Newspaper Page Text
Short Term Securities. _ (Famished by W. B. Hibbx & co.) Alu. Co. A 7’s 1925 103 103% AIU. Co. A 7’s 1933 106 106% Am. Cot. Oil Co. 6’s ’24.. 91 92 Am. Su. Tob. Con. 7’s ’25 96 97% Am. Tel. A Tel. 6 s 1924. 100% 100% Am. T. A T. Col. 4’s ’2B 91% 92% Amn. Thread 6’B 1923... 101% 101% Anaconda 6’B 1929 100% 101 Anaconda Cop’r 6’s ’53. 96% 96% Anaconda Copper 7’s ’3B 99% 100 Anglo Am. Oil 7%'s ’25.. 102 102% Armour A Co. s%’s '95.. 85% 86% B. & O. Ry. col. 6'B ’24 100% 101 B. A O. P. L. 3%'s ’25.. 98% 94 B.AO. S. W. div. 3%’s ’25 93% 94 Bell Tel. of Can. s’s ’25.. 97% 98 BBell8 Bell Tell, of Can. 7’B ’25 101% 102% ell. Tel. of Pa. s’s ’48.. 97 97% ethlehem Steel 6’s ’4B. 97 97% Bra.Cop.Ms.Col.Tr. 6’s ’3l 99 99% Can. Nor. Ry. s’s '25... 99 99% Can. Nor. Ry. s%’s ’24.. 100 100% Can. Nor. Ry. 6’s ’24... 100% 100% Cent. Arg. Ry. 6’s ’27.. 97% 97% Cent. Lea. 1 Lien s’s ’25 98% 98% Fed. Sug. Ref. 6’s ’33.. 96% 96% Gulf Pa. s’b '37 94% 95% Hock Valley 6’s ’24 100 100% K. C. Term. 6’s ’2B 100%{100% Kennecott 7’a '3O 101% 102 L. S. A M. S. 4’B ’23... 94 95 L. S. A M. S. 4’s ’31... 91% 91% Nat. Lea. B’s ’25 96 97% Ore. S. L. Ref.Col.4’s ’29 91% 93 Phila. Co. 6’s ’44 100% 100% Sears Roebuck 7’B ’23... 100% 100% Bln. Co. Pur. s%’s '26.. 97 97% Bln. Co. 6’s ’26 97 97% Sloss Sheffield 6’s '29.. 96% 97 Solvay B’B ’27 104% 104% So. Pac. Con. 4’s ’29.... 91 91% St. P. U. L. G. s%’s ’23 100 100% So. N. Y. 7’s ’25-31 105% 106 So. N. Y. 6%’s ’33 105% 106% Swift A Co. s’s ’22 91 91% Un. Pac. Con. 4’B ’27...| 95%| 95% U. S. Rubber s’B ’47....1 86 86% Vacuum Oil 7’s '36 105% 106 Westinghouse El. 7’s ’Bl|lo7 107% Baltimore Grain Market Wheat—Steady. No. 2 red win ter, $1.15; No. 2 red winter, gar licky, $1.09%. Receipts, 35,322 bushels; shipments, 25,850 bushels. Corn —Firmer. No. 2 yellow do mestic, $1.02% @1.03 per bushel. Re ceipts, 2.168 bushels; shipments, 27,- •79 bushels. Oats—Steadier; offerings amp>e. No. 2 white domestic, 51@51%e bushel. Receipts, none; shipments, $.531 bushels. Rye—Firmer. ‘No. 2 Western ex port, spot, 76%c. Receipts, 4.789 bushels; shipments, 82,315 bushels. Hay—Steady; unchanged. Flour—Quiet. Foreign Bonds. (Furnished by W. B. Hibbs & Co.) French 4’s 38 % French s’s 46 Premium s’s 54 British Victory 4’s 434% National War Loan s’s 502 War Loan s’s 502 Italian s’s 39% Belgian Res. s'B 48 Premium s’B 50 Lowlhcationßates io H fl 11 ■ Going West? Travel on the steel Oriental Limited—daily from Chicago. Stop at Glacier National Park JF *^ ec % Splendid hotels and rustic chalet camps. ■ PORTLAND I Fish, hike, rule horseback. Visit the North I Seattle ■ Pacific Coast: famous bathing beaches; spokane I golf; salmon fishing. Connections at victoria I S« attle with steamers for Alaska. Return ■ Vancouver g through California. 1 CALIFORNIA > The low cost of this trip will surprise you. Phone H today for information on rates, routes and % a train service. " .Ul BBERT, General Eastern PaaH. Agent. Bldg., Broadway and 42d St.. Plggftl M I New York c,t F- *• Y Phono Bryant 6»«3. Great Northern Ry. DICKINSON,Paasangar Traffic Maaaser.St.Penl Mfam SURPRISED AT QUICK IMPROVEMENT, SHE SAYS Dizziness, Constipa tion, Weak, Run down System Cor rected By Dreco. of Buffe Ung could be avoided if people only realized how important it is to keep the liver and bowels active. When there j S a lack of bile flowing from the / r s. W,, V ■ f ■ ’• - / \'' ' ' * ' it ■ ♦ 4 ' MRS. W. A. JONES. liver, the stomach falls to digest the food and constipation is a sure result. Dizzy spells, headaches, tout breath, bad taste in the mouth, Spots before the eyes and poor Sleep are positive signs of a lazy liver. From Mrs. W. A. Jones, of Route Daily Traffic Calendar FINES AND COLLATERAL FORFEITURES. Total for year..... $112,561 Total for Saturday 562 Grand total $113,123 YESTERDAY’S ARRESTS AND FINES. John R. Bunch ...