Newspaper Page Text
28 . Births, Marriages, Deaths Phone Notices to Main 5260, Obituary Desk GOOLD H. BULL. Funeral services for Commander Goold H. Bull, sixty-nine, who died yesterday at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. James D. Murray, jr.» - wi 1 be' held at the S. H. Hines Company funeral home, 2901 Four teenth street n 9th west, tomorrow at 11 a. m. Interment will take place at Arlington Cemetery. Com mander Bull and his wife had re cently come to this city from Hastings on-the Hudson, N. Y., their home, to visit a married daughter, Mrs. James D. Murray, Cathedral Mansions, 3100 Connecticut avenue northwest. Commander Buh was Stricken with heart failure while at his daughter’s home, and fell dead . in the apartment. Deputy Coroner Joseph D. Rogers issued a certifi cate of death due to natural causes. Commander Bull, who graduated from the Naval Academy in 1878, had served in the Spanish-Amer ican .War in an active capacity and in the world war as an inspector of machinery at the Gen eral Electric Turbine plant at Er.e, Pa. He is survived by his ' wife, Mrs. Margaret A. Bull; three daughters. Mrs. J. P. Simmons of Hastlngs-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.; Mrs. D. I. Hedrick, of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Mrs. James D. Murray, and two sons, David M. Bui’., of Milburn, - N. • J., and G. N. Bull, of Wash ington, D. C. _____ HENRIETTA M. SCHEWENK \ Funeral services for Mrs. Henri* •tta Milller Schewenk, who died Tuesday at Homeopathic Hospital, will be held tomorrow at the Church of the Brethren, ’ Fourth street and North Carolina avenue, at 11 <_ nt Interment* will take place in Oak ton, Va. Mrs. Schewenk is nur vlved by her husband, Russell R. Schewenk, of 1000 G street north east- ______ ALFRED C. NEWMAN Funeral services for Alfred C. Newman, fifty-three years old, who died Monday at his home. 1327 Kenyon street northwest, were held today at the chapel of John R. Wright Company, 1327 Tenth street northwest, the Reverend Charles Baum officiated. Interment took place in Glenwood Cemetery. Mr. Newman, who was a life-long resi dent of this city, was a veteran emnlcvn t*e Buren u of Engrav ing and Printing. He had-been ill for ten days before his death. He was a member of Lebanon Lodge, No 7. F. A. VL M.; Hope Chapter, O E 8. ancS Eureka. Council, of the Fellowship Club. He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Anna V. Newman; a son, Andrew Newman; three sisters, Miss Anna Newman, Mrs. Julia Esther and Mrs. Ida Beall, and a brother, John Newman, an of this city. BIRTHS Albert and Mary B. Smith, boy. Henry E. and Helen Thom berry boy. ■Frederick B. and Dorothy V. Klein. ■tri Walter and Bucw Strosk. boy. Harry R. and Rmma Sipe. boy. i • •H. H. and Hasel M. Yost, girt., Walt-r 8. and Mary S. Griezt, girl. Harold W. and Mildred Potter, girl. Ralph W. and Ruth' McDowell, boy. Walter I. and Elsie Booth, girl. Ernest F. and • Amelie MechHn. girl. Charles E. and Mary F. Harrington. F. and Lillian E. Tenachert, riudley 3. and Ruth M. Vaughan, boy. Jack M. M. and Frances D. Gold smith. boy. „ _ Edward W. and Helen M. Pether bridge. boy. Lee and Hevn Shee Pang. boy. Eugene and Corlenia Nelson, girl. John H. and Estelle Mayden, boy. Edward and Mamie Spencer, girl. Ernest and Vermel Lathern. girl. Fred and Mary Brown, boy. Joseph W. and Bessie M. Evans, girl. Rubin and Florence Gran th on. boyz John H. and Florins Jenkins, girt. Joshua and Cora Jones, girl. Edgar F. and Henrietta Johnson, girt. marriage licenses Victor A. Gaston. 27. and Josephine ' Rltta, 27. The Reverend J. K. Cart- W Joseph A. Berry. 48. and Lillian C. | Sutliff, >B. both of Richmond, Va. The Reverend W. J. Brooks. Oliver Schubert. 32. and Lona Ram berger, 1 8. both of Baltimore. Md. The Reverend H. M. Hennig. Richard Baker. 87. and Agnes Karalan. 84. The Reverend C. Angeloboulo*. , Frank B. McGlnness. 37. and Edna R- Engle. 30. The Reverend J. T. Hereon. Arthur H. Van Hom, 28. and Rachel f Thomas, 28. The Reverend H. H. Itanck. Alfred A. Magrogan. 21. and Violet C. Matting'y, 18. The Reverend C. E. Wheeler. _ Ernest Grayson Lacy. 22. and Mary Lucille Shepherd. 10, both of Richmond. Va- The Reverend J. E. Briggs. Frank E. Dunlovey. 22. and Hazel Henshaw, 21, both of Richmond. Va. Tb«- Reverend J. P. Tyler. Burton F. Fletcher. 21. and Mabel V. Minor. 19, both of Leesburg. Va. The Reverend J. E. Briggs. Joseph Belavsky, 86. and Annie Scfawaitz, 84. The Reverend M. R. Yoelson „ . William H. Walker. 28, and Grace Elizabeth Dent. 25. The Reverend R. Froehlich. . „ Rufus Scott, 24, and Elizabeth Sumer vtlle, 24. The Reverend J. F. King. Charles Marco. 26. and Ruby Brown, 18. The Reverend Wihiam J. Howard. Joseph Green, 51, and Clara Carter. 81. The Reverend D. Y. Campbell. James Nelson. 58, and Rebecca Waters, . 56. The Reverend A. Sayles. Roosevelt Jenkins, 22, and Annie May Upshur. 16. The ; everend G. M. Brent. Maurice E. Salsbury. 82, and Patience Rucker, 30. The Reverend J. D. oi*oo. Louis J. Shanletton, 25, of Luray, Va., and Gertrude Heiner, 23. of Spray. N. C. The Reverend J. T. Loeb. John A Raines, 30. and Mary Hamil ton, 32. The Reverend F. J. Hobin. DEATHS Mary Lyons, 33 years. No. 1115 Con necticut avenue northwest. ~ Sarah Mahon, 66 years, Georgetown University Hospital. Thomas W. Sauer. 