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WOMAN DIES. 15 INJURED IN COLDSBORO STORM GOLDSBORO, N. C.. May 1?.? One woman was killed and fifteen persona were Injured yesterday in a wind and hall ?torm at Prince ton. fourteen mllea weat of here. The damage, estimated at $500 ? 000, included deatructlon of the to bacco and cotton cropa. A church waa blown down and many homea were wrecked. V, ?\ is for UM-M-M? the keen and happy gurgle of delight that trills and trills in everybody's throat every time they taste the zest and relish of that peppy and delicious Adams Pepsin Gum! Adams PEPSIN GUM ?? I V/i? A. A *.?? A4K/ PAIRIOTSflSK SUPPRESSION OF HISTORY TEXTS Sons of American Revolution Declare Individual Volumes Are in Error. By CnlTMMl Ser?le?. SPRINGFIELD. Mass.. May 16 ? The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, In national 'congress, yesterday unanimously adotped a resolution calling upon Congress to suppress certain text books on American history and to have others revised. The resolution was introduced by Judge Wallace R. McCammant. of Portland, Ore., president general of the society. The memorial, among other things protests against use of any text book which teaches Socialism, Bolshevism or class hatred; which lauds thp Tories and censures the patriot, or which "maligns the memory of the great men of the revolutionary pe riod or undervales the services and sacrifices by which national inde pendence was won." President Harding, in a letter made public today by Pres^ent McCam mant, states he Is considerably In terested "in the effort the organiza tion has been making In behalf of Improved teaching of history In American schools. Charge Gross Errors. President Harding added: "I trust you will not weary in well-doing, and that your efforts In behalf of a better presentation and und i stand ing of the truth of our national his tory may produce the good results that we all so much desire." In an interview relative to his own resolution. President McCammant said: "Some of the text books now in use are full of errors. Others are inadequate in the emphasis they lay upon the American revolution and sacrifices it Involved. A few of them are sympathetic with radical propa ganda." 1 Some histories condemn the Boston Tea Party as a "lawless destruc tion of property" a "violent act, viewed with great anger In Eng land," said President McCammant. He declared himself out of patience with a writer who 150 years after the revolution condemned such an Incident or similar incidents of the rebellion as Paul Revere's ride and Warren's stand at Bunker Hill. "The fortitude of the men who suffered at Valley Forge Is one of the traditions of the republic, and the O'Hara history maligns those men by stating that one man In every five deserted to the British," McCammant further said. He added that he strongly objected to cutting out of histories all inci dents of dramatic power. He also A Mile from High Rent*, 'Tit True A Mile from High Price*, Too. Formerly People'* Department Store ST. and PENNA. AVE.S.E. FOR ONE DAY-A MAY SALE SPECIAL! A $350 BEDROOM 1 *7 C SUITE PRICED AT $ 1 / O As a big, outstanding special in the crowd-winning May Sale we have set apart just 3fi Beautiful Bedroom Suites which sold not long ago at $350, and for the one day (Wednesday) they are to be sold at $175! Each Suite consists of four elegant pieces ?lar^e dresser, semi-vanity, chifforette and bow-foot bed. Choice of either (P-jj American walnut or brown mahogany. Finest construction and finish.... wllD A payment of 10 per cent ($17.50) delivers it; small, convenient payments thereafter will pay for it. We will hold and deliver when you say, if you wish. All Reed Furniture REDUCED 20^9 Entire stock of reed furniture, suites as well as single pieces, is reduced 20 per cent from marked prices. Think what this means, right at the beginning of the season ?just when you want it. Furniture Accounts We will gladly open accounts on pay ment of a 10 per cent deposit, and arrange weekly or monthly payments at convenient dates. A single piece or the furnishings for the entire home. Why wait? Latest Word From Paris By Marie Suzanne (OwrtfM, MM.) PARIS, France. tt'ORTH chooses wool and tan cheviot for a tailleur whose flaring jacket is braided in a darker shade of tan. The skirt is straight and less than an kle length, with looped panels of self fabric falling below the hem line at each side. 'J'HE smart est of cos tumes in yel low kasha dis poses of all its edges by a few mere?but al together c h a r m i ng? scallops. The girdle that adopts a here and-then- gone policy is of yellow suede. said there la no danger of a military party In thla country. "The real danger la In atreaalng the thlnga In hlatory that have made ua wealthy at the expense of thinga that have made ua free," he declared. "If thla tendency keepa on we wlU yet aee a generation of Americana that have a wholeaome respect for the dollar and mighty little for the flag." Cool Id ire Sen* Note. Vice Preatdent Coolidge aent a message to the aoclety In *hlch he referred to "an Inaldloua form of op; poaltion to conatltuted authority,' and "the aelflBh expectation of per xonal advantage at the expense of public welfare." He added that Americana needed the memory of the lnatltutlona' and aelf-aacrlflclng loyalty of the forefathera aa "our inatltutlona need the same aelf-sac riflclng loyalty for their aupport which It was neceaaary to make for their eatabilshment." A reaolutlon w&a paBaed demanding that Congreaa aupport the national defenae act of 1920 and following recommendation* of Prealdent Hard ing and of the Secretary of War In deciding on the else and strength of the army and navy. Gov. Channlng H. Cox of Maaaa chuaetta. who addreaaed the conven tion, waa voted a member. W I. L. Adama, of Montclalr, N. J-, appeared tonight to have the beat chance of being elected prealdent general tomorrow. HAYS ASKED TO CURB FAKE SCENARIO SCHOOLS Will H. Hay a. maater of the movie world, haa been asked by the Photoplaywrlghta' League of Amer lea to curb the operations