Newspaper Page Text
EOUM FOR SALN CLEVZLAND PARK 1 ge004 bath, built-in garage, electric etationary tube; first-class cen J"1semi-detached. $31,110 cash. 11*6 Smonth. -Not another bargain like this th~at emOlusive sectiog. UTIFUL VIRGINIA BUY bungalow, a rooms. bath, modern In every r et. Garage. Owner leaving. a Saori this fine home for $1.000 fo I per month. Better see this be it a too late. BEFORE YOU BUY A see thin 1-room, bath brick house nothweht. Rot-water heat, gas. elec breakfast porch; room for garage. PLUS cank and monthly payments gives '"-EZE iNT BARGAIN pwly Papered and painted; 6 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, gas; room for double garage. Only 51.000 canh and 166 a meath. ' DID YOU EVER 14 to think thAt you could own a home wr wn for $3.600 In good northeast etlont 6 rooms, bath. gas, latrobe heat; Poesession from owner. REALIZE YOUR Dream of a home. See this for 56,500. 6 reams, bath. an, furnace heett; room for garage. first-class condition. Price, $6.600. THEY CANNO'T found any better for the prios. 5.3,00 6 rooms, bath, gas. latrobe heat; room gayage; newt aered and inted. GROC & COR 816 14th St. N. W. Main 4166 or Lincoln 1016 82 PER CENT OF ALL MEN leave no estate when they die. REABON-They help the other 10 per "Wnt to for their property. RE1ME --Take advantage. of our loan proposition and pay for your own home iastead of some other man's. GERTRUDE VAN HOESEN $19 15th at. N. W. Main 8416. 2ND ST. N. W.-Desirable neighborhood; 6 rooms, bath, alley, room for garage, I.", turnmeolheat, good condition; $6,600 r quick mea. Owner., 724 Sth mt. N. E. S-i oll01. WOODRIDG , D. C. By owner--Nearly new, elegant detached house I rooms; a. m. I.; 3 porches; lot 4Ot23; nice, high location; price low; gObN 1.000. Phone North 2689-J. * ROal Estate Brokers-Attention 6810 Slot at.. Chevy Chase Park. D. C. Lot 7. square 2333. Detached stone and fbingle semi-bungalow with slate roof, stone foundation porehes and fireplace; T rooms with a room and lavatory on the first floor; 3 ,bedrooms and bath on the second floor; the house is a beauty and although unfurnished has attracted much attention. The lot is 60i10, with room for a garage on the alley. Price, $t 000 with first trust of $7.000. Terms. 12500 eash and second trust. The usual commission in case of sale. G.VAN HOESEN 819 15th at. N. W. Main 8416. BISCHOFF REALTY CO. 6600-Six-room colonial home, N. W.; 000 cash, $60 per month; vacant. Why t'ent? $0 560-Six-room colonial home, N. E.; 11,410 cash, balance monthly. SPECIALS. $.60-3ight-room home; vacant; a. m. 1.1 right on Maryland ave. N. E.; bean tiftul; $5,000 cash. balance $48.50 per mouth. $7.860--Corner home, N. Z.; mix rooms and bath; a. m. I.; possession; terms. 4.760-4Wx rooms and bath. N. E.; home a0 4th st. $750 cash will handle it; pos Session. Look these over. It is just as necessary that your home fit you as that your clothes fit you. We are home merchants. Let us fit you to a hone. BISCHOFF REALTY CO. "Home Merchants' 408 8th at. N. E. Lincoln 6110. $4,760-Almost a downtown location; 6 large rooms; house in very nice condition; long back yard, front yard and good front porch; $1,000 cash latrobe heat. 1T,60--Practically new modern home; hot-water heat gas, electric lights, wash tubs In the cellar, servants' toilet 3 large Nrches, large Sleeping porch built-in ga e; lare corner property with a large pct. eNK ent location. $12,600--Beautiful corner property in the N. 3.; built by Kennedy Bros.; hot-water heat, gas, electric lights, hardwood floors. hardwood trim. 3 porches, sleeping porch, eement porch, built-in ice box, cold storage room, servants' toilet, large attic; beauti fut large oellar under the entire property; built-in garage; nice hedge; large side lot, bay windows; see this property if you have a reasonable cash payment. $0,000-Ten-room house; N. W.; being used as a rooming house; hot-water heat, gas, electric lights; almost a downtown ocat;on; entire house furnished at the above prie. 3.000-For colored on pla. ave. W.; i-room brick, latrObe heat; $300 can for colored or white. 86,600-Near the Reuse offiee building; S. E.; 7-room house in excellent condition; light colored brick, latrobe heat; $00 cash payment. balance of payments same as rent; for white only. 18,000-Vacant; a fine home near LIn eoin Park; vacant. Immediate possession; .newly papered and painted; I rooms. hot water heat. gas, electric lights; lot me show you this house before you buy. $,6300-Rooming house Just near the Union Station; 10 rooms, furnace heat, gas. large rear porches; cash payment, $2.000. 8T,500--N. W. location; 9-room house, furnace heat, gas; a large well built brick; in a very good location; $1.000 cash; owner In property and almost immediate posses aso. .813,000--EIght-room bungalow; practi Sally new; modern heated and lighted; 3 or 4 large porches; 2 acres of ground; loe" to the city in Virginia where thi ground is valuable. $16 000--Mt. Pleasant N. W.; 10-room strictly modern home; hot-water heat, gas, electric lights. 