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3 NOTED SPEAKERS ON AIR BILL ’ • • ■ I • • . ' *• KEYSTONE DINNER INN.Y. Potomac Salvationists to Give Program—Cathedral Carols » Tomorrow at 4 P. M. Addresses by Solicitor General James M. Beck, Charles, M. Schwab and Doctor Stephen S. Wise, which will be delivered at the annual Pennsylvania State Society dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, to night, will be broadcast by WRC, jointly with WJZ. The program of dinner speeches will begin at 9:30 o’clock. Salvation Army Concert Preceding the New York program, WRC will broadcast a concert under the auspices of the Potomac Divis ion of the Salvation Army. In cluded in the concert will be music by the Potomac Silver Quartet and a group of solos by Hazel Wegner Bachschmidt. Other features of tonight's air program will be a number of Christ mas carols sung by the Wilson Normal School Glee Club, a dinner concert by the Irving Boernstein Hotel Washington Orchestra and a dance concert by the Astor Hotel Orchestra. Hourly Schedule The detailed program follows: 6:45 p. m.—Famous American anniversaries—" The Landing of the Pilgrims,” by Mrs. Theodore Tiller. 7 p. rc.—Dinner music by the Irving Boernstein Hotel Washing ton Orchestra, broadcast from the Hotel Washington. 8 p. m.—Bible talk by Professor Louis D.. Bliss, under the auspices of the Men’s Organized Bible Class. 8:10 p. m.—Christmas carols by the Wilson Normal School Glee Club under the direction of Bernice Randall. 8:30 p. m.—" Facts and Fancies About Crystal Sets,” by M. S. Strock, of the radio laboratory of the Bureau ot Standards. 8:40 p. m.—Concert under the auspices of the Salvation Army, Potomac Division, K (a) March, “Ambition,” by Poto mac Stiver Quartet. ‘ (b) "Who Is on the Lord's Side,” "Diadem,” by the Salvation Army Songster Brigade. (c) March, "Melbourne,” by Poto mac Silver Quartet. (d) Soprano Solos By Hazel Wegner Bachschmidt: (1) "Lead Kindly Light;” (2) "Nearer My God to Thee.” (e) Address by Adjutant E. R. Holx, secretary, Salvation Army. <f) "Take Salvation"—By the Salvation Army Songster Brigade. (g) Baritone Solos—By Theodore Fluff of the Salvation Army Song ster Brigade: (1) "Face to Face;” (2) "Lead Me.” • (h) "Memories •of Childhood,”— By the Potomac Silver Quartet. (1) Soprano Solos By Irene McCann, of the Salvation Army; (1) "Follow Me;” (2) "Beautiful Christ." 9:30 p. m.—Dinner’of the Penn sylvania. Society, broadcast jointly with Station WJZ, Addresses by Charles M. Schwab, Honorable James M. .Beck, Solicitor General; Doctor Stephen S. Wise, etc. 10:30 p. in,—Dance music, by the Hotel AStor orchestra, broadcast jointly with Station WJZ from the Hotel Astor, New York city. "’•—Organ recital, by 2*s° . ~P eck ’ broadcast from Crandall s Tivoli Theater. Carols From Cathedral. . ...Church services tomorrow morn ing will be broadcast by WCAP rec ‘ First Congrega-1 tional Church, where a Christmas sermon wiU be delivered by the I Reverend Jason Noble Pierce, i p a® tor - At 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, WCAP will broadcast an international program of Christmas carols from the Bethlehem Chapel of the National Cathedral. The carols will be sung by the Cathedral choir and includes the following selections: ”Lo! How a Rose,” an old Ger man carol. English words by M. E. Butler, music by Michael Praetorius. s "Shepherds and Shepherdesses.” An eighteenth century French carol. "Good King . Wenceslas.” A traditional English carol. "In Natali Domini.” Words by Albert