46 years. No. 469 1 street southwest. Karl R. Klee. 35 years. No. 2214 Min nesota avenue southeast. Henrietta Schewenk, 39 years. Homeo pathic Hospital. —John B. Maish, 8 years, Walter Reed Hospital. _ _ J.> eph P. Criste, 40 years. Casualty Hospital. _ xny E. Felt. 58 years, Georgetown University Hospital. Samuel E. C. O’Brien. 73 years. No. 1304 Pennsylvania avenue southeast. Clara M. Frost, 65 yearn. No. 3030 Wisconsin avenue northwest. Mary Clark. 84 years, . Emergency Hospital. . Hfnjamfn Shaw, 61 years, St. Eliza beths Hospital. Ethel Robey, 7 month* Children’s Hospital. . „ .jr an Kennedy, 3% month’s. Chil dren’s Hospital. ” . Infant of Herbert and Annie Bqwen, 1 fey, No. 1119 Robinson street south west. » _ . , ncy Royal, 75 years, Freedmen s. Hospital. Mary *• Col< 72 years. No. 1335 Q Street northwest. ; Richard Elder, 11 rears, Casualty Hospital. „ .... Mollie Whitlow, 50 /•••• No. 1823 Second street northwest Adeline Swann. 56 rears. Me. <025 First street southwest Levi • Green, 40 yeees Fmsegenoy Hospital. Mtmie C; Poreet, 1 moot* 150< Tenth street northwest. luiaut of John and FJ’wtyett Jitc, , M day* Freedmen’s Hospital. * ( Brain Htfirw ■) LAY—Suddenly, on Wednesday, 28, 1925. at her residence, 1820 N street northwest, CAROLINE Y. LAY, wife of the late Colonel Richard G. Lay. . . Funeral services at St. Matthew a Church 11 a. m.. Friday, October 30. 1925. New York and Boston papers please copy. ——» FLORISTS WHITE, INC. 14th w ’ OUR SPECIALTY Floral Designs-at Moderate Prices APPROPRIATE Funeral Tokens Gude Bros. Co., 1212 F St. N. W. Artistic—Expressive—lnexpensive Prompt Auto Delivery Service Announcements Phone Classified Ads to Main &"60. LUST AND FOUND 1 BEAGLE HOUND —Male, black, white, and tan; scar on left bind leg near foot; reward |5. West 2848. CAT —Black Persian, lost; reward if returned. 137 Bates St. N. W. DOG —German police. Shepherd, about 5 months old; black and tan mark ings; reward. Franklin 8059. PART POODLE, plrt fox terrier; white, large tan spot around and over left eye; name. Jack; invalid’s pet; rew. 1410 Mass. Ave. N. W. F. 4088. PERSONALS 8 AMY ELLlS—Manicuring scalp * treat ment. 1221 New York Ave., 2d fl. * BEAUTY CULTURE fail classes tros forming; instructions by experts In all branches; learn a profession and be independent. Enroll now. 8638 Ga. Ave. N. W. Col 10290. FRANKS BEAUTY PARLOR BEAUTY CULTURE Instruction, day and evening classes, low rates, easy terms. Jeans Hair Shoppe, 1417 F St. .N. W. Fr. 1146. DO YOU DANCE? —Why mess up your home? Large rdom, 20 couples or more in close-in suburban home; plenty of parking space; very reason able. Lincoln 9264-J. ELECTRIC bath massage—Rheumatism,' poor circulation, nervousness, stiff joints. Grad, nurse <col). No. 6936-J. MANICURING, "facial massage. 933 G • St. W„ Apt. 3. Franklin 7908. SWEDISH massage given by trained nurse, .$2 and 83 treatment; electricity included. Phone Main 8725. ♦ SCIENTIFIC body massage; vapor baths, by expert. 1123 17 St ?FW Ft 3977-W. SWEDISH massage J colored operator ; rheumatism; whitelcliente; Line. 5485“ COSTUMES For Halloween and masquerades. A complete line. MULLANE THEATRICAL AGENCY, EFFECTIVE Oct. 29.—1 will not btf re sponsible for debts contracted by others than myself. John P. -Frank lin, 230 9th St. N. E. • MAY CARLSON Marcel waver, formerly at Corkery Beauty Shop, is now back at THE ELSIE SHOPPE ■ 1716 H st. N. W. CLAIRVOYANTS 4 DR. JANE B COATES Columbia <227. Private readings by appointment only. Public circle at Playhouse. Wednesday. 8 p. m. 1814 N St. N. W. • MRS. MISTER. 1219 10th St. X. W.- Seance Tuesday, 8 p. m. Daily read ings by appointment. Fr. 1274-W * D’ASHMAN. 1129 14TH ST. N, W. Clairvoyant; card reader; crystal gazing; your full fortune told 81 dp. * MME. JEANETTE Guarantees to read your life—past, present and future. She asks no questions and tells you what you want to know, giving namea dstsA and theta on business matters, love, health family affalra E JOHN BOWLING SCIENTIFIC character analyst, palm ist; readings, 81. Hours, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., 3 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Phone Franklin 8186. 1339 L st. N. W. 1_ 81 YEARS’ SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE IN WASHINGTON. D. C. MARTHA SPENCER ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST DIS TINGUISHED PSYCHOLOGISTS AND SCIENTIFIC LIFE READERS STUDIO, 924 14TH ST. N. W. Without asking a question she will tell you the object of your call, giving names of friends, relatives and actual ! facts concerning your life and circum stances which you know to be abso- I lutely true. My methods and works ! are different from all others. Has I reunited' more separated than any other clairvoyant. Call today and. be con vinced. PERFECT SATISFACTION OR NO FEE. .