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16 MAHKET CLIMBS AFTER UPSET ATOPEKINC Bfr W. S. COUSfWW NEW tORK. Jan. If (LN.<k Industrial stocks at the begin ning of tlu» new week fell off nervously* as the result of the* steel corporation's disappointing drop In Decern her forward orders. Losses 1 of f to 4% noints were recorded iff a dozen or more leaders, including American Can. Consolidated Gas artd big steel. Which sold today at 40 5/ a. against Saturdays high, price of 44%. Rails to the Rescue The rails came to the relief of the bulls as reports of further Batisfaotary “adjustments” of wages and an upturn in freight movements filtered into Wall. Street, so stocks firmed up near noon hour and in many cases re covered all of their earfy losses. New Haven, which started the new week art 21%. down I*4 from Saturday’s- dose, forged ahead to 2Sy». New York Central rallied, from its opening price of to 32, and. Atchison at 86% showed a gain of 2*4 from Saturday’s | close. Rope hi Motor Orders Automobile men have been en> eouraged by the enthusiasm dis played by the public ovet the new l ears on exhibition, and it is hoped this will lead to the placing of the long-deferred orders tor motor car steel, rubber, glass, etc. The steel industry in particular Bas been anxiously awaiting its usual cjnota of business from auto mobile makers. Honda Unsettled By Slump in Rails tVEW YORK, Jan. Hi (1.8f.5.). Bdiing in the rails today forced many of last week’s high bounders down 1 to 3 points. Traction bonds were also re actionary on the announcement by New York city officiate that they would not recede from their stand on the 5-cent fare. Fdyeigns were mixed. U. S. Government obligations were irregular. Government Bonds High! Low t I ast liberty 3'v ’32 .... I 96 1 I 95 211 95 21 Xfberty Ist 414» '32.1 98 311 98 201 98 30 Liberty 4th <<is I 98 31! 98 251 98 28 liberty 4th 4reg.! 98 281 98 26! 98 26 I liberty 4th4.»4»o<id It! 98 311 98 311 98 31 Treasury 4'.is ’4T...!1004 I 99 271 99 31 Treasury 49 ’44 195 281 95 !95 Treasury 3Ac '46 ...I 9120! 91 101 8 Treasury 3 ’43... JBB 16'1 88 188 Treasury 3-"4s 89 6 i 88 12! 88 12 Treasury 3-%» ’41.. I 89 8 ! 88 12’1 SSI? Treasury 3H> ’46....! 84 16| 83 !83 Treasury 3s *sl 83 16i 82 111 82 16 Domestic n<nrrf» Michi low ' Last Afcitibi PowertPap 5s 32 I 32 I 32 AJleg Corp 5s 35’» 35 35 Ara IG Client 5H5....! 66 ' 64>il «4-5 i Am Int a1ia......... I *9 I 69 69 lAtch T4-SF »en 45...1 87'41 86 87 At TASK evt 4«b»....l »2%l 91 f 92% B & O Ist 5a ’48....! 90’+ 96 I 954, B A O ret 5* ’95.... 6751! 67*41 6784 Berlin Elec 8s I 36%l J4HI 34U Bklyn Un Gas Ist S». <102H|1531»|10354 Can Nat Rys «%■ 56.. I 75 I 75 I 75 Cent 111 El A G 55....1 71 I 71 I 71 Chesapeake Corp 55...1 75 70 | 74 Chi A Alt ref 3s I 46 i 42841 46 Chi MSPAP adj 5s A. I 9%l 8%l 9% Chi THAS Sta 4'vs A| 29', 29'41 29% Clev Un Term 4Vjs Cl 82 I 82 ! 82 Colon Oil 6s ’3B 1 36 36 36 Col G&E deb 5s ’52..! 77 76 | 76 Crown Ck A S 6s *47.1 79%l 79’41 79'4 I>env & RG con 4s '36! 64 I 62 I 64 gjonner Stl ref 7s '42! 78 I 78 I 78 Buquesne Lt Ist 4'4s '671 96% I 95511 96% Brie RRrf Almp 5s ’751 44 I 41% I 44 yiat deb 7s ’46 78% I 78 78% <Sen Cable 5%s ’47..1 38 I 38 I 38 Ooodr Co 6s ’45 I 43% I 43% I 43% Hudson Co Gas Ist ss) 99%| 99% 99% 11l Cent ref 4s ’55...1 52 % I 52%i F. 2% 11l Centr 4%s ’66 1 44% | 43%| 44% Int R Tr lat&rf 5s stl 49 | 48 I 43 Inter-Hydro El 6s ’44’ 51 I 50 I 51 Kan CP&L 4%s ’61... I 95 | 94'41 »4% Laclede Gas 5s *34..! 94 I 93%! 93% Lifts A Myers 5s ’51.! 99 '9B I 99 L-A Hyd E P Ist 6%s 4n I 40 I 40 Metro Wat SftDr 5%5.| 37%l 37%| 37% Mldv Stl & Ord 5s 36.1 94%l 94%l 94% M SPAS SM 5%s '49...' 20 I 20 ' 20 Mob A O 5s ’3B 1 15 I 15 115 Nat Dairy 5%s ’4B I 89 % 88% 88% N Y Cent 3%s ’97 I 72%l 71 % I 71% NY Ct RR Ist A 4%s 53) 84%l 84% 84% NYNHAH 4s 67 ‘54 I 54 I 54 NYNHAH 4%s I 75 73%l 73% NY Tel gen 4%s »« I 97% 98 N Ohio Tr A Ltg 65..1 93%l 93 I 93 No Par. 4s I 82 I 82 82 Ont Pw Niag F 55.... I 87 I 87 I 87 Karie-L-Med HR 65...1 95%! 93%: 93% Baris-L-Med RR 7e... 1100% 1100 1100 Benn R R 6s I 85% I 85 85 B C C A St L Ken 55.1 90 I 90 I 90 JPort Gen El 4%s ....I 60%! 60 60 Postal Tel A C 55.. .' 34%l 33%l 34% Bead Co Jer Ct col 4s ! 79 I 79 I 79 Bern Arms 6s A 69%l «9%l 69% Boch G«- E 5%« ....I 98 I 98 ’>» St Joe A Gd Is Ist 4s. 70 70 7" StL IMAS RivAG 45.. ' 74% 71 74% StP Un Pep ref 5s ’72| 95% I 95 95 San AAAr Pan 4s’43' 71 %! 70 70 Sbd AL 6s A '45....1 5 I 5 5 Sbd AL 6s ’45 ct ! 4% 4% 4% South Bell TAT 5s ’4l'loo ! 99%10n (ltd on N J 5s ’46....1101 100%1100% Sta OU NY 4%s 'sl. I 91 I 90%' 91 Th Av Ry adj inc 55..1 35 I 34 34% Tin Oil Cal 5s ww I 76 76 I 76 Vtl Pw A Lt ct wr 5sJ 44 I 43 44 Vtl Pr A St 5%s I 48 47 47 Wabash RR 5s D I 10%' 10% I 10% West Pa P Ist 5s E.. 1101 % 1101 % 'lOl % West El deh 5s I 97 I 97 I 97 West Pac 5s A 15t...! 42 I 40 I 42 Wh Sew MRs IW I 9 ! 