Newspaper Page Text
• Phone, Mail or Bring YOU 3 WANT ADS TO THE TIMES-HERALD f PAPERS FOR ONE COST Phone Main 5260 EMPLOYMENT 3 HELP WANTED MALE >1 NIGHT COOK, $100; several kitchen men. COLORED boy to wait in ice cream par lor. Apply 2475 18th at. N. W. WANTED-—Night Steward; apply Stew- a rd, New Ebbitt Hotel. ■ - ■ BOYS for box lunch wagons. Apply basement floor, 1446 N St N. W 2 * TINNER WANTED—AppIy 717 15th st. s. E. AUTO WASHER—Must be experienced u • ’ and have reference. Drive any car. Br Liberty Garage, You at 181h_st. ■ WAITER wanted at Curb Case; 8 hours MT a day; will pay good wages. 511 2d N ~ E .~ - ■ BOY—To wait on table at night. Curb Case. 511 2d st. N. E. Will pay good _ wajjes. _ __ EXPERT furniture finisher. Apply Thursday. NATIONAL FURNI TURE CO., 7th and H N. W.» to MR. HAMBURGER. LABORERS wanted; steady work, good pay. Apply CHAS. H. TOMPKINS CO., 4th & TN. E. ■ , ' r ; CHAUFFERS —Dependable meh, with * identification cards, can make excel lent commissions as taxi drivers. Apply AUTO LIVERY CO., 212 13th st. NW. M LABORERS wanted for New Bruns wick, N. J., every day at 9 a. m. Big pay. Only men with dress-suit case need apply; transportation advanced. 2426 Eye st. N. W. West 382. Patrl otic and Protective Society, Inc. * TWO bus boys and dishwasher. White Palace Cafeteria. 314 9th st. N. W. • STRUCTURAL DRAFTSMEN"ANB RE TAILERS—For work on subway con struction in New York City. ’ Four to nine months’ employment with prob able permanency; entrance salary 21.891 per annum with opportunity for advancement. Open to citizens with | two years’ experience or one year after technical graduation. Apply, k Chief Clerk, Transit Commission, 49. A, Lafayette Street, New York City. WANTED one first class mechanic ” familiar with Chevrolet. No others need apply. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 2525 Sherman ave. N.' W. WANTED—A few extra taxicab chauf feurs for 2 or 3 weeks. Also a few per manent men. Apply after 3 p. m. to Auto Livery Co., 212 13th St. * Real Estate Salesmen. Two experienced men wanted at once. Bead opportunity for real live wires. Benjamin April, 1132 9th St. N. W. Franklin 8477. BRICKLAYERS WANTED EIGHTH & CRITTENDEN STS. LARGE OPERATION. MORRIS CAFRITZ COMPANY, INC. 913 15TH STREET. . MAIN 617. • IZA.BORERS—Steady work, 40c per hour. Report Fuller Co. yard, Eckington «nd Quincy places N. E., 7a. m. tomorrow. * —x —; rr’w — /. • COLLECTOR F YOUNG MAN. COMMISSION. FOR INTERVIEW Call Main 8849 BOYS wanted, ten. Apply Recreation Health Center, 918 G st. N. W, YOUNG MAN—White, for garage, who can drive any make car; with refer ences. Apply A. J. Stabler, 425 K treet N.- W. ■ - ■ > HELP WANTED FEMALE Waitresses to go to the mountains. Apply Burgess Hotel Agency, 502 10th at. '■ HOUSEKEEPER and cook; experienced; SSO month. Apply 1358 Ingraham at. N. W. ' Adams 2459. , COLORED GIRL or woman for light, genera] housework. Good wages. Apply Apt 1, second floor Standard National Bank, 9th and N. Y., Ave. N. W, TWO dishwashers, colored', at once. Ap ply <27 10th St. N. W„ 2nd floor. •* WAITRESSES—For , summer . resort in Pennsylvania mountains. Leave city June 7. Apply quick. Dick’s Hotel Agency, 506 12th St. N. W. _____ CHAMBERMAID—Waitress for boarding bouse; must be experienced. Apply 1123 13th St. N.,W. £ 8 GlßL—For general housework. Apply 912 Farragut St. N. W. OPERATORS, TWO, POWER SEWING MACHINE. APPLY NATIONAL LAUNDRY CO., _l9 PIERQE ST. N. W. YOUNG LADY WANTED for soliciting. Apply_4o6 E._Capitol St. HOTELS need ambitious women. Na? tion-wide demand in all departments hotels, clubs, apartment houses; un crowded field; fine living; quick ad vancement. Our methods indorsed, our students employed everywhere Call for particulars. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOLS, 1340 New York _ Ave. LAUNDRESS—AppIy 70S MarFla"nd~ave _nue _N._E. YOUNG lady soda fountain dispenser;' _ experienc ed. Stern’s, 631 La. Aye. N. W • EXPERIENCED clerk in bakery and confectionery. Apply Stohlman's, 1254 Wisconsin ave. N. W. BOYD SHORTHAND in 30 days; easiest, rapid. Boyd School, 1304 F. M. 2874 HELF WANTED SALEBM EN PROFITABLE TERMS for Government clerk, part time, to represent leading Life Insurance Company. Lox 24 Times-Herald. , WTUaTIO NWANTEir MAU M Right wdkk of any kind by young man (colored). Box 249. • ■ MIDDLE-AGED MAN desires 2 weeks’ f employment; work of any kind. Call North 3148-W. Good references. • FINANCIAL 4 BUSINESS CBANCEB 41 VACANT—IS4O 7TH ST. N. W. 25x90, store; 7 rooms and bath; newly renovated; two hot-water heating plants; electricity and gas. Prico, 926,000. Covered by $15,000 trust. Reasonable offer wanted. THE EXCHANGE ; „ 486 Louisiana Ave, N. W. COMFORTABLE house, ICO acres land on State road, St. Mary's county, Md. Established hotel for tourism and traveling men; good moneymaker. Box A-19 Times-Herald. CAFETERIA, Central, for sale, $2,500. Owner. BOX 248, Times-Herald. BEAL ESTATE LOANS AND TRUSTS. MONEY TO LOAN On D. C. real estate secured by first or aecond trust. MARSHALL McKIBBIN. 