m we m
Ten Th
Name. - .
Thomas Temple, 2715 P St.
Mrs. Rebecca Wyatt, 919 V
WIN. Carwithen, 2120 . St.
Mrs. Jeannette Frick, 333 0
Berne Greenberg, 907 6th St.
Mrs. C. P. Turwor, Slig, Md.
Mrs. Patrick Caulfield, 1826
Ruth Monahan, 1609 Riggs P
Chas. Mitchell, 5808 Colorad
Not ~;Contest
This 16 t6i Plan
of Distributins
Every day a sm ,
O@ money is given
to the Free Gift
Coupon Editor for
distribution to those
who hold Free Gift CC
Coupons. BP
You have four A
chances to 'rin
Even If you win CS
today, you1 ma BL
again. .Watch your
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come and get your
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sothing else w do- BR
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ry to buy a news
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9 secured1
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Munsey Butilding, present your
You must come withi fv
awards not called for will b*
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OKL mm~' R00W- TS1 OF MINMS 10
ues 6,w0a,00 wow u w mormom T o m
NNW TORM. Nov. 1.-'hs e CHARLMTON, W. Va.. Nov. II.
et the ae Mrs. Ages. X. Desta. et Hering en the appla-m~m ot the B3g
Themmasvill. Ga.. waised at $A.- dsrl Osal Company Mad sisty-thse
T06.8. with 61,488O8 tmeiae l3 ether cew operators for a ijunette
New Te.6 bua aappraisailed yew restainag the Untd Mine WerheM
terdy by the Sate ma IsumideS. fem atteapts to eraise M~me a
-r . DsMtta. who was Me wdw set LAgsa esmaty sal eu and askin
*hn D. Ar66aid. Wm t ot the rselW frem the " 4Ck-of" systemn
"0 w was I all -- i United States bistrim
to Chi W. " rem rt here yesterday befo Jut
a. hegumathed SS.U to her C. W. - Meatteh.
buad md sa imannr sawet to ar The Imus Involved ae Memties
sistr. loft twelve beeweleat &Ad wIth these In the cas" reostly deoom
troas.t-s i*m $6.6 by Judgo Anderson at Indiaaoelis
to .W0 sich, and werild that the fromn headquarters ofthe
rsdfto be cha. Ii ealy b her ted me Workers at IndianapoiW
em and Iw asuWatir. mr here to present the union cause.
"Bayer on Genuine Asirin-say "Bayer"
warning! Unless you am the nme sobs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Mar
on package or on tablets ache. Toothache. Lumbago and for
* Pain. All druggists sell Bayer Tab
you ane not getting getuineA of Aspirin In handy tin pzir of
prescribed by physicians for twenty- 12, an In bottles of 24 and 100
one years and proved safe by mD. AprIn a tb. trade mark of Dayer
lions. Take Aspret oay s" told i Manufacture of Monoacetlcacdente.
the Dayer package far Colds. Head of Sbyllaclid.-AdvrtlseBet.
ousand ad
it.Zthut ostngyou&pen
can mel hold fast to them
WY'S WINNERShis pae for lucky
lished, come and draw down the
1umber. AmesL "J04-." What could be weete?
N. W........ CA 3975 $25.00 What could be simpler?
St.N0 YOU not have to ezePt t4.
. w. ... .. 6 10.0 ightest enry or effort to got
N. W ........CX ""52 10.00 this long green. It Isn't even
St. S. W......w 11 5.00 necessary that You be a sub
se:riber for or reader of The
S. E........AB 58027 5.00 Wahington Tims, becuse
.............CL 41075 5.00 coPles of this Paper containing
St. . W .. Kswsthi lucky numbers are on file to
M St. N. ...K 60373 5.00 the busine offie fIrst floer.
