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The National Daily * * SUNDAY, APRIL 9; RIVIERA LURE IRRESISTIBLE TO AMERICANS Colony of Prominent Americans Enjoy Gay Sports at Famous Watering Spot?Mayfair's Political Hostesses Plan Much Entertaining. King of Sweden, With French Champion as Partiier, Easily Defeats Balfour at Tennis. -1, By GERTRUDE LADY DECIES. -E'~ (Special to I" Ivtrul Itrrlot.) LONDON, April 8. ' POMINENT among Mayfair's political hostesses daring the present season will be Lady Cunard. She said the other day that she has not decided just when she will begin, but "it is certainly true that I am going to be interested in political functions, and will entertain along these lines." Lady Astor is also men tioned as planning to take a leading part as a hostess upon her return from America. *VHE William Starr Millers, of New York, are expected in London shortly to visit their ? daughter. Lady Queenboroujfh. Th?y are now enjoying them selves on the Riviera, but they plan to entertain Extensively when they (ret here. The Queen borougks themselves have just returned from the south of France. Lady Queenborough is now busy arranging ?ni?age ments for what will surely be a glorious Mayfair season. . I ' * * I8ITOR8, returning from the Rlvierm, tell me that hundreds of prominent Americans are there Bow?as a matter of fact. It la declared that, they are making tip the bulk of the colony. The weather has been wet and cold the past few weeks, but Is now Improved. There Is much good ' tennis at Cannes. The King of Sweden and Sir Arthur Balfour played last week In a mixed 1 doubles exhibition, the King play F lng with Mile. Lenglen a* a partner and winning easily from Sir Arthur, whose partner waa Mrs Beamish ? ? a 'J'HB Duchess of Manchester, who waa formerly Halene Zim merman, of Cincinnati, opened her houaa on the South Coast yester day and will be Joined by her children for their holiday. She will return to London and take a houae for the season ? ? ? EMBASSADOR HARVET gave a dinner at the embassy Wednes day In honor of Dr. Hadley, presi dent Emeritus of Tale. The German ambassador, the Duke of ? Rutland, Viscount Haldane, Vis count Burnham, Lord Robert Ceoll and Sir QUbert Parker were among the guests. ? ? ? jy[R8. J. W WADSWORTH, of New York, Is en route homa ? on the Homeric. Grant Forbes, of the American International Cor- / poratloft: Charles E_. Perkins and F. P. Keppel ars other passen gers. Matrimonial Joggling Pots Hostesses In Sad Dilemma in Issoiog "Bids." By CKOLLY KNICKERBOCKER. Registered U. 8. Patent Office. NEW YORK. April 9. THE various members of the ?mart s?t are In a daze?In (act It would be quite cor rect to say society Is dlsxy?trying to keep up with the numerous di vorces and remarriages In ths younger, more impulsive set. The manner In which the leaders ?f our so-called younger married 9*t exchange life helpmates Is more than amusing?It is apalling. And as a result of this matri monial Juggling many hostesses are In a dilemma. They do not know whom to entertain. The family ramifications of these on again, off fgaln brides and bride grooms are extremely Imposing and It Is almost Impossible to gather together a swagger dinner party out on Long Island these days without offending some one by having at dinner some one's ax-wlfs or former husband and hla current spouse. For Instance, the Newell Tlltons and the Sydney Breese* constantly encounter each other about In so ciety. and Mrs- Tilt on, who waa the first Mrs. Breese, has become mo accustomed to seeing her for mer life helpmate she has decided there Is but one thing to do? ?mile! The Sydney Colfords. Jr.. and Reggie Vanderbilt frequently dine at the same restaurants and ths former Mrs. Reggie has also reached a point where she does not have an attack of nervous prostration every time she and the rotund Reggie happen to meet in a revolving door. Then there are Len Thomas and his second wife The other eve ning they were at the same play, seated Just a stone's throw from ths first Mrs. Thomas, now Mrs. Jack Barrymore. At Newport last summer Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Barrymore were frequently among those present at the Casino, and whlls ons ambitious gossip Insisted at ths tim? that they had numer ous tete-a fetes discussing Lien's good and bad points, I brand th% gossip as false. Even ths gayest members of ths New Tork-Nsw port sat know where to stop. Another mlxup occurs when Mrs. Alexander Pallas Bar he Pratt ??the first Mrs. Jack Barrymore? encounters the present Mm. Rar tyaar* at ths smart entertain ments, and one matron ctm? near making the frightful mistake of having the William P. Burdons and the J. Gordon Douglases at the eame dinner party. All of which would have been fatal. Inas much as Mrs. Burden waa former