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OBREGON PREDICTS U. S. OFFER OF ARMS WILL END REBELLION 7.' T ’ ■ LIUOS NEW GDDLIDGE POLIGV (Continued from First Page.) posed the convention had previ ously agreed to appear and it was understood most of them, if not all, wopld vote in favor of the measure. The action of the opposition in fail ing to put in appearance was con demned by leading newspapers as unpatriotic. It had been forecast that, if the minority Senators had appeared, the vote would have been eight to one in favor of ratifica tion. The permanent Senatorial com mittee, which deals with legisla tive affairs between sessions of that body, is expected to meet Thurs day and arrange for a meeting of the Senate next week. At the next session, all absentees will be re placed by their alternates. Failure Is Condemned. • The failure of the Senate to adopt the ratification measure at its final session is generally con demned. Even Adolfo de la Huerta, civilian leader of the present revolt, was known to be in favor of ratlfi- tcation as he was the leader of the commission which went to the United States to draw up that angle of the agreement known as the “bankers’ clause.” This feature dealt with payment of interest. The general convention provides for claims arising during the years of 1868 and 1923. The special con vention covered only the years be tween 1910 and 1920 when revolu tions in Mexico were almost con tinuous. A “peace uprising” on the part of Mexico women, is under wav. Feminist leaders have issued a call for a meeting of the Womens Cooperative Union to ask every woman in Mexico to join in a de mand for peace. The women are demanding that the men cease fighting witn arms * and settle the presidential question at the polls. English See Protectorate. LONDON, Dec. 31.—“1t is a per mptible step toward a de facto American protectorate over Mexico, but there is nothing for us to criticize,” commented the Daily Chronicle, today, referring to the action of the United States in de ciding to sell war supplies to the Obregon government at Mexico City. The Daily Chronicle added: “We British feel no jealousy.” The Daily Chronicle is the person al organ of former Premier David Uoyd George. Obregon Lauds Policy of President Coolidge in New Year Greeting By International News Service. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 31.—Presi dent Alvaro Obregon, who has just returned from an inspection of his troops on the western front, today extended New Year greetings to President Coolidge and the people Os the United States through Inter national News Service. The president declared that the decision of the United States Gov ernment to sell war materials to the Mexican government would tend to discourage leaders of the present Mexican rebellion and prevent fu ture anti-government plots. President Obregon said President Coolidge has thus repudiated the military and political plotters in Mexico. Situation Improved. “The situation of the Mexican government has improved 80 per cent within the past ten days,” said Obregon. Freistuent Obregon arrived Sun day evening from Ocotlan, state of Jalisco, where the federal forces are preparing to advance for a decisive engagement with Gen. Enrique Estrada’s rebels who were last re ported at Cocula, southwest of Suadalajara. Obregon was tn good spirits and cheerful. His face was tanned and all traces of bronchitis from which A Complete Dairy Service \ J To those who appreciate a uniform K quality to meet their exacting demands the ■ B Chestnut Farms Dairy offers its complete • K dairy service of B / Milk / Cretan J Butter I I J ■ Cheese J Superior Dairy Products m— M. Onm. Ja. Kwit N. Burn,)*, >»—» I 11 Give Skin To Save Boy Burned On July 4 WORCESTER, Mass., Dec. 31.—Little Ralph Orcutt will start the New Year with a whole skin, thanks to the sacri fices of eleven persons who sub mitted to skin grafting to aid the nine-year-old Fourth of July victim. Two of the eleven were girls, Anna Johnson, sixteen, and _ Edith Goodale, fourteen years old. In all, thirty-three inches of skin were grafted onto the boy’s burned limbs. His father had submitted to numerous skin-grafting operations, but the surgeon decided nothing short of the grafting of a large amount of skin could cure the bums. The hoy nearly lost his life when a can of gasoline ex- Eloded at a Fourth of July onfire. he had suffered recently are nearly gone. “President Coolidge, by the posi tion he has taken toward the mils tary plot in Mexico has with one stroke