I............3M 310"- 5.00 Munsy building, and at the
D Ave'........l j o12 5 0 Public U ch
avery anut worma.d tt
it Waingtt ricy and pen
great and lowly, old and young.
firespective of race or creed ft"a
an equal opportunity to proft
batm this gold soatteriuy
No Work to DoesJust Be Lucky
INo Strings of
re Today's Lucky Numbers AnY Kind
h Attached to
Io you hold any of theser
come and get your cash. $1 neve
to $5.00
3 1 of........ t...1 0e00 Gran
43I1.. o ........ 10.00
136.............. 10.00Grn
1046...... t.he50 -ucky nu besae n-i
84569e..bu...ne500 ofouced frfom t tme
sv. ..........B..4.25.00 Pu lringy.ay
768e4ry m .omen. Yourb~
3645...........n wdainnicn lucky
resthan odsaterg. o
37661. rk.t... Do5.00 to eaducky
The sing- o
cr oa' ucyNm es Aeuly.Kn
ire oupns illb istibued fte AtacO O
tinu Hold thy cofpn thehseem~ ~e t
come paand wetchour cah. luky 100r. sae
13746 ...... .......... 10 .00 wae
70146................. yu w5.00n ----will bfer Man-r
84569................. Fun 5.0d oued fo
47580.................l 5.00 numbers 11o will
83657................. s well s enu be wrtmr, .... .~ay n S.n5.001 pern wtersk s
3766............. 5.0 itwil pa yo
Dooltres, If Words Weoe Unlaw
ful, He Is Serving Sentmno
As Senator's Stibstituts.
Mu 1atermeassa Nes sees.
ATLANTA, Ge., Nov. 11.-DavidT.
Blodgett. prisoner in the United States
petn here for violation of the
today made public a
letter written to President Harding in
which be demand. that the President
free him by prclimin his sentence
Blodgett is the prisoner given pub
licity by Senator Watson of Georgia.
who declared Blodgett was sentenced
for repeating portions of a speech
sent through the mail by Senator
Biodgett declared he did not want a
pardon nor commutation of sentence.
because he contended. he has 0o
mitted no crime.
"U hi (lenator Watson's) speech
constituted the ortme alleged against
me," the letter reo"d' (for which I
as imprisoned as enater Watson's
substitute), Congress would not be so
tyrannical as to fall t preed
against him after having eusted Vi-e
tor L. Berger from Congress for dim
ilar alleged offense."
Blodgett declares that "if you con
tinue to act on information supplied
to you by Ignorant or dishonest per
sone, your administration may fall
into as great disrepute as Wilson's
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so simple that
any woman can dye or tint faded,
shabby skirts. dresses. wasts, coats.,
@weaters, stockings, hangings. drap
eries, everything like new. Buy
"Diamond Dyes"-no other kind
then perfect home dyeing iA guar
anteed, even If you have never dyed
before. Tell your druggist whether
the material you wish to dye is wool
or silk, or whether It Is linen, cot
ton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes
never streak, spot, fade or run.-Ad
All Torturing Pains and Swollen
Joints Quickly Vanish When
Rheuma Is Used.
At last a real remedy for rheuma
tiam! And a good one it must be
when druggists everywhere sell it
on the no-cure-no-pay basis.
Rheumatics should hail this news
with great rejoicing for it is surely
a remarkable remedy and has a rec
ord of almost unbelievable cures.
Read what I. B. Shaw. Prairie City,
Ill., says about It:
"I was affected with Sciatic Rheu
matism, suffering for months with
such terrible pains and burning sen
sations that It almost crazed me. It
affected my left hip, running down
ward to the end of my toes. It was
too painful to permit my foot touch
ing the floor. Tried medicine after
medicine without relief until an old
friend who had been similarly trou
bled said: 'Why don't you use Rheu
ma? It is the beet remedy for Rheu
matism I ever heard of.' He had vis
ited ud baths and other places, but
nothing did him any good until he
used Rheurna. After this informa
tion I sent for a bottle and before
using more than half the contentH
I experienced a change for the bet
ter. Less than two bottles made a
well man of me. Having followe-.
railroad work for 32 years and beitnx
weid acquainted in several states. I
will answer any inquiry regarding
myi) case."
If yotl havec rheumatism In an:
lorm, don't delay-try Riheuma t.
day. Peoplee Drug Stuires will sut
ply you and guarantee money re
tunded if it does not give quick and
le-sed relief.
