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A oday TO BE FOROOTTEN. How Soon? Harding's Volos or None. Cokwnbue' Jewish Blood. How to Us a Traotor. ... AT3UR 3RAma .a (Omerviebs. S9SL) The unknown dead soldier is buried with becoming solemaity. Let us hope the lesson he teabes will not be forgotten as quickly as were his living comrades. To them much was promised, and for thes nothing done. The best Armistice Day speech. seven words, came frop Byng, severnor-general of Canada: "HONOR THE DEAD BY REILPING THE LIVING!" Senators might write that on their cuffs the next time the sol dier bonus comes up. President Harding, denouncing war, says "there must be a com 'sandin voice." Quite true. and Unless it be his voice there will be tie voice. What frightens nations In their war preparations? Is it decency, hatred. or bloodshed? No, but fear of bankruptcy. Who has the money ? This country. The others owe us ten thousand millions. They want us to wipe off the debt, not that they ever expect to pay. probably, but because with "nothing owing" it would sound more reasonable to ask. "When can you make us another loan ?" President Harding's must be the commanding voice. It might say: "I'll not wipe out your debtsi, or scale them down, or in any way help you to feel that your decks are cleareki for more war spending. "The way to discourage vice or war is to make it expensive. Pay the ten thousand millions you owe me first of all. That will help you to realize that war is costly. And while you are pay ing that money you will not be so ardently inclined to spend for more wars." At the moment, unfortunately, of all the powers gathered at Washington only one, the United States, has a definite progran. We want nothing from the others; we only ask plaintively, "For leaven's sake, won't you cease starting new wars, com pelling us to spend billions get ting ready for a fight that we do not want?" Every nation wants something from us. what is wanted first of all is a cancellation of ten thou sand million dollars owed by Europe to the United States. The very nations, by the way, that are pleading poverty as an excuse for not paying us are nations fighting and starving Rgl sia, because he cannot possibly pay what she owes, and taking the last dollar from Germany, regardless of the fact that it must mean German national bankruptcy-hence greater world confusion. It was suggested here that Henry Ford should be interested In the fact that Christopher Co lumbus had Jewish blood in his veins, and that his trip to Amer ica was financed largely by Jews. Some readers ask authority for the statement. One, evidently a Christian, writes: "When you say that Christopher Columbus had Jewish blood you insult my re ligion." That complaint is interesting. If the Creator of the world thought a Jewish maiden good enough to be the mother of His own Son, He might well select a Jewess to be mother of Christo pher Columbus. If interested, read a book pub lished by Long'mans, Green & Co. called "Christopher Columbus and the Participation of the Jews in the Spanish and Portuguen' Dis coveries'." The principal Jewish contributor to Columbus' expenses see page 71 of the book) was Luis de Santangel. He was a Jew and treasurer general of Aragon. On page 74 you read that he told the queen it was not necessary for her to pledge her jewels; he would supply the money necessary for the expedition. Authorities for the statement were given. Sant angel had to advance money of his own, for the treasury of Aragon was empty because of war with the Moors. Counties in Kansas comnpete as to which shall show the biggest increase in tractors purchased du r ing the year. Use of tractors, in stead of horses, means economy, efficiency, time saving for the farmer, less need of hired labor. You read in the excellently edited Herald, of Armstrong, Mo., that A. L. Miller, of that place, fights intelligently the high cost of freight. "When he wants coal he hitches his patient old tractor to a big wagon built for the purpose, crawls ever to a coal mine and brings back a winter's supply." Not every farmer is near enough to a cool mine to crawl over with a tractor. But every farmer could double the value of his tractor if he would have for It an extra pair of wheels with rubber tires, smaller in diameter than the p lowing wheels, for use in hauling freight. Small wheels give greater haul lin power. Many a farmer's boy wth the right wheels and the right tractor could earn from ten to twenty-five dollars a day dur ing the fall and winter months hauling lumber, coal. etc.. If he went about It the right way. In deep snow. take off your rubber wheela, put on the big wheels 4Crettaned on Page 2. Column 8.) . a u~I . . .. .. .8 .. . . .. NUMBE 12,7..