18 BUS IN ESS .. AND FIN AN C E . RESERVE RM SHOWS RISE; Deposit Liabilities Fall Off $64,800,000 Weekly, Report Shows. By HARRY GUSACK. . A gain in the Federal reserve ratio is shown for the week ending February 21, according to the week ly bank statement issued by the Reserve Board showing the condi tion of Federal reserve banks. Net liquidation of $53,800,000 of discounted bills by "the New York Reserve Bank, as against a further increase of $28,300,000 in. discounts held by the other reserve banks, * is shown in the' statement .’ssued as at close ,of business on February 21. Acceptances purchased in open market show'' a decrease for . , the week of $2,100,000, and Government? security holdings an increase of about $500,000. Deposit liabilities fell off about $64,800,000, while Federal reserve note circulation in creased $16,900,000. Total cash re serves show'a decline of .$15,400,000, while the reserve ratio,'because of the substantial- reduction in de posits, shows a rise for ’the week from 75.3 to 75.8 per cent. Gold reserves decreased by s3,i SOO,OOO. Shifting of gold through the gold , settlement fund accounts for the increases in gold reserves of $26,600,000 and about s7ftoo,ooo shown for the New York and Chi cago reserve banks. . AU other re serve banks show, smaller gold re serves than the. week before, Kan sas City, by $7,500.,000; San Fran cisco. by $5,700,000; Atlanta, by $5,600,000; Richmond, by $5,200,QPQ. and the six remaining banks, by $12,800,000. ; ■ ‘ Holdings of paper secured' 'by Government obligations show a re* duction for the week from $428,- 700,000 to $368,200,000. Os the total held on February 2R or 46.9 per cent were secured by | 'United States. bonds, $2,300,000, or | 0.6 per cent by Victory notes, $177,- l 200,000, 0r'48.1 per cent by Treasury notes, . and ; $15,900,000, or 4.4- per cent by Treasuiy .certificates, com pared 'with $197,200,000, $4,600,000. .$186,400,000, and $40,500,000 reported - the week before. Names Trust Officer. Wharton E. Lester was named trust officer of the District National .Bank at a meeting of directors of that institution yesterday. Mr. Lester is also general counsel for the institution. . - Following the meeting. President Col. Robert N. Harper announced that the institution .will, at once, begin the construction of a mezza nine in the rear of the bank. This mezzanine, it was explained, is an absolute necessity, to house a goodly proportion of the institution’s cler ical force which is now function-, ing in rather cramped quarters, due to the rapid expansion and steady growth of the bank. Baltimore Crain Markets. Wheat —Steady. No. 2 red win ter, 1.33%; No. 2 red winter, gar licky, $1.32%: receipts, 23,026 bu.; shipments, 83,026 bu. Corn—Steady. No. 3 yellow or ''better, domestic, 90@91c: receipts, 172,102 bu.; shipments, 180,775 bu. Oats—Quiet; offerings ample. No. 2 white domestic, 55@55%c; receipts, 4,002 bu.; shipments, 4,442 bu. Rye—Firm. No. 2 Western ex jport. spot, 96 %c; receipts, 37,613 bu.: shipments, 50 bu. ' Hay—Quiet, unchanged. Flour—Steady. L Oil Stocks. (Furnished by W, B. Hibbs & Co) • I Bld Ask. Anglo-Am. Oil Co. New 18% 18% Borne-Scrymser C 0...... 110 115 Buckeye Pipe Line Co.. 89 90 Cheseborough Mfg. Co., 223 > 1228 Continental Oil Co. 48%1,49 Crescent Pipe Line Co.. 22 24 Cumberland Pipe Line.. 1114 116 Eureka Pipe Line 11l • 114 Gdlena-Sig. Oil Com I 75 76 Galena-Signal Oil Pfd..,.. 110 112 Illinois Pipe Line C 0... .1168 ;. 170 Indiana Pipe Lftie C0..1 98 99 National Transit C 0....! 28 29 New York Transp’n Co. 133 1.135 Northern Pipe Line Co. 108 110 Ohio Oil Co 84% 85% Prairie Oil &-Gas C 0... 265 269 Prairie Pipe Line Co.. 115 116 Solar Refining Co ~ 195 205 Southern Pipe Line Co. .110 ■ 112 Sbuth. Penn Oil C 0.... 191 194 Southw. Penn. P. L. Co. 82 84 Standard Oil Co. (Calif.). tfO%L 60% Standard Oil Co. (Ind.).. 67% 67% Standard Oil Co. (Kans.) 54 54% Standard Oil- Co.. (Ky.).-. 108 109 Standard Oil Co. (Nebr.)J27o 280 Standard Oil Co. > tai stock of Swift & Company, will be paid em April 1. 1928, to stockholders of record,- March IS, IMS, an shew* ea the books gs the company. C. A. Secretary. I Local Stocks. . 1 ' SALES. I Capital Traction s’s. $1,000@97%, r $i.0(W97%/. Washington Railway and Electric 4’s, $1,000@72%. SI,OOO @72%, $3,000 @72%, sl,dOO@t2%. $2,000@72%, $2,000® 72%, $1,000@72%, sl,ooo@ 72%, $3.000@72%. Capital Traction, 10@99. Washington Railway and Electric pfd., 2 @74. Washington Gas Light, 10@52. Continental Trust Company, 10 @ 90, 4@90, 10@90. i After Call — _ „„„„ Washington Gas 7%’s, sl,ooo@ t 03%. Capital Traction s’s, SI,OOO @97. Public Utility Bonds. 