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* ? The National Daily * * SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1922. * * The National Daily * ? WORLD JOGS TO ENGLAND FOR SPORTS Opening' of Many Great looses and Influx of Med Tourists Indicate Maytime Season Will Be Replete With Elaborate Entertaining. Art Exhibit at Royal Academy Opens This Week?Princess Mary Ideal Hostess at Fa mous Chesterfield Mansion. By GERTRUDE LADY DECIES. flpwlal T? rnlveml g?i ?lw. LONDON, April 29. WITH the advent of real Spring weather in London, prospects are for the brightest season since before the war. All the world talks of coining to England for sport and amusement this year. Great houses are to be opened again. The Chesterfield mansion is at present the center of attrac tion with Princess Mary an Ideal hostess. Then, too, the kinjf and queen have definitely Hecided to initiate a sumptuous season of royal entertainment at Buckingham Palace, where debutantes will be seen in all their beauty. Many of the hostesses are Amer icans. taking their usual leading part In announcing danccs. The season opens Monday, when. With the opening of the art exhibit at the Royal Academy, the new est fashions will compete with the famous pictures. The King and Queen will spend the second week In May visiting the royal family. The Prince of Wales will return from the East June 20. ? ? ? J^ADY LEE OF FAREHAM, wife of the first lord of the admiralty and daughter of the late John God frey Moore, of New York, held a reception In the admiralty house Thursday in honor of American professors now In England in con nection with tfce Shakespeare birthday celebrations. Hhe Is one of the most popular women In the American colony In London and takes a great interest in the Rhodes scholars at Oxford. ? ? ? ?JHE Duke and Duchess of Marl borough, the latter formerly Gladys De*con. of Hoston, spent Easter at Blenheim Palace, where tbey entertained at a family party. ? ? ? ?K)RA COUNTESS STRAFFORD is returning to London this Week-end, and, according to well-in formed goeaips, ia planning to aell her sumptuous town house, in Cavendish square, where ihe is noted for heir entertaining:. This is much regretted among Ameri cans in Ix>ndon. with whom she is a favorite. ? ? ? 0NE of England's most noted business peeresses. Countess Clonmell. is also giving up her present town house, buying a new one. She owns and personally di rects the "White Klephant" Laun dry, in the heart of aristocratic Mayfair. Her clients are among the most prominent in London. ? ? ? J^ORD AND LADY SHAUOH NH8SY are among the Cana dians In London. They are stop plng at the Carlton Hotel. ? ? ? CIR ALAN AND UDT JOHN STONE?ehe a daughter of J. W. Plnchot, of N>w York?who are enjoying the balmy weather at Cannes, will soon return to Lon don. Lady Johnstone has bntlt a beautiful villa at Cannes, where she entertained lavishly in the win ter. Sir Alan Is a distinguished diplomat, a brother of Lord Der went. ? ? ? JJj A RIi AND COUNT ESP Beatty, the carl one of the closest friends of King Ceorge. have been His Majesty's guests at Windsor Castle the past week. 1 hear the Earl and Countless An caat^r are coming home In May for the season. She was formerly Elolse Breeoe of New York and is considered one of the most beauti ful Americans in British society. She is a great friend of Queen Mary. RUMOR MftS. GOELET WILL REMAIN ABROA? AGITATES SMART SET CHOLLY KNICKERBOCKER Rc?l?tere<1 U. S. Patent Office NEW YORK. Saturday, April 29. J17ST at the present moment the smart set Ih greatly agi tated over the rumor which haa Mra. Ogden Ooelet planning to make her permanent home over MU. There la no cause for agitation! CTholly can state, on the beat of authority, that Mary Wilson Ooe let haa made no definite plans; In fltct her future Is very unsettled, for that matter, Mrs. Goelet has always been a somewhat unsettled soul. She has a perfect horror of plans, and during the season, when ?he entertained extensively both In town and at Ochre Court, her villa at Newport, her butlers, chef, ?oullery maids, etc., were constant ly In an uproar, due to Mra. Goe let refusing to plan her dinners, luncheona and house parties well In advance. Mra. Ooelet'a continued abaence abroad haa caused a number of the old guard to become unduly ex cited. They have taken serloualy the rumors which have the Ooelet house on the avenue for aale and the British government on the verge of purchasing Ochre Court aa a permanent summer abiding place for the representatives in this country of the Court of St. James. I might add, once and for all time, tha deed for ?08 Fifth avenue Is still In the name of Mary Wilson Ooelet. and tha Hrttlsh Em pire has not and. I think I can safely aay. will not buy the great mansion out on Ochre Point. ft?? lng the *?a and adjoining the Rob ert Walton Ooelet pled-a