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oday 06" hD" WWI@ o' Mk'W0 t eor %mew? OA.F ANTEMM Eig the dsein et e s itl Ta awy Is the ared him late bat Deing soldlere stoo@d absve his body 1A his S h morning they let e k will 1 ndi turhA 4" lees as this natten stands. Whos ane the others, unknown, t ha he Ierved humanity? Semmewbi,. in ee's depths Use dent fen booes of the first to Maen a ses that ftr him had no ahore. Where. dead by , lies the man that first defIed tyranny for Justice sake? Vion, who wrote on La Prus CAlemsgnse and Les Neies D' Aute, should come back to write of the unnamed dead, including the first that tied a string of leather to a bow, shot an arow, and began scientiflo war and civ alsation at the same time. He began civilization. because he en abled the weak to compete with the strong. The unknown Chi nese that first made gunpowder stripped steel armor from the backs - of bullying nobles, and started democracy-although he did not know it. Where lies the first that fastened a sharp fltnt to the end of a pole. and frqm an overhanging branch pierced the brain of a tiger? He estab Ushed man's ascendancy on this planet. Where In the grave of the first woman that planted seed and tamed a female buffalo for its milk that she might have regular food for her children, instead of dragging them through the forest at the heels of her game-hunting lrd and master? Hers was the Arat home. She created agricul ture. Who first, with signs scratched on bark, bone, or sand stone, began written language that makes it possible for thought to travel and outlive the thinker? That unknown will sleep in good under Mother Earth. uwrvant are un - -Uer by some oe they do to save other millions from mutilation beyond recogni tion? What method will they propose better than today's plan, hat buries legions in unknown graves, then honors one pieked at random? Lloyd George says Washington is the "hope of the world, a rain bow in the sky." May it prove a rainbow, not a mirage, such as dying men have seen in the air, above a bloody battlefield. The world has one duty, to stop mur der and begin HELPING men in stead of killing them. It can if it will. If the Washington conference ends in talk and more battleship building, then this will be a world to make the dead glad they are out of it, and safe. Chaos and old night might descend exactly as H. G. Wells anticipates, with a re turn of dark ages and barbarism. The human race cannot go back all the way. It cannot lose the printing. press, electricity, steam, unfortunately It cannot lose poison gas or dynamite. It will lose wealth, civilization's veneer, and leisure for science, art, and think may, for a while. see a yel low triumph over white races, one a man with slant eyes, whip in hand, directing white rhen and women and their children in factories. That Is not impossible. The yellow, brown, an d black races outnumber the whites, more than two to one, probably three to one. Yellow and brown men are pa tient, resist disease, can throw hand grenades, drop dynamite from flying machines, make and spread poison gas as well as we can. This is Japan's "eight-eight" shipbuilding program: Super dreadnaughts. 8; battlecruisers. 8: risers, 23; destroyers, 77; sub marines, 80; river gunboats, 5I. Total, 223. The five rive gunboats are In tended, probably, for China: the others for white people. Japan needs no super-dreadnaughts, bat te cruiserp, no eighty submarmnes to take care of helpless China oir What are the white nations to do? The fronitiersman could not give up his rifle while a menacing wolf, catamount, or painted In dian remained in the forest. But he could, and did, refrain from killing other white frontiersmen. White nations, the frontiers men of civilization, might at least stop killing each other. Under aome wise, honest agree ment, Europe nighjt hsve her de fense against Asia sufficient, but not financially crippling. Amer ica may and must have her de fense against the whole world, neer, to be usel except In de fse, as when our ships were aeadoed on the one a. ow N o-ad W wow. ob"b~ ~e __ Nu s1,.WAsHINGTO FrIAY EVJIU'G, NOVEMBER~ 11, 192Z1. THREE CENTS VR iIK Presic UNK PRESIDENT PRIYS FOR PEACE ERA Address atArlington Drt Not Only to America Mu to Entire World. By DAVID M. CHURCH. Internetiaal News U.emlee. AMPHITHEATER, A R L I N G TON, Va., Nov. 11.-On this hal lowed ground, where rest Ameri ca's heroic dead, President Hard ing today gave solemn promise to the nation and to the world that the "sacrifice of the millions dead shall not be in vain." Speaks To Whole Waru. "There must be, there shall be. the commanding voice of a conscious civilisation against Vzmed warfare." the President sid. He spoke across the flag-draped bier of the unknown soldier, buried here/Wth regal honors, not alone to the representatives of America's people. bUt to the highest emmissaries 4ta 1p wrd' great powers. path~sofIt1 bon the eve of onf P,.lereno t-em the .oef ful "o the1 a aothsW h -so. Pw*wr sew bhildren who ," the President voiced the prayer "that no such sacrifices shall be asked again." As though looking into the faces of the courageous dead.