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* .~*.--.-.- - 4 . ; & - T - -o-f ~PUT OVER 4THROUNRD Babe Fans With Bases Loaded. Indian Hurlers All Pound ed Hard. POLO GROUNDS, NEW YORK, Sept 25.-Forty thousand fans saw th Yankees humble the Inians beo today in what proved to be one of the biggest slugfests of the eason. The final score was New York, 21; Cleveland, 7. - New York scored first in the sec ond inning, when five runs were hammered in. Ordinarily five runs wi1 win x ball Rame. but the Yank% took no cahmas and sent two miore across in the third. sews Bight In Fewth. The Indians retaliated in the fou-th with four tallies, but the real fire works began in the Yanks' halt of that inning. When the smoke had cleared #Way the Hugmes had scored a total 6kegt runs. oday's victory brightens the Yanks' prospects of knocking off the Amer. can TePpnie flag. The standing of the two clubs is now: New York......f9 51 .6 Cleveland ......33 56 .434 Frat -..... CLEVELAND-Mays grooved the first one on Jamieson and then fol lowed with two balls. Jamieson out, Ward to Pipp.. Wamby looked at two strikes. Wamby flied to Miller on a line drive. Speaker flied to Meusel. No. runs, no hits, no errors. NEW YORK-It began to rain harder when Miller went to bat. Miller looked at the first strike., Miller fouled to O'Neill. Peck, with the count three bals and two strikes, flied to Sewell. The Cleveland outfield switched for Ruth. Speaker going s rinto right, leaving center fieW deserted. Ruth swung at the first one but missed. The second was a ball. Ruth swung wildly at the next one. The fourth was low and outside. Ruth singled through the boo to center. Meusel fanned. NoI runs, on* hit, no errors. eseond Inning. CIZVULAND-Sumith fouled to Mc Nafy on the first ball pitched. Gar4 ner out, Ward to Pipp. Sowell walk ed. Burns singled in front of Meusel. b"Well made third Ik a slide. O'Neill fut. P -p unassisted, on a beautital -igop. io runs, one hit, no error. af NL;W YORK-Pipp drew an ova -40n when he came to the plate. He sat out an infield hit to Wamby. It .was a close decision at first base and %the Cleveland players raised a row * with Dineen. Ward flied to Speaker, Pipp holding first. McNally, with the count two and three, doubled to right center, scoring Pipp. Speaker made a spectacular bare-hand stop of the drive on the first bound and held Me Nally at second by a beautiful fhrow. Schang drew three balls In &'raw and then walked on four straight. Ma doubled to left field, scoring McNay and Schang. Umpire Conneilly sent Schang back to third base en a ground rule. Miller doubled, scorin Schang and May.. and took thir when the drive went over Jamieeon's ,head. The otficial scorers, however, called it a triple, and took an error away from Jamieson. Straw hats were thrown out of the stands on to the field and the gamse was called while Umpire Connolly collected them. Cald well was taken out by Manager Speaker, and Duster Mails, the star southpaw of 136. relieved him on the mound. Peck singled over Gardner's head, scoring Miller, on the first ball pitched by Mails. Mails got two strikes on Ruth and then gave him| two balls. Ruth out, Gardner to' Burns, Peck reaching second. Only the bad leg of the Dabs kept him from beatin out the hit. Ruth de clas ed himsef safe and kiched dirt on Umpire Dineen when he learned that! he had been called out. It looked like a fight, but Managqer Huggins and Meusel ran out and towed the big Babe to the