destroyed the belief held by the plotters that the Washington Government would look upon their armed undertaking with favor,” said Obregon. “He has demon strated in a most practical way his true policy toward the Mexican cen tral government. He has estab lished a sounder foundation and has gained more ground than was ac complished by any other statement by his predecessors no matter how eloquent. Conspiracy Repudiated. "The military conspiracy to over turn the government of Mexico al ready had been repudiated by a great majority of the people in the great republic on our north. Presi dent Coolidge, like the real demo cratic President he is, has echoed the convictions of his people. "President Coolidge has chosen the shortest and straightest road to follow and from that road there Is not the slightest possibility of any departure. "I want to take advantage of the presence of representatives of the press here now to send through them to the noble people of the neighboring republic and to their president my sincere wishes for a happy New Year. “I most sincerely hope it will be a prosperous year for the people of the United States.” Reviews Plans. Obregon reviewed the military plans with the utmost frankness. He said the federate had the situa tion well in hand and felt no doubt about the outcome. "It looked pretty critical a short time ago, but you may now say the government dominates both the west and south,” Obregon added. "It will be a question of only a short time until the forces now in rebellion will be disintegrated. The advance in Jalisco, is rather for t the purpose of giving battle to Gen. Estrada’s rebel army than the cap ture of Guadalajara.” INDIA LEADER DEMANDS GANDHI BE LIBERATED COCONADA, British India. Dec. 31.—1 f Mahatma Gandhi is not re leased from prison within a year to receive the charter of the Home Rule party, the natives of India should, without hesitation, unfurl the flag of the Indian Republic, said the noted nonco-operatlonist leader, Mahomet AH, in opening the thirty eighth Indian national congress here. The speaker denounced the “auto cratic and paralyzing policy of the British government in India.” 80,000 BELGIANS SUING BERLIN FOR DAMAGES BRUSSELS, Dec. 31. Eighty thousand Belgians deported by the Germans during the war are bring ing a monster collective damage suit against the German government by virtue of article 304 of the treaty of Versailles. The suit will be heard in accord ance therewith by the German-Bel gian mixed arbitration tribunal sit ting in Paris on January 7 under the presidency of Paul Moriaud, head of the law faculty of Geneva I University. THE WASHINGTON TIMES * * The National Daily * ♦ MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1923. ITELLS HOW 0. G. TAXES ARE SPENT Major J. Franklin Bell Cites Expenditures for Various Municipal Activities. By MAJOR J. FRANKLIN BELL, Engineer Commluloner, D. C. The auditor of the District of Columbia has prepared a chart showing the relative amount of taxes expended for various purposes in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1923. This is shown graphically and by tabulation on the attached chart by supposing that each dollar expended had had its proportional amount applied for the purposes in dicated. It is believed that this tabulation will be of interest to the taxpayers of the District for two reasons: First, it shows just how their money is being expended; and, secondly, it will serve to call atten tion to the benefits derived from the taxes paid. It is the duty and purpose of the officiate of our District government to expend this money so as to give the residents, and the National Government the greatest benefits possible. Ten Per Cent for Health. Reference to the table will show that about 10 per cent of our taxes are expended for health and sanita tion, i. e., for the maintenance of the Health Department, for the con struction and maintenance of sew ers, the cleaning of streets and the disposal of garbage, trash and ashes. About 10 per cent is spent also for the construction and mainte nance of streets, roads, sidewalks, bridges and for lighting our streets. Our schools and public libraries take about 35 per cent of the total. The expenses for general adminis tration and for our courts comprise nearly 6 per cent. Expenses pertaining to the pro tection of life and property, 1. e., for the police and fire departments and for similar activities amount to over 17 per cent. Hospitals and Homes. The cost of our charitable and corrective institutions; 