Newspaper Page Text
UNO GIRLS WIN LjB* v- '?. ?, i ' ?? 7 ? ' v ?' *" <? ' . Contestants Urysd to Turn In Subscriptions Early for TJmfc to Vorlfy. Twenty-tsro more hojp and glrla MM down th? horn* stretch yester diy u< annutd a 9M Hangsr bi cycto tnm firom th? circulation de partment of Tho Washington Times V ikurtnf fifteen el*-month jub Scrip tlone to this newepaper. They W^?nncta McDaalet, SI Qulncy place Bortheast. dirt Brygger, Greater Capitol iJgiti r" Prancta Fabrislo, 711 Tenth street northeast. Morris Sands. 410 Eleventh street Borihfut. Edward Lewis, 30? Eleventh street touth^Mt. Lawrence Herbert. Ml Eye street ?oothwest. ? Helen Osrter. 2017 Massachusetts avenue northwest. Ruth E. Wood<t Tort Mysr, Va. Births, Deaths Phone Main 5260 Until 2 P. M. Obituary Deek MRS. MARGARET W. BARBER BURIED IN MILTON, PA. Funeral services for Mrs. Mar garet Walls Barber, former Wash ington woman whose death,occurred Sunday In Pennsylvania, were held yesterday at Milton, Pa. She was the widow of the late John Adlum Barber. Married here In 1S77. Mrs. Barber soon afterwards removed with her husband to their country estate, "Felldtia." in St. Mary's* county, Maryland, where she re mained until her death. Mrs. Barber la survived by four children of Mr. Barber by a for mer marriage. They are Mrs. J. William C. Looker and Cornelius Barber, of Washington, and Mrs. CadwaUader Woodville. of New Tork. She alas leaves a daughter. Mrs. Frederick A. Qoodcharlee. of Milton, Pa., and a brother, William C. Walla, of Lewisburg. > BIRTHS REPORTED. Thouiaa and Busle C. Stursess, boy. 14ward B. and Margaret M Hwtrau, Mrl Levis A. and Roe* A. Hlsdoa. boy. Elmar a aad Katharine A. Jordan. '{villlam D. aad S?Uaa M. Housh. "boy. William A. aad Ethel M. Lynch. ?lrl Robert L and Marsaret A. M. Lynch. Howard r. aad Katharine T. Craddock, ^Oeorse and Julia V. Miller, girl. Ernaat T. aad Martha B. Reaa slrl. fltephan A. -aad Mary F. Oar man. boy. Foeey J. aad Bertka K. Altlser. bey. Harbart L. and Ira M. Mailer, boy. Arletldaa and Maria Vrahlstee, slrl. Harrlaon M. and IsabelBrooke, bey. L? R. Rlohard aon at. ana (anooi a. rvromwm. i A. aad Elra L. Burns, girl. I. aad Reaa R. Chesney.'glrl. rd J. and Catharine C. Lewla. 1 Fred M. and Octarla F. Yaemana, slrl. Walter B. aad May E Crawford, boy. trthur J. aad Vlrglala M. Flyaa. bey. ohn and Kliatallo 'Barren, bey. Harry aad Claire B. Foael. boy. O.orge M. and Myrtle I. Haverstock. **R?lchard O. aad Flora I. Hardies, boy. Clarence L. aad Helen C. Feller. Slrl. Waorpe A. and Delay Hewer, slrl. Robert B. aad Fbaale M. Hutchinson, Charles F. aad Grace Fester, slrl. Manuel and Louise Cecabourl. girl. rusrfta Skinner, bey. ?Tamea L and ?MtUMrl Robert H. aad Lola Wood. bey. Leo.F. aad Nellie A. Cefcroy, slrl Bdwin A. and Laura Sparse, strl,? Robert S., Jr., aad Bernice >. lies, bo] Andrew J. and Aena Lawrence, flrl. Lewis w. and Virslala Walker, bey. Albert C. and Amelia parr. slrl. Bdward D. aad Catherine Ruxnferd, bey. Arthur L. end Mildred Themes, boy. Nicholas S. and Antonetta Caraufa, Irrln H. aad Elisabeth O. Mlran. slrl. ^William B. and Mary A. McCaffrey, Walter B. a and Ethel S. Elite. boy. Barl A. and Mentreee 8. Ballard, boy. Edward aad Settle Statmss, boy. Armstead L. and Marian T. Walker, VMTa^ Jamss W. and Bra Manning, bey. Wert aad-Mettle Burrall. boy. LICENSED TO MARRT. Clarence A/'Rre, I?. and Marsaret V. Wise, St. The Rer. Charlea A. Rhrere. * W- ?0nUn?t0.t, ?*? *"d Mary R- Dlnklne, II. 'Ae Rer. John R. Bd wards. ..Tkemaii W. Wilson. IT, aad Ada Hill, ??. The Ber. T. B. Deris. Jehn F. Fsrare. IT, and Mary C. Brenner, II. The Rer. Walter O. MoNell. _ *??*????. ??. and Edith J. Farnam, >4. The Rer. John C. Palmer. DEATHS REPORTED. Missouri Henry, ??. yra., Caa. Hosp. Floyd D. Bessie. II /re., Fror. Hoop. St r,Tk Watt* *l rrs., lltl 14th M F<?apae IV Nye, tl yrs., Tl Bryant St^nw* V" ***'*? *4 JTU" Jasraham wJss.11'* * c^owd?