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16 the Dish With the Small Anioun Adult. The Pile of Heroin in ti D OWN in the furnace room in the base ment of New Yorks Police Head quarters the other day stood the I wous Pqlice Commissioner, Richard Z. bRight, and Special Deputy Police Com misoner Carleton Simon. With their feet an the grimy furnace room floor and their ames red from the glow of the open fire-box, the stood and watched more than three million and, a half dollars' worth of for bidden drugs thrown in on to the glowing coals. 0 :!*Am In one fom' or another or chemi as derivatives of opium made up most of that valuable but contraband collection. It represented a little less than a year's accu mulation of the Narcotic Division of the New York police force under the command of'Special Deputy Commissioner Simon. It the detectives were able to find and confiscate such a quantity of dope in a year's time it must, of course, represent but a small percentage of the actual amount of forbidden drugs which are brought into Ne.w York City and consumed in a twelve uonth. It was a startling evidence of the widespread use of drugs. and the impres sive spectacle sobered the faces of Com missioner Enright and his deputy. and de termined them to. pursue the wicked traffic with even greater vigor. In addition to the assortment of raw opium, prepared opium, morphine, heroin cocaine and other contraband drugs there was an extraordinary assortment of opium pipes and "hop layouts," hypodermic need lea and other things used by drug ad licts. All these were thrown into the fire box of the furnace "Well, it is hard to estimate the real value to the community of what we have destroye4 here to-day.' said Commissioner Simon as he tossed the last package of drugs Into the furnace. "Not all drug ad dicts are criminals, but most criminals are drug addicts. We have destroyed enough drugs to-day to put half of Greater New York to sleep. No one can say how many drug-crased criminals and crimes of crafti ness and violence have been averted by the seisure and destruction of all this stuff." It is the drug that inspires the crafty schemes in the minds of highwaymen, bur glars, confidence men and murderers, and gives them the courage to do their des perate work. A group of criminals, ,for instance, will "lie up" for the night in some hidden den, smoking opium. Out of the fumes will come an idea for swindling a rich and innocent widow, perhape, or a plan for holding up a paymaster or blow ing a safe. Then the schemers sleep, dreaming weird, exotic, blissful dreams, through the thick murky haze, and in the morning at least one of the hand will remember the brilliant idea of the night before. The idea still seems feasible-but it re quires courage'-rat like courage-to carry it out. Normal men-even criminals not under the influence of drugs-would lack the nerve to commit the crime. But the "hop-heads" do not give up; they know how they can get the nerve. A jab of the hypodermnic needle, a sniff of cocaine or heroin-and they are stemulated, madly, unreasoningly, to the point where nothing /oan stop them. UUnder the influence of the 'Irugs petty thieves shoot their victims, purse snatch era brutally assault young girls, condidene men ot only swindle their prey. but eno Pursuli Depui la Enough Heroin to Kill an e Other Dish Shows How Much the Conerme~d Addict la Able to Take. Photograph of Part of the Threi Opium Pipes and Layouts Seizei son them. Drugs not only stimulate crime, but Intensify it. And the drug evil is growing, as the police know. Specific lo calities may nt realize it, but throughout the country officers of the law are coming to recognise the drug traffic as one of the main roots of the evils with which they a constantly contend. Drugs make criminals in more than one way. Not only does the use of drugs tend to 'destroy the mental resistance to evil that is called morals, but drugs seem to make their victihna insensible to the differ ence between right and wrong. Drugs now cost so much money that the addict is usually compelled to resort to crime in order to buy them. Many a criminal has committed his first offense in order to buy his "dope.' 'Commissioner Simon says that the average drug fiend pays $5 a day. $35 a week for his supply. He has arrested addicts who confessed to paying as high as $16 a day. in the sixteen months that Dr. Simon has been in offii4 his Narcotic Division has made about 4,000 arrests. The record for this year is well ahead of that for a corres ponding period last year'which does not mean that the drug evil is increasing out of all bounds in New York City, but mere. ly that the Narcotic Division is increasing. ly efficient in keeping pace. Under the State law anyone caught with drugs illegally in his possession may be arrested and sent to take "the cure"-a scientific treatment administered in a State institution, where the patient is given diminishing doses of his drug, fed according to prescribed dietary, and made to exercise until eventually he has lost the "habit" and is well ad strong enough mentally and physiaally to be released. The cure really cure., but, unfortunately, underworld vietims return to teirs old yj olce Comm eless Attacks on the DepE Drug- Craze .as He Desti Seized Op~i Half the Ci Christmas. Post-Card Showing How a lnt, a Pr'isowe by the NeCor oic aeoi hans n ascits n otn r*so MIlisougl h cvr and fDl arreWot of drug usern that Dr. Simon's men get to the drug peddlers-the men they are really after. The drug addict tells the police where he buys his supply, or they shadow him until they find out for themselves. Then, pretending to be drug fiends them selves-every detective in the Narcotic Division can give an excellent imitation of a "cokey" or a "hop-head"-they persuade the peddler to sell them the drug. Then he is arrested, or his depot raided. It was the spoils of these raids that went into the furnace--except for several thousand dollars' worth still awaiting use as evi dence in court. Where does all this drug come from? The Federal law forbid, its importation except under bond. The Treasury Depart ment has a force of men at work to pre vent it being smuggled in-too small a force to cover the lengthy borders and sea coast of the country. Much of it comes from E~urope. Dr. Simon. who has agents in England and the Continent, discovered 'recently that the Germans were manufact uring heroin and cocaine synthetically, and that