3 baths, porches this is a real horne; large lot to wide ailey; other homes like this one cannot be purnhased for less than $17 000. 83,T50-In Wocridge. D. C. New home; I 0 rooms; bot-water heat, gas, electric Tights, porches; large lot; modern In every way. . J. D. GARMAN, District National Bank Bldg. Mlain 8329. - Franklin 3993. OU can esoape from your rent difficul ties by taking advantage of our offer; a building loan with each of our few re maining fifty -foot lots. Investigate at any rate. Ad dress BOX 23? Times Office. MASSACHUSETTS AVE., - NEAR 7T HST. N.E. #7,000. and bath house. on Ma, gachusetti ave.:- newly painted and papered; suitable for boarding house or a lpfamily. Vacant.. W . H. BAUNDERS & CO., 1433 K st. N. W. $5,750 liz reoms and tile bath, furnace, heat, ma.lam yard; possession; on 5th at. N. I ~. an 60 block. 51,000 cash and 560 per month.t $7,500 Seven rooms and bath, garage space for lre, care: lot 341136 feet. 51.000 casht nd 550 per month. On N et. N. W. in i0. block. t R. D. McPHERSON CO. 734 5thit. N. W. Main 195. B5AUTIFUI, semI bungalow for sale at 5006 30th sta N. 3., Woodridge; 11000. jequir, within. Nortil 5177. Buy This House at 5811 3slt P1. N. W. with what you waste in rent; located ine Cheer Chase Park. D. C., I large sunny Tems and bath, a sleeping porch, a beau- I tiful fireplace, a built-in refrigerator, an eleotrie stove, broom closet, and a Heosier cabinet, hot-water heat and elec- I nre lights. The beet built house in the eitit. Absolutely up-to-date. For sale any broker. GERTRUDE VAN HOESEN 819 15pjth it. N. W. FGEORGETOWN * Me.r Western High School. a 6-room I eslealal brick house, with bath and fur-, h;eeat. 5660 cash and $0monthly. , WILDMAN & CO., 3 4t06 K ste. N. W. Phone Frank. 406. 1W biek. in Cleveland Park. vacant; 7 r~eome. 1 bath, h.-w. h.. elec. hardwood h gieose, built-in garage; screened slesning ad breakfast perches; 513,710. OWlNR ,modern; room. and feeption hail; eotrictt; newly papered and paited; out and bak wards; by window; north- - t seetion. North 6016. TO COLORED 5$ m month will buy up-to-d ate 5 Ire house in N. W. uectgn: aoe . McELI CO. 6 St. . W. INh5.j ROUSU IOR ALa Hnomemkms ANOTHER "WARI SAMPLE HOUS AT 221 BRYA We have Wed a en these homes is a popular deand. TI e Iot ee onla, end we el sales, eh as shars, iso 460' one ot er ol Wa h we so"d out so day that the hoese Srees and bath... reen0 ad bath. bi * rooms ad bath, b (eener)......... asineludlng sty LOCN Otwees S1 and d I IN. U. ($ust north of 85 ALREA HARRY W 1480 1 Street N. W. JOHN F. DON( 814 Palsy1van Pourth at. . , feet from Vast Capitol at. An eight-reema, ftVlr to to a floor, modera. pre brie window house; ellar. furmate heat. e lot has a eplendid trentagr running to a good depth. One of the most mbstanUally built properties in the city. seld to closg an estate. Suitable terms arrsaged. Price, $5.70 Pennsylvania ave. . ., near the erner of Fifteenth mt. A eta-teaft, modern. 9. lonial house; splendidly constructed; 0.1 lar under entire house; furame heat; built but a few years. Possession within a abort time. Terms. Pries $3,750 Situated on PouReentb st. X. a., near North Carolina ave. A sa-reem. modern brick house. Offered to elas am estate. Reasor able terms' acepted. Price, $4,200 Fourth at. 8. A.. 't far from Penagy van]a ave. A six-room, modern brick house; cellar, new type of furaaee. Can be sold on terms of $800 each. balanes to suit. JOHN F. DONC 814 PennsylvanT McKEEVEI heli 1405 Eye St. Chevy Chas% Md. Detached. als rooms and bath. freat and stde poeh. eleetrie lights, Send heating plant; space fcr garage ao wide alley. Pri1e. 1,101. Terms can be arranged. MeKEUVYU & 0088. 1406 Eye st. Maim 416*. Suburban. rise little =0eder bee, tn good location; si reams and bath, sleep ing porch. treat and rear porshes; modern heating plant, elsette lights, hardwood flers and trim; garage. Price, ST.600; $1.6 cash required. McKEE VE! 1405 Eye St.' MEMBERS OF TZE WASHING CHEVYCH*SE. D. C. Attractive home. located west of CoMa. se.; contains I rooms and 2 bathe; alep ervant's reem in attle; every modern ea renience. VACANT. $18,000. WEST OF 14TH STREET. South of Crittendos at; a semi-dotabed rick residence; 4 bedroms, bath and looping porch on Sad fleesr hardweed 'oors and trim; hot-water eat. otetrie ights; owner leaving city. WIU give pes oeion. $12,000. SAUL'S ADDITION. Almost new detached reaIdee Con sins 9 attractive rooms and be het rater beat. electrio lights; owner oo6 sant. $12000 TAKOMA ARK, D. C. You seldom have an Opportalty to so urs a modern home Iented ts a large rrove of oak trees at a moderate prce Phim home contains 8 rems A"d math. tested by hot waterl electrie lights; large ot; beautiful shade. $4,250 AND $8,000. TWO COLORED HOUSES. Looated west of 14th at. N. W.g a ee prick and contain 6 reome: Pill be se easonable terms. Wit. H. SAUN 1483 K st. N. W. S6,6O-6-room house, fernace heat. gas lnd electrie lights, wash tube ia the ellar; well built brick; meil papered and ainted; entire proprty in good cendi ion with a nice frtat porch. 