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Mi. IK I ''f M«iW */. 1W U I I j M <<tuAMx v •;>— ■ j wfcy LZg e? I' . • lmv‘ TQ **' Kno>l \ -—' \ ‘/WW 1 ! Ik/ I iPBv wk ' •*'* U*sf*' T** ■ >, aj !wMT* >,tlPtolwt \ -___ *xilk. —fervtp»—A UTOMOBI LES—Acre M*orie* Service—AUTOMOBILES—A<-«-e->»or 32525?w?<ps?s?ws?q?q?‘?‘?^7w<??ff‘?‘ra?h?s? t ;w9wq?wws?wh?s?s?s?w [ ?‘ Emerson & Orme “BUICK” SALES and SERVICE 17th and M Sts. N. W. DEc. 386( MINSON’S AUTO WORKS~ “Complete Service Under One Roof” HUDSON— Specialists— ESSEX 627 K ST. N. W. .1 Phone: District 9062 WM F. MINSON, Proprietoi _ . .ini—i TJjßJjcujQijQynjfeyfiJrrafoilnyrMJNJpilNiNirJtNJelfQUnJJt MILNITE | Sinctt9l3 . Wheel Brake 1 » ‘ Service, Inc. I 1 H All Makes of BROS. BRAKES | Selling Adjusted and I r\ i Relined | Dunlo P T ires DRIVE IN I “The Lowest Priced Warped and Scored | Fir9t Grade Tire ” Brake Drums Reground | 2047 LN. W. | 1220 O S ‘ m N - W ‘ NOrth 5865 | ME 0764 " WHEN ITS AN SrfjQgfe THE ELECTRIC !BWj STORAGE battery CO. Washington Service Station ig23 LstN. W. DEc. 2800 I33B?i!S?SZS2SZS?S2S2S2SKffiH!>SES2S2S2S2S2SES2SHS2SH.\SciS2S2StiSi?S?SES2S2St!St!bbiiS[SHSES2S2S2SZ! HAULING HAULING CALVERT & ROGERS Incorporated HAULING DISTRIBUTING DELIVERING MOVING STORING 1358 Florida Ave. N. E. ATlantic 4301 ' itn»:::»:m»::»:tttt:::n»::«:»»»»:«::nt»ntnnn::::n::»;»n:wmumt . AUTORADIATORS. Auto Ignition h Generator s (mW Z//O Starter vIBx T 411 Magneto Sales and Service fl j Delco Batteries Jji / h STROMBERG and /Wrfll CARTER Carburetor ss iasH* Open Half Day Sunday | Expert Electrical Service now let’s see what fs the matter with your autc Df> TPMTTTfAM radiator? Is it bent, smashed, com- • V** IVxItI I I\JIN bletely twisted and torn? Is 11 v stopped up. leaking? Is it rust] riAAHHliarlo.. I— M an ' l “all lnT ” Whatever the dlffl <*ca.uquariers, me. culty. we can remedy it. Let ut . .. ... estimate on your radiator needs. 1230 2 “ h N - W - A. SCHUMACHER 2 Ot 1332 8205 14th St. NW. NOrth 1071 ELECTRIC SUPPLY | SALE! I Nationally Advertised I APEX WASHERS |- $ 59- 50 Roger’s Welding Co. I investJatT^s’’high-grade WELDING ■ machine—We need the room H Yours is the saving! Frames, Axles and Housings H .r> ■">/''*» > Straightened I CARROLL BRAZING ■ SUPPLY CO. Rear 1611 M N.W. DEc. 1191 r y.?? l .! s ***? FUNERAL | Shen!!* irWIiVWSAPSAA -rArMSrihrVSrSAAr*. b FUNERAL DIRECTOR | J WARNER E. PUMPHREY | Succeuor to th. Original W. R. Pumphrey & Sons c § ESTABLISHED 1854 . J « Rockville, Md. Rockville 83 «22ffi2S2S2S2522£5?5Z5ffiK?S?S.Vr , S?S25?TrS?S?S?VPVVS?SSi x v‘St x >t x fr ll U 1^»»\i'Sr'S I iI PS-'P‘,'?G^- s THE WASHINGTON TIMES BUYEIiS GUDIINE THE WASHINGTON TIMES, ever awake to the interests of its readers and desirous of giving them highest quality service In all lines, has inaugurated this BUYER'S GUIDE DEPARTMENT wherein will be found practically everything ol interest to the average family or business man. Ty Washington and out-of-town residents this department will nrove equally valuable. Make liberal use of it and always say you saw the announcement in The Washington Tinies BUYER'S GUIDE DEPARTMENT. This list of fir.