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? m FIE LOSS IS ?TEST IN Damages in Year Exceed $1.000,000, Com pared With $734,292 in '21 THEATER DISASTER CITED Officials Say Knickerbocker Catastrophe Biggest Even Handled by the Department Fire losses in the District for 1922 were the hiRhest in the his tory of the city, according to officials of the fire department, whose records for the first eeven months of 1922 tota $983,63?. against $734,292 for the full twelve months of 1921. Losses for December, 1922, have not been compiled, but with a loss of 115.000 at the plant of R. C. Shaffer a Co.. Thirteenth and C streets northwest, as well OS nunierou? small fins during the month, the total loss during the year is expected to ex ceed $1.000.000. ORKATKST WORK OF YKAIt. The most outstanding occurrence in the activities of the Fire Depart ment during th? year was the rescue work during the Knickerbocker dis aster on January ?8. The total Fire Department ap paratus ?-ailed to the scene consisted of twenty engine companies, seven truck companies, the water tower, the chief engineer, the deputy chief engineer, three battalion?chief engi neers, the superintendent of ma chinery end his force of mechanics, the fire marshal and his assistants and all members assigne?! to depart ment hea<i(|iiarters. On the same night a condition un precedented in the history of the District was created when two other alarms were received, causing a hasty round-up of apparatus and men at the theater to fight the fires. WILLARD LOSS. $100,000. In his annual report, <'hief OoOTgO S. Watson declared that never in its history has the Fire Department been call?-?! upon to COO? with a sit uation such as existed ?luring the Knickerbocker disaster. The greatest fire loss during the year resulted at the Hotel Willard, April '.'5, when five alarms were Bounded. The loss was estimated at $400,00(1. The first fire of the year which caused additional alarms to be s?uind ed was on .lanuary II, when two alarms wer?? ?Minded for a blase in a two-story brick stable and flour mill at First street and Indiana avenue northwest. The loss was estimated at $5.320. HAD ADDITIONAL ALARMS. Other wVes for which additional alarms were soundetl'din ing the year | follow: January 28, fire in two-story brick apartment houses located ?t 1927 and 1929 Fourteenth street northwest. I Estimated loss, |1!,9M>, January 29. fire in three -story brick apartment,, dwelling and room ing houses at ITU. 171? and 1718 11 ?tract northwest. $31,650. February 8 fire in L'nlted States Treasury, llff.OOO. February ?$, fire in three-story? brick hardware store, commission : house and feed store located nt 1101 and 1001 R street northwest. $10,500. February 20. fire in three-story brick wholesale grocery store. ?08 Pennsylvanie avenue northwest. $5.500. ] FIRK IN AI-AKTMKNT. February 24. fire in four-story brick apartment house at SI 4 Twen-' t y ?second street northwest. $4.135. March I, fire in two-story brick ' lunchroom and commission house lo cated at 915-917 ? street northwest M.IM. April 8, fire in Southern building, fifteenth und 11 ?tracts northwest $14.096. April 23. fir.? in Willard Hotel. ! I400.ML ' April 24. Tire in six-story brick lodging house, 622 Louisiana avenue northwest. $650. April 29. fire In three two story fraine dwellinRs at 1415, 1417 and 1419 Thirty-third street northwest. S3,550. ?May 1, fire In Ihre?? story brick drug store at 904 F street northwest. ?18,750. May 1, fire in six-story apartment house and hotel. Fourteenth street and Vermont avenue northwest 16.350. May 3. fire in l'nlted Slates Treas ury. $25,000. May 11. fire in storo 1113 O stie-t northwest. $25,000. June 27, fire in two-story hrlck wholesale grorerv store, 3330-3332 M itreet northwest. $16.500. July 3. fire In five-story flour mill, ?? ? street northwest. $94,286. August 30, fire In electric freight Plllttl III l, of Minne sots, who will tske the est h Tuesday ss associate