213-14 Woodward Bldg. Main jot*. LIVESTOCK. POULTRY 5 _ FET STOCK 54 BABY CHICKS —50,000 hatching weekly. Brown, black, white Leghorns, $6 54 per 50, $12.00 per 100. Barred Rock*. Ancones, $17.00 per 100. R. I.' Reda, . SIB.OO per 100.- White Rocks, Wyan ’ lotto*, ducklings. $20.00 per 100. Terms eash with Order; safe delivery. Booklet. E. Cooley, box 103, French s•>«. M. J, L . “Right Now There Are Many Strangers in Washington, Most of Them are Looking for Rooms.” Phone M. 5260 MERCHANDISE 6 I FORSALE MISCELLANEOUS 84 ’’WASHINGTON’- WELCOME” 1 Dedicated to the Shriners! You must buy some of this delicious Shrine ICED RELISH today. You get a novelty balloon free. The new "TUT TUT” dolls are bringing good luck to everyone. "ATTENTION” dolls “GOOD EYE” ba bies all should be in every honje or ‘ camp. Just pay us a visit, get the latest novelty and save yourself half the I money. 718 Rhode Island Ave N. W.;' Corner Bth St. N. _W. _____ Decorate for tlhie Convemitjoini We have the most complete line of flags, floats and decorations of any store in the city. A complete decoration for any store or home, $7.75. Own your decorations. See us before you buy. We carry a household of souvenirs, Shrine emblems, fezftes, sporting goods,, and all kinds of merchandise. Cots, blankets and linens for sale. What you want, we have. ARMY SUPPLY CO. 1203 Pa. Ave. Franklin 7029. THREE Counters, 3 ft. high by 2 wide,’ 16 ft. long. Reasonable. Apply 610 7th St. S. W., bet. 5 and 6 p, m. CORONA TYPEWRITER—Recent model, good condition; reasonable. 507 Inter national Bldg. Main 8094. BABY carriage—$15, excellent condition. 1507 3rd St. N. W, Potomac 1937., ____________STOVES ’ GAS RANGES, good as new; all styles;' guar.; less than half price; why pay more? New ranges, reduced prices. J. W. Williams, 609 6th N. W. M. 298 C. • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1354 E. CAP. ST.—Nice new mahogany vocalion; cost $125; will sell for $95, __with 45 prac. new records. L. 5202. CORNET —Conn; beautiful sliver; B flat Orpheum Tenor Banjo, wonderful tone; two unusual bargains; owner leaving town. Main_B763. , HORSES A WAGONS. 52 FOR SALE—Horse, wagon and harness. 470 E st. S. W. * CLOTHING, ETC. 92 CLOTHES—Workingmen, there is noth ing of gush or slush tn our little talks; we try to put it plain and have same buyer buy again, cash clear for us in this scheme; also pays you a cash dividend; see us for slightly used suits, $5 up. Justh’s Old Stand, 619 D ; STORE B OFFICE EQUIPMENT. STORE FIXTURES AND OFFICB FURNITURE OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION BOUGHT AND SOLD. BALTIMORE FIXTURES CO.. <ls Louisiana Ave. N. W* Main 8017 SCREENS AND WINDOW SHADES? Carload of screens A doors: screens 450 up; door* $2.19 up. Special sizes carried in stock; substantial screens made to order. KLEEBLATT'S » WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 73 NOTES’ FURNITURE HOUSE 814 E ST. N. W. Will pay the highest cash prices for used furniture and rugs. Telephons Fra nkli n_2 015. ■ OLD clothes and luggage bring high _ prices. See Lazaroff. 629 D nw. Fr. 238$ ROOMS FOR RENT 7 ROOMS TO RENT FURNISHED 78 18TH ST. N. W„ 2461—2nd floor: private hall; near bath; quiet; newly deco rated; reasonable; 1 large light rm.; twin beds; l_light single_room;_men. • P ST. N. W., 1626 —Front room; plenty hot water; elec.; walking distance of dept.; phone. , SHRINERS —Well-furnished, clean, cool rooms; single and double; continuous hot water; Mt. Pleasant. Call Adams 3063. PERSONALLY INSPECTED rooms and apts. fpr Shrine visitors. Not listed elsewhere. Exclusive offerings for par ticular people. Make reservations now. Washington Service Bureau,' District National Bank bldg. ■ • E ST. N. E., 1435—Front room; accom modate 2 Shriners; $2 day. BTH ST. N. E.. 520 —2 rooms, fur. for 1. h. k.; transients taken. Line. 523 4. N. Y. AVE N. W., 917 —Apt. 3—Front room, a.m.i., use of kitehen; girls. _ 4TH ST N. E., 612 —Nicely furn. room, • porch, _elec. lights, .-reasonable. ’ COYWOOD, L ST. N. W.. 1225—Apt 23 Gentleman.Running _water,_elec : O ST. N. W., 1220—Beautiful rooms for Shriners, $2.50. Ten minutes to> Treas ury. Phone North 738. • C~ST?’ N. E., 911 —Two communicating rmß on second floor front, a.m.i., for four people. Breakfast. Line. 987-J. * PICKFORD PLACE. 647 —Bet. Bth, 9th, F& G N.E. —Good per n’t. QUINCY, N. W„ 1326 —Room, kit.,’ en closed sleeping porch; private tory. Col. 2866-J. 3RD ST. N. W., 520 —One furn. house keeping room, near bath. $6 weekly, bedroom. $4; clean, desir. RALEIGH PL? &~E? Heights—-1 large room, accom, four. * 3RDST. N. W., 616—2 large nicely furn. housekeeping rooms, $9 weekly, near station. _ _____ * Mp7"AVp7~N?"E.. 123 (for Shriners and families)—Near Capitol, Library and Senate Office Building. Line, 5985. SHRINERS— GEORGIA AVE. N. W., 3310 —3-rooms and bath, with shower. $2.50 per night. Use Ninth St. car, marked Soldiers' Home. _ _ _• • Large attractive rm. adjoin, bath; gen tleinam North 8927 after 6 p. in. • SEAT PLEASANT —District Line, on the hill. A. M.-Welch. One large and one small furnished room. 414 H~ST. NT^E.