pet er owe" ai -* a e ,a WHEN L-A TAKES FIRE a eWs ands the ~ Were M s erleusy burned that the, LOA ANGOL S. Cal.. Nov. 1.- ved t tohe eepital at the 'he battary omprtet oft tsumarine bae treatisent. The tii* brouight Che aft t* UM, surtaoe and submearineeheess No, IN, quickywea Ia 4 the NEes" Malere I with0L w gahelemet wesM lin the bins. ins comprtamt and brought out the GIf fee -ery eaassles injure&. Cndlsic Iswan M Ta. of&rs by Past nd O ail tar John Puat me aws. faateed the stothly wMetimgs~ of Ube :L Couni No. 2T UNn . Travelers In Pythlan Teonels" of Poished Bras e Srviv r - T--i stand o. DIncee high orauly dee. U MVS I c satve In ape aW td n a b o f h e a v y p e ns e d T brass. A aet a pt. - F ankiovsTak aA ift ay a reaPn. "i.FTalerka yda esspe s Pe $2.50 Ti~ft us D CaXebar & il T'LARDM 230. CONOY Pure Spring Water N.FRANK &SO30 -inshe and daelous Delivere direct from te pring to your1006 P . Ave. home. Approved by leading phys-u0Ml.a Ae cians for the kidneys. Brights die. 1115 H St. N. L ese and diabetes. Conoy Spring Water C. 329 M St., Geogeown Union Trust BuRding. Ph. M. 2ML. 1106 King St., Ale-andria Open 9:15 A. M. New York-WASHINGTON Novelty, Vogue and Notable Value in Women's Smart Skirts New $ 0 New Colors 1 Styles A special purchase offers you pronouniced savings on 80 of the smartest of wool skirts, in sports and street models. Prunellas, Velours, Serges, Tricotines Smartly pleated and tailored straightline styles, representing every style and color combination that is new and worn this season. Roman plaids pleated beneath the dark blues. browns and black, so that you get but a glimpse of the lovely colors-black and white most effectively combined-vivid reds, greens, blues and golds find a place in the smart stripes, plaids and checks plain navy blue, the most desirable of colors, in tailored tricotines and serges. The extraordinary values surely counsel early selection. Skirt Section. Third floor. Geo rgette Blouses, 15 Offer an Unusually Attractive Selection and Really Exceptional Values There are- lovely bisque-color blouses with dainty strip rests of h'a'v lace and tucked net-pale pink slip- neck os er bi - s lwautifully embroidered In wool French sleci Inote in a contrasting shade. A rust-olored tie-on -41 blouwa.' 4embroidered in colored silk and outlined o mn beadi . there are blouses with soft pleated frills Mad edged with wide lace-and smart tuxedo styles with and flat collars of tucks and lace-in short, just an ex rellent selection, for your choosing, at the low price pi of $.00.and Blouse Section, Third floor. Bi Flarn style Exceptionally Good Values in Ka Corsrts The American Lady Cerset-For women-a ., medium low bust corset of pink broche, medium Thr length, with elastic insert at the hips, well boned - with Mightybone. Sizes 21 to 30. \ Specially priced $3.75. Ideal Corsets for Misses-Of plain white coutil, medium bust modsl, with two airs ,of hose sup porters. Sizes 23 to 27. Specealy prIced 75. Corset Section, Third floor. Uncommonly Smart Sweaters a Slip-Ons $395 Tuxedos *6.75 One need only see these newest sweaters to realise t their remarkable value. Both are knitted in the favored blocked weave-the slip-on with V neck and collar,c patch pockets and plaited girdle-in light tan, grey and brown, $3.95. The coat sweatea has a full length tuxedo collar, turn back cuffs, pilaited girdle and patch pockets-a r smart conventional design is knitted in a contrasting shade-such as navy with grey, black with white and buff with brown, $4.75. Swer... Sction Trd~ floo. IS DELIGHTFUL IN HANDEL ARIl m aSoprannhu' a Na On. of Hw AO& Um.. Praes. AMa. er the Mee g"taa Opera. was heare Ia rInta Decidedly Snyder & Litte She. amd Haim. 1211 F at -Paris Close 6 P. M. Varm Sleeping Garments of )uting Flannel was-- whiteorpet e'a*ar*nd "* r he.ate .00 to $3.00 tdor Sleepiag Oemat feet. $2.50. style trimmed wth frogs silk braid. $2.50. Semers ad Shert Outing .Ise Petticoats-Plain tailored *--75s and $1.00, sitte Pettisets--In cotton ytetriped effects, stitched or to $4.00. 