jus tice ..I tlie l'nlted States Su preme Court. This Is the first photograph made since his si-rival here. car on Washington, Ilultiinore and Annapolis llailroad. at Forty-eighth and Dean streets northeast. $10,000. Se|itenilier IK, fire In four-story brick apartment, 217 ? street north west. $1.1100. September 2.?, fire in one-etory brick laundry, rear of 915-917 Twelfth street ninth a sot $7.t>oo. October 8, (1rs In two-story saw mill and woodyard. Thirteenth and Water streets southw?'St. $1,200. October 23, fire in three-story wholesale toy store and warehouse, 117411 Louisiana avenue northwest. f?COOO. October 24. fire in one-story church, Conduit and New Cut roads. $30.t)0H. November 28, fir?? in three-story buildings. 1214-1218-1220 Fourteenth Street northwest. It.MO. Principal causes of fires in the Dis trict, according to Leonard V. Selb, fire marshal, arc automobiles, back firing and electric wires -short cir cuiting, careless smoking and ?-are less use of matches. Secret Formulas! HAIR-VIM PRODUCTS Seim t if irally pn-paretl from formulai or.k'iiikteil I y MM <?*'?" has had long ?? tNTl.-iK'p in ihr braut y culture business That Hmm preparations are successful 1- ev'tlfiK'fil hf t lirt r world-?Irle us*? Il ? IK VIM TOM.' for the aralp and HAM-VIM POMADE for the heir Wv im ite MMI ri'ijiirst for simple* Prices?25c per bottle and box At nil ImmjImI or by l'urti-1 Pomt S? ?i-t for Fro* Himple Hair-Vim Chemical Co.. Inc. 1234 You St. N. W. RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOB FOREVER Deep Heated Irlo Acid Deposits Are Dissolved and Ihe Rheumatic Poison Start? to 'Leave the Sys tem Within Twenty-four Hours Beery druggist in this country Is authorized to say to every rheu matic sufferer that if a full pint bottle of Allenrhu. the sure con queror of rheumatism, does not show the way to stop the agony, reduce swollen joints and ?lo away with seca the slightest twinge or rheumatic pain, he will gladly re turn your money without comment. Allenrhu has been tried and teste?) for "years, and really marvelous re sults have been aocomplish?-d In the most severe case? where the suffering and agony were Intense 11 nd piteous and where the patient was helpless. Mr. Jaihes 11. Allen, of Rochester, ?, Y., the discoverer of Allenrhu who for many years suffered the torments of acute rheumatism, de sires all sufferers to know that he does not want a cent of anyone's money unless Allenrhu decisively conquers this worst of all diseases, and he has instructe?! druggists to guarantee It as above In every in stance. Get It At Peoples Drug Stores THIN FOLKS LOOK! THIS MAN GAINED 70 LBS. ON HYPO-COD Pneumonia Dragged Him Down Too Weak to Work?His Stomach Was Weak. \CHY, WEAK, MISERABLE BUT LOOK AT HIM NOW "? lot of people here In Wash ington know me, and 1 am giving this testimonial bocaUM I feel I am only raperini my debt to Karl?' s Hypo-Cod," declared .lohn Miller, a well-known butcher here in town. :?ki D street eorthweot. "I bad an attack of fever and pneumonia and it le^ me a wreck I ?as weak and rundown and very thin. I could not work at all, as the work of ? butcher Is heavy work anyhow. I suffered with pam?? in my hack. My stomach was ???al. Nothing I ate agree?! with me, until I read about Hypo fisi if ihe paper. I liegiin taking It at un?-e and now I cons'der Hypo-Cod the onlv toni?? in the world for ? iak men 1 had fallen nuay nt.I I only weighed I4t |n>up<Im when I started on Hypo-Cod and now I weigh 210 pounds which is some difference. I'm a walking advertisement for Hypo-Cod. All my friends were amazed at my re gaining my strength and weight so quick, I work hard all day at my work and at night come home and ?