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Shipment Shatters All Com pany's Previous Monthly Records. An outstanding example of re newed industrial activity In Detroit to the case of the Hupmoblle, manu factured by the Hupp Motor Car Corporation, the sales records of Which show for the first quarter Of 1922 an increase of 172 per cent Over the previous largest first quarter in the Company's long his tory. The fact that Hupmoblle Is gener ally regarded as among the Ultra conservative of the older companies lends much interest to the sales statement just released from the factory. According to the statement, March, with shipments of 3,00s cars from the factory, .shattered all of the company's previous monthly records. And, Judging from the showing for the first two weeks of April, the Increase has by no means reached Its peak. Up to and Including April 17, the April shipments totaled 2,050 cars ?-a 53 per cent increase over the lame period in the record month of March. ? April 17, with shipments of 215 cars, was the biggest single day the company ever experienced. Oil Systematically. When oiling an automobile a good practice Is to follow systematically all lubricating points on one side of the car, starting at the front and working to the rear, or from rear to front, and then treating the opposite side In like manner. Give the Storage Battery a Chance If You Want to Get Service A Few Words of Advice and Suggestions to Motorcar Owners ..... - ? vrpsgsc&g ;j" "ul'tfift!* "V-* ga|1 ansae?n miri * ' ^ ! <v-> v^8 YOUR BATTERY starting chohtingi'] UNIT ^kwcoy Lver adwlw Your Battery r ^ ind hidden Out of ?5i$Ht * r It -is Your 1ru? Friend fr Treat It Kindly rw ALL qatte'ft.y connection^ A re Of lead ? to resivt the action of the Acid t^e vorxetl \<i using a lead corner. ON r*l? terminal. iKD VII "mt *impust fc*H car a st*aoe raxttrv ri?0W>i/WICJ4TMIMOOKIU4 AUIOttOeilS B*TTER.Yf$)HAS BEEN EVOLVED ? ? IfcfcMlXM. posr^ FILLER Out OP TWE- TWO OfcOU?? OP P\ATff? v?/ IN EACH CELL OP A 3TOHAQE OAT TP lev. ?STC710fJAL VIEWS OP A OR-ID OEPQitt PILUMG WITH PASTE ? AN D A CROON* D ^OOD SE PAJlATOtu . . . Soap babbles and Sentinels In every industry you find both soap bubbles and sen tinels. The soap bubbles flare up?make extraordinary claims for their products?offer all sorts of discounts and inducements to buyers?and soon disappear. The sentinels build a good product and sell it on a fair basis. They endure. The Miller Rubber Company began building ? MILLER GEARED-TO-THE-ROAD TIRES ten years ago. We were then in thirty-second place. But we determined to build the best automobile tire that expert workmen and the best materials could produce. We have never changed this policy. Today we are growing faster than ever. Our sales place us among the leaders. Motorists who have tried Miller Tires have proved by actual service that Millers give the longest uninterrupted mileage at the lowest cost. They buy Miller after Miller and always get the same satisfac tory results. Save Money and Trouble The dealers who sell Miller Tires are men in whom you can place full confidence. They do not want soap-bubble sales. They want your continued confidence?and they will give you honest value to win and keep it. Miller uniform Inner Tubes help increase the mileage in any tire?but in Miller Tires they make a combination that can't be beaten! THE MILLER RUBBER COMPANY of NEW YORK Akron, Ohio III I Her Tires RCCISTKRKD U. S. PAT. Off. Geared-to-the-Road MILLER RUBBER CO. OF N. Y., 1105 Fourteenth St. N. W. new TOUR Time a m niir.R co.. inc., u1s 14th Rt. X. W. I NOKRKR MOTOR CO.. 11M Conn. An.. N. W. (laracr. lll? IRth Nt. him. 1 TIRMTTA. R#l 14th Kt. N. W DONOHOK MOTOR CO.. *? ?riXIVAN tir1c (? 115 r?. A to. *. R. !1?' H 8t. N. H. C. H. SMITH UARAOI, fMVKRH\l, AC TO CO., mi 14th Ht. X. W. M w R. L. TATMR MOTOR CO.. 1R40 14th Ht. N. W. washington ACCFftHORIKA CO.. 17th and 1. mt?. K. W. BAII.KY Al'TO SI PP1,T CO.. S?M>1 14th Bt. N. W. NF.1MKVFR MOTOR CO.. IRtt 14th Ht. N. W. ? JAWINH BROS.. SMS M Mt. N. W. Porr Jtrap Separator PLATE CUTAWAY V>f*/ Of ONE Of /?