—Apartments, rooms and lodging by week or month; very reasonable. Phone Lincoln 3005. KENYON ST?NrW\7''H3—-Can amrn<> ' date 5 or 6 Shriners; meals opt.; auto service; phone Adams 579. * FOURTH ST N. E., 2518—For Shriners; 2 rooms in new bungalow, $2.00. Also L ST. N. W., 1215 —Large, front, bay window room; large closets; near bath; central; 5 minutes to theaters and ho _t_els; suitable for three or four._ R. I. Ave. N. W., 151- —Large front rm., newly fur., elec., private family. $25. Board if desired. Pot. 1452-J. S ST. N. W., 215 —Furnished rooms. 1". h. k.; reasonable. • H ST. N. W., 631 2 front rooms, sn suite;_ also j>ne large room, l.h.k, • F ST. N. W., 1010 (Apartment 307) Large front room, $6 a day for two, a.m.i. • F ST. N. E., 307 —Two large rooms, for 10 Shriners, rtrfes reasonable. IITH ST. N. W., 3U4—Can accommo date 8 Shriners, $2.50 each per day for 7 days or more. P ST. N. W., 1727 —-Dupont Circle; at tractive room adjoining bath; modern, ho melike. . P ST. N. W.. 1747—R00m for 18 Shriners, $2 each, all conveniences. Meals nearby. Mrs. Nichols. Fr. MASS.”AVE. N?“ w., 513— Two rooms for 4 Shriners. $2 each. Near Union Bta. Write Mrs. Savage. Fr. 922-J. F .ST. N. W., 1738 —Every accommoda tion for 20 Shriners; at reasonable rates; central location. Write Mr* Durant or call Franklin 2308. 9 P STREET N. E. Two comfortable rooms for 6 Shriners. $1.60 each per night. • CAMBRIDGE PL N. W., 3016—Extra large rm.; accom. 4 Shriners, $2 each; ' meals, opt.; fine location. Occupant. 4TH~ST“ n7“E~B ;2I —Two comfortable rooms and bath for 5 Shriners; $2.00 each. Line. 4715-J. Write Occupant. H ST. N. W., 319—Rooms and bath for 12 Shriners, $3.00 ea. Garage spac*. Breakfast optional. Mrs. Scuderi. THE WASHINGTON TIMES ♦ ♦ The National Qaily • • TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1923. _____ROOMS FOR RENT 7 ROOMS TO KENT FURNISHED 79 M~ST. N. W., 307—4 fine rooms for 8 Shriners, $1.50 ea. every comfort. Fr. 8471. Mrs.jClarke. 17TH ST. S. E., 114 —Large room with 2 beds, next to bath; private home; $5.00 per day or weekly rate for 4 ladies or gentlemen; en dos Lincoln Park car__line. * S~~ST??N. W.. 1726 —Three good rooms; bath, all conveniences. Phone; rates reasonable. Mrs. Gibson. N. 5914. MISSOURI AVE N. W~32l—Attractive i rooms; l.h.k. if desired. jTaSSTAVE: N. W., 1415—0 n the Ter race. Rooms by the day, week, or month. Call Main 6941. - CONN. AVE., 1310 —One large double room. running water.J FURNISHED room. bath, electricity. Phone North 5753. A ST. S. E., 615—Large room, alcov*, kitchenette, bath; newly decorated: ’ adults.__ 13TH ST. N. W., 1104—Four rooms and bath for 10 Spriners. Rates reasonable. Write occupant or call Franklin 3260. IOWA CIRCIE, 24—Four rooms, excel lent beds for 20 Shriners, $2.50 each, 5 nights or more, breakfast 50c. EYE ST. N. W„ 2013—Attractive south front rm., central, gentleman. W. 443. R ST. N. W., 1509—Large rooms, 2d and 3d floor: '2 gentlemen or employed couple. Prlv. 1.h.k., garage. N. 2604. 16TH’“ST”N.‘ W.,"1832—A1l con7~for~l2 Shriners; beautiful location; rates rea sonable; breakfast. Write Occupant. 25TH ST. s e"to~Garden of Allah; room for 2 Shriners, $2.00 each. Mrs. Horne. 13TH ST. N. W., 2813—Large front room; second floor; 3 lady Shriners; bath; meal* optional; $2.00 each per day. Mr*. Green. “ ‘ ■ HOTEL MOZELLEL 2701 14th st. N. W. Columbia 10056. A Home With Hotel Service. WELCOME. SHRINERS Headquarters for All Kebetsers. 1303 7th st. N. W. North 76. Entire second floor, with excellent sleep ing accommodations; electricity and phone service during Shrine convention; also good for club, lodge meetings, of fices. All Jewish periodicals and dailies for sale on premises. Soft drinks. New York style. BTH ST. 'N. W., 807 —Excellent quarters _for Shriners; downtown. Reasonable.* B ST. N. E., 613—Two 1.h.k., furnished; first floor; electricity; h. w. h. * EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK Ths Morning Herald and the Evening Times Want Ads Pay you w*lt If you have a room for rent, house for rent, or want to rent, use Times- Herald Want Ada Phone Main 5260. YOUR TRUNKS? Baggage, etc. moved; 50 cents and up; always open; esti mates free; lowest rates. Main 1005. DISTRICT EXPRESS COMPANY. , FURNISHED QB UNFURNISHED 2 or 3 1.h.k., furnished or unfurnished with bath, electricity, gas; reasonable. Phone West 516 before 4" p. m., or Cleveland 1033 after 7 p. m. ROOMS TO RENT UN FURNIBBED 1$ 25TH ST. N. W., 1150—2 or 3 nice rooms next to bath. 1. h. k. West 1982. G ST. S. W.', 40 —Four rooms; front and rear exposure; light and sunny; elec tricity and gas; all a. m. i.; for house keeping; reasonable. • COLUMBIA ST. N. W., 1411 (Colored)— One large front and one hail room, unfurnished. Telephone, B ST. nTTS! 1122—Two large cheerful front l.h.k rooms; very reasonable. . Rooms to bent with hoabd 7> BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 920 15th st. N. W. Best place in city for Shriners. Best location. Best meals. 