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French Ace of All Acss Pre dicts Dream Will Come True Boiore 19^5. SPEED TO <SE MADE IN AIR Future of Fast Travel Depends on Conquering Things in * Rarified Atmosphere. By fnlvrmnl 8fr?tfe. (Copyrfght, 1922, by Universal Service.) rAfelS, April 2f>.?What is the future of aviation? Will the air plane eventually replace the train, the steamship and the automo bile? Is the astonishing air de velopment of the past few years Hearing its .pnd? The automobile, *ay experts, is novr perfection? it cannot be, improved on. How pear is the airplane to aimilar triumph. Noted Men Reply. Those q ii cut Ion* were .the basis of an intjulry nwide by the Parts Bureau of U reversal flervloe among aviation experts in France, admittedly the country where air travel has reached Its highest stage of development. Replies of these men constitute a remarkable contribution to the scien tific research of modern times. ?Th?y Will be sent out exclusively by Uni versal Service. Among the contributors will be: Andre, Micholin, aeronautic enjrl Beer. Pierre Etienne Flandrln. Deputy of France, pilot and motor expert. Henri Farman, whose airplanes Were the first used In the war. In ventor of the world famous "Goliath." Oomte de la Vaux, one of the World's pioneers of flight. Charles Rlehct. famous scientist member of the French Academy. By DEPUTY BENE FONCK. Ace of All Aces. Before the year 1925 comes 1 ex pect to dine one evening In Paris and the riext evening in New York. If automobile progress was rapid, airplane progress has and will be ?till more rapid. Already tremendous strides have been- made, toward per fection since the war. Progress since 1918 has been more rapid if anything than progress between 1914 and 1918. If the war were to begin again now airplanes would end It within a few months. That is why air develop ment-Is so important to the security of France?of any nation. Airplanes, telegraphy and tele phony are welding the world and the peoples inhabiting It together until eventually there will be horn a new nationality?the nationality of the world. A citizen will then?and It Is a day our children will see?be able to travel from New York to Tokyo as easily as he now does from New York to Kansas City. Must Go I'p High. Tha future of air development for long-distance travel lies in the con quering of the upper atmosphere. I When we learn to send an airplane 60,000 feet into the air and keep it there we shall be able to travel at speeds now deemed Impossible. It is no exaggeration to say that large passenger airplanes may one day by attaining a sufficient altitude, where the air resistance is less, be able to travel between Paris and New York overnight at a speed of 400 to MM jniles an hour. " Naturally such enormous speeds ?ntail a multitude of problems. A method must be found first for per mitting pilot and passengers to live at rajrjfled altitudes. Airships must be constructed which will resist the tremsjidoug pressure caused by the awift rush thfougti the air. This Is by no means Impossible or even im pracUcable. The delicate structure of a bird's wings resists even greater speeds. Finally, a way must be found of adjusting carburetors and propellers so as to take account of the different stages of air resistance found at varying altitudes. Many engineers are now studying these problems, and there Is good prospect that solutions will before long be found* At any rate, I am convinced that the future lies with the heavier-than air machine apd not with the airship. Although you pay only $11.85 for this rind we will allow you at any time $15 in exchange on any other Diamond King in our stock nelling for $25 or more. Open : i Charge Account This is the greatest offer ever made and every ring is sold with the absolute guaran tee that if you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. EVER OFFERED This ring: cannot be purchased anywhere for less than $20.00. By an extremely for tunate Stroke of mas ter mere Vndising we are able to offer a limited number at this remarkable price. STRANGELY POISONED New York police are now engaged in solving the mys terious murder, by slow poisoning, of Mr. and Mrs. Fre mont M. Jackson, aged Brooklyn couple, found dead in their apartment. The poison which killed the couple, medical men declared at the autopsy, was "adminis tered in a manner unknown." Mothers