9 I 9 Forelirn Government and Municipal Aftri Mtee Bk (Col) 6s. I 23 I 22% ! 23 Antioquia 3d 7s I 12 I 10 % I 10% Arerentine 5%s I 43’’I 43%l 43% BelKlum 6%s I 9*l 89%| 896, Belgium 7s I 97%! 95%l 95% Bulgaria 7s I 33%l 33%l 33". Canada 4%s I 88UI 88 I BS% Cologne 6%s I 30%l 28%l 30% Denmark 5%s i 69 I 69 I 69 Beutsche Bk 6s ct....l 67,% I 67 I 67 Ger Gov* Inti 5%5....l 35%l 34 I 35% Milan «%s I 70 I 67% I 70 m CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Jan. 11 (T.N.S.I.—Hogs— -71,000; 10@15c lower. Top, 34.30; bulk. 13.55<! > 4.20; heavy. 33.7555'4: medium, .#4.19©4.30; light. 34.10@4.25; light lights. 33.90f54.20: packing sows. 33.16® 8.50; pigs. 33.75@4: holdovers, 2.000. Cattle — 19.000: 25c lower. Calves. 3.- * 000: steady. Beef steers—Good and choice. 38 @11: common and medium. 14.50@8: yearlings 36@10.50. Butcher cattle — Heifers. 34@7.60: cows. »3@5.50; hulls. 33.60W5.50: calves. 35.6a@8: feed er Meers, 34@6: stocker steers. 33.50@ 5.75; stocker cows and heifers. 33®4. Sheep—4o,ooo: 25c lower. Lambs. 35 common. >3.50@4.60; yearlings. S4@ 4.75; feeders. 34 25@4.75: ewes. 31@2.50. WOOL MARKET STEADY BOSTON, Jan 11 (INJ3.).—A moderate quantity of strictly combing 48s and 50s Ohio fleece wool has been sold within the past few days at 21 Vi cents a pound In the grease. Scoured basis values was estimated at the high side of the range from 36 to 38 cents which has been the prevailing nominal Quotations for more than a month. TODAY’S QUOTATIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Prev 11991— ti NtrtWA »W1 _ «•*' High LAW Dividend Rata High Low ffl:4B’ Ch gu A..—— 141.4 AhltUM Pnw...... '*-14 A'dhms Exn (1)..,'A J 0 l' , '» Affiilnfetl Pifruf... fl* l*t 15 - % 46*W Air Btedtic <»h>. .. & - % iSKi 1' Allbirhnnv Cans*.. * 2-F If I89"V *Alllerf (Ihem «0... <6'4 68’4- 1 io»4 Alli* chifliai <2>... 12 123 Sf Wk Aw. Can Crt....... 6 W 4 b 38\ x Am Car A Fy (1> 74 14V4 5 Anr Coml Alts... 74 O’* Am & For P0w.... 7ST- Sf 6* 37 Am Homw P 4.2#' 4M WZ 4"*- % S 6 5 Am Internat! 6J4 64 6 7 4+ % 30?4 S Am Loco (1) 77 7 4 Ji,' 84*ii -289 iAm Loco nf (7).. . 334 33’< 3S'4-P IJW 7 I>4 Am Jfe * Metal.., 24 -4 !&'+ J/ 644 U 4 -Am Paw & L (la) 15Jf 14% ISV» 21J4 s Am Ran Sg l (.60). 7% 84 1- 4 Am SWefltiiW (2).. 15J4 ®’ : ) ¥*>% 44 4Am Sol ACbem... &+* 4 6u 34‘i Ans Sugar 36'4 364 3614 201% W Am' Tel & T HBJ4 lUB% 11W+ % 1784 (5014 Am Tobac (5a)... 70 Th 70 - % 132% b* Am Tob B (5aR. *. 71% - % 11 108 Am Tob pf (6).... 107 lU7 H>7 80% 234 Am Water W (3). 29 >6% 38% -%. 48% 9- Anacoarta 10%'— % 7% 20 Arm D7% p£ W 4. J 33 37 -K 1. * 424 Arm. 10 A 1% 1% 1% 29% 54 Xssac D Gds2Ji) 64 64 6h, - % 203% 72% AXcliiaon. (!«)'..... 87 4 87,4- 2%, 120 25 Atlan CoautE (Ttf).. 35% 344 33%4 2% 23% 8% AtlaaT Kefln («.. 34 BJ-> - % 295% 84% Auburn AUto (4a) 140% 133% 140%4 2% B 27% 4% Baldwin t0c0.... 73% 6%4- %> 87% 13% Bblt A Ohio (5)... 18 lb% 18 4- 68% 18 taf 4 Ar(3%1.. 21 20 21 +%, 81 37 Bea tries Cr (W... 4i <1 41 - L 25% 12% Bendia Auiat «).. 17% 16% 17% 46% 19% B«*t &Co <!).... 22% 22%- 1% 70% 17 ‘r Bethlehem. Steel (2 20% 19?» Z 0%- % 43 15% Bohn Alum (I *4). 19% 19% 19% — % 76% 36 Burtterr Co 3) 37% 36% 37%-‘% 30% 9 Borg Warner (I).. 1034 ®>4 WM+ % 22% 7% *BriK3s .VLfg(l%a). 94 8% 9%4 4 69% 30% Bklyn Maui Tr (4) 35% .4'4 35%- % 9% 1% Brunswick Ter... 1% 1% k%4 % 5J< 1% Budd Mf x C 0.... 2 2 2 - % 13 2%' Budd Wheel: (11... 3% 3% 3%4- 4 69% 10% Byers A M 13% 12% 13’»— 4 C 11% 2% Calu A. Hecla.... ;% -% 3%+ % 45 10 Canada Dry (3)... 12% lt% % 45% 10% Canad Pae (1%).. 13% 13% E3%+ 4 16 4% Capital Ad At% 3% 54- *» 131% 31% Case JI 35'« 3=%' 35% — % 52% 10% Ckterpil Tract (3). 12% T 2% 12% - % 16 2% Celanese Coro 4 4 4 4 % 30% 9% Cerrp de Pasco fl) 13% 13 13% 4 % 23% 3% Checker Cab 6% 6% 6%— % 54% 14% Chesapk Corp (3). 18% 16% 18%-f- 1% 46% 23S Ches AOh 12%)..* 29% 7% 9%4 1% 7% 2% Chi Grt Wes 4 4 4 + % 27% 7% Chi Grt Wes pf.. 13% 11%' 13%r 1% 15% t% CMSt P & P... % 5% 2>*4 % 8% 2% CMSt P& P pf- 4% 3% 4%+ % 45% 5 Olli &N W (4)... 8% 7% B%+ % 65% 7% Chi Kock lit P.. 14% 13 I%T 1% 25% 11% Chrysler (1) 14% 13% t4%4 Js 4% % City Stores 11 1 170 9T% Coca Cola (1a).... 109%' « 109 -1% 45% 11% Coium Gas (2J... 1;% 12% I?%'- % 111% 20 Colu Carbon (5)... 35% 31% is%— % i 3% 7 Cornel Credit (2).. 9 9 9 il% 6% Com Solvents (1). 8% 8% B%— 4 1. 3 Comwl & Sou (.40? 4% 4i» 4% 100% 46 Com & Sou pf 6). Cs*« 6>% 65%4 % 18% % Cons Film pf (2)'. 2% 9% 8%- % 109% 55% Consol Gas (4)... 61vg 60 61% - za lU/ 88% Consol Gas pf lb). S 2 92 82 -• % 30 4% Cont Baking A... 5% t % 5%— % 62% 30% ConUn Can (2%). 