3sIn orUnderwear Section, Kitchen Sets Special Price, $2.15 For 6 Pieces These are the sets that >ld so fast a few weeks go. Heavy block tin, nished in white and lit trimmed and let ,red. Bread Box, Cake ox, Flour Can, Sugar an, Tea and Coffee ans. Only 50 set., and a smarkable value at the rice. Houseware. Section. Fifth amasea, at Natia l {40 CasiaI, siet. with ~enand in he aMie register i pticuarly warms and lovely. eO Mrs. W Gresst renditio o W sk.-.ewin, he. nished art ..d abi smooth voice. lat ha in erkg'~ e rgise it If o teria, lasking es accustomed fluency and bbigg not lways Imparse.a les Po ga raioesasm Is one of Mm ie' orrns and to her say Pas.ral." of Vracini she was very deighifiL The two sons by Hue. "A des Olseaux.' with its delicate lightnm and the depths of Umbre In his "Jal Pleue on reve" were her WN hmrias~ selectlons In aft sones. A rouIn English at the cloe Itrouce anow eons dedi. cted to the singer. called "The Sing. Or," t)' Manwell. that she had to re at t ha a philosophy in It. and with Its effective bird notes. to Ilium trated music grateful to a soprano v~o& m*. ld&gave as encore. 'fy the Waters of Unnetonka." by liouraneth prayer from reqcus toa. the Vyer darte." "The Birth of Morn." by LeoI. and "I Pass by Your Wfin dow," by Nebr. 6 Mr. Casini Is a fluent player, with fineness In geoutlon. but with a rather acrid tone. He substituted a "Slumber long' of Schumann for the "Nina" of perolee. and gave as encore the "Spinning song" of Pop. W.Unfortunately. In the osoar anek Panis AngelIou," with Mine. Aide, the cello greatly dominated the singing volo, taking away he organ quality that should acoompany this seere" music. Theodore Flint Is a techntelan who is Afctive In fanciful execution, but o do" not sound the depths of his compositions. JESSIE MacBRIDE. KIN OF FRANCIS SCOTT KEY ASKS FOR DIVORCE ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 11.-Francis Scott Key, said to be a lineal descendant of the author of "The Star-Spangled Banner." yesterday filed suit In cirrult court here seek. Ing a divorce from Estelle Key. Ilia wife. Key allege. Is "Insane ly jealous" and has falsely accused him of associating with "other wom en." For three months prior to their separation last June he declares In his petition. his wife continued "mo. rose and sullen without speaking to POT( I111 .at To - ANTREMAL, o08811. NOV. 1. the ed of th sen mmsss Of .AW is" the part 0 Mest ill have s P-e Is 101 mary twWes as mush the enA et he amenvss W aAn A otoh A he ghpNts naM~s w=lOsk IIa 0al0 asssSte the w a.M ' erd theean s a in Tarim. C Pe bubdr ds*t. r abh.alt beds'. &Me oM o the mm.o Agre on Oatto Sipments Th. U. I. Lpge adaas 's~tatives et teUae aofteves* hwavv wed upoan e asist ina ft is . a "....: |:.'.. :"."' *" ab&out Ugpia stue dd maria. The asmmnt has oesw Fied to Fnrld. StW WSe Ae bIrn m erii d ps he mln istr FLORIDA S*RAIR Nov . . 9 o iock harp m1 on (. Teu nd. WFr e da. Ad= aUOS. . .t I. ctd . .T "Te bea of deSatsfactionee S Oeaw p~ecUa ia A nifaS a Ed wis t ann ft lss of thbere owill bea 061ots 4into mrarkt ans VolcundereI Pgballa wih Frie t Kk Fr Pais Hadleg Salusage TUfltAY. oies. at i c ude s o :a 11altal. $4. now s sob at 40? She i iou Saaly Sared a n In America under auspices of the lnietry of Fine Art of Franc. =10DCLEMENT The Celebrated Grench LBrir Ter. The Now Willard Ballroom. Nunday Eve. No.20. 