^? " at. r eiis. iEZ?J>\?TT*n'}.* Tufc- hw r*-. ?" r'ut* *? Jsesto-B^ Qraee. It yra, 1414 -Q et. ow Ausurt J. Oettmean, II yrs.. BleIU. 2E . W|Ulama, t yra. Oee. Unlr. ^Cjfsmea gpetaea. 4T yrs^ St. Ella. T \ Prlfflth. II yra. 1I1T Felr Stewart, II yrs.,1114 Ken Kea Wood born. II yrs.. Oee. Unlr. Rryen Cerrldon, II yrs.. Ill '4th at n* th>PUr- "* U?W. ^James B. Matttasly. Tl yrs^vUI B Catel'^. ^ ^ ?? ?? v- Br*ades, u yi*. hit m. J. ^Meeea Drayton, it yra^ Freedmans erf"* T,'k*rt- ?? **?? Minn Cyathla Jteksos, 44 yru.. Oar uMn Harrtooa, 1 yr m H mt. mm Joe^ps Reddlek. I yr^, l 'li a^., DEATHS . *??.) (Baltimore papers please ?TE*^*!lt burnside balored hnaband of Miriam S^STrjeVele'V^^Tta and'*M?MWjrri M w 5.*1*" C *>?*?<! vr?d*:;' ttSTcr^ CaiBaterym ^ rronui pwioNs. FtmBRAL DBBIONS * oeesp '"?rtSiniM.I'sasa s^eea By RUBE GOLDBERG BUT IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING ? ifoscsarr a floQ*. I "TWe a?Ob? TURXi TO "TVW* UGfT - THOO HONW "THfl -nisi 0*CtC a wo FtfRTM ?SCN/eATTY*- 7^ 1 -r^m^L HCBE'3 a full -set of* b*W5crr*bMS K<*w -rc> OPCVi -this CAN Of AU5CRIAM _ ( weRRtKy? c~??' J "* "THaXi o?M p oorrn ~t>?c i**fecx v \ .Fuji?a of thc. J RViSVtr rtMOlb. A>0fck ( Yoo a Vie -rvm/o j? J fAce to r i?e *> > b??ecTioMs I 1A*e ?HK? e"MoGavx fcMT TWf bCXOTT HEJkM Au^cmt^ie? ? '"J?? TA*ikXS ** llfv a ti*-. ?^ -r^e 0COH r Shewbridge, Germantown. n. Fort Washington. M^n"orfc"' "" Thirteenth Ch'U T'"'h """ ?oSh!?i, V'"r" "" E"1"h !?.SK "" Su">""' ??? j-tSnJEss."" Tw?,"i"h Qulnton Oossett. 3J72 Brothers Con*re* Heights, Md. ^ Newton Btrthlln*. Capitol Heights, ?tZT'Ztv" Hul?- 1?9 T street northwest. ?ireei *,nd .?1rte '?"? urged and iL tUrn ln ^elr orders ls di^X^S "OW .on The worawing to a close and unless verifif*?il> your ?ub*crtptlons for promptly from day to V,erifh!r" be over rush Jwt mtnute and you inav to wait a c^uple of weeks for your bicycle. U- S. WAR REFUND BOARD TAKES UP FRENCH DEBT France's thread-a-hatf MUlon dollar debt to the .United States was up for discussion at a formal session today of the American Debt Refund to* Commission which convened at UeerT^U^WHh J,~n V" P^rmen wZLJFUSn*0 ** Nevue- th* a" "nanclal envoys present, secretary of the Treasury Mellon. St*1* Hu*h??. Secre ^fT??7lm,erTCIT "??ver' Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and Congress, man Burton of Ohio, comprlslnK the American Debt Refunding Commis sion, which was created by act of Congress, attended. . N<? J*1*11" bave yet been presented by either the United States or France prorkUng- a mrthmi for liquidation of the French debt, ft was stated of ficially, but today's session is expect ed to develop two such plans. flh<9<ti?K&p<&?es MTXNSET BUILD INO WASHINGTON. D. C. TELEPHONE MAIN fill. QLASSIFEEQ | ADVERTISING RATES ?? , * CASH WITH ORDER DA1LT AND SUNDAY. ? / J . w?*d ,ar ?"? tlm?- >*? a word for three conaaeutlva tlmaa or mora. K, for hvu or more eonaecutiva tlmaa. no AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWO LINKS. COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS FOR THE LINE. Count th. word -5?* er "Ave. In all addreaaea Whan an ?ui Svartlaamaut la addrooaad In oara of Tha **e Mdraaa la to be eountod aa part c#unt CHARGE rates DAILY AND SUNDAY. Ona tlma, lfo a Una. Three oonaaoutiva times, l?c a* Una Soran ooneecutlve tlmaa, llo a Una. If re* are a talaphona anbociibar nhona KSf l^SL*' W,U ?oU~t f~ ? ??" TELEPHONE YOUR "WANT ADS" ' "MAIN 5260 d&ss-tsv&r ssr'v."