Mitchell. Music by W. G Rose. “The Virgin and Child.” Words Old English. Music by Frank C. Butcher. “A Bright Star Shining.” Words by Van Tassel Sutphen. Music by J. Sebastian Matthews. Tomorrow night a special Christ mas concert will be presented through WCAP by S. L. Rothafel, "Roxy” and his Capitol studio art ists direct from the stage and studio of the theater. The regular organ recital from the Skinner organ stu dio will follow the Capitol Theater program. • frank McCarthy heads G. U. ALUMNI CLUB Frank McCarthy was elected pres ident of the Georgetown University Alumni Club, in the City Club, last night. Vice presidents, elected from the several schools of the university, were Austin Canfield, Dr. M. A. Stohlman, Dr. s. Logan Owen, Wal ter Sheeley hnd Walter T. Cahill. Eugene Gallery was elected treasurer and Leo Sheehan, secretary. Members of the faculty, including Lou Little, director of athletics, ad dressed the club. Entertainment was furnished by Brooke Johns, George O’Connor and others. DISTANT STATIONS * ■ I This Program Is Sent By Mail and Corrected By Telegraph, But Subject to Last-Minute Changes • to 7. 6:OO—WEAF Instrumental Quartet, New York WEAF 492 Royal Canadians Orchestra, Cleveland WTAM 390 Hotel St James Orchestra, Philadelphia WIP 509 Dlhner Concert, Detroit WCX 517 6:2o—Dinner? Music, Newark WOR 405 6:Bo—Hotel Alamac Orchestra, New York WHN 860 Copley Plaza Orchestra, Springfield WBZ 837 WNAC Dinner Dance, Boston WNAC 278 Dinner- Concert, Pittsburgh .. WCAE 462 Meyer Davis Orchestra. Philadelphia WFI 895 Club Alabam Orchestra, New York WNYC 526 6:4s—Markets, Philadelphia k..WIP 509 7 to 8. 7:oo—Waldorf Astoria Orchestra, New York WJZ 455 Colbnel Pattee, Old Soldier Fiddler, New York...WEAF 492 News Bulletins, Chicago ..; KYW 536 Bedtime Stories, Springfield WBZ 837 / School of the Air. Kansas City .' . WDAF 411 Sunny Jim, Philadelphia WFI 395 Artnpur Tech Band, Chicago > WMAQ 448 Dlhner Concert, Chicago ...-» WGN 870 Uncje Wlp, Philadelphia WIP 509 Kiddles Stories In French, Montreal .CKAC 425 7:lo—David Daca, Cowboy Songs, New York WEAF 492 7:ls—Sports, Newark WOR 405 7:Bo—Carlton Terrace Orchestra, New York WHN 860 - - Adventure Story, New York’ WEAF 492 Bedtime Stories; Chicago KYW 536 Dream Daddy, Philadelphia WDAR 895 Hotel Kimball Trio, Springfield WBZ 387 Markets, Pittsburgh , KDKA 326 Uncle Kaybee, Pittsburgh WCAE 462 Rite Carlton Orchestra, New York ...WGBS 316 Talk, New York WNYC 526 Mt. Royal Hotel Orchestra. Montreal CKAC 425 7:4o—Chateau Four, New York ....WNYC 526 8 to 9. B.oo—Musical Program, New York ..WHN 860 "Photoradlograms,” Talk, New York WJZ .455 Musical Program, New York WEAF 492 Dinner Concert, Chicago - KYW 536 Classical Music, Newark WOR 405 Musical Pfogram, New York WBBR 273 Womens Chorus, Springfield WBZ 837 Concert Orchestra, Boston WNAC 278 Oriole Orchestra, Chicago WEBH 870 Health Talk, Philadelphia Ritz Carlton Orchestra, New York WGBS 816 WLS Revue,. Chicago WLB ??? “Historic Rambles,” Philadelphia Rainbo Club I Entertainers, Cleveland , WHK 288 B:ls—Bernard and'Robinson, Sohgs, New York WJZ 455 Starlight Players, Philadelphia WFI 395 WIP Male Quartet, Philadelphia WIP 509 B:3O—N. Y. Liederkranz Society, New York -WJZ 455 “The Messiah," Pittsburgh „...KDKA 326 Louisville Flute Club, Louisville • Concert, Pittsburgh Police' Quartet, New York 5 ~ Studio Concert, Montreal -CKAC 425 Concert, Shenandoah Concert, Havana * 400 «:40-Christoas Program, Philadelphia WFI 395 9 to 18. 