><? CCLLS Of A BATTERY tHOtt/INO M* AHftAlKJOeMENT Of tie PA.ft.TS . . Battikx ..uyuAuv C"A?Clf D In. k 9TIU3MO RJOCIttT Ofc BCX ON THE Ct+AtSlS - IT SHOULD BE CLAMPED ftoPRlVEKT V16BAUCU See That Liquid in the Cells Is Kept at Proper Level and Test with a Hydrometer. By ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, Editor of Motor. This is the time of year when the punishment of the storage bat tery at the hands of the average car owner begins Innd a few words of advice and suggestion will be timely and may be helpful. To begin with, let us explain that the storage battery does not actually store electrical current, as a tank stores compressed air, for instance. What really occurs is that a certain chemical action takes place inside the cells that make up the battery and this chemical ac tion is reversed when an external pathway for the current is pro vided across the terminals. The two chemical actions are termed charirinfir and discharging. Reduced to Its simplest terms the-* storage battery consists of a Jar con taining a solution of sulphuric ucld { and water. In which are placed two plates of lead. If two wires attached I to these plates were connected to the terminals of a generator or other ? source of electrical current, the I chemical action known as charging would immediately be set up. Tht plate on the positive side of the gen erator circuit would at once begin to show a dark brown deposit. If the charging wires were to be dis connected from the generator and attached to a voltmeter, it would be found that the cell had been charged j and would be capable of giving out , electrical current, until the chemical conditions become as they were be fore the charging. This simple cell Is the fundamental principle of the storage battery, altered in form to meet service on a highway vehicle. In practice battery plates usually Consist of a lead grill, filled with a paste compound, on which the acid solution is to act to obtain the neces sary chemical action. Instead of using two big plates, it has been found better to employ a number of small plaTes, connected In two groups. The plates used are of two types, positive and negative. The positive plates are those from which the cur rent flows and the negative those to which It returns. Alternate plutes are connected to one terminal and the remainder to another termina!. Visually one more negative plate is used than positive. The positive plate Is filled with a paste made up of peroxide of lead and the negative with a sort of spongy lead. The positive plate is generally of a chocolate color, while the negative Is grayish. The plates are contained in a hard rubber Jar or reservoir, termccf a cell, which Is filled to a given level with the acid solution or electrolyte. The plates are separated by wooden strips to prevent short circuiting within the battery. The acid solution coming In con tact with the lead plates, nets up the electro-chemical action already described In a definite cycle, which may be repeated until the plates wear out. When the hattery Is discharging, that Is. giving out electrical energy. ? lead sulphate, a white, powdery ? looking deposit, forms on the plates, the positive giving out oxygen and the negative hydrogen gnscs. the two combining to form water, which dl lates the electrolyte until the cell 1 la completely discharged. When cur rent from an outside source is sent Into the battery. It drives these de posits back Into the electrolyte until It resumes its original strength. That is why It is Important to have the battery charsred from an outside source, from time to time. The most Important matter that tt>e car owner must watch with re Kard to his battery is to see that the liquid In the cells Is kept up to the proper