OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, February 26, 1930, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1930-02-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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ROCKVILLE, Md., Feb. 26.—
A “joyride" in an automobile
stuck fast on a stop sign and
which actually didn’t move an
inch cost James T. Walker, of
the 3200 block of P street, north
west, Washington, 3100 when he
was fined that amount by Judge
Woodward in Police Court here
yesterday. The charge against
Walker was attempting to drive
an automobile while drunk. Judge
Woodward assessed the minlmun
fine allowed by law.
Walker W’M arrested January
16 by Officers Poole and Gaither*,
of the Montgomery County Police,
on the Georgetown Pike* at Mon
trose. Pooler said the car had ran
off the road and lodged on top
the stop sign. Walker, he said,
was in the driver’s seat Vainly
attempting to move the car, but
the only result he got was a
spinning of the wneels. The car
was not moving when Walker
was arrested.
Although pleading guilty. Wal
ker said he had not driven the
car to the intersection. He said
it had been driven by a com
panion and that he took the
wheel when the machine perched
Itself ori the sign. Poole testified
that Walker’s companion likewise
waS intoxicated, but he was not
arrested. ■ ,
The annual banquet of the As
sociation of War Veterans in
Congress, composed of 16 Sen
ators and 87 Representatives, was
held last night at the Willard
Representative Franklin F. Kor
ell, president of the association,
'acted as toastmaster. The United
States Marine Band played. Other
entertainment features were vocal
numbers by Representative Wil
liam P. Connery, jr.; “The
Mutes,” presented by Representa
tives Rogers, Browning, Swing
and Fitzgerald, and “The Candi
date,” by Representative Fiorello
Announcement was made that
an afternoon meeting of the na
tional commanders and command
ers-in-chief of the Grand Army
of the Republic, United Spanish
War Veterans,. Veterans of. For
eign Wars and the Disabled
American Veterans of the World
War, a permanent national vet
erans’ council had been organ
ized, to meet periodically and
discuss and co-ordinate activities
of their respective organizations.
Edward Young Lee. 24, of Korea,
is the first and only son of
Nippon in Thiel college, Green
ville, Pa. He was admitted re
Check them
quickly with the X.
universal standard
, remedy for colds.
* It is dependable and safe.
druggitU j
Succettful Since 1889
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It is not necessary
to have had an Ac
count at this Bank to
Easy to Pay t
De pool*
For 12
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SIBO $15.00
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$360 $30.00
$540 $45.00
$1,200 SIOO.OO
|56,000 $500,001
Under Supervision V. S Treasiyy
1408 H STREET N. W.
Rudy Vallee, the nation's Vaga
bond Lover, has gone back to
After a day of whirlwind
activities, capped by introductions
to President Hoover, Vice Presi
dent Curtis, Mrs. Hoover and
members of the women’s Con
gressional Club, and ending with
a banquet in his honor at the
National Press Club, Rudy and
eight members of his famous
"Connecticut Yankees” boarded
a sleeper last night for New York.
Vallee and his orchestra, for
merly known as the yale Col
legians but changed to the
present title when alumni ob
jected to use of the name after
Vallee had graduated from the
New Haven institution, are play
ing an engagement at the Brook
lyn Paramount Theater, from
whence they broadcast twice a
The banquet, reception and
dance at the Press Club audi
torium attracted one of the
largest crowds to ever gather
there. The program was broad
cast over WRC. as the National
Broadcasting Company, under
whose management he is play
ing the Brooklyn engagement, ar
ranged and conducted his visit
here. ■ ■
Dry Agent’s Shot
Is Fatal to Farmer
TULSA, Okla., Feb. 26 (1.N.5.).
George Lewis, 30, one of two
farmers wounded by a Federal
prohibition agent, died yesterday
W. F. Wolverton, the prohibition
officer claims he shot Lewis and
Lawrence Morgan during a raid
at the Lewis farm when Lewis
produced a pistol.
