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The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, October 20, 1922, LATE FINANCIAL, Image 18

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SUPINO up with the Cabinet
la a good deal of an under?
taking these daya. when the
eamnaaima Is demanding the atten
tion of so men ? members of the
Pi-ersMent's efflcial family. Vice
President Cooudge, who has been
making campaign speeches in Mas
sachusetts, is now in New Tork,
and yesterday made an address ut
News**. ?. J. Mrs. OoO?ldge is
??ith him. Secretary Hughes won't
into the campaign until the
t ef this month, hut has made
engagement to speak In Boston
? October 80. He is at present
>ed to the house with a cold,
aa sert???, but sufficient to
keep him f rop. taking any part In
social activities. And Mrs/ Hughes
to busying herself with putting her
house tn order for the winter.
Tha Attorney General. . Mr.
Daugherty, who to making a short
toar of the Middle Weat. will spend
th? week-end with hto mother at
her home la Washington Court
house. Ohio. He will retar?? to
Waalngton the first of next week.
Mre. Weeks. Wife Of the Secre
tary of War, haa closed their
"nTtrnr-r? home at Lancaster, ?. H.,
and la la their new home at West
Newton, Mass.
Secretary Weeks expects to be
ia Massachusetts next week to
take part In tha campaign.
The Secretary of the Navy and
lira Denby hav?? gone- ta Boston
aad I understand Secretary Denby
proposes to make some speeches,
although the primary object of his
trip to to Inspect the Boston and
Portsmouth navy yarda.
The Secretary of .Commerce.
Herbert Hoover, Is oa a speaking
to?r In the Middle Went.
Mrs. Hoover ?rill entertain the
members of the Oarden Club at
tea the middle of next? week.
Secretary Wsltosre to also cam
paigning in tha West, and will not
return to Wasntngion before No
vember 1. Miss Mary Wallace, who
has been abroad all summer, Is ex
pected back just about that Urne;
aafl meanwhile Mrs. Wallace is
alone at her apej-tment in Ward
nan Park Hotel. Mise ( Mary Mc
Kee, who haa been h ar gueat, has
returned to Des'Moine?, Iowa.
Secretary Fall, now In New
Mexico, is expectiaS at Wsrdman
Park about November l, but no
ward haa. yet bean received as to
?whether or not Mrs. Fall will re
turn with him, Secretary Davis
la going farthest afield of any of
the Cabinet officers, hating ? trip
/ Jean Eli
?to the West Coast In prospect. Mrs. <
Davis will accompany him. <v
The Peruvian .Ambassador ? and
Mme. Pecet will entertain at
luncheon on Sunday In- compliment
to Dr. Carlos Manuel de C?spedes,
sometime Cuban minister to tin
United States.and now minister ?f
foreign affair? of Cuba. The am
bassador . expects to go te ' New j
York neat week for a few day?. ' .
- I a
The British Ambassador and Lady
Oeddes are entertaining at dinner
tonight at the' embassy in compii
mam to. Capt. Sidney K. Bailey,
sometime'naval attache of, the em
bassy, and Mrs. Bailey, who arc
sailing for England In a fortnight.
Ths guests will Include members
of the embassy staff and the ladie.?
of their families.
The former Vice President and
Mra Marshall, who came to Wash
ington In order that Mr. Marshal,
might attend an organisation meet
ing of the coal commission of which
he to a member, will remain in
Washington until next Friday and
will return later tn the autumn for
a longer visit, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
shall are making few engagements,
as he Is exceedingly busy with the
commission, hut they have accepted
an Invitation to dine with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Warren next Thurs
day evening. Mr. Marshall was the
guest of honor at the dinner Which
John Hays Hammond, ohalrman,?
gave last evening at the Willard
for the members of the commission.
Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh will be
hostess'this evening afone of the
delightfully informal dances which
she has- been giving from time to
time oq Friday evenings.
The dinner? and hall which Mrs..
Walsh -gave last evening in honor
of the retiring- Serbian Minister
and Mthe. Groultch ?vas one of
the loveliest parties of the earlv
season. There were forty guests
for dinner and between 200 and
300 others came in to dance. In
the absence of - Senator Howard
Sutherland, who was called away
to take part In \ha campaign. 'So
licitor Oeneral '.James M. Beck
mads the presentation of tne * Ser
bian flag which was given to Dr.