9:oo—Musical Program, New York ...WHN 360 Waldorf Astoria Orchestra, New York WEAF 492 Musical Program, Chicago » .KYW 536 Classical Music, Newark WOR 405 "The Messiah,” Pittsburgh *-£)KA !?6 Hotchkiss Ensemble, Boston . WNAC 278 "Fireside Philosophies,” Minneapolis WCCO 417 Louisville Flute Club, Louisville v WHAS 400 Concert, Pittsburgh - 462 Dance Music, Philadelphia Musical Program, NeW York 212 WTAM Orchestra, Cleveland WLS Revue, Chicago .........WLS 345 Christmas Cantata. St. Louis 546 Algard Trio. New York , i’. ??? Hotel La Salle Orchestra. Chicago ..... j*’ . Classical Concert, Chicago WGN 870 Popular Program, Atlanta WSB 429 Stetson Banjo Club, Philadelphia ??? Contort, Havana -PWX 400 Dance Music. Columbus WBAV 428 Rainbo Club Entertainers, Cleveland WHK 283 Musical Program, Cincinnati ..WSAI 309 9:ls—Vesta String Quartet, Springfield WBZ 337 9:Bo—Heckmann’e Danoe Orchestra, New York WHN 360 Pennsylvania Society Dinner, New York WJZ 455 Doctor Hugh Black. Address, Newark WOR 405 Meyer Davis Orchestra, Hot Springs ...KTHS 875 Musical Program, Minneapolis WCCO 417 Kenmore Hotel Orchestra, Schenectady WOY 880 Concert, Memphis .WMC 500 Hugo, Okla., Prpgram. Dallas WFAA 476 9:45—0c lie Behrens, New York WEAF 492 Musical Program, Newark WOR 405 10 to 11. 10:00—Musical Program, New York WHN 860 Pennsylvania Society Diniier, New York WJZ 455 Musical Program, New York i WEAF 492 Meyer Davis Orchestra, Hot Springs KTHS 375 John Merkel, Tenor, Springfield WBZ 837 Dance Boston WNAC 278 Oriole Orchestra, Chicago ...WEBH 870 Musical Program, Minneapolis WCCO 417 Kenmore Hotel Orchestra, Schenectady WGY 380 Musical Program, Ngw York ......WGBS 816 . WTAM Dance Orchestra, Cleveland WTAM 390 t Concert, Memphis WMC 500 WLS Revue, ChicSgo WLS 345 Christmas Cantata, St. Louis KSD 546 Musical Program, New York WNYC 526 Theater Revue, Chicago WMAQ 448 Hotel Le Claire Orchestra, Davenport WOC 484 Motorists Talk, Philadelphia .WIP 509 Dance Program, Columbus WBAV 423 Dance Program, Mooseheart WJJD 278 Dance Music, Lansing WREO -288 Weekly News Review, Cincinnati WSAI 809 1015—Macy and Scott, Songs, Newark !WOR 4(L Club Madrid Orchestra, Philadelphia WIP 509 Musical Program, Cincinnati WSAI 309 10:30—Astor Dance Orchestra, New York .....WJZ 455 Late Show, Chicago KYW 586 > Dapce Music, Minneapolis WCCO 417 Mt. Royal Hotel Orchestra, Montreal CKAC 425 Dance Music, Elgin ...WTAS 285 > 11 to 18. 11.00—Leroy Smith’s Orchestra, New York .WHN 860 Vincent Lopez’ Orchestra, New York . WEAF 492 Late Show, Chicago KYW 586 Russian Eagle Orchestra, NeW York WGBS 316 WTAM Dance Orchestra, Cleveland WTAM 890 Popular Entertainment, Cincinnati WMH 809 WLS Revue, Chicago , WLS 845 Chapman’s Orchestra, Chicago .WGN 870 Organ Recital, Philadelphia WIP 509 Band Concert, Oaklartd .KGO 812 Christmas Concert, Portland KGW 492 Concert, Los Angeles i..’....KHJ 895 Minstrel Show, Hollywood KNX 387 Weidner’s Orchestra, San Francisco KPO 423 Dance Music, Mooseheart WJJD 278 Dance Music, Lansing . WREO 288 Rainbo Orchestra, Chicago . ~..WQJ 448 WTAS Orchestra. Elgin WTAS 285 ll:?0 —Roseland Orchestra, Now York < WHN 360 Beisman’s8 eisman’s Orchestra, Springfield .♦ <.....W8Z 337 equest. Program, Shenandoah . ..KFNF 266 11:45 —Jazzolofists Orchestra, Atlanta WSB 429 After Midnight. 12:00—Late Show, Chicago,- KYW 586 Oriole Orchestra, Chicago WEBH 370 Concert, Loa Angeles .KFI 469 Hotel Alips Orchestra, Cincinnati .’ WMH 309 WLS Revue, Chicago ’. WLS 345 Hotel Adolphus Orchestra. DaJlaS WFAA 476 Ind:ana Ramblers Orchestra, New York ... .WAHG 816 Jazzologistg Orchestra. Atlanta '. WSB 429 Concert. Oakland KGO 812 Christtpas Concert, Portland KGW 492 ■ Concert, Los Angeles KHJ 395 Minstrel Show, Hollywood KNX 837 Weidner Orchestra, San Francisco . ..,i KPO 428 Dance Music, Mooseheart ... WJJD 278 Rainbo Orchestra, Chicago WQJ 448 Dance Music, Lansing WREO 288 WTAS Orchestra, Elgin v.WTAS 285 12:45 —Nighthawk Frolic, Kansas City WDAF 411 I:oo—Congress Carnival, Chicago i..... KYW 586 Halstead’s Orchestra, Oaklands . KGO 812 Biltmore Orchestra, Los Angeles KHJ 895 Coconut Grove Orchestra, Hollywood KNX 337 MusicKe, Northfield WCAL 360 Midnight Entertainers, Cincinnati ........WSAI 309 I:3o—Toadstool Orchestra. Cincinnati WSAI 309 THE WASHINGTON TIMES Romping Around Radio Dial L— By Listener-In —- The gentleman who is deriving the greatest benefit from radio at present is Santa Claus. By installing a microphone and a giant transmitter at the North Pole, Kris has established diftct communication with the youngsters during these few delirious days be fore Christmas., ’ The noise and the bustle of the Santa-Clausian workshop, goal of all our childhood dreams, is now brought direct from the North Pole to the home. And if you can’t get a thrill out of hearing these Chritsmas sounds, the orders of Santa Claus to his workmen, the rat-tat of drums, the tinny blats of horns and the cries of roughly handled dolls, there’s something wrong. Last night, Santa Claus was bsoadcastlng from practically every station within range of Washington. If you missed the Old Gentleman yesterday, listen to him broadcasting direct from his workshop tonight, through WBZ, Springfield, at about ten minutes past seven. Although Roxy hasn’t promised to hook-up with Santa Claus tomorrow night, he has arranged for a musical program that will be Christmasy In execution. A number of Christmas songs are scheduled to be offered from the studio. During the stage program, Roxy will present ” Down Memory Lane of Musical Comedy?” Many of the Gang are listed in the cast. R. Dean Shure. prominent Wash ington organist and composer, is tn be honored tomorrow night by having two- of his compositions from the "Washington Suite”—‘"Hie Mirror Reflecting Pool" and “Potomac Park .Boat Song”—included in the program of Maurice Garrabrant, who will play Imitation Amer Tran was first in the field of broad-band audio amplifying trans formers. Imitation of the Amer Tran should be a simple matter, and yet of all the substitutes avail able today, there is not one just as good. Judged by comparison with its most worthy imi tators and so judged there is little difference in firice Amer Tran still eads the field. Amer Trans by the pair! AmerTnmitfnadcint*otypct, one quality. Price either model, f7.00 t at your dealer*!. Send for leaflet siring awful amplifier informatioCß* AMERICAN TRANSFORMER COMPANY 177 Emmet Street, Newark. N. J. Tratu/onerr buiUm for erer 23 yean Amer Tran I SwuQausw sh *«*»•**•» •*> armshe Santa's most popular gift Without doubt Santa relies most on the beautiful Col umbia bicycle. He knows the gift your youngster most desires and you as a father have it inyourpower to make this his happiest Christmas, wtiAa /9 ■ BICYCLE “SANTA’S MOST POPUI.AR GIFT” Open Evenings Until • W.OO Deposit Reserves any Bicycle F. L. LEISHEAR 1 812 sth st. N. w. Distributors for Indian Bicveles Motorcycles, Columbia and Iver- Johnson VelocliMMloo Tha National DaUy Sunday Distant Stations This Program Is Sent By Mail and Corrected By Telegraph, But Subject to Last-Minute Changes / ‘ 19 to 18. 