* " MADAME LENORA GIFTED CLAIRVOYANT A>’l» MEDIUM. No guesswork or questions asked; what she sees and tells come true. Help and advice on business changes, onar riage. divorce, health; breaks bad luck and evil Influences. You will be happier and wiser after one visit to this noted clairvoyant, 637 F St., opp Hecht’s. Hrs., 11 to 6. No one In trouble^turned away. • KIZPAK ELDON Spiritual medium and psychic palm- Us glree true advice on business, health, love and family affairs; what to do to be successful in life. Readings dally 612 F St N W • Expert Card Reader ‘ l9l c^ner i G W ’ 10 A. M. MME. ZARA 10 P 'M. »ULL READING. ONE DOLLAR ONLY Whan in trouble call me. Fr. 998-J. • PROF. WRIGHT, Medium. SEANCE Wed. and Sun. 8 p. m. Crye. tai and palmist readings daily. 469 New Jersey Ave. 8. E. Line. 4198. ♦ Q Automotive Phone Classified Ads to Main 5260. AUTOMOBILES FOR HALB 4 ADAMS MOTOR CO. used cars are guaianteed and priced attractively, see us before buying. 1612 14th St. N. W. Pot. 1742. BUICK AGENCY. 1016 CONN. AVE. Come in today ajjd see the new Buick. Alsu the following guaranteed used Buicks, equal to new: BUICK, 1925. Master “6” coupe. BUICK. J 923, 4-cyl. sedan. BUICK. 1922, 7-pass. touring. BUICK, 1924, Master “6” Sedan. , BUICK, 1922. 6-cyl. coupe. Ask for T. S. Gaddesw, 1016 Conn. Ave. Liberal terms—your car in trade. BUICK TOURING—Four new tires; been repainted; ear repoasesned; sold for 8300; can be had for unpaid bal ance of 8107.24. Adams Motor Co., 1612 14th St. Phone Potomac 1742. BUICK Touring; 4-cylinder. 1922 model; good tires; A-l mechanical order, owner, 61 Eye St. N. W„ after 5; 1850 cash DODGE- TOURING. 1923—Absolutely A-l; looks and runs like new; has new tires; many extras; 8395; E-Z torms. Adams Oakland Co., 1612 14th St. ' Phone Potomac 1742. DURANT TOURING—AImost new; has balloon tires, 4-wheel brakes, bump ers; motometer and all extras; only 8197 down; balance, E-Z. Adams Motor Co., 1612 14th St. Phone Po tomac 1742. •' DODGE SEDAN, 1923—Excellent mo ehanlcal condition; new paint; tires perfect; cheap. Good Hope Road Garage. Lincoln 9832. DCIMIE Touring. ‘23, with a California top; seat covers, irt good condition. 3375.00. Terms can be arranged. ’ 101* Uth Street N, W. Main 8139, FORD Ton Trucks and light deliveries, good condition, cheap, easy terms. Northeast Mo|or Co., 1335 H St. N. g. ’ FORD Coupe —Late model, cheijT terms. Northeast Motor Co., 1335 H ’ St. N. E. r FORD—Sedan body, 1925; perfect ’ eon _dltion, 815<>. 2208 14th N. W. N. 6409. I FORD TUDOR SEDAN—I92S. run only a few must sell for only 842 f- , ) terms. Adams Motor jC1512 14th St. Phone Potomao 1143. THE 'WASHINGTON TIMES The National Daily THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1925. Automotive Phone Classified Ads to Main 5260. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE 6 FORD COUPE—Just like new; 30-day guarantee; all extras; will sacrifice for only .8360; E-Z terms. Adams Motor Co.. 1612 14 th st. Phone _ Potomac 1742. 1 FORD Touring—l92s, excellent condi . tion, terms. Northeast Motor Co., ! 1335 H St. y, E. . FORD COUPE. excellent condi tion; newly painted, good tires, 2 new and spkre; heater, dash and parking lights; $375 cash. 2115 14th St. N. W. North 1603. FORD Roadster —1925, very good, easy terms. Northeast Motor Co., 1335 H St. N. E. , HUPMOBILE —Home of the famous Certified Gold Seal Used Cars. Ster rett and Fleming, Inc. Champlain St., at Kalorama Rd. Phone Colum zia 5050. ; JEWETT brougham. ’24, fully equipped, mechanically perfect, must sacrifice. reas., easy terms. Col. 4636, Apt. 617. MUST SACRIFICE Willys Knight 7-Pass. Sedan . Officer left town 118 U St. N. W. North 10176 MAXWELL 4-PASS COUPE —Business is good. Just think, this "good Max well coupe” .for only 8100 down; bal ance E-Z. Oakland Used Car Dept.., \ 1612 14th St. Phone Potomac 1742. i OAKLAND’ INCLOSED TOURING, 1925 —Demonstrator; a real yshance to get an inclosed car with a new-car guar antee. only 8775; E-Z terms. Adams Oakland Co., 1612 14th St. Phone Po. tomac 1742. . STUDEBAKER, 1923. special "6”. 5 pass, coacyi, A-l condition, beet buy in town; 8550. Call 6 to 8:80 p. m., ill 2nd St. N. W. BUSINESS IS GOOD While other automobile dealers are complaining about their used cats not selling we sold 22 used cars in the past ten days. There's a reason. Our cars are in first-class condition and ouF prices cannot be equaled. JUST ARRIVED 6 Studebaker Light-Six Tourings 1924 2 Willys-Knight Coaches 1924 1 Buick Sedan 4-wheel Brakes 1986 1 Buick Coupe 1924 2 Seven-passenger Buick Touring Cars four-wheel brakes 1924 18 Ford Tourings. Sedans and Coupes 1923, 1924 and 1925 models 1 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 1 Olds eight-cylinder Sport late 1928. 1 Buick Six Touring Car 1928 2 Hudson Coaches 1926 2 Buick four-cylinder Touring Cars four-wheel brakes 1924 GLASSMAN SALES CO. A Safe Place to Buy Your Car. L STREET N. W. EASY Td BUY Let us explain our method of celling used care on the G. M. A. C. time payment plan. It’s very convenient •nd easy to handle. Many makes and models. The Co. 1138-40 Conn. Ave. N. W. Open Evenings Fr. 3902 STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER e 1925 MODEL BIG SIX BROUGHAM, 5-PAS SENGER: LIKE NEW; RUN LESS TiIAN 5,000 MILES. COST 92,500 NEW: ASKING » PRICE, 11,750. ANY* DEM ONSTRATION. PHONE AD AMS 8401-J FOR APPOINT MENT. HUDSON-ESSEX The place to buy a .real bargain in a good late model used car LAMBERT-HUDSON MOTORS CO. » 1722 L St. N. W. NASH! NASH! THE SAFEST USED CAR ' YOU CAN BUY. 1923 Nash Touring (winter enclosure)..... SSOO 1924 Nash Tour. 7- pass. (winter enclosure). 