Groultch as a memento of his stay
In Washington.
The Minister of Panama and
Mme. Altare were the guests of
honor at a dinner given last eve,
ning by Mrs. Clarence Richmond
Wife of the second secretary of
the Swedish legation, who has
?a Hed with her husband for
Day. There were covers for ten.
Later Iq the evening the party
attended the dance given by Mrs.
Thomas F. /Waliih.
Colonel Day, who Is at Fort Sill,
will return here early In February.
The minister of China, Dr. Sao-Ke
Anything your heart
desires in this season's
Footwear can be had
hora at $5.00.
314 7th STREET N. W.
Introducing for
Autumn & Winter
The Season's Newest
Developed in Black and Brown Satin,
Patent Leather, Black and Brown Kid,
Black and Tan Calf, Black Suede, and all
the new color combination??
Alfred 8se Is in New York, where he?
went to meet Mme. 8se, who will ar
rive there today aboard ths Oeorge
Washington from England, where
she went to place her three older
children In echool. The Minister and
Mme. Sse are expected to return to
Washington tomorrow.
The Charge d'Affaires of Japan
and Mme. Saburl entertained In?
formally at dinner last evening In
honjor of the newly appointed first
secretary of the enibjvaay, Mr. Take
tomi, and Mme. Taketoml, who have
recently arrived In Washington.
The charge d'affaires ot Francs,
Count Charles de Chambrun, re
turned yeeterday from Easton, Pa.,
where he Went to receive an hon
orary degree of doctor of laws,
which waa conferred upon him
Wednesdsy by the Lafayette College
at the Founders' Day e vere lees.
Count de Chambrun, who Is a great
grandson of the Marriiil- de Lafay
ette, spoke on friendship?Personal
and National.
Montgomery Blairs Entertain
For Morgan-Tattle Wedding Party.
Mr. and Mra. Montgomery Blair
will entertain at dinner tonight at
Falkland, their country home at 8tl
ver Spring,' Md., for Mia* Adelai le
Tuttle, daughter of Mr. and Mra La
Roy Tuttle, lier flanee. Charlea Car
roll Morgun, and the membera of
the bridal party who will attend them
at thetr marriage tomorrow. Mr. and
Mrs. Blair'? aon-ln-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mra. Richard C. HoUyday,
Jr., who are coming from Mew Tork
to attend the wedding, 'will arrive in
time for the dinner tonight. '
The Miases MacDougall, daughters
of Capt. William D. MacDougall, IT.
8. ,N., and Mrs. MacDougall, enter
tained a small company at luncheon
yesterday in honor of Miss Tuttle.
Miss Ellen Blair, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Montgomery Blair, who has
been mentioned as a possible debu
tante, will not be presented this win
ter, but will devote most of her time
to studying music. Later In the win
ter Mr. and Mrs. Blair and their
daughters, the Misses Virginia and
Ellen Blair, expect to go abroad.
Senator and Mrs. Irvine L. Len
root bave returned to Waahlngton
after a month's visit to their home
in Superior, Wie. Mrs. Lenroot,
who was forced by ill health to re
sign bet" post *s president of the
Congressional Club, ts greatly Ira
proved, but Is still far from strong
and will be unable to undertake
any fatiguing activities for the
r.eneral, the Earl of Cavan
To Wed Peer's Daughter.
The announcement of the en
gagement of Oen. the Earl of
Cavan, of the Britiah general staff,
to Lady Joan Mulholland, which
was cabled from London ia of con
siderable interest here since Oeneral
Cavan waa a member of the British
delegation to the arms conference
and made many friends in Wsah
Ington. He Is a distinguished sol
dier and a hero of the world war.
Lady Joan Is a daughter of the late
Earl of Stafford and the widow of
Capt. A. E. 8. MUlholland.
Mrs. William H. King and Urs.
Theodore Amussen will be hostesses
at the Political Study Club ? meet
ing in the ballroom of the Frank
lin Square Hotel tomorrow after
noon at S o'clock. The meeting
will have especial interest, ss It is
to be a farewell to Mme. Oroultch.
wife of tha retiring Mlnlater of
the Serbs,-Croata and-Slovenes, and
a member of- the organisation. The
regular program will also- be pre
sented, ? ?
