblin, had received the contract. It
was never turned over to me and for
some reason or other the matter came
to a standstill. I have been unable
to locate Hooper for some time.
(Got Yale Men In.
"I joined the Ku Klux Klan."
Wheeler declared. "when Hoopcr first
mme to this city. I- opened up the
klan in New Haven last spring and
rolled up a large membership there.
including numerous Yale men. At the
Yale Club in this city, where I am a
member, I got quite a few of the boys
to join. I was a captain for four
yeoars in the French army and saw
service in Russia. Cbnditions in the
Soviet government opened my eyes,
and when I returned to this country
I made numerous ant--Bolshevik
speeches through the New England
"The Ku Klux advertisements came
to my attention, especially those con
2erning anti-Bolshevism. I joined, be
lieving the organization 100 per cent
Ameriqa. Of course, we bar Catho
lics and Jews, but I never knew the
klan was anti-Jowish or anti-Catholic.
[f the charges concerning Mrs. Tyler
and Mr. Clarke are true, I'm afraid it
will reflect on our organization. I'm
going to Atlanta in the immediate fu
ture to see things for myself. I want
to clear up a few matters."
PARIS, Sept. 25.--Premier Briand,
Fdlnister of Colonies Barraut, and
Ambaseador Jusserand will make up
three of the four members of the
F~rench delegation to the Washing
lon conference, it was learned today.
The fourth delegate is yet to be
selected. He probably will be M.
Loucheur, minister for liberated
regions. M. Viviani, former premier,
was spoken of. but he will be coin
Slied to remain in Franoe by his
e of Nations work. Premier
Briand is expected to remain in
Washington several weeks, after
which he will return and his place
as head of the French delegation
will be taken by Ambassaor Jums
"Sicking" Dog Costs $1 B.
CHICAGO. Sept. 25.-Mrs. Danda
Sebach "sicked" ido on Jacob Ha
maa, a pedler. The judge ordered her
.o pay 515 for damages to Hagam's
-ali= amaEd m.
Ind the throne in women's chapter
lux Klan, shown nounced that the
grand goblin of ship had not bee1
el. Mrs. Tyler is would have to w4
ion work for the
Vicious Pm
Scored B
Pastor of the E
A great public service is
Hearst papers in exposing ti
so-called Ku Klux Klan.
The facts in the case, as i
cials in the columns of The I
amazing and dumbfounding.
story or piece of fiction, for
imagination toward lands fa:
the human mind and memory
Yet all of these things, to
existing condition of affairs
America, and at this all-glor3
Much as one would desire to prove
the matter an Innocent pastime, or
a bit of imagination, the indictment
here seems to be so strong and of such
grave nature an to leave no doubt be
hind. It is evident that we have nere
to deal with a vicious element acting
arbitrarily against all law and order.
stopping before nothing in carrying
on thir sytem of blackmail. extortion
and murderous design-a regular
"black-hand" in American style.
Imagine a force of 700,000 (among
them men of power and influence and
officials of state) threatening to infest
the whole country with lawlessness
and high-handed rule of their own, and
striking terror into the hearts of a
peaceful citizenship.
Tendency of America.
Involuntarily we are Induced to ask
the question: Whither are we drift
ing? What will become of America
and its traditional love for elnocracy
and fair play? What will be left
of its cherished principles and the
r.oble Constitution assuring an accused
person trial by jury, and guaranteeing
the meanest of citizens the right of
life, liberty and the pursuit of hap
What means all of this savage on
slaught against the foreign born, all
this vulgar incitement of rsce-hatred
and religious prejudice? An-1 this at
a time when America and all worldly
nations are working laboriously in one
united effort to readjust matters be
tween them all, to wipe off prejudice
and ill-feeling to bring on a proper
understanding and reconciliation be
tween races and creeds?
How long then is such evil spell of
reaction to be ailowed to continue tc
spread havoc over the citizenship of
this country? How long will America
be ruled by mad fanaticism and mock
Dietists, clad in the garb of saints
from the shades of the dead past, cry
lag their patriotism from the house
tops, clamoring to be the lect 100
per cent Protestant Christi, n Amer
lcans, and claiming the right for them
selves alone to rule and owrn America;
thus undermining the very vitals of
democracy upon which the American
commonwealth is based? How far
will this tragi-comical procedure o?
eLownish clan-business be driven?