^ kV1r*0r|T;<1 ?? Tha Waahlncton Tlmaa efflee before 11 o'clock tho day Preceding publication. Help Wanted. Situation Wanted. Loat and Pound, Rooma for Rant, Apartmanta X^th^l^loa^adrar*"wnaaaU0|irufba* taken publication' *'0,0?k *? "? ,h* <* eeived baton 11 o'clock p. m. Saturday COUNT alx average words to the llaa. Minimum charge ia for two llnoa. Announcements? Leet and Pound 1 , Beauty Parlors.. ' ' J Bueleeee ParaonaJa.. , Mleeellaaeons ! Special Me'uies! ! Business Service? Buolnaee Servlrae Offered Employment? Help Wanted?Htli I* Help Wanted?Kernel* St Help Wanted?Male and female. .. .14 Help Wanted?Agents....... M Help Wanted?flaleemen. >1 Help Wanted?Employment AcaaalM.IT Situation Wanted?Mala tt Situation Wanted?Female tt Bit uatloa Wanted?Male and Female. t* Financial? Buelneee Chancaa 11 Financial tt Money To Loan On Real Batata.. It Money Wanted M Maney to Loan?Dlamonda aad Jewelry tt Money to Loan?Chattel and Cat lateral ...* tt Oil and Mining Opportunltlee tt Stocks, Honda and Mortgagaa tt Livestock, Poultry, Feed, Etc.? Cattle and Hofi Horaee and Wagana ,.41 Harneaa and Saddlea 41 Pet Stock 41 Poultry 44 Poultry Suppll** . 41 Jlabblta?Commercial 4f Wanted Livestock?Poultry 41 Merchandise? BuildIna Material*. II Carpentera and Bultdera It Clothlna. He. tt Farm and Dairy Prodacta......... 14 For Bale?Mlecellaneoiia............ II Fuel. Coal and Wood It Houeehold Goods II Jewelry. Dlamonda and Watchea... It Machinery and Toola... tt Musical Inetrumenta tl Mualcal Records tl Radio and <El*ctrlcal Buppllea tt Seeds and Nursary Stock 44 Store and Office Equipment tl Typewriters and Buppllea.....' 44 To Swap tT Wanted. To Buy?Mlecellaneoua.... 4* Reliable Bhopa Tt Motor Cars? Automobiles For Sate. J Tl Auta Trucks and Trectars For Sale Tl Auto Livery and Oaragaa T4 Auto Service Stations Tl Airplanes and Supplies...' TT Blcyclea and Motorcycles Tt Wanted Automobiles and Trucks.. tt Rooms and Board? ? Rooms To Rent?Furnlahad M Roome To Rent?Unfurnished...... tt Roome To Rent?Houeekeeping.... tt Rooms To Rant?With Board 14 Rooms To Rent?Suburban M Suburban and Country Board...... II Table Board...... IT Wantsd To Reaf Rooms.......... It Wasted Baard aad Rao ma It Rentals^ Apartments and Flats Ta Rent Furnlahed /..... tl | Apartments and Flats Ta Rant Unfurnished tt Houeee To Rent Furnlehed tt Houses To Rent Unfurnlehed....... 14 Wanted To Rent Apartments...... tl Wanted To Rent Houeae t4 Oarages For Rsnt... IT Offices For Rent.., tt Stores For Rsnt M Out Of Town Property For Rent... 144 Fsrms For Rsnt ltl Wanted To Rant Farma, Etc lit Real Estate? Apartments For Sals .ltl Buslneee Property For Sale 144 Farma For Sale 141 Houses For Sale lot Real Eetate For Sal* 107 Real Eetate?Out Of Town 141 Suburban Property For Sale lot To Exchange Real Batata lit Vacant Lota For Sale.............. Ill Wanted?Real Batata .....Ill, Miscellaneoui Auctions Sales... Ill Legal Notices UT Propoaala Ill Clairvoyants Ill Spiritual ScleaCe.... lit School and Collar** Ill Reaort* .....114 Cla**lfl*d Display ? ltl [ 08T AND FOUND BULL DOO, lost Sundsy nlvht, from Tth and T sts.; dark brown, whit* spot on n*ck, whit* breast; name. Ro*e; good r*ward. Return to TOO T *t. N. TT over druy store. BRACELET?Oreen gold. flexlblo. e*t I with 1 topas. Reward If returned to 214 Eye at. N. W. Frank. 1IT0. CARD CASE?On ateamer St. Johns, con- ] talnlng 4 Masonic cards snd operator's ; permit. Mondsy. Aug. T. Reward. O. i N. MILLER. 137 A. Batee et. N. W. ? FORD TIRE?Almoet new; mountable rims; loat Sunday. Liberal re#ard. 1019 H st. N. B. Lincoln TOtt. RETS?Lost on heart-shaped key ring Reward, Phone Frank. 