OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, April 01, 1922, HOME FINAL EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1922-04-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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a. 12MIt
g the Mi"oI40
aL half-ed4 it VW e
naviow te *94 snd
%r, is the gaat and
Tortuguese mkbos big
oof tOwi estB SOM0W
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at V~aser deM Gmaaan
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the M m
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Ma qarelst e
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,!Xleane ofalt t t
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#heA7 but
a bne tia e n
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g ereesa a t-a
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rot '1ny Y;. bu
.ai4aal deelre toh~
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~f~i~ LoyAtrm~Iag yourg
b d a pod paridamev
a oigs'i~ wil
ne~med rdso she wiW
A mrkaU women
will be- n: First,
or. e rst i&
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It Ii Uihtgtne d .fal
se at
dletatiuat h .
- t .t mud.
libtof th
the aid 1.tgSem fr 3S.9
I -,K[
Demand for kngdiry in Wilmeth
Case k. Madeby Sena
tor Otraway.
B t h em provos d by the
4i===ssd 0 James L. Wilmeth.
ft mar diretor oj _the. Buem of
h ad FfttigW and &
eir etJ~ Raiai.
malloir Oaway A Araan,
ftim whos 0e Wilth e
today "No Sslf -
".;th ubjset.
missbumto redn .would
have Mean b"ddsh but o dis-I
mise him without Gatie ad to
lacken his chrninter by Intece
in an Infamous proeeding, the
Repubianas sinMply want the Jobs.
so muck -for their hench
muen. they ad go. At
least uch an ,tin. would hove
ben barmot.
ftt be disna en etd and trusted
.mVye of the deluftent, 'for the
of It -in to tell the
that be ha" forced out
a am" t*At Charges
&soft ohia boM Settained. 1
do not bellwe to be true for
I have known M t for a great
many years and I know that he has
been an efdociat and faithful em
WS AfmM Aetion.
senator Craway deem not expect
that the Republica lenders in the
Senate will perit an investigation
of the aSjr. 4 X Jjoin with
''the N Tem .... howevr .
ttrying topWO the focts before
the country.
'he Mtter my be brought up
In connection with the Investlem
tion of the advninletratlon af the
Civil Service Ceatiusion with refer
nce to postmasters, that is now
being conducted by the Senate Ju
diclary ubemnmittee.
Wunt's E~a="mme
Challenging an inve tion of his
administration, Mr. e h de
elared the bureau "has been ant is
new running efficiently and lhe..
be sudden dieseesen of bureau chiea
were scouted by these fired. "Pell
d ~n the Idveth t'L
C fftee, which redetly affected the
iJ snty pubfle printer and a score of
steb. the shaeeup at the be
'a teday was teramet as the "meset
d ante pelltienl mnev ever made la
I : mne quere the wholesale
e.%gswere reded s a pre
rvto sag changes In
The i~bM of additemti
chelse-s, s'ntbs= the persosne of
the, bu'eaj, knemed today. Rpte
eur ad tsaed s tean bhrefa *
. t~et mMbe..ted from t.eM
oi t thez meath.
om A.R,~e chief ot tile
duneof ,amed to suo
case Wahisepost easly
this ,,nIr . M~ ek ove the of
i 2soy i n th imuanOu o
'trio e n, whIsh camse at dM5
Wilmeth *e
<.iaed -isaemlss..l me
"i hd nethat the
acth ,"ae 'SSwe haskn of
to a~.u Wh -ar Musn,
1 .fan eiaste. vee
Two of. the Dismissed
Oficials At the
.. R. M IC
d"e of wa..ft iNosk.
RICHMOND, Va., April .-SI
Kno. the Baltimore nurse, wlU so
on trial in the circuit court of West
moreland county, at Montrobs, on
Tuesday. April 25. for the murder of
Mrs. Margaret Eastlake at Colonial
Beach last September. acoordihg to
a decision reached yesterday.