1. e., of hos pitals, homes for the indigent, help less and insane, and of jails and reformatories, amounts to nearly 14%. Our parks, trees and playgrounds cost 5% of the total. The remainder is spent for in creasing the water supply, and for incidentals; 1. e., about 3%. It would not appear to be out of place here to call attention to the fact that most of these ex penses are for the absolute neces sities of modern city life. Most i American families spend large sums tor non essentials and for appear ance sake. The amounts spent in the United States for tobacco, candy and chewing gum are very large. While it is the duty of every public official to see to it that every dollar of the public funds is spent as wisely and eco nomically hh practicable, it would appear to be in the interest of good government and for the sta bility of our American institutions to call attention to the fact that perhaps no expenditures made from the family budget bring such great benefits as t hose spent for taxes. N. TIME IS MANNED FOR ’NEW YEAR “Hooch” Celebration Prepared For by Doctors and Under takers Instead of Police. ‘ (Continued from First Page.) have died since Christmas. Hospi tals reported today 158 others under treatment. It was expected more than 500.000 persons would celebrate in the white light districts alone—Broadway and Greenwich village. Yellowley had but 125 men to cope with this army of revelers. Police will offer no aid. The problem of traffic, pickpockets and the general crime routine will require full attention of police. Not all New Yorkers will see the New Year over a hip pocket flask, however. Churches throughout the city have arranged special watch services. A half million persons were expect ed to attend. Cover Charges High. Police made plans to handle 100,- 000 persons on Broadway alone, the overflow from theaters, restaurants and dance paJaces. Theater seats today were listed as high as $22.50. Speculators offered the same seats for SIOO. Case and hotel reservations brought from $lO to S2O a week ago. The same ac commodations now in the hands of speculators, went for as high as $l5O a cover today. It was est'mated Broadway would collect $3,000,000 during the night and that there would be many headaches tomorrow. TWO LOCKED~IN ARMS, DEAD IN FIRE RUINS IXHTISVILLE. Ky„ Dec. 31. Workmen discovered the bodies of John A. Metzger, fifty, and Henry J. Erb, fifty-four, locked in each other’s arms here in the smolder ing ruins of the W. J. Hughes & Sons Company lumber plant that wan destroyed by fire, at an esti mated loss of $425,000. The bodies were found near a door, and It was thought the two men had crashed against the door In an attempt to force it open and flee from the flames. HERE’S THE "DUDE" OF ROOSTERS Br w ■L 1 Bl JU ■h . ' ■ A-- ’ I I MM i- ■ Hk? 'v '' B‘‘ : ; -’ -S'. . ..... inteSSational news reel The dude of the rooster flock is shown here in full-dress suit. This swell bird is one of those trained and brought to this country by Louis Toroot, who is soon to present them in a novelty act on the vaudeville stage. ■lll MSI IS THUM SPEH NEWYEJUI President Will Greet Long Line of Citizens at Mansion. Pedestrian and motor traffic ar rangements for the New Year Day reception by President Coolidge at the White House tomorrow, were an nounced today, following conferences between police officials and the of fice of public buildings and grounds. Citizens to be received by the President between 1:00 p. tn. and 2:30 p. m. are to form in columns from the northwest gate of the White House grounds, extending westward along Pennsylvania ave nue, thence south on Seventeenth street along the walk facing the State, War and Navy building. All persons desiring to meet the President should be in line not later than 2 o’clock. Traffic To Be Held Up. General vehicular traffic will be prohibited, between 10 a. m. and 2 p. rn. on the road south of the Treas ury, east and w : est Executive avenue, the roadway north of the Ellipse in the White Lot, and the road south of the State, War and Navy building. Vehicles of those entering by the south portico of the White House will be subject of call as required, from this point. Cars are to anter the southwest gate on presentation of ticket only. Parking space is provided on west Executive avenue and on State place. How Traffic Will Go. When called, the cars will re-enter the south grounds of the White House by the southwest gate, pro ceeding to the south portico for pas sengers, leaving by the southeast gate and proceeding north on east Executive avenue. Vehicles entering by the north west gate, unless otherwise indicat ed, are to go south on east Execu tive avenue, and will be parked south of the White House grounds. On call, they are to go north along east Executive avenue to the east en trance. NEW TREATMENT FOR BONE INFECTION IS SUCCESSFUL MARQUETTE, Mich., Dec. 31.