$75 George C. Harper. 10 William E. Fiss... 2 Harrison Burke 40 August E. Francis 10 Fletcher Warren.. 2 %r John rs. Ross 7 William A. Bennett 2 William Jackson .. 35 Harry Berman.... • J. Addison Hicks. 1 2 William Patterson. 20 Walter S. Starks.. 5 James E. Brown.. 2 Leon Sheilds 20 Robert Basford.... 5 Hanson Johnson... 2 Joseph Hanby .... 20 Burt O. Craft 5 Howard Alley .... 2 Elmer Robinson .. 15 John L. Marshall. 5 James Kelly 2 Ernest A. Fairfax. 15 Fred J. 8r0wn.... 5 John H. Chapman. 2 Charles Jackson... 10 Herman Kwaivltz. 5 Hyman Levy ..... 2 Mae L. Phelps.... 10 Athanosios Calvas. 5 Murray A. Easton. 2 Darius A. Yowell.. 10 Jacob Glass 5 Charles Rhodes ... 2 Robert Plitt 10 Pearl Boteler 5 Edward Barnes.... 2 Jacob Barron 10 Anthony Ford .... 5 Madeline O’Malley. 2 Austin Carter .... 10 Jerry 8. Kidwell.. 5 Herbert Miller 2 Arthur Dempsey... 10 Jacob Brown 5 W. W. Wedford... 2 William W. Murray 10 Artie W. Kidwell.. 2 Francis K. Warner 2 Euray Richardson. 10 Carl Gersmich...... 2 Adolph Diets 2 Joseph Port 10 James Jackson ... 2 Jacob Rubin 2 Louis Wood 10 Phillip N. Peter... 2 Herman Wolfson.. 2 Albert N. Contee.. 10 James E. Nash.... 2 George R. Salsbury 2 James A. Bawlings 10 Joseph C. Smith... 2 Arthur W. Hane.. 2 James W. Rettew. 10 Linwood E. Nickola 2 Joseph Miller 2 Ira 8. Jenkins 10 George H. Daly... 2 H. A. Northrop... 2 John C. Rucker... 10 Myron A. Hofer... 2 Michael Eidness... 2 Local Stocks. SALES Capital Traction s’s SI,OOO @96%; $1,000@97; $500@97; $1,000@97; $1,000@97; $1.000@97. Potomac Electric cons s’s SI,OOO ©»7%. Potomac Electric 6’s of 1953, $1,000©101%. Capital Traction Co., 3@99. Wash. Ry. A Elec, pfd., 5@71,%. Washington Gas Light, 10@48%. Merchant Bank A Tr. Co., 10@ 127%; 10@127. Mergenthaler Linotype, 10@149. Old Dutch Market com, 100@2%. After refill—. Wash. Ry. A Elec. pfd. 10@72. Capital Traction Co., 2 @99%; 5@99%; 10@99%. Wash. Ry. A Elec. 4’s, sl,ooo© 70%. Capital Traction Co., 5@99. Money—Call 5 per cent @ 67; loans, 5 per cent @ 67. Public Utility Bonds. I Bid. Ask. Xrh. Tel. A Tel. 4s 91% _ 92~ Am. Tel. j Tel. 4%s 102% Am. T. A T. C’t’l Tr. ss. 96% 97 Am. T. AT. Convl. 65.-. 114 115 Ana. A Potomac 5’8.... 86 89 Ana. Pot. Guar. 5’5.... 86 88 C. & P. Telephone 55... 96% C. & P. TeL of Va. 55.. 93% 95% Cap. Traction R. R. ss. 96% 07 City A Suburban 5s 80 Georgetown Gas Ist ss. 85 Bft Metropolitan R~ R. 5e.. 97 Potomac Elec, lat 55... 96% 97% Potomac Elec. Cons. ss. 97% Potomac Elec. deb. 68..|99%100 Pot. E. P. G-M 68, 1953. 101% lOi Pot. E. P. G-M A ref. 7s. 106 106% No. 3, Fairmont, W. Virginia, combs this story: Suddenly black spots would dance before my eyes. I would feel fklnt and reel like a drunken per son. This condition hung over ms like a pall. Causing me worry. I grew thin and nervous. “My stomach would not digest food. Everything I ate laid in my stomach like lead. Gas would form bloating me. Acid would rise burn ing my system and making it im possible for me to get my breath My skin looked yellow and sickly Rings were under my eyes. All from acute constipation