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OFFICIALS KEEP STRICTWATGK I FOR BAD MONEY 8ecret Service Operators Prove Equal to Task of Preventing Duplication of Money. THEIR DEEDS CO UNSUNG During Past Year 1,025 Coun terfeiters and Check Rais ers Were Caught. By W. BRUCE MACNAMEE. I nlmxl BcrrW. Tucked away in a dark comer ef the bis: Treasury building there is an inconspicuous little of fice whose occupants are en trusted with one of the most im portant tasks of the Govern ment. There is no sisro on the door, and the handful of executives and clerks inside give no out ward indication of the tremen dous responsibility of their work. Force Kept Busy. But their task is nothing less than preventing the spurious duplication of $6,000,000,000 of money In clrcula Uon throughout the country. The unprecedented activities of counterfeiters during the past year have kept this force of Secret Service operatives on their toes every min ute, but so successful have been their methods of running down the men who "print their own" that the amount of counterfeit money actually In circulation amounts to compara tively few thousand dollars. Although replete with enough ro mance and thrills to fill a dozen de tective novels, the Secret Service op erations are so little written about that they are almost hearsay. The very nature of the service has here tofore prevented publication of its workings, which are probably the most interesting In the Government ?ervlce. KverybOdy with a dollar In his pocket wants to know that it is genuine. That's where the Secret Service comes In, and, take It from those who know, "counterfeiting doesn't pay." Always the long arm of Hie law descends upon the coun terfeiter, often with such disconcert ing swiftness that his pile of fake notes or coins are "pinched" with him. Here's the way it's done: How They Work. John Smith, for Instance, a teller in the Blankvllle Bank, reports the finding of a $10 bill that "looks bad." He Immediately reports it to the Secret Service. An agent calls on John Smith as soon as he can get to him. The bill is examined. Its denomination and workmanship are ?tudled, and a minute description and warning flashed to every bank In the vicinity. Sooner or later, for the counter feiter must repeat, a second similar bill appears. Jf In the same town, the Secret Servic^^linows that their man is stationary. If the spurious note is turned up elsewhere, it means that the counterfeiter is on the move. In the first case a tracer Is sent out, and the bad bill Is inevitably traced back to its maker. In the case of migratory "passers," the Secret Serv ice operative tries to get ahead of him and "nail" him when he arrives In a new town. These methods have stood the best of time, and the accuracy of detec tion is deadly. During the last year 1,025 counterfeiters and check rais ers were arrested?the greatest num ber in the history of the service. Counterfeit notes amounting to $196, #93 were seized, $12,293.53 In coun terfeit coins, 171 counterfeit note plates. 14 engraved dies and 48 sets of molds for coin counterfeiting. The Latest Scheme. Within the past year the activities of bootleggers has developed an en tirely new criminal industry with which the service has been called upon, to cope?the counterfeiting of internal revenue strip stamps re quired on "bottled in bond" liquor. Secret service agents arrested dur ing the year many persons engaged In this crime, and seized truck loads of these counterfeit stamps and labels counterfeiting the trademarks of popular brands of whiskies and gins. In many instances It was found that these counterfeit stamps were being used on poisonous con coctions which were being sold bv bootleggers as "bottled in bond" Whiskies. An entirely new phase of the boot legging situation has arisen wlthm the last few months. Bootleggers along Isolated stret#he? of the Cana dian border