775 1923 Nash Sport 050 1925 Nash Advance Six Touring. 1924 Hudson Coach 725 1924 Ford Touring 200 1923 Dodge Touring (re- duced from |475).. 350 1925 Chevrolet Touring,... 450 1924 Chevrolet Dump Truck (run 1,300 miles).. 500 HAWKINS NASH MOTOR CO., INC. Used Car 1522 14tJj, St. N. W. Main 5780 f FORDS! FORDS! Touring cars, choice of 10 850 up Runabout 100 up (Coupes, choice of 3... 160 up Tudors, choice of 5 300 up Fordors, choice of 3.... 825 up Light deliveries, choice of 5 50 up Trucks, choice of 8 75 up Chevrolet touring 60 Some of the above cars can be bought for $lO cash, balance at 75c a day. Open Sunday, 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. STEUART’S GARAGE, 141 12th St. N. E. Phone L. 6200. ■Pords! Fords! Fords! j 8 Tourings '23.’24 100 $225 I 3 Roadeters 100 225 j 5 Coupes ..1.150 375 I 2 Fordor Sedans. ’23 1225 276 ’ 1 Sedan, ’23. 225 1 6 Trucks and Chassis 75 to 225 1 1 Light Del. Closed body.. 225 WB SELL GUARANTEE!* USED CARS FOR TERMS SEE MR. TORREY > TRIANGLE MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealers 1 North Capitol and N. Y. Ave. H. B. LEARY, JR. I & BROS. Chrysler Distributors k GOOD HONEST VALUES . IN USED CARS 1321 14th St. N. W. North 4296 : Open Evenings and Sundays. i MONEY LOANED On automobiles; 6 per cent M. A. DEMPF 1840 14th St N W Good Usei Cats Always. 1 PEERLESS MOTOR CO. 14th and P St! X. W. I Automotive J 1 Phone Classified Ads to Main 5260. . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 6 : STUDEBAKER ' ■i CONFIDENCE JWe value the reputation gained from many years of honest deal ings and giving honest used car values. Our Used Car Pledgtf r is just a further expression of [ our desire to take the “guess ; out of used car buying. 1 Studebaker Big Six Sport • New gray and red paint, motor over- hauled, good tires. This car .» » bargain; $360. Studebaker 1924 Sport Special Six Touring Castile gray and vermtlUon disc wheels and spare wheel,, .nickel radiator and bumpers, Gabriel, sniib- > hers, automatic windshield wiper rear vision mirror. U. S. Royal-cord tires, and the best motor in the city; a guaranteejl car for $975. i 1924 Essex Coach : Balloon tires, only run 7,000 miles; cat is in excellent condition and paint is i -like new; Lincoln green upholstery; , motometer, windshield, wiper and everything in extras. Come early. ; 1550. " Studebaker 1924 Touring Light six sport; duo-tone buff and brown paint, disc wheels, good tires and nice mechanical condition; $475. Studebaker 5-Pass. Coach i Coupe, 1924. . Balloon tires and spare; done in dark . mouse gray and black; mauve up- I ho I s ter y and silver fittings, many ex i tra., including trunk rack iln rear. , $775. i Studebaker *1922 Roadstej, > A light six which is a dahdy ana has everything on it from soup to nuts. Excellent condition and fine tires. |375. Lexington Touring (Ansted Motor). This car has just been repainted blue wlMi white stripe and has 4 good tires and an inclosed Winter top. A good looking, running automobile (tor $275. Studebaker Sport Speedster, 1924. Six new tires and disc wheele,—side windshields, nickel trimmings, trunk, bumpers. Everything done in he new, fashionable Lincoln green with vermilion striping. SI,OOO. Studebaker Touring $325 Studebaker, ’24 Big Six Sport 1,000 • Gardner Touring, ’23 250 Chevrolet Sport, ’24........ 225 Overland, ’24 Touring 275 ; Overland, ’23 Touring...... 150 i Durant, ’23 T0uring........ 250 Dodge, ’2l Roadster 145 Buick, ’23 Touring 350 Hudson Sedan Limousine.. 500 Westcott Touring (repainted) 300 Chevrolet, ’23 Sedan 275 Ford Tudor (beauty)...... 850 Ford Sedan 50 STUDEBAKER The White Front Lot at i • 1706 14th St., 14th at R, N. W. Phone Potomac 1633. ; BUY A GUARANTEED USED FORD CAR From “UNIVERSAL*’ TODAY. i > Ford light delivery, A-l me chanical condition, cheap for quick sale; easy terms, S2B cash, $3 per week. Ford touring, with extras; must sell, $27 cash, $2.50 per week. Ford ton truck, rebuilt motor; guaranteed to be in perfect con dition; must sacrifice, S3B cash, $3 per week. Late model Ford sedan, extras: price S2O0 —a real bargain. Open Evenings and All Day SUNDAY. UNIVERSAL AUTO CO. BUICK Used Car Department LARGE-SMALL OPEN—CLOSED i Liberal! Terms Open Evenings and Sundays > > STANLEY H. HORNER, • INC. j WHS 114th St. Main 5296 t AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE 7 SIGNAL ChasslH, 3\J ton, good condi tion. Philip Ershler, Edmonds Bldg. Main 132. "SERVICE AND REP~4IRINO 12 REPAINT At winter prices; work guaranteed; - estimate gladly furnished. . Paramount Auto Painting Co., Inc. 1 900 n 1 Ave. N. E. Pot. 2672. “AUTO LAUNDRY” Ford cars painted sls, Guaranteed We Specialize in simonizing 1 witn factory guarantee Cars washed and polished. .$1.50 i Tops painted 2.00 Motors cleaned 1.00 (Rear) 1528 O street N. W. Franklin 8612 / TO HIRE AUTOMOBILES 13 DUMP trucks for hire; general hauling and excavating. Mr. Miller Fr 5256 WANTED Harley motorcycle; 1925 model; for cash. Kirk’s Garage, rear 1310 Eye St. N. W. • AUTOS—Any condition. Northeast Auto Exchange. 