that 1 could not get rid of. “After other medicines failed Dreco rescued me from my grave of suffering. It has made me into a new person. I can do my work without fear of being tortured by dizzy spells. I feel stronger, and I can eat anything without the least bit of suffering from acid or gas. "To me Dreco is the most won derful of all medicines. Every one wishing health should take it.” Dreco acts on the liver in a smooth, gentle manner, gradually working off the excess bile day by day. It Is neither strong nor harsh and does not excite the muscles of the bowels as strong cathartics do. It tones up the digestive organs '•nd relieves gas on the stomach, puts an end to constipation, in creases the appetite, gives strength to w’eak kidneys, restores tired nerves and induces sound sleep. Dreco is a great blood purifier and system cleanser. Dreco is being specially introduced by the O'Donnell Drug Stores and sold by druggists everywhere. THE WASHINGTON TIMES ♦ ♦ The National Daily • • MONDAY, JULY 9, 1923. Wash., Alex. & Mt. V. 55.. 26 Wash.,Alex. & Mt. V etfs. 24 Wash., Balto. A An s’s. 70% 73 Washington Gas 5s 93 94 Wash. Ry. A Elec. 45... i 70 70% Wash. R. & E. G-M 68. 99%|..... Miscellaneous Bonds. D. d. Paper Mfg. 65.... ~80 1... Riggs Realty s’s flong).. 93 Riggs Realty 5s (short). 98 Sec. Btge. A Safe Dep. 6s. 95 W. M. Cold Storage 55.. J 5 Wardman Park Hotel 6s. 98% 99 % Public Utility Stocks. •Am. Ttl. A Tel. ......1122 [..... Capital Traction 99 100 Washington Gas 48 48% N. A W. Steamboat... . 308 218 Wash. Ry. A Elec. com. 65% 67 Wash. Ry. A Elec. pfd.. 71% 72 Terminal Taxi c0m.... 75 National Bank Stocks. | Capital Nat. Bank 215 Columbia Nat. Bank.... 225 Commercial Nat. Bank. 140% 145 District Nat. Dank 166 180 Far. A Meeh. Nat. Bank. .250 Federal-Am. Nat. Bank. 188 Liberty Nat. Bank 134 145 Lincoln. Nat Bank 236 Nat Metropolitan Bank.. 240 Riggs Nat. Bank 640 647 Second Nat. Bank 150 165 Nat. Bank of Wash.... 200 |220 Trust Company Stocks. | •Am. Security A Trust.. 800 320 Continental Trust 90 95 Merchants Bank 128 130 Nat. Bav. A Trust 340 ..... Union Trust 155 165 Wash. Loan A Trust... 345 _ 370 Savings Bank Stocks. _L_ Commerce d Sav. Bank. 190 f....' East Wash. Sav. Bank. 20 | Sec. Sav. A Com. Bank. 256 Seventh St. Sav. Bank.. 175 U. S. Savings Bank.... 275 Washington Mechanics. 30 Fire Insurance Stocks. Am. Fire Ins 225 1..... Corcoran Fie Ins 100 Firemen’s Fire Ins 18 Nat. Union Fire 1n5.... 9 ~ Title Insurance Stocks. Columbia Title 1n5......1 8% Real Estate Title Ins... 120 Miscellaneous Stocks. Col. Graphophone Com.. % 1 Col. Graphophone pfd... 2 3 D. C. Paper pfd 75 Meroh. Trans. A Storage. 100 Mergenthales Lynotype. 149 150 Old Dutch Market Com. 1% 4 Old Dutch Market pfd 7% Lanston Monotype 74% 76 •Security Storage 225 Washington Market ... 38 Yellow Cab 8% •Ex. dividend. TENNESSEE CLOUDBURST FLOODS CITY STREETS BRISTOL, Tenn., July 9.—Bris tol’s business section today was repairing the damage from floods Sunday when Beaver Creek swept out of its banks and through seven principal business streets, which were filled one to five feet deep. A cloudburst north of Bristol was the cause. The flood waters remained for two hours, then receded, leaving mud and debris in their wake. Gen. Pershing on Tour. General Pershing left Washington today to tour military training training camps throughout the country. He will pay his respects to President Harding in Los An geles on August 1. The general is to spend August 18 at his home in Lincoln, Neb. What’s Doing Today & Tomorrow Today. Meeting —Federal Bar Association, au ditorium Interior Building. R p. rn Concert —U. S. Navy Band, Chevy Chase Circle. 