—A method of treating sufferers from osteomyelitis—including war cripples from bone and muscular infection due to wounds—without operations, and which he said had been success ful in a number of cases, was de scribed by Dr. Max Thorek, of the American Hospital, of Chicago, in an address before medical organlza lions here. _T hp he Baid - ,s and available to every physician. It is known as the aluminum potas sium nitrate treatment. This he hoped, would benefit industrial crip ples as well as others suffering from infection of the bone and marrow. AUTO HITS TRUCK IN SNOW; DRIVER KILLED, ONE HURT MAHANOf CITY, Pa., Dec. 31. Caspar Bock, thirty-two of Shenan doah, was instantly killed on the state highway west of this city, during a blinding snowstorm His car crashed into a truck laid up at the side of the road for repairs. William Irfiwler, who was with Bock, escaped injury. A short time afterward Michael Burt, a motorist, ran into the same truck, suffering severe injuries. i POLICE SEEKING ALEXANDRIA TIREBUGS i’Start Fire in Warehouse and Another in Shipyards. Damage Slight. ALEXANDRIA, Va., Dec. 31. • Police are aroused by the bold ac . tions of incendiaries, who have been a responsible for a series of fires along '■ the water front. A handful of waste g was placed in a warehouse owned 1 by the Walter Roberts Company • and a wing was burned from the ® commissary of the ship yards be tween 11 and 1 o'clock Saturday 1 night. Director of Public Safety 6 Paul B. Morton stated this morning that he has hopes for several ar 5 rests in the next few days. Damage r to the warehouse was slight. That to the ship yards was estimated at SSOO. B 2 Tonight at 8 o'clock the Trinity i- Methodist Church will hold their '• Christmas Sunday school entertain- J ment, and at 10 o'clock a program of music and addresses will begin e and continue until 12 o'clock to cele* 9 brate the New Year. £ The Southern Methodist Church will hold a watch night service from • 11 o’clock until 12 o’clock. This service will be a quiet hour of prayer, with a short talk from the pastor. r Simeon Rlondheim, ninety, prob _ ably the oldest Mason in Virginia, . died at the home of his daughter, t Mrs. Harry Fedder, yesterday. He t has been a resident of Alexandria . for seventy-five years, coming here • directly from Germany. He Is sur - vlved by nine children. The funeral i will take place from Wheatley i Chapel at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow. In t terment will be in Bethel Cemetery. Judge Frederick G. Duvall an nounced this morning that there would be no police court In Alex andria tomorrow, and all cases will be held over until Wednesday morn . ing. i ! Capt. George H. Evans, business i manager of the Chamber of Com , merce, this morning stated that the business for this year as reported to ■ the chamber by the business men > of the city equals that of last year, i He also stated that before the new • year Is over Alexandria will un doubtedly have begun work on a i new hotel, one of the alms of the chamber during the past two years. ATLANTIC CITY~WORKERS TO GET SALARY BOOST ATLANTIC CITY, Dec. 31.—More than 100 employes at City Hall will benefit by a $31,000 Increase In the appropriations for salaries approved by the city rulers in the 1924 budget. The plan Is for a general bonus of 10 per cent of the work ers’ present salaries to be given nearly all the employes in the of fices f>t the comptroller, city clerk, building department? board of Health, city treasurer, tax bureau and mercantile appraiser. The salary of Mercantile Apprais er Isadora Schmeidler is increased from $3,500 to $4,000 and that of Assistant Tax Collector M <' Donal<l 1 from $2,300 to $2,800. JEWISH JUNIORS PLAN DANCE FEB. 28 Council Hears Reports of Various Committees at Meeting. By SYLVIA SEDGEWICK. A leap year dance is being planned by the Council of Jewish Juniors, to be given February 28. The council met in the Reformed Temple vestry rooms yesterday. Miss Hilda King, vice president, officiated in Miss Aimee Adler’s ab sence. Reports from various committees were heard. Miss King announced the formation of a Boy Scout Patrol in the Foster Home. Miss Janet Luchs reported the