The hostesses will be assisted by
Mrs. Rasselt Edwards, Misa Rosalie
Waters, Miss Lucille Showalter, and
Miss PorOthy Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell Swee
ney entertained Informally at din
ner last evening for Col. J. Curtis
Ollmore, who Is on leave here.
Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, of
New Tork, arrived in Washington
last evening and will spend a
month at the Willard.
Mrs. Belmont will preside at the
national conference, of Woman's'
Party leaders to be held In Wash
ington November 11 snd 1?- One
of the chief events of this m oonfe*.?
enea ? will be a dinner given by
Mrs. Belmont on the evening of
November ?.
Grants Entertained
On Retara Horn?.
Mr. and Mr?. XT. 8 Orant. jr.,' of
San Dleg?x Calif., who recently ar
rived front Europe, spent a few
days this .w-qak with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Horton Arnold at their apart
ment In Wardman Park Inn. Mrs.
Arnold entertained at luncheon
Wednesday in cothpltment to Mrs.
Orant Mr. and Mra. Orant left
yeeterday for their home in Cali
fornia. \
Mrs. Arnold Will entertain nt
luncheon Saturday at the Shore
First Concert of Ukrainian
Choras Epoch-Maklng Event.
Mrs. Wallace, wife of th? Secre
tary of Agriculture, was " among
those who sttended the concert
given yesterdsy at the PresMent
Theater by the Ukrainian National
Chorue, which proved to be art
event of unusual Interest. The
Danish minister. Constantin Brun,
wan a guest In Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Townnend'a box. Others -In
the audience were the ?Counselor of
the British Embassy and Mrs.
Henry Oetty Chllton. Mrs. Frank
F. Fletcher, ?Mrs. Victor Kauff-1
mann, Mrs. Oeorge Barnett, Miss
Mu bel Boardmah, Mr. and Mrs. \
Uwronro Towneend. Oomdr. end;
Mrs. Stewart Bryan. Mrs. R. R. I
Hltt. Mrs. H. Wilfred Du Puy, Mrs. j
Henry Parson Erwin, Mrs. Dallas
McOrew, Mrs. E. A. Harrlman.
John B. Henderson, Jr., Rear " Ad
miral Thomas Washington, Mrs.
Prentlss Gilbert, and Col. Arthur 8.
The orchestra was under the
leadership of Prof. Alexander Kos
hett. with Mile. Slohodskaja aa the.
?ol.iist and Nicholas Stember at th??
Sir Charles Wakefleld. head of
the Britiah delegation of the Sul
grave Institution, which came to
this country to present to the
American people memorials to Wil
liam Pitt, Edmund Burke and Vis
count Bryce, is returning to Eng
land on the White Star liner
Homeric, sailing tomorrow for Cher
bourg and Southampton. With him
are Lady Wakefleld, Miss Freda
Wakefleld and Sir William Letts.
Mrs. Oeorge Oakley Totten, It..
will preside at the. tea 'able at the
tea ahleh Paul Oardner Tehernl
koff to giving on Tuesday afternoon
at hto studio, 1708 S street.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Jones
have returned to their residence,
1145 Wyoming avenue, after spend
tn? the greater part of the summer
at Audley Farm, their place In Vir
ginia. They also spent some time
In th? White Mountains and were
at tara toga for the racing season.
Mrs. SUls Meredith and Mrs. Dora
Haines will he hostesses at the tea
at the Women's Clty-Cnib this aft
Mrs. Howard 8. Reeslde will en
tertain at - dinner tonight In honor
of Mr. and Mrs. ? M. Herr of
Pittsburgh. After dinner th? gdests
will go to tbe Pennsylvania Society
reception' at the City Club.
The Rev. 6r. and Mrs. Wallace
Radcliffe have moved from the
manse. 1200 ? street to their new
home, 1676 Thirty-first street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell Oraef
are spending some time In New
York at the Hotel Gotham, and
were Joined yesterday by their
daughter. Miss Olyve Graef, who
has been visiting her cousin, Miss
Alia* Mellon, at Prides Crossing.
Mass. They will return to Wash
ington ths end of next week.