are counterfeiting and using the bogus money to buy their supplies In Canada. This situation is causing the secret service consider able concern, because of the diffi culty In reaching counterfeiting plants sequestered in desolate wood land. An instance of this kind recently took place in the mountain country of northern Alabama, but the "moon shiners" squealed and the secret service walked In snd captured the men who were buying their supplies of hooch with had money: another Illustration of the old maxim that when thieves fall out, honest men profit." The swift and effective detective work of the secret service is rein forced by the courts. Heavy sentences are usually imposed upon those who try to make their own money. Any where {rom eight to sixty "years Is imposed upon those malefactors. In order that they may have plenty of Solitude to ponder their erring ways. The result Is that when the Jail doors open, most of them are willing to agree with Chief Moran and his able assistants when they say "coun terfeiting doesn't pay." >Voman Wires Kin of Her Suicide, Then Is Poisoned MUNICH, April 29.?A smartly dressed woman leaned out of a first class compartment in the Orient ex press when it stopped for a moment at Salzburg, en route to Munich. She handed the statlonmaster K (Vie fram and the money to dispatch It. When the train had moved on, the ?tatlonmaster saw It was a telegram from Mile. Marie I .anice to relatives in Paris, announcing her death. The statlonmaster telegraphed ahead to Munich. The woman's compartment was searched when the train ar rived. Mile. I^ange was found dying of poison. Birthplace of "Sheridan's Ride" Saved from Flames CINCINNATU. Ohio. April 29.? The house in thin city wherein Thomas Buchanan Keade wrote the famous "ttheridan's Ride" wns threatened witlj dcHtruc'iqn by firt. The (lames started from a my* terious source, among waste paper and kindling wood in the cellar. The house is now the Sheridan llottl. The fire wan quickly extinguished. Flappers Are Recognized by Government Report Official recognition of the term "flapper" is contained In the weekly issue of reports of the Department of Commerce. It Is contained in an article head ed. "Honiethlng New for Mie Flap pers," which speaks of "dik dik fur from northeastern Africa an a possi ble competitor of the muskrat. HUNT FOR LOST PASTOR. ONONAGON, Mich., April 28 ? Services at the Church of the j Ascension here were confined to a , short prayer service inducted by | a deacon. He then departed with 1 the men of the church to renew the search being tnade for George W. Dickinson, nineteen. acting ; rector. who mysteriously dis- } appeared. TO HOriOR COPERNICUS.' WARSAW. April 29.?Poland will celebrate in February, 1923, the three hundredth and fiftieth anniver sary of the birth of Copernicus. Flans are beln* made In honor of the famous discoverer of astronomy and one of the greatest Poles of history. How Many Pounds Will You Gain On I/our First Package of IRONED YEAST? Do you need more flesh? Are you pale, lacking in energy?or ii yoOr complexion blemished by humiliating pimplea, black head*. or boils? If ao, (imply go to your druggist's and get a package of IRONIZED YEAST tablets. Take these remarkably effective tablets?two with each meal. Then watch the results! Very, likely you will be actually astonished at the improvement shown In you even after the first i8 hours. For IRONIZKD YKAST embodies a remarkable new scientific process?a procesa which enables J'east to bring its splendid results often in list half the usual time. How New Process Makes Yeast Doubly Effective While Science admits that yeast is of won derful value in building flesh, clearing theskin, and increasing energy, it is found that yeast alone la not enough to bring 100 ptr cent re sults. For while yeast contains certain vital elements?lacking in diet, yet essential to health?experiments prove