Believed They Were Counted Off to Be Slain. LONDON, April 29.?Many Chlnw residents of the Tort of Hong Kong refused to fill up their census papers because they held the belief that the British authorities were taking the census for the purpose :?f pro curing a number of children to bury under the piers of a new bridye. Thus relates Mr. J. P. Lloyd, tl.e Hong Kong census officer. In his re port to his government. "The prevalence of a widespread belief among Chinese wom?n of the middle and lower classes in the al leged inhuman designs of the pub'.lc works department on infantile life undoubtedly affected the number of children of both' sexes recorded be tween the ages of four and ten years." says Lloyd'" report. "The rumor referred to is. in short, that the government intended to build a huge bridge across the har bor to Kowloon, resting on ninety nine piers, and that a certain num ber of young children of both sexes were required to be burled alive un der the foundations of each pier in order to Insure Its stability. "In the perverted view of* the' frightened mothers the very objeet of the census was to enable the gov ernment to make a suitable cl.oice of its victims.' In some districts moth era removed their children forcibly from school, while many children were locked Indoors for days and not allowed to go out. Newspapers, however, soon killed the rumor.' TOWNS HAVE SAME NAME. There are seventeen towns in Germany named Mirhelbaoh and seventy-one places listed In the postal directory as Neustadt. Nor is France much better off In this respect. ?t~r sr jm ?i DEATHS. GARNK. I with to exprena my alncera thanks to my relatival, frlenda and nHfhbora for their klndn*?s* and beau tiful floral trlbutea during llln^xa and death of my dear wife. ELIZABETH R. GARNES (nee St. Clair). LUTHER B. OARNE. ? KUNKKAL PKSION8. FUNERAL DESIGNS Or tnr/ description?ilodinu nn? ODDB. w? r 8t!w. w. MEMORIALS We upectallTe In riealjrnlnc and erecting mrmorlala (monamenta and mauwleumi) at uunllty and iharartrr. THE J. F. MOONSHINE BLAMED FOR UNUSUAL WORDS Furfual and Other Poisons Held Responsible for Ad ventitia of Vessels. I By International ?w? Nerrir*. Old man Noah Webster would blink and quiver if he stepped out of his grave and cast a glimpse over words used by Volstead law officers describing the danger of bootleg j whisky. Dynamic moonshine liquor, by latest analyses, contains a lot of queer things that produce a lot of different effects on the human system. Prohibition Commissioner Haynes told about It recently. Ho ?aid: "Moonshine mash develops wild yeast and other fungi. "Fusil oil is found in large amounts in moonshine. "Many samples contain furfural, aldehydes and other poisons. "A large excess of acids also are found. "Aldehydes when Ingested produce aldehydes ismus, with a thickening of the adventitia of the vessels, and an increase of connective tissue be tween the lobes of the liver." Commissioner llaynes maintained; that his chemists were right. DA DID fo' Everybody 11 11 I III I What are your I linUlU interests in radio?' Do you want to become a commercial operator on ' board ship, at a land station, take j charge of radio departments con- : stantly being opened by stores? j Big opportunities are open. Let us train you. Ask for information. (>r do you want to know all about hook-ups, diagrams, laws, defini tions, testing instruments, use of equipment, ctc.? Our Quiz Hook fully explains everything you ought to know in that respect. Price only Jl. Send or call for it today. Come to the oldest-established school in Washington with your radio problems. NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE, 1345 Pa. Are. N. W. Mi TO ERECT GIANT RADIO SETS Great Broadcasting Stations tcH Be Set up in City of Birmingham. , By International Newa BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. April 29.? Alat>ama will have two high-power radio broadcasting stations by June 1, one already begun by an electrical company here dealing in the radio equipment and the other at Auburn I'olytecnlc Institute. These two stations, with equal sending capacity with Pittsburgh, will put the State firmly on the map Ml radio leader ship. Interest In the development of radio is evidenced by the fact that the equipment company here, deal ing In receiving station outfits, has disposed of twenty-five complete stations in two weeks and In the same period