8150 each. racant. $4.000-8-room hoos, near Umitheaosta nutitution, aouthwest; entire ppet, im ide and outsid, in flue tendl n; a well onstructed brick ahd a bargea; ress ble terma. STYI0-Strietly meders and pemedoallr ow brIck hzassl5q; os hett heet, na and electrie ligts wash tub la te ellar ; colonlal fotpoebs eemont '~ large rear porches, large baek yard t ide alley; entirere yI lu te endi. Ion; - enelient . te; resoable 00so-5-room heuses' geed S, 8. losa lo;htwtrheat. Only 6000 eash. Sto,00-N W.loostiOns near the Ce, gS tigh ltloo ho-aer. gt eet ractically a new home. 56.300-4-room houco, brand new mod. rn heated and ebeatrie llghss built in gm age. See this mow briehhens at ene. teasonable cash payment. S4T00-Large well btit hroh.near #e tension Office; 0-rooms, Iatteb heat. gses ash. SS.,00-Large Well builtbro, er lame. ave. N'. W.; latrebe heats Sew 4,100--Latea wellestese re ouse; new oubie ;aag 5 ee lot to lle; atrbeheat; N.E ii Mt. Rainier; furanee heat dad gas, large rooms; the bes.e has b00m recently apered and painted; largo let withtrs nd beautiful .urrounding6. Only $$c ash. $4,T60-Juet outside the Districts I-rem Ingalow; furanee heats gn; large lots rith this property, OsaiS and 4gagfO, his is a bargain. Ot 8T55 ec. 54.00e-In the northeast ? 6-tees. bries itrobo heat; garage. 5l.600-4-reem bungalow ip Woedridge; ntire property in flne eeaditieni modern eating and lightingl eeavenIgat to the ara. 51,006 cash payment. J. D. GARMAN, District Natioa Bank 3dg. Lain 8328 Priana 3993. DOES THIS MEAN YOU? A government Omplere has rented - ime hiouse for 55 years. Me has pi rev @1000 in rent. Today the hed -ii1 sell for 56,600 and it beln.t e ian who inherited It. Remeda yt h ivantage of our les prooettiem and pdr it yeur own hosstthe other mans. G. VAN &OESEN in isth at- 1Wil Maan an svens FO SALE -Attention! MAN" OFFERING C NOW READY NT ST. N. . un.any low prie a effort to meet t one prtees are is eat rated efort of . a large building 0* Idestly espeet quick sterised tbw market eat home dealios. nplotely en the same were ettered. CBS I ............. 4.000 Jtit-la gaage. 46.30 alit-in garage .............. $1.000 Ls all Sodera oe 10eaomplete In every met Pavlng. sidewalki; ION: ry ant ad Adatrn Et. ede Island ave.). DY SOLD. PUMA NOW. ION NVRY DAT 0 P. I. ARDMAN Main 4190. )HOE & SONS a Avenue S. E. Price $7,000 3ighth at. a. M.. etween B and C e. A modern bay-window. brick house, with large brilc garage in the rear. House I in spleadid condition. Owner is in posi tion to guarantee possession by October 1. The hoee Is well constructed and worth aa Investigation. Accommodating terms. Price, $4,000 NUBINBS PIAC9 Situated near Second and Pennsylvantia ave. . 3. A large storeroom. with five living rooms. Under rental of 146 per meath. Terms. $1.000- cash. balance monthly. Price, $2,500 An eight-room boun on 0 at. I. E., boe tween Eleventh and Twelfth, with a lot 36 feet front to a good depth, with large paved alley In rear. Can be sold on terms of $660 cash. balance $31.60 per month, Including Interest and principal. Price, $1,500 A five-room bungalow with electric lighte; eelonial porch. Situated on Ana oostia rd.. not far from the Pennsylvania ave. bridge. Reasonable terms, and poS seston when transfer is made. HOE41 & SONS /AYenue S. E. t & GOSS, Main 4752. Petworth. Two-story home of seven rooms and bath, cellar and attie; front and rea ISee, electric lights. hot-water hardwood floor and trim; reens and awninga throughout; space for garage; immediate - poesesion. Price. $9,000. Reasonable cash. MoKEEVER & GOSS. 1406 Bye at. Main 4142. Two-Family Flat. Leeated In Columbia Heights: each apartment of fivo roomd and bath; double rear porches; bleeping porch; separate heating plants, nardwond fleers and trim; garage; alley. A good investment either a. a home or a source of Income. Price, $1,000. , & GOSS, Main 4732. TON REAL ESTATE BOARD. $7,850. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Near 13th and Harvard ate.; a 34tory and cellar residence; I rooms and bath; bot-water heat; hardwood floor. GA RAGE. $6,800. HOLMEAD MANOR. A two-story and collar colonial type brick residence; contains a rooms and bath, heated by hot water; electric lights; mwner occupant. $6,500. HIGH VIEW. Colonial type brick resIdence. I rooms and bath; front porch. sleeping porch: oaavenient te two car limes; owner occu pant. $6,250. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. only one Ieft; .plendid inv.stment or home; two complete apartmente; 6-room ad bath on each floor; two-story back perchee; room for garage. $9,000. RIVERDALE, MD. Another beautiful home with an abund i....f .had.; contain... rooms and bath; beated by hot water; electric light.; city imaprevements: lot 120 feet wide and faces ma two etbeets. DERS & Co., Phone Main 1016. Just a Home for Sweethearts. agalew lot Oeul16.