Savors of Bigotry.
To drive out Jews, Catholics, ne
groes and all the foreign-born from tht
land-that is, we will say, too much 0t
a big bite to swallow. even for a big,
mystic Ku Klux Klan, with its fright
zul and royally imposing names, and
its weird garbs and guises of the de-ad.
The queer notions, fade and fanciful
display of unnamed knighthood may
have been in place in Germany under
Godfrey arid the crusades in the clev
enth century and a continuation there
of in the year. that followed. The
riark machinations against unsuspect
Ing citizens may have been gobd
eenough In the workings of the Spanish
Inquisition and medieval ages. So the
secret agencies and pogrom incitement
in Russia under the erstwhilq czarist
regime and Pan-Blavism, as lo( as it
lasted, that, too, can be explainod in
the way of "tyranny versus Jewry."
But to, what purpose are the fopmlish
etunts of the .9-called Ku Klux Klan,
with its ghostlike stalking over the
ities' streets in the dead of the night,
If for anything else than a minstrel
If such organization was thought to
he a necessity immediately after the
eivil war, there is certainly no excuse
for its existence at the present time.
All of -us here. as elsewhere, have had
enough of "frightfulness" in the seven
year's of world war and the after-maths
thereof, We need no more of that in
this land of freedom and peace. Nor
dloes anybody care a rap for the si-as
medic reform afforded by the Klan.
Tt is an Ill wind which hodes no good
to any portion of the American citizen
.hlp. Give Mtan one of your fingers
and he will soon have the whole of
your hand, heart and soul.
And uks- iet us= ash, hem g.... the
v of the Ku Klux, Mrs. Tyler an
organization for women's member
1completed and that all applications
kit until this work was completed.
-poses of
Rabbi Loel
[ebrew Institute.
now being rendered by the
ie secret 4machinations of tht
-evealed by ex-klansmen offi.
Vashington Times, are simply
They read like some fairy.
which one must stretch the
e away and times remote to
our sorrow, appear to be an
right here in our own free
ring twentieth century.
clansmen the right to exalt themselves
above the ret of the American citsen
ship? Who has vestedl them with au,
thority to question and inquisition the
thoughts, the feelings and obeliefs ol
peoples and creeds; to pass tem all r
review and to judge an to who oi
which of them is worthy ad dp
Ing of grace, and who or which toIt
be doomed eternally and driven off th
Challengs ght.
We challenge even the bt of thai
tribe of the self-styled per
centers an to loyalty and patroti<
devotion. We point to the Proud
records of Jewish men in the world
war, by far exc ing their % ots
and excelling in their signal Persce
We Jews have sent our ons Among
the. first, and have given unstint
Ingly f our blood and tresur ill
the he re of the American flag
(Th? writer of these lines ha had
his own two sons abroad through
nearly all of the course of the two
years of the American operat ona
In the Etropean war. one of the
a private in the 149th Field Artil,
iery of the famous Fortyseyond
(Rainbow) Division and passing
through with distincton In seven o
the biggest campaigns that won the
victory for the American arm.
We make no display of ourselves
and of our prowess. W e aro).
ways ready to serve our country in
peace as well as In War. We de,
mand no thanks for our service. We
We Jeem hav ben our polaindt as
cte. Wet ado hnot giren urn
pThwrite of thee ite. tees an
noarly alar otfi the oure of tevery
yerslve that Awerwouad notaccond
int theropLie and ear v, ouhr
agarivte our tneho, ast chaeld Aryl
:cy he fossanders and mies-n
(Rinbof makersion. hand nothing t
the biggest, owever that wonte
vicorforadbneilt the Amrcnause
Wfte communityadiarely of thle
aornd of ourpoes. e the fal
naredy to srope o ory ia
pcensm We eleve, war the con
mrandy, thanksAmericanur spelc lie
aeno farplcgto for what hl
e uder ito beng orulain dut ano
thatAmeocaism i iis' dstrialany
oppsevd tha wen woul otc acod
uto thercis. Liv ndimldtivn, ilack
motto and hemvehno tevi desiacte
ohif manoert e aee.i t
Fie aaafrom pic otie.