-ns is carefully selected, and we feel your dealings with them will be satisfactory to the highest degree. MAIL ORDERS SOI.It ITEI). Advertising known by us to be objectionable or fraudulent will in no case be accepted. It there is any line you are interested in not listed b. re. write The Washington Times BUYER’S GUIDE DEPARTMENT. Washington. D. C., and full informa tion will be sent you free of charge. WELDERS CHANCE NAME I Ml . r 4 —I cl 0 THE ROGERS WELDING COMPANY at the rear of 1611 M St. N. W., was formerly the Brown Welding Company. The firm underwent a change of name with out changing managership. The head of the organiza tion, Roger W. Hawksworfh, still supervises each job that goes out of the shop. YOUNG FIRM EXPANDS ' | G3S33S pasro ?! friga j ~ MiIJW! ' x : .fcJtftO sOSsa. vO? vrSw . << | r s * ’ *• ♦ WBk-.IKi i t ~ V A.s- - - ■ ■•iuhJuoulu... w ■■•■■.■. ■..;■■■ ■■ •■■w.y.:.y<...y.-.«^< < . ■■■•■> ■ •.• ■■•.•-■ ,?♦ ..I'-.. . BWHHHT'WMMFvffiV YMF s iBJBIIHswHw lil lllsl mHe ' ' n ' aEb CALVERT AND ROGERS, INC., 1358 Florida Ave. N. E.» has made unusual progress during a compara tively few years in the moving and hauling business in the Washington area. Starting with three trucks it has added regularly to its fleet. HAVANA JOE’S POPULAR ■Effii-W fliMi Km a THE BLACK AND GOLD ROOM is one of the most attractive of the many special rooms in Havana Joe’s restaurant at 518 Tenth St. N. W. It may be rented for private parties. Joe Lipschen, manager of the res taurant, reports increased business. PLATING PLATING “If it’s metal we plate it” Acme Plating & Mfg. Co. Chromium, plating of the better kind. Nickel and silver plating—Brass beds relacquered—Auto reflec tors replated in four hours. 1419 P St. N. W. NOr. 4386 CLKANEK and lIVKK INVESTMENTS ' Clothes doctor LEANER I/YER Since I»<*S Ilreuei and Coats Cleaned (P-| zwv and pressed tPX.VV Sults and Overcoats Cleaned (B and pressed tj) •IO Eight Convenient Offices 2906 14th St. N. W. 3532 Conn. Ave. N. W. 1755 Penna. Ave. N. W. 513 11th St N. W. 2323 Calvert St. N. W. 1845 Columbia Road 651 Penna. Ave. S. E. Main Office and Plant 3108 M St. N. W. Fire and Theft Protection While We Have Your Clothe* <The Washington'Tunes Official Fortunes havs been and will be made again in the stocks of the great “NEW YORK BANKS” We especially recommend at cur rent low prices: Chase National Bank Guaranty Trust National City Irving Trust Chemical Bank & Trust Manufacturers Trust A special analysts on any of these banks furnished on reauest. Bank stocks. Govt. Bonds and other hlsh-grade securities mav be purchased through us. either on an outright or monthly payment basis. ROBERT C. JONES & CO. "Specialists in Government Bonds and Bank Stocks" Shoreham Bldg. MEt. 8828-2 S-M Tftc National Daily CAN HANDLE 10,000 FOWL ■fcr >.. -cr IB I R AMtWfiitiir 1 i I' (. V jfcw tJ*s -X • -4|b|gKJ| I GALE E. PUGH AND COMPANY, 1147 E St. S. W.» handles turkeys and other fowl the year round. Nearby Maryland and Virginia are the chief source of their supply. Potomac Rubber Co. Goods In Demand The Potomac Rubber Company. 724 Fourteenth St. N. W., has been specializing during the wet spell in raincoats and overshoes, boots and other rainy weather apparel. Completely equipped, the firm has handled, in its 10 years of business, all types of rubber products, with the exception of automobile tires and tubes. Meat Firm Moves ft T. T. KEANE, head of the Southern Hotel Supply Com pany, whose knowledge of meats and markets is largely respon sible for the success of the company. The firm is soon moving into its new $50,000 quarters in the Union Terminal Market, Fourth and Morse Streets, Northeast. BEAUTY PARLOR You too can pass the close-up