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New Drama Opens at Belasco A charmingly so p h i s t i cated comedy-drama, at once glittering ly daring °nd sparkling in its in triguing appeil, is hidden under the altogether disarming title of “Jewel Robbery,” this week’s fare at; the Shvber.t-Belasco and the sole ' theatrical attraction of the week.. ' Adapted, the program tells us, by Bertram Block from the Hun garian of Laszlo Fodor. which means little to the casual theater goer, unless one takes into con sideration the added statement of the publicists that it is a proven European success. In>a Jewel. Shop But it fes no tax Oh the patience of the audience to await the un folding of the plpt— not that by any meftns this may quickly be summed^'up in such trite forms as melodrama, mystery draina or such—wj certainly said .“sophisti cated” in the first line! The cur tain rises on the interior of a jewelry store ir Vienna, such a jewelry store as one might find in Fifth Avenue. Nothing garish, but tasteful displays of • necklaces, tiarras, rings and such with plate in the background. • Teri, we are told, wife of Franz, a Viennese banker, is soon to ar rive with her husband to claim an internationally famous diamond, of almost unbelievable karatage (can one say karatage?), a sort of peace offering for certain peca dilloes on the part of aforesaid husband whose armours are ap parently typically Viennese. She comes, late as usual, shortly fol lowed by Franz and in turn by Paul, member of the Hungarian cabinet, and latest admirer. But there is no clash for apparently Viennese husbands are accustom ed to that sort of thing! Comes .the Robbery Just as the sale is consumated, other customers epter, the ..fore most shortly produces a gun and calmly announces that he is a robber, not a tljief: there is ap parently a fine distinction. With a savoir faire quite admirable, he quickly clears the establishment of its entire stock, keeps proprie tor and patrons quiet under the spell of his brilliant small taik. even induces the unsuspecting watchman to help his ac complices carry away the loot, locks the men in the safes, and prepares to take his leave—but there’s Teri. She just won’t be locked up, she Won’t be gagged, she won’t go with trim antt eyen when he takes the much-coveted diamond, she lets him escape, for she’s Teri—and he’s different. Teri Is Accused With unheard of bravado, the charming stranger turns up in Teri’s apartment four hours later. As a detective calls to question her concerning her strange .part in the robbery, she hides him, but she is accused as an accomplice, he is discovered and both are taken away—but not to a police station, after all, but to his apart ment, for the master crook has succumbed to her charms and she, with her inherent love for jewels, greater than her love for love, coquette that she is, finds herself at the point of capitulation when —but why reveal more of a plot that is at once so sparkling and so daring in its dialogue? Mary Ellis as Teri finds herself cast in a role in i which she seems to fairly revel. Without her, one hesitates to think just what might happen. She has charm and L'itte: and comprehension. And opposite her. Basil Sydney, gives an interpretation that lends perfect understanding to her eventual solution, broadly hinted, at the least, of her dilemma. Both acquit themselves brilliantly. Fine Direction Tasteful settings naturally accompany a production of this sort and splendid direction is demonstrated in the work of the cast, that of Cora Witherspoon. Clarence Derwept, Stuart Casey. Liqhel Braham. Robert Vivian and Eugene Powers being out standing. But the title “Jewel Robbery” seems altogether too simple not to be masking under a dual entendre. Had there been a fourth act. laid in Nice two days later—ah well, these Viennese! k FREE DENTAL EXAM IS HEALTH PROTECTION A small cavity may seem un important. but badly decayed teeth can cause troubles that strike at the very roots of health'. Why not have your teeth exam ined free at Dr. Freiot’s