# NUMBER 12,070. WASHINGTON, SATURDAY EVENIN9, NOVEMBER 12, 1921. (MSIt WO 86W Prim) Tres Cram us.Lo ARMS PARL WITH PLEA IN ELIMIN By GEORGE In a terse, business-like s4 verbiage and niceties of inte Harding officially opened the n here this morning at Continen outline of America's position and high hopes. "Gentlemen of the conferei United States welcomes you w no fears; we have no sordid enemy; we contemplate no co have, we seek nothing which do wth you that finer, nobler alone. At Head of U Thf % esident spoke from t] table, around which sit in ra Europe and Asia. To the righ to the left Great Britain and of the horseshoe were the repi Holland #nd Portugal. On either side of him at the ica's delegates. The galleries entire membership of House Cabinet, Justices of the Supren "I can speak offlially for our United States," the President coniin ued. "Our hundred millions franikly want lens of armament and none of war. Wholly free from guile, sure in Dur minds that we harhor io un worthy designs, we accredit the world with the same good intent." The President voiced both a hope and a warning in his brief address a hope that out of thin conference may rome intternational peace and a b.-tter understanding among nations, and a warning that these things can not h. accomplished by the secret intrigu that has defeated the aims of so many international gatherings. "This in not to be done in intrigue," he said earnestly. "Greater assurance In found in exchanges of simple hon msty and directness." Enormous Possibilities. The possibilities of this conference. the President pointed out, are -nor mous. The world is crying to i rneans of lightening brdens, lunging Text of Pri Confere President Harding delivered ,pening of the armament conft Mr. Secretary and Members of the Conference, ladies and tGentle men: It is a great and happy privilege to bid the dele'gates to this conference a cordial welcome to the ('apital of the Uinited States of A merica. It is not only a satis faction to greet you hecause ee were lately piartlipants in a comi muon cnuse, in which shared sacri fices .mnd sorrows andl tri:Imphts brought our nations more c'lose'ly together, bunt it is gratifying to address you as the spokesmen for nations whone convictions and at tending actions have so much to do with the weal or woe of all mankind. It is not nossible to overanniraise the importance of such a confer ence. It is no unseemly boast, no dilsparagement of other nations which, though not represented. are held in highest respect, to declare that the conclusIons of this body will have a signal influence on All human progress-on the fortunes of the world. Awakened C'onsciene. Here is a meeting, I can well be lieve, which is an earnest endeavor of the nwak-n.'d conscience of twentieth ceneturyri- vilization. It is not a convention of re.-mors". nor a session of sorrow. It is not the conference of victors to de fine terms of settle'ment. Nor is it a counc'iI of nations seeking to re make humankind. It is rather a caoni== Wgthtt. frontmu al rta ef n If Jnsel i 'Y OPENED FOR UNITY ATING WARS R. HOLMES. ech, stripped of all diplomatic -national expression, President omentous armanent conference tal Memorial Hall with a brief -clean hands, honest intentions, ice," the President said, "the ith unselfish hands. We harbor ends to serte; we suspect no iquest. Content with what we is another's. We a1y wish to thing which no naion can do Shaped Table. ie head of the great U-shaped pt attention the statesmen of t of him sat France and Japan, taly, and down at the far end esentatives of China, Belgium, head of the table were Amer above were crowded with the and Senate, members of the e Court, and diplomats. for a clearer understanding that rmy prevent its being again set aflame by war. And out of this gath.-ring the President voiced the hope would come those very things. Perhaps never before in the world's history has there been a parley of the world's leading statesmen with so lit. tie ostentation and show, so little flow ery expression and trappings of gran deur and rank. The world's foremost staesmen ta around the green-covered table in much the same manner that a board of directors would sit around a table in the offices of some great Amerlean corporation. The President's speeeh was short, terse, and to the point. nat unlike that of the chairman of sucA a board. Only the bright-colored flags, the hundreds of newspaper correspondents frorp all parts of the world, and the crowded expectant galleries marked this as one of the most, if not the (Continued on Page 3, Column 6.) esident's nce Speech the following address at the rence here today: the earth, to apply the better at tributes of maskind to minimise the faults in our international re lationships. S4peaking as official sponsor for the invitation, I think I may say the call is not of the United States of America alone, it is rather the spoke'n word of a war-wearied world. struggling for restoration, hungering and thirsting for better rebationship; of humanity crying for relief and craving assurances of lasting Deace. Easy to Understand. It is easy to understand this world-wide