Mrs. C. C. Rogers entertained
at luncheon at the Shoreham to
day for Mise Mtu-garet ? Osbome
Craig and ber bridesmaid?. Miss
Cralg's *narriage?te W. A. Rogers,
2d, aon ot the hostess, will take
place tomorrqw In St. Mar
garets' Church. Miss Cralg's at
tendants Include Miss Olive Cald
well, of New York; Miss Adelaide
Birmingham, of Pittsburgh; Miss
Grace Nelson. Miss Virginia Boyd
Hereford, and Mrs. Edward Carr.
Last evening Norman Brown, one
of the ushers, entertained the bridal
party at Wardman Park Hotel and
tonight they will dine with Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Osborne Craig, pa
rents of the. bride, afterward attend
ing the supper dance at Wardman
Park Hotel aa the guests ef the
Miss Lucile Chap?n, an officer of
the New Vork city branch of the
League of American Penwomen and
president of the Benjamin Chap?n
Abraham Lincoln Pictures Corpora
tion. Is the guest of Mrs. J. J.
Locher, a national officer of the
league and -ahrector of" the public
service and educational department
for the Crandal! playhouses. Miss
rhapln was Mrs. Locher's guest at
luncheon on Wednesday at the
Penwomen clubhouse on ? street.
- Mrs. Herbert N. Welker, of St.
Iaouts, has come to Washington to
spend the winter and is living at
Wardman Park Hotel to be near
her close friends, the Assistant At
torney Oeneral and Mrs. Rush L.
Holland, who have an apartment
there. She ha? placed her daugh
ter. Miss Jane Walker- in the Mount
Vernon Seminary here.
.Art and Archaeology League
Te Open Fall Program.
The Art ?md Archaeology League
of Washington will open Its fall
program tomorrow afternoon with
an lUflutrated lecture on "Praxiteles
and the Venus Statues," by Dr.
Mitchell Carroll, at the Corcoran
Auditorium at 4:30 o'clock. The
public is invited.
The lecture will be followed by a
club dinner at 6:30 o'clock at the
Peter Paul Inn, adjoining the new
club rooms of the league, which
will be open for an informal recep
tion In the evening from 8 to 10
o'clock, with a talk on the "Exposi
tion of European Arts and Indus
tries," at the Art Center, 1106 Con
necticut avenue.
Mhto Towaon Weds
In Nt. Andrew's rimiri?.
St.' Andrews' Episcopal Church
was the scene of a beautiful wedding
on ' Wednesday evening when Mi?s
Edith GHHas Towaon. daughter of
Mrs.? Blanche K. Towaon, w.i.a mar
ried to William Howell Levi, son of
Mr. and" Mrs. Henry R. Levi, all ci
Washington. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. J. J. Dlmon,
rector of the church, and was fol
lowed by a reception at the home of
tbe bride's mother.
Palma, ferns, and white cosmos
sdorned the church and the same
decoration scheme was used In the
bride's home.
The bride wore a handsome white
satin crepe -gown trimmed In d?cheos
lace an the bodice and made with .*?
full court train. Her bouquet was*
a shower of lilies of the valley and
bride roses.?
Miss Helen J. Towson, who was
ber sister's maid of honor, wore a
gown of blue brocaded velvet and
pink chiffon, and carried an armful
Of pink Klllarnev roses.
Miss Edith T, Adams and Ml??
I,co-Minn I. Towosn, another sis
ter ?ot* the bride, w?re the bride??
Continued on Page 19.)
No Braisehes
If It's furs, It's here.
A wonderful variety of se
lect furs at tbe most ressrm
able prices.
Our Leader
Bay Seal Caate, genuine
?klink, beaver, and squirrel
collars and ruffs, ?ta- _jl CA
inch aad 42-inch .. *A?JV
A Sena ll ?. ? aalt ??III ttemtr*
Aay Oeraaaa? talli Wanted
?? ???
S. Karin Sons Co.
A Jersey Silk Petticoat Double
to the Hips
This is one of the new and popular models that has latelj
arrived in the Petticoat Store. ?''
?The jersey is a splendid quality, and, beine double, as it i?,
will be warn, but not clinging, a? the single thickness. We
have these in Copenhagen blue, navy, dark brown, end Paris
?Made wi??i Kloefit top at . _... SOeDU
?Radium Silk Petticoat!, in
navy and black, made with
deep-pleated flounce, finished
With small ruffle.
Klosfit top, at.
?Radium Silk Petticoats, in a
different style, made with
scalloped bottom, finished
with small pink?d ruffle, in
navy and black,
at .