75c. O ST., 1225 —Room near bath for two; excellent table, ref. North 5738-J. * BOARDING ONLY G ST N. W., 1820 —Two excellent meal* a day; $5 week; with room, SB. RENTALS S APARTMENTS « FLATS TO M RENT FURNISHED O ST. N. W., 917 —Second-floor apt.; bedroom, TTving room and kitchen; twin beds; sink and range; hot water; Southern gx»«tsure; no children. NORTH CAPITOL ST., 733—Two rooms, electricity, gas. phone. No objection to children. S3O. T ST. N. W.. 1724. Apt, 3—Complete furn., 4 rooms, bath, reception hall, porch, excellent home for 4 girls. See janitor or phone North 7898-W. N. CAROLINA AVE. N.~E.~l3l7—Fur nished complete for 5-6 Shriners. Ph., gas, elec., garage; rates reas. L. 552. IRVING ST. N. W„ 1255—Three rooms and bath apt., accommodate 10-12 Shriners; $3.50 each.; every conven ience; close in. Col. 9164. MD. AVE. N. E., 913—4 or 5 rooms, nicely furnished, desirable location facing park way; _electricit y. 11TH ST. N. W? 3554—3 attractive Ist floor 1. h. k. rooms; piano, electricity. D ST. N. E., 1009 —Large bed, sitting rm., dining rm., kit., combined back porch, linen, silver; on car line; ref erences; adults. Lin. 3524. APARTMENTS A FLATS TO 81 BENT UNFURNISHED WISCONSIN AVE. N. W . 1247—Nice 4- room apt., gas, elec. West 516. L ST. N. E.. 818—2 rooms, screened-in ’ sleep, porch, sink, new modern home.* fitH apt., second floor, next bath; sink and range; reasonable. '. 14TH ST. N. W., 3441—3-room apt.; pri vate bath; elec.; a. rn. i. F ST. N. E., 1416—3 rooms, bath, sun porch; newly decorated; steam heat, gas, water in kitchen; new j-ange. __ M ST. N. W., 441—Three or four cp°m apt.; elec., gas. heat; space in ga- 1 rage. Apply 1010 7th st N._W. 14TH ST. N. W., 2402—A1l modern apt. Apply 1803 14th st. N. W. before 7 p. iTL__North 631. WARDER ST., 3650—Entire floor, a.m.i.. 3 rooms private bath. Near York Theater; available June Ist. BOUSES TO RENT UN FUR- 88 WISHED NINE-ROOM house with large side yard. North 6315-W. WISCONSIN AVE., 4313- Ten-rm. house, with 3-rm. apt. on 2nd floor, that could be rented out to reduce rent of house. Cleve. 1033. 'J? HOUSES TO RENT FURNISHED "18 CHEVY CHASE. D. C—New house, hand somely furn., screened, instantaneous hot water, large yard, garage, near Conn. Ave., June 7 to Sept. 20; sllO per month. 3720 McKinley St. Cleve. 2528. WANTED,—-Small house or apt., unf., D. C. or Md., conv. to cars. Write details, 139-A, Bates St. N W •_ GABAGES FOK BENT, '• FOUR BRICK, large, single garages in Southeast. Apply at 713 7tb St. N. W. GARAGE, suitable <or Ford car; elec tricity. 1012 JOth st. N. W. AUTOMOBILES 9 AUTOMOBILES FOR MALE 101 i CHANDLER —6ood condition. Phone Co lumbia 8578-J for demonstration. MITCHELL Coupe,- in good condition; _ price right; terms. G St. N. W. FORD Coupe, body, 1921 model; excel lent condition. S. J. Meeks Son, 622 G St. N. W. FORD Sport Car, classy looking job, 1922 model, cheap. Ludwick, 622 G St. N. W. i—■ - - ; FORD Delivery Truck, with panel body, $65. S. J. Meeks Son. 622 G St. N. W. > FORD Sedan body, 1923 model, prac- > tically new. Mr. Ludwick, 622 G St. n, xy. r . BUICK cbupis, $599. , ■ JORDAN MOTORS. INC.. 1020 CONN. AVE. N. W. AUTOMOBILES 9 AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE 181 USED) CAR STAND) ARBS COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH ANY “USED CAR” ADVER TISED ON THIS PAGE—DON’T PAY ANY MORE, UNLESS IT’S A BETTER CAR, ADVERTISED BY “STUDEBAKER.” Dodge roadsters—two to pick from, just in—l92o at $225; 1919 at $250. Beat these, if you can. Reo touring—latest 1921 car; all new Oldfield cord tires and spare; overhauled and refinished like new; price low at $750. .Oakland sedan—this car was overhauled by one of the best machinists in town; new paint; 5 tires; ready for any service. Don’t forget, a 1920 Oakland sedan, $575. Oakland sedan—a car that will sell at the price. Your choice at $475. Chalmers 323, Ford tourings. Dodge taxis, 7-pass. Buicks and Studebakers. STUDEBAKER ■ 1016 CONN. AVE. N. W. Bring Your Deposit. Main 2946 Main 9647 FORDS! FORDS! 1922 Ford touring 9250 Ford runabout, carrying box slls Ford light delivery, starter $l5O Ford coune $250 Ford chassis; several; good. Ford truck, dump body. Low cash payment; low monthly payment. STEUART’S GARAGE, Authorized Ford Dealers. _l4l 12 th St N. E. FORD Speedster, body new, verybinappy’ Meeks. 622 G St. N. W, DO YOU WANT A TOURING CAR, COUPE SEDAN OR ROADSTER? We have several used auto mobiles of standard makes, at tractively priced and ready for the road. Let Us Show Them to You. THE TREW MOTOR COMPANY, 11509 114th ST. N. W. MAIN 4173. Open Evenings. ’ reaLValues in GOOD USED CARS Buick, 1921 6-cyl. 4-pass. coupe. Buick, 1920 6-cyl. 4-pass. coupe. Olds, 1921 6-cyl. touring. Reo, 1918 6-cyl. touring, $125. Buick, 1921 roadster, $750. / Buick, 1918 roadster, $475. Buick, 1920, 6-cyl. touring, new paint, S6OO. Buick, 1920, K 7-pass. touring, S6OO. Ford roadster $225. Very Liberal Terms. EMERSON”§: ORME 1620 M St. N. W. BUICK BIG SIX, 1918, 7-passenger tour ing car; new top; tires in good condi tion; S2OO. N. FRANK & SONS. 315 L BUICKS —Coupe, late ’2O;. seat covers; many extras and fine motor. Ask for demonstration. 7-pass. Buick, late ’2O, $600; good rubber; reasonable terms. STUDEBAKER, 1016 • Conn. ave. N. W. M. 2646. DAVIES MOTOR INC. W2O Conn. Ave. N. W. Franklin 4258 CHEVROLET TOURING 1922 S4OO CHEVROLET COUPE 1922 600 FORD COUPE 1921 300 DURANT SIX TOURING 1922.... 