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May Contest Macready-Kelly U. 3. Army Flight on { Technicality. By -JOHN GOLDSTROM, l Hivernal Servie?. k Unless the French aerial federa Ftlon is willing to accept the word of *he American army air service it Is JU-ely that the United States will of ficially lose the endurance record of 1* hours 18 minutes 80 seconds made recently by Lieutenants Mac reedy and Kelly. Their flight over San Diego did not comply with technical rules govern ing auch records, although it was verified officially by the air service. While the flight of Lieutenants Bos ?outrot and Drouhln over Le Bourget did. The French flyers remained off the ground 1 hour 4 minutes tmd 23 ?seconde less than the Americans' time, but they claim the record be csuae of their full compliance with International rules. International rules governing tr?ala for flight records require y*s,t officials of the international body be present and that observa tion and timing must bs done by them. The French aviators last Sunday flew under these condi tions, keeping in constant alght of observers In the Eiffel Tower and timers on Le Bourget airdrome. Although most of the French air officiala do not doubt the American record, one of the aviators. Bos? sou trot, was quoted as having said he could not understand how they could have remained ?up for so long on the amount of fuel carried. He is familiar with the early Liberty motor. Thla la explained by the fact that gasoline consumption of the Liberty motor haa been cut tn half since ths war. It formerly con sumed forty gallona per hour and now uses but twenty gallons in the same time. FOUND 3 MEN IN WIFE'S FLAT, SAYS PUBLISHER NEW TORK. Oct. 20?Mrs. Lola Sargent Peabody was granted $100 a month temporary alimony and 8750 attorney feea by Justice Wag ner of the Supreme Court, pending the suit of her husband, Nelson J. Peabody, for annulment of their marriage. Peabody, one of the owners of the Atlantic Monthly Company which publishes "Atlantic Monthly," and "Living Age," statea that. he has found three different men, whom he names, in his apartment with his wife at various tlmea. ll?? claims that the marriage is Magai because when they were married in 1910, Mrs. Peabody was not legally divorced from her first hus band. Short Skirts Don't Affect; Moral?, Sunday School Asso sociation Is Told. BALTIMORE. Oct. 10.?-"Religion I expressed only In form, ceremony. I or creedal formula won't save boys | and girls," said John L. Alexander, superintendent of young people'? division. International Sunday School Coun.l. speaking at the Sunday School Association State convention. "Tou can be very re ligious," he said, "and yet be wicked." Afterward, to explain what he meant, he cited the kaiser as an exanYple. "Christ didn't come to br^ig re ligion," remarked Mr. Alexander. "Christ said ? come that ye might have life and have It more abund antly.' Boys and girls are after life: and it Is the business of the church to interpret Christ In terms ot the every-day activities of boys and girls." It i? really very sen sible -?and economical t Select your Christmas Gifts at this time?why wait for the rush and crowds ? Take Your Selection With You Right Now?Or Leave It In Our Ve ulte Until Xmas! Come in?make your selection?we will gladly lay anything aside until Christines time, or you can take your selection with you right sway. Special inducements for you to Join our CHRIST MAS SHOPPING CLUB aside from getting away from the big crowds. 3 BIG DIAMOND SUPER-VALUES In order to encourage you to select your Xmas Gifts early, we ?re presenting three tremendous big Diamond Specials for early shoppers. Simply pay a trifle down as an evidence of good faith and we will place aside any Diamond that you select until the time that you want it. Regular payments do not start until after Christmas anyway. a\'% $ Avoid the Rush! Hundreds of Novel New Watches You wlO positively be smased at the extensive showing^ of Bracelet ?Watches thst we have at our store In anticipation of the largest Christmas business that we have ever done. No need to wait until the last moment! Choose the Wrist Watch that you desire snd we will gladly lay It aside for you until Christmas. Regular small weekly or monthly payments don't start until after Christmas. ????? Want to Give "Him" a Watch All standard makes at standard price? and most liberal terms. Take your choice?Illinois-Sterling ?Elgin?Waltham?Hamilton?Howard, etc. $1650t-$150 REGULAR PAYMENTS START AFTER XMAS We'll Lay Aside Your Silverware! Silverware is the ideal gift. Dozens of beautiful designs in all the popular make?. As an extra special we are offering a Wm. Rogers 26-pc. guaranteed set in handsome lined caae. .. 