7:30 p. m. Bazaar —Stansbury Lodge, No 24. F. A. A. M.. Georgia avenue and Quincy street northwest, night. Concert —U. S. Army Band. Walter Reed Hospital, 6:30 p. m Meeting—Law and Order Committee, Hyattsville, Md., 8 p m Excursion —Local Branch. No. 602. United Association of Steamfitters and Helpers. Chesapeake Beach, all <iay. Meeting—Staff officers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Department of the District of Columbia, National Guard Armory, 472 I street northwest, eve ning. Meeting—Temple Chapter, O. K S., clubhouse, evening. Meeting—Arlington Chapter. No. 39, O. E. S.. Firemen’s Hall, Cherrydale, Va., 8 p. m. Masonic meetings—Dawson, No isl; Joppa, No. 351 Mt. Vernon, No. 3‘ Hiram, No. 10; AnacostU, No. 13' R A. C.; evening. Concert —Department band, veterans #f Foreign Wars. 921 Pennsylvania ave nue southeast, evening. Opening—Girl Scout Camp, Magnolia Md , all day. Tomorrow. Installation —Os officers. Schuyler Col fax Lodge, No. 10. evening Meeting—French class, Woman’s fltv Club, clubhouse, 6 p. m Street sing—Potomac street between N and O streets northwest. 8 IB p n) Excursion Washington Chapter Knights of Columbus, Chesapeake Beac h all day. Concert —Army Band, Dupont Circle 7:30 p. m. Masonic meetings—Federal, No 1 Acacia, No. 18; Takoma. No. 29, F. C ' Mt. Horeb, No. 7, Potomac, No «' R A. C., DeMolay, No. 4, K. T C eve nlng. Eastern Star meetings—Electa No 2 Bethlehem, No. 7; Friendship, No tr Fidelity, No 19; evening 17 ’ Meeting—Troop, No. 8, Girl Scouts nr America, evening. -’’touts of H * lt " ‘-’amp, v f T p Pennsylvania avenue southeast, Today’s Bond Market. (Furnished by W. B. Hlbba & Co.) Rep. of Argentine 7’s, 1927... 102 Austrian Government 7's, 1943 91% City of Bordeaux 6’s, 1934.. 77% Belgian Government 6’s, 1925 95% Belgium Gov’t 7%’s, 1945.«... 100% Rep. of Bolivia B’s, 1947.... 87% Rep. of Brazil B’s, 1941 96% Can. Pac. Ry. deb. 4’s 79 Cuba. Ry. s’s. 1952 86 Can. Ry. s’s, 1931 19% Can. Ry. s’s, 1952 99% Can. Ry. s’s. 1926 100% Can. Ry. s%’s, 1929 100% Republic of Chile B’s, 1941.... 101% Cecho-Slovakia B’s, 1951 92% Dutch East Indies s%’s, 1953 90% Dutch East Indies 6’s, 1962.. 95% Dutch East Indies 6’s, 1947 95% Denmark B’s, 1945 109 French Government 7%’s, 1941 92% French Government B’s, 1945 96% Republic of Haiti 6’s, 1952.... 92% Lyons (city), 1934 77% City of Marseilles 6's, 1934.... 77% Netherlands 6’s, 1972 100% Montevldo 7’s, 1952 86 City of Prague 7%’s, 1952.... 75 Paris-Lyons-Med. ctfs. 6’s, ’SB. 72% Queenland 7’s, 1941 106% Rep. of Chile 7’s, 1942 94% U. S. Realty B’s, 1946 93% Dept, of Seine 7’s, 1942 85% King, of Serbia B’s, 1962 69 Sweden 6’s, 1939 104% Swiss Confed. B’s, 1940 115 U. K. of G. B. 5%’S, 1929 114% Atchison 4’s 1995 88% Atlantic Refining Co. s’B 1945. 98% Amer. Agri. Chem. 7%’s 1941 .97 Chicago-Alton Ry. 3’s 1949... 52% Chicago-Alton Ry. B%’s 1960.. 29 American Rep. 6’s 1937 88% American Smelters s’s 1947.. 90 American Smelters 6’s 1947... 100% Amer. Tel. A Tel. Co. s’B 1946 97% Amer. Water Works s’s 1934. 66 Atlantic Coast Line 4'B 1952. 85% Bralr Hill Steel s%’s 1942... 94% Bell Tel. of Penna. s’s 1948.. 97% Balto.-Ohio 3%’s 1925 95% Balto.-Ohio 4’s 1948 78 Balto.-Ohio cv 4%'s 1938 79 Baltimore & Ohio 6’s, 1929... 101 Bethlehem Steel s%’s, 1953... 