FWrt, iwas, thoerHama" wer
paeul and bthedamaloe Prtcole
chrg the mmunith ard nynftroe
ands famtonngal the cns ribes ofwa
upthem.ul-b reorsmlrsb fchre are
eucid W onybey the f lnalse
agatendst th pRonsCato hldk
goons. thereivcopan to mthery.n
Bgry and Ameindanacisml libet
seemd fi play fonfne two celassheor
ae, cnditios beig crued. Today ot
istht Amoertycofisc is damrec le
aopse the wieaon and vioreen
tothe acti of intim indaint lnes.
ail and besircing the haracforn
ofnocent eoplTe. r h nme
FflgtantofcisIsaMtion. Te
irst ito wsc the repubanc For
papers They thk e anale Potodl
and faningby the priuemen ofwa
uothem.n owmi elararns ahic
agans the nomanurpolic. Thgoran
goodnae ther Jusicomany inth wise
Bhigry acond' mblindt fanaiismt t
ses, inet cfimndt, ad, cor
cage conytioso orfes To ba
aongry.o the cve-ma and preimi
the garbarfietisdmitlns
ae suberting the mst vtal torthe
N. Y. Alderman Denounoes Ku
Klux-Lauds Papers
Fighting Schemes.
NEW YORK. Sept. 25.-Warm
praise for the exposure of the alms
and activities of the Ku Klux Klan
was vokced today by William T. Col
lins, majority leader of the board of
aldermen and chairman of its comu
mittee on general welfare.
Alderman Collins said,
"The New York American is de
serving of the greatest praise for
exposing the latest exhibition of
know-nothingism as exemplified in
the Ku Klux Klan. No organization
founded on principles violative of the
Constitution of the United States
and the fundamentals on which this
Government is founded can long sur
vive when exposed to the light of
"A fearless press can do no better
work than a vigorous exposure of
the machinations of the bigot and
the dissembler, the liar and the lie.
The New York American has always
rendered yeoman servie along this
line of endeavor, and its appeal to
the reasonable people of all races
and creeds in this country is bound
to stamp out forever from our body
politic this infamous Ku Klux band.
Empire Will Find Job Too B1g.
"Under the teachings of the Ku
Klux Klan. the Catholic, the Jew
and the fortign-born citizen are to
be subjected to the same ostracism
and contumely that the negro has
long suffered at its hands. A very
big contract is undertaken here by
the Invisible Empire. I venture to
say that over 70 per cent of the
American citisenryl is only one de
gree removed from the so-called for
eigner, and I do not believe that
there In more than 6 per cent which
is two degrees removed from the
same much-maligned citizen.
"Well, the Wizards and the
Kleagles of that 'Empire' will to
the way of their predecessors In that
field, and the devil's cure to them."
Condemnation of the Ku Klux
Klan, or of any other organization
with similar objects, is expressed In
a resolution prepared by the Ameri
canization committee of the John
Manning Battle Post of the Ameri
can Legion. Assistant District At
torney Albert Blogg Unger Is chair
man of the Americanization commit
tee. All members of the poet are
attaches of the district attorney's
Resolution of Legion Post.
The resolution follows:
"Whereas it appears that a secret
society. calling tself the Ku Klux
Klan, Is in procese of formation
throughout the United States, hav
ing as an essential element for its
existence a propaganda of religious
and racial hatred; be It
"Resolved; That the Americanisa
tion committee of John Manning
Battle Post-honored by the name
of a gallant young Carolinian who
gave his life on the field of battle
do hereby advise the rembers of
this post that such an organization
as the Ku Klux Klan is subversive
of the principles of republican gov
ernment and has no place in these
United States; and be it further
"Resolved; That said American
ization committee, composed as it is
of members of several races and
creeds, further advise the members
of this post that It in their duty to
hold In abhorrence and to shun and
condemn such secret orders as the
Ku Klux Klan."
Spurgin Trailed to Hiding Place
by Girl He Promised
to Marry.
EL PA51., Tex., Sept. 26.--Warren
C. Spurgin, fugitive president of the
wrecked Michigan Avenue Bank. is
firmly established in a feudal! strong
hold of Pancho Villa, 150 miiles from a
railroad and In a spot In Mexico wher.
he can and does defy the powers of'
both Mexico and the United States to
touch him.