35% 3d ;5%- % 51% 18% Continen In (2.40) z.% 22 22%4 % 4% % Conti Motors L% 1% I%+ % 1_ 5 Continental 0i1... t% 6% t%— % 12 % Continent Shares. % % %“ % 86% 36% Corn Prod (3a)... 43% 41% 40%- 1 18 t% Coty Inc 4 4 -4 — 4 63 20% Crucible Steel 20% 10% 20%- 1% 100 20 Curtis Publish.... 17 27 27 b% 1% Curtis Wright.... J% 1% 1% 8% 1% Curt Wright A... 2/ B 2% 2%+ % D 23 3% Davison Chem.... 4% 4%' 4% 157% 64 Del & Hud (9).... 81 78% 81 102 17% Del Lac & W (4). 23% 2)% -3%4* % 195 IC9 Det Edison (2).... 118 118 118 4 1 78% 42% Drug Inc (4) 52% 52 52%4- % 107 47% DuPont de N (4). 53% 52% 53% - % E 185% 73 Eastman Kod (sa) 7? 78 79 -1 21% 4% Eaton Axle 1).... t% 6% (%+ % 11% % Eitingon Schild... % % >» 69 7% Eiting Sch 1 of. 9% 9% $% - %' 74% 20 Elec Aut Lite (4). 29% 27% 29%+ % 4% % Electric 80at.... 1% ■ 1% 1% — % 9% 2% Elec & Mus Ind.. 3% 3 3% 60% 9 Elec P& Lt (1).. 12 11% 12 - % 106% 41 Elec P4L pf <D.. 60 59 60 +2 98% 32 Elec P&L 6pf (6). 48 48 48 - 4 39% 5 Erie 7% 7 7%+ % 45% 6% Erie Ist pf (4)... 8% 8% 8%- % 40% 5 Erie 2nd pf 8 8 8 —F 30 3 Fed Wat Sv (1.20) 4% 4% 4% 56% 20 Fidel Phen (2.60). 25% 25% 25% 4 % 63 41 First N St (2%).. 48 48 48 + % 3 % Fisk Rub 1 pf... % %' %' 32% 15% Fourth Na In (.55) 19% 19 19 - % 38% 2% Fox Film A (2%). 3% 3% 3%'- % 43% 13% Freept Texas (3). 18% 17% 17% Z + % G 60 15 Gamewell Co (3).. 15 15 15 73% 28 Gen Am Tank (4). 30% 29% 30% - % 47 9% Gen Asphalt (2).. 13% 13% 13%+ % 54% 22% Genl Elec (1.60).. 24 % 23% 24%+ % 56 28% General Foods (3). 34% 33% 34% 8% I%' Gen Gas A (30).. 2 2 2 50 29‘g General Mills (3).. 33 33 33 -1% 48 19% Gen Motors (3).. 22% 22 22%— % 103% 79% Gen Mot pf (5)... 63 83 81 - % 19% 11 Hall Print (1.20)... 11% 11% ’ U%- % 9% % Gen Realt & Ut.. 11 1 15% % Gen Theat Eq.... % % 4+4 38% 9% Gillette Saf R.... 13 1',% n 7% 1% Glmbel Bros % 2% 2% - % 42% 14% Gold Dust (2%).. 18 17% 18 - >* 20% 3% Goodrich 5 5 5 + % 52% 12% Goodyear Tire (3). 15% 15 15-1 13% 3% Goth Silk Hos... 9 9 9 6% 1% Graham Paige.... 4 4 4 22% 5% Granby Consol (1) 77 7— % 18% 5% Grand Union 7% 7% 7% 46 21 Grand Un pf (3). 27 26% 27 4- % 42 24% Grant W T (1)... 27% 37% 27%- % 69% 15% Gt North nf (4)..- 2% 2> 2f%+ % 11% 5% Grt West Bug... 6 6 6 157% 64 THE WASHINGTON TIMES Prev mi-l> Name aud Nat High Low iMvnterM R»t« 1,1 ah Low 11:« Cb gS 6%. 1 Grigsby Grunow. fflj 1% 1% ■ ——M - 44% Marbish Waite (I 1 ). » B 1J Iff 8 HerUIHW Mot (.SO- 8 8 ff Kte 7»>4 Hirrshey Cnf (4n 78% 78% 78%- f 9% Hmid Bwslidy B. 3 2% 3 4 % 16% Houston OH Iff 20% 4- % Ite%' 3 Hou«t OH new.... 4% 4%. 4%+ %. 36 7% Wudsdn Motor (1). Il 10% H - % Iff% 3% Hup Motors 5% 5 s%+ % j 89 9% Illinois Cent (4).. 1% 11% 13%4- % 182 25% Ingersoll Ran (4). 33 31 32 -j% 7T* 19% Infemt Steel GW. 31% 2i%- M% 3 Inspiration C..... 3% 3% 3%— % 12% 4'4 Ins Gel new f.4(rt 3% .5% 5%- % 9% 2% Insursh Ct In (.40) 3% 2% 2% 34 4% interboro R T.... 8% 7% B%+ % 1!»% »- Int Busi M (6h .. 103 10?.% 10'-% -5% 12% ff lift Car Ltd- i*l 4>4 4‘t, *%- ®% 14% Inter Cement 4).. 17 16% 17 86% 32% Int Harvest (3*4). '254 25'4- 25% 3f 9% Int Hydro E A (2’ (CJ% 1( % u% 73% Il Int Match nf (4). Iff'b 18% 20% -i% »•«. 7 Inter Nickel (.40). 8% 8% 8%- % lfl% 1% Int Pap *Pw A. -4 -4 2Js'+ 4 4% % Int Pan & Pw C. % % % 54 36% Inter Shoe (3). 35% 39 39 — k 38% 7% Int Tel A T («‘... 10 9 10 + % 9% 1% Invest Ea C 0..., 2 2 2 J 80Si 15% Johns Manville (3 21% SC% 21%+ % K 45 8% Kansas City So.. 10% 104 Iff 34 % Kelly Sn Tire.... 1% 11» i%- % S 6 5% Kelly T» pt 11% 11% 11%- % 29% J Kelsey Hayes 4 3% 4 15% 6 Keivlnator 8% 8% B%+ 4 »% 9% Kennecott (I) 11% H's 11%- 25% IB Kresge Co (1.60).. 16% 16'f 18%- % »% 4% Kreug * Tol (l.tH 8% 6% 6% - 4 L tf7% 40+ Lamliert Co (8).. . 52% 5t% sl'%— % 8%. 1% Lehigli V Coal 2% 2%, 2%- 1 61 8 Lehigh Vai 8K... 16 15% 16 + I 30% 5% Llbbev Owens Gl. 6% 6% 6%— % 91% 40 Lfg &My B (4a).. 51 49% 31 +1 33 I? Link Belt Co (1.60) 13 13 B 55% 13% Liquid carte (2). . 16 16 16 63% 23% Loew’s Inc (3)... 28 2T4 28 - % 6% 2% Loft line 34 34 34- 4 54% 29% Loose Wiles (2.60a 34% 3*% 34%- % 31% » Lerillard. T0b.... l:% 13. B%- % ttl 204 Lou & Nash C 5)... 27% 264 274-14 19 1% Ludlum Steel 4 4 4 — % fW 12 Mclntyre P M (I). 16 16 16 103% 38% McKees, T P (4).. 474 47^i 47%- 1 43% L Mack Trucks (2). 14% L% 14%- % 106% 50 Macy &Co (3)... 58% 50% 58%- % 39 6% Manh Rv m g.... W 9% 10 61 25 Manh R gtd (7).. 32% 3.’% 32%+ 1% 2.4% 9% Mar Midi (1.20).. 10% 10%- 4 32% m Marsh Field (2%) 11% 11% tl% 31% 12 Mathies Aik <2>. 14% 14% 14% 39 15% May Dept St (2% 17% 17 17 - % 34 14% Melville Shoe (2). 16% 16% IS',- % 8% 2 Mengel Co 2% 2% 2%— 16% 5 Mid Cont Pet.... 6 6 6 »% 3% Mo Kan AT.... 6% 6% 6% % 85 10% MKTpfAIB.. 17% 16. 