1104. * MESH I1AO?Silver, containing <1.14. In Pension Park N. W., August 4. Re - wsrd If returned to MISS TJ. KBMISH. Ill C St. N. W. TORTOISE Sheli . glaaaes, lost between tth and 4th on New York ave. on eouth side of St. Please return ta lit New York av*. N. W , apt. II. Liberal reward. HAMILTON gold wrist watch on M St.. nsar Thomas circle; reward. Fr. tl. NBCK PIECE?ft one martin of one ekln, from Star Line bue Tueaday, Aug. I, tt reward. O. C. WAINWRIOHT. th* Haw Wlllard. ? RINQ? signet, monogram J. W. L.; In alde engraving "From Helen to Jim; reward. North TtOt. ? WEDDING RING?Platinum: vicinity Uth to 11th, F to a sts. N. W. Liberal reward. Adams lltt. jJEAUTY PARLORS ELIZABETH READB. manicuring, scalp treatments. THB PLYMOUTH, lilt 11th St. N. W? apt. I, FACIAL snd Scalp Treatment. Hours 10 a. m. to T p. m. MADAM LA RLANC. til H st. N. W . apt. 4. Mala -t'll I jgUSINESS PERSONALS PHYSIOTHBRAPT BLBCTROTH BRA FT scientifically glv*n; men * wamen. Dr. rerelya Auatln, appalntmant ph. N. B USINESS PERSONALS BRING US Tour aid told. stiver. platinum. DIAMONDS And discarded Jewelry. We need them In our manufacturing department. WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES. A. KAHN, Inc.. 9S8 F at. wanted ? Partner for Araaamahlng bualneae. excellent location on 14th at. N. W. Call Columbia ?I?T. BALM-COCOLINB lie. Hair and eoalp pomado, dreeoor, grower; tUMutlH g?r, At druggtot or Mf?. m? Tth W W. MANICURING Am* ?lM* tr~* MAiw/umnu mant. ??? 11th at. nw. pEKSONALS DIVINE HEALER Anthony Leo, Heftier ftnd Chiropractic IF you ara 111. try my wonderful dlvlna healing treatment a, and to prove It to you conaultatlon and ona traatmant free. TSt Tth at. N. w. Waahlngton, D. C. Phone Main ?m. JPECIAL NOTICES NOTICB AND ORDBR Or PUBLICA TION.?Nolle* la harahy (Ivan that th* Commlaalonara of tha Dtatrlct of Columbia, pursuant to tha provlalona of aactlon 11(1 to aactloa 14*1-I. la cluelve. of tha Coda of Law for tha Dtatrlct of Columbia, hava niod a peti tion In thlo court praying for tha con demnation of tha land necaaaary for allay purpooea In equare II*#. (bounded " " 'rd, Thli - - K3rx%5@s53 aTu?,np!r'piXC<>^mt^'lo? aSSSEWi ssyusrsss? DAT Or''hrpTKMWclT', ? * ,,TH O'CLOCK A M I*"- AT 1* In the Wa.h|^oi ir,UnT-"o.* Waahlngton Mid*Dt?rr,*p*p*r* wni'M 5V.. commencing at leeet ten siwsiwis," yfrL&i?" ??h**ofm,Vrt" ?f h" ??eh of tho ovntn of the fM '*# ?in'foundb|?r''0.h,1*mn*d h#rHn u mi!J .SSMg^ERiS B?; ">? Courts (Baal) WILLIAM HIT*. A true copy, toot' Juotlce. ffusrsu. TION* KTbLT?*" vlalon of the act of Con?reM??"^i March 4. 1?1I. entitled *1P OT?4 Jng approprlallona for th? !?ne?i?Sf c.Tu^bur","r,,h.0,n^; * Whnrat..' OfhtP PUrpOSfR " p?i? ?7,|!,chw*' to canform wlnT tha plan of the permanent system of hl*h ?*/* that portion of the Dtmtrirt nt Columbia outetda of the eltlak of Wuh S!t?.'on,dc?;:^i,#wn ?"*?? jreaa approved June II, mi ?' V""; onder the provlalona of eub chapter one of chapter fifteen bf the Code of Law of the Dletrict -? umbla), have filed a petition In thle ":r,1. tha oo^rnn.,:.nnth^ rsir'tVi"* *f .nThBe a^-oVc^mS?'2, rtl m"? <* P'?? fHad wfth"he ITld petition, as part thereof and nra*in> alao that thla court empanel ? In accordance with the !.? DA>vldJd syisrvsr jrarz fax -J sr.; I as benefits retqltlnr therefrom the en .h7 rxs?? "M^:r'v;o^rn^ pv,,7b;-^.^a:hS-S T?"u kI 7l* ?'or*aald act of Conrreoe, peVin^h thaT aU csairs ss's:rL\s.T warned and commanded to anpear In tendance until the rou?,n""hV|i '"haVe nAfturn TJ: ssaeaement of benefits of the Jurr to J fflsgA-Bjasr ?rr^ tiw l ^ nubllahed in The W.-hla^n VC^r or*"(?I;^TRMtTkr* DAY ;S^iV?-S (Heal) WllUA* HTT*. A true ropy, toot* . inatlco. Pyffl nTn?eh. cit* By WM. F. LEMON. Qark. t gPEClAL NOTICES NOTICB AMD ORDER OP PUBLICA TIOR?Hotlo? Ia haraby glyan that tha Commlaalooara of tha Dlatrlct of Columbia, pursuant to tha pro*?a'mia of an act of OongrtM approved June fl. XtM. entltlod "An act providing for th? Mtabilahmcnt of a uniform building lino 3 etreeto In tha Dlotrict of Columbia. !*?