-Taffeta Petticoat?, in plain
and changeable colorings, one
style has corded flounce, the
other trimmed with small ruf
fle, in a variety of
colors, at .
Kann's?Second Floor.
Petticoats of. all-silk jersey,
made with pleated flounce, in
navy, Mack, brown; and pea
cock. Kloefit toi,, $4 5Q
?Satin Petticoat?, in extra
size, plain and changeable ef
fects. Good style and cut full
for the stout woman, flounce
trimmed with cording, and
small pleated ruf- dM G A
?Extra-Size Petticoat?, of
satin, with flounce trimmed
with tucking and narrow knife
pleated ruffle, in ?O QP
black end navy, at.. tDl?tUtl
ASale ofSmallwares
At Kann's Lowered Prices
?Natconet Double Mesh Hairnets, every net war
ranted perfect; all colors but white and ??
gray. For Saturday only. A dozen. O?/C
?The Same Hairnet?, in single mesh.
A dozen.?..
?Sanitary Wash Cloth?,
in assorted styles. OC_?
3 for.Z&C
?C hildren'i Bunny
Waists; 4 to 12
year sizes. At. .
?24 Yards Tape; white
only. ? 1G.
piece. JL *J C
Kann's?Street Floor.
?Cotton Braid Elastic;
Vi-inch to ^4-inch wide;
in white and black. p* _
A yard. OC
Elastic Sanitary Belt?;
medium and OC^
large sizes. Each ___OC
?Two Styles of Sanitary
Aprons. Spe
cial at.
Pound. . ?SOC
?Is one of the good things
scheduled for the Week End.
If you do not know how de
licious theae are, try a pound
tomorrow ' and' be convinced. -
?Peanut \ Bars, ana Peanut
Cluster Patti?? ???1?__?
each .;.v...?/>lWC
-Jack Horn-r Chocolate
covered Nats and Fruits,
?One of tbe greatest fa
vorites in "Candy Land."
?Tempting crispy nuts and
luscious fruits m a velvet
cream. Try a pound for
49c and you will want more.
?Assorted Cream QQ
Fudge, a pound. . O?/L
Kann's?Street Floor.
This Is the Kind of Weather That Makes
You Want a Fur
Trimmed Coat
We Recognize Thai Desire And Are
Offering a Very Special Value
In Unusually Smart .Styl?e
Style? that if bought
in the regular way
would be $59.75 to
$69.75 .
?They are made on the new lines in
latest vogue, and feature th? new full,
loose sleeves in a variety of modes. The
collar and cuffs are of wolf and caracul,
The more dressy models in the lot are
silk embroidered in self and other colors.
?All are attractively silk lined.
Kann'g? Second Floor.
Manufacturer's Surplus
Albums for Mounted
At Half Price
?Sises 6V4x7 inchee to 10x12
inches; all perfect. Regular
price, 65c to .$1.25. Each, 33c
to $113.
Kann's?Main Aisle?Street
The Latest in Pleatings
?New Wide Georgette Pleating?, in white, flesh,
tan, navy blue, red and black. A yard, $1.80, flJQ rft
$1.78 to .
?Black Shadow and Coin
Spot Lace Pleating?suitable
for making bertha collar.
.Andyard:.$.1:75.. $3.50
?Gold and Silver Metaline |
Lace Pleatings, in two widths.
A yard, $2.28
Kann's?-Street Floor.
9_v *..?.
; ?? ??- .
New Hand-Made Blouses
Of Fine French Voile.
Very Special at
Worth 'a Great Deal More Than Our Sale Price
?These are made with Tuxedo collars, finished with wide Irish
end filet lace. The front and collars ar? trimmed with drawn
work and embroidered dots; all are long-sleeve styles and are fin
ished with hemstitching and edging of Irish and filet lace
?All sizes to select from.
Kann's?Main Aisle?Street Floor.
Novelty Is the Keynote in
Blouse Popularity
?In tune with that note are thfffce new overblousea made df all;
the new materials and tn the latest styles. These new fabrics
are Paisley crepes, matelasse, and canton crepe, also crepe de
chine blouses trimmed with matelasse, Many of the canton
crepes ere trimmed with all-over embroidery, in contrasting col-?
ore. All the new suit shades are shown,* All aises te select from.
Choice, $5.95
KennV-8-scond Finer.

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