-Eve-roem.; bath; fireplace;a hardweed fleer. trim; e lec.; sa; prios. *6.toO-4T50 cagh. 666 per inonth. SYou'fl never be any younge .tart new; buy this bungalow; 6650 ISTG cash. 6 per month. ive-room.; ile bath; ga; eleotricity; fire place; breakfast reem;: pullman flatures; hard. Seed floors new. MORGAN E. MORGAN & Co. 1401 N. Y. ave N. W Pranklin 1930 HOMES FOR COLORED. $2,450 TO $8,050. VERY E ASY TERMS. These home. are excellently loated Imrthweet and contaim four and five large reoe. joed front yard and back zerd to pavallay. New coal range. are being tl~ed inthe kitchen. They are Ia very eenitiom. . laay.. t. buy a hoee ..e... the home i. ri epr ,ioe ,. t the terrms are rgt. Pr~n n~223 1013 UT. N. W. M A I 0E PREMIggg, J. DALLAS GRADY, 802 Maryland bld., 141 HLs.N. W. Main 727. CONGRUC 3rEIGHTS. Oess to car lime. An attraetive little E r..mi, with moder. bat. Ga. P. ~ A twIn 25 12th St. N. W. Phe ne riaah. 0306. OME OUT 8UNDAY Fut8 to 6 P. M. adse our three new houres in Chevy haePark. 0. 0.. just north of the inter esia of blittenhouse and 32nd etreete" ,6and I roma. with a. ms. i. and labor aving dettee, built-ina refrigerators, room eloees. electric etevee w [h time looka, a Hooster cabinet, eto. Ray, now bnd seleet your own flature. and paper. Per sale by any real eState broker. I1915th st.N. W. Main 8416. TN~seeaiiiiea t"hi aidiT Ii Twe-atory and basement brick houao rith aim rooms and bath. 01,066 sashan 3560m hy re . 000. W0rmt~EiMA & CO., NOUSES FOR SALE REASONABLY PRICED HOM $4.160-Near 16th and F sta. N. Z. Well built 6-room and bath brick house, with new metal garage for two cars. 5500 sash required. $4.250-Near lot and Florida ave. N. W. Substantially built brick of 6-room and tile bath, hardwood trim throughout. latrobe heat. $600 cash, balanee very eaW terms. $4,600-Detached home Is Woodrld D. C. Six-rooms and bath- large lot 6 z 60; plenty of room for chickiens, garden, etc.; frout and side porches. 5100 cash down, balance like rent. HOWENSTEIN BROS., 7th aid H St4. N. E. Phone ine. 897 FROM OWNER Frame four large rooms; Summer Kit chen; running waterl gas; grapes and garden. Four large lots; halt block from oar line; this Is a fine spot for garden and chickens. No agents need apply. Address box 341, Times office. TO COLORED Very desirable $-room house. tile bath. furnace heat. on T st. N.W between 12th and 13th ss. Reasonabe terms. Apply to E. M. McNEELEY CO. 1216 U St. N. W. North 5880. WHY PAY RENT Indefinitely when it is so easy to LIVE IN LYON PARK at 130 down and -320 per ironth? Call and lot me tell you about It. NULLIE R. COREY, I16 14th at. N. W. Main 4166 er Clareados 2134-1. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WILL trade my equity of $40,000 is 41% acres of beautiful wooded land in the most desirable section of Chevy Chase. D. C.. for a business house an apartment o, a desirable dwelling. Land 2.000 an aore. Address BOX 5S$ Times Office. LOT FOR SALE LOT for sale on Legation at between belt rd. and meno rd., Chevy 'biase; 66i160. running back to a s0-ft. alley; lot per fectly level and no grading; must be sold at once; make offer. FRED R. WALKER CO., It0 11th at. N. W. EQUITY in I lots, Beltsville Heighte; high location on brd. boulevard; a bargain. Call after 6 . m. 1106 Park Place. be. tween 11 4 1 B a C. A 60-FOOT LOT On Connecticut &ve., near the tilitary road; low price to effect partitina. C. W. SIMPSON CO., Inc. 784 loth at.: N. W. Phone Fran T0 SUBURBAN FOR SALE, SPECIAL BARGAINS 4-room bungalow a m. I., 4.600i 5500 cash. $40 or month. 6-room house. a- m. 1.,$6.50; 81,000 cash. $30 month. T-room house, a. ". . 66,70; 5500 cash. $60 per month. 4-room bungalow, a. m. L. 54.T50; $500 cash. $40 per month. 6-room bungalow, new, a. m IL. .6,200; $1,000 cash, $50 per month. e All close to cars, in one fare sone, sriet ly white neighborhood. Apply to H. C. MAYNOR 3607 88rd St., Mt. Rainer, Md. Phone Hyattsville Excha2 393-W. HOUSES WANTED SMALL modern detached furnished heuse. suburbe preferred. Maj. H. A. Retsing. CpMMd. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE BARGAIN ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N. W. Large brick Store and dwelling on Pennsylvania ave., suitable for wholesale business or light manufac turing. Lot 25x130 to 30-foot alley. Offered at a sacrifice price. $11,500. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 1433 K St. N. W. INVETMET PROPERTY BISCHOFF REALTY CO. We have a number of first class inveet mert properties paying over 10 per cent at approved rental rates; also have some od commercial paper that will pay from 6 to 36 per cent. Consult Mr. Bischoff. BISCHOFF REALTY CO. "Home Merchants" 403 8th St. N. E. Lincoln 110. FARMS FOR SALE FINE 10-acre truck farm; crop corn and tobacco; stock and farm tools; on the road from Centerville to Woodyard; two miles from Washington. Marlboro Pike. Public sale. Sept. 21, at 10 a. a. Thomas. e WANTED-To hear from owner of a farm or good land for .ale, possession this winter. L. JONES. BOX 35. Olney. Ill. $20 CASH and 56 monthly, without inter est. buys 10 acres at Frulthurst. Ala.; make ideal home; lies well, productive high, healthful; no negroe. Price, 5500. Also 10-acre tracts. D. 3. Cheuvront. owner, Heflin, Ala. PROPERTY WANTED WE WANT MORE HOUSES FOR SAsL Owners of property desiring to make quick sales should hat property with ti at once. M.PNORMOTLE, 61 V st. JOHN F. DONORON a DONS, 514 Pennsylvania ave. S. B. Let Us Submit Our List of Remas an" Investments Befere You Purchase. REAL ESTATE LOANS FUNDS NOW AVAILABLE. For 1st and 2nd trust loans On D. C. real etate. Prompt service. Reasonable cemmissiee. CLARENCE F. WELCH. T1T 14th at. N. W., 2nd floor. Main 09. M YTOLOAN-OS to SS6 Gransestlona oendnoted with eesai eemshderation for broes AUCTION SALES THOMAS L. CARTER, AUCT'IONEER. AUCTION SALE OF STEAMER MAJESTIC. Pursuant to a decree rendered by the Corporation Court of the City of Alew andria. Virginia, on the S3rd day of Sep tember. .1631. in the chanoery cause therein depending, wherein Howard S. Roeside, et al., are PlaIntiffs, and the Colonial Beoi Company is Defendant, the undersigned Receivers for the Colonial Beach ompany will offer for sale at pub lic -auction, at Roberts' Dock, between King and Prince Streets, in the City of Alexandria. Virginia, on Tuesday. October 11, 131, at 11 o'clock a. mn., the steamer "Majestic," belonging to the Coleaial Beach Company. This steamer Is built ot steel and was constructed in 1000 at Ellaabethport. Ne0w Jersey. Shp was not completed until May. 1306. and within the past two years has been thoroughly overhauled at a cost of approximately thirty-five thousand dollare. The engino. and boilers wore buit by W. a A. Fletcher Company. This steamer has three deks. eleetrie light, search light, running water, all - first-class eguipment for freight and passenger busines has forty-two state rooms and a dining room. Wer length is two hundred foot. her breadth fifty-four feet over all; her draft six feet one inch, light; she is equipped with feathering wheele, and the W. a A. Pietcher beam surface condensing engine., about seven hundred and fifty horse power; Legg boiler, fifty-two pounde steam pressure (original); her osal bunk sre will hold about sixty tes of coal; she has a large freight deck, and wili carry about three hundred tons dead weIght; her speed is fouren miles per hour. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. A deposit et $.2.00 wtil be required on the day of sale, and the balaho. of the purchase money must be paid within five days thereaf tet. CNARLES H. ST. JOHN, CHARLES S. DOUGOLAS, GARDNER L. DOOTHE, CLAIRVOTANTS, 50e MADAME ALLEN 407: CI.AIRVOTANT AllD PALMIST. 101e 0th St. K. W. (eer. 0th and O). Puaranteed to read your entire life-paet. present, and future s gives true advice e il busness. wev~ health, and fama l affairs. a ___ CLAN UVOT% I~, d by the tit'iet of 5 wIis PROF. BELMONT Noted Clairverest and Palmist, sae ?er life by the itse" in year palm. are the resord af yer if el, Enga S eate of two e tll et pomitry h WOnderful gifto sead t eMnables him to lift the well at myetery and reveal to yOU Important matter, of your future Ut. Gives advice e everyth portainiNg to life; tells the seeret W ifig iinlue ncewthyr asseetates. 9ret. - Moat Is a Psyce=0giet at World ISene*a. Reang $1. 121 Now York ae, w., Next door to Maseete Tmple. IZPAH ELDON Spiritual asedium and elairverat Of Vide reputation. Tells about your pereonal Bnd business affair an never told before. Readings daly. Over Poeahontas Candy ep. M T . 4h at. N, W.. PROF. ARTHAN Noted Spiritualist Medium. Meettg rnes lay event at I o'clock in 0e0 ty Hail, lot a at. Nf. W. Ne astoaldes hise large LUdiencs by his many spirlt meesses; gives private readings daily on all affairs; given full name. dates. facts, studies in the hall.0 50C MADAME 8ELIA 50C EGYPTIAN PALMIST AND MEDIUM Gives true advice In buslness. love. lealth and family affairs; tells thd name of future husband or wife and how to win he one you love; make. up lovers' quarrel@ >r family troubles, tells what business and what part of the world Is luckiest fer Fou and how to avoid all trouble. Phone Pranklin 1871-J. Special readings 0 eat. I31 Tth t. N. W., next to Eye P. Opp. birarf' 14c store. MADAM D'ASHMAN Washington's greatest and genuine talir royant. erystal gazer and card reader. Ad rice on all trouble& Daily. Sunday 2-7. Phone Frank. 634. TU 13th ct. N. W. 0 Washington's Favorite Counselor. MAGURETTE MAE, Peychelogiet and adviser on business, love. lealth and family affairs. If to trouble, sOnSEult her. Office, .381 Pa. ave. N. W. Hours. 