* than ninety fo#t wide." aaamended by the act approved March I. HIT. antltlad "An act mak Inc approprlatlona to provtda (or Jba aiMnaoa of tha covarnmant of tha Dlafflcl ot Columbia for tha flacal *?ar andIns Juna thirtieth, nlnataan hundrad and al#htaen, and for othar purpoaaa." hara fllad a pa tit Ion l? thla of bulldlnt raatrlctlon llnaa on both ?Idaa of Brown atraat. batwaan Mon roa and Oak fctraata. In tha Dlatrict of Columbia, aa ahown on a plat or map fllad with tha aald patltlon. aa part - tharaof. and praylns alao that thla oourt ampanal a Jury In accordance with tha taw provided for In auch raaaa to aaaaaa tha damaaaa aaoh ownor of land to ba takan may aua taln by raaaon of tha aatabllahmant of ?aid bulldln# raatrlctlon llnaa on both aldaa of Brown atraat. batwaan Monroa and Oak atraata. for which thla pro caodlns haa baan laatltutad. and tha rood am nation of tha land for the purpoeoe thereof, iim! to aoooae ae benefit* reoulting therefrom the en tire amount of oald damage* Including the exponeee of theee proceed Inge upon any all lota. P-rf^of lota, or parcels of land which may be be^e^ flftad by the eetabllohmant of building llnee. In the proportion that j fhi .Lid jury may of Iota, plaoaa or Pa^ca'a of land will b, banafltad. aa provldad for In and by ,h?t u"bTth.1cC?rt' tStaflTlJAT or AUGUST IIM. oWdBRRD that ajl paraona ha?ln? a*y InlaraatlnthMi proeoodlnca ba. a*d thar ?ra fcaraby warnad and commanded to appaartn thia court on or bofore tho 1ITH DAT or ?IPT?MB?R. !?**. *T *? O'CLOCK, A. M.. and contlnua l? at tandanca until tha court ah a 11 hava mada Ita final ordar tn thi Waahlnston ! ? Wiaklniton poat and Tha iJfaJhlMTton Tlmaa. nawapapara P?bllahad ln th-? Mid Dtatrlct. commancln* at Uaat tan SsrA?MB?R! m? U?. ORDIRID, that a cwWT * <*?? ?tata^marahal. *or*^la Und t?o iS'condVmn^l h*raln aa m.y ba faund by tha aald marJ~L/f daputlaa within tha Dlatrict of ll? BUa%C#"rt: WILLIAM IJITt^ A MOJ^AN H"BKACH. Clark. ) By WM. P. Business services ? OFFERED 11 _ ~fjr,riLW_"-f>J~i fUVWM* a^a1"! ? ' ***'-- ? ? ? | CAIR CANEINO, UPHOLSTERINO; in CitI?dCeh..7 for Mia. ll.hat. W. W B MURRAT. phona Worth M4?. SoSWiLL A bAR^kn-i-iL. _ Building. Rapairing and ^alnttn* Phona Hratta?ma_m:r:ni<i_-^ afOVlNG and storage ^ . jinr. ? i ?MOVING? padded vans furnished Phone Mtln tlll-HlL KRIEO'S EXPRESS ?ryiiio^ r"cy.l& NA"P gagB*? uxrrKD ITATM <xx M ????? ?l"?w I*** *? CLP~WANTED? * MALE _ _** ....... r-HAUFFEURB for Black and Whlta C mubt hava rafaranca and td?ntlfloatlon carda Apply Black anl Whlta Ta*l. Oaford Hotal. llth at. and Pa. ava; ? ft w. 5.xrn~?11# to tilt monthly. a*p?n??a paid aa railway traffic Inapactor; poal I ?|on Vuarantaad afut ? tima atudy or monay rafundad. Eacai !int opportunltlaa. Wrlta for fraa I kULwiat B. 471 Btand. Bualnata TralnlnW Inat. Buffalo. M. T. ^ HOT4iTT?iln,*n wantad. tan; alao at* ' alavator man. Ilcanaad; ba??a?a por tara. all ,1,,t,.'l|,0.r|ihll! N^W ayanay. *?? ltth at- N. W. MEN?Germ?n. Italian or French nationality who apoak English 1 distinctly and clearly hare an ex cellent opportunity in prominent and remunerative work. Call 713 Bond Bldg., 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. or I from ? p. ro- to 5 p. m. . MBAT CUTTER?Plrat claaa; ataady po altlon, ?1*l Rboda laland ava. N. B. SALESMEN WANTED. 1100 a week to men who pro duce results. Room 208, Continental Trust Bldg., Mr. Price. WANTED By the Washington Terminal Company i ? Machinists Boilermakers Pipefitters Electric Welders Apply Room 200 Union Station I MAM?Mlddla-a?ad, f?r | atatlon Apply FBMM OIL CO.. M at aa* Maryland a?a. a W. RLP WANTED? MALE - r ? ? ? ? rSTShopTbSow be** *?? ton Tiro*, m b?ln? to patron!** tham. AU con . aueeta for admittance tha Reliable ??">?> Edltor 01 mWi1!1 ? * *" """"'caWW CHAUMONT CAFB N*W dlnnar pirltlST; tart." Rhona M?lu ???? ?? CORN BEEFAND CABBAOl TKUPUI ^1 ^0v50?M. 1 *anch 57.