- the Presi dent's eyes swept across the slopes. where multitudes of tiny headstones rose, rowon row, and echoed "the prayers of all people that this Armis tice Day shall mark the beginning of a new- and lasting era of 'peace on earth, good will among men.'" "Love. Justice, Hates War." "I speak not as a pacifist fearing war," the President said. "but as one who loves Justice and hates war. I speak as one who believes the highest function of government is to give its citizens the security of peace. the (Continued on Page S. Column 7.) President At "Unkno The full text of President H ton ceremonies today follows: Mr. Secretary of War and Ladles aid Gentlemen; We are met to day to pay the impersonal tribute. The name of him whose body lies before us took flight with his im perishable soul. We know not whence he came. but only that his death marks him with the everlast ing glory of an American dying for his country. He might have come from any one of un;itions of Amiican hon.a Somne mother gave him in her love andl tenderness, andi with him her most cherished hopes. Hundreds of mothers are wondering today, find ing a touch of solace in the possi bility that the nation bows in grief over the hody of one she hore to live and die, if need he, for the republic. if weo give rein to fancy. a score of sympathetic chords are touched, for in this body there once glowed the soul of an American, with the aspirations and ambitions of a citizen who cherished life and its opportunities. He may have been a native or an adopted son: that matters little, because they glorified the same loyalty, they sacrificed alike. Ellory of His Death. WVe do not know his station in life, because from Avery station came the patriotic response of the R,.000.fl. I recall the days of creating armies, and the departing o'f caravels which braved the mur derous seas to reach the battle lines for maintained nationality and preserved civilization. The service flag marked mansion and cottage alike, and riches were common to all homes in the consciousness of service to country. We do not know the eminence of his birth, but we do know the glory of his death. He died for his enuntry, and greater devotion bath no man than this. He died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in his heart and hope on his lips, that his enuntry should triumph and its civilization survive. As a typi cal soldier of this representative democraey, he fought and died, be lieving in the indisputable justice of his country's cause. Conseious of the world's upheaval, appraisingI the mai tude ofa war the like of which had never horrifi- human it efre, nerhaps he haoteved his fent HOSTS SEE MARCH T CEMETERY Thousands Bow' Heads in Orief as Procession Passe" Along Historic Avenue. And now he belongs to the ages. Down the long, broad thorough fare consecrated to the great of a nation, and out to the silent Vir ginia hilltops, somber in the gray ness of November, a lone caaket passed this morning, to join a sleep ing army of immortals. Sun Shrouded in Grief. Long famous as a street of cli max, within its memory playing wel come to great ascendencies. the Ave nue today was honored by a pa==tng whose glory and solemnity has been no part of incidents of other years. With the sun still struggling through the mist enwrapped by nature as Its parting shroud of grist, pallbearers, ebarmed against the t of war, lifted their Unknown On sde from a bMw full Out to a am. o to -them an. 'ee.. 0611seed to the sad af unM v e0d. betrayed tager as they dropp Into the cadence oT the lat procession. The light was not yet full and strong when the dignitaries of the Government gathered about the bier of this always to be nameleen patriot in the Capitol. Already the streets of the capital were resounding to the tread of stamping horses and the rumble of moving artillery, andgreat crowds lined the curbs on both sides. First came the body bearers, medal of honor men all-Sergeant Taylor of the Cavalry. Sergeant Radsa of the Coast Artillery, Sergeant Woodfill of the Infantry, Sergeant Dell of the Field Artillery, Chief Water Tender O'Connor of the Navy, Sergeant Jan son of the Marines. Chief Torpedo Man Delaney of the Navy, and (Continued on Page 8, Column 2.) s Address wn' s" Rites irding's address at the Aring to be a service destined to change the tide of human affairs. Sois Are Aflame. In the death gloom of gas. the bursting of shells, and rain of bul lets, men face more intimately the great God over all, their souls are aflame, and consciousness expands and hearts are searched. With the din of battle, the glow of conflict, and the supreme trial of courage, come involuntarily the hurried ap praisal of life and the contempTla-B tion of death's great mystery. On the threshold of eternity, many a sodier. I can we'll b~elie've, won dere3d how his *iebing iood wouldi color the stres m of humiani life, flowing on af'er his ,'acrittee. Ili patriotism was ntone leas if