1 Bld. Ask? Am. Tel. & Tel. 4's 92 92% , Am. Tel. A Tel. 4%’5.... 100 101% , Am. T. AT. C’t’l Tr. s’s. 98% 99 ’ Am. T. & T. Conv. 6’5... 115% 116% ‘ Anacostia A Potomac s’s. 89% 90% ;>Ana. & Pot. Guar. 5*5... 89% 90% . C. &P. Telephone 5’5.... 97 ..... C. AP. TeL of Va. 5’5..,. 93 94 Cap. Traction R. R. s’s.. 97 97% ■ City & Suburban 5*5...., 83% 86 : Georgetown Gas lst s’s.. 88 89% . Metropolitan R. R. 5’5... 97 Potomac Elec. Ist 5’5.... 97 98 1 Potomac Elec. Con. s’s.. 97 97% , Potomac Elec. Deb. 6’s. 100 ..... Pot. Elec. Pow. G-M 6’s. 100 ..... , Pot. El P. G-M & ref. 7’s. 106% 107% Wash., Ahk.AMt.V. s’s. 25 Wash., Balt. & Mt.V. ctfs. 24 Wash., Balt. & An. s’s.. 76% 77% Washington Gaso’s,.... 94~] 95% ! Wishing ton GasT%’s.'.. 103 .... Wash. Ry. & ElCc. 4’8... 72% 73 Wash- R. AE- G-M 6’s., 99%|100% Miscellaneous Bonds, | D, C. Paper \Mtg. 6 8... 80 Riggs Realty-s’s (long).. 93 ..... Riggs Realty s’s (short). 98 Sec. Stge. A Safe Dep.‘ 6’S. 95 r ..... W. M. Cold Storage s’s. .96 ..... Wardman Park Hotel 6’s. 100 101% Public L’tiiny eitbeKs. ‘f r FZ Am.,tel. A Te1..»... ,123 ..... Capital Traction ........ 98% 99% Washington Gas 51 51% N. A’W. steamboat.. . 202 ..... Wash.Ry.A-Elec.com.. .64% 65% ♦Wash. sy. & Elec. pf;. . 73% 74 Terminal Taxi pom 75 Terminal Taxi pf........ 90 . National Bank Stocks. | • Federal-Am. &at. Bank- 198 ..... -Capital Nat. Bank, 200 ..... Columbia Nat. Batik.:... 230 Commercial Nat. Bank.. 147 149 District, Nat. Batik... ..# 173 185 FaE A Meeh. Nat*: Bank. 243 • ..... Liberty Nat. 8ank...... 129 . Lincoln Nat;, 8ank....... 240 Nat. Metropolitan* Bank. 230 242 Riggs Nat. "'Bank 565 ..... Second Nat. Bank 1150 165 Wellington Nat. 8ank.195 |2lO ■ Trust Company Styks/ p'Y Am. Security Trust.. /'3OO 31Q ■; Continental Trust ....... ftO -Sfr/b Merchants’ Bank - 137 12b " Nat. Sav? A Trust .. .'.1325 356 Union Tru5t............ i.. 144 ....; Wml?- Loan A Trust.... 322 |330 Savings Bank Stocks. I | Commerce A Sav, Bank. 180 ..... East Wash. Sav. Bank.. 18 Sec. Sav. & Com. Bank.. 245 250 tSeventh St. Sav-..Bank.. 175 iU.-’B- Savings Bank.;... 270 -Wash. Mechanics’. Bank. 30 , Fire Insurance Stocks. I- | Am. Fire Ind..'. 225 . .... Corcora > Fire 1n5..... 100 ..... Firemen’s Fire Ins. ....J 18 •Nat. Union Fire 1n5....| 8 . Titlte Insurance Stocks. | ’ Columbia Title Iqs. | 6 TT.- . Real Estate Title 1n5....|120 ..... Miscellaneous Stocks. 1 j Col. Graphophone .com,. 2% 3 CoL Graphophone pf.... 9 11 Merch. Trans. & Storage. 100 -Mergenthaler Linotype-• 174 176 Old Dutch Market com.. 2 % 6 Old Dutch Market pf.... ..... 7% Lanston Monotype ..... 79 79% Security Storage '•...... 220 Washington Market .... 38 Yellow Cab ..| B%| •Ex-dividend. Short Term Securities.* (Furnished by W. B. Hibba & Co.) Al. Co. of Am. 7’s, '25... |103%|103% AL Co. of Axik 7’B, '33...|106 |106% Amer. Got. Oil 6’s, '24..| 91%| 92% .Amer. Sugar 6’s. ’37 i102%j108% Amer. T. & T. 6’s. ’24.... |100%!100ig Amer. T. AT. 6’s, ’25. ..|lls 116 Anaconda Copper 6’s. ’29.|102% 103% Anaconda Cbp. 7’s, ’29.-.j103% 103]j Anglo-Am. Oil 7%’s, ’25,.|102%|103 Armour A Co. 7’s, '30.,. .|105^ ! 105% Bell Tel. ofjCan. 7’5,.’25..|103 |103% Bethlehem Steel 7’s, ’23. |104%!105 Canadian Nor. s%’s, ’24. Canadian Pac, Ji’s, ’24... HOO-fS ! 101 fl. Central Leather s‘s, ’25.| 98%i 99% C.. C., C. A St. L. 6’s. ’29.1101% 1101% Chicago Tel. s’s, 1923....(100 (lOOflj DuPont 7%’s, 19.31 J108%!108% Goody. T. A R. B’s, 1931. .1103% 1104% Great Northern 7’s, 1936.|109 109% Hocking Vai. 6’s, 1924...!100% 100% Humble Oil s%’s, 1932...! 98% 9874 Kansas C. Term. 6’s, 1923|100% 100% Kennecott Cop. 7’s, 1930. 104 104% L. McN. A L. 7’s, 1931... 100%(101 M. 6%’b, 1931 103% 104% Morris & Co. 7%’s, 1930, 106% 106% Penna. R. R. 7’s, T 830.... 109 1109% St. P. Un, Dep. s%’s, 1923 Sears-Roebuck 7’s. 1923.. 101%!101% Svm. Bell 7’s, 1925.’ 1024 j I'O2A Stapd. Oil Cal. 7’s. 1931. .1106%106% Tidewater Oil 6%’s, 19.31.1102% 1103% Urtion Tank Car 7’s, 1930'103 1103% WeS(. Union 6%’s, 1936. .H09%;i10 Westing. E. &. M, 7’s, 1931|108 ~|loß% -Chicago. Grain Market. By Coambpolltan News Sen-Ice. CHICAGO, -Feb. 24.