dugout. Me'asel out, Sewell to Burns. Five runs: five-hits; no errr. Thh4 mnntag. CLICVILAND-AU Mails went to' ,pbt Connoily stopped the game and re'n to the Yank dugout, where he warned the players to keep theiri mouths shut. Malls fanned Jaete-| son singled to right. Wamby fo-ced Jamleson at second, Peck t, Ward.'I Speaker flied to Meusel. No ru, ones hit, no errors. NUW YORK-Pipp safe at first I whem lewell fumbled his fat grounder. Ward foroad Pi p at see send. Wtnby ,to Swell. eta gle ,sebeinl sad Went t rdwhen O'Neill's low threw went through~ . ~ r t wa an rr~ Nu1 SCFUR Graney, D' AB........... a .. . . 3 Grarder;& . . . . . 4.mb4 2h : 4 6 t Burne, 36 .1 ..... Jonson *1 . .. .1 . .. A 1 ONeill, C. .: .1 . ... Caldwellt,p 11.. . 9.6... .,., .0 Mails , lP. . ...... . ........ Steil~y h f ........ . A I I 0 3hnut c. 4~ 0 Smthenson 36 ~. . . . .'. . . 3 1 Cl a ,l ............ I Jhnste , . ......... 1 2 1 4 1 Peck 3l............... 2 1 1 1 1 Caldwell9 9 9 ~ 0 0 Sudtp no ........ . 1 0 0 0 1 Clk, p......0........ 5 2 2, 3S 10 Shinut, h............. 4 2 03 1& 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 M lotaly. 3b. . I U 2 . N 0 0 1 3. 1 2 1 0 0 Rut....... 3ot 11 0 M000y lrift i C......... 2 S4......... 1 43 1 2 2 Nw Yr6 2 2 # 0 Tota.. ........... S I 27 0. 0 Tnals. YORK A . .. .. .B . . 0A E Mllherw . .a.. 5 fn 1 0 to 2 - reuhedthLr. ....... . 3l r o.%r bt Ja o Wiht ard2r6.............f . Seal 281 1m to 8= Mcut , 3ar......... 3ot 3unw 06 ME 2 Seelt Wm n veancng Bu ..' . .. 3at bdm 2 2o" bi i whe ucte Gardner schdni P h t n the tlaw n. be ee and haend itn and r1 oil to Pipp- agMeN out, at ot Brahe thlirdng up. heCrku. Mayn.uisit&e o n oAn the throw. Maya fanned. Miller out, to Jehnstea..:.Whalg .yle; Dover Waiby to Burns. Two runs. one hit, n"r ran for. tied to three errors. hip Deverme.n heiut Johnston Porrth lnnlng. hel the 'baD Dovorner made ec CLEVELANemth msingled to singled off 's right. Gardner singled to left. Sewell. Cl vermer tot out, Ward to Pipp, both runnerm ad- cateed n g lowe to W mby, and vancing. Burn ws safte, ad mith faed. douied pbselt when and Gardner mcored on Peck's fumable. Jobndte e~the throw. Dooer ONeili singled in front of Miler, mr score Peck out, Burns pulling up at second. Main oten O run, one Rscrificed, McNally to Pip,. both run- hit, one eI norm advancing. Jam iedo doubled down left foul line, mcrin Burne and -~ O'Neill. Wamby flied to ~d, who toL onVELANfb il lleacr new made a pretty running eath. our eatainf o Now York. ah lnf t runs; four hits; one error. bne d NEW YORi-Peck ingled to ef Mred Graney, Peck to Ward. No Ruth walked. Meusel tripld, Scoring ' t no' Peck and Ruth. Pipp singled to f N TOitK-ewater hit a home moring Meusel, and took second when ru -into eft field bleaches. amiemon fumbled the ball. It was an eusetf error tow Jamieson. Ward beAt est ato buant to Gardner, Pipp reaching third. -u~ MNally walked, tilling the bases with - ay one out. flchang was -sate. ~PP teloeb Wnto Johneton. sored when O'NeIl dropped WTwoh titr no sare. throw to the plate for an attempted force out. Mays singled to osmter. NiA elinmg. Aoring Ward and McNally and smnd* cEVLAN-Jo n sin ' ing Schang to third. Miller singled to easer Jease tl second. 5k. enter, mooring Schang and Mais auna h wi* taking second. Peck, up for ~t eco- tolatrs. ~ w end time in this innin, ingled to right, filling the bass. Rth up with mope out. iFanned with the base. ufi eusel fouled to Durns. Pipp walked, drpe foring In Maya. Ward flied to Cla r d te V, peaker. Eight runs, seven hits, two tphno rrors. 