T016. WEEK
rems~aves Popr tse
to Show Splendid
Lotliies In Win
ing a Ret U.tte in Ulng.
'aup ieon," chres ay
suatwase into attu anothe f151a
eiiaseter einmation and qcuits
with perh pgeater wreIt
b ,ay ,of bsis rtne 30re
The inm version et
.. V4n Le8's shot story
the Saturday Uvening ost aft
ito Str Opportunity - to p
iathe rete of a yedtg mil
Spseoese utaam wwe
SO 4 beset and will be re
tar the firt time in Wash.
as chief feature of this
* bill &t Cftadall's Metropoll
theater. Elaborate plans have
consumested for the suit
embellishment of the bill with
0rebestral. vocal and
photeplay features.
The Wfette. Scrap Iron," detileM
titi from the nicknaie appsted
John steel when he displays an
to settle disputes with
head instead of his fiets, and
up boxing at the wish of his
Valid mother.
Rim associates at the plant- con
0 his action to have been the
of Cowardice. At the mil
he is branded as a "yellow"
U6e he won't hit drunken Bill
gas for making remarks. to
Plannigsfi. bis girl. Bat.
Burke wins that estimable
ag lady's admiration by knock
Dugan senselems, but Steel wins
's everlasting gratitude by
elplg him houmi.
When the struggling young
er loses his Job through his
n's spite, the outlook is so
k that "Scrap Iron" decides to
the ring with Burke to win
laser's and of the pure and
supply his mother with at
the necessities of life. To the
dismay of all concerned in.
t himself, Steel knocks the
on out In the fourth round.
Fer the overture number Mr.
y, conductor of the Metro
itan Symphony, has chosen a
y arranged group of selee
from "Two Little Girls In
Six Course Hota
Served frou
son.. ......
Wrr . TBa
AU SO- Eg. AghiEd
AN the East" A
Franklin Sq
Fourteenth a
A to Carte Service
-have demonstrate<
faction of THOUSA
These cars are a
rough roads.
They are as al
sell tody fr twic
market today, withc
roads tests prove thi
These cars are
to recognize a REA
Over $i ,000,0(
automobiles other* thi
ing to the front as a
Billion Dollars will
c....-.e. te
igtdonw an a week
At B. F. Keith's
This Week,
Blue." which lit week charmed
Washington thacergoers by its
tunefulness. A surprise prelude
will be presented as an introduc
tory feature of the bill and will
serve to display another voice of
unusual besruty.
The contributory film features
with which the bill will be rounded
out will embrace comedy, news,
topical and spenic subjects. It is
confidently expected by the Crand-'
all organization that this week's
program will create a sensation in
the Capital.
I Table D'Hote
.. . $1.50
6 to 8:30
r? Me=
IAN. CaDtv
.03 MILE
orn K"~s-u51m
I In Year Sueday Diana
uare Hotel
It K Street
Club hreakfasts
I in Washington this week I
NDS that-p
upertor to all makes in easy ri
tractive~ in appearance and f
and three times their price.
t years longer than cars of o
rdinary, every-day driving.4
s beyond the shadow of a do
Iing ready purchasers, for1
0O,000 will be spent this con
an Fords. With the Birmilngl
popular car, in your opinion
Birmin ham Motors get for
f this Doars wiRyoq
Sit over. We can provethat
euth wh~h.
an tme~ arw y h
by7, come dw n a~da
Hours: 7:30 A.I M.to1:00P.
828 14th Street N. W.
Doris Sheeri Is
With Keith Show
tIs.& the d of v
tess with 11 5e f views
-dad by the .he t "!1
editoes et svduismaa seus Uutoa
ea m*ndsd 3un a Wehas e tt
throughuet the esuatry. st thk
fot that it alWs reheunds as the
Dost desi . p0ty- Mr,
Uegfds t " -
9eS" it 4 r4ther tr to bIhn
forth nW boety huumes,
But Walnqten this wea* Wi
have the Pil e09 of VIeWing 4
CInsOs Amse*rs beauty WVO me
"An"ed .ies is the sIa pso
tueSe a.d as a mdel fer th Eh
try's leding artlits. T'he oe0 e
*1 be the appearenee of Nif Doris
Shemin in the leading soei et "Nene
after" the moe9$ty ijlt Vad
t. which Msnta.3 is Wapklon
at B r. eith'.,
Miss Shearla is ne sewesSer to
Washington as she wM ato tth
emlers of the origiaI Garrick
Players, the ogsiImntlou that gaind
such an enviable reputation at the
Shubart-Garrick Theater two saum-.
mers ago.