17%+ 4 42% 5% Missouri Pac 9 7% 9+l 107 12 Mo Pac nf (5).... 19 16% iff +l% 29% 6% Montgy Ward.... 9% 9 9% 18% 5 Murray Corp 6>s 6% 6%’- % N 40% 15 Nash Motors (4).. 17% 16% 17% 83% 3b% Nat Biscuit (2.80) 41 40 41 - % 39% 74 Nat Cash R A... 9% 9 9%- 4 50% 20 Nat Dair Pr (2.60). >34 22% .34 36%, 16 Nat Distillers (2). 19 19 19 - % 44%’ 10% Nat Pr &Lt (1).. .14% 14 14%+ 4 58 18% Nat Steel (2) 4 .2 22 || 76% 10 Nat Sure Co (2).. 14 14 14 - % 24% 6% National Tea 8 8 8 — % 14% ♦% Nevada Con (.80)). t% t>% 5% - % 24 2% Newton Steel 3% 3% 3% + % 132% 24% N Y Cent 4) 32% 29% 33%+ 1% 38 2% NYC &St L... 8% 7 B%+ 1% 94 5 NYC&StL6pf 9% 8% 9%+ % 127 101 NY & Harl (5).. 11.0% 120 120%+ 11.l l . £4% 17 NY NH & H (4).. 25% .2% 25%+ 2% 119% 52 NY NH &H pf (7) 70 70 70 y 2 13% 5% NY Ont &W. ... 8% 7% B%+ 4 29% 10 Noranda Mines. . 1?.% 13% 1.1%+ % 217 105% Norfolk 4 W (10).. 120% 123 120 -1 9j% 23 Nor zlmer (10%b) 33% 3.%' 33% — 11 2% Nor Am Aviat... 4 3% 4 + %. 107% 79 Nor Am Ed pt (6) 80% 80% 80% +- % 60% 14% Northern Pac (3). 21% 19% 21%+ 1% o 19% 5 Ohio Oil 6 5% 6 58%' 16% Otis Elev (2%)..’. ’21% 21 21% + % 16% 3% Otis Steel 3% 3% 3% 39% 20 Owens 111 Gl (2).. 21% 21% 21%+ % P 54% 29% Pacific Gas & E (2) -4 33%' 34 - % 69% 35 Pacific Light (3). 39 39 39 + % 131% 93% Pac TA T (7).... £B% £B% 98%+ % 11% 3% Pack Motor (.40). 5% 5 5%+- 4 50% 5% Paramount (2%).. 10% 9% 10% - 4 2% 4 Pa the Exch % % %+ % 8% 1% Pathe Ex A I%' 1% 1%- 4 44% 26% Penney J C (2.40' 27% 27% 27%— % 64 16% Penn R R (3).... 21% 19 214+ 1% 250 106% Peoples Gas (8).. 116% 115% 116%- % 10% 2% Petroleum Cor (1). 4% 4% 4%— % 25%’ 5% Phelps Dodge.... 7% 7% 7% 12% 2% . Phila RC & 1... 3% 3% 3%- % 16% 3% Phillips Petrol.... 5% 5 5%+ 4 26% 5% Prairie Pipe L... 7% 7% 7% 71% 36% Proc & Gam (2.40) 41% 41 41%+ % 58% 15% Pullman Inc (4).. 20 18% 20 +l% lU* 3% Pure Oil 4% 4% 4% - % R 27% 5% Radio Corp w .... 7% 6% 7%+ % 60 9% Radio pf B (5)... 13% 13 13%- % 4 2% "ad K Orp new.. 5% *4 s%*+ 1% 19% 1% Reming Rand.... 2% 2% 2%- % 10% 2% Reo Mot (.40).... -3% 3% 3%- % 25% 4% Republic Steel.... 5% 5% 5% - jg 54 8% Repub Steel pf... 12 11 11 -1% 54% 32% Reyn Tob B (2).. 35% 35% 35%- % 6% 4 Richfield Oil %' % % -I- % 26 3% Rossia Ins (2.20).. 5% 5% f%- %' 42% 13 Royal DNY (2.28) 14% 14% 14% - % 69% 38% Safewav Stor (5). 4 % 43 43%+ % 30% 7 St Jos Lead (5)... 10 10 10 62% 3 St L-San Fra.... 4% 4% 4%+ % 76 4% St L&SF pf (6).. 6% 6% 6% - % 1% 4 Seaboard Air L.. % % %+ % 2% 4 Seab A L pfd % % % 20% 5% Seab Oil (.40).... 7% 7% 7%- % 63% 29% Sears Roeb (2%).. 32% 32% 32%- % •1% % Seneca Conner.... % % % U% 3% Serve! 4% 4% 4% TAe National Daily_ _ Prev. IMI-3S Name ■«!<* . , High Low Dividend Rate High Low 12:411 Ch ge B'4 Shutt F G (1).... £% 9%-r % 10% 2% Shell Cnloif Oil.. 34 3%'- 4 TR 15 Shell Ute Oil pf.. 20%' 20% 20% z - % 15% +4 Sinclair OH> 6 6 6 - % I ♦% 4 Srtider Packing... 4 4 4+ 4 15% 8 SRider Pack »f.. 4% 4% 4%'+ % 2V 8% soemfy tan (f.«DH W% 8% 10% - % 54% 28’i Soli Calif Ert 30% 30% 30%+ % 17% 6% sb Pbrtd R Sd... 7% 7 , 7,- % 109% 25% South Pacific (4).. 32%. 2ff% 32%+- 1% 652» 8% Southern Rfl 10 11%+ 1 83 10 Sou Rwy pf (5)... W% 14% 14‘|-’ % 13% 2 Sparks With (D.. 3 3 3 — s. 20% 10% Stand Brands (1.20) 12% 12% 12%+ % 88% Stand Gan (3%)... '-94 28% 19%- % 64% 29% Stan Gas pf (4)... 37 37 37 - % 51% 13V Std Oil of Cai (2W '-*4 '-*%* % 52% 25% Std Oil NJ (fa).. -B%' 28% .B'%- %’ 21% 4% Stewart Warn.... 5% .’ % :%- % 54% 9% stone A Webst (2) 16% 10 - % 28 9 . Studebaker (1.20). 12 IJ% 11%- ' 2 1% % Superior Oil % 4 4 T ls% 11% TelistitoflT (1.40). .. 12% 12 12 —l% 30J< 9% Texas Corp (2).... 12% l-% 12%- %' 58% 19% Tex- Gulf Su (3).. ’-3% 23% 2i% 6% 1% Tex Pac CA0.... 2% 2% 2% 174 +4 Tex Pac L T n... 5% 5% 5% 23 5% The Fair (2.40)... 6 6 6 +1 15%< 5% Third Avenue.... K) 10 10 B%' % Thorn Starrett... i% 1% 1% 9 24 Tidewater Asso... 3 3 3 58 16% Timken Roller (2) 21% 21 21 -1% 4% 14 Tobac Prod 4 24 3%+ 4 14 6 Tobac Pr A (.80a). 7% 7% 7%+ % 18 2 Ti’ansamer Corp. 34 3% 3*+<— 4 9(4 36% Tri Cont nf (6)... 51% si;« 51%+ 1% U 13% Underwd El (4%). ’l7 16% 17 - % 72 27i« Union Car (2.60)... 31% 3j%- 4 26% 11 Union Oil Cal (2). 13% 13% 13%- % 2(i5% 65 Union Pac (10)... 77% 74 77%'+ 1% 9?f United Air A T.. . 11% 11%' H%- 74 1% United Cigar 1% 1% 31% 7% Unit Corp Del (%) £Ji 8% ! % 5c% 26% Unit Cp Del pf (3) 37 36% 36% - % Washington Gas Light 6s A, _, sl,ooo® 100. Washington. Gae Light 6s B, c sloo@lo0 1 1 4 , SIOO@ TOO {/<■ , ; Public Utility BondA BldJ A"k_ <; Amer Tel a Tel Arti Tel A Tri Ct’l 5s . ...U02%l F Anacostla & Pot R. H. 5e..| 57 i 82 * Poultry—Alive: Young turkeys. 23® 26c; old toms. 13c; large colored fowls. 19®29e: small to medium, lS®l7c; leghorn fowls. 12c; legtern chickens. 2 pounds and over, lac: large rocks. 