Newspaper Page Text
New I y Decorated Furn ished Room For Rent.. Woodl ey Pl ace N. W. $25 per Month •/ ME TODAY'S RENTAL LISTINGS fx* Business Service J Service Directory The tdlowing services aft arranged alphabetically for your convenience in locating your desired services quickly Beauty Culture School u£aRN Beauty Ciilture. Stewart’* School $5 *t*rt*yuu, »liOrt courte* »U1 f ME »fr>6 .Beauty Shope ARTISTIC BEAUTY SHOP special oner PermaiiAiit - S 3 VO to $7 00 138»-f av N. « SMWWIIMIW Bujldiiig and Contracting “~tctnls F COLLIER CONTRACTOR ANO BUILDER 1W gQlh %t- N. W, IV-W.?- ... , Butter Business BCfTEK AND EGGS — J, B, THQMAS, O ST MARKET, Coal Merchants J. COSTa a co.. COAL DEALER. 624 N St. N W. ME’. 7101 Dining MYRTLE INN 606 STH ST. N. W— Try our daliciuua home <<>oki ug; rea to liable. 18 Breawmaking and Millinery Hats REMODELED and mad* to order *Xp«rt*arvice Gl***f’*. 1632 Conn. Av* Miscellaneous Service BURK'S PtilLA FRANKS 4~SCHAPpLE ASH YOtIR GROCER OR SHEP. 2367 MOVING. HAULING AND EXPRESS work Very rea*. NEWBURN. Diet, 3642- JEWELRY REPAIRING—REMOUNTING Old piece* on **l*. OSBORNE, 1634 Conn. JEWELRY, waiche*—Removal sale. 35% Pit. LORENZ 3624 Ga Ave. AP, 7688, Moving and' Hauling A. B C. EXPRESS—Moving. hauling. hair gage. Rea*, 2423 18th St, N.W, C 01.9716 MOVING AND HAULING—Cheap, ouiek reliable. CURLES, Lin. 283 P-W LOCAL, long-distance moving. S 2 50 up per load: trunk* 75c up: large van $5 up Looper Transfer, 1815 6th N, W. NO 0266 Painting, Papering, Etc, PAINTING paperhanging. 10% disc. Jan agd.Feb._J, .Konigniacher. SHen 3164-.1 I S 5 AND up. rooms papered: estimate* free A. K HOBBS. ATlantic 2821-W ( Employment J 43Help Wanted—Male SALESMEN (2) Salary or commission to sell the new Ford passenger car* and truck*. Must have own car and A-l reference. Call between 10 and 12 a. m. or 2 and 4 p in. Tuesday. January 12. SEE MR. HAWKINS, ’ANACOSTIA MOTOR CO., 1325 GOOD HOPE RD. 8. E. 25 EXPERIENCED CHAFFEURS White, neat appearance, to drive Chevrolet cabs must have identifi cation cards. IRWIN CAB. INC.. 2101 14th Street N, W. SALESMEN Manufacturer needs 5 men with cars. Married men preferred. No canvassing. Weekly operating expenses allowed, com mission and bonus. Start salary $175.0(1 a month, plus commission when qualified. Apply Monday 10 to 12 A. M . 2 to 4 P M No phone calls. Burlington Hotel. Mr, Josephson. 45 Salesmen Wanted REFLECT- O-L 11 E The Marvelous new NO GLARE Auto Lite that makes night driving safe. Great money making proposition Dis tributors wanted. REFLECT-O-TJTE Co.. Westfield. N. Y. [ Business Opportunities j FOR SALE, tailor akup. good location, reasonable. Owner retiring un account of health. Call ATlantic 2261. bet 5& 6 RETAIL BAKERY doing good business; very reasonable. Box 238. Times-Herald. ROOMING house or apartments, 12 rooms, nicely turn.. 2 baths, best N. W. loca tion. Potomac 2360-W. Ask for Mr Hunt. $4,250 WILL PURCHASE Thoroughly sound, successful and enter prising business paying safe and sure prof its of SSOO every month. Nothing to sell. No experience necessary. Information given through personal interview only. Box 83. Times-Herald. f Financial ) 52 Licensed Loan Companies ~ LOANS UP TO S3OO , Call SHepherd 2082. Line. 6337 53 Money to loan—on Automobiles LOANS TO AUTO OWNERS DISTRICT FINANCE CO . 013 N Y AVE QUICK money loans on autos. Nat City Fi nance Co., 1117 Que'St. N.W. NO. 1680. LOANS PROCURED QUICKLY HARRY YAFFY 1004 11TH ST N. W.MET. 3040 LOANS ON AUTOS Use Your Car. No Indorsement*. UNITED FINANCE CO. t>43 N. Y. Ave at 10th St. Pls. 9283. Auto Loans. Use Your Car LOWEST RATES Quick Action. See Mr. Jacobson, 805 N.Y. Ave. N.W. NAtional 2453 AUTO LOANS—NO INDORSEMENTS USE YOUR CAR—QUICK SERVICE EASY PAYMENTS ATLAS AUTO FINANCE CO. 801 NEW YORK AVE,MET. 2121. QUICK CASH You keep the car: 12 months to pay fidelity Finance Co.. Fidelity Garage. 14th and Florida Ave Open evening*. COI 5660. Ask for MR. NAUGHTEN 54 Money to loan—on Real Estate FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS SEE SUPERIOR FINANCE CO.. Inc 1331 GSt N W Room 206 MEt 2495 SMALL PAYMENTS! QUICK SERVICE! Ist. 2d and 3d trusts in D C Loan* to nearby Md. and Va No red tape Dr A HENRY, lnc„ 1016 Eye_SL_NW_ HAVE Plentv of Money for good Ist trust*. THOS. LEONARD. 