—Grains open ejl a shade higher today. Wheat at Liverpool closed '% pence and % pence better than the previous close. .Opening, prices here were: Wheat—May, $1.18% @1.18%; .July, $L14%@1.14%; September, $1.12%@ , Corn—May, 74%@74% cents; July, 75% @75% cents; September, 76% cents. « Oats—May,' .45 cents; July .44% j cents; September, 42% cents, j Rye—May, 86% cents. Strong commission houses bought wheat at the start and offerings were. limited. ' The strength shown at Liverpool was unexpected. A naixedrFade featured the corn open . ing. There was some,buying by an Eestero comrpission house. bats [ trade was light. Seaboard and foreign advices stated that there was very little prospect of export business, as Argentine wheat' was being offered » freely- at cheaper prices. Bulge saJes are still in order. > - The action of corn-Is still expect s _ed‘ to he dominated to a great ex ten* by movement of : Temperatures Southwest continue • mild with a trace of moisture at . several points. THE WASHINGTON TIMES • *. Th» National DaUy » * SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923. STOCKS D B OPi AFTEfI FIRM OPENING Profit Taking Causes Market to Develop Reactionary Tendency. By W. s. COUSINS. (Copyright, 1923, by Cosmopolitan News Service.) NEW YORK, Feb. 24.—After a strong and steady opening in which a number of the active stocks reached slightly higher price levels, the stock market developed a reac tionary tendency today and prices were generally lower. The early trading was character ized by another rally in the motpr; industrial and a few of the'railroad stocks, the feature being the rise of nearly three points in Maxwell Mo tors. Eastman Kodak,. Producers and. Refiners, Illinois Central and Retail Stores were the most active and buoyant of their respective groups. Profit-Taking. Because of the preponderance of favorable news in the domestic busi ness situation and the further evi dences of industrial activity, it was plain that selling pressure in die stock market was due to profit taking by traders who have been ac cumulating ptiper profits for a week or more. The Commerce Depart ment’s estimate of an 18 per cent-fn crease in December exports of iron and stasl was a favorable factor in that division of the niarket, while the copper shares received the stimu lus of another budget of constructive reports. Louisville and Nashville was the most active of the high-priced rail road shares, -selling in good -volume above 154 for a new high price record. Washington reports that the Commerce Commission had approved the application to distribute $45,000,- 000 stock as a special stock divi dend - stimulated demand for this stock. Atleyntic. Coast Line, a large stockholder, also gained over two points in active trading. Studebaker, Baldwin, United States Steel and other of the market lead ers were under professional pres sure -until the latter part of the second hour, when they rebounded in good,form to. near their previous high levXh\.After v declißing to 137%, Baldwin sold ud 10,.135% and United/Stated StCeT advanced from 107% Tne Standard Oil. and- a small number of the independents reflect ed the further advance in prices of gasoline, most of these stocks sell ing at higher prices near the close of the market. Cosden was particu larly active around 59. ■. The market was sluggish and fea tureless in the last period, with prices holding strong in every de partment. . : ; Bonds Irregular. There was an irregular tone to the bond market, with slightly low er prices for Liberty bonds and do mestic rails and industrials. The new treasury 4%’s broke below par, and losses on the Liberty bonds ranged from 2 to 20 cents. Cerro de Pasco Copper 8 per cents were down 2 points at 140%. Magma Copper 7’s up 1% at 118%, Norfolk and Western Railroad convertible 6’s and Atchison 4’s each down 1%, Sea board Air Line 6’s down 1 point and New Haven convertible 6’s up % at 69. His confidential staus in the dry Curb Stocks. Furnished by W. B. Hibbg A Co. Prices at noon: Bid. | Ask. Acme Coal.. v ........... 58 60 Ark. Nat. Ga 5.......... 7% 8 Arnold Constable 18 19 Candelaria 26 28 Carib Syndicate 5% .5% Car Light & Power 1% 1% Centrifugal Cast 1r0n... 13% 13% Cities Service New 19 19% Cities Service Old 191% 1?3 Cities Service Pfd. 69 •69 % Davis Daly. 4% 5% Dubilier... 5 s*/s Durant of Delaware .... 68 68 % Durant- of Indiana 18% 18% Engineers Petroleum...;. 15 17 Eureka Croesus 28 30 Federal Oil 93 95 Fortuna Mining 28 30 Gillette Safety Razor. .280 284 Gilliland Oil 4% 4% Glen Alden C0a1........ 68 68% Glen Rock Oil l/ 8 Ift Goldfield Deep Mines... 17 18 Goldfield Florence 56 58 Goodyear T. A R 14 ■ 14% Goodyear T. & R. pf 47% 48% Gulf Oil of Penna 65% 66% Heyden Chemical ........ 2% 2% Hudson Oil 11 12 ; independence Lead 35 36 j 1 Interconinental Rubber.. 5% 5% Internal. Petroleum new. 24 .24% Jerome Verde 2% 2%/ Lone Star,..-.. 5 j 6 i Lyons Petroleum ....... 1 Ift Mammoth Oil 52%: 53% Maracaibo Oil 10 10% Marland Oil of Mexico.. 3 3% Marlin Firearms 3% 4%/ Mason Valley 2% 2% Mercer Motor VTCL 1 % 1% Merritt Oil- Z. 11 11% Mesabi 10% 10%j Mexico Oil Ift 1% Mountain Producers ~. 