20c; mixed chickens. 13@20e: under grade. 12«r14c: roosters. 10c: ducks. 15 I&lae: keats. large and young. 35c; old. 25c. Dressed: Chickens. 20 @ 22c: tur keys, young. 25ti30c; (owls, heavy. IS'tp 20c* leghorns. 15c; ducks. 19@20c; roosters. 12® 14c: keats. young, 40c. Eggs—Current receipts, 28® 23c: white hennery. 25c Calves — Lam be—Bc. Applee—Bushel baskets, truck receipts liberal: supplies liberal; demand moder ate: market steady. Virginia. Stay mans. U. 8. No 1. 3 inches up. 3125; U S No. 1. 214 Inches up, mostly around 31; Black Twigs. U. S. No. 1. 3 inches up. $101.15: U. S. No. 1. 253 inches UP. best. 75c; fair condition. »0c: YorkX U. S. No. 1. 3 inches up. sl. few higher; Bonums, U. S. No. 1.- i inches up. 73c. Barrels: Too few sales reported to quote Boxes: Supplies mod erate: demand light: market steady. Washington, medium to \nrge extra fancy. Delicious, $2.-b@-50. ripe. $2: Staymans. $1.75®2: medium to large sizes, fancy. Staymans. »l.»0® 1.75; Homes. »1.75. Cabbage—New Stock: Supplies mod erate; demand moderate; market steady South Carolina. I'4-bu. hampers Pointed type, $1.60. Florida. lli-bu. hampers, Pointed type, mostly around $1.50. Old Stock: Supplies light; demand mod erate; market steady. New York. HO-lb. sacks. Danish type. » oor * r Celery—Supplies liberal: demand mod erate; market steady. California, one half crates, individually washed and pre doled. 3 to 4 doz.. 10 - in. crates, washeed, $--s®-jO. poorer. $2. New York, two-third crates. 4 to 5 doz., fair quality and condition. S2O 2 25. , Lettuce —Supplies moderate; demand moderate; market weak. Arizona and California, crates. Iceberg type 4 to i doz. $4.65@5. Florida, from mixed ear, l’4-*bu. hampers. Big Boston type, $1.50® 2. Potatoes —Supplies liberal: moderate: market steady. N ' aln *' 150-lb sacks. Green Mountains. I ■ No 1 $2: New York and Pennsylvania. 150-lb sacks. Round Whites. U. S. Nn 1 $1.85; Idaho. 100-lb sacks. Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. $2.3602.50. Onions— Supplies light;; ilamnd mod erate: market steady. Ohio. ' vellows. U. S. No. 1. medium to laige sizes. $2.75: medium size. *2.5f1: small size $1.75@2. Michigan. 50-lb sa< ks. yellows. U. S. No. 1. small to medium size. $202.10. few $2.25. Strawberries —Express receipts light. Truck receipts moderate: supplies m'd erate: demand light; market weaker. Florida, pony refrigera tors various varieties. 15c per pint. ..6 p crates, wide range in quality a c °" dition. best 1214 015 c; wasty. Bl® 10c pint: poorer. 5c per pint: 32-ot <rat various varieties. 25 @ 30c per qt. Snap B^ans— Supplies moderate re mand moderate; market about steauy. Florida, bushel hampers, green JIM type, from mixed car. $2.25® f- 40 ’ s h '', quality. $1.75@2; express rece*pt«._ > bushM hampers, green, flat type * . ~ bushel hampers, green, flat type. sl<» & 2 Cucumbers —Express receipts light ; sup plies light: demand light: market steady. Cuba, bushel crates, fancy. 4-6 dozen. $405. Illinois, hothouse stock, carton.. 2-dozen. $1.50 per dozen. Lima Beans— Supplies Igibt: demand light; market steady. Cuba, bushel hampers. $5. . ,„ n . Peppers—Express receipts light, sup plies moderate: demand light: market steady. Florida. I’4 bushel crates. L. 5 No. 1. green. $202.50. small size. $1.50. Okra—Supplies very light; demand light: market steady Cuba. 6-basket cr or e a’ngei—Supplies liberal: demand moderate: market steady. Fl • boxes. large size. $3.0004.00; small sizes. >2.00@2.50 . . .nn Kale —Truck receipt* moderate, plies moderate: demand moderate; mar ket weak. Virginia, bushel baskets, mostly 65c. , .. Eggplant—Express receipts very light. supplies light; demand light; market dull. Florida, from mixed .cars 1g; bushel crates, large size. »2-«®®J n 5 "- small size. $.5002 00: express receipts. I’A-bushel crates, large size. $-.-»'' 2.50; Cuba H4-bushel crates. large Peas —Sunplies light- demand light, market weaker. Mexico, 45-poun<l crates, telephones $6.50 Parsnips—Supplies moderate, mand light: market steady. vanla and New Jersey, bushel baskets. Supplies light. Demand light, market steady. Canada. 00-10. sacks. 65075 c. , Turnips—Supplies moderate. Demand light, market steady. Near by sections, bushel baskets. 40 0 50c. Cauliflower —Supplies moderate. De mand light, market steady. California, pony crates. $1.5001.75. Broccoli —Supplies moderate. De mand light, market slightly weaker. Texas and California, prates. $2.750.1. Beets—Supplies light. !’r h t. market, about steady. Texas, from WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE Washington Produce MONDAY—JANUARY 11—1932 Prev. 1931—32 Name and N«t High Lew Dividend Rat* High Lot* 12:«S Ch ge 87’f 17’/ United Fruit 23% 37% 15V Un Gds Imn 1.20’ 18V - V 31?