1,200 STUTZ COUPE 1920 1,000 LEXINGTON TOURING 1922 900 BUICK COUPE 1920 650 OVERLAND SEDAN 1921 450 LEXINGTON TOURING 1922. USED CARS —BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. __ TERMS ARRANGED. BUICK touring, ’2O, K 45, A-l condition'. $650; Briscoe touring, ’2O, starter, SBS. Ford touring. '2O, $225. Chalmers 6-cyl. touring, $295. Terms. 613 10th St. S. E. Lin. 2380. HAYNES TOURING. 7-pass. 1922. G6od car, low price. FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO., MARMON —1921; 7-passenger sedan; ex cellent condition. FOSS-HUGHES COMPANY. 1141 Conn. Ave. Phone Fiank, 4541. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, perfect F?t>ver? hauled and newly painted Cord tires. Best buy In city. Will take smaller car in trade, 315-319 Ist st. N. W. * 1923 DURANT Six-cylinder roadster, in perfect con dition. with a nrw-car guarantee; equip ped with bumper, motometer and bar cap, wind deflectors, parking light and spare tire. MOST LIBERAL TERMS IN CITY. SEE MR. BARNES, Harper Motor Company, 1128 Conn Ave N. W. Fr. 4307. OPEN 8:30 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. CADILLAC COUPE Four-passenger; only been run 11,000 miles; four**new tires; in perfect condition in every re spect; as good as new; can be bought cheap for cash. North 6732 or 1503 Conn. ave. N. W. DODGE taxicabs, 8; just palnted and In good condition. FOSS-HUGHES CO., 1141 Conn. Ave. Phone Franklin 4541. RENAULT landaulet? Rothschlid~body”; formerly owned by foreign diplomat. FOSS-HUGHES CO., 1141 Conn. Ave. Phone Franklin 4541. 1918 OVERLAND sedan, in good running order, $l5O. 1206 6th st. N, W. •- AUTOMOBILES 9 AVTOMOBILICa VOK SAL* AM BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO. PIONEER DEALERS IN WASHINGTON FOR CHEVROLET 2525 SHERMAN AVE. COL. 1706. 490 Chevrolets *. SSB up 1922 490 Coupe, like new F. B. Roadster $650 1921 Buick (7-pass.) S7OO 1921 Ford Dayton $275 1922 Liberty, like new. Two 1921 Ford Sedans. Other Ford models SSO and up Two Harley-Davidson motorcycles, with side car. SEVERAL OTHER USED CARS CHEAP TERMS TO SUIT HE BOUGHT A ’ PEERLESS You do not have to know the value of a used car if you deal with a reputable concern. (Very easy terms) 1923 Cole 5-pass. sport touring. 1922 Cadillac 5-pass. touring. 1922 Jordan 7-pass. touring. 1921 Ford coupe. 1921 Peerless 4-pass. coupe. 1921 Peerless 7-pass. touring. 1921 Peerless 7-pass. limousine. 1921 Cadillac 4-pass. coupe. 1920 Packard 7-pass. touring. 1920 Peerless, 4-pass. roadster. 1920 Peerless 7-pass. touring. 1918 White 5-pass. touring. 1918 Cadillac 4-pass. coupe. Open Evenings and Sundays. Peerless Motor Co. 14th at P N. W. • Main 8077. DURANTS New Car Guarantee These cars are in perfect condi? tion. 2 Durant Tourings 2 Durant Sedans 1 Durant Coupe Equipped with extras as Bumper, Motor Meter, Spare Tire and Parking Light. SEE MR. BARNES HARPER MOTOR CO. 1128 Conn. Ave. N. W. Fr. 4307 Open 8:30 ji._m. to &jl m. PACKARD, landaulet, with extra 7-paa- Benger touring body. FOSS-HUGHES CO.. 1141 Conn. Ave. Phone Frank. 4541. FORDS Many models to select from. Open evenings and Sundays. R. L. TAYLOR MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealer. 14th st at T. ' 192* LEXINGTONB Both seven and five passenger cars. These cars are selling new for around $2,000. We have put a special price of $895 on each to close out our business by June 1. They are both in perfect condition, painted this month and ready to go. JORDAN MOTORS, INC., 1020 CONN, AVE. N. W. FRANKLIN TOURING, 1919 Excellent Buy at S6OO. FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO., 1814 E Street N. W. Main 7045. REG SPEED WAGON Late model, new tires, excellent shape all around; motor equal as new; big sacrifice; reasonable. STUDEBAKER YOU CAN’T BUY THE WRONG CAR FROM THE RIGHT HOUSE Franklin Roadster $275 Ford Touring 150 Studebaker, 7-passenger 300 Ford Taxi 200 “Rice Is Reliable” GEO. C. RICE AUTO CO., Used Car Department, 17TH and PA. AVE. N. W. Main 754 Open Evenings and Sundays TRUCKS AND TRACTORS We have several used trucks for sale. We will start you in the hauling business on a small down payment. You can pay balance weekly. A. B. C. T rack Compainiy TRAFFIC TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE RENT A CAR. DRIVE IT YOURSELF. FORDS. BUICKS "7-PASS.” $1 per hour. $1.50 per hour. $5 per day. $7.50 pre day. PECK’S GARAGE, 2121 14th St. N. W. Branch at Metropolitan Hotel. • AUTOMOBILES WANTED WANTED TO BUY Dodge and Ford Cars. Any Model—Any Year. A. J. STABLER AND SONS, . SEVEN passenger touring or sedan. A. J. Stabler, 425 K st. N. W. _ AUTO ACCESSORIES AUTOS WRECKED Parts for all makes of cars in stock. JIM WOOD, 110 4X4 St. S. W. Franklin 8014. • AUTO WRECKERS We dissemble cars of all makes and sell parts at lowest prices. EDGAR BAUM, 812 sth St. N. W. SERVICE STATION AUTOS washed, polished and delivered, $2; greasing done thoroughly; day or night Peck’s earage. 