Wolverton, said the raid was
made after an affidavit had
been made that liquor was be
ing sold at the farm.
‘ MB
is built to get the most out of
Trade in your old set and enjoy
today’s radio at its best
The new improvements in modern broadcasting demand
a modern radio. And this Screen-Grid Radiola admirably
fills the need...designed and built by the creators of the
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of...selective and sensitive...with a tone quality that star
tles you with its realism and richness!
Put your radio enjoyment into the 1930 class by put
ting this superb instrument in your home. Get ready for
the marvelous national and international broadcasts
which 1930 will bring. Prompt delivery...convenient
time payments...free home demonstration. Visit your
Radiola dealer today. Radiola Division RCA Victor
reproducer. Operate, from AC bouee current (illustrated _ —
ako *®> <*••• Rediotrona) CntTinanV, InC. ,
RADIOLA 47 .. . AH-eleetrie Seroen-GrM Radiola la com- 1 J
bination with the phonograph . . . 4195 (lam Radiotrona) *
RCA SCREEN-GRID RADIO ia also available in Radiale 44...
a compact and beautiful table model, 475 (lam Radiatrana) Z
RCA LOUDSPEAKER 103... For neo with Radiola 44, 414 ■ ' 1 _
RCA LOUDSPEAKER 106... (Electro-Dynamic). . . 435 Look for and inaiat upon the famotu RCA trade-mark
Atk your Dealer, today, about a V 7
liberal allowance on your old tel.
Tune in—The RCA VICTOR Hour, every Thursday night, over a Coast-to-Coast network of the Nt BAC.'
_ ~
Bid to Raze Rockville
Courthouse Is Let
ROCKVILLE, Md.. Feb. 26.
The bid of H. L. England, of
Rockville, for demolition of the
buildings on the square north
•of the present courthouse, on
which the proposed new 1500,000
courthouse is to be constructed,
- once accepted, then rejected, has
> again been accepted by the board
of commissioners of Montgomery
, county. y
1 The bid of W. L. Scott, ac
i cepted during the interim, was
. thrown out by the commissioners.
■ England’s bld was $474 and
1 Scott’s SSO.
According to Berry Clark, clerk
l of the county commissioners,
s Scott refused to put up bond of
I $4,000 for completion of the work
i and asked certain concessions
I, which the board felt it could not
. grant.
At their regular meeting yes-
■ terday the commissioners directed
i Clark to negotiate with the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad for con
struction of a pedestrian under-
i pass at Boyd station. Bonds for
the county’s proportion of the
expense already have been sold.
CLARENDON. Va„ Feb. 26.—
The ladies auxilliary to the Clar
i endon volunteer fire department
' will give a benefit dinner tomor
row night in the Lyon Park Oom-
I munity House from 5 to 7:30
' o’clock.
The proceeds will go to the fire
Sure Relief
"Makes you Feel Better*'
1 r ~ rn
' 6 Belvans
J Hot water
PA Sure Relief
254 and 754 Pkss.sold Everywhere
The commissioners approved
thfe design for the proposed new
courthouse executed by Delos
Smith, architect, and approved
by the Fine Arts Commission.
The board announced it would
sit March 18 and March 25 to
hear appeals from tax assess
| Last 4 Days
I Ford Tour. E
|w V/a, r s ch«. T.«r. s|c
1925 J n
Come in and Get the Details Olds Tour.
The National Daily
Starbuck Confirmed
By U. S. Senate
William B. L. Starbuck was con
firmed yesterday by the Senate as
a member of the Federal Radio
Commission foj a fouryear term.
The President will not be notified
of the confirmation until, today,
as Senator Wheeler (D.), Mon
tana, who opposed confirmation
of Starbuck, was not present when
final action was taken. Senator
Couzens (R.), Michigan, stated
that he was of the opinion that
Wheeler would withdraw all ob
I -
[ 7th, Sth and E Sts.—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1860—Rational 9800
“It ’s Inexpensive to Be Fashionable”
Three Smart Fabrics
Emphasize Prints
I •
Flat Crepe—Georgette—Chiffon!