* 9 1 * Un P<S Dvew 12).. 11 10‘<f II 50 14’! U S Gypsum (1.60: .0% 20% .o',- X 13% 1% US <y For Sec... 2% 39» 2?£-“ % 77V 309. U S Indus Ale... 26 25% 58 + K 37%. 10 US Pipe A F (2). 11% ll 1 / 11% 36% 5% U S Realty (1).... 5% 5% 5% — %• TOt 3’.. U S Rubber 4% 4% 4%— % 25% f% U S Smelt t1).... 16% 16 16% l»% 35% US-steel (4) 42% 40% 43% - % ' 150 94 U S Steel pt (7)... itfZ lC>7 16? +2 9% l?f Unit Stores 2% ♦% 2%— % 31 7% Util PAL> A (2). 9% 9 9 - % V 2 % Vadscn Sales %. % % 78% 11- Vanadium 13% 13 13% - % W 26 % Wabash 1% 1% 1% 51 1% Wabash pf A.... 2% 2%. ’.%'+ % 27% 11% Waldorf SyS (1%) 13V 15% 15% p % 8% 1% Ward Bak V- 2 20% 2% Warner Picts 3zs 3 J% 46% 3% Warren Bros t% 4% s%'+ >*g 49% 12% Warren Bcv pf.. 15 14% 15 26% 13 Wesson O&S (2). .15 15 15 19% 4% W Maryland 6?* 5% 0i + % 150% 33 West Urtion (6)..- 39% 31 39% -1 36% 11 West Air Br (2).. 14 1:% 14 + % 10791 19% West £* M (»%> 23% 24 25%-c % 2t% 7% White- Motor 9 9 9' — % a 1% Willys- Overld 2% 2% 72?* 35 Woolworth (2.40). 40% 39?; 40%-' % 1061 s 15% Worth- Pump 19 16% 19 80% 46 Wrigltfy (4) 53%, 53% 53%> V — y 30 8% Yale A Towne (2). 9% 9%* 9% 4- % 15% 3 Yellow Trk B 3% 2% j%- %• Z 14 6% Znnite Prdte H>... 8% 7% B%+* (a) Optional stock or cash, (b) Partly extra, (c) Extra stock and cash. <«i > Exira ur «r<»cX. ie) luviutflirg arrears; (f > J-o Otha or a share in stock <g) Paid this year (AA) 10% hi stock. tww) With warrants (xw) Wi’hout warrants. <•) Ek-<SI vidend. it) Ex-rjgbts. Dividend rate in dollars 1n parent naws. Year's high and low prices are carried to previous closet I Kid Ask Ana”~& Pot Guar 5s I 88 1 95 Ana Pot Guar qs I 88 I C. & P Tel of Va fr’5...... . lUO ... .. Ca-p Traction R R 55.. 1...1 City & Surbilrba«i si? ....... I 56 57 Georgetown Gas Ist 5s 100 Potomac Elec Cons 5%....|100 101 Va Potomac Elec 6» 1953 105 I Wash Alex A V Ctf. ...| 2 mixed cars western lettuce crates, bunched. 12.75. Squash—Express receipts light. Sup plies moderate. Demand light, market steady. Florida. from mixed cars, bushel hampers white wrapped. sma«l size. >2.25®2.50; large size. SI. Bushel Sprouts—Express receipts mod erate. Supplies moderate. Deniand mcwlerate; market slightly weaker. New- York, 32-<iuart crates. l<»@lsc per quart. Tomatoes —Supplies light. Demand moderate: market steady. Florida sixes. 120 s and 1445. ripes and turning wrapped, |3.25<3 3.50: few higher; 180 s. $2.50@3. Spinach—Supplies moderate. Demand light; market about steady. Texas, bushel baskets, Savoy type. 90c®II. CoHards —Practically no supplies on the market. Carrots—Supplies light. Demand light; market steady. Texas, from mixed car Western lettuce crates bunched |3.75<® 4. New York, bushel baskets, cut. washed. |1®1.15. Sweet Potatoes—Supplies moderate: demand light: market steady. Eastern Shore Virginia, bushel hampers. Jersey type. U S. No. 1. best. 75c; poorer. 50c. North Carolina, bushel baskets. Porto Ricans. U. S. No. 1. 65® 75c. Radishes — Supplies moderate: de mand light: market steady. Texas, from mixed cars, erates. 100 hunched. 13. Escarole—Supplies light: demand moderate; market steady. Florida, bushel hampers. $2.50, Tangerines—Supplies moderate; de mand light; market steady. Florida, boxes, all sizes. $1.50® 1.75. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. J an. TI (1. N. S.). I Demand . Cable _ Great Britain, nterl.. |53.37’- 2 France, franc | .0391% Belgium, belga | | .1387 Switzerland, franc ...I | .1947 Italy, lira j .0507 Sweden, krone ...... I j .Ix9o Norway, krone j .1840 Denmark, krone | .IX6O Germany, r’mark .... Ii .2370 Greece, drarh I i .0129 Spain, peseta I | .0843 Holland, sh rin i | .4005 Austria, schill i j .1400 Poland, zloty I j .1130 Hungary, pengo .... I ! .1750 Finland, mark I I .0155 Jugoslavia, dinar ...J.... | .0178 Czechoslav. crown ...i I .0296’2 Rumania, leu ! j .0059% Far East I Shanghai, tael I .3300 .3313 Hongkong, dollar . ...| .2513 .2526 Bombay, rupee I .2563 I .2573 Ytkoharna, yen I .3587 I .3597 ___ » s °uth .America I | Rio de Jan. milreis.J .0636 i .0635 Buenos Aires, peso... I .2588 | .2588 Uruguay, dollar I .4500 i .4500 Peru, soles de 0r0...J .2800 i .3800 Chili/ peso I ,1215 I .1215 Canada New York funds in Montreal $157.50 premium on SI,OOO. .Montreal funds in New Y’ork $157.50 discount on SI,OOO. CLOTH PRICES IMPROVE NEW YORK. Jan. 11 (T.N.S.k—The • coarse yarn cloth? market displayed a considerably improved tone today with substantial sales of print cloths and broadcloths taking place at firm prices. Common sense and COLDS When you realize that it is the ‘‘ultravirus” (cold germ) infection within the system that produces all the