Miss Knox and Roger D. Easiade,
husband of the dead woman, were
jointly accused of the murder, but
after a lengthy trial Eastlak Wshe
NEW YORK. April 1.-Thoreughly
tired out by the gruoilig wrvjs-x.
aminatlon she had undermove st the
hands of Assistant District Attney
Warbasse, of Brooklyn; Miss Olivia
K. P. Stone, slayer of EUlu Guy Kin
ead, itody wasn retn up in her
trial Irsumed on onday. Tase
was no session of court today.
"G.n 0. C."
Dedlcate6 to
"Heard And Been,"
Werds by doe Ceud.k
DOesrof Music ath
abhert-Belasco '1%Mger,
Will Be Given Away With
TAd. d~dhfi 5se wd? be
lllevers of ubed lp1s5te.
seerde were esitee. by e
tuefest eener~uier s'e*ere
end e s."e te oho s
prune . e~s nana.A
* *
Robest R., of Washigton,
Found Dazed and Wounded
on Street
NEW YORK, Asen 1.--Robert
IL *00mos v eb ,etw
Acod itho
the booT a"d heA 1 Uinable
to givejOet atS -
to the es, be WIS
fnd aheWis o* 40 t podh~~
tokeM t .p m
"t t" 61"1 fat eWAS to
a s iNffl Y to &wer
a s to the fase of the se
-ide ter t stos. am be
aI eick with
* ot_ matagmst.
Plpf So %n Mw Yak.
Mr. Ow mrs. Robert IL Romevvit.
t piP na&Sacanose aveue north
we, left Washingtn MA this
mormia for Now rk In answer t
a te&ams re ved at midnight last
night frm the New York Police that
a oupng man. believed to No their
son. bad been seriously Injured in
New York.
Destail am to the cause of tile Me
cident were rot stated in th tote.
Daoehw then the fact that a 'nan.
li ibe thei son was found
IVIUSMZ lsodfios last sight.
DBAW was expressed, however, this
me athe Reset " om that
her had been I ured in
an aGtveris accident.
Mr. Reselt had been ving In
New raftn aent three yem anad .
he opibniso n a exprweekod byn.
MM's. mever. an aunt of the dlad
man. stoo this morning that she
was unable to throw any light on
the accident, other than the 26ot
that MW. MAn Mrs. 110os10e1t ba
been moed to New York,. bet'
ad not reaced there useB after
Weeof Ex-6mpeor I Eihl
oIsland Is Reported
In Landon.
br Anserntiese Se ove.
LONDON. Aprd 1-,mnr
Emperor Charle, of e*bi
gayy, died today at Funchal. Na
~ag~s~ et sve4
ft tM # a . "Ag
ation in the las had
ud"d. Physicians at his bed
sd sated at dawn that he
~were btter thaw
h '= any time siaee his -
g asame criticaL.
came a elapse and ti0
DKi Wmg 41 Huagary.
The dethroned ruler was a prey to
the II fate that far centuries he
aed ineserably over the house of
Ha rg. Although no loSer
g99ascepter ever the now
miembered empire. ,he died still
the legal King of Hungary.
The wave at democracy that
swept over the central empires
after the war had taken his em
use' rown from his head. but to
the end he stoutly refused to ab
dicate the throne ae King of Hun
ofthes gained the ancient crown
of the Holy Bt. Stephen after the
death of the aged Frans Joseph,
whisk occurred during the world
I heir, Archduke
erdinaend, was the :.,otant
prince killed at Serajevo. whose as
=naa tien was the tinder-spark
that started the world war.
Trowd Twice To Return.
A, f the debacle of the central
Charles. his Empress Z'ta.
and their two children secaped to
Mat Charles had not learned the
Isse of democracy that the war
brought the world. His bands stall
longed kM the eepter.
He snede a dash Into Hungary. and
while at the head of his monarchist
troogp. sought the throne of his fath
ers. That coup d'etat was a dismal
$9uite and he went hack to Swit
mpesEta-es the story
not content to live in
es~e.urged her discouraged
ueadto make one mere try for the
Charles became enthusiastic again.
burst preparations were made. Th'en
wnemorning the world was informed
that he .and Eta had left suddenly
60a' Muagary in an airplane. This
atteinpt also wasn a failure. Tlhen
4l1 Europe began to laugh at the
Weled mnenarch, who couldn't sera'.