'amiing.ed to Fifh nnaO. Cark taking p~4 ELND-Speaker out, Ward to Pip,. Tw *n.. ih, g Sm. . eith walked. Gardner er.. -.'- _ _ miueto right, Smith talgidgs econd. a single thrghM aly Don,. FAIR FAN WKMB WUBBY tephenson ran for Gardner. Burns out. Ward, to PFpp, both rnners ad-~ R 4 O ancng. O'Neinl walked, filng tePOL OGRQINDlU, NEW TORK. ases. Graney, hatting hr Miis, Out, Sept. 25e-A battle cf two *emen ays to Plpp. One run, two hMts, no baok mthe -sfacmb~ee'd errors. NEW YORK-Clark pitchi .300- hng akum es-awd fally out, lowell to Johnstem.'Laglot ofet a 'Ai ied to Jamnieson Ia 0ctgr flM. Mas Priend WIfe esse aii opped to Wamnby. No runs, no -hit5, Husband eate$ l8 stuhinthe, o errors. weonan. 31dbk to . . The battle instid er htt ,~wi~samie=o= aguwed to mtinutes ag~d a ayus lf.out,. Mctany bsnir'wr fareMiler at second. -b PSE owell, but Peck reached asher Swell threw wild to first tyigUna s,, duble. Ruth walked- estit-Who left field bleachers, cf ewter sheed et htm.u,* i o oenter but was out tows to Three runs; tete ae sew.4 eb lBe dance Show. . p.V RAIL MEN CrSeals , AmsNee and ft. placed After Looting. Evi. dance Shows; W ITE PLAW , N. Y.. Sept. 26. Nin m en, eight at them railroad em plove. have bes arrested by State b erand Now York Central Rail ves in connection with the theft ot goods valued at many thousands of dollers from feight care at White Plaine ad ML Vernon. .e Arretsi 3upesL The robberibs have been naminus. ot the railead detective , begaa an Investigation two weeks am. Sev-I oval maore arrests ae to be made. it ",a,"-Id..''." d"i to eM. The railmad men arrested are em plerso of left earvloe. Those charged with grand larmony are Everett Irving tuedy. ot Brewster, a brakeman for nine years; Willia mBoyle, of White Y~Plg employed In the tieactric di. v'i. o' the rallroa and Harold anie Years: William oyle. of White Pls. William Walter, r. son of & "II a se de0ae of White Plains al was acres on a grand larceny char*. His brother recently ran for it 6 410.night Yardmater for, the railrd. and said to be the leader of the gang, was arrested on a charge f ltealing autonobile ires, but en at ditional ch tgrand larceny is to be lodged "afnt h i t Is said. Tose arrested as alleTa toehivers of stolen. goods are Edward Stuart, a brakesan, of North White Plains, who a wife an eight childrea Edward J. Milvae. ductor en the railroad, living at" North White Plins, &" who was souggese th year an & candidate for Juan"c of the Paco; 7 s Dickes at White Plains, and r g OhIso, a brakeman, of White Robert Mares 10 maid to have doe Orpert work on the lead' seals of cam e oV ts and t tb@ u the operation isoovernd. hew stolen g aods Sof' Whih, te lce y. ha 410tws. clothing, rifles, expensive e krhuadle Of SWN do ~oldlevis issni to have con. HI ADV SAMLE342 Zachary In Good Form-Ohar rity Pounds Out Pair of Three Baggrs. AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK, Sept. 25.-George McBride's Griff men today moved up another noteh towa*W third place when they took Ty Cobb's Tigers into camp before a crowd of 9,000 fans, s to 2. It was Washingto.'s seveMth straight win. The G drew blood In the first and sialng b oy Harft enabled ledge to s re. Detroit 0a8 aein1 two rus in the third. but the OMtied the count with another tally in the fourth and took the lead I the seventh with an ather. Neither team scored after the sev. @nth Inning and the gaspe ended 1-2 In favor of the Griffs. The Browns had an off day. The Pertages of the two clubs now Wem. east. Pet. Ft. IARs ....... 