has booked seventy-five orders for future delivery. Department stores, hotels, clubs, cafes and athletic Institutions are leading In the radio race now. Deal ers in the station outfits, swamped with more orders than can be filled for several weeks, declare that if the present pace Is maintained every important business houBe will be serving concerts to its customers and clients for amusement during business hours. Futher research and scientific de velopmept of radio Is expect* to result here, dealers and students declare, because of the character of the equipment In demand. Light, small outfits are not wanted, and the simple amateurish outfits re main unsold. Only the high-power, efficient stations are wanted. Indi cating an eagerness among pur chasers to delve effectively into the wonder science. With the completion here of the big broadcasting station, even futher advances are anticipated in the al ready remarkable growth. AD SPACE ON STAMPS. LONDON, April 29?The post master general announces In a speech that the postofflce, in an effort to make money, has request ed bids for advertisements in post offices throughout the country and also on backs of postage stamps, under the glue. Special Sale el LAUREL GAS RANGES Don't you need a "Ltur#!" gum rung*? Molt houNWlvca do Fea ture! four burner*. ai?l* oven tAd broiler. 41 Inches over all. White porcelain pplanhera. white doors, all are perfect. BO aeionda. S per in 1 sale beginning Monday morning. May Int. at 9:30 a jn.. for one week only. $34.65 NOTICE Tills Sale Will It? Held At 924 14th St. N. W. First Floor, ^Palais Royal SHOES Semi Dress One Strap Pumps at $8.00 Includes Low Heel Models f As illustrated, in? All Patent Coltskin All Black Satin Patent with gray suede hacks. Palais Royal?Second Flodr. The High Heel Models As illustrated, in? All Patent Coltskin All Black Satin Patent with gray suede backs. These are all high-grade, stylish shoos, made with .hand-turned soles. NATURE IS GUIDE TO LOII6ER LIVING Physician Says Death Before Hundredth Birthday Is an Accident. ? Br International N?w? Harrier, 8I8TER8VILLE. W. Va? Apt 11 29.?"By following nature's laws we can Increaso the traditional span of life?three score years and ten?to approximately 100 years. Not Just years of time, but full yearn, ntxxl years, productive years, happy years und healthful years." Thus spoke Dr. C. V. Little, promi nent local physician, addressing the Kiwanls Club her?v "Death In as natural as Ufa, but premature," con'.inuud Dr. Little. "It may 1? due to ignorance, mere carelessness or otherwise, but. never theless. It Is nn accident of nature.". Dr. Little suld 600.000 persons die annually, due to preventable diseases, and that 3,000,000 sick beds are con stantly filled unnecessarily. Pure water, pure air, pure and properly-balanced food rations, plenty of exercise, work and hnrd thlnklr.K tire conducive to health nnd lons evfty, Dr. Little ?aserted. 1'lav und recreation are as essential us work nnd rest Is Important, he declared. Urges Better Training For College Graduates WILl?IAM8BURa. V*., April 23. ?A plea to college men and women to train themselves by a study of so cial and economic questions In order thaj thej( might aid in the better ment of their State and the South, was made here by Dr. E. C. Branson, Kenan professor of rural-social i?o nomk's at the University of North Carolina, In an address on "The Problems of the South and How tc Meet Them." L>r. Hranson said that a man well 'rained can be of inestimable value o his State. I'eople from all over he State are anxious to Improve heir living conditions, social condi tions, and civil conditions. Ofttimes, ho said, their desire for Betterment h not guided properly and the ? ttempf Is fruitless. I our ivusiMrss is' I DEVELOPING Films developed on the premises In a laboratory equipped to render th* best service. i KnUrains a ?peclalty Harry C. Grove, Inc. 1210 a St. N.W. Washington Ram* ?r u. kmU* i HOLLAND STRUT Played by James P. Johnson, Q. R. S. Roll. / Price One Dollar PLAYER ROLLS Word Rolls for 69c. All Hits. ? Three o'Clock in the Morning, The Sheik, "Stars," April Showers, Bow-Bow Blues, Cutie, Angel Child, 1 Lo-La-Lo, etc. * At 35c or 3 for $1.00 All instrumental hits, including I've Got My Habits On, "They Needed a Songbird in Heaven, So God Took Caruso Away," Virginia Blues, Boo Hoo Hoo, April Showers, Yoo Hoo, "You Can