terra. t Tha truth at tha matter ft* Ida Ooelet wo* bored and annoyed with American society. She has always been of a retiring disposition, and viewed with disfavor the Influx of ' newcomers." While she was not born in the old guard, Mrs. Ooelet has been a part of the Inner circles for many years, and has been a leader for a longer time than It would be kind to recall. Therefore, ?he Is not In sympathy with the razzle-dazzle society of the present day. In England she goes about in the moat exclusive circles?her daughter Is In high favor with the English rulers?and she does not come In contact with song writers and former ink-slingers with social ambitions. She is happy under her daughter's rooftree and probably will continue on In England Indefi nitely, but she will never become an expatriate. Mrs. Ooelet's position here in America was somewhat difficult Her son "Bobble's" second mar riage displeased her. For a long time she refused even to allow her new daughter-in-law to be present ed to her, and not once did she In clude the beauteous Fernanda In her large, formal parties. Not a few of her friends met and were charmed with the new Mrs. Ooelet. To Include her In their parties, however, was another question. They did not dare risk Incurring the dowager Mrs. Ooelet's dlspleas ure. The feud In tha Ooelet household, however, has now been eliminated The Bobby Ooeleta, who returned a tmw days ago from Europe on the Olympic, were wined and dined by tha Dowager Mrs. Ooelet dating their sojourn overases, and tha ? ? ? o bound to her head with a fillet. The young miner with her is Reeve Hoover. Pierrette, as usual, was much in evdience. Here are two of her incarnations, Miss Marcia Chapin and Miss Corinne Stephens. Miss Zilla MacDougall represents a lovely valentine, with the proper complement of hearts and Cupid's arrow jl?l ii/- o? -1-- -- the persons of Miss Patricia Ainsa and Miss success as a bathing beauty. Miss Marjorie Hester Lockwood to bear her company. Si/Si. PATAIC/A A/rtSA & mss oiApys chaphav smw welcomed Into the fold with open arma. Mrs. Goelet haa rIwhv* taken ao Hrty ?frioutlv, She haa never courted puhllolty, and. In fact, at tempted la wloua waya to Map I her name out of print. She la ln^ variably rude to members of tti? proa* who (to to her for Infoinia tion, but unlike her alater. Mr*. Cornelius Vanderbtlt, aha baa no <Uslr? to laid aoototjb Therefore she la perfectly con tent to remain on In England and France, renewing old friendships and playing about In the vary rw ?trlctod Inner circles In Ix>n?Ion. BoUk th? Duchaaa of Aaxbor(h? and T/ady Mlohael Herbert, another Hldtrr, have attempted to oonvlnc* Mr* Ooolat aha would be hafpu r with a domicile In tha Britlah lale. but aha ateadfaatlr refuaea to dla Doaa at bar hoinaa In tha U. ^ 4. VARIETY MARKS EVENTFUL WEEK IN WASHINGTON IFxit the Daughters of the American Revolution, Enter the Daughters of 1812?The American Pen Women Capture the Town and Give Wav Before the Onslaught of the League of Women Voters?Women's Overseas Service League Convenes Today. By JEAN ELIOT "The u>orld is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." THUS sang Robert Louis Stevenson?and ever sines the realists have been berating bim as the propbft of the "Polyanna school of thought." Perhaps the realists are right and this does not?or should not?make for happiness. But at least it pre vents boredom; and, with the fast and furious way "things" have been happening in Washington of late, nobody has had time to be bored. gXIT Marsh*! Joffre, and en ter Lady Astor?not for getting her good-looking hus band, Viacount Astor?for Washington must have ita "dis tinguished visitors from over seas" to be perfectly happy. Exit the Daughters of the American Revolution ? rather iingeringly and with many ? longing backward glance?en ter the Daughters of 1812. Knter also the League of Amer ican Penwomen, in convention out at Wardman Park Hotel th? greater part of the week, and the League of Women Voters. Their convention over in Bal timore has caused a constant paasing back and forth between the two cities and transferred Jtaelf bodily to Washington on Friday, the closing day of the convention?bringing with it Lady Astor, who had been ita bright particular star. ? ? ? ^GAIN enter the Democratic national commltteewomen. railed into conference here with Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, rest ?lent rommltteewoman. to discus* means of carrying out the na tion-wide organization of women info Democratic clube and "mak ing a day of it," with morning and afternoon sessions, a recep tion in the afternoon and a ban quet at the City Club at nlgkt. The reception was notable for ? he presence in the receiving line of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, who has been practically In retirement wince Mr Wilson left the White