discomforts of a cold, common sense indicates that it must be de stroyed and expelled from within. Bromo Quinine tablets are not merely a relief measure for cold discomforts ... they destroy the in fection and eliminate the impurities from the system. Take Bromo Quinine, the prosed remedy for colds. Bt AXA TI V I ROMO QUININE I Bid I Ask- Washington Gas *Hjs !)6HI 98 Washington Gai 5s ....Hut) Wash Gas 6s series A 100 iIOOH' Wash Gas 6s series B 1103’4J Wash Ry & Elec_4 s ... .. . j Jfti ’s |79 _ M BtiiHin I I Surber & Russ Inc 6Hs I 65 I Chevy ('hose Club 5%s i >loo’/> Col Country Club 5Ws 1100 1103 W M Cold Storage 55.... ..I 94 Public ttHity Stsrita ~ | I Amer Tel * Tel 1117 GI.. .. . Capital Traction Co I 19 ‘ 20 Wash Gas Lt Co 94 ' N & W Steamboat 150 lilo Pot ETer Prwer 6s pfd ITIO 1 ?ot Elec Pwr 5Hs pfd 1103 1105 Wash Ry & El c0m.......... 1310 i I Wash Rv & El nfd... 1 X 9 1 _ National Hank stocks Min. I Ask Capital |175 1250 Columbia >3-75 [.#35 Commercial (stamped) 183 |2OO District 196 210 Fed Amer Nt! Bk <fr Tr. . . 4L’Hi «;> Liberty 190 i2IO Lincoln 400 4 4" Metropolitan 275 (310 Riggs 3.i 0 1360 Second 165 ,195 Washington 1180 122 U Trlist Company jStorlcs I Amer Sec * Tr Co 2»» 315 Nat’l Sav * Tr ,3(5 .40" Prince Georges Bk & Tr. ... 28 40 Inion Trust 191 ;20fl Wash Loan £ Tr 400 440 Suv i ngs Bank Stoc k s j Bank nf Bethesda 153 ~6n Com <£• Savings |325 j East Washington 20 35 Pot Savings Bank 55 75 Sec Sav & Com Bk 4.15 500 Seventh Street |2BU United States (530 630 Wash Mechanics ’ 50 50 Fire l*Murance_ Stocks I | Ani'Tii .i n 1275 I (’orcoran ... 150 Firemen’s I 30 40 National Union 14’Xt I 16 Title Insurance Stocks I I Columbia I 7 10% Re ,1 Estate 4 . . . .1145 160 Miscflianeon* Stocks Barber & Ross Inc. c0m....’ ! / 8 Col Medical B'dg Corp 6s. . . 90 105 D C Paner Mfg nfd 5 Dist Natl Sec pfd 63 75 Emcr Rrcmo-Selz A ,24 I 28 - Federal Storage nfd l"0 110 Fe«l Km Co com 19 I 22 I’rd-Am Co pfd 89 '93 I.anston Monotype ! 64 65 Mor Tr A- St go com ' 95 ’lO2 M.r Tr <<• Stge pfd i 86 R 9 Merger thaler Uno ’ 5.1 57 Na 11 Mt ge In v Pfd ! 3’ 2 4 Peoples Drug Sr nfd I 78 £1 Real Est M * G pfd i 5 6 «r-curitv Storage . . ion 1 * i T<r Ref & Wh Corp I 4? 50 The Carpel Corp I 12<4 I 16 W Meeh Mtge c0m...,....' BHI Wash Med Bldg Corp ’ 90 IjOR Wdwd T.othrop enm 29 HI 31 VVdwd * Lithrop pfd 107 1109 RANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF CONDITION Os the Industrial Savings Bank Os Washington. in the District of Columbia, at the close of busi ness on December 31. 1931. RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts.... 5187.867 61 2. Overdrafts 114 05 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities owned 277,527 23 6. Banking house. 145.540: furniture and fixtures, 15.145 50.685 00 7. Real estate owned other than banking house. . 33.294 03 9. Cash and due from banks 70,052 54 10. Outside checks and other cash items 197 bO 14. Other assets 50 00 Total >619.787 95 LIA BILITIES 15. Capital stock paid in.... >50.000 VO 16. Surplus 1.000 <>o 17. Undivided profits—net... 3.72166 18. Reserves sot) dividends. contingencies, etc »S 3 84 21. Due to banks, including r certified and cashiers’ checks outstanding 3,48a 4 9 22. Demand deposits 185,036 42 23. Time deposits 369.560 54 Total >619.<87 95 District, of Columbia, sst 1. W. H. C. BROWN. President ot the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best my knowledge and belief. W. H. C. BROWN. President. Subscribed and sworn to before rne this 9th day of January. 1932. (Seal) CHARLES S. CUN NY. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. H. C. Brown W. H. Jackson John H. Simms Jesse H Mitchell Walter L. Carter Directors. The COMMERCIAL National Bank 14th and G Streets Banking in All Ita Phases WW RUNGE covereo ay COTION N-fiW YORK, Jan. 11 (1.N.5.). The cotton market fluctuated nar rowly today. There was liquidation of the near months by spot houses, which was combined with hedge sailer and there was a fair amount of price fixing. Near midday, January was un changed at 6-38, March off 2 at 6.48. May up 2 at 6.66, July up 1 at 6.83, and October off 1 at 7.06. Curb Leaders Move Up After Early Sag KE7T YORK, Jan. 11 (I.N.s.i. The curb market swung about in erratic fashion today, with early unsettlement followed by irregu lar rallying tendencies which enabled many of the pivotal lead ers to retrace their first-hour de clines and maintain their position around previous closing 1 levels. i .IfOW Last Alum Co of Am 55 I 53 Am Brit & Cont I »>! H H Am Coni if W A ...I Hi ■’% H A>nr Cortn.w B. .1 HI H G A‘nr Cyawm B‘ •. fHi 3»i Am F Pw ww 4’g! 4 4H Am Gas * El 1 £ I 11 Am Gas El nfd. ... .. 