9 a. in. to 9 'v. i. Satilefaction guaranteed. MADAME MAVIS GYTPTIAN PALMIST AND MEDIUM. She &e.m what others claim to do. Got a true history of your life read by the "Queen of Palmistry." This gifted woman will read your life. charaster. for tune and beat of your dispositio by the E UR LIFE LIZE A BOOK. Her work. epeaks for iteelf. If you have bean crossed is love. it interferer@ have broken your dearest and tendereet ties is Wvery affair, it is wise to conmit a palmi who given you veliable and important . rise on businese changes. Journeys, dek boss, wills, deeds, mortgages, love. ceurt ship. ma .riego, diverce--telle if you will marry he one you love. Everything tricry afideatial. Satistaction guaram 1eed 4th st. N. W.. between a MADAME VASHT. Palmit and olairverant gives advice ia all affaire of life. "Tell, your inner noet affairs." Readirse daily and fits say. 17 Ith at., near Rialte. 0 MADAME PARKER lifted elairvoyant and medium. gives t" idvice en buslness, health, love and family iffaire. Tells the name of your future hueband or wife. What to do to be me pessful in life. Removes evil Influenoes. latisfaction or no charge. 1211 1 t N.W. e MADAME JEANETTE Gifted Ugyptian Clairvoyant and Palm at guarantees to read year entire lifa last. present and future; ohe asks a* luestions, but will tell you what you want .e knew. giving name., dates and facts on uniness matters. love, health and family ffaira. Tells the name of who you will narry and when. If the *e you love I@ rue or false. What part of the country a the luckiest to you and just what te do . be successful In life. Brings the sepa ated together. removes troubles of all lature so you can win and held the one reu love. 626 F &t. nw.. bet. 6th and Tth. mat Shubert-Garriok. * PROF. MARCUS LA MAR FOR YEARS WASHINGTON'S FAVOR 'TE ADVISOR. most remarkable reader of tuman Destiny of the present age. Spirit Sal Medium in a class distinctly alone. Prof. La Mar has brought about more aspgy marriages. reunjted more separated lnd helped more people out of distress md sorrow than any medium in America. 4e succeeds even in the met difficult aces where poorly developed mediums ave failed. Gives full names, facts, never. ailing help and advice 'on love affairs. ousinese, law mats; without asking a sItgle esstion. tells you exactly what you called or. accepting no fee unless perfect atile action is given. HeurS. 1 to 6 p. in. daily. "loeed Sundays. 516 12th at. NW.. near ' et. All are weleome. 0 50c MADAM'WORTEN 60c You are invited to conult this gifted ady born with a natural gift to advise ou on businese. love. family affaire; tells same of whom you Will marry and when. 1 readag, 66c. 116 7th t. N. W. _ Oe LET MADAM ROYAL 50c Egyptian palmist. give you the secret of access in business, love affairs. Tell ause ot your troubles. How to everoome hem. Name of whom you will marry and rhen. Removes evil influene. se you can e successful. $2 reading@ with ad.. 6fe. '9 9th at. N. W.. bet. I and New Yurk ave. W0e MADAM FONEDA 50C Egyptian palmist with singular pewere. an advise you how to be successful in Esine, health and family affaire; give. ame of one you will marry and when; emoe. evil influences. I12 r at. N.W. e pcirluntlms. MRS. F. RINALDI ill give daily spiritual reading. by ap ointment only. Phone Main 6766. PRIVATE READINGS GIVEN DULY. MRS. LILLIAN GREEN. 434 Que st. N. W. Phone North 6261 MRS. JAS'O'BRIEN, Ipiritual readings dal byapointmnent, IRS. J. E. MALTBY-Daily readinga, 51 per half hour. 217 10th ct. N. E. Telo hone Lincoln 5542. IRS. WHITE wIll hold seance on Mon day and Friday evenings at S oloek' Vodneday afternoons at 3, o'clock. 7ed tb ct. 5. 3.e LOVING, PACKING & STORAGU WinteP Building Storage A. 3. WULIr-r Prepeers. Equipped to render first-clams servie in II branches Moving. Packing. Crating and hippIng. ISO etorage room. for Itoteehold eads and Merchandise. TeL. N. 5346. 414 to 1443 0 .t. N. W. EPARATE ROOS SZ!, Q ckReliable Transfer Servie, SL.AM 03333. 1 P e. N. W. -MO VIN(i-. PADD FV N FUNISBE 'UNITED STATEp* STORAGE CDl PNOATS *Wafl e EXPERIENCED EMPLOE every line may be cecured by Insertig emall ad in The Times H~et Wan te. hone yrs a tO unan 60 -as1 w eiigg-- d Of Boam"s Dunaom a . D. NOT ALwi n 901. IAve ARTYEGuCpL PATit$ UNIVERSAL ARTIFICIA PLY CO.. I a.. 0 9 Main $1am. HURLEYMOT CO Y, 15A1 14th St. N .N.66 AW. We L CO.. le Pa ae. POTOMAC A" A 480 10th Et. ,Iarwr E. Mcae MIr., 1465 t.N. Ta N. ma Abta* A3 T7 R WMAT 1.11 RAYPIELD BR Il iON, rae 116 N.t W. Nwe"9. aa-3, AUTO T1 RAIM, POTOMA A CO.. (V9 lh). see P. aine. l.,-. *OAN At TABM'g8%jP AND VC C CHAB. . MILLER, NC. x t M. Tel., l313 14th M, . . 8$ TARES V T OMAN. 11. MID. WASH. SERVICE O. ONaaeal 1bth Ga. M. 0 1W. N.W. N. 56. UOD ia EAI A 0. V "loft. POTOMAC SALK* CO M.Laa .Mg., -Mar. 1t 1=. N. e. t. 5 vAWN 46G11. LAs.WENP2.. JOHN W. zALEY, 13 at.. M. Lin. RAGOAGE 8 IONG D2ITAOC3 TE CCNTRAL TRANSFER CO Mar, 1I1 K St. N. W. P+01. Maim 11, FranklIa 764. RAGOAGE 4 DtANMTA9 . NEWMAN'S TRANSFER 1555 U E. N. W. North 16145. AMERICAN NATIONA.L DANK. 1515 V St. N. W. Pono Main 3,6. HAMILTON *AY1NOU DANK. 7th and I Ste. N. W. Colyspbia *.40. 