formation of a Girl Scout Troop at the Y. W. H. A. She also gave a detailed report of the Jewish Chautauqua meetings as they affected the council. Mips Jeannette Baer offered impetus for a membership drive now under dis cussion. Mrs. Louis Kronheim announced a dance to be given at the New Willard late in January, the pro ceeds to go to the Home for the Aged. Miss Constance Barnet, president of the Girls Council at Atlantic City, here for the Chatauqua meet ings, addressed the council, telling of work being done there. After the meeting a social hour was held. Mrs. Florence Crandall, visiting the council, entertained with two piano selections, and Miss Bessie Weinberg gave a recitation. An “open house” is being held in the parlor of the “New Theater” by the women of the Tacoma Park Study Club for the husbands of members, the men's civic organiza tions and for the new Senators and Representatives in the Park and their wives. This reception will automatically elect the wives of the new Congressmen as members. During the afternoon the Social Boys Orchestra, Lawrence Hendrick leader, will play, and solos will be sung by Miss Alice Smith. The Columbian Women will hold a New Year Day reception at the home of Mrs. DeWitt Croissant, 1717 Q street, from 4 to 7 o’clock. Assisting Mrs. Croissant in the re ceiving line will be Miss Elizabeth Wilson, president; Mrs. Joshua Evans, jr., Mrs. J. P. Earnest. Mrs. W. C. Ruediger, Mrs. Charles Richardson, Miss J. McCord, Mrs. Robert Griggs, Mrs. Selden Ely, Mrs. William Herron. The four past presidents of the organization will serve. They are Mrs. Howard L. Hodgkins, Mrs. T. Malcolm Price, Miss Elizabeth Teet, and Mrs. John Erwin. The Columbia Heights Art Club is studying the early Christian art. They will meet January 3. KILLSHISM THEN SLAYS HIMSELF Trouble Over Funeral Brings Double Tragedy, With Chi cago Boys as Principals. CHICAGO, Dec. 31.—Chicago river’s muddy depths hold the finale of a double tragedv of rum and childish revenge, accord ing to police theory today. A report that a youth had jumped from the Clark street bridge led to the discovery of a coat and cap partially identified as those of Allen McCarthy, seventeen, attorney’s son sought for the slaying of his best pal, Rowland McCarthy, son of the late Sergt. Daniel T. McCarthy, fingerprint expert for the police department. Both boys were drunk before the quarrel which ended in the shooting, and the bootlegger who sold them the liquor will be charged with murder if he can be found. Funeral Cause of Row. The friction between the two started early Sunday in a case on Broadway. Rowland lurched to the table where Allen sat with another boy and upbraided him for not at tending the funeral of Rowland’s father, Sergeant McCarthy, Decem ber 13. “Well. I sent flowers,” said Allen. “That for the flowers,” said Row land, tossing a dollar bill on the table. Hot words were exchanged and Rowland offered to fight. Allen de murred, saying both of them were drunk, but arranged to meet Row land at 4 o’clock the next afternoon. Fires Through Coat. The boys met late Saturday night in a poolroom and Allen McCarthy shot without warning, using a pistol concealed in his overcoat pocket. The boys had been Inseperable com panions, graduating together from St. Rita’s School. The families are not related, but have been extremely friendly. NOTED BIOLOGIST HOPES FOR HYPNOTIC CURES ST. LOUIS, Dec. 31. Science eventually hopes to use hypnotism in the treatment of many diseases, according to a paper by Prof. G. A. Talbert, of the University of Ne braska, read at the convention of the Federation of American Socie ties for Experimental Biology, now in session here. Experiments, Prof. Talbert as serted, showed that suggestions transmitted to persons tn a hypnotic state carried with them changes in blood pressure, similar to changes which the suggested act would In reality produce. Father-In-Law Who Was Lieut. Wood’s N. Y. Representative ■■■■ ' ' 4 - < JI BB' Bbkk. 1 ■ HENRY B. THOMPSON, Os New York, president of the United States Finishing Company, and father-in-law of Lieut. Os borne C. Wood, who is said to have acted as New York agent for the young army officer In his Wall Street speculations which netted him a profit of more than half a million dollars. Young Wood, stationed in Manila as aide to his father, General Leonard Wood, received nightly cabled reports on the stock market and varied his speculations according ly. Thompson is said to have re ceived advices from Washington to put a halt on his