ly Mr*. Douglas. Still another mlxup In the Jig saw matrimonial tangle will occur when Mrs. Preston Gibson arrives from Paris, where she has been spending some time since her re turn from Venice. Mrs. Gibson was the first Mrs. Alexander Dal las Bache Pratt, and I can think of no more amusing situation than to encounter at the same time, at the same place, Mrs. Preston Gib son, Mrs. Alexander Dallas Bache Pratt, the Leonard M. Thomases, the Sydney Breeses, the Newell Tiltons and the Jack Barrymores. One would become a fit subject for an asylum for the feeble-minded If one attempted to figure out the v* rlous relationships, and as f'. the children of the above .?entloned couples?good nigh*' What a collection of half brothers and half sisters and half cousins of various degrees. Then one must not overlook the Brie Wlnstons and the Malcolm Stevensons?Mrs. Stevenson was formerly Mrs. Winston?and the J.< Philip Benkard and L. Stuyve sant Chanler mlxup. Mrs. Chan ter was the first Mrs. Benkard. One could go on and on telling of the very tricky gnatiimonlal af fairs of the younger beau monda. The latest additions, however, are the George B. Wagstaffs, the Edward W. C. Arnolds and the Lionel S. Holland*. George Wag staff, who Is a son of the late Cot Alfred Wagstaff, was married at Greenwich?that haven of the quickly married#?to Mrt Doro thy Frothlngham Arnold, first wife of Edward W. C. Arnold, who mar ried several weeks later, Mrs. Trenchard Power. George Wagstaff's first wife, the lovely Mary Cutting Cumnock, whe was the belle of her debutante sea son some eight years ago, Is now ths wife of Lionel Holland. They make their home In England and there Is Uttle chance of this par ticular (Wagstaff. Arnold and Hol land) encountering each other, A GROUP of pretty meads and gracious ma irons whose charms add much to society in the Capital City. Miss Winifred Walz is always welcome and has been staying with Mrs. R. M. Kauffmann. Miss Beatrice Beck, the daughter of the Solicitor Gen eral and Mrs. James Beck, was at Hot Springs when the qamera man caught her as she left for her morning canter. Miss Ellen Louise Warfield is the daughter of Col. Augustus Warfield ana is a popu lar member of the army set. Miss Anna Hamlin needs no introduction to Washington. She has been spending the winter in Bermuda and has only recently returned to the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hamlin. Miss Margaret Wise has recently announced her engagement to J. For rest Manning, of Leesburg, Va. Mrs. W. Morgan Shuster and her two pretty daughters, Miss Lita and Miss Caroline Shuster, have become popular members of society in the National Capital since their return from Persia, where Mr. Shuster was the American diplomatic representative. /VS5tW/*//?r?> WALZ Y ?%? L/T/CAJeou** AW/MT/r/ct arc* ? 1 ?! nil '/"//? ?? /X& MM HVfllM ~*xx,t-wv, (&3GUCN KMX MK/7??0 CAPITAL LOOKS TOWARD GALA LITTLE SEASON Spring Loveliest Time in Washington?and the Gayest Easter Brides and Easter Balls?Ont of-Itoor Activities In Prospect?The D. A. R. Conference, With Attendant Festivities. The League of Women Voters' Conference. By JEAN ELIOT VirASHINGTON is not much given to looking back " ward?particularly when it can look forward to Easter and the "little season." Spring is perhaps the loveliest time of the year in the Capital, and the gayest and certainly the moat en joyable. There are, of course, few big formal func tions and official dinners become fewer and farther between. But small parties flourish, dinners and dances; the country clubs oome into their own, and one's thoughts begin to turn toward riding, motoring, swimming parties, picnics and kindred out-of-door activities. Easter balls and Easter brides* ??and from present indications there will be as noticeable an out break of Easter gayetiee an If society had actually deroted itself to prayer and fasting during I^ent and were in need of friyolity. * . ? ? ? fO the more serious mlnCtt Waa' n^ton will offer lta meuum of lntsrsst In the next few weeks, for the annual Continental Congress of the D. A. R. la In the offing, and following that will oomt the Pan-American conference of the League of Women Vetera. Tee, 1 know the latter congress is to be held In Baltimore, but It will adjourn to Wsshlngton for at least one day?April II?when the delegate* win be received by Mrs. Harding, and when a grist of par ties will be given for them by prominent Washington women. And Washington?feminine Wash ington, be it understood?will go te the conference In considerable numbers, either as delegates er spectators. The Latin American contingent of the diplomatic corps will, of course, be numerously present, for the wives of a number of the envoys from South and Cen tral America will represent their countries at the convention. A8 for