Sino leaving Washington. Miss
sheerit bas spent most of her time
in moving pictures. paying leading
rolee In Sowell . Ford's "Torchy"
comedies and with the Mobertson
ole and Hugo Dan companles.
In the "Hereafter" playlet Kims
Sheerin is cast in the role of the
wife of The Soul. A meet effective
scene ensues when the Soul mees
his wife In Heaven and she telle
him of her discovery of some of his
earthly perdies. All of the scen,
however, Is to fun and Is written for
laughs mather than for serious'
"Hereafter" because of the nov
elty of its locale requires a special
scenic Investiture and lighting 4f.
fecs and a cast of six persona, four
women and two men.
It is perhaps one of the most un
usual Imtures ever Offered in the
two-a-day In that it combines in its
scope faroe. high comedy, *satire
afhd near-tragedy, and though in its
exposition It seems designed for
laugh purposes, in the end it sends
the audience away with a definite
thought and an idea that brings
home a noral lesson not through
preachment, but through an appeal
to the Inteligence.
the dance gardens beautiful, is
fast becoming one of Washington's
leading dancing meocas. Located in
the very heart of the city, conven.
lently reached by trolley, these beau
tiful gar4ens offer delightful open
air dancifg In the cool of the even
Ing. Robbins' Sonoopaters, an eight.
piece union orchestra, furnishes
the music for the dancing. The gar
dens ae always beautifully dee
rated, cool and eq~loiagly attractive.
Strict ensorhip Oi Imposed and a
plat of refinement Is aeured the
lovers of polite dancing.
HUNDREDS of dancersare night
ly enjoying the perfect floor
und snappy, mpsic of the well trained
orchestra at the Arcade. A revival
of those delightfully quaint 'Paul
Jones" dances will be Inaugurated
tomorrow evening, while -meries
of "Iucky Spot" dances are on the
card for Wednesday, when priss
will be given to those couples near
est the lucky spots at the time the
music suddenly ceases.
The management calls esopcial at
tentlon to the perfect ventilation of
the vast Auditorium at an times.
o the intlre satis
ding qualities over
inish as cars that=
her makes on the
)ur log and rough
:he publc is quick"
ilng yer on new "
what part of this"
Its cars? ,"
we. If you can't*
Rialto WWI Have
Big Fox Picture
oft et stated
Itet Wilisam oe had arranged to
send that theiter hib fim produeteet
st ark Twain'. "A Conseotleet Ya-'
h at King Arthur'% Court." This
bookngis an unusual fvoribg Ir
Washington, for Out"s of the long
row of the picture in New York the
producers have not hown I any
where but places that were aess.
Wied with the career And ife of
the- greatest of American huOrite.,
3* wae shown in Hartford. Cona.
and also is Duffe, where -Ma'k
Tairt onoworkd, as a newspaper
ma. In =land i was shown at
a special performane before the
King. In the contract for the ma
king of te picture it was agreed
tha4 it mest pass the execunrs eo
theMark Twain estate before being
pu0eoly shown. and this was done
with the nost Uvorable rsults.
Then it *as given a. speel show.,
Ing befMe Dan 3Ssrd; who Illus
trated the original stoiy. an$ so,
eral of the men w"q pOed as Models
for -the veteran artists were also
Mr. Foz detailed to Emmett J.
Flynn, one of his youngest and
most brdlliani dlrectors. the werk of
making the ploture. It Is "ald to
not only have preserved all of the
delightful ustire of Twain. but has
been entwined with a dash of modrn
humor that Is irresistIble.
Mr. Fox stated in his wire that 114
felt that before the pIWr weht On
its regular tour It shouV ha the
indorsement of social and official
Washin ton. The engagement at
the R to is for October 9. and the
opening will be made a gala event.
''$crap Iron"
CHARLa "AY will be screened
today and tomorrow at Cran
dall's Knickerbocker Theater in
"Scrap Iron." a splendid adaptation
to camera purposes of Charles N.
Van Loan's Saturday Evening Post
story of the same name.
"Eat and Be Happy" Is the
comedy offering that will supple
ment the major feature. News,
topical and special orchestral con
tributions under the conductorehip
of Bert Hallowell will round out
the early-week bill.
Tuesday and Wednesday the
Knickerbooker will present "If
Women Only Knew." an absorUtng
ly Interesting screen adaptation of
Balmo's "Meditations on Marriage,"
in which the stellar roles are Oltyed
by a cast led by Robert Gordon,
Blanche Davenport and Madeline
Clare. "Robinso= Crusoe, Ltd.."
a now comedy, and other short.
real fttures will complete the bill.