Over Week-Ends
To Historic
Eastern Virginia
Via Potomac River and
Chesapeake Blay
Modern Steel Steamers
Daily Service'
informatlon and L.iterature at
73R15th Street N. W.
Norfolk & ashington
Steamboat Coa
Expt 2,000 W11 "Utn
In" on Baltinore Chureh
Service Sunday.
BALTIMORE. Nov. 11.- Hymns
will be sung and a ermos preached
Sunday that *ill be lashed by Wire
lds to a oearegeao ""attared ever
the entire eastern ase e the
country. Members of this eengrega
tion, etimated at about 3,0", wil.
sit in their own homes and bear the
singing and the sermon. which wl!
be preached in Baltimore by the Riv.
Dr. F. T. Tagg.
The sevices will be the first ofa
sere to be given every Sunday
morning durb the winter by the
Maryland R adioAmsatie Ac
cording to the plane of the aeela
tion, prominent ministers and Jab
lie men of the city will be ash to
deliver the admene at the radio
sared services. Beginning at 10 a.
m.. moared music wil be sent out
and the ermones will start at 10.15
a. m.
Two radio telephone stations will be
used for sending out tie services thli
Bunday. Dr. Tagg's sermon will I
sent out from experimental stati
"3XAA." which Is operated by i
Craig Densten, $03 North Calhou
street. The sacred music. howeve
will be sent out from experimenta
station j"FE." operated by W. Ji
Davis, 627 North Mount street. I
Is the Intention of the Marylan4
Radio Association to send the othei
services of the series out from othe.
stations In the city.
There ar about 2,000 radio rece!v
Ing staton6 is Baltimore, and the in.
mediate vicinity. and it Is expect.
that the owners of the great majority
of theme will "listen in" on the ter
For the last six months the services
at the Point Breem Presbyterian
Church, of Pittsburgh, of which the
Rev. P. H. Barker is pastor, have
been mont out by wireless teleohone
In the radio station "KDKA" of the
Western Electric Company. These
services start at 7.45 p. m., and con
tinue until 9 o'clock. When the
Marylanh Radio Association decided
to hold the series of services, It isel
ected the morning hour so it would
not interfere with the Pittsburgh
YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio, Nov. 11.
George L. Ole. market proprietor,
who was elected mayor Tuesday on
an independent ticket after he had
established a residence here only
three months ago, has "backed down"
on some of his-eampaign pledges and
made new promises In his first
formal statement since his election.
Olen isn't going to throw ou the
street cars and turn the street0 over
to the jitneys, he indicated. He finds
he can't legally dismiss the street
railway commissioner as he had
planned, he says. But the boot
leggers are going to be cleaned up.
he declared, and reiterates hiylfdte
that the chief of police and the whole
force will be dismissed if they don't
obey order. to that effect.
Heads Consular Body.
MADRID. Nov. 11.-Enrique Trau
mann, Guatemalan consul gener.l
here, yesterday was elected president
of the Association of American Can
suls. an organization comprising the
entire consular corps of North. Cen
tral and South America. He succeeds
Senor Jardon. former consul generbi
from Argentina. who resigned.
R Up r and hard
work brng : and aches in
muscl its. Have a
bottle of Sioan's Winiment sady and
apply freely UiQea robiag, jer t
geneereoe. .
You will fad at osna a Ar
mense of warmth which will be loou
by a relief from sorenes, and stioEm.
Wonderful to relirve all emrts of
external aches and paine-hre-aatisine
neuralgia, scatiea, lame bacha, sprais
ad strains, over-exerted mm....
For 40 year Sloan's Lhai.mmt hes
helped thousand. the world owe.
You ame.t likely to be an ereisa,
It certainly does produce resulaa
$3.50 Philadelphia
$3.25 Chester
$3.00 Wilnington
And Ret urn
War Tax 3 Per Cent Additional
Sunday, Novemiber 13
November 27
Lv. Waehlngton...........:5 a. m.
Lv. Philadelphia............ :3S .m
(Standard time.)
Coeuit Ticket Agents.
Ba't more & Ohio R. R.