2121 14tb N. W. BICYCLES & MOTORCYCLES 109 HARLEY, 1922 $125.00 HARLEY, LATE MODEL.. $50.00 TERMS TO SUIT H. ADDISON BOWIE, SEVERAL used Hailey-Davidson and Indian motorcycles in excellent con dition; these machines are priced very reasonably and will be sold on easy terms. JOHN S. BERRYMAN. New. Used and Rebuilt MOTORCYCLES Sold on Easy Terms. HOWARD A. FRENCH & CO.. Indian MotorcycleOistrlbutor, 424 9th st. N. W» 1 AUTOMOBILES 9 AUTO TIBES TIRE SALE. CORD TIRES. GUARANTEED 10,000 MILES. FABRICS GUARANTEED 6,000 MILES INNER TUBES GUARANTEED 1 YEAR Get your tire needs now for Decoration Dajf trips at these remarkably low sale prices. These are sensational bargains. Examine our stock before buying else urh rA Sale 1-Year Guar- Size. Price. anteed Tube*. 28x3 $4.95 - $1.25 30x3 $5.15 $1.45 30x3% >LSD 32x3% $7.45 $1.68 31x4 SB.IO $1.70 32x4 $11.45 SI.BO 33x4 $12.45 $1.70 34x4 $12.90 $1.98 . 33x4% $14.25 $2.00 34x4% $15.00 $2.10 85x4% $15.10 $2.25 OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY DECORATION DAY. Mall orders B^Q£^j^^gj^ rder rec * lved ’ TIRE BARGAIN HOUSE, 493 PA. AVE. N. W. Franklin 6748. ______AN CORDS Big brawny. Armor Tread Cords — with their rugged, ebony-black tread and their unique “road grip” feature —4-the very peak of Tire Quality! You can pay more, but you can’t get more —more in mileage, mor* In service, more in absolute satisfaction! "America’s Greatest Tire Value” • Size Tire Red Tube 80x3% $10.95 $2.20 32x4 25.30 2.80 33x4 26.10 2.90 34x4 26.85 8.00 32x4% 30.00 3.50 34x4% 32.70 3.80 . 35x6 40.70 4.60 GUARANTEED 10,000 MILES. NATIONAL AUTO TIRE CO. • SACRIFICE TIRES 30x3—30x3 %—53.00 ALL LARGER SIZES. $4.80. If one of these used tire* prore* unsatisfactory within one year re turn with receipt and get another for half prico. ROY’S TIRE STORES, 1838 14th St. N. W. ■ • 1405 H St. N. E. 3348 M St. N. W. REAL ESTATE 10 $ . HOUSES FOR SALB 114 FOR SALE by Garman Brothers. Hun dreds of homes, business properties and City Building. Lota Main 8329. Distrlct National Bank Building. GEORGETOWN, 36TH NEAR B—New. $6,600, 6 rooms, front, break. & sleep, porches, tapestry brick, SSOO cash, very easy terms. Inspection Decora tion Day. Lee Ross, Main 2397. * COLONIAL, porch, brick, 6 rooms, bath, garage, $4,750; $750 cash, balance monthly. 231 14% st. N. E. Apply 314 15th st. N. E. Lincoln 4157. NEW BUNGALOW MUST BE SOLD Price reduced from $6,300 to $5,700. Only SSOO cash and balance Ilk? rent. All modern improvements, good location, and in one-fare zone. See H. C. MAYNOR 3616 33D ST., MT. RAINIER, MD. PHONE -HYATTS. EXCHANGE 393-W, McCtare Homes “The National Homes” Wltat They Say— “lt’s Attractive,” “It’s Cozy and Clever,” “Sure! It Will Be Snug and Warm,” “It’s an Inexpensive House With Character,” “There is Style to That and It’s Built Right,” “Let’s Pick Out a Lot, Then Build a McClure Home, and Save What We Are Paying the Land lord.” » FEDERAL UNDERWRITERS, INC., 501-6 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: Please send me complete information regarding your extremely liberal financial plan. It is understood that this request does not obligate me in any way. Name .... Address .................. BROTHERS Hundreds of Homes, Business Properties and City Building Lots Main 8329. Dist. Nat Bank Bldg. ~WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED at once, a good six or seven room houae in the northeast or south east residential section. $5,000 to $10,000; from SSOO to $1,500 cash and easy monthly payments. Address Box - J.B Times-Herald. ■ i ■ If you pay more for a home than the price of our new six room brick houses a block from the Eastern High School it’s your own fault. We believe these homes are the best value to be had today. To reproduce these —at present cost of material and labor—the price would be much more. Investigate. Telephone Main 7807 and salesman will call co take you for inspection, or go to 17th and B streets S. E. to see sample home. OPEJN AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS CONVENIENT TERMS. NATIONAL REALTY CO., Owners, MAIN 7807. BOND BUILDING. MEMBER WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD. WE WAN’T MORE HOUFES FOR SALE. Owners of property desiring to make quick sales should list property with us at once. _ __ _ WM. P. NORMOYLE, 810 F st. N. W JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 814 Pennsylvania* ave. 8. E. ’ 1 Let Us Submit Our List of Homes and Jnveatmeuta Before You Purchase. REAL ESTATE 101 REAL ESTATE 10 HOUSES FOR RALE.II4 IHOUSES FOR KALB . . WASHINGTON HEIGHTS—SIS,7SO; TERMS. Not quite two blocks from 18th & Columbia Road. Three-story brick horns containing ten rooms and two baths. Rear porches. Hot-water heat, gas and electricity. Screens for ail windows. Pantry, laundry and toilet in basement. Garage on alley. Priced very reasonably for this neighborhood. . . NEAR GEORGIA AVENU^—SI3,SOO; TERMS Near Buchanan & Georgia Avenue. A detached brick home of seven rooms and two baths (4 bedrooms). New; occupied only a few months. Hot-water heat, gas and electricity. Large front porch. Hardwood floors, and .trim. Screens and pantry. Laundry and toilet In basement. Space for garage on Wide alley. Reasonable terms, x COLUMBIA