aspiration. The glory of triumph, the rejoicing in achieveo menti, the love of liberty, the de votion to country, the pangs of sorrow, the burdens of debt, the desolation of ruin-all these are apprai~iserfl silks in all lands. Here in the l'nited States we are but freshly turned fromi the burial of an unknown American soldier, when a nation sorrowed while pay ing him tribute. Whether it was spoken or not, a hundred millions of our people were summarizing the ineumable causes. ihe' incalcualahle cost, the un-peakabie sacrifices, and the un~utt.'rable sorrows, and th.'r, was the ever impelling question: liow can humanity justify nr Glod forgive' Human hate demands no such toll; ambition and greed muet Kantiuued an Pa. - I. Onmma ?4 IhVS shlyS Soviet Finances Will Be Shifted to Gold Basis Soon or esse4soassa No" servis. MOSCOW, Pjov. 12.-Russian finances will be shifted to a gold basis when the ninth congress of all-Russian soviets meets here December 20, according to indi cations today. . M. Krannostchokof, until re cently president of the far east ern Republic, now heads the budget epartment of the soviet government and it was under stood he will introduce the gold basis which prevailed in the far eastern republic from its begin ning. Such a move would mean that all railway fares, telegrams, taxes, etc., would be payable in gold. Krannostochokoff is well known in Chicago, where he was for merly connected with the Peo ple's Institute. CONGRESS MAY PEE IRIE Senators Voice Indignation Over Worst Trouble of Kind in City's History. A combination of inefficiency is to blame for the traffic jam at the High way bridge yesterday, according to officials who were caught in the jam and had several hours in which to non sider the causes for the affair. The jam, which was the worst in the history of the District. probably will be investigated by Congress. while a lesser investigation will be made by the District officials. Commissioner James F. O)ster, who has immediate supervision over the police department. has called on Ms jor Harry L. Geseford, superintendent of pol! o, for a report. "if he knows the conditions that existed at the Highway bridge, and if he does not to make an investigatioin and report." Police officials are inclined to lay the blame on the War Department, saying that the cause of the trouble was the inefficient handling of the crowds at Arlington Cemetery. The army officers lay the blame to the District policemen who, they may, fell down on the job, and were idly ogiing the crowd on Pennsylvania avenue while a few men weer trying to reg late traffic among tens of thouman-im of automohiiles on the bridges leading to Arlington. Three Men at Bridge. Police officials said today that they had three men on the bridge to reu. late traffic. The official instructions given out yesterday hear out this as mertion. The instructions called on Capt. W. E. Sanford, in command of the Fourth precinct, to detail one bi cycle man and two footmen to regu late the traffic, but the situation got away from them and they sent in a call to headquarters for assistance. Inspector Harrison, Captain Headley, in charge of the Traffic Bureau: Lieu tiant Shelby, Inspector Cross and thirty-three privates were sent to the Highway bridge and after several (Continued on Page 2, Column 4.) TOMORROW The Washington Times WILL PUBLISH " it Good Little VbOr le, After All" Ballad by L. Gamim Ful1 of all the Worth-while thou, f life, this tuneful 'Melad wa be foumd most attrae *e. s a walts, good for *.er ,. nd in an excel lent key fm - Written especially Lfor T1I Washingtn Times, this A alt? - will bpresented for he. fh 'n ;ime in prinit with Sun Ia' ~ shi*to Times. Order NI~I Veks P APPROVES PEACEAIM Mexican President Discusses Conference Outlook In Letter To William R. Hearst. MEXICO CITY, Nov. 12.-Alvaro Obregon, President of Mexico, has addressed the following telegram to William Randolph Hearst. urging reduction of armanamts: William Randolph Hearst. Propriota The Washington Timres: Universal disarmament, considesud in the past only as an ideal to to attainment at which 1anaY great me4 devoted vLIr dteffrt. haSor.a becoese St neosesity, t1 ae cost of their equipment coasttte the bviest burden under which mankir now staggers. That part of the coommunitV which is constituted by men who work and produce is daily losing strengin, weakening Its energies and exhaust Ing its patience. there being an un due excess in the number of consum ers whose sole activities are devoted to destruction in all its forn. Con ditions such as these have created a state of disturbance whicf. If it be not soon remedied, will inevitably lead to a fearful catastrophe. b-te Ferce Age Passed. The only lesson, and this a very costly one, which the werld war has taught us beyond all doubt, Is that the age of brute force is passed forever, that man's greatest conquests in the future will be found in the realms of art and science, and