62 H st. N. E. Fr. 3383. CASH for cars. The AUTO 'MART. ■ 17th St. and Kalorama Rd. Adams 6581. CASH for your car. See Mr. Barnes, 1020 Conn. Ave. Franklin 7008. WANTED—TO BUY USED CARS. ANY MAKE, ANY YEAR. SEE MONT » __°QS , J?RY.._J 5.32 14TH ST. N. W. USED cars betight for cash. Fred 12 Morgan. 1011 Conn. Ava. Automotive ' Phone Classified Ads to Main 5263. , WANTED AUTOMOBILES " FORD TRUCKS —with pneumatic tires, with or without dump bodies. Regular work, long job, pay by load. Maloney Paving Co., Columbia pike at Barcroft; Arlington County. Cleve. 2307. i Q Business Service i Phone Classified Ads to Main 5260. ' ELECTRICIANS AND WIRING 18 > i I ——- I Central Armature WorKs ELECTRICAL j ' Power Apparatus Specialists ! 635 D Street N. W. Main 3660-3661 t' 11 ; MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 21 , the IDEAL Window Cleaning Co., i Inc. Window and house cleaning. Phone M. 5268. 904 Mth St. N. W. WINDOW shades furnished and install ed. as low as 85c; curtain poles and » brass rods. Kleoblatt’s, 11th and H ’ sta - N ’ B ’ L>nc ’ 87> ‘ 1 MOVING-PACKING-STORAGEtt —__MOVINjG— —— Cl 6 EYE ST. N. W. STORAGE. PACKING AND SHIPPING > PADDED VANS FURNISHED » PHONE MAIN 2010-2011. Kreig’s Express & Storage Co. STORAGE, CRATING, MOVING PADDED VANS. CAREFUL MEN, ! iimrwrNWcoTHtc. . PHONES NORTH 9600—680 L PAINTING PAPERING 23 SOUTHERN DECORATING CO. I Paper hanging, painting and house re » pairing. Estimate furnished. > Call Lincoln 3096-W after S p, m. PRTNTINGENGRAVING 24 THE CASLON PRESS—PRINTING. 1012 Eye SL N. W. Main 1616. ' McCONVEY. 639 F —Cards or bill heads 1 _(600)— $2.00. Franklin 5820-J. • PrAfESHIONAL SERVICES LAWYER—WaIter Holland. 966 Mon sey Bldg., gives free legal advice to persons too poor to pay tor them- ’ UPHOLSTERING 89 ! ALBERT KAHLERT A CO.—lmproved i steam carpet cleaning, upholstering, repair!nr, mattress making. 862 Md. / Ave. 8. W. Main 2036. ' » CABINET making, upholstering, drap-. erles, slip covers, decorating, painting. k Charles Breedlove, formerly with > Smith Transfer and Storage Co., Alex. I 1644. f X*' ' ' ’ f Employment J i Phone Classified Ads to Main 6240. 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES St ! COOKS, couples, maids, housemsn. Ful- > ler’s Exch., 1121 26th St.. W. 2089. • HELP WANTED FEMALE LARGE CORPOR AT ION desires the services of a woman, white, between the ages of 25 and 35 for employes’ lunchroom work. Previous experience not essential. Good salary at start with opportunity for advancement. Give name and address, age, height, * weight education and home condl fions. Address Box 103, Times-Herald. MARKER —Experienced on flat work. Apply Dupont Laundi-y, 2886 Sherman * Ave. N. W, MARKER— Experienced on rough dry work. Apply Dupont Laundry, 2636 Sherman Ave. N. W. NEAT colored maid for waiting on table In boarding house and chamber work. Apply 1436 21st St. N. W. REFINED woman to demonstrate new and exclusive line of silks, including frocks, coats, lingerie, scarfs. For full information and samples writs Box A 307, Times-Herald. SALESLADIES —Experienced. Apply Brownley's, 1300 F St. N. W. • CAN YOU SELL YOUR i SELF THE IDEA OF MAKING SOME. REAL ■■ MONEY? . Here’s Our Proposition WE HAVE JUST OPENED . OUR ’ NEW WASHINGTON, D. C., OF FICE. IT IS LOCATED ON F STREET AT 14TH, QUITE THE : BUSIEST PLACE IN THE CITY. WE HAVE A REAL AND ACTU ALLY GUARANTEED FLORIDA REAL ESTATE OPERATION TO SELL. ONE WHICH IS GUARAN TEED BY A PROMINENT LOCAL CONCERN. WE WILL ALLOW YOU A DESK, . FURNISH YOU WITH PROS- PECTS, GIVE YOU ALL OF THE ADVANTAGES OF OUR COOPER. ATION, HELP YOU TO CLOSE YOUR SALES. ■ ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO ' PROVE YOUR INTENTIONS OF ' DOING THE RIGHT THING. YOU NEED NOT BE AN EX PERIENCED S ALESMAN, W’ E WILL TEACH YfU. apply at once, "MR. FITZ GIBBON, SALES MANAGER, KISSIMMEE VIEW, FLORIDA. ? EBBITT BLDG.. 14th St. at F. Press Feeders L EXPERIENCED, CYLINDER OR PLATEN. HIGH WAGES f PAID. 4 4-HO UR WEEK. MUST BE EXPERIENCED. APPLY TO MR. R. A. DICK SON TRADES UNIONIST ; BLDG., 720 STH ST. N. W. : YOU CAN MAKE SAW 1 A WEEK JUST WORK UNG EVENINGS .k ! ! ! 2 ! i WE MEAN THAT IF YOU HAVE ANY ABILITY—WE HAVE THE PROPOSITION THAT WILL BRING YOU AT LEAST SIOO WEEKLY FOR JUST A FEW HOURS’ WORK EVERY EVE , NING. x DON’T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW! | ANSWER THIS AD FOR FULL PARTICULARS. BE OUR AGENT—WE WILL COOPER ATE WITH YOU —FURNISH | YOU WITH PROSPECTS—AL- ; LOW YOU OFFICE ROOM IN OUR NEWLY OPENED OFFICE ON WASHINGTON’S BUSIEST • STREET—AND *HELP YOU CLOSE YOUR SALES. I ANSWER AT ONCE! ; Box A=J<o>B Tlhiis Office r ACTIVE” WOMAN - FOR HOUSE TO HOUSE WORK; PERMA NENT; NO SELLING. 