Sponsored by Fashion
Chosen by Thrifty Women F'fs
*9.74 /MO
She who follows the news of fashion knows fe,, r Z )
there is nothing smarter or more feminine r / /
than a printed frock! And she who wears 1 AU / /
a printed frock knows there is nothing more HBOS/? Y I o‘'J-' /
practical! jlta'
You See Them Shopping—
At Afternoon Teas—and at iWKWmlwn .
Cay Evening Parties! ■MlHffl||
Clear, cool designs! Tiny florals, buds, J SfyHk,, Lyi
floralizcd geometries and trailing leaf pat- ■H|B|Bflß if vl* pl
terns —on flat crepe for daytime—georgette i fd |y ! gl
for afternoon and chiffon for evening! Youth- jHBHIBEK '(iba lb K V\
ful models—all with the new silhouette. Sizes MwlalMgslEls 't| ,s
for misses and women—l 4to 44. jBIWMMBMI
fISIIHfIDIn kl /llsTh Aft
A youthful and For evening a love- lIBKIMMKwI h ll Kj |\4 JjOt
practical print with ly, filmy chlffort mSBImBhIH
fitted lines and chic wearing the smart flMOlfMwPlga I S fcxnr
bow trim..... .|9.74 1930 cape.... .|9.71 wL
Inexpensive Shop—SrcOnd Floor \ A j |
\W \%M '
, Exceptional Values In Fine
Rayon Lingerie, 55c Each
A special purchase I Chemise, bloomers, step- (fc •<
ins and panties—of a fine gauge rayon with 1 for I
flat lock seams and turned hems. Every gar- JW X
ment fully cut, correctly sized and trimmed
like silk underwear with dainty lace edges, embroidered and appliqued
net inserts and lace yokes. Sizes 36 to 42. >
Underwear —Third Floor
Printed Daytime’ Frocks
and Cotton Foulard Smocks
Are Delightful Savings!
K »1.79
ff-y' ' The Daytime Frocks—are as refreshing and crisp as just-up lettuce
■> a Spring garden! Prints—in gay floral ana conventional pat-
[p- L ■SI i ■ * erns —> n colors guaranteed fast! Adorable styles with pleated
I J b?; I'J skirts, novelty collars, cuffs and vestees. Sizes 36 to 52.
Isl 1/N® JF-ty
K : 'The Smock? —are of a fine, soft quality foulard in those close all
over patterns that never look “dirty.” Yoke styles with inverted
RwJvMiV back pleats and lapel collars. Sizes 36 to 44.
Daytime Frocks—Third Floor
yOl •
iWn'l Special Values in
rlj M fl
Rayon. Crepe Slips
[ ■ ■ >l' e! .1
L iSv al . Shadow Proof Hems ■ m
'-'■WL that looks like silk, but wears ■ Vz
19 1/W and washes like iron. Cut plenty long
\ / anc * full w’th 8-inch shadow proof hems ; hemstitched
\ / bodice tops and self shoulder straps that will not roll or
\T( * wear out before the slip. Flesh and peach; sizes 86 to 44.
\ Underwear—Third Floor
Prints Highly Important
In Girls’ Wash Frocks
GingAam, Floral and tunning
» Conventional Designs—Guaranteed . S' j
Tub Fast and Specially Priced!
Special lot of school frocks, made so attrac
tively you would never guess their low price! I TpT 1
Washable pique, broadcloth, and gingham with I 7 S i
organdy cape collars, patent leather belts, I 7■
smocking at the neck and waistline, and wee —|/>W- — : 1- .■ | \
pockets for the school hankie! Sizes 7to 14. ,W • 1 Hj'
Glrla’ Woar Shop—Foarth Floor

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