that It is neces sary to devote to these fields all that vast expenditure of mental and phyui cal energy now absorbed in the crea tion of armies and in the production of armaments. For this reason there is no one who does not whole-heartedly support the idea of disarmament, which means the reduction of armies to a number just large enough to insure internal order and to maintain peace at home. In referring to armaments, three important poi'.ts must, however, be carefully considered: Are the present needs of disar'na ment in keeping with the moral level which mankind now attains? I the toad taken, if one may judge by the scanty information which has leaked out, the shortest cut toward the accomplishment of such a noble end? Will Qe representatives of those countries that have been Invited to discuss this subject put the interests of mankind before those of their re spective countries? Morality Should Ride. In connection with the first point, it Is clear that .with the suppre. sion of brute force, true morality should attain its real value and in fluence, and its dictates should be accepted as final in defining the rights of all individuals as well as of all nations. The exact definition of such rights cannot be reached until they have been equally grant ed to all men irrespective of race, color, language, and religion, and until it is held that all the nations which constitute the human race possess them in an equal degree. Therefore, in order that disarma ment, when accomplished, should not become another failure, it is hoped that the moral level of the present generation be sufficiently high to rec ognise and to respect the rights of others, imiting its demands to its own rights. In connection with the second point,1 let us note that a considerable number of nations have not been invited to participate in a conference which means so very much for the entire human race, and in which, besides dis armament or limitation of armaments, other topics will be discussed which introduce real innovations in the do main of international law. Room for Coujecture. This leaves room for the conjecture that there does not exist among the delegates assembled to discuss such important affairs the intention to use mere persuasive measures to induce the countries excluded from the con ference to accept their decision. In that case, the desired disarmament (Continued on rage 19. Column 7.) an otmJWU or uwis aT u. a, uaa s ene awmnds e s eace, Arms Parley of Her Own By Iahmtmenml News Service. COPENHAGEN, N o v. 12.-The Russian Soviet gv.snement, d i & gruntled because President Harding did not invite Bolshevik resentatives t o t h e disar int parley, has invited China, Japan, Korea, Slam and India to send delegates to a peace conference at Irkutsk i-mmediately, ac cording to an uncnfirned pro" dispatch today. Chinese and Japanese delegates were said to have already started for rkutsk. SOUTH CHINA REPUDIATES PEKINO ARMS DELEGATES SA Nov. 11.-Dr. sun Tat GO.. cum jiet Vf the Mhine" we t' a ts the e "C Me ca e o' &Th.. bwl of Chinase *an asiousalI low thresurse of the cofterenoe. My goverament will not permit Peking to represent her there. Decisions which are incompatible with us will be re pudiated by my government." HARDING MAY PROCLAIM PEACE WITH GERMANY President Harding may iss.e a proclamation of peace with the former Centrl Powers today, It was learned at the White House. The State Department has reciv" cabled asdvloeu that both Germzany and the other nations have exchanged ratifications of the peace treaty with the United States. It was said that It would be customary to await the re turn of the treaties before proclaim ing peace, but because of the signiftcance of the day the President might issue a proclamation acme time after the opening of the armament conference. MISSOURI GOVERNOR SIGNS BONUS BILL JEFFERBON CITY. Mo.. Nov. 12. At the conclusion of Armistice Day ceremonies at Missouri's capital yes terday. Gov. Arthur M. Hyde affixed his signature to the soldier bonus bill. MURN FOR I By H.G. Er arragment With line New OCerright, 1551, hr 'Eb Fre.. Pubilehlag Ce an might. Britain, France, Italy and n~ States have honored and buricd soldiers, each according to the cumstances. Canada, I hear, ii So the world expresses its sense4i that in the great war the only hero was the common man. Poor Hans and por Ivan lie rotting yet un her soil of a hundred battle fields bones and decay, rags of soled uniform and frgents of accoutrements, still waitig for monuments and speeches. Yet they, too, were ,stthers' sons, kept step, o eorders, went singing ynobeead knew the strag intoxication of soldierly fellowuh p and the sense of devotion to some thing much greater than them stes. n e N M ofst )ays H SUGGESTEI BOMB IN[ By GEORGE International Complete abandonment of grams, either actual or pro armament conference today I E. Hughes as the first step in the navies of the powers. Secretary Hughes propose