1ew the mnedicine of democracy.
Gene he Isle of Madirba.
The one4time emperor was locked
up. sent back to Switzerland, and
14t. last year was placed on a Brit
tah warship and sent to the leland of
Madeira to end his day.
Ilue Charles moped and drooped,
bewaig over the former day. of
in the brilliant court of
e Hpsbrse Wen illnes at
tached atmz.The was in such a de
edfraane of mind that from the
it was a question of whether
he would have the "will: live."
A bertnist ag word came that
ha was de~ng rapidly. Then me.
wer fasedthat hewas being
~alveuwthcpgn. 'Just before
teend he ralle bravely. Phaysi
to heifexile said:
Est it was only a forlorn hope.
esahasse and labt
and et the wider
r. .msv ...i a4 Tho
* 4 * * *
* * * *
~LLY 100 'PER CI
S 6,000 MINES C
Emma Goldmsan, noted anarchist, anarchiet, a wvoman who has da
was deported to Ruesia in Dece- voted her Life to attackintg exstin.g
ber, 1919, by the United Skates D)e- form. of gotvernment, turn. upor
partmnent of Labor. After two years the agi Lein with sucwh wrj.
of disillusionmnent ad disaster, she The Ws ston Times ~i
has reached Sweden, and has in- worth while to print her views o
dicoed Bolehe vismn in a series of Bolshevsm. Her gath article ap
bitter, stinsgin articles. peared yesterday. The seventh
Because of the fact that an arch- articles foos:
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 31 .-Pre-revolutionary
Russia stood unique in the world's history for the' host
of women she contributed to the revolutionary movement.
Beginniing with the Decembrists, whose wives followed
them, nearly a century ago, into exile, down to the last
hour of the Czar's regime, Russian women participated
in the most heroic activities and went to katorga, or
death, with a smile upon their lips. Among the great
number there stands out as one of the most remarkable
figures Maria Spiridonova. ____________
Dii a 1SO~1,W herewee u pon the peasants to kill Lushonov.
Un amWonl the peasnutry of 1ts Tt was a diffieult task. Lushenov
Prov.nce of Tamnboff the sky was well guarded. With his
exasperated by exesw Cossack punitive expedition he traY.
tth brtat of do'ed from village to village, terrerts
htheir W aprssr a g the population and draining the
se ie some estates. The gover' te~ of thi last prvsin t*
nlor ofj Tamiboff, Lushenoesky' e -a wit Jaan BthO
known and wide for his %a' fiuqi did not dismaye spirid
agery, h5Nwhole vIllages flogged by' 140,* Dsgsmed as a peasant woem
teCoeIs. Hafnkd te og an, she bedste the shadoer of Lui.
in the del snow. white score of (Continued on Page 4. Column 1.)
them WerV sood up in rows and
massacred. Mara spiridonova was SheeM a hsbe lest fattered -
then a youfI girl, yet she was in- be ftEs Iit e maa ~a his
truisted by he party, the' ils. wlie? In The Maday Tbne es will
revointionlists, with the task of find an interesting caess m is su
avenging the - ,rharity pretmed Jest awaiting year dechsm.a
* *
* *
"11 .1 U
Ve m ne h"
*mmet -%we
tbwnhbto 0
T~hekus Dgop um s
usnsofirs "r t tom a
tools he te dayshit .etof
ft ban meor As bseO
ouri1k:0 ethinrs bmning
ahe miers fghtmingr we ee
Oh muan jin nday
Ine =0 a.Tew to
reaechin, ontimu ia -
tore of tde UnitdiWa MimeM
Is vlwtually 100 p ante I
Diddin gr to - W N
mot ttaic labor tle'is Ma*
tory, the walut f mimsw
baafricially at e
post 12 oclock this asu
stopped production in
ly UM of the oa"S .
coal Min..
Extend to Ouia.
With the aeeption of 139M0 Ieva
Bcotie rolneas, not aeftatd~b
stroe movement, adsnb~

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