5ICYCLUS. JOSEPR N. ROMM, 1613 Sib St. N. W. Franklia 19. EDWARD F. GRU7VER, 1311 Pangivvanla ave N. W. Main T108. DUPLDG2 AND OANf A-MW. TUE HOME MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ABBN. Old Camt. Nat. Dank Bldg. Tel. Main 41ha. THE COLLEGEMAN Ou.. 604 3 EL N. W. Main 3S01. DAD '8 CAPRWA MOODS K. DADE, 1215 Pa. Ave. N. W. Franklip 2756. VRANKLJN LUNCE. PRANE L. CAULY, 56 3 St. N. W. Franklin 6205. ____ ______ f.NMVEWRS1TY LUNC . ao. WATTS. 603 3 St. N. W. DAUBER 53MP. CHAS. M. WALKER, 633 Ith St. N. W. F ra n k li sn t - -. WILLIAM H. TURNER. 126 Pa. Ave. N. W. - VINCENT LANZILLOTH. 506 13th St. N. W. Phone FranklIn 5177. JULIUS .EE 1337 7th St. N. W. North 7676. WILLIAM H. TURNER. 136 Pa. ave. N. W. YINCENT LANZILLOTII. 60 3th at. N. W. Phone FranklIn 3111. JULIUS LEE. 1531 1th at. N. A. X.rt 1270. OARDING UO. DOLLY MADISON OUSE H W Peek. FProp., 1441 Mae, a 0e. N. W. . H. N. TAYLOR. 1351 Paanvlasta Ave. N. W. Fr4ak302 .42. CAFE E 'ARANTO. JOHNSON A BYD.N, 406 10th at. N. W.; 190 Pa.. tve. N. W. Tele. FranklIn 5500 and 38E _ NCHA ENGLAND CAVE. $1-26 9th EL. N. W. Frankl 21, THU NEW QUALITY, 205 0th at. N. W. STeL. Fr. 34T0. H. . PREATNDEU 2631 GeorgIa Ave. N. W. CARPET CLEA2ERS. ALBERT KAKHLERT A CO.. 3623 L St. 8 W . M ai. 20 r6. * ORIENTAL RUG WASHING CO., 1412 5th at. N. W. North 231. THE STAR CARPET CLEANING CO.. 13 34th at. N. W. Weat 2461. CANDY * CONFMCTIONEBY. AUNT LUCILLE'S OLD PASHIONED CANDY JJ8 14th at. N. W. Frank. 6053. LEWIS TEN 1331 th tL N. W. Nort 110. CHIROP'RACTEC ICEOOL. RILY SCHOOL OF PINAL T1R5RAPY1. GeDrte 3. Ruthrauff. Sect. 1116 9 s. N. W. Tel.Min 4.a WORK8. ALBEIt? ORENSEN. 425 14th St. N. W. MaIn 1311. E. M. GUSaN. The Fimbertand. Thomam Cirete. Tel. MaIn 5304. and TP. MDNL.Ran39Da_ DR. LOTTA N. SMIAH 614- Dead I8. Tel. MaIn 3l. ANTHONY JANEIW, T0 1Oth St. N. W. MaID 4651. A. J. DAWUON. T50 3ead Bdg. Mafa 46T4. MERLE E. WOOD D. C. 141 t.W.~W. Tel. MaI3 5555. HAROLD N. ESD. M. D., D. C. 153v e atreet N. W, Tel. Pr, 6100. DRC. EDWARD A IDA MoCLEARY, 00 D N. WA ,ORD. Av TRE, MatL R60. CLATRVOTANTS C PANuINGRT. MADAM GAI t 19 N . t, Nt W. C. PARKER. 1311 3 EL N. W. PROF. 8ENS. 21T St. N. W. AIDAM RAY. 51 ran s N. W. Nor. Cth and 10th, 0 qA4 N a. VALENTINE AUSPRAND LAUNDRY. 1461 1 Ith t. N. W. C Bo. 4603. 3ONS. W e. Mats 199. N.So em North 4T15, CONTRACTOS DBUILDUS. . M. COMPANY. 410 Bend ibde. Main 3524._________ A. R. THOMPSON, 131 T et. B. B. L. DICkET BRO.. 144T Md. av. W. I. Fi. 5900. lAMES A. CLARK. 450 13th at. S. E. Lint 115. ______ rROMAS J. NIASH. 454 N. Y. awe. N. W. FranilSt 651. P. COOPER. Oare work a .rostp. 561 Thbet. NW. F 60 1 N. , rankUi 1245. MO1hERNDACN TD. :ATWER1NU BALLE, 146 9th St. 34. 'W. FranklIn 666. DRUGI*SSYBxSIMNAN. PARKERa AEBRS, 333 Maryland 31dg. DELICAThS63N. IIATMSOND*B FA MOUS SANDWICHES, 1600 14th EL. N. W. Cet. 51T. BREELAU'8 DELICATESSEN. 1T15 Ce ltma road. C.I. T366. IteCOMAS DRUO STORE. 206 Ph. Ave. *ATONA.,P~f O WLA: et. . a aleua 48T 1th W. M Atai at et as. N. V HINGTON T INSTANT SERVICE siness Direc A . M4 18. .T . . . W MW rW. W. 1k.0 . ,W. Mab PsUR Ys 8th St. . W. A s.N . 3 M arets, A. 01h S 4t N . T. Ma. N6r ARCANWIT 0a VaN M S. 140 14th St. N. 040nI.. Are . . ..r6-. Pr..v0r.. NAat'. 1 14 00t . d. C. 566. MR. VERA LE 41seagN V oth JIMR . PUMPURTT. 832 t St. . L. C~~~~ INmJCSO.8e DavespOrt, R te A, e.evePAN 1 1406. . MaNt V400.lss. SUIE UMAT 4ACTOREMo . W. Ioth isto. MalN .1 . Main $62.. LAWEERD. KNOE3 Stht N. W.-Te =,A DSDESED MEATS . A CIALTY. RAYMON . COLINS Ar21adet Narke. $40. 1014AV._X W Fr104 . r.G$ MOMSR DROWNING, e Burr& MXT.. Pr....,.hm ..L...,;s, qu ait. 1400 14th t. . W. Ir. Ma16. um VRAS L.N474Ot. 4t. W. North W r t. MA3 CRIT . 906 U St. N. W. :C.RAYI. CHAPRAN, 1811 U d t. . W Nt16 . R. n. Rade slat. ave. N. ICE.URANC . M. L OT G V.1W5dward Bldg. LAWRENCE D. ENGEL. suit 301-3*2 Jenifer Bldg. Tel. Frank. 0898. Main 311. SEWU DEW0MD MKEAT A SPE01ALTT. RAYMOND 0. COLLINS, Areade Market. EDGAR BROWNING. beef. laab, vaal. C 7k31 Center Mkt., 99h at. win#. Mats PALTC CASH MAREET. 4 at. N. W. LANTECN SPIECIALOIES G. 3 1T4Mt Ot N. W,,q 'Ce. TT60. RI FRI . A O R 4M ablgo GARE . NiPS. 160 St N.t t. N. IME S. SCHAFER. 3046 P mt. X. W. W. GREAT PALlod ICE DEPOT. 1339 Wis mSiA avO. N. W. W. 16N6. . JEWELRT. eALL1SrES. Mar., L$I PO.NSe N. W.41. S1.N. E Y MAWHITMORE CO., 111 P at. 3 M. , . 444. UpTOMUT LADIEZ' D&M@41a. 1 A H a N OP. 603 th . N. W. Tel . R a . 5.O.FN 23 loth at. Te. Csal 336.00. LAWWER.L RICKARD J. TAGART 4 WaEgton LoaE A Trust Bldg. CO. 111t .AMES U. PPS, 1600 Q St. N. W. North 044". 1.A0Ceftw'k ism BELANGEM. B. A LIAN see Pa. ave. N. W. MUMTING APPLEANCE. WZEBACH COMPANY. 