He was traied to his hidinq place by
Mary Jane McGrath. better known by
her stage name, Masie Belmont
former sweetheart of the embezsler
lHe had promised to marry h.-r as soon
as he could divorce his wife. ?iut failed
to do so. Over 900 miles of sage
brush, by automobile, by burro and on
toot, she followed Spurgin and finally
c.aught up with him.
lie is under the protection of Villa.
who assured her that Spurgin war
iafe from the Mexican, th., United
$tates or any other government in the
Spurgin has entered into an arrange
ment with Villa to operate a gold mine
end Villa's men are to guard the ship
ments of bull on. Miss MGrath ii.
now back in ElPaso, Villa having re
fused to permit her to see or talk with
ernent to intervene and to stamp
out the rushing movemnt of the
Klan craze, which has no right to
exist if but part of the tales con
cerning its deeds of violence prove
true. Time to nip the movement In
the bud. The only way to accom
plish this end is publicity. Let the
searchlight of truth be thrown upon
the dark machinations of the Klan.
ore it spread its baleful influence
and mix up the entire citisenship by
the sowing of hatred and dissension
amid brethren dwelling peacefully to
4 4
Daghter of Gen. Robert P. Wynne, who recently returned from
iEuroe, was admired by the passengers for her remarkable beauty.
ter a, three weeks' stay in this country, Mrs. French plans to cross ti
the Atlantic again. General Wynne was Postmaster General In Roose- I
velt's Cabinet. k
Reflected inFashion'
. A bevy of the most striking origina
tions, which we are featuring at. . ......
ICTURED, the "'Exeter" Pump. One oft
P stle itsof te yar.Verychamin in
Blc afkno lakSee ih"a
Amon themanyothe newstyls w
are eatringat 9.7 are"Todle"Sanals
A fal eitio ofthe renh Sadaltta
withut penigs n frnt.Comein ari
ons lethers
other wingtips
newleaher. W
ness an Gne c
' mans facory c
Notaleals, a umbr o ne Fal an Oxord
5,000UA pi rsEnclue-eeya
Daugterof Gn. ober P.Wyte redceadeyespeciall froi- u
Eurpe wa amird y te assngrs orherreakKdablk n bext.
Aftr athee eek'tayinthi contyars Fn pand to r
the tlatiegai. Gnerl Wyne a Andet ate GnuerI oe Ote
Women'sCabinet. ie
tulfgiondo wih wailre fetrn atO..
emupl' Black, Cfkord acednt a
i1OAT-- OR
oosses of 1,000 Armed Men
Scouring Virginia Peninsula
for Half Breed.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Sept. 2.
party of 1,000 armed men, Including
0 members of the Ku Klux Klan, are
arching the woods north of here to
y for Carlo Meeks, a half-breed In
an and negro, who is accused of
IlIng Robert De Korte. a police of
The Klan announced 01blicly that
j members were participating in the
an hunt.
The searching party is said to be
e largest which has taken part in a
milar expedition in the Virginia
minsula In fifty Years.
COBLENZ. Sept. 25. - A learned
ofessor .d just concluded his lec.
ire on, tionometry. illustrating on
huge blackboagd'the various figures
nder study, and the audience of earn
it students, young and old, was still
ader the spell of his wizardry.
"Has any one any questions to
sk?" said the proffessor. "I shall be
lad to answer."
Just then a tall youth wearing the
niform of a member of the American
>rces In Germany arose with a start
s if coming out of a deep sleep. With
few companions he had wandered
ito the large hall and finding many
noccupied seats had made themselves
t home. in most classical German
e asked:
"Can you tell me why German chim
ey sweeps wear top'hats when on
NEW YORK, Sept. 25.-The case of
te letter addressed "S. I., which the
"tofflce sent from New York not to
taten Island, but to the Solomon
lands in the Pacific has been matched
y the earliest case of one addressed
L. L" and sent out not to Long
iland but to the Island of Luzon in
Ie Philippines. Evidently the New
'ork postoffice is rich in geographical
s Mirror
he most distinctive
'atent Leather, Dull
y" Louis heel.
Some have ball-straps;
Scotch grain and other
ith the rakishness, breezi
stom lines that only a
a put into a Woman'
le to duplicate
season. Over
r fresh, up to
.Inchided, in
p Pumps
cluded. Plenty of
1014-18 RaAve.
K 21% a Ay. C