For Thursday and Friday a aqu
ble-feature bill is announced. C
sisting of May McAvoy in "Every
thing for Sale." a comedy-drama by
Hector Turnbull, and Ford Staring
In Mack aennett's latest two-reler.
"Fiekle Fancy." while on Saturday
Dougls MacLean will be screened
in *Pasing Through." with Charlie
Chaplin in "Sboulder Arms," the
estra added attraction.
Eddie Foy
thirty-eighth anniversary of
the founding of Keith vaude
vile by the late B. F. Keith is
being oelebrated all over the land
this week In the numerous Keith
houses themselves and also in
their hundreds of affiliates and
more especially and above all in
the Washington Keith theater
under tlhe management of Roland
S. Robbins.
6f the best the market affords
apropos of the occasion. Eddieg Joy
at this season of the year and
the younger Foys were select
Od as typical in their new tray.
esty. "The For Fun Revue." In
which there aresmany different
lines of fun fromn buffoonery to
Yvette Bugel, the miniature
primna donna, is another local
fa~vorite who will lend added Im
portance to the gala bIlL.
Carleton Hoagland and Harry
Carroll will present "The Iove
Race," a .musical comedy in three
acts, music by Harrny Carroll, book
of Edgar Allan Woolf, lyrics by
Ballard Macdonald, and staging by
Jack Mason. The east Is led by
Tommny Gordon. Harry Whit.,
Lucille and Ganette Love, other
well-known players and eight beast
tiful race winners.
Monta Deli will present a mnastes
pie0. of novelty and satire called
"hrematter," in four episodea, by
John L. Dalderston,
- 4OUR-DA1
Yanannt-Garag.. lai
Starting a?
&st Wa
Brief Explanation of the Func
tions of the Storage Battery,
Generator and Starting Motor
Eiltor of Moter.
THE real need of the car owner
who Is trying to unravel troubles
in the starting and lighting eye
tem is a knowledge of the basic prin
ciples of this Daft of the cars equip
nent. Then, with a diagram of the
system nstalled on his particular car.
the diffIculties will be easily solved.
The modern starting and light
system comprises a generator and
tarting motor, which may be separated
or included in the same unit and a
storag battery. The battery Is chiarged
y the generator and then delivers cur
rent to the starting motor and to the
lampsa. In the system is also Inluded
& cut-out. the function of which ls to
Schools Urged To
Teach Road -Rules
A movement urging school
officials throughout the United
States to teach children the
"Rules of the Road" has been
started. Such a course of in
struction for all school children
would be highly benefcial, and
it is hoped the movement will
be successful. One very def
nite reason for highway acci
dents is a lack at understanding
of rules. if the child can be
taught care. the rules so learn
ed will remain with him as he
grows, and not only will be
have a stter appreciation of
safety as a pedestrian, but If
he becomes a driver of an au
tomobile his early training will
stand him in good stead.
the scene of anether big ,fish
ing excursion today. More than
700 fishIng enthusiasts are ex
pected to attend the second annual
Asoltl n. otyfve motoret
will take exeursionisats to choice
fishing grunds In th a.
A seitrain wi leave the ais
INrt 14, 10s Aii. 143b
d Lighting
to Correct'
$ A1 4KvI
MAIN bausWi
to and rom the stoag by A39
d'ft TAHrRD
w~~dw enh'n e speo.The sa t
iconneet and dinnect the generator
to and from the storage battery at
skiw engine speeds. The-e bs an at
tachment which regulates the rate at
"ich the generator charges the bat
tery. This Is necessary because all
Cars are not Used in the ame way.
One may be driven only eccalolnallY.
and then in the daytime; another may
be out practically every night and osm
wumh much current In lighting. In
which asei It will need a higher stor
age rate. In addition, there are, of
noerwe. the wires. switches and other
details to make the system oPerative.
On most cars there is amounted am
the dash a meter of sm. sort to in
dloate charge and discharge of the
battery. When the car is started the
uneedle or other Indicating device *of
!he meter shows discharge in the bat
tery. which is delivering current to
the starting motor. When the gsa.
trater begins to charge the bttery,
that condition Is indicated In the
metbj. When the motor is not run
128 .Ave. N
W*s.." MNangi
obert ..Palmer
90 Place N.W
Homes Service Garg
ESitern Aut Se Cy.,
Ni2th St.tGrv
1*84 N~nhS.N
Monroe Baldwin,
Ecoom A ot Supi , Higt , d
Pleto Auto 'Servi ce Ine
do. 1, Va.