19% 20 Mutual Oil 15% 15% Natural Supply of Del.. 61% 61% ' National Tin 22 23 j . New Fiction Pub........ 7 9 . Nevada Ophir 15 18 New Cornelia 'l9 20%j' Nipissing Mines 6 6% Omar Oil Ift . Ift Pennock Oil 11 %| 11% Phillip Morris 17 19 Pyrene Mfg. Co 10% 10%. Radio Common 3% 3% Radio Preferred 3 3ft Reo Motors 13% . 13% Salt Creek New I 24%| 24% Sapulpa Com 3% 3% Schulte Stores 63% 64% Southern Coal & Iron.. 25 27 Stutz Motors 19 20 Tidal Osage 12% 14 Tonopah Divide ....... 67 70 1 Tonopah Extension 3 .3% United Eastern 2ft 2% United Profit Sharing . 5% 5% United Shoe Machinery. 53 53% I United Shoe Mach. pfd.. 26%| 28 I -United Retail Candy .. 6% I 7 I Wayne Coal 2 | 2% I West End Cions I%| Ift Wilcox Oil A Gas 1 9%| 9% Yellow TkYi of N. Y.... fl 35 |l4O NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • Quotations Received bf W. B. Hibbs & Co. * "•'* ' . / .. . / High low Close Gloae Air Reduction. 63X 63X t^ X^ Übber '" 14 13X 13X 13& Aills Chalmers. 49X 49& Allis Chai, pf.., 96Ji A. Chem.ADye 77% 77% 77% 77% A Ch. A D. pf. no% uQ% , A. Ag. Ch. pf... 08% 68 68 67 . A. Beet Sugar.. 46 46 46 Am. 805 ch..... 45% 45% . 45% 46% A.Car AFdy... 182 182 182 183 Amer. Chicle... 9% 8% 9 8% | Am. Cot. 0i1.... 17% i§% Is% 18 Am. dot: Oil pf. ! 33% z 33X 3354! 33% Am. Drug gyn. 7% 7% A. Hides A Lea. 12% 12% 12% 12% Am. 1ce.... . ... 106 106 106 Am. Ice pf 88 88 88 Am. In. Corp... 26% 26 26% 26 Am. L0c0...... 127 X 126% 12W 127% Am. Dopo. pf... 121 121 121 Am. Linseed... 34% 3454 Am. Lins. pf...., 57 57 57 56% Am. Mettil 52% 52% 52% 52% Am. Metal pf... 116 116 116 Am. Sty. Razor. 8% 8% 'B% Am. S. Atom: . 17% 17% 17% 17% Am. Smelting.. 63% 63% 63% 63% Am. Steel Fdy. 39 , 38 38 38% Am. Sugar..... 82 81% 81% 81% Am. Sug. pf 108 108 ; 108 108 Am. T;&T 123% 123 123% 123 Am. T6bacco... 157% 155% 157% 154% Am. Tob. new.. 104 104 104 • 104 Am. Tob. 8...'. 154% 1§4% 154% 154% Am.W.Wks. 6’s 54% 54% 54% 55 Am. Wool. 105 103% 103% 105 Am. Zinc...... 18 18 18 18% Am. Zincpf.... 56 56 56 56 Anaconda 51% 50% 51 51% Asso.D.Goods. 74 72% 73% 72% Atchison....... 103% 102% 103% 102% Atlantic Ref’g.. 144% 143 144% 142 At. A Birm. .... 3 3 •8_ 3% At. G. A W.l.pf. 18X 18% 18% Atlas Tack.... 20% 20 20 Austin Nichols. 31% 31 31 31% Baldwin Loco.. 136% 137% 137% 138% Balto&Ohio. 53 52% 53 - S 3 B. pf 60% 60% 60% 60% Bayuk 8r05.... 55 '55 55 Beech-Nut 63% 63% 63% 62% Beth. Steel 8... 66 65% 66 65% Bk. R. T. cts.. 8% 7% 8% 8% Brooklyn R. T. "9% 8% 8% S -Brook. U. Gas. 121% 120 121% Burns Bros. A.. 138% 138% 138% 138% Burns. Bros. B. 38% 38% 38% 38% Bntte Copper.. 11% 11% 11% 11% Butte A Sup... 33% 33% 33% 32% Calif. Packing. 86, 85 86 84% Calif. Petrol... £3 82 82% 83% Cal. Petr. pf... 98% 98% 98% 99 Callahan 11% 11% 11% 11% Canadian Pac... 149% 148% 149 149% Case P. Wks,. 4% 4% 4% 4% Cent; Leather.. 37% 37 37 37% Cent. Lea. pf.- 74 .74 74 , 74% C. R. of. N. J... 220 220 220 Cerro de Pasco 47% 46% 47% 47% Chandler Motor 72% 71% 72% - 72% Ches. A; Ohio.- 74 .74 74 CHf. A Al. pf... 5% 5% 5% 5% Chicago Gt. W. 6% <6% 6% 6% Chi. G. W. pf.. 14 14 14 14% C. AE. 111. R.R. 36% 36% 36% Chi. AN; W.. £6 85% £6 86% C. AN. W. pf. 118 118 118 C., M.ASt. P... • 25% 25 25 ■ 25% C.,M.ASt.P.pf... 43% 42 42% 43 C., R. I. A P.- 36% 36 36% 36% C..R.1. &P. 7’». 92% 92% 92% 92% Chi. Pre. Tool. 87% 87% 87% 88 Chile Copper . 29% 29% 29% 29% Chino Copper . 29% 29 29% 29% Cluett Peabody. 70 70 70 70 Col. Fuel A 1.. 29% 29% 29% 30 Uol. Gas A El.. 109 109 109 109% Col. Graph© .. 2% 2% 2% 2% Comp. tab. 79% 79 ' 79% 79 Coca Cola .... 75 74% 74% 75% Con. Can. w. i.- 49 48 48% 49 Cont.Cig.Corp... 37% 37% 37% 37% Con. Gas. New. 66% 66 66 , 66 Cont. Insur. .. 102% 102% 102% 103% Cont.. Motor .. 9% 9% 9% 9% Cont.Tex.Corp.. 13% 13% 13% 13% Corn Products. 138% 135% 136 - 137% Cosden Corp.... 59 * 58 59 58% Crucible Steel. 79% 78% 79 79%’. Cuba Am. Sug. 35% 35 35% 35% Cuba C. Sug.. 18%' 18 18 18% Cuba C. S, pf.. 58% 57% 58 58% Cuba Dom. Su. 10% 10% 10% 10% Dav’n C’l Co.. 34% 34%’ 34% 34% Del. A Hud. .. 121 119 120 121% Del. L. 127 127 127 128 Dome Mines.... 41% 41%' 41% ! Eagle 0U...;. 29% 28% 29 29 I Eastm. Kodak., 113 111% 112%' 111% ! Elec. gtorage. e 59 58% 59% 1 Emerson Br.pf. 29 29 29 29% - End. John.... 76 76 76 . 76% End. John, pf... 115 115 115 115 Erie 12% 12% 12% 12% Erie Ist 19% 19% 19% 19% FAinous Player. 88 87% 88 87% | Famous Pla'pf.. 96 96 96 95% F. M. AS. pf..! 53% 53% 53% 54% Fifth Ave. Bus. 8% 8 8 Fiske Rubber.. 15% 15% 15% 15% Fleish. Y. C 0... 40 . 39% 33% 39% Fre-Tex. C 0.... 20% 19% 19% 20%‘ i Gen. Asphalt... 