today. - sio Wfflw sls S2O Gold Crown and Bridge Work Per ‘tool h. $6 and SB. Guaranteed All Grarlnate D.nti.t. Oral Hyrlenl.t and Maida in Attend ance. "rain Hrrvrntlvc Method, Used. l.artte Comfortable Offices. Term, of Payment May Be Arranged. DR.FREIOT Phone NAtional 0019 407 7th St. N. W. Btitranee NSit to Kav’a Jewelry Store SOOKY AND HIS LITTLE PALS *•***>* i IB Wn i A'V| fl JACKIE SEARLES. BOBBY COOGAN AND JACKIE COOPER, all romping in Percy Crosby’s juvenile comedy, “Sooky,” which opens on the screen at Loew’s Palace Theater on Friday. Clark Gable Is Striving for $200,000 By HARRISON CARROLL (Copyright. 193-1. King Features Syndicate) HOLLYWOOD. Dec. 29.—One of the screen’s greatest matinee idols—and he wants to be a rolling stone. Sitting on the set, Clark Gable admitted to me he still can't be lieve his good fortune—fortune that has enabled him, in one year, to play opposite Joan Craw ford, Norma Shearer. Greta Garbo, and now Marion Davies. The strangest part of it is. he doesn’t want to go on with this glamorous life indefinitely. What he really wants, he confesses, is $200,000 and a chance to travel in the out-of-the-way places of the world. “I signed my five-year contract against the advice of my agent and even mywifeA’ he told me. “My object was to get enough to retire on. And I was willing to devote five years of my life to it. Maybe I won’t last that long on the screen. I'm not a great actor and I never will be. But I believe I know my business. You can’t work for ten years with veteran stage stars and not absorb something.” Already, Clark is laying plans for the future. “I own two cars, which I paid cash for,” he ex plained to me. “I rent my apart ment—but for six months, not a year. I don’t even own my furniture. I’m saving my money.” This actor, who has set film fans agog the world over, doesn’t know much about Hollywood social life. Marion Davies has introduced him to most of the stars he has met. But he is a purposeful man. one who is likely to realize his ambitions. If he still desires it, you can look to see him a rolling stone in 1936. Real Estate x Loans (D. C. Property Only) . 6% No Commission Charged You can take 12 years to pay off your loan without the ex pense of renewing. SI,OOO for $lO per month inclading inter est and principal. Larger or smaller loans at proportionate rates. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION Established 1881 Largest in Washington Assets Over $26,000,000 Cor. 11th and E N. W. JAMES BEKKt. President EDWARD C. BALTZ. Secretary BEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now wi(h Creomulsion, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery wjth two-fold ac tion; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. Os all known drugs, creosote is recog nized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for per sistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing ele ments which soothe and heal the infected CREOMULSION EQR THE COUGH OR COLO THAT HANGS ON THE WASHINGTON TIMES Late Stage News Direct From Broadway NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—“ The Animal Kingdom,” the Gilbert Miller-Leslie Howard production of Phlip Barry’s new play, with Mr. Howard as the star, will open tonight at the Nixon Theater, Pittsburgh. It will be presented the first three days of next week in Mr. Barry’s birthplace. Roches ter. and will have its New York premiere at the Bfoadhurst Thea ter on Friday evening, January 8. Arch Selwyn announces that he has become associated in the production of the forthcoming revue “The Jazz City.” Ina Claire is being mentioned for the show, which will go in rehearsal next Monday, with Jack Haley, Eliza beth Hines, Rod La Rocque. Doug las Byng and Evelyn Hoey as leading players. Sir Philip Ben Greet and his company of Shakespearean play ers wlil begin an engagement of six performances at the County Centre. White Plains, tonight with “Julius Caesar.” The Greet com pany has just completed a tour through the West and Southwest. Did You Know That Joel McCrea was an em ploye of a cement company and helped build the sidewalks and curbs on Hollywood Boulevard? PLEASANT NEWS and SAD FACTS Read Twice THE PAN-AMERICAN NEW ENGLAND DISPATCH (MONTHLY) Thr Only Spanish and English Newspaper In the U. 8. Out Shortly Advanced Student*. Professor* and Other Authorities: If you ar© interested in Fan American entan glements as disclosed by news paper editors of North and South America, watch the news of The P. A. N. E. I).