he craved more than triumph of coun try; rather, It wan greater If he hoped for a victory for all human kind. Indeed. I revere that citIzen whose confidence in the righteous ness of his country inspired belief that its triumph Is the victory of humanity. This American soldier went forth to battle with no hatred for any people in the world, but hating war and hating the purpose of every war for conquest. He cherished our national rights, and abhorred the threat of armed domination; and in the maelstrom of destruction and suffering and death he fired his shot for liberation of the captive conscience of the world. In advanc ing toward his objective was some where a thought of a world awakened and we are here to tes tify undying gratitude and rever ence for that thought of a wider freedovn. A Better Republic. On such an occasion as this, amid such a scene, our thoughts alternate between defenders living and de fenders dead. A grateful republic will be worthy of them both. Our prt is to atone for the louses of heroic dead by making a better re public for the living. Sleeping in these hallowedI gounds are thousands of Ameri cans who have given their blood for the baptism of freedom and Its maintenance, armed exponente of (Continned en Pa==e a Cona,... ) opes N H WILSON IS C AS CORTI - ..Phose *or FORMER PRitID NT WOOD ROW WILSON AND MRS. WILSQN Occupied the only carriage in the procession. America Fourth Ay to Pay Tribute to Unknown Dead. ]Y lorsmano News service. The United States is the fourth nation among the Allies to honor an unknown soldier with cere monies symbolic of the gratitude of the country for the part per formed by the humble men of the ranks. England was the first nation to pay tribute to her unknown warrior. The second was France and the third was Italy. None of the vanquished coun tries has paid any honors. ETSLAYSYSELF AS UNKNOWNIS TAKENTOGRAVE Spanish War Soldier Fires Bul let Into 13rain During Funeral of Unknown. While the funeral proceanion of the unknown moldier was winding its way up Pennsylvania avenue to Arling ton this morning, Peter McGraw, forty-three year. old, a veteran of the Spanish-American war. commiltted suicide by firing a revolver bullut into his brain. McGraw selected the old Grace lend cemetery, now a clump of wood land at Sixteenth and Morse streets northeast, as the spot to end his life. What motive he had in killing himself, was not ascertained by the police up to 1 o'clock this afternoon. Shortly before 11 o'clock this morn ing, Policeman F. A. 11avim, of the Ninth precinct, while passing the old cemetery ground heard the report of a revolvet ihot. Uipon inveetiqa tion he found the body of McGraw. In the veteran's right hand was a umoking revolver. Believing that there still might he a spark of life in the victim, Davis called the Canualty Houpital amihu lance but when physician, arrived they pronounced MeGraw dead. The only papers in McGraw's pockets wer those indicating that he had nerved in the army and that he had been diischarged at Fort Myer in 19032. Hiis hody in at the Morgue, while the police are nearching for hi. relative. and trying to furth 'r identify him. At the Soldiers liome where it was believed McGraw was an inmate, it was stated "No Peter Mcnraw w.e. awa a lnmtea th..,' For New L] JR 0 AID 4 Ph otoy(alT hnr :VV Preidnt arin an Gneal erhig mrcedafot n he unra cortege. CALDWF "DROHY ALDN N . T EL .t IN DARK;SO SHE SES.AS.V.LA.E.HASNO CRIM WHIE LANR N.YNv 1- PUHE SE .YNv 1 StneyMrrl, fHator.Con. n .i. .n th.. .ae f Wadn suranc agnysedywschre*rnecutben nieylci byhswf ihaadomn n thnhe d le ytebado nospp.tute onl h altee o maid's na e ,a Dorthy sh- al OBJCT T WFES US AR.WP T ET M1NELAt HaNg and Genera.-l erhptin arcd foo mibn othe cnral nly JMnsoei ofuintgrd -forim an unne vil-lwee ofwaldoen py i ifbce h abndnent anttl hmad by a bic bwavean drnd off Henuplanerntouttoa ttPrtePe s ar ther al t odayFo aheusead in aspaemiss,192 afteri hed rando therse receoivdreno ari had ooh"we h eriao aw oa tion== = t=h=e 6 vlae of va Of !WOLE Wo AS' BuODyI BIVOUAC IN I By GEORGE IsteretiSmail : AMPHITHEATER, ARLING :rest of a little sun-swept hill o reverent hands laid to his last soldier who shall be forever narr Grouped about the simple st the remains of him who dare stood the statesmen of the wor With sorrowing eyes, mindf: their own heroic dead, they loo only in the glorious mantle of its final resting place. "Dust to Do Above the rustle of dry autur mur of a great crowd rose thi pastor of the A. E. F., intoninj accompanied countless thousand "0, God. r as much as t yet we ha pored ot , 5 *lL we thaw and cna ilthis body to the gi ashes, dust to dust; in sure am tion unto eternal life, through Out beyond the spot where this simple patriot was buried in a king ly grave, and gleaming majestically in the chill November sun, rose the monuments which a grateful nation erected to the memory of Washing. ton, the Father, and Lincoln, the Emancipator. Behind this quiet grave, row on row, stretched away the white stones that mark the thousands who