46% 45% 46% 4®% j Gen. Electric. ~ 186 186 186 186 j Gen. Elec. Spec. 11% 11% 11% Gen. Motors.... 15% 15 15 15 Gimbel Bros, pf 99% 99% 99% Goldwyn Pict... 6% 6% 6% 6% Granby Mines.. 29% 28% 28% 29 Gray A DaVls.. 13 13 13 13% Gt. North. Ore. 33% 33% 33% 33% Gt. North, pf... 78% 78% 78% 78% Gt.W.Sug.pf...‘lo6% 106 106% 106 G. AN. Ry.. 19 19 19 19 G.M.AN.R.pf... 58 57 57 59% Gulf State Stl.. 91% 89% 91% 91% Guanto Sugar.. 12% 12% 12% 12% Haibershaw El. 1% 1% .1% 1% Hartman Corp. 92% 92 92% •• , Hayes Wheel... 41 40 40 40% IH. R.Mal. & Co. 35 35 35 35% I Hend.Mfg.Co,.. 21% 21 21 21%’ I Houston 0i1... 72% 71% 72 72% Hudson Mot... 29% 29% 29% 29% Hydraulic Btl.. 5% 5 5 5 111, Central...... 116% 116% 116% 115% Yes. • ; , High tow Close CIOM Inspiration Co® 41% 41% 41% 41 Inter. ,Ag?. pf. 33 33 33. 33% Inter. Cement..’ 39% 39 ‘ 39% 39% I "; Co ' ofen «- 2 5% -25% 25% 25% Alter. Harvest . 94= 94% 94# 94% Itit.Hta-y. : pf..7.ii4X'iM% U 4% Inter. Nickel... 15% 15% 16% 15% Ihv. 0i1...;« j7% ; 1/% 17% Inter. Paper...! 53% 53% 53% .54 ‘ Iron Prptfuets;. - 62% - 50% 51% 50% Inter Shoe 33% #% 33% 37% |J. Kayser C 0... 44 44 44 45% Jewel Tea....... 22% 21% 22% 21% Jewel Tea pf... 78% 76 • 77% 75% JopesTea 97 53% 53% 57% Jones & La. pr.. 108% 108% 108% 109 Kelly gpg. Tire. 54% 54 54 54% Kain. City 50... 23% 23% 23% 23% Kan. A Gulf.,. 2 2 2 2 Kelsey Wheel.. 109 109 109 111 Keystone Tire.. 9% 9% 9% <9% Kbhnecott..... 42% 41% 42*» 42% L. E. AW..33 32 33 L7 E. &• W. pfd .. 71% * 71% 71% Ueeßub.A-T... 29% 29% 29% Lehigh Valley., 68% 68% 68% 68% Lima L0c0..... 68% 66% 68% 67% Loft (1nc.)..... 10% 10% Lorillard ...... 173 173 173 Louis. & Nash.. 154% 150 154% 150% Mackey.. 117% U7% 117% Otis Steel pf... 63% 63% 63% 65 Mna.Elec.Sup.. 58 ’ 58 58 57 Mclhtyre..!:.. 18% 18 18 ! : Mack Truck...,. 72 71 71 .72% Macy R. H. pf.. 114% 114% 114% Magma 0i1..... 36%, 55% 36% 35% Manati Sugar.. 63 62 62 62% Market St. Ry. . 9 . 9 9 Marine 10% 10% 10% 10% Marine pf 41 41 41 41% Marland 0i1.... 40% 40 ... 40%. 41% Ma. Mot. A..... 51 48% 50% 47% Max Mot. C. 8.. 16%- 15% 16% 15% Mex. Sea. 0i1... 18% 17% 18 17% May Dep. 5t.... 75% .74% 75%- 75 Miami Copper.. 29% 29% 29% 29% Midvale Steel.. 29% 29 29% 29% Mid. States’ OIL' 11% 11%, 11% 11% Mother Lode... 13%.'13 13 13% Mo. Pacific..i.-..' 18% 'lB% 18% 18% Mo. Pacific pf.. 47% 47 47 47% Mont'y Ward.. 23% 23%' 23% 23% Mont-. Pow 71% 71% 71% 70 Moon Motors. .„ 22% 22% 22% 22% Na.,Cloak&B.-, 65 65 6& N..Clk. A3. pf. 100 100 100. 100 Nat: Biscuit.... 42% 41% 42% 42% Nat; Biscuit, pf 124 122 122 ' Nat.En.&St... 69 *68% €B% 69 N k Y. Dock ... 23% 23%h 23%, Nat. C. C.. .... . 1% 1% 1% 1% N.R.ofM.2d pf. 4% 4% . '4% 4% Nev. Con. Cop.. 16% 16% 16% lr% N. Y„ O. A W.. 19% . 19% 19% 19% N.Y.N.H.AH. 20% 20 30 20% N.Y. Central..., 98 97 ‘7% 97% Nor. A Weat.:: ? North Amer... 119% 118% 119% 418% Nor. Am, pf. 47% 47% 47% 47% North. Pacific. 80 79% 79% 79% Ohio B. &B. Co. 9 9 9*9 Ok.Pr.A Rf. Co. 2% 2?1 2% 2% OrpheumCir... 19% 19% 19% Otis Steel 11% H% 11% 11% Owens Bottle.'. 45% 45% * 45% 45% Pacific Oil Co. 45% 45% 45% 45% Pa. Sea Stel... 4% 4% 4% 4% ’Pacific Devel.. 11 1 j Pac. G. AL. Cl>. 81 81 81 81 Packard Motor 14 13% 13% 14 Pan-Am. Pet... 80% 79% 80 80% Pan-Am.Pet.B. 71 71% 71% Penn. R. R...;. 46% 46% 46% 46% Pere Marquet. 40 39% 39% 39% Pere Marq. pf. 67% 67 67 68 Phillips Pet... 59- 68% 58% 59% Phila. C0a1.... 45% 45 45% 46% Pierce-Arrow... 12% 12 12 12% Pferce Oil 5% 5% 5% 5% Piggly Wiggly 64% 64 64 64% Pitts. AW. Va.. 38% 38 - 38% Pitts. C0a1..;. 64% 64% 64% 64% Prod. A Ref,.. 54% 53% 54 E4 Pullman P. Car. 129 129 129 .129% Punta Al. Sug. 59% 58% 59 59% P.Ser.Qor.N.J.. 100 59% 99% 100% Pure Oil 30% 30 , 30% Ray Con. C. Co. 16% 16 16 16% Reading 79% 79 79% 79% Read. Ist pf... 5i% 51 51 52% Rep. I& S 57% 56 56% 57% Rep. I. & S. pf. 93% 93% 93% 93% Replogle Steel. 29% 28% 28% 29 Reyn. Spg. Co.. 26% 26% 26% 26% R. Dutch N. Y. 53% t 3% ’ t 3% 54% gavage Arms..’ 23% 23 23 23% SC Jos, Lead.. - 20% 20% 20% 21 Sea. A. L 7% 77 7% Sea A. L.pf.... 12% 12% 12% 13 ’ Sears-Roebuck. 87% 87% 87% 88% Seheca Copper-11 11 11 11% Shat. Ariz. Con. 10% 10% 10% 10% Shell Un. 0.... 15% 15 15%- 15% Simms C 0..... 26%' 26% ' 26%. 27 S|mms Pete... 15 14% 14%/ 14% Sinclair 0i1.... 33% 33% 33% 33% Sloss-Sheffiyld. 50% 50% 50% 50% Skelly 0i1../.. 13 12% 12% 12% Spicer Mfg. Co. 26 25% JO% 25% St. L. &S. F.. . 25% 25% 25% 25% St.L. & S.F.pf. 48% 47% -47% St.L. S.W, R.R. 35 34% 35 34% St.L. S.W. pf,. 61% 61 61% 61% Southern. .Ry. ?. 32% .32% -32%, .33 South. Ry. pf.. 69% 68% 69% 69 South, Pacific. 24% 93% 94% £4%' Sou. P. R-Sug;. 60% 59/. 