level by the addition every 'OU won't have to adjust vibrating coils, fust j[ with spark plugs, jr suffer all the inconveniences which are so common among Ford owners if you equip your engine with Bosch Battery Ignition. You won't even have to botherwith the spark lever, for the Bosch / Compensating Governor keeps the engine operating efficiently at all speeds without assistance from the driver. It is easily installed and it will save its cost in six months' service. Sold on 30 days' trial. BOSCH remroN^r FORDS MILLER-DUDLEY 1716 Fourteenth Street N. W. I'honfs North 4853-1583 week In warm weather of enough I distilled water to make up for in evitable evaporation. Acid should never bo added in bringing the liquid up to level, unless some of the elec trolyte has been spilled. Then, of course, fresh solution of proper strength should be added. The electrolyte should be tested whenever water is added. An Im plement known as a hydrometer is used for this. A little of the liquid is drawn up into a glass syringe with a weighted bulb insid^ This bulb Is graduated and shows density. When the battery Is completely charged the hydrometer shows a density of 1.30. If the solution gets down to 1.10, It is nearly discharged and a charge from an outside source must be driven into It. The car owner must watch this carefully, if he is to get maximum battery service. Around The Town The Hines Auto Supply Company of 920 D streot northwest, will glve 2,500 steering wheel match box hold ers to Washington motorists who call and glva their permit numbers. This souvenir is a novel one and will be appreciated by the motorist who smokes as he drives. It is at tached to the spoke of the steering wheel in such a manner that the driver may light up with one hand and keep his eyes on the road where they belong. Eddie Hines who Is staging this novel advertising plan is one of the most progressive accessory Jobbers in the East and the distributor for many of the nationally known auto motive products. The demonstrations of the Curtis Auxiliary Fuel Mixer by the Motor aid Devices Company, at 1316 New York avenue, have attracted many car owners to this address arid no doubt resulted in man/ sales as the device Is said to improve action to a marked degree. The mixer is designed to utilize the volatile gases formed in the crank case and in doing this super heated steam is drawn from the radiator and mixed with the fuel so that a fuel saving Is accomplished and clean cylinders assured. It Is also claimed that lubrica tion and cooling is aided by the Installation of the Curtia device. R. Rex White, manager of whole sale sales for the Allbestoe Cor poration, of Philadelphia, manufac turers of Allbestos brake lining, was in the city during the past week calling on the local automotive -I trade with Eddie Hines Washing ton distributor. The capable salts organization of the Harper-Overland Company, dis tributor fcr the Durant In this ter ritory, has been materially strength ened by the return of A. J. Moore and Joseph L.. Carll, who were formerly associated with the Har per Company. Both men hive been Identified with the motor trade for a number of years and are well known to Washington motorists. The Barry-Pate Motor Company has received another large ship ment of Chevrolet cars. Including several of the new coupe models, which have found considerable fa vor here. This model is particularly well appointed and cleverly designed. F. E. Parker, local representa tive for the Moto Still, with office and service station at 1815 Four teenth street northwest, has in stalled his device upon several cars, and is supervising demonstrations, which are said to prove that the use of the Moto Still results in a fuel saving of not less than 22 per j cent. The Moto Still is said to prac- 1 tlcally eliminate carbon troubles j and Increase the efficiency of the I motor." In the operation of the Moto Still moist air is