test... Special atten- tion in hair \ tinting giv e n \ by Mr. Sam. HAIR WIGS TOUPEES Make up for Evening Affairs 525 13th St. N. W. NAtional 8014 OEIORATING WE Have Promised Our Workmen No Lay-off. This New Low Price Will Keep Them Busy. UPHOLSTERING (any 3-pc. suite) SBO.OO Selection of Tapestries, Velvets, and Art Denims Phone Dis. 6967 For Our Representative and a Free Line of Samples. Henry Holober Printcraft Bldg. Dis. 6967 SHOWROOMS Montgomery & Holober 1601 Conn. Ave. NOr. 0485 CAN HANDLE 10,000 FO MONDAY—JANUARY 11—1932 Business Good 08. jg||' ■MMHBI tSUWa SBBKHBHaUHKKII WALTER PETTIT, of the Heffron Company. 220 L St. N. E. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE GIFTS PLITT 1302 H N.W. 1330 7th N.W. MEt. 2840 DEc. 3152 Happy New Year Edw. Zupnik & Sons 1307 4th SL N. E. Distributors for Park & Tilford Schraffs M EATS Catering to HOTELS Schools YV/Ze Restaurants t 7 SOUTHERN HOTEL SUPPLY CO. T. T. KEANE. Pre*. A Gen. Mcr. Choice N. Y. Meats NAtional 8871-2-8 628 PENNA. AVE. N.W. a . W' '^il FURNITURE FURNITURE THOMPSON BROS. "Owr the river to lower price*” FURNITURE STOVES FLOOR COVERING RADIOS “Plenty of Parking Space” * ANACOSTIA 1220-26 Good Hope Rd. S.E. Lincoln 0556 MOTOR FREIGHT Oil, BUK.NEK McCOY jUQLe Transportation Co. Fast Daily Freight Service Between . WASHINGTON Pa V Nothing—Sign Noth- freub.<“ksburg i n g 77 P v mu ? N °! kin . g RICHMOND y ®” /'’•’•’Hgato BALTIMORE ABC S Special Offer WARRENTON i>.| MM nn culpeper ABC OIL BURNER WINCHESTER o t r t?o /vw»n luray SALES CORP. NEW MARKET . „ . n .„ HARRISONBURG A Factorv Owned Branch And Intermediate Points 1722 H Street N. W. WAdniurTON. tfrminai Jast can NAtional 2113-4-5-6-7 ” qim '74l?Jq# TERMINAL and an ABC engineer will call Jul 7th St. b. W, and give you an estimate Phone MEt. 2152 without charge plcmbino < y ww fegggs! W I Poullri|-Esss; » Bu Iter- Cheese 4 —OUR— ► < SHOP ON WHEELS ► *SSMEgTO| < Insures a Prompt and Efficient * < PLUMBING & HEATING i Wfe® ' REPAIR SERVICE > ''V~ 1 To You at Lowest Rates ► < HEFFRON CO., Inc. J| JIMII 220 L Street N. E. 3423 Formerly at 211 12th St. S.W. inQ9|M RADIO RADIO “Everything That’s New in Radio” AT Post Standard Radio AT LOWEST PRICES 423 11th St. N. W. 816 F St. N. W. RESTAURANT RADIO FII.TERTON'E 2 .. — ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t h Costs Nothing to Try i thLTERIONE ii SKAFOOO \ t ON YOUR RADIO RESIMUR4IW A ♦ i <df w .®. or « »» •?£ e J rOB .. —1 I I A will enjoy a Filtertone <, Full Courte I I X Jwe will install one free / DINNER I I ♦ iAJU °t charge on your radio Uir'UNC.K 111 w and you need not pay 11 a.m. tn 8 p.m. J! I J J y—.w. nnt, l .you are satisfied. T Kflc Til ♦ SrfS No aerial —No outside < ► OvC QuC !, ! I o wires — Better tone— <> Dancing Every Evening Ju / I ♦ More stations —Le a ■ O 9:311 ent. to 230 m. f o L nolee—No adjusting— <> Musie by used as a filter—lm- <. Bebr* Ford e Red proves aerial. < 518 1 $2.50 in Washington <► SUNDAYS This Offer for Two Weeks Only < > ♦ Call, phone or write SPECIAL ♦ , o Befor ’rhiektn u s„»Xtli rarty ♦ Filtertone Mfg. Co., Inc. 3 DINNER? $1 00 t 1405 N- W. NAt. 3688 4 J RUBBER GOODS HAMBURGERS RUBBER A BOOTS INCOPPORATfD M KY and m SHOES POTOMAC RUBBER CO. jyCUAHUNtK StßVia QUALITY A 724 14th St. N. W. //ttAMBIMtPS A MAS- I AI7O ! BUY Im BY THE MG \\ NAtional 0170 ][ cow chinks good (offm \| LAUNDRY Ca.lL Atlantic 2 400 Safe (ike HOME.. taaiMBRY FOR YOU I j 15