This For WOMEN
I mte compound entiseptle powder
orucnhe,. Drugsste remmend
IKeya Aeptic becaume ot its effective
I n.I yet. HAFE. metton. It comes in
a eises. 4ee ad Tee at all Pegples
D r== Stores.
Beware of Tender Gums
Unhlwaly soil kills the best of wheat. UnAWshhp
gum kill the best of teet. To keep the 6@A somA
heep the gums well. .Watch for tender and ble&ing
ums. 'Misr* a symptom of Pyorrhea which aiacts
four out of ve people over forty.
- Pyorrhea menaces the body as well as the teeth. Not.
only do the gums recede and cause the teeth to decays
loosch and fall out, but the Pyorrhea germs
lower the body's vitality and cause many serious ill.
To avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist frequently for
teethan dgu inspection. AnduseForhen'sForthe -m.
Forhan's For the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea-or
check its progress, if used in time and used conmi
ently. Ordinary dentifrice.'cannot do this. Forhs'.
will keep the guns firm and healthy, the teeth while
and clean. Start using it today.
Bruh Year TWt Woh Fere S-Hew s Use ft
Us e it solo X ined e W.ey m m. is eM
wat. plAe a of t . healing paeme theM
esevies. sedig and bak Uasesu the teeth. a&
your with.yeaForha-eated bn -gmstlr at Am
K thanm vi . I the g"M an aversn4r.
massess with the ?nap inesead of the brush. If gIm ebsinbags has
sliady set in. un eras a essedng a "Wuslms 01n Wes
35c and 60r. Al druggists.
Affooke I.AJ APo. A. D. a
Forhan Co., New Yori rhax's. Ltd., Mus:w
Don't be a Wall Flower!
VIM-0-GEN - the Yeast Vitamine Tablets enable you to
appear attractive by putting plenty of firm, well
rounded flesh on your bones.
I YOU are dissatisfied with your
appearance, because you are thin,
angular and scrawny, if you want to
fill out the hollows and round out
the features, try two Vim-0-Gen ..
Yeast Vitamine Tablets three
times a day with your meals.
When you have done this
for a few days, look in your
mirror and note the improve
You can have rosy cheeks and -
a clear skin, too. The leading hospitals ~
have already established the wonderful ~
effects of yeast in clearing the skin of
' mpes, boils, acne and sallowness. These
reuts are noted almost immediately and
the other quick improvements are a renewed vftality
which p'ves an added sparkle to the eyes and a new
attractiveness to the carriage and features.
Many women report griat changes in nervous disorders.--there is les irritabaity, tr~s
cease to bother. Increased nerve energy and strength help you take your proper pleas
among your circle of friends.
VIM-O-GEN Yeast Vitamines in
Pleasant and Easy-to-Take Form
Two tiny concentrated tablets of Vim-0-Gen, taken vigomous physical development, VIm-O.Gn be -
three tie a day with meals will bring amazing in- tamns iron and other hcalth-building Ingr.eint.
and n m e tMoney Back Guarantee
will be noticeable in a very short time-in most cases You are not asked to risk asinle ent to d ut M
within a few days. This condition of better health Vim-0-G a Yeast Vitamine Talt will give esthe
and greater strength will not leae you-i wlbe buoynt, lively hpr ok yth a mdnd e
pi~eratment , andlstnasyuonn thc heart y ap~petite of the rejuvenated aid ap
vitanine reatnent"body. All you have to do is to take VIm-O-Gem
No matter what form of yeast or vi tanmines you have Yeast Vitanine Tablets acring to the inee.
Yeast Vitsine fale wi thout delay. Thousnd dont.fl leda ew peon your drsustemlr
aege ce coin no onthe welkon question or red tape, on your simpie requst.
Yeast vitamine called Water Soluble B, but also the Be sure that you ask the druggist for Vi.Oes
two other prau iaiee nofu i n ordi Yeat Vitamine I ales Donota
ThsVim-O-Gen provides the three vitamines which Vitamine'1 able ts are prepared from seise l i
aettstell us are abouely ne~sr to perfect tue yeast, rich in tethree vita estatsme
ge6 iapsb n the binod, also very neuessay to energy.
F'-r 5.3. ma Dru= Store, and All Cood Drugglses 3