that some other agent is needed iit order to quickly CON VERT these important yeast elements into new firm tissue, energy and health. Everyone knows the great value of iron in changing our food into living cells. So work ing on this problem, pur scientists finally discove^d the amazing process of iron ixation?the scientific process which en ables you to derive from yeast ALL of the wonderful benefits it holds for you. Beware of Substitutes "Gains 10 Pound*" "I have taken onlylVipackaces of IRONIZKD YKAST, yet have gained 10 pounds in IS days." -Rev. L. W. V, "Gain* 6 Pound*" , "The improvement in me since taking IRONIZKD YKAST is just wonderful. Now I eat heartily, never have that tired-out feellnc. and I have gained six pound* ' ?Mr. K. B. C. "Gains 8 Pounds' "After one box of IRONIZED YKAST I have gained S pounds, my skin is clear. I now sleep ?oundly every night. It is the greatest tonic I ever heard of." ?Mr. A. G. B. "Gains 10 Pounds" "I think IRONIZKD YKAST is a wonderful flesh builder and tine for the complexion. I have gained IS pounds after lV4 pack age*." ?Mrs. J. I. B. "Gains 7 Pounds" "Before taking IRONIZKD YKAST I weighed myself. Then I weighed myself two weak* later and to my surprise I bsv* gained 7 pounds."?Miss 11. G.W. FREE! While IRONIZKD YKAST ia sold at all dravgists on our Satisfaction Guaranteed basis, tlioee who wisJP may try It absolutely HKEh Simply mail theroapon. It will bring yoa the fkmoite Three Day Trial Ti ruent. Watch tkm rmamltw I I This reroarkabl# proresa of ironlratlon 1* rn?? bodied ONLY In 1BOMZVB YEAST. one arlentlftoalljr oorrert yeant treatment. I RON IZ1C J) YEAST Is superior, therefore it Is widely Imi tated. You are cautioned aaainst accepting cheap Inferior Imitations, which In mo*t <*as**a are merely mixtures of ordinary yeast and Inm Alwara Inaist upon the genuine IRONIZED YEAHT. It la the only way you ran be sure nt getting the best. Oet IRONIZED YEAST today. $1.00 a package 0 Free Trial Coupon The Ironlxed YraaM C'?. Atlantis, <??.. I>rpl. 110 Tleane send me the famoun TTTREE DAY rRKE TRIAL TREATMENT of Ironlsed Yeast Name Address City State Only One Trial I'm kage to a Family Not*:?IRONIZED YEAST ia aold at all Drag Storm* on omr gaarant?? of complmtu tatufaction from thm firat package or yoar monmy rwfundmti. Sold at all good drug More* *u?'h as the People# Drug Store*. You Need No Electricity Here Is the Wonderful\ NonEkctricSuctionSweeper Here, madam, is the vacuum sweeper yoa have heard so much about?the one you've seen advertised in The Saturday Evening Poet and already in use in more than 180,000 homes. We want you to compare it with any other sweeper you have ever seen or used. TheVacuette works mechanically ? automatically. No electricity to pay for ?no plugs, wires, cords or attachments to Ret out of order. Just a slight put sends it whirring across your floors ?and all the dust, lint, thread, ashes, dirt and grit vanish into the bag. Tn Vacuette has a beautiful cast aluminum body and weighs only 1% pounds. Convenient pistol | handle makes it easy to guide. EASY TERMS Picture a how a the Improved Model "C" Vacuette \A? efficient I a* an Elec tric ? o? 'eaayto oper ate as a Carpet Sweeper Lasts a Lifetime So simple is the mecha nism of the Vacuette that it requires practically no attention. All parts are Parkerized" rust-proof and with ordinary care will last for years. Every Vacuett& thoroughly examined and tested before leaving the factory, and you get it with the msiker's guarantee. FREE Demonstration The very minute you see the Vacuette at work, you will realize that here is positively the "last word'' in vacuum sweepers. Here is the really dependable cleaner?before which dust and dirt vanish as if by magic, Don't take our word for it. We will demonstrate the Vacuette on your own rugs and carpets. Let us bring this wonderful sweeper to your house, where you can actually test it yourself. No reason to hesitate?you will not be obligated in any way. W%W ? 