—“Pleasant News and Sad Facts.” Subscribe in ad vance. Regular rate. 52.00. Address money order to Boston Bureau. 74 India St.. Boston. Mass. (Special student rate. $1.50. .Address 1492 Yale Station. New Raven. Conn.) hr // <lf* !I £4 membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respira tory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or* cold, no matter of how long standing, is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist (adv.)' Battery and Ignition Service Delco Batteries Creel Brothers 1811 14th St. N.W. DEcatnr 4220 x \ Sunny Dupont Jays ’ Phono Col. 4200 k t Tor Quality Work. /-XvDUPONT LAUNDRY l /V2535-37-39farw I 1 It r 1 I MH w i I '< HnH VI i'l Bflß |; I ■ (Miff fr’ Tb» r I rmirrim Hr rr that a fine NEW YORK HOTEL Xiou/J be Suppose we asked you to describe your ideal met ropolitan would go something like thist Conveniently situated for downtown, theatres and Fifth Avenue shops...sig nificant people moving In a fashionable atmosphere ...distinguished cuisine... large rooms and a view of the Park...luxurious appointments...all ata rental to fit a post boom Income. Yes... that’s the WARWICK in New York ★ ’Warwick 4 Stop Frem fk© 4wrr« 65 West 54th Street New York Fr»r JV««©rr©<i©n* communicate icith J. E. FRAWLEY . . . General Monager 2 Columba* Circle, New Y ork, N. Y. The National Daily ArivnivnH 8•. _ { S H Our Stores Will Be Closed New Year’s Day— •' e S _ Open Late the Night Before to Better Serve You! _ S | Big Pre-Inventory Sale I 9 Just when you are in need of Quality Foods and Table Needs to stock your - pi N pantry shelves, we offer you new, fresh merchandise at prices which it will pay you to share. Prove to yourself that Quality at a Saving is worthwhile jn N Look over this list, then select what you need. s \ &sco Cooked Pumpkin \ S 5 /Tomatoes]} Crushed Sugar Corn A 8 8 I j r 9K J Cut Stringless Beans Cans 5 8 Tender Lima Beans S | Farmdale Evaporated Milk | Mixed ' ■ > ' ' ' — 1 - m 9 Vegetables {HsSb Bread 9 g™. ir 8 S 4-25« Supreme 10 g 8 For Soups or Salads Victor Bread UmlLrf Big Pl,n Loaf 5C 5 8 asco Choice Cut Beets \ Q K rN m 1 TY / • ■ f/ Solid Pack A I Sweet Tender PeasJ c # Tomatoes ] 9 8 California Peaches \\ 0 M «,. qk I 8 | California Apricots 9 _ I Be Sure of a Successful Meal—Serve Our Coffee /TC/V1 E LAZSfl 1 =====— 1 " I ——— HmAJ M | 4SCO Coffee lb *2sc Sauer Kraut S I Acme Coffee -29 c t ff g 5 Butter lb 39 c s s«“ z S “The Finest Butter in America!” Gold Seal Macaroni f E Richland Butter lb- 37c 8 Derrydale Butter lb-35c I”.: A •> 8 C —— Rock Crystal Salt / Each D S Eggs doz -40 c Larj . S E " Th ‘ Pick ° f ,h ' Fr..h R e d Salmon ... .2 tall cans 45c I C S Selected Eggs doz. 25c Clicquot Club Ginger A1e.... 2 bots 27c E g Rich, Creamy Cheese.... lb. 25c Abner Drury Beverage. £;• g S B Turkeys lb -33c | Fancy Roasting Fancy Stewing Long Island Tender Young S 8 Chickens Chickens Ducklings Geese S S 29c 111 27 ci* 23c i>2sc § g Small Lean Pj' CS h HaillS -S. lb- 15c | jn Finest Fruits and Vegetables 0 Florida Large Emperor Q.. OK Finest Cooking 8 9 Oranges Gra P es or Eating g C ® Red Sweet Potatoes 4 lb »- 15c Al 0 K -d A Pnund Fancy New Cabbage 4 lbs 23c At|T||oQ 111 xtl i Cris P Iceberg Lettuce 2 heads 2 5c XX UMI VO M g JL VJ Aet Bag California Best Celery bunch 10c 0 49C String Beans 2 lbs l9 c 6 lbß 19c | E Resolve to buy your Food Needs for the year to come in the stores where quality counts and your money goes furthest p| |MBB~HBnBJTBBTpinBB3BEBanBCP'CWORDPC * hrae Pr,< ** fl Effective In One Storey and Meat Marketa In Washington and Vicinity TUESDAY—DECEMBER 29-—1931 9