%." Ti.:BWJSf .???? <s,n"r ?tc aulct'r home eooktnjf ? iuTrou lki ? cat?t?*ia lltl VarmoMaT.. T1 cbleM* LOVER* af ?oa ,ht^?C1vUl?^ROUArND ? iss-rsaws ??< Jewelry r LAC, ???as ""aoov mtaibimo ^ggiasr H X ? ? A MEN?Several want^ ed, of good person ality, to represent a reliable concern. For appointment, phone Lincoln 3872. shr^riili mechanical ability: P*K'M >411. ? : WANTED?By the B*ltl?1<T'11^ Ohio Railroad Corofaay.^"')0^" - ^wawwa llachlnlet*. RollarTtiakera. / Bltekamltha. ShMt M.t.l W.rt?? Electrical Worker?. it cinti raa hoor? Macblntate" Hal para. B?ll?rmtlura< Hel*at* Bleckamltha' H?,P*r*. Mat?' Blectrlcal Workera" Helper*. Carman's Halpera . PtMcnftr car repairers an<l Inspactaca 1*Um who"ha?e had aom. experteaee l? t'iPS adra.~d to carry?. Maker rataa of pay aa they bacom< *' In''accordaaoe wtth reoolutlona teeoed by tha Unit ad Stataa Labor Beard.jall I, oaw maa aceeptlna amplafinaat ?n within thalr rlahta and are not ??rt'ia break.ra and bare tha moral aa wall M leaal rlabt ta anaaaa la rV l. and will have protection ef a?ary branat of Oaverameat. both 8ut? and natlanal Apply to J. R. BROOKS, amploymaal eupt.. 1IT O at. W. W. TWO peperhaaeara at once. 1HI ( C It. N. W. . - - - PAINTBM, t flrst-clase maa; orai ?hop; fall waaee. Apply I1M LeRoj ?l. at aaea. SALESMEN, five, to mU eaUb lished article to the trade. Cal between S and 5 p. m. 211J Pa. ava. N. W. BBCOMB a flrat-elaaa draftaman la S tc t montha through apaelal Individual Instruction In your apara time, day 01 nlaht. Oat fall perUculare. Celamhl. Sohool of Praftlna. l?lh a T eta. H. W WE HAVE an opening in oui service department for a fe* good mechanics; must be expe rienced and come well recoirv mended. Apply to MR. HEIM The Oldamobile Service Station 1625 L it. N. W. WE want five man who would llko t< aarn from III to par waak. Foi Intarvlaw oall at Room I, ltlT N. Y ava., from I to ?. Aak for Mr. Qardaar Help wanted? female a AMBITIOUS woman wanted, ovei 2b yeats; willing to work hart for promotion; previous expe rience not necessary, but aount character is essential. Call 71t Bond Bldg. from 9 a. m. to 1( a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 5 p. m Good Pay While Learning Telephone Operating with Rapid Advancement Thereafter. . Continuous Employment Apply First Floor 722 12th St. N. W. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company. RELIABLE SHOPS ^ to The t win hti y?u time and plaint# of aerrlo# and alt l? Jtfs column must be rida tm W*?hin*ton Tim*#, Mala HN. - - - -- - ? RRAITY rARLOM. , 11*1 MTH ST. N. WTMehrl ffanele "hop. Col. (Ml. ClMNt In *>J branch** of beaaty enltnre day ??a evening, by oaporloncod o?oret#ra. elktiic wibino. OI.D and n*w houn wiring, work mr aateed. BOBT. I. BROWN. Tl? F at. E. Line IIT4 Wl GABAOE nrin>ai MODEl. fano bulM*r?. all typoo; fuar aateerf aatlaf action. BOOM Ml. (11 HUb t. N. W. Mala MM. UABAtiE HEBTTCK. ? OUTBIDOB OARAOB. Stores*. r* patriae, washing. 14-hovr Ic*; capacity. M car*. lilt Lat. W. W. Eraakltn ?>?t. MAGNETO# Miller-Dudley Co. _ Factory ear vie* repreeeatatlve far Beach. K. W.. Barilna. Dial*. 81mm* ma# note**; Tray-DevU. IMjon Leece. Neville. Northeast. Werner. Wa*tln#h*u*a. Jaha Maavilla apeedumetore. 1716 14th St. N. W. North 1683 and North 4858 AMBR.CAH'tT*:^^... Oa #~ Batlmataa rooooaable Writ* C. r. Porta FIRST-CLASS PAPERHANGINO ver? reaeonable. IH F at. N. B. Lincoln in*. mawnmo ttpbwbitino NBATLT done. ?*< Cir t bouaand word*, with carbon copy, acombar. North 111*. H ELP WANTED? FEMALE COOR0 and chamboi maid* waatod; whit# and colored. rullar'a Bschaa#*, 1H1 nth at. ? SHORT-TIME checker; bo Sun day work. Apply to uutnagei NAVY CAFETERIA, New Na*3 bid*., 18th and B sta. N. W. sias? LA Din (colored) ta take ordara foi lad la*' porch dr*aaa* and aprons. Call Worth lt<>, aftar ? p. m. ^ WH4TBOIBL TO TAKB CABB; PREVI OUS experience REQUIRED MUST BB NEAT AND RELIABLE; BEST RBPBRENCB; AFPL* A1 ONCB. HIRSH8 SHOE STORES, 1?H TO Xt TTH ST. N. W. help wanted? ? 