9 o clock sharp. Ttaete-Reerved seats. 13 and $2; ad. mineion. Si; boxes (I sato). $40. pluse to Per Gent war tax. ftI qtarts i tnday. For reervaaion@ pbone Franklin 1336. Wail orders filled flow. Address Msaa-1 meat Edmond Clement, Willard Hot4e "The Seal of Satle faction" Special Ani TO THE S Ewishtoann morning, So there will be ington market an a considered by all wh treat. It is ARNOLD'S GUAR all Pork Sausage, the choicest cuts o, ciously flavored, an public in the .eanem form possible, 1-lb. c We wish to assuro that Guaranteed Brd product of quality which can be depen to last. ARNOLDS GUA ALL PORK Look foC the YOUR GROI DEMAND riguCarantee Rod $35.0 raon an Own1 er oanth ww #AThNI, 4A 51W. a JAP F,6 b am V. Amw a Sao.. S S9 EATMIIB~ lull -YN a rt MLB LIMITATPI of Aramem. e, Wrdd Ulm! dte.-Whiabl 0'"'Thur. 8:15, lov. 17 N5XT TEN STAR 00cMCT "R1ANOVEMBER 16 LENORA SPARKES S@1A10 hmM. Oo"00 INaio L8icnhT GAYETY ""rr' Harvest Time W .I Je . bul. .. ..,. . W. n suoe&. me " s"b Pat xmam I A1 TO , $= .....s .aft. 8:1. .V..m... .:3. MMS NEW YOn, Jr. RXA-I'.U Age TUGK. Fenwa. WW.Iwld Colus er e u TYPEWRITING MULTIGRAPHING MIMEOGRAPRING STENOGRAPHY A uff of eup~*-r*W Work 6b who IO WUt t.A enograpbv Mt t~~ei~ryc.stb~grap1I1 Burma touncement PUBLIC unce that tomorrow turday, Nov. 12th, placed on the Wash rticle which will be D try it as a genuine kNTEED BRAND manufactured from f young pork, deli d presented to the t and most sanitary artons. -our future patrons md will always be a the standard of led upon from first ANTEED BRAND SAUSAGE eaitar Crt.n MR HMSIT ktrf *i 'd#) I L .a. m DA.s LEAVE HUE ANNA t. NILSON - seTOw 4W,. . 3:W 5 P. 1 . PET ERS INVWItLE P WEE Kaute me.. in T GOAT" S Hist!' The Chief Eunuch! I.** esd. J''i pr o ihethe mnight Sheiks h. when the Sheik coandor. "Go forth and bring me the beautiful dancer" Tome jobo as you shall e POLA NEGRI the wild deort dancer is "One Arabian Night" NEXT WEEK ONLY AT CRANDALL/. rME TROPOL IT A h e da or RIA LTO NOVEMBER20H AGOe Arian Niht NT UK ENL AT| RIALTO THE THMI aq wA.I9*vw MOORE'S M I A LS IAY9PI0 AND SYMPHONY LON CHANEY AT HIS DRAMATIC BEST IN TN.. NIGHT ROSE ATIONL "e. Pstra, ESIE JAfttIta IN ANEW ATTACK TARYNS CUNDAY-SE7T SELLINg saalJ I sstand oe CS Hin M ERR f WIDO W Les Fae Owta a. 'nudsLPdANISHnaa DnwtLO ssE sPan s W eb L . L e U nie rs _______UNAMAMMRT N eTMRO FRPANISHLOVNE' NEX SU*O~ SETS IN S A..THUR HAMSTI rirsesn e CLARNON -sm-ft LOEW' COLUMBIA mais NAZIMOVA "CAMILLE" With Rudolph V-1--ms "o saq, fot" U wEo Mse Ape..i&eV SIUSEIT Vaudeville Beissoo Theater asd s" 8:15 P.S fet r a so eggs v. LEW FIELDS & W. in "Snapshots of 1921" With LULU MON4 NIL AND 0O2. ted EAY J. QUE LULU GUANT b"Nui& smo, Thde Walking MaCe awe F75K! ALLZIN -Dom, 1c4." log FATON A CO. MOMiMAN ? VANCE __E!VEN DESERT DEVILS StBKUIPcAL7~l~ MATtXE maTS 250-500 25% to $1 Except Net, Seod Aftme -e,p C.MII, me'd Famw s Vblpele.Nea o ew. Telt. e--. Mea. Ter~. N.-4 .3 A -s W"" wn lauslab see ed. uee 9"m Frak mneal m ele watmaam eae N SHUBERT-GARRICK one Week-Sftartng Monday, Nov. 14 The A. X. F. Mauel Ceemei Hit A Buck on Leave WIth PAT RASNE5. the o sek." mwd CeanyJI% CRITERION -TOMORROW The Great Dramsatic EPIc Inspired by the Brush of FEEDEEICE BEMNITON A Virvd PIcturWisatI0 of Our Early Frontier Life THING INS P RING "Greatest Triumph" -Star DELAIDEI MISS iHUSHESl JULIET LEW D00KITADEE 'PARLOR, SEBRM, BATU" Meey, Ete. SIUBEET VAUSEVILLE NEW flOWS AT TlED BUA.AB CO OPEN StDA AN NSE StNDAY AN ALL-STAR BILL. 01 I4INU ACTP. 55AT. NOW. SUNDAY MATENUU IJANCINS CHICKEN DINNER. ~~,aboa e g ald peer