89% J., C. & O. Rys. s’B, 1988.... »«% Cleveland Un. Sta. 5 %'s, 1972 108 Anaconda Cop. Min. Co. 6s, 'SB 96% Anaconda Cop. Min. Co. 7’s, '3B 100 Chile Copper Co. 6’s, 1932.... 98% ChicagQ Rys. s’s, 1927 78 Chicago Un. Sta. 4%’s, 1963.. 88% Chicago Un. Sta. 6%'s, 1963.. 114 Rep. of Colombia 6%’s, 1927.. 91% Can. North. Rys. 7’s, 1940... 112% Ches. A Ohio cv. 4%’s, 1930.. 87% Ches. A Ohio cv. ss, 1946... 88% Com’nw’lth Power Co. B'e ’47 85 Del. A Hud. 7’B 1930 108% Donner Steel 7%’b 1942 87 Dupont Powder Co. 7%’s ’3l. 107% Duq. Light Mfg. Co. 6’B 1949. 103 Detroit Edison s’s 1940 94% Detroit Edison 6’s 1983 103 Erie R. R. 4’s (gen.) 46% Erie R. R. B <8 ’53 4ft Erl© R. R. D 4’s ’53 49 Empire Gas A Fuel 7%’5’37.. 90% General Electric s’B, 1952 100% G. Bay AW. R. R. s%’s ’52. 99% G. Trunk of Can. 6’s, 1936... 103% G. Trunk of Can. 7’s. 1936... 108 Goodyear T. A R. Co. B’s, 1941 115 Goodrich, B. F., 6%’s, 1947.. 100 Chi. G. W. R. R. s’B, 1959... 48% Hershey Choc. Co. 6’s, 1942.. 98 Hudson Manhattan s’s. 1957. 57 Hudson Manhattan fd s*B, *57 80 Humble Oil Co. s%’s, 1932... 98 Illinois Cen. Ry. 6%’s, 1936.. 11l Illinois Cen. Ry. ctfs. 6’s, 1953 99% Illinois Bell Tel. s’s, 1936 99% Internal. Paper Co. B s’s, 1947 82% Inter. Rap. Tran. fd. s’s, 1966 60% Inter. Rap. Tran. 6’s, 1932... 53% Inter. Great Nor. <ij. 6’s, 1952 38 Indiana Steel s’s, 1952 99% Ajax Rubber Co. B’s, 1936.... 94 L. Shore A Mich. Ry. 4’s, 1928 94% Lehigh Valley 4’B, 2003 77% Leigh Valley 6’s 1929 102% Inter Merc Mar 6’s, 1941 80 Market Street Ry. s’B, 1924.... 93 Mo., Kan. A Tex. R Aj. 5 ’67 49% Mo., K. & T. Ry. 58 A ’62.. 76% Manati Sugar Co. 7%’s, 1942.. 96% Mo< Pac. Ry. 4’s, 1975 53 M. St. L. A W. Ry. 4s (s’i) ’49 32 Midvale Steel s’s. 1936 85% Niagara Falla Power s’s, 1932 99 N. W. Bell Tel. s’s, 1952 97 N. W. Bell Tel. 7’s, 1941 107% Nor. Pac. Ry. 6’s, 2047 107% Nor. S. Power Co. 6’s, 1941... 100 N. Y. Tel. 4%’5,-1939 93% N. Y. 'J'el. 6’s, 1941 105% N. 0., T. A M. s’B, 1935 75 N. Y. Central s’s, 2013 95% N. Y. Central 6’s, 1935 104% Oregon Short Line 4's, 1959.. 92% Oregon-Washingto n4’s, 1961\ . 79% Otis Steel B’s, 1941 99% Penna. Ry. s's, 1968 100% Penna. Ry. 6%’s, 1936 107% Penna. Ry. 7’s, 1930 108 Pae. Gas & Elec. Co. s’s, 1942. 90% Philadelphia Co. fd. 6s, 1944.. 100% S. Porto Rico Sug. 7s ,1941.. 99% Ch., Burl. & Quincy ss, 1971. 98% Reading Co. 4s, 1927 84% Ch., R. I. & Pac. ref. 4s, 1934. 75% Rio de Janeiro Bs, 1947 93% Rapid Transit 6s, 1968 67% U. S. Rubber ss, 1947 85% Am. Sugar Co. 6s, 1937 101% Seaboard Air. Co. rs. 4s, ’59. 42% Seaboard Air. Co. aj. ss, ’49.. 28 Seaboard Airline 6s, 1945 63% Standard Oil of Cal. 7s, 1931. 96 St. L. & San F. 4s, 1950.... 66% St. L. & San F. 5s B. 1950.. 81% St. L. & Ban F. ss. 1938....- 98% St. L. & San F. Ist 6s. 1960. 64% Nickle Plate R. R. 6s, 1931.. 100% Sin. Pipe Line Ctfs. 6s, ’42.. 85% South. Pacific 4s. 1929 ..... 91% Sou. Rwy. gen. ref. 4s, ’56.. 67% South. Rwy. 6%h, 1956 101% St. L. & S. W. R. R. ss, ’52., 74 Chi., Mil. & St. P. db. 4s, '25. 78% C., M. A St. P. gen. 4s, ’89.. 73% C., M. & St. P. cv. 4%5, ’32.. 64 C„ M. A St. P. fd. 4%5, 2014. 57 Sin. Crude Oil 5%5, 1925.... 96% Sin. Crude Oil 6s, 1926 97 Steel A Tub© of Am. 7s, 1951. 103 Third Ave. aj. ss, 1960 47 Tenn. Power, 1947 94% Union Pacific 4s, 1947..."...’ 91% Union Pae. ref. 4’s, 2008.... 83 Union Pac. cv. 4’s, 1927 95% Utah Power 5%, 1944 88% Va.-Car. (’hemlcal 7’s, 1947’’.. 80 Vn.-Car. Chem. 7%’s war., ’37 60 Western Union 6%’s, 1988.... 