59- 60% St. Oil of Cal... 61% 60% 61% 60% St. Oil of N. J. . 42% 42% 42% 42% St. Otl'N. J. pf.. 118 118 US 117% Sterling Prod. • 60% . 60% 60% stew. Warner.. 94% 94% 24% 94% Strombg. Corp.. 81 79% 80 80% Studebaker.... 121 119% 119% 120% Stl. A Tu.of Am 102 101% 102 • 101% Sub. Boat 11% 10% 10% 11% Superior Oil. •6% . 6%, ' ■6%, Tenn. Copper % 12% 12% 12% 12% Tex..& Pac<.... 26% ,26 .26 26% Texas C 0.....« 61 50% 50% 50% Tex. P. C. & Oil.' 23%’ 23% 23% 23 Tex. Gul. Sul. .. .61 60% 61 61 Tobacco Prod.. 57-%' 56% 57 57 Tdbacco pf,... 113 112% 113 Tob. pf. A...... 83% 83% 83% 84 Tide Water Oil. 137% 136 137 137 fmctnv HIE SWEEPS mouc '/-A ?** * • * ’ ! Grain and Coal Only Commodi ties Shewing Weakness, * | Bradstreet Says. - By Cosmopolitan News Service. NEW YORK,, Feb. 24.—Brad street's Weekly Review of Business says today: I “Perhaps the most notable feature 1 of the week has been the ag gressive strength of commodity prices.' The commodities showing weakness i have been soft coal , ahd the grains. Coal is easier at the! eastern, and lower at the > western markets. • - “The leading grains have gone off in price from the high points of early February, due- to reported slack export buying, heavy stocks; in this country and Canada, and competition of, countries of tife southern hemisphere. Evidence that increased employment of money is affecting rates is found in thead vance rediscount rates by all of the Federal Reserve .banks from 4 to 4% per cent. “In the jobbing trade, business for spring and summer has etill the center of the stage, and with Easter less than six weeks off, it is not far from its peak.. Buying of cottons for fall has increased at primary markets, and some leading lines of fancy worsteds have- been' oversold and withdrawn; Retail trade in a few sections received a temporary fillip from the cold weather. “Industry has moved at a good pace, better than has distributive trade, in fact, and complaints of labor scarcity holding - down the iron and steel trades* to 75 to 65 per cent of capacity are widespread. “Car supply is also more a sub ject of complaint, presumably ,A re sult of recent weather: 'Loadings have again declined, but show gains oyer other years at this date; Collections have been only a-shade better. “In the iron and steel trade art other wave of price advances is noted, and it is said to be a sellers’ market in that line. “In the building trades, operations have gone on where weather con ditions have permitted. Lumber production in the Northwest, how ever, was retarded or checked by heavy snows. In textiles, ‘ good buying of cotton and silk goods has been widely reported. “Oil drilling operations • in! the Southwest and West have been stimulated by the further rise in : prices of crude oil. Butter and eggs were sharply advanced by the i storm of last week, but eased later, j Copper buying, a good deal of this for export, is credited with the rise i of that product to 16% cents. Brass and Other- products of this metal 1 have been advanced. .“Unless there is a strike or lack' of materials. .Chicago authorities ! say $300,1)00,000 willbe spent for building in that city as against $234,000,000 last, year.” Local. Wholesale Market. Errs—Stlrcttly fresh, selected, candled, per do*., 40c; average receipts, Southern, 38c; cold storage, 27e. Live Poultry—Roosters, -per lb.. 17c; turkeys, per lb.. 260 30c; spring per lb.. 330 36c; keats, young, each 40c; fowls, per lb., 26c. Livestock—Calves, per lb.. 14c; lambs, ehoice, per lb.. 13c; live.hogs o4c Dressed Poultry Fresh-killed spring chickens, per lb.. 36©38c; hens, per lb* 26c; roosters per ft>., 18©19c; turkeys, 70©80c'' s°® 3Bc: keata - young, each, - .Fr uJt —Apples, per bbl., 81.750 ‘ le . l * ciou . B - No - per b^l - m oo© f a,, t° rn,a oranges, per crate, 86.00© S. 00; lemons, per bos, 86.0006.00; grape fruit. 83.0004.26; tangerines, *3.50@5.00..- i ab, es—Potatoes; No. 1. per bbl.. 81.50@2.00; per sack, 82.0002.10; sweet potatoes. North Carolina, 76c© 81.60- nearby, -82.5003.00; beans. 82.00©4 00* ka,e ’ $2.5002.75; lettuce, Sputh- ern, 81.00©2.0p; peas, $3.00@5.00 P per basket; celery, per. crate, 82.5003.60' cabbage. Northern. 82.50O3.00; efcg plants, per crate, 82.5006.00; tomatoes per box, Florida, 82.50 0 5.00; peppers’ per crate. Florida, 83.500 3.60; spinach i per bbl., 83.60Q4.60; squash. 82.5?03.00*. Timken Rol. B. 39% 38% 38% 39 Transcon. Oil.. 12 11% U. Ry. Invest.. 14% 14*% 14% 14% Union Pacific.. 143% 143% 143% 143% Union Pac. pf.. 76 75% 76 75% United A110y... 353% 35% 35% 36 United Drug. .. 84% 84 84 84% United Fruit... 