1/ ? - Do this now?before it slips rnone or Write free demonstration at our sole risk and expense. You will be simply amand at the thoroughness with which the Vacnette cleans your rugs and carpets. You will be posiUvely delighted at the ease with which vou can turn drudgery into play. You will be absolutely astounded at the low coat of this peerless vacuum sweeper. Madam, you owe it to yourself to see the Vacuette. Don't put it off a moment. Phone or write?NOW I Manmfactmrmd by thm Scott A Fat mar Co., Clavalond, Ohio VACUETTE SALES CO. Franklin 3657 631 Pa. Ave., Roon\ 11 The S. Kann Sons Company Store Hours, Daily, 9:15 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. "THE BUSY CORNER" Penna. Ave., 8ih and D Streets Tweed Sport Suits and Smart Tailored Models Starling With a Very Special Value in ? TWEED SUITS ?Staight-line models, and box styles, *34 and 36-inch sizes, in orchid, rose, tan, gray, Copenhagen, and brown. $25.00 and $29.75 Value*. trcU>. $18.50 Tweed Suits $35.00 and $39.75 Value*. Specially Re- &QQ 7^ duced to. . . . I il ?B raid-bound Scotch Tweed s?Plain tailored belted and without belts, in navy and black. Poiret twills and tricotines, in regular sizes, and stylish stoup models, in plain _ tailored and btaid trimmed styles. 7^ At 6 O Tailored Suits t ?In piquetine, tricotine, and twill cords, plain tai lored, and embroidered. At rd7S\W7S $69.75 ?In the above lota are many sample suits, and one-of-a-kind, making them individual. Special Offers in Jewelry Featured in the May Sale sl8..:,,oe- $12.95 $2.95 ?Women's Wrist Watche*?Fifteen-jewel move ment, 14-karat white gokl case. In hexagon and fancy oblong shapes, hand-engraved. The lowest price that this watch has ever sold for is $14.95, but it is really an ' Special ?Special Lot of Silver-plated Me*h Bags?Three styles; herringbone frame, with chain handle and tassel fringe; square shape, and herringbone frame with strap handle. A good value at $5.00. Speoal ?Indestructible Pei?rl Necklaces?Perfection grad uated style; 24 inches long, solid gold clasps; nicely boxed. Special ?Indestructible Pearl Necklaces?Perfection grad uated style; gold-plated clasps; 24- (Pi ffA inch length. Special ?French Pearl Necklaces?24-inch length; perfect graduation. At ?Imported Carved Bead Necklaces?30-inch length; perfect graduation. $2.00 value. Special | ?Plain Imitation White Ivory Necklacei 22-inch length; graduated style. At ?Sterling Silver Bar Pin Set?Set with white stones; good quality; several styles to A A select from. Choice tPl*vU $1.00 ???3 0-inch $1.00 lecklaces? $1.00 ?Earrings?An unusually large assortment; some very pretty pearl pendants. Priced, a pair, 50c to Kann's?Street Floor. $5.00 MAY SALES at the TOY STORE ?Weather Houses?Fair weather when the lady comes out on the porch, and bad weather nr when the man appears. At ?"Le Roquet," the French Barking Dog; by press ing rubber bulb Le Roquet barks as though -| he were a real dog. 25c value for AVfC ?Colored Rubber Balls?With pictures. O'/jj inches round, 25c value, for.v. ,10c 11 inches round, 49c value, for.. .25c 12Vfc inches round, 69c value, for. . .49c 14V2 inches round, $1.00 value, for. . .69c ?Roller Skates?Rail-bearing, union hardware, steel wheels, nicely nickel-plated; adjustable. For both girls and boys. Regularly $2.45. Special, pair. .. \ ?Talking Record Books and Pictures, which many little children have delighted over. Some of the titles are: I Am a Dancing Girl The Mocking Bird I Am a Lion The Little Heiland Mon The Choir Boy I Am Your Uncle Sam $1.95 The Battle of the Marne I Am a Parrot The Submarine Attack Choice, 10c Kann?Fourth Floor. ?Briefly we mention some of the good values. ?For full particu lars see today's Post, and Star. > ?$2.95 to $3.50 White Voile Waists, $1.29. ?