108% Wilson Co Ist 6’s, 1941.... 96% Wilson Co. 7%’s, 1931 95% Winchester Arms 7%'s, 1941. 104% West. Maryland Ist 4's, 1952. 60% Western Pac. s’s, 79 H 78% Westinghouse Elec. 7's, 1931. 107% U. S. Steel Corp. s's, 1963.... 102 Y.W.C.A. OFFICIALS ATTEND OPENING OF KAMP KAHLERT Fifty girls and several local Y. W. C. A. officers attended the opening of Kamp Kahlert, new summer recreation spot, yesterday. Speakers were Mrs. William A. Slade and Miss Hettie P. Anderson, executive secretary. Miss Agnes Miller, chair man of the camp committee, pre sided. The camp was formerly the prop erty of the Almas Auto Club. It ia located on Bark bay, about fourteen miles from Annapolis. Three build ings have accommodations for eight girls. 1 $1.95 Couch 11 Bed Covers, $1.19 • /fit Pillows, 68c low*. filled With (■Vflf Jftf I,£l }<K sterilized curled ( 7t b<r k *’ cov * color grounds with *''Zoßn with heavy grade !£“i„J2“ ” faa.;..t f I XOTH SUMS OF 7™ ATKST. *THE PBPENIABIX STORt J S—_r i& "' ■ ' - ' ' —fa < =r V J K Seconds rd I A Host of Charming Styles of 59c Turkish 39c & 50c Dress K)iles Towels, 39c Every Yard Strictly J ' Claued *b mill seconds ?* r ! eC J *£“£* VQ» by the manufacturer, but 40 Inches Wide J the defects are so slight . , , ~- . . . . as to be hardly notice- Thousands of yards of new and beautiful Printed able. Extra heavy double Voiles have just come in to take the place of those eri anrtft f ?JL ble^ h - which sold so rapidly last week. blue border Th o C .ST Tlie newest novelties produced this season are represented, sorbent v?«d among them many distinctive designs and printings usually o ° sic« q or A? WOjUQi. found only in the higher priced voiles. Endless variety of staple good renews and conventional styles, too. These printed voiles are warranted to mcheF size—22x44 wash pertly. Full 40 inche s wide. 19c Huck Tmncijt 89c an Pongee. 69c— 59c Ratine, 45c— Nov- i«Kc— Hmvv w„~ir * Hkiffi&Sr 32-inch Tan Pongee Silks, a high- elty Ratines, 38 Inches wide; all 3 ' grade « d cotton weftVC - new checkß and » ,aid *** ■ hand‘s A»L g^n d whSl r HOCifSF with th ® deml-rough finish. also heather mixtures, in copen. SKI al l w ? ,U ’ ~ r- »iAn tan. green, brown, black, and also red and blue borders. ffijr DrSBB Linen, $l.O9 — white. 29c Turkish Towels rX colored Drees Linen, a high* 50c Ratine, 35c— Plain 25c—Bleached Turkish M> ?2d? P ali Ratine. 3« inches wide, su- Towels, neat blue borders; » ua,lty ,n basket and peb- close absorbent weave for wU wanted summer shades. 36 inches. We weavM popular shades, face or bath use. 75c Stripe Voiles, 49c— Flock Voiles, 39c—A Goldenberg’s—First Floor piK. as inches wide; a fine combed new and distinctive summer fab- quality, with handsome satin ric, white grounds with beautiful " ."'' ' " . ' « stripes, in self colors. Such fa- colored stripes with flock dots; vored shades as orchid, old rose, 36 inches wide. Women’s Costume Slips. $1.69 55c New Process Voiles, Perfect Quality . . m. , .. A decidedly new and refreshingly beautiful fabric for summer frocks— /] /■ -The new summer frocks call a fl ne B heer quality in dark grounds with metallic designs of dots, figures £ • for a costume slip-they givh and n ’ eat dot designs printed by a new process which gives them a dis- | | the correct straight lines so ' tinctive finish, 30 inches wide. Warranted perfect quality and fast colors, essential this season. These . are made of fine soft finish \ ‘ " /F nainsook, with deep hem- " " r ' 1 "' ' r '" r ‘ ir ' ~ r i ■'■rrri-’fg yokes; skirts made double to Sale of $1.98 Wool Summer Corsets, hip, making them shadow- > • /—y 4 a m proof. Full lengths—all sixes. X/7/>—/)#> \ $1 •50 Costume Slips, sl— Of kjl'tejL/ 1/Iv kJ v3L Vl'VVL'l J Ventilating Corsets, guaran- ao n u ‘»p. h A An almost iadispmmabl. b£t ” ahadowproof skirts; correctly And at tomorrow s surprisingly low price the entire j skirt; all sixes, made and finished. lot should go out quickly. Fine quality wool ytrM, p . , 7<l, cr in a number of pretty colors as well as plain black. rink Bandeaux, 79c Costume Slips, $1.19 Stylish round neck and tie belt. All sixes—and only Os fancy materials, fasten back Os white, black and blue sateen; one dollar! models, with elastic deep cut double straps; full at hips; sizes < n A u M i Flaa- kSE®/ styles; all sizes. 36 to 44. Goldenberg s—Third Floor. Goldenberg’s-Third Floor. Extra-size Bloomers, 69c . Panty Frocks, $2.98 —Extra size Pink Batiste Bloom- Again Monday—Another Opportunity tO Os dainty checked batiste, hand ers, large reinforcement; all !>«-, /4K .in A . appllqued skirts with deep hems; lengths and sizes; full cut and UUy laC some with embroidered yokes; all well made. .—.- • Bew and dainty styles. Goldenberg’s—Third Floor. 1/1/ [litP \jVPQfIdV B 1 GoMenberg’s—Third Floor. 89c Vai Laces, 69c rhe Famoua “stoffer Quality— J XV/ * Women’s $1 12-y.rd bolts of Valencien- ‘"'Ported from Switzerland ' Summer Union nes Laces, in diamond or round “Stoffel” Swiss Organdies are recognised as among the finest OUlfllllvr U lIIUIL meshes, choice of a variety of the looms of Switzerland produce. patterns in the desirable Exceptionally sheer gossamer weave; guaranteed permanent OU IIS, OJ/C widths. Special tomorrow at finish.which never loses its lovely freshness after washing. Re- c f gar . 69c a bolt of 12 yards. member the width—full 45 inches. 00l > gar Georgette Crepe $1 59 Ratine, 59c— 59c White Voile, 39c flne gauze cotton union suits, « u ’ .’ j Imported White Ratine, 36 White Chiffon Voile, 44 inches low neck and sleeveless; tight heavy > Btur<J y inches wide, a decided favorite wide; fine sheer two-ply quality. or loose knee style; perfect qual entlre dresses, etc.; complete as- r summer dresses and |1 SVash Satin, 69C— A ,ty ‘ f sortment of wanted shades. 39C India Linon, 25C—■ fine yarn mercerized cotton fab- iVomen 8 Vests, 19C—-• 19c Embroidetip& 12Xr White India Linon, 40 Inches ric that closely resembles all silk; Gauze Cotton Vests, low neck Q«,i o . wide; fine sheer grade, bleached in all wanted lingerie shades, and sleeveless, also bodice style. « r *< Embrod . to a snowy whiteness. also black white. Some slightly imperfect, while insertions and others are perfect; values worth bandings; dainty designs. ■ •-■■■■ ■■ ■■irr.s-r-- j ■■■■ ■■ ? ■■■.. -ir ;n. 29c each 69c Skirtings, 44c— 18- Another Onnorfunitv Tomorrow to Share Women's 59c Vests, 39c inch Cambric Skirtings, eyelet es- AllOWier UppOTUiniiy lOHIOrrOW IO Ollttre _Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests band sects with deep scalloped edges. the Big SaVIRgS 111 ThlS Sale of top and sleeveless style; perfect 79c Flouncing s, 59c— _ ryr e a quality; sizes 8 and 9. with ruffle. hemsMtched° fl 7 omen’s and Misses’ New || Go “' nbers ’- nr ’‘ noor - loped borders. Dainty designs TJ ‘f fi - Summer Wash Frocks Aronssi 75c and 98c All Sizes, Including [XCI Os percale,, guar- q « a _ - Extra Sizes 46 to 52. BL 851 anteed fast colors; new collarlesa Sample Neck- Values Worth skirt and waist; cut generously wear Up to $7.50 full , obc up w w nrgt and Third noorg a special offering of thousands T 1 ” 8 unusual Bale presents hundreds of new, attractive of pieces Os dainty neckfixings Summer Frocks in a delightful assortment of styles, sea- T n Qillr including all the popular and turing the latest ideas for midsummer wear. Whether you sought shapes and effects, such go away this summer or stay at home, these are the type f q • a8 ~B £ r tha Collars, Collar and of dresses you most desire for summer occasions. 1 CLtt Cuff Bets and Vestees Os sheer . quality organdy and lace, in Materials are Ratine, Imported Gingham, Domestic Ging- Kayser and Wear Right white and colored effects. ham, Crepe Gingham, Dotted Voile and Printed Voile Makes Goldenberg’s—First Floor. Dainty lace trimmings, touches of embroidery, novel* Good heavy serviceable qual- buttons and other trimmings. Finished with narrow or ity Milanese Silk Gloves, 16- 10r nn ri wide girdles, short or three-quarter sleeves. button length, with Paris point lUL a I ILL 1&c Dresses for misses of 16 and 18 years, made of organdie, stitching, in mode, pongee,* rr__ jr. n • r f, I combinations of cotton Japanese crepe and gingham and solid gray, black and white. Made JI anaKerCnietS) 7c 1 gingham, trimmed with colored braid. . with double-tipped fingers. All Men's Handkerchiefs, plain Full Assortment of Sizes iz ® B ; . white hemstitched and colored 4. on u’ 4 <s& (y/IdDIOISCttC (jrlOV3S 9 o9C border styles; g6od, soft finish Misses Sizes, 1« *<> E 3 g tr t a 5? 8 ’ 48 40 52 ' -Strap-wrist Chamoisette Gloves, quality; full size. (Limit, six). i S ’ ‘ j lightweight for summer wear. Goldenberg’s—First Floor I Goldenberg’s—Second Moor. | Wanted shades and sizes. iT 1,200 Boys’ $2, $2.50, $3 and $4 - $1.39 Perfect Quality LTash Suits Seamless Sheets ■ C / AO 81x90 Doubie Bed size JM-V/ £1 f)Q Sizes from 2*/, to 10 years J) / , (/yT 3 A The newest desirable models, FV i in J olivel l l Twi3 ?,\iß UtC Mn^ ad or These are our regular $1.39 sheets, known for superior J *ho rt Selves S y ’ quality and long wear. The lowered price makes it Materials are pure linens, in wise economy for housewives to lay in an extra supply 7 tans, blue palmer linen, Peggy tomorrow. 81x90-inch size for double beds, sturdy even In/vNS cloth, jeans, twills and other weave quality, seamless and full bleached. Perfect qual- '=s'l M E*t‘/ry* d »uH ‘wiutau'n’er per ity sheets, without a single blemish. n M $1.75 Bleached Sheets, 50c Pillowcases, 35c- LJ IJ /L/' J white, as well as many different $1.49 —81x90 Seamless Bleached 42x36 Bleached Pillowcases, ex- two-color combinations. Sizes Sheets, full double bed sizp; free tra heavy round thread quality, ' W* 11 to jo years. from starch or dressing. free from starch or dressing. $1 and $1.25 Suits, 79c $1 and $1.25 Blouses, $i Bleached Sheets, 75c $3 Bedspreads, $2.39 —New styles, in Oliver Twist, 79c—“Bell” Brand Sport Blouses, _54 X 90 Seamless Bleached Crochet Bedspreads, full dou- Dutch Daddy and Khaki Flap- perfect quality; plain white, tan. sheets, single-bad size; perfect ble bed size; heavy raised Mar per models, extra web belt; sizes khaki, striped madras, oxford quality. seilies designs. • j y ? arR - weave and khaki; low neck and j Goldenberg's—Third Floor. short sleeves; sizes 7 to 16 years. Goldenberg s— First Floor. 7