>at enough for three men," continued this big. hearty vigorous, booster for Hypo-Cod. If the reader isn't enjoying good health?Just a bottle or two of Hypo-Cod is possibly all they need io liegin eating hearty-digesting food better, enjoying hot cakes, bam and cabbage, and other win ter foods, turkey and dressing. Onions, etc. Then you get rich Mood, Don't feel ?hilly nnd i-old outdoors. You get some real color. Add on a few iiounds?feel, sleep, eat and looU belter and the cost of a couple bottles of this pure wholesome tonic Is trifling. Ask alioiit our special offer on S bottle Hypo-Cod treatment? free tablets, etc Why should anybody fsel I sluggish, mean and nn? rung these ?snappy cold dava? P?>op1ett Drug , Stores, Washington. D. C. TOO ARDENT SUITOR CURB?D_FOR YEAR Writer Sentenced to Stay Away From Widow On Pen alty of Workhouse. 1 NEW T?RK. Dec. 30.?A sen tence of one year on probation with a warning that if he does not keep away from the complainant in that time he will be sent to the work house, was meted out to Qeorge l'etriedes. forty. He is a Greek editorial writer. Petriedes was arrested on s charge of. molesting Mrs. Rffte Chambers, widow. No. 611 West One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street. I>e?larlng he wss "msdly in love with Mr?. Chamber?," and '"the fire of her charm" consumed? him, Pe triedes was committed to jail for a day. "I hope you have cooled off by now," said Magistrate Rweetser, after reading a report on the edi tor's character. Th? report stated the m?n was highly regarded by his associates. HAIR NETS COME BACK. LONDON, Dec. 39.?Those rell?? of the eighties, the hair net, t are returning to favor again, but ' not In their original form. The mod ern hair nets will be invisible and are certain to find many converts. Girls of Boston Start Warfare Against Flirts BOSTON, Dec. 30. BOSTON girls have declared war on the flirt. Thut their crusade may have I he semblance of united action they have adopted as an in signia a button on which is depicted a lizard impaled on a hatpin. Whether the boys with the patent leather hair may ex pect ? similar fate Is not stated by the fair crusaders. Leaders of the movement state there is no membership limi tation and no dues. Ancient Deed Is Found In Old Bureau Drawer DANVILLE, V?., Dec. 30?An in tereatlng dler-ovfrv has been made here by C. O. Olaagow, dealer In antiques, who recently purchased a bureau which he found In a coun try home In one of the adjoining counties. Examining the piece of furniture after removing the layer of drawers, he found In the rear out of sight a, piece of narehment, yellow with age, but still clearly legible. I'nfolding It he found that It waa an original nival grant by which King O SOrg? III conveyed to Josiah Seat 360 acres of land in "Meeklenburgh" County for the price of 40 shillings, or about 110, Seek Owner of Securities Found Intact In Corner of Woman's Woodshed. and box the at Ihe office th?? I'aulsen missing cash while clearing HPOKANK, Wash., 1)????. 30.?A cash box, stolen twenty years ago. Is to lie returned to Its owner, finger prints taken from the may prove the undoing of burglar who looted the I'aulson Building here last summer. ' Twenty years ago a man was stopping at a hotel here. A burglar entered his room and stille a cash ? l.nv containing a quantity of min-' ing slock and life insurance poll? fies. A siimi time before the Paulsen building robbery this summer, ? woman living in th.? northern part of the city appealed of an attorney In huilding, carrying tin bos. She explained that out some rubbish frinii a woodshed Kb? bad found the box. It had been broken open and the mining stock, und Insurance policies were ?till Intact. ' The attorney placed the cash b?ix In the Paulsen building vaults for safe keeping and began a search for .lames H. liufils. who was listi d us the owner of th?? securities. Then burglar No. '_' appeared, went through the Paulsen building ?nd robbed the vaults, Among other things ransacked were the papers in the old box belonging to James 11. Itufua. When fingerprint expert? began o work upon the second burglary hey found that the old box had .??en handled by the burglar and vere able to take excellent prints 'rom it. Lo?'al authorities are of in? opinion that these print* may ?id in catching the culprit. Mia p ulule a James II. Kufus had M>en located at Everett, Wash., and f he proves to be the owner of the ?ash box. both the box and Its con ente will be restored lo him. Blame Fire In Closet On Old Hunting Coat WARREN, Ohio, Dec. 30?Mrs. F. E. Dunnavant. of Warren. Ohio, was searching in a clothe? closet. She accidentally kno?