C. L~. Cu o. 6~l., d
Teoqan Viek
Trouble ant
rhem When
5k01M5, utmusuo
3n. svess
M an d t genot bri
the Indicator the meter should show
ero. The hao may be bent so that
it do" not regulate accurately. the
magneto may be weak or the retu
spring perh p is net strong nough.
When any demgemet of the metor
*ors, the service station Will have1
to be Consulted.
ofebaloa troubles in the starting
and lighting systems are rame On cc
taslon the bearings of the generator
ad starting motor may wear and gve
trouble, but this I not a frequent ill.
Uectrical troubles. obviously. w
the oomwhOL Open circuits and
shorts are the usa tpe of trouble
encountrd When an open frerit
occurs, there is no flow of durrent
at all. When there is a short the tlow
of current will be In the wrong direc
tion. The wiring of the starting a"
lighting system should be wsae over
at freuent Intervals. to discover
plsae in which thee Insultion of the
wire has worn or been chafed through'
se that the current Is prevented froa
reaching Its proper sphere of action.
One of the places to teek for start
ta nd Aighting troubles Is at the
terminals. A peow terminal connection
can put out the whole system MAd
when trouble des cme the terminals
should be semined first.
It the startin motor turns the eo
gine Over slihly a"d at the mane
th lights wee set bright. It in an
o"mthen battery is the Nst
of trouble, sine both sides of the sys
tem are affected. on the Other haad,
Your Battery Shol
Dependability is more 'neces
in almost any other unit of
break a spring you cap get
can hobble along with half
but If your l~teygoes d
make even a emoayrep
A Dependal
The RAY Is a dependable 1
Is based on a 'special proces
made possible by the famoti
plates In the RAY BATTElI
will keep on taking electricii
delivering It for starting, li
conditioms far more severe
the most constant driving.
buckle to short circuit the
wash down (harmfully sul)
short-circuiting. If the we
the level of the electrolyte
be no harm done, and yoli
charge the RAY in your cal
No other battery will stan
These are not claims; they
every purchaser of a RAl
written, usucesdatdena guar
date of sale from our serv
really revolut a~~aran
if the RAY BA Ywa
battery, a more efficient bal
We invite battery men to a
ments true.
Come. in and see the RAY.
Free water and- tests on an
I the'.
They Arrive
If the lights burn well, but the startet
does not function properly. obvioudy
the starting Bide Is the one to ALtak,'
and the converse applies equally.
If 0-4~ lighbting system seem at fti
begn t hebulbs a"d wor. back to
th batt examining every Inc of
thetem~nls wiring. eto. The bWho
tmsves jyA be at taplt, thoagh
ofthem mldom go out at one.
The connectors that lead to the lamps
nmy he loose or the contact points
may be corroded. The wiring back to
the switch must next be examined.
Make sure that all wires are fully in
sulated. If there are fuses in the le
a blown fuse may be the cause
trouble, or the fuse connection may be
corrded Som systems employ cdr
cult breakers instead of fuses to pre.
vent excmive current burning out
Trouble sonmts develops in the
witch, caused by dirt. looseness.
adjmnt or similar failings. e
switch should be inspected in cose of
trouble. The outout. which discon
ects the battery fram the generator
when tho engine In runnn slowly.
should be eamine. The ordinary
out-oot Is *Ica'ugetl o-er
ated and the contact polint must be
kept clean. The terminals must be
hent freet' dirt and looseneas.
?fith.carowner will ftmilari.. him.
self with the wiring chart or diagram
put out by the maker of his car, he
will very soon be able to diagnose and
cure any trouble that may arise in the
starting and lighting system.
t 2 TEAM5
I Never Fail Yu
mary in your battery than
your motor car. If you
to a service station. You
the cylinder. misfiring
mad you are powerless to
ilir to get home.
sle Battery
attery. Its dependability
I of battery mianufacture,
a "L'rier Formula." The
Y, made by this formula,
,y from the generator and
rhting and ignitid under
than are eneotintered by
They will not suddenly
battery. They will not
shate), another cause of
iter evaporates to lower
in the battery, there wil#
can't overheat or over
I the tests of the RAY.
are assurances, because
r BATfERY is given a
atee for two years from
Ice station to you. This
bee would not be possible
* not a more dependable
iake us prove these state
y' makea oatterwy.