206-7 BOND BUILDING. i Q Employment y Phont Classified Ada to Main 53<0 HEEP WANTED FEMALE 31 CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN , WANTED EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE. There are several openings on the classified advertising staff of The TIMES and The HERALD for e*- ' perienced telephone saleswomen who can sell. While experience is desirable, applications will also be considered I from young women who have success- I !ul selling records in other lines of sales work. Ability to sell over the telephone is most essential. In yonr reply state fully your ex i perience. age education, references, etc. ‘Be SURE AND GIVE TOUR TELE !PHONE NUMBER. . I For interview—Address Box 804, ’ Times-Herald. TOUNG WOMEN FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING GOOD SALARY DURING SHORT TRAINING PERIOD REGULAR ANDJTREQUENT INCREASES THEREAFTER PERMANENT POSITIONS PLEASANT WORK AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR /YOUNG WOMEN APPLY , ROOM 1 723 12TH ST. N. W. THE \ CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY MILLINERY PREPARER AND MAKER accustomed to the best class trade. Only those with good character references need apply. Address Box A-309, Times-Herald office. SALESWOMEN of good character and references for misses* department. Ad dress Box A-310, Times-Herald office. WOMEN WHO WANT WORK— Should watch the Help Wanted ade in thia newspaper everyday. If the typo of work you are fitted forte not advertised —you should Investi gate Miss Dean’s Situation Wanted Service maintained by this news paper. This special service offers an opportunity for you to put your qualifications before Washington employers at minimum cost. Soo Miss Dean TODAY. Main floor. Hearst Bldg. (18X7 HBU N. W) HELP WANTED—DOMESTIC M GlßL—Colored; for general house ! work; willing to stay soriae nights. 1849 Newton St. N. W,• DOMESTICS WHO WANT WORK Should watch the Help Wanted ada In this newspaper every day. If the type of job you are fitted . x for is not advertised you should investigate Miss Dean’s Situation Wanted Service maintained by thia newspaper. This special service offers an opportunity for you to put your qualifications befors , Washington employers at minimum cost. Ses Miss Dean TODAY. Room 408. Hearst Bldg. (1817 H St N. W. HELP~W ANTED-—MALE 84 A-l OPENING for neat appearing house to-house men. Pay on delivery plan. Exclusive offers. See manager, 601 Federal American Bank Building, 1317 F St. N. W. ATTENTION Men with experience selling brushes, hosiery or aluminum will hear of something to their ad vantage by writing Box ASOS, Times- Herald,, AUTO washer, with references; must be experienced; drive any car; with driv er’s license. Liberty Garage, 18th and You Sts. N. W. BOY—Wanted to work in grocery store. Apply 501 ISth St 8. E. DAIRY FARM HAND—Married. A. B. Lohr, Vienna, Va. * EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; bring reference; steady work. Apply 2101 Rhode Island Ave. N. E. * I AM LOOKING for man who wants to go into a direct sales business for himself and has no capital. See Mr. Swarthout, 412 International Bldg. 10 WOOD LATHERS WANTED. Phone Franklin 3621, after 5;8O p. m.* MEAT CUTTER —Experienced only need apply. 2318 4th St. N. E. * MEAT CU T T E.R—East End Market. 1435 H St. N. E. Phone Lincoln Oil. MEN—Two, clean work and good pay. z Apply 202-204 Commercial National Bank Bldg., 14th and G Sts. N. W. MEN —Wanted to collect debit and write life insurance. Salary and com mission. Apply 810 F St N. W., Room 10. I NIGHT COOK—Apply at once. Ex press Lunch. 2nd A Eye Sts. N. E. PRESSER —First class, on » en and , ladies’ clothes. Must be expert, eneed. Steady position; good wages. Apply, D. • Sauber, 807 Oth St. N. W. PHONE US FOR HELP AMD POSI TIONS. WEST END EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1020 21BT ST. N. W» W, 881, . SALESMEN Experienced insurance, newspaper or specialty men; high grade proposition. Position will earn >47.50 weekly. Apply 1817 F St. N. W. Room 000, STAIR BUILDER and first class carpenter. Apply 720 Park Road N. W„ after 4:30 p. m. WANTED—Colored boy to drive Ford truck and gut- chickens at poultry . stand in Market. Apply at once. ' Stands 140 to 145, Park View Mar ket, Georgia Ave. and Park Road. 20 NON-UNION plasterers. Apply 33rd and D Sts. N. W. and 7th and Emerson Sts. N, W, CAN YOU SELL YOUR= SELF THE IDEA OF MAKING SOME REAL MONEY Here’s Our Proposition WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUR NEW WASHINGTON, D. C„ OF FICE. IT IS LOCATED ON F STREET AT 14TH? QUITE THE BUSIEST PLACE IN THE CITY. WE HAVE A REAL AND ACTU ALLY GUARANTEED FLORIDA REAL ESTATE OPERATION TO SELL. ONE WHICH IS GUARAN TEED BY A PROMINENT LOCAL WE WILD AI.LOW YOU A DESK, ADVANTAGES OF OUR CO-OPER ATION, HELP YOU TO CLOSE ALL R YOU VhAVE TO DO IS TO PROVE YOUR INTENTIONS OF. DOING THE RIGHT THING. YOU NEED NOT BE AN EX PERIENCED SALESMAN. WE WILL TEACH YOU. t apply at once, MR. FITZ GIBBON, SALES MANAGER, KISSIMMEE VIEW, - FLORIDA. EBBITT BLDG., 14th Bt4 At JT. C Employment y Phono Clasaified Ada to Main R 240. HEIJP WANTED—MALE 14 Canvassers Attention FULL LINE OF SWEATERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES 721 13th ST. N. W. .. SALESMEN"" WE WANT, SOME MEN TO REPRESENT US AS SALES MEN. SELLING CHEVROLET CARS, THE EASY CAR TO SELL TODAY. PROSPECTS FURNISHED. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. SOME OF OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL MEN ARE BEGINNERS. YOU COME AND MAKE SOME OF THE PROFITS. APPLY PER SONALLY AT ONCE. LUS TINE - NICHOLSON MOTOR CO.. 801 SEVENTH ST. S. W, CHAUFFEURS LISTEN if you want to make big money this winter and have identification cards. C—RYAN ■ ’ > BLACK AND WHITfi TAXICAB COMPANY 1220 22iid St. N. W. CAN MAKE SIOO A WEEK JUST WORK ING EVENINGS 1111 l WE MEAN THAT IF YOU HAVE ANY ABILITY—WE HAVE THE PROPOSITION THAT WILL BRING YOU AT LEAST >lO C WEEKLY FOR JUBTA HOURS’ WORK EVERY EVE NINO. DON’T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW ANSWER THIS AD FOR FULL PARTICULARS. BE OUR AGENT —WE WILL CO-OPERATE WITH Y O U—F URN IS H YOU WITH PROSPECTS—ALLOW YOU OF FICE ROOM IN OUR NEWLY OPENED OFFICE ON WASHING TON’S BUSIEST STREET—ANT HELP YOU CLOSE YOUR SALES, ANSWER at ONCE! Box A-31111, This Office CLASSIFIED SALESMEN •’ WANTED EXPERIENCE ' DESIRABLE. There are -several openings on' the classified advertising staff of The TIMES and Ths HERALD for wide awake men who can sell. While ex perience is desirable, applications wll also be considered from men who hav« successful eeltln* records In other line, of sales work. . Tn your reply state fully, your ex psrience, age, education, references ani all other qualifications that will aW us in deciding in your favor. BE SURE AND GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER For interview —Address Box 301 Times-Herald. t WINDOW TRIMMER. APPLY SHEER'S MEN SHOP, 3304 14TH ST. N W. SALESMEN; REAL ESTATE; DRAWING ACCT. PERMA NENT. 206-7 BOND BLDG men who want WORK Should watqh the Help Wanted ads in this newspaper every day. If the type of work you are fitted for is not advertised you should invsstigate Miss Dean's Situation Wanted Service maintained by this newspaper. This special service offers an opportunity for you to put your qualifications before Washington employers at minimum cost. See Miss Dean TODAY. Room 408. Hearst Bldg. (1317 H St.rN. W.) HELP—MALE OR~FEMALE M 100 COLORED truck drivers, chauf feurs, waitresses, cleaners. 'IO2O V St N. W. • MEN AND WOMEN WHO WANT WORK • Should watch the Help Wanted ads in- this newspaper every day. If the type of work you are fitted for is not advertised you should investigate Miss Dean’s Situation Wanted Service maintained by this newspaper. This special service offers an opportunity for you to put your qualifications before Washington employers at .minimum cost. See Miss Dean TODAY. Room 408. Hearst Bldg. (1317 H St. N. W.) ... > •, ‘ • - f SITUATIONS WTD.-—FEMALE 89 BINDERY, Proof Reading, General Clerical, some bookkeeping. Highly qualified, exper., competent woman desires position. Box S-39, Times. ■ t * CASHItiR-wattress, neat, capable, expsr. • young woman desires permanent em ployment. Last position held as cashier with Famous A Barr, St. Louis. Box S-36, Times-Herald. • CLERICAL-companlon; refined middle aged lady; happy, cheerful disposi tion; good reader: first-class refer.; desires position. Columbia 3009. * FRENCH DRESS FINISHER—-Young woman highly exper. in dressmaking and finishing desire employment; ex cellent refer. Box S-33 Times. • GENERAL housework; young Scotch woman, exper.. neat, refer.; desires work. -38, Times-Herald. * GENERAL office work; knowl. book keeping; highly exper. commercially; position desired by young woman with A-l refer. North 6866. * MAID, catering, waitress; girl (col.), neat appearance, capable, exper., de. sires position. Line. 8283. OFFICE ASST. — Bookkeeper —; Typist— General office work. Young woman, thoroughly exper. commercial lines. Capable handling responsible matters of trust. Position desired. Fr. 8108. • P, “*B. 3C clerical; young lady, thor oughly exper., dependable, rapid, de- I wires position, day or night. Line. 9036. I PRACTICAL nurse; intelligent, refined. I capable, permanent; willing to assist with o her duties. Adams 4542-W. * RELIABLE colored woman wants day or part time work. 1341 27 th St. N. W, t TYPIST —General office work, just com pleted business college, desires posi tion. Exper. and opp. wanted. N. 2239. WTD.—MALE 16 BUTLKR-housemas, y<Wßg man Acol.). thoroughly exper.; refflkble, gooEWef., desires employment. Box S-31, Turns- Herald. ) Q Employment J . Phone Classified Ada to Main 5830 I SITUATIONS WTD.—MALE 4* COOK—German, let-class; worked Un diplomatic houses; seeks position where kitehenmaids are kept. Box 54, 1981 Broadway, New York city. COLLECTOR —Exper., young man with car; drive any make; desires work; splendid refer, Col. 493-W, . GENTS FURNISHINGS—Young man, 23. neat appearance; Ist class rotor.; de sires immediate employment. Line. 6451 JL. • HOUSE MECHANIC Thoroughly ex- per., qualified man tn all l|nee cov ering apts. 4k hotels desires employ > mentf , owns all necessary tool* Splendid refer. Fitsgerald, Fr. >959.* I HELPER—Truck and Plumber’s; young ? man, exper.. reliable: !■ fe*/’ ) • as coil winder; employment desired j | reter. Box S-42, Times. * * I INTERIOR ! man exper.; Oriental <®rk. * Loew's Thsater, New £®*V 1 man. Employment desired. Box 8-32, i Times. ■■ ■ 1 p. B. X, clerical, some typing; girl, 29, i high school graduate, 9, de- ' sires position with future rdfs. . 