43 Tth t. N. W. Tel. Pr. 49Tl . LAULnRa. LIZsIS JORNDON, 1840 1th St. N. W. MARNET STORMS. SCONOMY MARKET, Dr. 209 14th @t. Up. 2, IT$? Col. Rd. N. -1418. COL 8*00. nNRICK 8 MARKET. L. Robia. Prep., 1111 15th 0t. N. W. North 114. W. Colmbia 3648. W. Col g066-10 0-2. TE MUI.RDUDLEYCO., 11T 14th - R . BICKSTON. 910 14th st. N. W., 04 floor. Tel. Ma 384. MAMNELLO sTWl'EM. 30.ISALSTH DAVIS, 738 181th 1t. . W. Freakit 2909. V.6 Mit 00-.W.ai9. LWtE IAT -MHOP. 11114t 12t. N. S 5.EDANELINNON 183TER BO at N.-V. Prk.. Mank 1153. .Mtases PR. U. Mii. 1th N. W. Maith 3035. Phone tD OB310lr~b~.N ADV th 536.9W W.5G REL 00N. 18 N.T. N. W. . Main 10. 0DWA F E!g!llOat . . Wnv. 182e1th at0.N.wTeMm 0t AEN AEANE 0ELIA. M. P. ILAWLu4GS, 601%5 14th 54. N. W. Main 5348. EDWARD W. MINTE CO.. raO., 1318 13th WILLIAM S. ROGEI548? P 8. M., W. MaIn 1041. PASNTESE. DECOR0 EE a F~m WILLIAM C. PEAK 5616 14th at. N. W. Columbia 6018. 3M. S. KNEAS. T64 Celumbla rd. 24. W. SAMES LIN*S&'8A ONS. 1141 Pa. Ave. N. W. Phone Main 1010. N. R1CHARPU0N. T35 MorteW St. N. -W. Creijili ie-s~r w N. L.. AUCxsR. 1545 fth St. N. w. North TUE CRAE PR! C8St t . . PREM so P Fmdmmm Lory OOININENTAL PR COeMOaeSaSI TVeg Crlib. Mt. W I.. Soc Was. ave. W. , a 162V POULTSE WUOLEALE AD XETAI1. SONGS3 J. CAIR209. 39 La. av. N. W. Frank. 1230. at. Bak Bg., th & Pa. eye. To. HARRY L CHEW. 036 Cost. Trust Bids. Tel. Main 1040. PRUECE RIDING SCHQOL. conducted b' Mrs. Anbrose Preece, ?603 Massachu got av. N. W.; etties. W. 1366; ree. N. 104611. ROOP REPatRnNG. M. A. LIGHTFOOT. 1614 10th et. N. W. OR 4O ONnc.. Washington Loan _.ATrust Bdg, Main T60. EAT RUBBER STAMP C PANY. 326 11th St. N. W. Franklin 1381. TRANSER .- STORAGE. W. E. HUMPHREYS. 111 Florida Ave. N. W. N. 9600. SHOE REPAIRING AND dMINHI. MODEL SHOE SHOP. 1117 14th t. N. W. -Tel. Frank. 4211. TAKICABS. NEW TAXI SERVICE CO.. 1140 S1at 50. N. W. We"t 64. CHARLES J. BEATTY. 716 Florida ave. N. W. North $Is. ASSOCIATED TAXI SERVICE. Dunbar Garage, 1702 7th at. N. W. North 410. ROBERT DALEY, 140L 11th St. N. W. North 231. WINDOW. VACUUM & GENRAL HOU0ECLEANING. IDEAL WINDOW A VACUUM CLEANING CO- 1382 Eye St. N. W. MaIm 6268. NATION*AL- WINDOW & HOUSE CIVAN ING CO., Stewart Bldg. Mais 4106. LADIES TAILR. STAR SKIRT CO.. Cleaning and Presming, 20 14th St. N. W. Ngrth 1401. SUI ELOWICH. i8 11th at. k3. W. Franklin 7715. TAI3ORS. SCOGNA BROS.. 114 Sib St. N. W. IZUELRNRWODF.- U-fril ti.-W. Pr. 2313. GOODMAN 942 lhE . N. W. Mai 1164. MERCANTTAILE . . COLES a SON. lose Ith St. r . TELEPHONE COMPANY. THE CHESAPEAKE A POTOMAC TELS PHONE CO.. 726 13th at. N. W. Mal& 134004. - TAILMRINO, CLEANING. PRESSING I DYEING. J. GOODMAN, 211? 18th at. N. W. N. 3150, VALET SHOP. Hotel Gordon. M. 5630. naE TAILOR. 1101 4 Mt. N. L LiaZ coin 398. PETWORTH TAILORING CO., 210 Upahml at. N. W. Col. 6402. B. IUTT. 1431 14th St. N. W. Norts LA FRANCE CLEANING SHOP. SO *th St. N. W. Tel. Franklin 1403. A. RAMIR. $39 8th St. a. E. Lincoln TENANTS POiT3TR LEAGUE. O. P. HART. 20 Coat. Truat. Bldg. TeL TI-RA-ME HRB EZERDI. MADAM . FRANCES OSMAN. 1128 It% St. N. W. TINNING a SIZATING. C H. ANDERSON. 123 Pa. ave. N. W. Franklin 4498. TOILET PREPAA ITs. BYANTINE HAIR SPECIALTIES ME% CO.1301 9th t. N. W. TRANSPER a BAOGAO. G. IL NEWMAN 1338 You St. N. W. Phone North lot"8. .PI?OLSTURUG & CAEENTER WOR C.JOES 16 4% t. R. -. JAMES T. RYAN. S1? Peanarlvania Ave. S. X. Lincoln 142. COLOARDE, UDHRTAKNRS AND JON . THOMPSON. 1306 H St. N. 3. Tel. Lincoln 316. WAIL PAPER ANN) PANTS. CORNELL WALL PAPER CO., 114 13th St. N. W. Main 5111. STEAMSNP . NEW YORK TO EUROPE Beakse fros Per 7r 54th 8.. N. t. &. 8. Geo. Weft4gt.,b ad Amer. ues (ee MdIHboken) AMERICA: 00-0 OWLs s1-wee. S-ser. so GEORGE WASHINGWN: 00. s-mew. a-eae, 8 Ps.TMO-Oe~umeerNU-g*UIas ~UT6IA&STATBi O5.11-New. IS-See 28 HUDSON: 050. 15--3e. S. PRINCESS MATOIKAt , m5.-00e 30. POTOMAct Nov. 0-D... 30. UNITED STATES W. 45 Breadwqy. N. Y. 200 go b. MOORE a McCORMACK 00.. . ROOSEVELT W!A 5UT ~ Es UNITED AMERCANL13 bs Managksg Operator. for the Unite State Shipping beard 'KEEP TO LEFT' STREET RULE CONFUSES SYDNEY STDNEY. Austsriis. Sept. 36.-60 mauch confusion has follwed the change of ydney's etreet traffic rule0 troem "keep to the right" to "keep to the left." that the city has been forced to em1ploy "sandwich toen" to wonder about the principal thorough fares bearing signs that remind pa destrian. and vehicle drivers of the new order. The traffic rule change went late effect July 1. folowing a decisdon by the municdoel authorities theh the left side of the test and sidewalk was safer than the right, and sine then residents of Sydney have been strug gling against the habits of a lifetime an an attetapt to live up to the ineo vation. Killed, Another.Hurt in Blast. LANSFORD. Pa.. Bept. 21.-Niobo las Widy was killed instantly and John Durish was severely ushered today by an explosion of dypam.taa. When they attempted to drill It tOsu a hole, after It had failed tn evpie In a rock tunnel at th'i L. I4 cia Mi*Ue aC