son-ln-law’s stupendous speculations. ‘MOTHER GOOSE’ REHEARSED BY GIRLS Characterizations Will Be Given by Petworth Class Early in Spring. The Giris’ Dramatic Class of Petworth, under the direction of Miss Lenore M. DeGrange, rehearsed several Mother Goose characteriza tions, to be presented in plays early in the spring, Friday eve-' nlng. Laura Brumdage played “Bo- Peep,” Henrietta Holmes, “Bobby Shafto.” Tola Schloss, “Boy Blue,” Ethel Griffith, “Miss Muffett;” Helen Simpson, "Simple Simon,' and Eleanor Crowley, “Polly Flinders.” The Girl Scouts were shown slides of the British Isles as a part of their course in visual instruction. A discussion, "The Contrast in Buildings and Methods of Transpor tation in the United States,” was carried on by Margaret Chalmers, Anna Tucker and Katherine Passin. Miss Agnes McElroy sang “My Heart’s in the Highlands.” Boy Scout Troop 74 reported an increase in membership under the leadership of Scout Master Le Roy. Hutchinson. The Woman’s Club of Petworth will hold its annual reception New Year’s Day in Jocca Lodge at 8 o’clock. As Near I I I Washington's As Your \ II Leading Telephone h Funeral Lincoln 8200 Director Devotion to Duty is an ideal embraced by every member of Deal’s staff, from the executive director down to the last man put on the payroll. Complete Funeral $125 Black cloth, white or sliver gray pluah casket, en- S raved nameplate, outside case, embalming, washing, resslng, shaving If necessary; advertising the death, crepe for the door, removing from the hospital, gloves, rugs, chairs, candelabra, candles, a fine Cunningham hearse and two Cunningham limousines. W. W. DEAL 816 H Street N. E. . , TRAFFIC BOARD IS NAMED FOR 0. G. Commissioners Appoint W. H. Holcombe, Ringgold Hart and Inspector Headley. The District Commissioners have appointed a permanent traffic board which will consider all rules, regu lations and other matters relating to traffic conditions in Washington. Major W. H. Holcomb, assistant Engineer Commissioner, is chairman of the board, and Ringgold Hart, • assistant corporation counsel, and | Inspector Albert J. Headley, in I charge of the traffic bureau, are members. The new board win be an official branch of the District government. It will be in the same category as the Board of Charities, Board of Children’s Guardians, and other boards. To Vsitt Other Cities. This board, from time to time, will make visits to other cities In the country to study conditions. It will advise the Commissioners on every traffic matter which may com§ before that body. The new board will replace the District Commissioners’ spec'al traf fic committee. Appointment of the board was an nounced today by J. Franklin Bell, | Engineer Commissioner. "This board will take full chars of traffic problems," Major Befi| said. "It will also co-ordinate the engineer department, the legal de partment and the police department insofar as traffic matters are con cerned.” Division of Work. Major Holcombe will probably look after all engineering problems to connection with traffic; Hart will take charge of all legal matters, and Inspector Headley have charge of the enforcement of the law, strength of the trafifo force and all other po lice matters. The appointment of this commit tee is an attempt toward improving traffic conditions in the District. Members of the board will not re ceive extra pay for their work. ( All suggestions for improvements in traffic conditions here, all pro posed rules, all regulations and everything pertaining to traffic will be considered by the board. According to Major Bell, Major Holcombe will ba relieved of some of the duties of his office, if neces sary. Major Holcombe already has begun the work of studying traffic conditions here and in other cities. DOGS’ BEAUTY PARLORS LATEST LONDON VOGUE LONDON, Dec. 31.—Beauty par lors for dogs is the latest of the fads and practices which have come into being since the advent of the supercilious Chow and Pom breed of toy dogs. In these latest beauty parlore men are to be found increasing or taking out the number of wrinkles that a show dog should have to be fashionable, permanently waving its hair, straightening bow-legs, clipping tails, and a hundred and one other tricks of the trade. Painless dentistry for dogs is an other prefession brought into being by the advent of the small dog. With the aid of cocaine and three or four assistants, a woman’s fav orite Chow or Peke has its teeth filled with gold, is fitted with false teeth, or, in many cases, has the old ones cleaned.