other powers, the agreement ten years. Secretary Hughes spoke in man of the American delegst plan for the limitation of the 1 address. Came Like a The plan had previously b naval advisers. It came as a inner circles of the American It had not been expected t] the lead with such a definite, until the conference had got of the Hughes proposal are navy, our future strength at i capital ships, with a tonnag twenty-two capital ships, to navy will be ten capital ships, The American proposal would leave the navies of the world in relatively the same position they now hold, namely. Great Britain first. United States slightly behind her, and Japan occupying third place. In capital ships alone, Great Britain would be more than 100.000 tons in excess of the United States, while Japan would be about 200.000 tons be hind the United States. In auxiliary craft, however. Great Britain and United States would be of equal strength, while Japan will be considerably behind. Secretary Hughef proposal applied only to the United States. Great Britain. and Japan, the Secretary stating that owing to the peculiar position of France and Italy due to the world war, those nations would be 'OES' W DEAD iR WAR. mtons Conferentce. I NO. 4. Geem uiain WELL. teek WerM and Chicase Tribune. ,, T. New York World and Chilme Tribune. ow the peoples of the United the bodies of certain unknown ir national traditions and cir to follow suit. right orog en atheir case alto fce ,'membfrrd. A time will come when we shuall cease to visit the crimes and blunders and misfortune. of their governmnents upon the common soldiers and poor folk of Germany and Russia, when our bitterness will die out and we shall mourn them as we mourn our own. as souls who gave their lives and suffered greatly in one universal misfortuna. A time will come when these v~ast personifications of conflict, the un known British soldier, the unknown American soldier, the unknownn French soldier, and so forth, wi'l mrgs into the thoughit of a still greater personality, the emabodinent whnmmsI em ?m= 5 nesa.. e IE rding IL HOLIDAY I BY U.S. S IONFEREiNCE R. HOLMES, News Service. all capital ship-building pro jected, was proposed to the )y Secretary of State Charles the world-wide plans to limit d that, if acceptable to the proposed by America last for his official capacity of chair i6n and submitted a complete iaval armament in his opening Bomb SheHL een worked out by American bomb shell to all except the Government. iat the Americans would take concrete, and drastic proposal en under way. If the terms applied to the United States ea will be limited to eighteen e of 500,650; Great Britain, rinage, 604,450, and Japan's tonnage, 299,700. considered by the conference at a later date. Anserica's Proposals. What America proposed was briefly this: 1. Complete abandonment of all capital ships now building or con templated. 2. This would mean scrppping all of America'i 1916 program, which Ia not yet completed; Japan's famous eight-and-eight program, and Great Britain's program of four new super floods 3. This program would cost the United States about $330,000,011. 4. Scrap all pider vessels beyond certain classes. 6. Great Britain. Japan and the IUnited States to agree not to replace any of the ships they keep within tea years--in effect, a ten-year naval holi day. 6. That wl'en replacements begin at the end of ten years. no ship be built of over 35.000 tons. Would Keep Ships 20 Yearm. '7. That, stabject to the ten-year limitation, ships left should be corn sidered fit for replacement at the end of twenty years. 8. The powers are to inform each other upon completion of the "scrap ping" and also as to replacements. 9. Secretary Hughes made no spe cif ic recommendations concerning nerchant marine, but said that 'his subject also had to be considered. The naval armament limitation proposals made I.y Mr. Hughes in his address were as follows: "The United States proposes the following plan for a limitation of the naval armaments of the conferring nations. The United! States believes that this plan safelv guards the in terests of all concernde. "Tn working out this proposal the United States has been guided Ly four general principles: "(a) The elimination of all capital ship building programs. either actual or projected. Would Scrap Older Rhips. "(hi Further reduction through the scrapping of certain of the older ships. ''(c) That regard should he had to the existing r~aval strength of the conferring pewers. "(d) The use of capital shes tom nage as the measurement of strength for navies and a proportionate aJ lo'wance oif auxiliary combatanlte craft prescribed." D~eta ils of the naval armaments limitation program follow: Proposal for a limitation of naval armaments. C'apital Ships. l'NITED) STATES 1--The t'nied States to nrap all new capital ships now uinder construc tion and on their way to complettes. This includs i battlearereesn e..s bstmaa.ha a he s W e am i =