Introduced into the ' intake manifold In such a manner ; that the combustion In the cylin ders Is efficient and without carbon . Mr. Parker has many indorse- 1 ments of his device from local j and out-of-town motorists. I HEW BOSCH PARTS gnition System Said to Bo Literally Tailored, to Engine. A new battery ignition system or Ford cars and trucks has re ?ently been placed on the market >y the American Bosch Magneto Corporation, the makers of tho ioneh magneto. O. E. Miller, of the Miller-Dudley Company, the official Bosch service itation in this city, described the lew outfit yesterday, explalnlnK hat it is a simple but remarkably ingenious system that has been iterally "tailored" to the Ford en fine. In designing it, the c?r :lon's engineers put Ford ? >n the test bench and, wi lid of dynamometers, plott< the curve of spark advance hi?*h should be followed to devel 'h? greatest efficiency at all . r;n* speeds from starting to ma:. They then designed the Bosc pensatlng governor so that it l regulate the spark advance, 1 ,nB It follow that curve withoi .1 ,\ ussistance whatever from the The only time that the ,er has to touch the spark level to retard it when starting, adv it t to the best running posit n soon as the engine is ope lit' - A.fter that he may drive kIo- y it top speed?up hill, down jver smt>oth roads, or throng d ?and?without having to toiicu Ii:h spark lever once, knowing that th? :ompensatlng governor is alwa; * liming his spark- to secure greatest sfflciency from the engine under the load being put on it at that moment. The designing and setting of this compensating governor so that i? pan always be depended upon to do Its work properly is an achievement of which the Bosch engineers ara truly proud. The operation of thif part of the system," when explained and demonstrated to Ford owner*, quickly convinces them that the Bosch system is a superior system. Seat Cover Upholstery/ & Top * * Na'i> Glass Binding Moulding \ Second Ploo 939 D SL N. W. R. L Hooven Co. Think \dhat the means to It means absolute freedom from battery trouble. It mean that if your battery fail* to give service in your car, a new o muit be provided that does function properly. It meant the elimination of constant expenditures for re air? and replacements. It means that the RAT Battery with the famous L ?ier Formula plates is built to meet the requirements of battery :il in such a way that a stream of energy is ready upon dema 1 that the RAT functions perfectly under every condition of itw driving?that it has reserve stamina far beyond the possi! y of driving needs?that it will spin your motor, flash a hot s'k in your cylinders, burn your lights whenever called upon. It means that you are protected upon every point c? a written, signed guarantee, backed by a responsible com* .my. Ray Battery Sales Co. of the Potomf. ni im ?. w. samvrc* STATIONS wmnmw mnovs. o?., Mas v it s.w. Alma A?t* iw'r 0?-, MS Ttfc St. S. 0. lis Tma. in. l.W, -i. 7?t B. L A?*. B.W. 0*U Br**.. SM At*. MM. (Wry Okan AmU 1111 A** B.W. KAmU a?V9tr. ?*U lit* It s.w. Aw*, Bmtvlj 0<,. M M H 1.1. Art* S^mlf^O*, ?TT ?m i. At*. JO?*w?r tiftM. list a. x, AT*. B.S. ?? 9*rrim for***. SU BA. A**. B.B him* lit* tm'r 0*.. sas 9 ?*. n.w. Br** . SMS M OA. B.W. a. b. iwfr, iaai i?th it v.w, "K Amu ImiU 0*., SMS It*. ruth st-?*t im*, Timtf Sni BfWH HI im m at b.w. ?*?**? Mil ???-?:? in ?. 1*rt r. s.w. lUttorr tU*m 0* . M I H B.W. L. B W*? Mil L M. B.W. bbabbt tiboibia. V, l?i<nn A***U*k. . B. B**?*. B*?nd Kill. J. W. HAtM. Iluuax Dmu'i ?*??#?, AUa*n4r<a J?M? KtWi 0*., rr*4*rl*k(tm*?, K?rt'i A*to Bnpll**, 0fc*rtyd*W TtnAUt** AmU> t*r*ta*. OinMn. TTnUa Motor 0* , Gulp* ruu*. BBABBT MA * TLA BTI. B*Mwt?, OWIiatua. 0. I. 0?f**u, S*rk*?k 0?v? <H ?f*. Bl?d*?*Vr-?, D*T*t'? 0*r*f*. SC**r Hill. X'ltntmj >ot* Supply. 0*pl?*l ?tM*U * 0u?*U. B*llrriu*. l6*Li*w?-H#w?r4 bus* Wir'i 0. W?* t?i|< ft lapltamt 0*., r*r*< trill*. Siltkintni. a?rta?.