of fraud ulent acenarlo achools, which are reaping mllllona from the sales of their couraea and plana, it was learned here today. Wycllffe A. Hill, prealdent of the movie wrlterB* organization, Bays that scenario writing cannot be taught. Prominent producers have asked that their namea be elimi nated from advertisements of one of the moRt pretentloua of these schools, which is said to have col lected more than $2,000,000 from its photoplaywrltlng plan. $3,700 PAID FOR RARE VOLUMES OF DICKENS LONDON. May 16.?The sale of Burdette Coutta' booka and manu scripts at Christie's yesterdav re suited in some valuable artlclca going to Americana. I Roaenbach, Philadelphia collector, paid $3,700 for autographed Dickens manuscripts of "The Haunted Man' and "The Ghost's Barealn." SMILE and the world smiles with you? but when you amlle flash a glimpse of pretty white teeth. If Your Teeth Need Attention ?It will be a pleasure for our ex pert dental stuff to see that they are made perfect and white then you can smile your way through to success. Gold Inlays, Amal gam Filling# .$1.00 up Silver Filling 50c up Gold Crown* . $5.00 up SETS OF TEETH $5 if Our Famous Suction TeMh fit tl?ht, *lva satisfaction and look Ilk* natural t*?th. Toath ?*trarted fraa whan oth?r work la dona. OVEH KRESOE'H I and l#e STORES S W Cornar flavanth and E 8ta Oo#n Evanlnca Opan Sundays Phone Franklin 3(47 BANK REFERENCE Reliable as a Government Rond. CONGRESSMAN LONDON AMNESTY PLAN, DEFEATED Congressman Meyer Ix>ndon, So cialist, of New Yorh, fought In the House yesterday afternoon to fret au thority for the New York city post office to use canceling stamps read lng: "We demand general amnesty for all political prisoners." The motion was triad's in the form of an amendment to .1 bill permitting postofflces In Arkansai to us-- sim ilar stamps advertising the Arkan sas State fair and exposition next October. The Ix>ndon proposal was lost when Congressman Blanton (Dem I of Texas made a point of order, which was sustained by Speaktr Gillett. Church 161 Years Old. DIVIDING CREEK. N. J.. May lfi.?The 161st anniversary of the Baptist Church was observe^ Sun day. The speakers included the I Rev. Henry Anderson, of Port Nor | rls; the Rev. J. Washbourne. of New I port, and the Rev. John Hackett. UPHELD AGIST JOHN DRIVE President Recounts Its Social Activities in Answer to Con gressman's Attack It the Monday Evening Club la not "the mother of officials of the District of Columbia," It Is tho mis fortune of tho officials. This wan ihe answer of the organi zation's president. Arthur Deerln Call, in a report before the annual meeting last night at the Industrial Home School to a recent attack on the floor of the House by Congress man Ben Johnson. The former chairman of the House District Com mute charged that the club con trolled appointment of Commission ers and other municipal officials. Summarizing the aims Included In the club's social service program of 1913, Call went on to say: "8ince the udoptlon of this pro grap the club has gone about Ihe business of realizing as many of Its aims as possible. It has done this work openly. Every one of its meet ings is open to the press; Indeed, the press is specially invited to every one of the meetings. The meetings are open to members of Congress; indeed, many of of the Congressmen have addressed the club. "As a result at least in part of the work of the club, a number of the features set forth in this program have been realized either In whola or in part. Congress now appropriates for municipal, tubercular and school nurses; for a modern municipal hospital; for a municipal lodging htnise. The Juvenile court, although still in rented quarters. Is In a bet ter building. There is a new deten tion home. There are better pro visions for white girls at the national training school, more public comfort stations, a wide use of school build ings as social and civic centers. Women are associated with the l>olic? deiwirtment now under a woman's bureau. There has been organized a social hygiene associa tion." Only Half Right, Elsewhere in his address, sajd Call, the "distinguished member of the House" made the remark that the club membership "Is comi>osed of some of the best people in the world, and some of the ugliest." "The distinguished member of Congress is at least 50 per cent cor rect," Call asserted, "for manifestly the memliership of the Monday Evening flub is composed of some of the best people in the world." Miss Aline E. Solorfians, chairman of the committee on the municipal lodging house, described conditions at that institution as "deplorable." Owing to heavy expenditures 'luring the |>ast nine months, she declared, there can be no feeding of men who apply for lodging from March (through June. BOSTON TO GET JERSEY ASPARACUS BY AIRPLANE BURLINGTON. N. J.. May 1?.? Fresh vegetables will be carried by airplane from north Jersey farms to Boston beginning next Wednesday witn a shipment of 1,500 pounds of specially cut asparagus. If the tripej are found to be profitable they will be made dally, It wai aald. The start will be made from Swedeaboro. i The farmers believe that the Bos ton purchasers will pay the price when it is realised that vegetables cut In the morning can be served at night. spirm SAY BAYER" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physi cians over 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Neuralgia Earache Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer,r package which contains proper directions. Handy "Bayer" boxe* of 12 tablets?Also bottles of 24 and 100?TVuifljistB. Aspirin In the trad* mark of Bayer Manufacture nf Club Sandwich Toast Slired Chicken Sliced Tomatoes Lettuce Leaves . ^ Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise You'll enjoy it! Four tuet, 12c, 30c, 50c, 95c Thr jart hare many household UMft. ?0lSb HEIOC^ * 1BLUE RIBBON | * MAYONNAISE ~7Aa.t _ Serial ftoiw Starting in ?mes 21* Daily and Sunday Thereafter Until Completed Phone Main 5260 Today and have the paper delivered to your home to you will not mis# a single chapter.