10:30—Bethany Pfesbyterlan Church. Philadelphia ...WOO 509 Church Service*. Boston . WNAC 2.78 11:00—Bloor Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto CFCA 400 Church Services, Schenectady ...WGY 380 Church Services, Louisville WHAS 400 St. Thomas Episcopal Church, New York WJZ 4(5 Church Services, Springfield ..WBZ 337 v » H to <• 12:00—Children’s Hour, Chicago .' WGN 370 First Presbyterian Church; Atlanta WSB 429 Central Church, Chicago KYW 530 Church of the Covenant, Cincinnati ....WLW 423 12:45—Concert, Chicago .*. ~ .......WGN 870 3:oo—Sunday Hymn Sing, New York WEAF 493 Copcert, Cleveland . WJAX 890 Detroit News Orchestra, Detroit ....... I ...WWJ 517 Bethany Sunday School, Philadelphia .-...W00 509 2:3o—Musicals, New York WGBS 816 Musical Program, New York .WJZ 455 Sacred Concert, Toronto .....CFCA 400 2:4s—Concert, Pittsburgh KDKA 336 » Interdenominational Services, New York WEAF 492 B:oo—Organ Recital, Detroit - WCX 517 Christmas Play, Schenectady WGY 380 , Vespers, Buffalo :WGR 819 Musical Program, Pittsburgh WCAE 463 8:15—Old South Forum, Boston '. WNAC 278 B:3o—Artist ‘Cqpcert, Chicago WGN 870 the oragn recital on the Skinner Organ, following the Capitol Theater program. We have been asked the name of the station whose slogan fs "The of the Far West." Not particularly Intimate with that section of the country, we refer the query to some of the distance getters who have better luck with the West than we do. The old year is to bo rung oat for the entire country at midnight December 31, by WOO, Philadelphia, vthich station will broadcast the ringing of the Independence Hall bell. , The custom, until, last year, was observed only by Philadelphians who assembled en masse in Inde pendence Square for the celebration that marked the passing of another year of independence. The bell that will be rung this year is the one that replaced the Liberty 801 l in the tower in 1877. SqSI jßMir - i.. I- ! r Il 1 K r “STANDARD” SERVICE STATION . // J Opening dap~ Xt— -r-X December 20 EdoejSrtisaSrM "TEW up-to-date “Standard” line will receive coupons for four Service Stations are being quarts of “Standard” Polarine motor JL opened thick and fast these oil—free. i days. This one just completed at New Each of the three consistencies of Hampshire Avenue and M Street, “Standard” Polarine motor oils is N. W., brings the list m Washington always uniform in quality—honest /» U l tO Beven^n_ " them places an j dependable—used properly, any Tour Quark or where you am replenish your supplies of them aßsureß you a i odg . Uved> of gas, oil and air with the utmost ease motor, ready to re \jjaUOara and dispatch. spend to the most exacting test. We th® opening of this new New know them to be without superiors Hampshire Avenue and M Street Ser* and want you also to learn the ever* vice Station, each purchaser of five increasing satisfaction coming from gallons or more of “Standard” Gaso* the use of a really correct motor oil* STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) —— '■■■ ■ ■ j “Standard” Service Stations in Washington *2612 Sherman Avenue, N.W. Florida Avenue & Firat Street, N. E. '' *Wiaconetn Avenue near Warren Street, N.W. 14th & D Streets, N.W. 5510 Colorado Avenue, N. W. *Connectkut & Nebraska Avenues, N.W. 26th Street * Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. ‘Connecticut Avenue & Porter Street, N. W. ‘New Hampshire Avenue ft MStreet, N.W. ‘Massachusetts Avenue ft 2nd Street, N. W. Bladensburg Road ft Barney Street, N.E. o e * Florida ft New Jersey Avenues, N.W. ‘Georgia Avenue St Quincy