407 SEVENTH ST. HS OPEN SATURDAY EVENING? Knighthood, Wonder Film, Says Actress Lauding Miss Davies " 'When Knighthood Wa* in Flower' is a wonderful pro duction?the greatest I have ever seen on the screen?and I do not know of any actress who could play the part of Mary Tudor better than Marion Daviee," said Julia Arthur, after witnessing at the -Criterion in New York, this Cosmopolitan film which opens at the Columbia Sunday. "I ?un personally proud of the pro-1 ductlon of this picture." continued Mlaa Arthur, "because I have always believed that America produces the world's best pictures, and 'When Knighthood Was in Flower' proves my theory. The difficulties of such a production must have been tre mendous, but they have been over come In a manner thoroughly admir able. Every Player In Character. The atmosphere of the picture Is positively Shakespearean, and the cast is wonderful. Every player was strictly in character, and the en sembles were perfectly composed a*lc? tures. "I was especially pleased to note the number of legitimate actors ap pearing In this picture. Stage and screen are getting In closer touch, to their mutual benefit. The basis of all mimetic art Is pantomime, aa practiced In motion pictures. At the same time the screen needs su? h characterisations sa Lyn Hardlng's King Henry VIII, which Is even more effective in this picture than in Shakespeare's play. "The musical score gives audible expression to the emotions of the players aa pictured on the screen, and all the arts of the theater are harmonized in this splendid produc tion. I cannot go too far In express ing my approval and admiration of 'When Knighthood Was in Flower.' " Olves Exacting Fraise. This opinion from one of the great est actresses on the American stage is like praise from the feminine equivalent ot "8ir Hubert." Miss Arthur began her career under the famous old actor-manager, Daniel Bandman, and played ail the Shakes pearean heroines while still in her 'teens, appearing principally on the Western circuits. Miss Arthur is a producer as well as an actress, hence qualified to Judge the fine points of a production like "When Knighthood Was In Flower." Five years ago she pro duced "Seramonda," the poetic drama published under the title, "Red Wine of Roussillon." Fire Association Elects. E. A. Uyder. of New York city, yesterday waa elected president of the Railway Fire Protection Associa tion, which concluded its annual con vention at the Willard. Other officers elected were Oeorge K. Hurd. Chi cago, vice president; W. 8. Topping, O. J. Parker, of New York, and J. R. Peters, of Philadelphia, members of the executive committee. E Street Resident Declares Tanlac Has Won Her Lifelong Gratitude. Mrs. E. Oordon. of 116 E street southeast, is now numbered with the many Washington reeldents who have realised the wonderful merits of Tanlac. In relating ber experience Mrs. Gordon said: "Tanlac has been such a great blessing to me that it has won my life-long praise. My health had been so wretched for a year or more that I was Just dragging myself around. I could neither eat or sleep to do much good and had a world of, trouble with in digestion. Food* Just seemed to lump up right In the pit of my stomach and He there in a burn ing mass. I had no strength or energy and my housework would tire me almost to exhaustion. "Well, I Just kept on growing worse until I was Induced by the statements I saw In the papers to try Tanlac. The first bottle helped me so much that I continued to take the medicine until now I am feeling like my self again. I eat what I want, sleep fine every night, and haven't a complaint of any kind. I Just wish I could tell everybody what a grand medicine Tanlac ie." Tanlac is sold In Washington by Peoples Drug Stores and all leading druggists. Sore Throat Prudence Tour medicine shelf ii not well stocked without a bottle of TONSIUNE, for you don't know what moment it may be needed to relieve a sudden case of Sore Throat. Relieving Sore Throat is TON SILINE'S special mission. It Is made for that?advertised for that?sold for thst one purpose. TONSIUNE is the Nat ional Sore Throat Remedy, It ia sold in every State in the Union. You will need TONSIUNE one ? these days, or some night wh< the drug store is closed?bett have a bottle ready at hon when you need it mort. 85c snd 60c. Hospital Sise, $1.0 FORECZiJALORTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom falls to stop Itching torture and relieve skin Irritation, and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you ??rtth Zemo, which generally over comes akin diseases. Ecsema, Itch, Pimples, Rashes, Blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Fre quently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops Instantly. Zemo Is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only SSc: en extra larg? botti?. $1 oe it la positively safa for t?nde_r aenalt 1 v. DARES PLOT OF U. 5. OFFICIALS ? Col. Caracristi Attack? Henry Lane Wilson in Letter to Senator Sheppard. RICHMOND, P?.f Oct. 20.?The origin of the difficulties between Col. Charles F. Z. Csracrista, for six years "a man without a country," who is now about to re turn from Venezuela and resume his citizenship status, and certain federal and state officials in Texas was disclosed today. Exhibits Publie. The cat waa let out of the bag when Caracristls ?representative here permitted the publication of certain exhibits in the case, among them a letter written from Car acas by Colonel Caracristi, under date of June 7, 1(17, to Senator Morris Sheppard, of Texas. This letter the story of the begin ning of the war between Cara cristi and the political Interests Involved. It reads as follows: "To the Hon. Morris Sheppard, _'. 8. Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C. "My Dear Senator: I wlah to thank you moat heartily for your recent letter in re my passport and also the lnclosure from the White House. "During Madero's time tn Mexico I had a personal, purely personal, difference with the representative of our government, Henry Lan.j Wilson, who devoted most of hfs time there to his own pleasure?. This and my quarrel with the so ??.led 'American ?Colony Society," because of the fact that they Im porte*! arms and ammunition Into Mexico that had been discard?*] by the U. 8. Government and sold them to our countrymen at a large profit (which fact I published in the American press) resulted In Wilson and Consul Garrett of Nuevo Laredo making statements to the Department of Stute which I desire to denounce as false. Someone in the Department seems to have kept up a conspiracy against me ever since. | "Senator Swanson. who has known !ms for over thlrtv vears a am a V.r | glnlan by birth?, wrote to the Depart I ment of State asking for an explana tion of the reason why my passport ?was refused and failed to obtain a ] satisfactory reply, and I hardly .think they will do any more for you ?unless the matter is placed before ?our great President and he directs that a full Investigation he made of . my case, and an opportunity be , given me to reply, as Is my consti tutional right. Re|?lv-?_".._*lvc. "My attorney In Washington, Capt. John G. Capers. ex-United Sutes commissioner of internal revenue, Evan? building, has likewise been unable to obtain a reasonable state ment from the department, and the reply was evasive and insinuating 'rather than frank and honest. I ? feel that I am the victim of a con ? splracy within the department and all I wish Is the fullest ventilation of my case without resorting to ! press, publicity, aa advised by my I friends. "In some correspondence that I received through a personal r-onncc I tion it was made clear that the d?s partment considered me aa one of those miserable creatures who make a living from Latin-American revo lutions, and that my knowledge of International law and usages, and my military training were and are for sale to the highest bidder. Such a statement Is the base invention of irresponsible Intriguers, who do not seem to know thst I have a large personal income In addition to my legitimate profeerion. "It Is quite true that I wrote the Madera platform (see press dispatch es, March 6, 1911), and that my name appears In the introduction. Also It la quite true that I was the confi dential diplomatic adviser of Genera Huerta. But In both cases I acted Just as Robert Lansing and his fath er-in-law, ex-Secretary Foster, acted In behalf of the Dies government I happen to know this from the records of the Mexican embassy at Waah lngton and from the files In the of fice of the minister of foreign rela tions In Mexico.. I had close busi ness relations with the Diaz gov ernment and am heavily Interested in Mexico. "I never performed an Illegal act In my Ufe. "Something more: the American Government needs my good offices here and In Colombia at this very moment, as I have personal influ: enee In both countrlea. I am always ready to do anything I can for my country. "I may not agres at times with the policy of this, that or the other ad ministration, but that is ths right of every man In a republic. "I did not agree with the Presi dent's Mexican policy nor with the delay In getting ready to Invade the land of those who murdered our people. But my opposition waa both honest and within the law. "I have been a writer on Inter national matters for many years and have accesa to ths big American dailies. Theae fscts are not crimes. Certainly ths Department of State doea not wish to suppress the ex pression of political opinione so long as they are born of honest Intelli gence. "I cannot comprehend why ths De partment of State desires to force me to accept citizenship under a foreign flag in order that I may have ? passport to enable me to travel tn our-sult of my legUiannte hustfaess. (Signed) "C. F. Z. CARACRISTI," JUDGE BUCKS BOTH EYES OF WIFE BEATER Delivers Justice With Two Fists to Man Who Belabored Spouse. WTLKE8BARR?, Pa.. Oct. M.? Alderman Edward Burke, of Pitts ton today tried out a novel method* of disposing Justice to wife-beaters. and It worked perfectly. In brief It waa a two-fisted affair?a right ?mash to the face followed up by a left Jab to the Jaw. Wife beating has become so com mon an Indoor sport in the town, so far as the court was concerned that Aldermen Burke Just "blew up" when Anthony Asakas was brought before him for blackening hla wife's eye. Before Mrs. Asakas could flnlst^ her story the alderman shouted "wait a minute. I am getting tired of this and I am going to see how he likes It." Over the top of his desk he went, alighting in front of the dumfound ed Asakas. In an Instant the alder mna had sent a crunching right against th? defendant's eyer-Down he went In a heap. Up again he came at the orders of the Judge and down again he went with a left to the Jaw. A fusillade of rlghu and lefts to the face followed until both of Asakas' eyes began to swell. Asakas pleaded with Alderman Burke to stop, promising that he would not lay a band - on his wife again. Th? punishment stopped and Asakas, with both leyes almost shut, was permitted to depart with hia ?rife after paying a $10 fine Alderman B?rge later announced that he was determined to rid hla district of the "cave man stuff" by "punching the feces of all wlfc beateis that come before him. O encan ffee TISTIC BLEND i A better coffee ? at the b*tter ?torea Youn? dt Chiusi Co6m Co, Im Nr? York LITTLE TABLETS CON TAINING BUCHU WILL PROMPTLY RELIEVE KIDNEY AILMENTS Buchu, in ? connection with stone root, uva urei. Juniper berries, aloes, potassium, nitrate and capsicum form a combina tion of great merit In the treat ment of kidney disorders such ae backache, weak kidneys. In flammation of the bladder, scald ing urine and other urinary troubles. The combination is In tbe form of a pleasant to take tablet called "Buchu Buttons." These buttons are not a new preparation, but one of tried and proven worth, tt la a formula carefully worked out and thor oughly dependable, containing those medicines which have been successfully used In the treat ment of kidney troubles for many years. A package of Buchu Buttons costs but 60c. Get It at Peoples Drug Stores FIFTY YEARS A80 a woman In Lynn, Mass., was steeping herbs on her kitchen stove according to a recipe of her own, to furnish medicine for the women of the neighborhood. Today, a stone's throw from the little house where she lived, there is a four story laboratory, making the same medicine for the women of the world. During the last year almost 100 tons of carefully selected herbs were used In the manufacture of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. A woman's medicine for woman's alimenta. Have you tried It ? G? EST COLDS Apply over throat end ehe?? rwi?i hot flannel cloth. VISAS Otar 17mmimjam Vasi Yassm CIVIL SERVICE JOBS OPEN AT GOOD PAY The ?Civil Service Commission to day announced that examinations will be held to fill seventeen posi tions. The Government Is anxious to live Jobs to a junior telephone op erator, at $720 a year; editorial clerk. $1.200 to $1,600 a year; printer (machine operator), 76 cents an hour; stereotyper, electrotyper flnishur. elect rotyper?molder, 80 cents an hour, junior agronomist, junior dairy manufacturing special ist, junior in home economics. Junior horticulturist, junior nema tologlat. Junior plant Introducer, Junior plant pathologlat, Junior plant physiologist, junior . pomologlst, Junior taca botanist, iunior soil sci entist. $1,320 to $1.860 a year. In addition to the basic salaries $-0 a month bonus will be allowed. Application blanks may be obtaln-d at 1724 F atr?**t northwest. ' CHESTER WANT8 ITS SILVER SERVICE BACK CHESTER, Oct. 20.?The city coun cil In regular session unanimously adopted a resolution offered by E. F. White, superintendent of finance, supporting ths official request ef Mayor Ramsey, that the Govern ment return to the city of Cheater the valuable silver saisies presented to the United Stetes Meat cruleer Chester several years ago. The Chester Is on ths list to be wrapped and Chaster officials think ths silver service could be placed with other historic possessions in tbe old courthouse on Market street, in the keeping of the Delaware County Historical Society. Ths mayor has taken up the matter with Con-grigs man Butler and Secretary Denby. Frankly, Indian Sum mer Weather, whan we prepared for Fall, haa worked havoc with our plans. We realize there is only one thing to do to stimulate sales?and we are going to do it-?let these suits go at give away prices. This is the only ahop in Washington specializ ing in Two-Pants Suits! Every Suit in the House a 2-Pants Suit 2 PANTS SUITS -__ OVERCOATS Made To Sell tt $30, $35, $40, $45 The Suits Needless to ?ey, they are the last 'word in style, offer a wide va riety of sh>des, weaves and patterns, and we have them in such num bers that perfect fit is assured. The O'coats An investment in one of these Overcoats will return large dividends in warmth, style, and give you the appearance char acteristic of men who dress with judgment. A Small Deposit Reserves Any Garment No Charge for Alterations sfa'?. II "Y" _?.?G?'??: tei__l_M_n?__tf__t^^ f??? STNW WARNING Bvet-y ??*** thing U Imitated and ear orl?l??_l. eaelasl-o Tw.I'mc. ShOP U ?? rxrcptloli. Remember w? are next to the Metropolitan Th?*tar ?n? In th? Aitanti? halMlac. Only ea? ???-G???? Salt Shop In Washington and It's 930 F STREET OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ? Th? Originators ef tke 1 wo-l'nau Sell Idea Ie