Have Every Light on Broadway, But Give Me That Little Light at Home," Dapper Dan, Three o'Clock in the Morn ing, and many others. SAVE 25c ON PLAYER ROLLS Weed out your roll library and take advantage of this oppor tunity by hringini; in the rolls >ou liavr tired of/and we'll allow you (251 twenty-fhe cent* for each roll, provided a new one In purchased at the time your roll is returned. This rule ap plied to all rolls in our complete stock except "sale" roll*. Visit Jordan's Player Roll Library and Try Over . Some of the Latest Hits. Arthur Jordan Piano Co. G Street at Thirteenth On One of the Three Holloway Plans A person's interest and happiness lies in his home and a man cannot get up much interest in a home he rents. Therefore, do as most people are doing, and OWN your home. It's easy enough on these plans. Refers to buying lot for home or Invest Plan No. 1 calttles, from $59.00 up and on liberal terms, as low as $5 down and $1.00 per week. T)|orl O Refers to our supplying' lots and aiding 1 1(111 i*Ui Li you to get the home of your choice $300 to $500 down and small monthly payments. 1)1 VT Q Refers to the beginning of a home, house 1 Kill 110. fJ carried far enough to live In the first season, sort of vacation style and to be added to -year by year until finished. -Mail This Coupon The J. W. Holloway Co., 1110 F St. N. W. Am interested in your plan No. full particulars. .Send me Name . Address How to Get To Property Take G street car line to Riverdale, and our auto will meet you to show you over property. Or meet our representative at trolley leaving 15th and H N. E. Sunday at 1, 2, 3 and 4 P. M. J.W.H0LL0WAY CO. 1110 F Street N. Phone Franklin Wt. ^brings you J this Corona T) AY NO MONEY until you have seen and ET tried this wonderful little 6Vj?-pound folding typewriter and are convinced that it is the equal of any $100 machine on the market. Then pay only $2 down and bal ance of $53 in easy monthly payments, or $50 cash, including the neat carrying case. By sixteen years' test and the experience of nearly half a million owners, Corona has proven itself the strongest, simplest, most trouble-proof of all typewriters. Anyone who writes with pen or pencil can profitably own a Corona. If you can't come iri and see Corona, phone or mail the coupon below, and we will send it to you for demonstration. CORONA TYPEWRITER CO., Inc. '724 13th Street N. W. Phone Franklin 5660. Mail this Coupon CORONA TYPEWRITER CO., Inc., 724 13th Street N. W. Please bring me a Corona for dem onstration. I am under no obligation to buy. Washington People Growing Hair Dandruff Checked. Falling Hair Stopped. Grey Hair Darkened. Hair Made Soft, Youthful Looking and Glossy. Nature and Bowen's Did It tjr ? ""?-=?1 Names and addresses of Washington people growing hair on hald spots, checking: dandruff, stopping falling hair, and restoring faded hair can now be had on application. Nature aided by Bowen's Genu ine Crude OH Shampoo and Hair Grower did it. Those wonderful Nature preparations, f]?ee from alcohol or hair drying drugs and chemicals, act upon the same principle as nourishing or fertilizing a plant, tree or shrub, nourishing, cleansing, destroying germs and feeding the hair. Our Formula for Aiding Nature to Grow Hair Cleanflness of the hair and scalp is the first and main essential to aid Nature to stimulate hair growth, and stop falling hair and dandruff. Do not use ordinary shampoos that dry th< hair. Do not use soaps containing alkali. Play ?afe; us? the greatest of all shampoos. A shampoo that cleans, feeds, and nourishes the hair, and loaves It soft like satin, with beautiful glints shining through the hair. That shampoo Is Bowen's Genuine . *rud* Oil Hhampoo. Price only BO cents the bottle. Money Uick If satisfied. You may not need Bowen's Genuine Crude Oil Hair vlt swer, but It la well to get both an*l ?* aoix. Thu hair grower Is for use In most obstinate cases. Fair Warning-Act At Once The demand for those remarkable hair preparations la far greatnr than the bottle supply. You inny not be able to get them after May 4th for a<jme time to come. On sale at the great department stores of Lanaburgh A Hro., l'alals Royul, Kann'a, or Goldenberg'a, or Ulggett'a, Peoples, O'Donnell's, or any other firat-clasa drug ?tore. All natural odors concealed and made pleasant and agreeabla. Q*t at least the great Bowen's dniiVln* Crude OH 8hampoe today.