HEIGHTS—SIS,7SO; TERMS A very pretty little bungalow, containing seven rooms and two baths. . Prac tically new. We believe this to be one of the best buys offered in this section for sale for some time. Near the 14th street car line and convenienr'to bus line. First floor contains living room, with- Open fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bedroom with tiled bath And three very large closets. Large lot with garage to match house. Thia house must be sold immediately. PARK VIEW—S9,SOO; TERMS Owner very anxious to sell this 20-foot front house. Six rooms and bath. Brick construction. Modern heating plant, electricity and gas. Front and rear porches. (2 back porches, 12x19, are screened.) Pantry; two-car garage on wide alley. Some of the features seldom found in a house In this location are a 20-foot front, 3 floor plugs on first floor, and two.on second floor, Pittsburg Water Heater No. 3, sliding doors between parlor and dining room and French doors to sleeping and breakfast porches. Will consider a thousand cash and a low monthly payment. Inspect at once. i NORTHEAST—S9,SOO; TERMS Semi-detached six-room and bath brick home. Hot-water heat, electric lights and gas. Front, rear and sleeping porches. Hardwood parquet floors and trim. On payed alley. Front yard set with shrubs and hedge. Grape •arbor in back yard. Lot 92 feet deep. House and Erounds in good condition. ■ Good buy. • NORTH. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS—SI3,SOO; TERMS Overlooking Sixteenth Street Heights. Very reasonable for this excellent , location. A beautiful seven-room and bath, tapestry brick home; Gruver built. First'floor has parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen. Dining room Is very attractive With beamed ceiling, built-in china closet. Tiled bath. Reasonable *erms IX>t 150 feet deep ’ with Bpace tor garage on wide alley. 913 15th St Main 017 R. A. HUMPHRIES, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. PARK ROAD NW. NEAR 12TH & H STS. N. E. Fine home, 9 rmi., bath, h.-w. h„ Store and dwelling; 7 rail., gas, PrYce, »TLSOO’ r dOUbl * < arage ' Prlce NEAR SEVENTH AND WEBSTER. ' . o _ Semi-det., 6 rms., bath, h.-w. h., - EAST CAPITOL ST. elec., .gas, strictly modern, garage Large store and 10 rms., bath, space. Price, >9,350; $750 cash. gaß, e,ec .» K-w. h. Cheap at $14,600; THIRTEENTH STREET N. W. terms. 7 rms., bath,\h.-w. U., elec., gas, 28TH A PA. Ave. S. E. , garage space sll 600; terms. A real home . Bungalo V E STREET N. E. bath, h.-w. h.. elec, and gas.; base- ■ Jf w ®"! i aml,y J lat > tcVPn’ bat,t eacb ’• ment. laundry trays, plenty of I exc. cond. Price, $6,750; terms. ground and room for garage; it will TODD PLACE NORTHEAST. Pay you to look this one over. Price Brick, 6 rms., bath, fur. heat, gas, $7,850; SI,OOO cash. jar... W ,e.. F,,„. , 500 BKANCHVILT.k. NEAR 10TW V CT xr „ Bungalow, 4 rmt, furnished; lot Brick Sr™ .K £. K , ST - N - E , 30x200. Price $2,700. , Brick, 6 rms, bath, fur. heat, elec., gas, garage space. Price, $8,500. BERWIN. • NEAR 17TH & COLUMBIA RD , Cement block; 8 rma, elec., lot Brick 6 rms, bath, gas lat. heat, 60x200. Price $4,000; $1,500 cash. cheap at $4,500. Easy terms. ’ BLADENSBURG ROAD. • ONTARIO ROAD On, the pike to Baltimore; store . One of the best homes in this sec- and dwelling. Good place for most Alon, 3 stories, 9 rms, 2 baths, gas. a ny kJnd of business; 3-car garage; elec., h.-w.-h., gar. space, servant's 88x200-ft, lot. Price $6,850; terms, quarters with bath, exec- con., va- VIRGTVT* htcswt anfir cant, a sacrifice on account of ill- R a ness Prirp Sir cap 6-rm. bungalow, ir. heat, ©lee. A. very good l®c»tion. $4,500; NEAR 13TH & FLORIDA AVE N.E. terms. e. P uJr? k ’pr i cJ m i” K ’-, n n gaa ; goOd NORTHEAST. . cellar,. Price, $5,200. Easy terms. Groc. st ore. one owner 33 years; D ST. NEAR 11TH N. E. bus. bet. $4,000 and $5,000 per me. Frame, 6 rms., bath, gas, gar. Stock and business $6,000. space. Price, $2,650 Terms NEAR 14TH & G N B. * S 3 REET * OB ™ WEBT K -1 Brick; 8 rms., bath, gas, h.-w. h , . Ne t r N " CkP«t®J- 10-rm. brick; terms. Saragß ” PaCe - ,B ' s ° d; S?MO B ™," S ’T. N. IST COMM. ZONE. G STREET NORTHEAST. Brick; 7 rms., bath, gas, h.-w. h., Brick, 6 rms. & b.; gas; latrobe space 4-car garage. Price $9,500. h.; gar. Price, $6,800; SI,OOO rash If You Don’t See What You Want In This List Call Us; We Have It. R. A. HUMPHRIES, REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE. 808 NORTH CAPITOL ST. Phone Main 6733. BY OWNER AND BUILDER ON CHANNING STREET | Beautiful 5-room bungalow with sleep- 1 ing porch, modern heated, gas. electric lights, large lot 50x158. Price to a quick purchaser, $6,750. I Also by owner of one, of the best modern homes in the N. E., 660 Md. ave. See this excellent home and beau tiful location before you buy. You can I buy this good home much cheaper than you can build one like it. If you have a house that is clear I you can exchange it on the » . above 2 good homes as as a cash payment. J. D. GARMAN, Franklin 3993. BARGAIN —8-room house; all modern improvements; will reduce for quick sale; 3500 block New Hampshire ave. Price, $9,500. Phone Line. 908-J. AN INVESTMENT AND HOME COMBINED FOR A , PURCHASER WITH $2,500 CASH. This property is well arranged and located for subletting and is on a wide thoroughfare. Contains eleven rooms; ! bath; modern plumbing fixtures, etc. , Complete apartment with kitchen on ■ top floor. Priced very reasonable. B. F. SAUL CO., 1 1412 Eye St. N. W. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SAU JUST think! $2,950 for 4-room new bungalow; gas. elec., large lot. S2OO down and easy monthly payments.' Babcock & Winters, Riverdale, Md. Phone Hyatts. 24-J. _' ' E. H. SHINN Special Bargains 6-room house, electricity, water, cellar, . 1 acre, poultry house, fruit, one fare zone, near school and store —$5,000; S6OO cash and balance like rent. 8-room house, five lots, fruit, shrub ery—ss,2so; terms. Modern 7-. room bungalow, high ele vation, 2 lots, garage—s6,soo; terms. 5-room bungalow, a.m.i.—55,250; SSOO cash; balance like rent. ’ 7-rooin house, electricity, water, lot 50x150 —$2,650; cash $400; balance $35 per month. 5-room cottage, electricity, water, lot 50x150—52,550; cash $500; balance S3O • per month. Have several new, modern 5-room bungalows, with hdt-water heat. E. H. SHINN, 3333 Rhode Island Ave., Mt. Rainier. Md. I Phone Hyattsville Exchange—496. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING, i Have your own poultry and gardens. Five - room house; good repair; large shed suitable for poultry or stable; fruit; close to cars, $2,000;. small cash payment; balance monthly. G. P. Bickford, owner, Berwyn. Md. Phone Berwyn 46. $1,750 CASH, OR $2,000. $250 down, S3O per month. Owner leaving country. Must sell at once nearly completed Bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, large basement, lot 7.0x131, 2 blocks from Arlington County Court House, ex -1 cellent place to raise poultry, near Buss A Car line. Strictly white dis trict. Can be seen at any time. 34 Waverly St., Clarendon, Va. BEAUTIFUL four-room bungalow, large sleeping porch and bath, together with all modern improvements; hand some electric light fixtures; laundry tubs in cellar; large corner lot with trees; one-half block from elec tric car line. Rogers Heights, E. Hyattsville, Md. Price, $5,250.00; SIOO cash, balance like rent. Also four and five-room bungalows, beautifully situated, with all modern improve ments; rent terms. Jas. C. Rogers, ownqr. Phone Hyattsville 56-J. COTTAGE FOR SALE. NORTH BEACH MD.—2-story cottage. Apply 128 D St._S. E. Line. 3012. LOT 50x150; gas and elec, on property; $lO down and $5 mo. Gall or write, Babcock & Winters, Riverdale, Md. Phone HyAtsville 24-J. Phone, Mail or Bring YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES-HERALD f PAPERS FOR ONE COST Phone Main 5260 • 1 SHORE PROPERTY FOR SALE. SOUTH RIVER, MD.—WATER FRONT PROPERTY, 47 acres, whole or part, with modern year-round house, near ■ Annapolis; must be sold to sottlo es tate; 7 rooms, bath, basement, attic, 2 sun parlors, spacious porch**, water system. C. J. Wilson, Riverview P. 0.,v Md. Phone Annapolis 182$ F-6. • 4 Horn Point Beach on the Severn—Larg* lots, SBOO up. Small cash payment, balance monthly. Call Annapolis 51» or write M. P. Gonaaan, Annapolis. Md- * FARMS FOR SALB IIS 83 ACRES, situated In Fairfax macadam road, 7 miles from Washington, % mile this side McLean station; all under high state cultivation; improved by 12-room house; elec.; h.-w.h.; bath; large barn; tenant house, and other outbuildings. Ph. owner Adams 31»T. i 6-room house, plenty of fruit and grapes? ; garage, stable, and chicken house. $2,950 on easy terms. Babcock & Winters, Riverdale, Md. Phono Hyatts. , 2 4-J. ' SUBURBAN FOB RENT. BUNGALOW, unfurnished; 5 rms. and bath; a.m.i.; garage; garden; 3* min. to cars. 3528 37th St., Mt. Rainier, Md.* ■MALL 5-rm. and bath, gas and elec.; large lot; $4,000. SSO mo. 50 Wood- land ave. Takoma. Col.' 9472. W. PROPOSALS 121 COMMISSIONERS. D. C., Washington, May 28, 1923. Sealed proposals will be received at Room 509, District Build ing. until 2 o’clock p. m., June 11, 1923, for laying approximately 35,000 square yards of cement sidewalks. For de tailed information apply Room 427,' Dis trict Building. i COMMISSIONERS, D. C.. Washington? May 25, 1923. Sealed proposals for con structing about 3,030 feet of sewer will be received at Room 509, District Build ing until 2 o’clock p. m., June 1, 1923. For detailed information, apply at Room 427, District' Building.■ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 119 GARAGE BUILDERS ’ QUIXET GARAGES ALL STEEL FRAME—NO WOOD USED. C. N. Buckland, Agt. 5 MASS. AVE. N. W. Franklin 4625 After • '*. aa A. J. OJ’rer. North 818J-J1 TIME PAYMENTS. "Every Garage A Masterpiece” - Built by P. A. Roberts Construction Co. Main 1776. Munsey Bldg. Monthly Payments EDUCATIONALI2I George Washington University SUMMER SCHOOL Curriculum includes practically every subject taught In regular session. Nino week course beginning. Juno 18th. Six week course beginning June 28th. Many classes convenient for persons employed, bulletin address Director Sumtagg«' SohooL T 2023 G St.. N. W. * 1 19