179 178% 179 179 U. Realty 1m... 97 97 97 96% U. S. C. I. P.... 32 •32 32 31% U.S.Hoff.Ma.Co 22 22 22 U.S. Retail 8..: 77% 76% 77% 76% U.S. Rubber... 60% .60 60 60% t. S. Rub. Ist pl 103% 103 105% 102% U. S. Smelt 39% 39 39 40 U. S. Smelt, pf. 45% 45% 45% 45 U. S. Steel 108 107% 107% 107% U. S. Steel pf... 121 120% 121 120 J U. S. Ind. Alco. 69 68 68% 68% ! Utah Copper... 69% 69% 69% 69% j Utah Sec. 22 21% 22 22 Va.-Car. Chem. 26% 25& 25% 26%; Va.-Car. Ch. pf. 68% • 68% 68% 67 j Va. Ir. C. &C. 66% 66 66 67% ; Vanadium Inc. 42 41% 42 41% j Vivadou. 18% 18% 18% 18%' Wabash R.R.. 10% 10% 10% 10% Wabash pf. A.. 30% 30% 30% 30% Wabash 8..... 20% 20% Wh. &L. Erie .. 10 10 10 10% Western Md... 14 14 14 14 Westinghouse.. .64% 64% 64% .65 WesfPac.pt... 58% 58% 58% 59 West. Union... 117% 117 117 117% Wells Fargo... 97% 97% 97% 97% White Oil Corp. 4% 4% 4% 5 W. W. Sp. St... 12% 12% 12% 12% Willys-Over.... 7% 7% 7% 7% Willys-Over, pf. 52% 52% 52% 52% Wilson Coin.... 41 41 41 40% Wilson pf 86 86 86 Wiscon. Gen... 35% 34% 34% 35% Woolworth.:'.. 214% 214 214 215 Worth. Pump.. 36% 36% 36% 37 Wright Aero... 9 " 9 9 9 blocks sold up to — Ha. in. 12 noon. Ip. in. 2p. tn. 223,600 Bonds sold up -to- ll a. in. 12 noon. ip. m. 2p. in. 3,437,000 T *. .Todty’s Bond Market. : ‘ r by W. B. llfbb. a Co. Argentine 1 ’a. 1»27 10244 , Belgium B’a,. IMI ......... 98 Canada, Dom. of, B’s, 1928.... lvo% Canada, Dom. of, s’a, 1952.... 99U 1 Chile, Rep..of, 8%, 1941...... ios% Denmark Dept, of seine Ya, 1942 85 Dutch East Ind. B’s, 1947.... 94% French Govt./7%’a, 1941 93% French GbVt. ‘B’s, 194696 City of, Bs, Netlierlahd 6% 1972 100% Queensland 6’s, 1947 ....■ 101% ! Rio de Janeiro Ji’s, 1946 .... 94 . Switzerland B's, 1940;’’?:..:. 118 i IT* Jr a! 8* wi r ’ r* 4 ’*' W-’-'.115% •Yi K ‘ Btr ’ s^’s » 1937.. • 104% Ajax? Rubber B’s, 1935., f, Amer. Agri. Ch. 7%’s, 19417. 103% Ain. Smelt. A Ref. B’s, 1947,. 89 % Amer. T. 4 T.,cy. 6», 1925.. 115% Amer. T. &T. col. s’s, 1948.. 98% -Anaconda Cop. 6’s, m 3. 98 {Anaconda Cop. 7’s, 1938....’.104 I Anton Jurgens 6’s, 1957...... 80% Armour A Co. 4%’s, 1939 87% Atchison gen. 4’s, 1995 88% ,1 A. C. L. Ist 4’s, 1952 '87% Atl. Ref. s’s, 1937 99 ,| B. &O. cv. 4%’s, 1933.. : SO B. A O. 6’s, 1929 100% 2 S * W ’ D ’ 3 *' B - ’ 2 5- 94 Bell Tel. of Pa. s’s, 1948..... 98% Beth. Steel P. Jtf. 5‘5,'1936... 89% Beth. Steel s%’s, 1953. 93% Bklyn Edison s’s, 1949 ys:** • C. B. & Q. s‘s, 1971.....'.... 5)9% Canadian Nor. 6%’s, 1946... 112 Canadian Nor. 7’s, 1940....'.: 114% Cept. of Geo/ 6’b, 1929 100% Cent. Pac. 4’s, 1949 85% k’ & Y* cv ’ 4 %’ 8 , 1030..’ 87% JC. & O. cv. s's, 1946.,..k 94 C. M. A St. P. 4’s, 1925 80 ' C. M. &p. cv. 4%’s, 1932.... 66% Chi. N. W. 6%’s, * P ' rt L..4’s, 1934. 79% Chi. Rwys. s’s, 1927....,..... .80% Chile Cop. 6’s, 1932.......... 102% C. C. C. &'St. L. 6’s. 1929.... 101% Crown C. A 3. g's, 1942...... 94 Del. & Hud.. s%’s, 1937...... 100% D* A Rio-G. ref. s’s, 1955.... 56% Dia. Match 7%"5, 1935. 108 7 * DuPont 7%’5,-, 1981’.... i .>..; 108% Duq. Light 6’s, .1949....... 104 Erie.gen. lien-4‘s, 1996 48 Erie 4*B, ”B,: K 1953... . ....... 49 Goodyear T. A R. B’B,-1931... 103% Goodyear I*4 JI. B’s, 1941... 116% Grand Trunk 6’s, 1936 104% Great Nor. 7’s, 1936 109% Great. Nor. 5%;’5,. 1952...:.... 100% Hud. A Man. ijef. s’s, 1957...'. 81% Ill.: Cent. s%'s, 1934 101 Int. Merc. Mar. 6’S, 1941.... 86% Int. Paper s’s, “B,” 1947 86% Interboro ref. -s’s, 1966....... 70% Kan. City So. 3’s, 195 b.. 68 Kelly-Springfield B’s, 1931.... 109% Lack. Steel s’s, 1950. 91% Liggett A Myers 7’s, 1944.... 117 L. A N-.-'s%’s,'-2003.. 104 Mex. PetrdL .S’s, 1936. 107% K. A T. Jst 4’B, 1890.;... 78% Mo. Pac. gen. 4’B, 1975 : 61 New- Eng. T. A T. 5’4, 1952..* 95% N. Y. C. deb. 6’s, 1935 103% M. Y. C. s’s. 2013 96 N. Y; Tel. 6*9, 1941,.... ...... 106: N. Y. Tel. 6’s, 107 N. Y. Edison 6%’s, 1941.. «.| 110% ;Nor. A West. qv. 6’s, 1929.. 115% ; -N. Amer. Edison 6’B, 1952.. 93% (Nor. Pac. R. A I. 6’s, 2047.. 107% | NO. West. Bell 7’s, 1941 107% ‘ Oregon S. L. 4’s, 1929...... 93% Ore. Wash. R. R. A Ni 4’s.. 70% ‘phc. T. A T. s’B, 1952.\... .91% Packard U-Qir B’s, 1981.... 107% ,R. 4%’s, 1965:... 91% I Pa. R.! R W -1968.......... 100% Pa. R.-R- 6%’s. 1936........ 109% ! Pa. R. R. 7’s, 1930............ 109 Pub. Set. of N. L s’«, 1939... 85 Reading .gen. 4’s, 1997.:...'.. 84% St. L: A S. F. 4’s, A, 1950... 67%. St. L. A S. F. inc. 6’s, 1960.. 66 St. L. A S. F. adj. 6’s, 1955.. 79% S. A. L. 6’B, 1945... 65% S. A. L. ref. S. A. L. adj. s’s, 1949 28% Sinclair 7’s, 1933 100% S. Pacific Ist ref. 4’s, 1955.. 85% S. Pacific cy. 4’s, 1929...... 91% S. Railway- gen. 4’s, 1956. ... 