pre esded him in death that America might live. It was a distinguished company that gathered alout the bier of an unknown American sol dier today to do him final honor. It Is a company no less distinguished that reposes about him in his last sleep. Receives America's Greatest Tribute. The nation has paid homage to its many heroes before. Generals re turning from victorious wars have been thunderously acclaimed. Ad. mirals who won great sea victories have been received with the deafen. ing applause of multitudes and then followed to their graves by sorrow. ing thousands. But never has there been a tribute so solemn in its grandeur, so majestic in its simplic ity as that paid this nameless Amer ican soldier today. From coast to coast, from North to south. the nation stood silent in hir. honor. A l'resldent of the Unita.l States ,two former Presidents, and i representatives of kings and emperors followed hi. body to its grave. The statesmen of Europe and of Asia ,ioin ed with America in a mutuality of sorrow and reverence. And behind these, in sorrowful pro cesslor., walked the highest officers of the land for which he died-membwes of the Cabinet. justices of the Supremo Court. ambassadors, Senators and Con gressmen. generals and admirals, re splendent in their gold braid and deco rations, and governors of States. And still furthpor behind-yet more power ful than all of them-came the n's jesty of a free and untrammeteli American citizenship to "mark him to his grave." The great white marble amipltheater. shining frostily in the feeble sun, pre sented a scen. of unforgettable beauty and splendor when the services open ed. Apse Buried In Flowers. The apse that held the hody was a great glorious mass of flowers. They came from the far ends of the earth in tribute to America's nameless hero -roses from England, lilies from France-hloasoms from everywhere. Jiehind this mass of fragrance And color gleamed the brilliant uniform. and court trappings of the representa tives of the great powers of the eath. Orlentat qisador of dress mingled Peace ES LD PAUSES AKES LAST IRLINGTON IR. HOLME S. IJws .oryle. EON, Va., Nov. 11.-On the verlooking the placid Potomac, long rest today an American eless. me sarcophagus that received I and died on a foreign field Id to mourn him. il, perhaps of the millions of ked on as the casket, wrapped his country, slipped slowly to it" Intoned. nn leaves and the restless mur voice of Chaplain Brent, the r the familiar words that have a of soldiers to their last sleep: tis, our brother, unknown and t his life for freedom's cause 'ar commend his soul to God. ound, earth to earth, ashes to i certain hope of the Resurrec ur Lord Jesus Christ. * Beatty, the hero of Jutland, rubbed elbows with BriandI the premier of France. Dias, who saved Italy at the Piave. stood beside the glittering gee orals and admirals from the Far East. Caisson Arrives at 11:20. The shiny black caisson, bearing tb remains, drew up before the marble entrance sharply at 11:20 a. m. The body bearers stepped forward as the Marine Band broke softly forth into the solemn beauty of Chopin's fu neral march. The audience stood un covered as the stalwart medal of home or men, with slow and solemn tread. bore their burden through the west entrance and around the ight colon. nade to the flower covered apse. Tt was preceded only by the clergy and choir and followed by the pallIhbt'rers. The choir robed fn black and white, sang "The Son of God Goes Forth To War" during the solemn procts. slonal around the colonnade. The sound of their voices. rising strongly and beautifully, floated out to the thousands who, unable to gain admission to the ampitheater, stood in reverence In a great circle, for hundreds of yards beyond the marble edifice. Traffie Jam Retards Harding. As far as tho eye could sec, the roads around the ampi~theater w. re choked with automohiles. Maniy of those entitled to sh were uinable to fill them because of the u1.rece dented jam onm the roads, Preside.nt 1 larding hinself succeeding in reac'h ing the cemetery only after the .great eat difficulty. It took his car forty fIve minutes to thread the mase of four miles from the White Hlouse to the ampltheater. He managed to arrive just on scheduled time. Tlhe audience rose as the PresIdent and Mrs. Harding stepped out on the apse directly behInd the little flower covered mound that almost hid the somber black of the casket. Then the audience stood uncovered as the Marine Band broke forth Into the stirring strains of the National Anthem. As the musIc died awny over the brown Virginia hills. (lo. .in T. Axton. chief of chaplin., steppe4or ward and raised his hand. 11i. vniee, pronouncing the Invoeatinn. rang loudly through the chill air. Chaplain Offer. Prarer. A prayer for world tranquility na uttered by 6o. .John T Amnon. lhi.'f nf cha"a'ne. t'ntted Ntates ar-my In hi. invocation nver the enffin in A,' ington Cemetery. The Invocation tIl lows. "Alm"'hty God, our GracIous PFather, In simpe faith and trust we seek '1.a1 bla.Mais W A1&ag=1 in hemas