11 MALE AND FEMALE 14 experienced dtfjiry aalei people; splendid opportunity Apply W. B. MOSES A SONS HELP wanted? 11 SALESMEN 2t Walker Has a New Proposition For House-1?-House Salesmen That Will Enable You to Double Your Income, Starting Today ALL experienced hao*i-t* hoaaa aalaaniar. *14 Walker man lacladod. ara cordially Invited ta vlelt ear eal** aflltta St Na. Ill St* wart bids., a ad jujallaaM th* moat ravolatlaaary eailtac plan *tw off*r*d. .W* kan a plaeo for yea. Apply bafor* ? oam hU1"*' 4 *? m' *AUrT W. HWALKER, Inc. 215 Stewart Bld|. 8th aad D 8ts. N. W. HIOH-CLASR artlrla; a*ll* to all mar chanta; liberal commlaalen. APT, 31 1111 Kalorama rd. J e_ SALBSMAN for u*od rare: *ond oppor tanlty for rlsht party. BOX A-bT Tlm*e office. WANTBI>?A bl#h-#rad* aaleeman a: firm to calLupon exclusive trad* on i commlaalon basis. In coaaactloa with < n*w line of Chin*** perfume* am toilet preparation*; *tat* pa at *ap*rl ?no* for five year* with trad* am bank reference# Addrtaa tin HEONC CO. (1). H. branch), II' Battery at. San rranoleco. Calif. SITUATION wanted? MALE XI - * ?"|-|-|Ww?T|-L-Ln_ experienced mechanical maa ownlni car woald like to repreeeat rallabu concern In Waahlnrton and vicinity either ateam or electrical appllaacee at preeent auperlnteadent of larai plant. BOX !??. Tim*, office. * 1 X?" Ptac* reached rata .to; guaranteed reevlte. Nat. Ba f" ' >M >th ?w- rr- lt'* Business chances hotels. ETC. 81 Special Buy, $800. New and neat; dellcateeeen near *th av K N. W. Modem store and reoma. Rooming House. Blaven room# neatly faralahad; rood in come; rent. 1*1; near ?th and Maaa ava. |l,lll; term# Lunchroom* On Jth, near Market; first-elaee buy a ? *1 ?v#i * wildman * CO., ?th and R St# Prank. I4M INVEST in growing business founded on sound basis; more money made in taxi business than an) other phase of auto< mobile game. Pot further information phone Franklin 14 i WNBR, laavlas city, meat eel I newt] equipped d*llratee*en atnra and real fears| f*ad trade: nartheeet eertle* irrv make after. Apply IM I 4 -.A IUKB*Y-Cim?l.lf plant; mml vacJV BUmjM?*?..? ml*er:? Qeotara. ?t?.i inti MMrtwHty: wietoi Mr )>|l> ?t ??e? Oil Lincoln ?Mf partners .wanted. . y 6 Ford s?<i*ns Given Free We kin ptaaad aa ttn mrkM <>| ualta 'ZZ'u.trJLJX'. o7yJZ.Lr7\<y: zsterSs&v&SB; zrjZt , af common Mock. par value IIS par parable la taa monthly ftmraft ,1l| have ap ' aatablUhad growing lullia that will (Ut4 Invaotlgailon Tte mour ratllM* on tfcta lease to be iwi far the payment af equipment Man aary to tba expansion af buslaeaa. Wa ara handling this laaua without tba aid of brokam.. Ihsrofore In llan af brok ers' commlaalona wa will give elx Tor A I sedans ta ?lx of tboaa purchasing Tau may ba tha ona to ba awarded ona af > tkaaa aadana. It la worth whllb li-l vesilgst Ing Far full partlcalara ud-| dreoo BOX III. Tlmaa afflca. 1 QROWINQ company of this city Is cx-| paneling and enlargJ inf Its equipment To few. persons i good judgment there is an opportunity for safe investment. For particulars, call Lin coln 200. ; ' ? i p? ULTRY 44 BARRED ROCK BREEDBRK^We have aoma vary fine laying "train yearlings hana that wara on our IT-acre farm wban wa took It overt your pick 'if hana. ft aacb. or tka entlra Tl at fl.TI each. Egg-a-Day Farm. Breed era Buff Orphlngtons. Vienna. Va. R. F. P 1 Phona MRU B UILDING MATERIALS 3 The Thomas W. Smit Lumber Co., Ia discontinuing Ita lumber and mill work yard at lat and'Ba diana ttra. N. w . and to that end ara closing oat the entlra supply af building