the Daughters, we are rather given to poking fun at them in a friendly fashion?calling them "D.A.R.lings," as the British ambassador did In an addreae last year, and talking about the "Damned Annual Rumpus,"' But, for all that, we look forward to their coming, and for a week Washington devotes Itself to the entertainment of visiting Daugh ters. Individually, collectively and In small groups. In truth, there's no longer any justification for using the word "rumpus" In relation to the activl t ties of the D. A. R. Time was when the fur used to fly at the an nual meeting and when the dolngn of the "Daughters were headlined on the front pages of the local papers. Now the deliberations are conducted In peace and amity, the time of the conference is taken up with outlining a constructive pa triotic) program?and the news papers content themselves with modestly chronicling the actiW ties of the organisation on their In side pages. "Happy the country that has no history." and all that sort of thing. This Is not a "prealdential year," the (Resident general, Mrs. Oeorge Maynard Minor, having another year to serve. But there are several vice presidents general to be choeen and their election will flavor the dellberatlona with spice. rpHE Daughters will be received at the White House on April 11. They always are, you know, If it Is humanly possible;. ami I wouldn't be surprised If there were some sort of a special festiv ity for the Ohio delegates?Mrs. Harding being herself an Ohio daughter. Remember the tea party that Mrs. Hsrdlng iravs last year for the Ohio delegation? It was ons of the first of those delight fully friendly little parties which the First Lady likes to give for groups of women who have the same Interests snd associations, at which shs mingles Informally with her guests snd haa a per sonal chat with each. And It was a huge success?Indeed I remember one correspondent, who Is Inclined to be a bit of a wif, writing for an Ohio paper that "some seventy-five guests were Invited and fully one hundred of 'em came." *<ard upon the heels of tha Daughters of tha Revolution will coma tha Daughters of 1812. tha annual convention of thla organi sation being always arranged to follow the Continental Congress tor tha convenience of women who are members of both. Mrs. Harding la arranging to receive the HIS delegates and also the Children of tha Revolution, who hold their annual meatlng along about thla time. I don't know Just why It la Patriotic societies ao generally aleot to hold their annual meet togs In tha spring?unless It la that Washington la ao lovely than ?but most of them do. The Colonial Damaa usually have a gat-together maatlng a little bit later than tha Daughters' con gress and later still the regents of ML Vernon?the Ladles' ML Vernon Association, to give 'sta their full and proper title?come together for several days, hold ing their annual meeting at Ml. Vernon Itself as ?>?-> they sea for themselves how tha plaoe la kept up. Bach year a program Is outlined for making tha place mora beautiful and mora Ilka In letter and In spirit ta tha stataty home over which Martha Wash Ington held such graotoua sway. ?nvy (a rated as a sin. bat nevertheless I can find It ta my soul to envy those women who are privileged to vlalt under the roof of Mt. Vernon whan spring in greening the meadows, tha blos soms are breaking out on the fruit trees and the Potomac lies pea cocking in tha sun below tha hills. s a a / The Continental Congress al> ways convenes during tha week in which falls April it?the an niversary of the battle of Lexing ton. Consequently, thla year it will be called to order on Monday. April 17, and the deliberations, with the festivities attendant upon the conference, will ?>ntlnue through that week The League of Women Voters* convention Is set for the last week In April. Although this conference was * called by the League of Women Voters, for the purpose of ex changing Ideas with the women' of Latin-America on woman's participation In government, the Slate Department Is cooperat ing with the league and so Is the Pan-Amsrlcan Union, under the leadership of Dr. Howe. And. of course, the permanent women's auxiliary of the Pan-American Congress of which the wife of the Secretary of State la ex-officio the chairman. This auxiliary Is a < hang-over from the big Pan American conference held here two or three years ago, carry. Ing on with tha purpose V pro motlng friendship and understand ing among tha women of tha American Republics whenever and however possible. ? e e HUGHES, by the wav, has Just accepted tha hon orary chairmanship of the General Federation of Women's Clubs' na tional committee an International relationships. of which Mrs. Horace Mann Towner la chair man. The purpose of this mn mlttes Is similar to that of the