Street, N.W. ... • . Cod Ro«b, N c E Florida Avenue ft H Street, N. E. New York, New Jersey Ave. ft 3rd St., N.W. Alcmita service. - • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924. HIDES DIAMOND IN SHOE ANQ WIFE GIVES IT AWAY NEW YORK/Dec. 21U-A man described as a physician of Glen Cove, L. ,1., retrieved from* an old shoe in the Salvation Army home at Hempstead a 11,100 diamond ring that he had bought for his wife and had hid in th* shoe a short time before his wife gave it away. Salvation Army workers bad visited Glen Cove and had collected old clothing and discarded shoes, which were placed in a pile at the Hemp stead home. Among these was a pair of shoes from the physician's home. The caretaker at the home was awakened by knocks on the door. The physician, much excited, de manded permission to look at the old shoes obtained in Glen Cove. He searched through the pile and grabbed a worn patent leather shoe, from which he drew out the ring. , Studio Chapel Service, Chicago ...KYW 526 B:4S—WGY Orchestra, WGY 380 4:oo—Germantown Y. M. C. A. Program, Philadelphia./.. .WIP 509 Organ Recital, Buffalo '. ,'J. WGR 819 Organ Recital, Pittsburgh ..KDKA 326 Musical Program, New York- WJZ 455 4.80 Chapel Services, Philadelphia WFI 895 s:oo—Organ Recital, Schenectady /.....t..WGY 380 Concert, Kansas City 1 WDAF 411 Vespers, Louisville .4 r . WHAS 400 s:lo—House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis..WCCO 417 « to 8. 6:oo—Baraca Chorus, Atlanta Z ....WSB 429 Organ Recital, Philadelphia WOO 509 Dinner Concert, Detroit* ...WCX 517 6:Bo—Dinner Concert, Pittsburgh .....KDKA 826 Dinner Concert, Pittsburgh ....i WCAE 463 3:4s—Park Street Congregational Church, Boston WNAC 278 7Ao—Radio Bible Class, Dallas WFAA 476 Bloor Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto ......CFCA 400 Church Services, Cincinnati WMH BOT Sacred Concert, Montreal ....CKAC 415 Dinner Concert, New York ....wJZ 455 7:ls—Churc,h Services, Detroit WCX 517 7:3o—St. Paul’* Episcopal Church; Detroit WWJ. 517 Organ Recital, Chicago f WLS 845 Church Service, Pittsburgh KDKA 826 First Presbyterian Church. Schenectady WQY 880 Central Church Services, Buffalo ......WGR 819 Musical Program, Springfield W?3Z 387 .) « to IS. B:oo—Church Quartet, Cincinnati 809 Church Services, Chicago KYW 586 Musical Program, New York WJZ 455 Round Table Forum, Philadelphia WDAR 895 B:ls—Hotel Commodore Orchestra, New York .........WJY 405 Short Sermon, Cincinnati ..WMH 309 Church of the Covenant, Cincinnati «WLW 345 8.80 Wesley Memorial Church, Atlanta ...WSB 429 Talk, Springfield WBZ 887 Church Service*, Jefferson City .WOB 441 B:4s—Henepln Avenue Church, Minneapolis WCCO 417 9:oo—Concert, Beaumont .......KFDM 806 Church Service*, Kansas City WHB 411 Church Services, Davenport WOC 484 Concert, Cleveland WJAX 890 9:Bo—Musical Program, Davenport WOC 484 Concert, Hot Springs KTHB 875 WIP Little Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia WIP 509 Christmas Prqgram, New York WGBS 816 Musicale, Northfield WCAL 360 9:4s—Orchestral Concert, Cincinnati .....WLW 423 * 10 to 12. 10:00 —Sacred Songs, Dallas WFAA 476 WGN Artists, Chicago WGN 370 Hymns, lowa City WHAA 484 Concert, Minneapolis WCCO 417 Musical Program, New York WHN 360 Familiar Hymns, lowa City WHAA 484 Christmas Music, New York WJZ '455 10:80—S. S. Paris Orchestra, Montreal ...J CKAC 425 Gardner’s Orchestra, Dallas WFAA 47« Church Services, Oakland KGO 312 11X)O —Concert, Los Angeles KHJ 395 Concert, Hollywood ..KNX 337 11:80—Concert, San Francisco KPO 431 7