House and whose first appear anoe at a semi-public function was an event of no little impor tance. She's a sweet and gracious lady. Is Mrs. Wilson, and her many friends in Washington are ? -ongratulaUng themselves that she Is now able to take her place among them again, attending an occasional luncheon, or giving one herself or entertaining at one of the small. Informal dinner par lies in which the former President delights. ? ? ? The Women's Overseas Service league convenes today for a four day conference; and. moreover, the Women's League for Peace and Freedom has been assembling here and putting on a banquet. More over, It isn't only the women who have been having conferences and things. There Is a conference of 'he American Society of Inter national Daw on here right now. with people like Taft and Root in ter-sated. Root la presiding over the sessions and last night there was a banquet with Chief Justice Taft. Secretary Davis, Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart and others as the honor guests. And thare have been meetings of several comparatively small sclen tiflc bodies?highly specialized, you know?which have brought for eigners of distinction In their special fields to Washington; and their embassies and legations have been entertaining for them. And the former minister of Bwltser land. Dr. Hans Suiter, has been spending a few days here and many of his former colleagues In the diplomatic corps have been giving dinners and luncheons for him. as well as several of the resident hostsaaas ? like Mrs. Dimock. for Instance who rather 'Peclallaae of the diplomatic set. e e e ^DTOOBTHKR It's bean a whirl Ing aort ef a weak?with the fire at the WTllard to throw a chinery! It might have been so much worse, that fire, that one Is Inclined to look upon Its humorou* side. To picture the Vice President and Mrs. Coolldge amiably posing for the camera men, their bagf grouped about their feet. And General and Mrs. Sawyer moving hag. baggage and bird cage?well, no. perhaps It was only a hand box?to the White House, a truck coming over for their belonging? ?and moving 'em back again within a few hours. And Senator T. Coleman duPont, one of the largest stockholders In the com pany which owns the Willard and a string of other great hotels, peacefully taking a bath with the roof blazing above his head and the corridors running rivera. In truth, everybody seems In clined to take the fire more or leas as a joke. But It would have been no Joke if all theM people har been rendered home less?the Ooolidges. Senator and Mrs du Pont, Senator and Mr* Prance, Senator and Mrs. Calder Judge and Mrs. C. C. McChord Mrs. DeWItt Talmage. General and Mrs. Sawyer, and a score of others about equally well known. Moi-eover, the demolition of the Willard ball room, at a tlnie when it was engaged for pretty nearly every evening, caused confusion worse confounded. But things seem to be straightening them selves out somehow. General Pesshing came to the rescue of the debutantes, whose ball on Tuesday night was on% of the prettiest parties of the year, and offered them the use of the Officers' Club down at Washington liar racks. The polo 1*11. scheduled for tomor row evening, will take place at the City Club. The Lions' Club moved its banquet over to the Washington Hotel. The Ophthalmologists So ciety?for whose weeting. by the way, several noted eye specialists from overseas came to Washing ton?was transferred to Conti nental Hall, and so on through the week. By some fortunate chance, the I/eague of American Pen women, which has held lta convention and its annual authors' carnival ball at the Willard on numerous occa sions. was meeting out at Ward man Park this year?Its book fair in full swing for three days, the delegates' every moment filled with business or pleasure or both, and such events as the authors' break fast and the carnival ball standing out sven among the brilliant ?vents of the last week. ? ? ? poOR Lady Astor. she haa scarcely been allowed to draw breath since Betting foot on the soil of her native land In th* first place keeping up with the activities of the league of Woman Votara. whose guest she was until the fconventlon ad journed yesterday, was a m*n site job. Then, of courae. everybody has wanted to entertain for the only women In the British Parlis men t?and an American woman at that; and everybody has want ed to Interview her and every body who could not get actually In touch with her haa wanted Just to get a look at her. And altogether It's a good thing ahe has such an efficient watch dog In the person of her stalwart husband, or she'd be worn to shreds. That nice Vlacount Astor la the moat useful parson Imaginable? and has constituted himself body' guard to his popular wife, and per formed hla duties of his ottlaa? without making a notmnae ef himself In fart. Washington, and