-ked her hus band's hunting coat from a hook. The ?-oat fell in a basket partly filled with hickory nuts. Matches in a pocket rubbed heads and flared. An hour and a half later the sec ond-floor rooms were filled with smoke and firemen extinguished the blaze. PLEADS GUILTY TO FRAUD. RICHMOND, ?'?.. DOC, H.? ter C. lisait??!?, confidential ROM and liookkeeper for the ?Real Estate Comiwmy, ycsliidny j entered a plea of guilty to defraud ing th?? concern of $ He had boon working for the firm for ? salary of $J5 a month frir y?'ai s. He was pen te need to prison lor five y??ars. Accountants! Column right! No matter which way you figure it? it's best. For Colds and Headaches take ' Tablet? of Laxo aspirin 'n the Three Point Box, 25c Physicians' Size Bottle, 75c A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR To Our Thousands of Patient?? ? and Friends. Kilter? denllaio. low price?, pi?.,-. . pallen??. Iba? '? In?. Smith'? mollo. ?old Inlays Amalgam Fillings .SlOO up Silver Filling? . 50c up (?old frowns .$'?.00 up SET OF TEETH itmmss^m F !5 UP our tiinioii? S.leiten Teeth ?it tlsln. gii? ?ailKtMitlon and look Ilk? Batural teeth Teeth extracted flee when other work work I? done. Dr. .Smith, Dentist, inc. 434 7th St. N. W. <?\K.K KatatnUaTS le ? IO* STORK S. W. Corner S?-v?-nlli ami ? S??. Open Kvrnina? Open Sunda.?? riunii? Franklin IMI BANK REFERENCE Kellalilr a? a 4?ovrriiinent Hond GUARANTEED QUALITY AT The National Furniture Co. STORE HOURS 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. CREDIT?SERVICE?LOW PRICES AT The National Furniture Co. iillll :i.? FREE With every purchase of SI00 or more, we will give our beauti ful 42-piece set of Decorated Din nerware or a 26-piece set of Wm. A. Rogers Silverware. CREDIT FOR ALL A small first payment will secure any article in this ad. The balance can be paid in small weekly or monthly installments. ????????????????/?? ? Begins Tuesday. Still Lower Prices on Guaranteed Furnjture of All Kinds to Clear It From Our Floors. Easy Credit Terms lit! as THIS FOUR-PIECE WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, a? pictured, is a very good valu? at this price. Conaiate of Dresser and Vanity with mirror?. Chiffonier Bod. January Clearance price. Easy Credit Term? ?ai A OO .00 HERE IS A Blh THltEEPIECE OVER STUFFED LIVING ROOM SUITE, just like the picture, that it another wonderful value, Ok Settee, Rocker and Armchair, covered with r good grade of tapestry. To clear the?? euitea out quickly, we're marking them for oar Jan uary C!?*?-?nce at. Easy Credit Terme 94 .50 THIS FOUR-PIECE WALNUT BED ROOM SUITE, like the picture, contiate of large, roomy Dresser with plate mirror, Man's Chifforette, Semi-Vanity and full eize Bow-end Bed. January Clearance prie?. Easy Credit Term? 125 .00 Extension Table * January m Clearance Price, $ 14 .75 Easy Term? Golden Oak Rocker January Clearance Price, Three? $0.49 A REMARKABLE VALUE. Ju.t four left of thete Four-Piece Jacobean Oak Dining Room Suite?, a? pictured; com prising large Buffet, China Cabinet, Serv ing Table and Extension Table. A won derful value at thit very low price. Jan uary Clearance Price. $ 119 .75 Easy Credit Term? Golden Oak Duofold January Clearance Easy Term? Drop-Side Couch With Pad January Clearance Price, $10.75 Easy Term? Burner Gas Range January Clearance Price, $1Q-75 18 Easy Term? Four-Cover Coal Range January Clearance Price, $1 n.oo Kitchen Cabinet January Clearance Price, 19 $ 27 .50 Easy Term? Easy Term? Crib and Mattress January Clearance Price, $10.75 Ea?y Term? ;:TOMBHI