material at that locatlan. Some la slightly ahopworn. but (a wall Sbasaned and moatly ta the boat af con dition. No Secoada?All Strictly New. ? Prima on tha following hare been greatly raducad: White Pine J>apra. Chaatnut Doora. rlltatr Material. ? ? - s Wladow Saah; Many Blaaa. Window Bllnda or Bhuttasa. Molding and Hand , BaWa Other Building Hftorltla. Build your aummar cat tag a at a area! saving through thla branch. There ara aatne real bargains af iateraat to b?lld< * OPEN ALL DAT. The Thomas W. Smith , , Lumber Co., J at and Indiana Ave. N. W. lRB CONCBNTRATINO ON THBIB MILL BITE AT lit and 0 3U. S. W. DOOR*, aaah. framaa. flooring, laths, partitions, a ky light a. trim, Cerellna framing. Ill* T at. bW. Franklin T1- I i w tfOR SALE? 3 r MISCELLANEOUS M| BABT CARRIAGE?Stroller effect tlf* l at. mT?, ? ? ?- ? ; 2, FOR SALE?Baby carrtaaa; good cari llon; cheap. Apr ?. 7?T It at. N W. . BABT CARRIAOB. baby qAb. 1, library tAbla, bicycle, larga pliTuras. 17 OB Kenyon ot. N. W. ? WILL aalT cheap", 1 multlgraph machine with eatra supply of type. 1 folding machine. .4 Ramlagton typewriter!. 1 mahogany flat, top deaka.. 1 mahogany flat tap deak with typewriter combi nation attached. I mahogany type writing -Atoka, I aak typewriter deak. 1 mahogany typlate chairs. X mahog any leather aaatad typlsta chaira. 4 mahogany deak chaira, 1 . mahogVO coaturaer. 1 oak cootumoT. Apply 111 ' Byathsm bldg. Phone Mala WRAP, genuine Hudoon Baal. Call be tween I and 11 a. m. 1*11 Qutnci WL ?. W. ' OAS RANOE8. all at see; appearance equal to new: ovary range guaranteed leaa than half price Why pay mora? j. w. Williams, hi *th at. n. w Phone Main 1HI. VUEL, COAL AND r wo< - WOOD ! ORDER waad now; aawod any 1 oak or pine D. ROBINSON. Hit ?va. 8. E. Lincoln Ml?-W. H OUSEHOLD GOODS RHODE ISLAND AVE N. W.. illT CTnlnjL room apt; aacrlflco price. PARTIES leaving city will eacrlflct quick ante, mahogany furniture. Cal between ( and 1* a/ m . 4 to T p. ra Adama 1T14. * M USICAL INSTRUMENTS fl PLATER-PIANO, practically new, cabi net and bench: terms. Apply 11** Vf at. N. W, Phone North Hit. | ?<LAIRVOYANTS in UMN4< by District of ColnmMa. MADAME LEONORA Tells you tha cauae of your trouble, ho* to overcome It; tells namea of fr|en<1? enemloa, huaband. wife or gweetheart If falae' ar true; who to avoid; RE UNITBB SEPARATED. WHO ANI WHEN TO MARRT IF EVER FOI ? POSITIVE RBSULTS. -AFTER ALI OTHERS FAIL SEE LEONORA; guar anteed to tall you anything you wsn to know. Satisfaction or no chargw *1* TTH ST. N. W? between Ftand 0 Houra, 1 to T. J MABAMnB^TsHmN. 1 Clairvoyant and reading advlaer love, marriage, divorce, bualness names snd dstea. Til lltfr st N 50c Madame Sella 50< Egyptian Pslmlst and ntedlam Advise an all affaire of life. Talla who am whaa you will marry, and how to over _come all troubles. Frank. 11TI-J, *1 Tth st. N.j W . oppoalta MeCrory's lb v a.i w., PROMPT BBLMONT NOTED CLAIRVOTANT AND PALJftr Can read your life by tho llneo la yaa "lm, whlek ara tha rooord af your lira pain Being a graduate af twa rehegee o palmlatry, and hla wonderful gift of are end sight, enablea him ta lift tha vet af mystery and reveal ta you import** matters of pour future life. Olvee ad <iee an baslassa matters, lava, healtl and family affairs. Telia tba name a your future buahend'ar wife: wkat par af tha country la Inaklaa* ta pan; whs ta da ta ba ? tt tP _ rata* ' personal Inflaoneo with year ssasrutei Prof Belmont ta a peycheloghrt af war I' renawa. Readings 4L till Now Tor ava. H. W.. batwaan ibh and liu. * HARRY MACDONALD, Herb doctor; traataabat by harba a* la ta ba snocaeafal M' Hifai nwwl iblaa af alt nature; brlage the asp* d together; talla tho aoarat af hkvlm By ?ppt. only. North 9M! MRITUAL SCIENCE MRS t. t MAl.TUT haif hear, by ai at*, a. Fha