they and a Japanese syndicate were planning to flood the United States with their products. There is no law in Germany or Japan to forbid the exporta tion of narcotics. A good deal of dope has found its way to New York recently from Canada, which in turn got it from Mezico. By the arrest in New York a few weeks ago of a Montreal criminal and opium user Dr. Simon verined informaion comhag to him from other sources, namely, that the drug ring in Montreal has been using chorus girls playing in Montreal to smuggle drugs over the ,order. The Montreal band made it a practice rissioner Sim 6f the Police i Supply of Criminals oys Enough. um to Put ty to Sleep L "Deck" of Hereb Wa Sumggled In the Tomb. of Centraband Drugs, )ivision in the Last Year. to lure the girls to a certain no torlous dive which pretended to be a theatrical club, and by slipping a drug into their drinks ebsiaved them. They craved the drug, after they had been told what It was that made their drink so "different," and they could only get the drug by 4ping the will of the gang. Some of them were set to work trying to corrupt customs officers. others carried supplies of the "Decks drug boldly away with them the Fl when their shows left town. Still others became regular travelling saleswomen, making the triangular trip between Montreal, Boston and New York. The drug wasn concealed in Ingenious ways. The mysterious deaths of several beau titel girls In New York recently binge upon the operations of the Montreal drug ring, as did the wild flight of an unnamed woman from Montreal to New York In a taxi not so long ago-a adventure that remains a mystery to far. The drug evil has developed a new derm of criminal, which Dr. Simon ha. isolaied and Identified just as a bacteriologist might Isolate and describe a new germ. He is the "drug booster," who seldom uus the drug but persuades others to use It. He is the missIonary, the advance agent of the drug ring. Sometimes he distributes free samples, sometimes he enslaves a number of girls and spreads the habit through them all over a factory or store. He and his assist ants work on a commission basis. He is the successor to the cadet or 'procurer of the whitesiave traficl, for he finds he can use girls more profitably in peddling drugs than In other florms of vice. Recently Dr. Simon has found school children ansamwd *Ne Rf &eveals the Deputy Poece Cm n==j==iom Meeney DesryigDope at P.Me. Headqua ms,New York. of Heroin Concealed in a Copy of ew York Board of Health Report. in this practise; one of the women re ferred to above had a large clientele in fashionable hotels and made a specialty of boosting the drug among college students. Etnee ball bh~tnas number taany drug boosters; others pes as chorus girls. If thir m'W are of the higher planes et sesely they seldom fall within the clutches of the police, because there is emough mosey available to buy the drug without resorting to crime. In the last few weeks, however, CommissIoner 8imon has ten down some of the peddlers who supply the upper West, Side, the Murray Hill section and Fifth avenue with drugs, and wealthy iwera of narcotics are finding It more difficult to-get their daily dope. One of these peddlers had a route as dedinite as that of a milkman. Begiag at six every morning he made his seuads of famissmable aparment houses, leaving three decks of cocaine here, a phial of morphine there, half a deon decks of heroin at the nelt place. Sometimes, his books showed, he was called on to supply additional opium or heroin for a "perty," just as a catorer might supply dinners a. a edding. ,It en a tato s e w al= k T r Simon and Lieutenant Joseph J. and Opium Pipes in the Furnace occasions he actually supplied experts to "cook" the opium for a patron who wanted to treat his Sests to a smoke. The tenseness of modern life, the after war reactiomn-thess,and many other fae tors are responsible for the increase in the drug evil, and it takes steadf. patient work on (ommissioner Simon's part to combat it. He himself works with his men almost every night, sometimes until daylight, watching suspects, raiding drug depots or opium dens, questioning prison erp. The doctor is .a good example of Com missioner Enright's policy of placing com petent civilians in the Police Department. For many years Dr. Simon was well known as an alienist and criminologist. He figured as an expert n the Burts. Guldensuppe, Morrison and Molineaux marder trials, and when the murderer Tapley was hanged in Jersey City some years ago Dr. Simon received the signals which, by prearrangement, the murderer sent until he lost consciousness. The re su1ts of this experiment did much to abolish that form of capital punishment in New Jersey. It was Dr. Simon who conducted the principal investigation into the "water cure" which the army was accused of practising in the Philippines, and who made psycholbgical studies of Csolgosa. President McKinley's assassin. A few weeks ago the Federal Government sub poenaed him to act as expert witness at the trial in Oklahoma City of the man who gave a hashish cigarette to a police officer, putting the policeman to sleep and allowing prisoners to escape. Dr. Simon's testimony corroborated other evidence and four men were convicted. One of the greatest forward steps in the war on drugs is the founding by Dr. Simon of a central clearing house for the photographs and records of drug users and peddlers. He is in correspondence with the police authorities in more than 300 cities here and in Europe, and exchanges with them the dossiers of anyone found to be engaged in the drug traffic. A few days ago Dr. Simon's men arrested a Los Angeles addict who had been in New York only eight hours. And along about five o'clock the other morning the Montreal "hop head" referred to above was talking to the quiet, kindly voiced man who seemed to have something to do with the detectives who had made the arrest, and yet was not likce them. "Well," said the "hup bead," "I haven't been able to do a thing since I landed here six weeks ago, Haven't made a cent. Ad I heAr this guy Simon is a tough egg --you caa't get to him, add his men have driven moat of the gang out of towny that's why there's so many of them in Canada now, and why Junk costs sq much igore In New York than other places. It's hard to get, and this guy Simon Is making it harder all the time." It was "this guy Simon" to whom the j "hop head" was speaking, but he never krnew It