68% S'. Railway s’s, 1994 84% S. Railway 6%’s. 1956 101% Tidewater Oil 6%’s, 1931..... 103% Union Pac. cv. 4’s, 1927 95 Union Tank Car 7’s, 1930..... 103% United Drug B’s, 1941 110% U. S. Rubber s’s, 1947....... 88 U. S. Rubber 7%’s, 1930... J.. 108% U. S. Steel S. F. s’s, 1963.... 102% . Un. Stores Real. G’s. 1942 100% West. Union 6%’s, 1936...... 109% Wilson & Co. Ist’ 6’s, 1941.... 100% Wilson ,&-Go. 7%’s, 1931...... .103 Foreign Bonds. FurniaheO by W. B. Hibbs & Co. . • Berlin 4‘s: .30 ■ Greater Berlin 4’5............. .30 Brtemen ‘ 4.%’5.30 Coblenz 4’B ~45 Cologne 4’s. .-. ..- .35 Dresden 4’s ■ .35 Dresden 4%’s ~ .35 Dusseldorf 4’s ,35 Frankfurt 4's. •............... .45 Frankfurt s‘s %45 Hamburg 3’5..,;40 Hamburg 3 %’s .40 Hamburg 4’s . ■ .40 Hamburg 4%’s 30 Leipzig 4%’s .45 Leipzig s’s .40 Munich 4’s 40 German Govt. s’s 4........ Krupp 4'b.................... .50 Badische Aniline 4%’5........ 1.25 . AHegm. Eleck. Ges 4%’5.. .... 1.00 French 4’5.... 42% French s’s.. 51 W. B. HIBBS & CO. MEMBERS NEW‘YORK STOCK EXCHANGE BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE x NEW YORK CURB MARKET HIBBS BUILDING 725 15th Street Washington, d. c. SUOS SHOWS KIME Increase in Rediscount Rate and Profit Taking Creates Feeling of Caution. By Cosmopolitan News Service. * NEW YORK, Feb- 24.—Profit tak ing caused a reactionary tendency © in the short session on the curb ex change today. Affing of caution was created In consequence of the increase in the rediscount- jjate, al though the weekly statements of . the Federal Reserve system showed a strong position. Declines were not extensive but covered active stocks in most departments. Losses from a fraction to two points were recorded by Standard Oil issues. Imperial Oil of Canada was the largest sufferer, losing two points at 120. Standard Oil of In diana at 66%, Standard OU of Ken tucky at 108 and Galena Signal at 74*%, were about a point lower. Independent oil stocks ' reacted slightly. ‘.Cities service lost . one point at 191. \ Irregularity also marked trading in the industrial section, but losses were not important, except in a few volatile issues. Yellow Taxi declined three points to 132 and Gil lette Safety Razor, after rising* two points-, cancelled this gain. Durant Motors Sold down 6ne point to 67%, i Checker point to 60%, and $1 Stutz- Motors nearly a point to 19JK | Household Products yielded frac- J tiopaliy so 24%. ’• v \ Mining shares registered only minor changes. Hilltop ft Nevada ruled fractionally lower at r%. Bonds were irregular and active. Chicago Live Stock. - i Hogs—Receipts, • 15,000; 10@15c lower; bulk, $7.50@8.00; top, $8;20; heavyweight. $7.60® 7.90; medium weight, $7.60@8.00; light weight, $7.90@8.20; light lights, $7.80@8.16; heavy packing sows, smooth, $6.75@ 7.10; packing sows, rough, $6.40® 6.75; pigs. $7.00@7.75.. . \ Cattle—Receipts, 500; market steady; beef steers, choice and prime, $10.50@11.50; medium and good, $8.00@10.00; good and choice;. $10.50 1 @11.50; common and, medium, $7.00 @9.00; butcher heifers, $6.00 @0.50; cows, s4 i so@7 1 50; bulls, $4.4)0 @7;00. canners and cutters, cows and heiferS; $2.50@4.25; canner steers, $4.00@6.00; veal calves, light and handy weight, $11.O0@13.5O; feeder steers, steers, $5.50@7.75; stockdr cows and I heifers, $3.50@5.25; stocker Calves, J $5.00@7.25. • Sheep—Receipts, 2,000;: market steady; fat lambs, $14.00@15.25; 1 lambs, culls and common, sll.oo@ 13.00; yearlings, sl-1.50@13.50; wethers, $8.00@10.00; ewes, $7.00@ 8.50; ewes, culls and common, $2.50 feeder lambk, *T7t* i|iM■ ’ BUSINESS BRIEFS NEW YORK.—Texas Company today met increases announced by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey on Friday of, 1% cents ‘ a gallon in North and South Carolir... and I:cent in New York, Virginia. West Virginia and the District of Columbia. PHILADELPHIA. Pennsylvania railroad’s loaded freight cars tfi.s year to date is running about 25 per cent greater than the same period in 1922. January earnings statements of the company will show a substantial increase over the preceding year. LONDON. —Athens dispatches 830? Anglo-French group is taking over » Greek state railways and is seek- 1 ing contract to operate mines and other properties in Macedonia and Eastern Thrace. NEW YORK.—New York State railway corporation’s surplus for year ended December . 31, 1922, totalled $736,529 against $534,780 in 1921. 5 —— WE BUY, SELL AND QUOTE I Unlisted Stock". Bond" and Securities of Every Description' CALL WRITE OR PHONE MAIN 332 RIEMER & CO^,:X" D J?.- W tela T per cwt toteJeetT Me tea. « kenpe chenree. Fay yew Mila a r&wOMwntlmC > IteeKlME ISteKjLW;