79 73 .&6 Wasshngte...6 7. .s1 8 PW'et In==ig. DETROIT-Young fouled to Shanks near the Detroit foul boxes. Zachary threw out Sargent. pJebb singled to left. Veach doubled t6 right. and Gowe in, with a mighty throw, got Cobb at the plate. No. runs; two hits. no; one left. WASHINGTON- Judge esfe on roung'. bad throw. Harris singed to 1eft snding9 Judge to third. Milan ue to Helman. Rice fouled to W;;-arri statedfor second and WoodalI threw to Diue. The lat tried to got Judge at third. but his throw was wld, Judge scoring and Warrs reaching thW&d Harris gets a olea base. GOsn iled to Cobb. One run; oe hit: one error; e eft. asesd ambg. DETRORT-Rehman lined to Har. ft Blue roped to Geon. Zahary Mkrew out TSVeW- NO runs; no hits; Ws errars; nose left. WA3HINGTON$-9hnks singled to edt. Obarrity waUed. O'Rourke's b;%nt Ms a pop fly to col. a r hit nto-ea de plat b ettou a .... ...rg-t t. no. 0e runs; one hit; no -e ft; one left. DETROIT-Wbodal do.4ed to left toetipe Wuight ter. aut ata the pae w -ua. Nwht, e o , en a. errrs jigedt nIurt 1urehg. Mo tl 1 ~es 'thrwout Ve~.N V~ n no r.-eo. (he b letft. teof'thvewb out tom.a n pse;ee left. ANCE IN M1 T HE BOAX SOR DETROIT A.,L R. P..A L Young, 2...... .. Sargent,3b ........... 4 10 130 Cobb cf ............... 3 9 Veach, 3......... . . # 3' 8 Heilman, rf ... .. .. . .... 4 90 30 Blue, 1b...,. . .... . .,. . . 4 0 01 Tavener, ps. . ... .. .. .... 3 102 3 4 Wall, c. .. 3 1 Colo, p . .. .. .. .. ..,... 2 1 1 1 1 *Manion .. ........ .... I I I I 1 Hollings, p ........... 0 0 0 1 "arnes .b..........4 0 6 ,0 0 31 CoBbrnf. . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 02401 Total... . ..,........3 2 24 'WASMIGTON A.B. R. I AA Judge lb. . 1......,..,...4 0 3 0 Barr,2 ..l....,. , *. .~. 0 0 0 MTlan, If .. ..... ..... 3 0 0 2 3 1 Rice, f ...........,.. .. 3 01 1 1 Goling, .......... .4 0 0 3 1 0 sk--arncs ..........0 0 , . 4 Toarty. . . . . ~. . . .. . 3 2 14 O'Rourke, es .A .... .3.P..A 3 Judgwe, l. ...,...... 3 2 0 1 1 0 achary, p . . . . . . 6.,.,.. 3 0 Totals.. .. . . 0.O.'j. . 3* 24 3 1 -M..nat. f... C.. In i1A --Rour.. a. ........4 "Beane ram for Mealo.. Washington 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 03 Detroit 0 0 2 0 0 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE 2L 4L L Now York. 0 0 0 3 0 St. Louis ..0 0 0 0 1 0 3.ttwh.-Now t..b Douglas ad Snos StL Losas, Mains "A FURST CANUL I ston... 0 1110 0 0 0111-3 13 e%L-z A~L Aeshs I a A edy ACAhA A A Auab SAdI Boston...1 2 0 1 Chicagol 0 0 E. P0. . E Cininati3 2 00 0 8- 14 0 uque s3 d Delgetr i St0 0 p2tO Glaar.g - St.Meouis. . . 0 st0p. E t - aUtteOTN-Ne trew Det runnandga st. Leale, Huiunes ande u~4 I tigh mnt. . Tvene thre Boto .tar.. ohr fle to 010 0ob ?m h0 to 1 O 3 3 .rn 010 0 0 0 NOTO2- 4i~g n4 Bates- Oeetk, Osazheer n ewy JagAeans n fnue. Mtlet.e u Tac D Ge.a Bie o stsahne.. .l 2 0 t1to m Ci inwshica t b.ap~oe .1 0 l0 3 -~ ~i atele e-BeJudem, WattE, Fininshese and eingC~egeMb g t, tres and Fa ese. Ma.fidt eln ae, M noea atte it r uian ~ a to ee te a ndhu,- rs. T ayss ef. S AT SFrioTt"~ frm * I.M "m x .o XWAmw" 0im w oe%" HM Seen ake rom Trvbw.esan mio nmdopw; Plia~tt iiwa Yos wa e sthe b.Vo th No To. ~r: ltnmamat The Spelda x v ep Um n tewatem a% U.1 ea ia. trad ON m. bit 111 He Ini WAdI BA"oK Deow3W -tlbgml4" tke 4.hamsy WORM~wif SyetPOTUL LMON- 846 i thor ury .