$8.95 and $10 White Baronet Satin Skirts, $5.00. -A sale $3.85. of Hats at ?$4.00 Step-in Drawer Sets, of cross bar dimity, at $3.19. ?75c Short Petticoats, muslin, 69c. ?Muslin Corset Cow ers, 45c. ?Muslin and Crepe Bloomers, 29c. ?$1.25 Muslin Enve lope Chemise, $1.00, ?Women's $1.00 Mar cella Drawers, 85c. ?Women's $2 Gowns, $1.85. ?$3.25 White Nain sook, 10-yard piece, $2.55. ?20c to 39c Calais Val Laces, Yard, 15c and 20c. ?12V%c and 15c Long cloth Embroideries. Edges, Insertions and Beadings, Yard, 8c. 9 ? ?16 - Button Length White Washable Chamoisette Cloves, Kayser make. $1.89 value, Pair, $1.50. ?Women's Cotton Rib bed Union Suits, 59c. ?Women's White Silk Radmoor Hose, $2. ?S w i s s Normandy Voiles, Yard, 68c. ?Imported Fancy Ra tine and Homespun, Yard, $1.50. Children's White Dresses, $2.95 to $12.75 values, spe cial $1.95 to $7.50. ?Kann's Linen-finish ed Sheets, 95c. ?A Sale of Women's Dresses, $39.75 to $59.75 values, for $28.95. ?59c White Cotton Table Damask, Yard, 48c. ?Pure Linen Dinner Napkins, 19-in. size, special, dozen, $3.95. ?A sale of Summer Floor Coverings. ?A sale of Housefur nishings. ?And other sale events not listed here. May White Sale in the Drapery Store 500 Yards Filet Drapery Nets c > A<r>eJZ\. *% . * ? sfc 8 * Full Bolts? [Reduced Monday, Yard, 37c ?Pretty Filet Nets, in attractive figured de signs; full yard-wide grades, in a good as sortment of patterns; white only. ?Other Drapery Nets; choice of patterns. im ctJLt x. mM ? y. a t Priced Yard, 64c to $2.49 100 Kull Bolts White Plain Taped Edged Marquisettes Monday, Yard. . . . 14c -?Yard wide grades; ideal,for aH kinds of curtain ings, bed .sets, fancy work, etc. ?Other grades Marquisette, plain and figured. Priced, Yard, 27c to 64c Blocked Swisses. Full Bolts Yard, 22c ?Excellent quality Swiss, in neat blocked effects. Good for sash ends, long curtains, bed sets, etc. Brisbie Panel Curtains Reduced to 25c Pretty lace designs, in neat figured effects; made with loops along top, ready to shir on rod. ?Other styles of Sash Cur tains? At 39c to 98c White Window Shades. Oil Opaque Grades r.educed .. 83c : ?Mounted on good spring rollers. Complete with fix tures. Size 3 feet wide, 5 feet S) inches long. ?Other grades of Window. I Shades? At 59c to $1.98 White Drawn-worked Scrim and Ruffle Voile Curtains $1.39 Reduced, Monday, Pair ?Scrim Curtains, made with fancy medallion and drawnwork corners, and hemstitched borders. Neat styles for windows in any room. ?Ruffled Voile Curtains, made with neat ruffled borders, dainty tie-backs; for any room. ?Other Grades and Styles Curtains. In scrim, voile and marquisette. Priced, 59c to $5.94 Irish Point Curtains Imported and Domestic Grades Regularly $9.94 and $10.94. QQ Monday, Choice, Pair tP I ?*/0 ?Exquisite styles, in 21/* and 3-yard lengths, plain and spray-filled centers, mounted on good quality French nets, with handsome appliqued borders. Good selection of patterns. ?Other Grades Lace Curtains, Scotch Lace, Not tingham. Irish Point. Lacet, Arabian,, Point De Gene, etc. Priced, a pair, 94c to $24.84 Scrim and Voile Bed Sets Regularly $7.98 to $12.98. (^P AA Monday, at vt)?UU ?Fine Scrim and Voile Bed Sets, in three-quarter and full bed sizes; have filet lace medallion centers and lace insertion. Spread and bolster piece to match. ?Other styles in Bed Sets, o? Scotch Lace, Mar quisette and Renaissance grades. (^1A Ai At $2.49 to Kann's?Third Floor. White Enamel Beds Reduced for the May White Sale ?Two-inch continuous post beds, one-inch fillers; single or full sizes. Monday, $7.39 45-Pound Layer Felt Mattresses "Capitol Brand" Monday $7.75 ?Good quality, rolled edge, five rows of stitching: around sides, firm rolled edge; cov ered with splendid quality art ticking. Cotton Mattresses Monday $5.99 i ?45-pound Cotton Mat tresses, full size, a few In ! the single size; have rolled edges, and are covered with j art ticking. Kann's?Third Floor. S_