3VHI 35 36\ Am Inv Inc ww -J. %. Am Lig-lil «Q? T | 2W 20G 2<»H Am’ Maracaibo HI H G* Am Superpwr 4Hi 4G 4G Am SupeYpAvr Ist pfd.. 155 Hl 55’ 55 G Appalac Gas’ 5-16 5-16 5-1 £ Ark Nat’! Gas A....... i 2%‘ 2’, 2 G A nsec Gaw E A Atlas Util 5•% 5 G 5 ■’’g Atlis Util war 1 \ 1% 174 Bln- Ridge I'- !■,' l>i Huff N & B P pt.... 2T% CIS L’T-i Cables & W B -Hi -S, Cana, Marconi ........ 1 %| 1 Cent Pub S MU A... lis. 1% Cfent States Elec 2 2.2 dltiea- Service I «>G 6HI 6H Cities Service pf 4«B’> 48 48’» Colum Oil & Gas vtc 1G IHI 1G Comm Edison lIISG l£X r i 11 8 G Cons Gas Balt I 62G (RIH 62G Coon W B 4G 4 G 4 G Cord Corp 1 7 % 7 ’•_> 7 G Corp Sec Chi I I’i l’_ 1G Dayton Air En I G k Deere * Co I 8%! B\' 8\ Duquesne Gds | &: i.t ir Durant \ i. ’« fSlec B & S I 11 %j riG 11G Fajardo Sugar 16 ! 16 I 16 Flschman & Sons? . G 1 ’4 >4 Plintkote A 3GI 3HI 3’ a Ford Motor Ltd 5% 5’ s 5-G Goldma Sachs Tr .. . . 3 I 2% 3 Gulf Oil 29’41 29 I -''H Huchm’ster Liml U-’.-G: 12 12&, Happiness Camfy .... H' H Humble Oil 43 43Gi 43 G Impeiria] Oil Can new I BH.I x’ u 314 InsyH; Ft Inv 5%' 5% ‘ Insurance Sec ' 2H 2H Enter nor Pet ..| 9H' 9 '» Trying Aid Ch I 4 4 4 Italian Sup A 1 IGi 1■ % 1G Marconi Inter I &H ; SG I 5G I Mavis Bot’l A %| *\ H | Mead Johnson 4< 144 44 Mid States Pet Av.. IGI l’« 1 G I Mrddle Went Util 6’/ «G HH I Miller & Sons | 2’41 21’4 2’£ I Misouri K Pipe L 1% T%.‘ 1% Nachman Spring .... 5 I 5 I 3 Nat Aviation 2 G 2HI 2G Nat Fuel Gas I 12G 12HI 12G. Nat Power & Lt pf..l <8 HI 68H’ 68 Mb Nat Rubber M I 2G 2HI 2H New Eng Power pf. . 54’4 54 i 54 Niag & Hud Power.. 6H * G Niag Hud? Pow A warl a i GI Niagara Share of Md. 3 2% 2H No European Oil I G 1 H Pan-Amer Airway .... 14 14 14 Peoples Lt A H H G Pioneer Gold ’ 3 " 3 Pittsb * La E 39 39 39 Prtxiential Inv 4H! 4H‘ 4G Pub Svc of No 11l rt»..l 2HI -H* 2H Reliance Ma nag IGI IHI 1H Republic Gas I GI Hl H Rockland Lt I<>%l 10 Hi 10 H St Regis Pap I 4 i 4 4 Sec Allied Corp n v.... 6’Al 6’% I 6’4 Segal Lock I 1% i 1G ‘ 1 G South Penn Oil 1 10 HI 10H’ 10’4 Spanish Ar Gre I ’»! Hl ’4 Spanish * G B I l K ' \ Stand Oil of Ind I 15 H 1 15 G I 15 G Swift Internal I 23%l 23% I 2.’’G Swiss Am E pf ww. ..I 40 | 40 I 4<> Terk Hughes G I 4G* 4 H Tubize-Chatillon B. . . 2HI 2U' 2’4 Tung S L *. 5 I 5 I 5 Union N Gas Can 4 4 4 United Gas pf I 51 I 50 H I 51 United L * P A I 6%l 6% United L & Pcv pf... i 45%: 49 '49 T T tf!ities PA- L n I 2% I ?H‘ 2 G Wool worth Ltd I B’4l 8G 8 G BROOKLYN GAS RATES The .few York Public Service Commission has approved a new schedule of gas rates for the Brooklyn Borough Gas Co. which will mean a saving of more than $160,000 a year to the customers of the company residing in Coney Island section of Brooklyn. BANK STATEMENTS Charter No. 10316 Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Federal-American National Bank and Trust Company, Os Washington. In the District of Colum bia, at the close of business on Decem ber 31. 1931. RESOURCES. . 1. Loans and discounts... .$12.154,378.66 2. Overdrafts 1.733.85 1 3. United States Govern- ment securities owned... .1,057,547.18 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned 1,568,129.92 6. Banking houses. $1,633.- > 613.51; furniture and fix tures. $138,605.30 1.772.218.81 7. Real estate owned other than banking house 1.009,923.88 i 8. Reserve with Federal Re serve Bank 1,099.454.87 , 9. Cash and due from banks 1.892.775 92 10. Outside checks and other cash items 69.959.22 11. Redemption fund with U. > S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer... 2,500.00 14. Other assets 230,662.66 [ ~ Total 520.857.284 97 ‘ LIABILITIES. 15. Capita! stock paid in... $2,000.000 00 • 16. Surplus 1,000.000 00 17 Undivided profits—net... 284.394 84 18, Reserves for dividends. I contingencies, etc 93,543.26 I 19. Reserves for interest. ( taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid .... 19.444.19 5 20. Circulating notes out standing 50 000.00 21. Due to banks, including , certified and cashiers’ checks outstanding 1,430.013.56 ' 22. Demand deposits 8.199,169 56 ’ I 23. Time deposits 6.873,868 94 24. United States deposits... 11,063.66 26. Bills payable and redis- counts 891.500 00 ? i 31. Other liabilities 4,287.07 Total $20,847,284.97 City of Washington. District of Colum bia. ss: I. CHAS. D. BOYER, Cashier of the 1 above-named bank, do solemnly swear | that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ CHAS. D. BOYER. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before this #tb day of January. 1932. ■ ! BENJAMIN ROBINSON Notary Public. Correct—Attest: JOHN POOLE. JNO DOLPH. JOSEPH A. RAFFERTY, LLOYD B WILSON, G. W HARRIS. WM. JOHN EYNON, BYRON S ADAMS. I®W. C SALTY. WILTON J. LAMBERT. ,' Plr??tort,