55-W. * . i TRUCK Driver and Helper, any make. , exper. young man, capable, reliable. I desires employmeat; owner three- quarter-ton truck; best refer. Box 8-41, TUnea. WATCHMAN (day or nignt); caretaker; " middle aged man hearty: active; exper.; reliable; refer., deelrea work. Box S-84, Times. * YOUNG MAN High school. graduate, practically comp, bookkeeping course at business college: desires employ ment wlkh progressive -organisation. Col, 7»15-W. 3L J TOUNG MAK—Capable and efficient 1» varied Mnea; desired evening worl: [• wUh reliable concern. Box 8-40. Tlmee. . ASST MANAGER HOTEL ■ MANAGER CAFETERIA Two years exper. ae estimator, seen rate, efficient in general office work, young man with family; capable. filling position of trusv desfree «n> Sloyment with future. Splendid'refer lox 8-87, Times. ® Financial Phone Clasaified Ada to Main £260. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: 4? BUT, 'Sell and Exchange Patents. Deaf T; Sales Co., 418 Kresge Bldg. * EXPERIENCED lumberman wants part ner for retail lumber ,y»rd; close to - District line. Box 27, Times-Herald. * FOR SALE —-For a practical tailor, new store in fast growing neighborhood fine business; rent >SO mo.; goo.l lelse. Will sacrifice and sell reason able as I have other business. Phon-? North is2t>-w. ■' FOR SALE —Cleaning and dyeing et- J tabllshmeht; doing wonderful business: 0 leaving city; will sacrifice to quick J buyer. Call after 5 p. m„ Adamz; !- : - GROCERY store: located in the best N. E. section; weekly recepta over 8600; quickly; will sacri ’ floe. Here is a real opportunity for L, the right, party. Apply 1534 7to r St. N. W. x LUNCHROOM —Near express office; i rent >40.50- price >BOO. Reason fo> 1 selling,- other business. Cail Lin- coin 8831. f ROOMING house, 15 rooms, a.m.L; T year lease; >750; >SOO cash, >340 notes. 16 room* nil rented; rent ' >l5O mo.; a bargain if sold at once. >. 16 .rooms, corner house, elec.; 3-year ieebe; house full. FT. >537. 941 H St. N. W. ik ROOMING HOUSE—Capitol Hill, » large. * bright fboma, completely furnished: good income; immediate possession 3500 cash. Lincoln 27»1. CORPORATIONS, CAPITAL. Charters secured under any State; pro spectus and advertising prepared. Capital solicited for industrial prop osition on commission basis. Loans made on securities. Williams. 511 Union Bank Bldg.. 710 14th. T MONEY TO LOAN; ><l • QUICK LOANS, D. C.. MD. AND VA. , Second trust notes purchased; collateral “ loans made on real estate notes; short n ’ time building loans. W. W. McClaine, .1 Main 5231. Continental Trust Building, • 14th And H Sts, N. W. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL :- .ESTATE BY IST DR 2ND TRUST, d MARSHALL M’KIBBIN d 213-14 Woodward Bldg Mata 3944 E MONEY TO LOAN tn any amount tor t- 3 or 5 years, to be secured upon 3 first mortgages in the District of Columbia. Installment loans made tn Washington and nearby sections of Mar> land and Virginia on the 19-ysar f monthly installment plan, providing for cancellation of the mortgage in 4 case of the death of the borrower. E. QUINCY SMITH, ING 999 15th St. N. W. - LOANSf LOANS! LOANS! » >l5O to >5,000 on Ist, 2nd and 3rd trusts L . in three days. Low commission* • District Loan Procurement Co. - 1417 F Street N. W. Open Evenings. 7 to 9. Main 44>8. QUICK MONEY TO LEND: 2D AND >D TRUSTS. >3OO TO >4,000 ON MARTLAND AND D. C. HOMES; THREE DAYS TO COMPLETE TRANSACTION. COURTEOUS SERVICE C. F. WARING 1418 F ST. N W. MAIN >172 MONEY tO LOAN ■< WM: H. SAUNDERS CO./INC. We also have %nds to lean on small property in all sections es D. ■ C.. at current interest rates. ; On Improved Northwest Property 5 14>8 K ST. N. W MAIN 101* ’• QUICK LOANS Second and third trust loans. - GEORGE M. ROWEN r 915 10th St. N. W. Main 35>7. V After * P- m - Wood side 159 LOANS of >SO to >IOO can be secured on Household Furniture. CHATTEL TITLE CO., INC. 805 sth St. N. W. V Closed Saturday. Afternoon. Instruction Phone ClaaaHied Ada to Main 5260 • INSTRUCTION COURSBB 4? I BOYD shorthand in 30 days, touch typ -7 ing, bus. Eng., spelling; position guar. ’ X ra< l‘ B - Boyd School, 1388 G. M. 2876. a ’EoA COLORED. LEARN VIOLIN NU-WAY SYSTEM. In 8 months or money back; guarantee. - >lO for course. Let us explain. Dorsey Violin School. 1915, 7th St. - N. W, Phone Potomac 188* V MARCEL WAVING ,AND PERMANENT WAVING • All branches of beauty culture- Sub e jects furnished. Diplomas given to all graduates. s DOROTHY COFFEY SCHOOL OF “BEAUTY CULTURE” | Frank. 10141. 1123 14th St. N. W. ; ( Instruction ) ’ X - X, ——x Phone Clasaified Ads to Main 5260 ’ INSTRUCTION COURSES 47 ' National American ballet” Dancing and production studio: au types of dancing, includl tg ballroom ’ Auditorium. l>th * N Y ave.. Rm. 4 ' PIANO, clarinet, saxaphone, oboe and bassoon taught by former bandmas ’ ter. 75 cents lesson. 29 st. N. E- J ( North 8283-J. - Live Stock > f^ontr Classified Ads to Main 5360 ‘ DOGS—CATS—FETS—ETC. St IRISH TERRIER, year old. Registered. 2130 P St. N. W. * • PETS—lrish setters, airedales, fox ter riers, Eskimos, collies, police, Doodles, and other puppies; also singing cana ries, gold fishes, monkeys. Schmid’s ’ Pet Emporium, 712 12th St, N. W. I : —— - : HORSES AND CATTLK 52 . FOR SALE —Two milk ’Wows; three heifers. Apclr U »>ll. 3J.95 . I aveaua Ma W. Cat 1 L > J?'