452 Indiana Ave, MONEY TO LOAN Ist. 2d or 3d trust* colored prop 1234 Von N W DE 0536 2D TRUST LOANS TO HOME OWNERS Brokers AI tention Federal Finance and Investment Corp. 719 11th St N W MEtrutiolilan 1907 MONEY DELIVERED IMMEDIATELY SIOO pay SI wkly SSOO pay $3 wkly S3OO pay $2 wkly SI,OOO pay $5 wkly BIT.DM AN CO NAT 2400 319 BOND 81-DG 14TH AND N V AVE It takes just a minute of your time to write a Slogan, yer <t may mean the placing of an additional hundred dollars tn your pocket . , see complete de- tails of Slogan Contest offering 20 CASH PRIZES announced today in this Classified Section f Real Estate 66 Houses and Estates for Sale Suburban 7-ROOM stucco house. Chevy Chase. Md : recently remodeled, new floors heating. etc., sacrifitv W]«r 4545-W 4-ROOM & bath bungalow East River dale: hot-water-heat, newly decorated garage, 2 large lots. $3,850: only $l5O rash. $35 mo. Hyatts 159. AN OUTSTANDING BARGAIN PRICED AT * a cion FOR QUICK SALE 5-Room Bungalow on 14 -acre lot. in rapidly developing Silver Spring area, near schools, churches and stores: adjacent to new State Park and new boulevard: easily accessible to downtown Washington Six teenth St Bn» service. Will finance. For deta’ls call— SHEPHERD 3451 Business; Service . < Painting, Papering, E|c. ROOMS PAPERED uabet included <4*J Also uainUQß. work guaranteed. H_Jaf*on, 1418 Md Ave K ¥ Lfa>. 8690 ROOMS papered $6; paper included: work guaranteed Sidney 809 4th St N b Apt 2 Line 08<l5 30 Professional Service alpha iNsTßUWfhf 7xl. _ 91o« S<. WE. 2611 Specialised surgical instruments. repairs k chrofne plating: all work guar. 22 Kiiilio Repairing EXPEK'I RADIO SERVICE Quick, dependable, 5 year* experience: work guaranteed: service cliaige. SI.OO aerial, $6 irntallcd. Bell Radio Service. 1756 Co lumbia Rd. W COl. 7053, d»i| Acme Radio Service d’fl POTOMAC 6007V* 27 Repairing amt Kefinlshing L. C. SAXE UPHOLSTERING CO. ALL WORK GUARANTEED LOW COST 1023 10th St. N. W NAt. 7786 Shades am Screens WM WILL measure made and install good quality window shade* for 75c. Kleebiatt Sign Makers — ——— A A A SIGN Cd: Homer Riker 81(1 F St N, W. MEt. 7341. LEE SIGN CO. 350 11 TH ST S, E,LIN, 9426. TURNER SIGN SERVICE 723 Fla. Ave. N. W. NO. 9472 11 Special Notices JOE AND PAUL BARBER SHOP moved to 4th and H N E. from stb and H N. E Real Estate Office remains on 2nd floor, Upholstering REUPHOLSTERING—3 pc. suite, fine ve lour or tapestry. $59 special. Down feather pillows, reg $5 for $2.95 pair, 20-28. LA FRANCE Upholstering Co.. 2509 14th St. N. W ( Real Estate ] 65 Houses and Estates for Sale District of Columbia COLORED—WiII build you 4-room bunga low. large lot. Roland Park D. C„ $2,375: terms SIOO cash. $22 50 month. Builder. Phone AD. 6320. UN CHEVY CHASE, MD. PRICE, $9,950 New brick bungalow and garage, unusu ally well built and attractive. If you want something nice looking see this. MARKHAM & ZIRKLE, INC. BARR BLDG. 910 17TH ST. N. W DISTRICT 8888 $9,750 Corner brick, N. W., facing large Government park. Seven large rooms (4 bed rooms), tiled bath, hot-water heat, electric light, brick gaj-age. The lot ha* a frontage of 45 feet. Will sell on very small cash payment with balance like rent. Some one will get a mightly nice home on very easy terms. Remember, only a small cash payment required. H. G. SMITHY CO., 1418 Eye St. NAt’l 5904 AIR-COOLED HOMES 7-room, 2 complete baths, “Air cooled” Home at the price of a 6-room home. EXHIBIT HOME 304 Madison Street N. W. Wire Construction Company IN WESLEY HEIGHTS PRICE, $15,750 (1> Six Room and Garage. 44th St. (1) Six Room and Garage. 45th St. MARKHAM & ZIRKLE Barr Bldg 910 17th St. N. W District 8888. 68 Lots for Sale COLORED—36 lots in D. C.. 20x100 ft. For quick sale. $65 each. Terms. $1 month. Phone Owner. NOrth 9474, after 3, 70 Out-of-Town Real Estate VIRGINIA COUNTRY HOME near Shenan doah Park. in Madison Co.: 2 hours’ drive from Washington : lots of fruit, flowers and boxwood. BOHANNON. Criglersville. Va. ( Rentals ) 75Board and Kooms D ST. S. E.. 1443—R00m. 2 people. $7 carb: 1 person. $8 wk. Lin. 4494-R. HARVARD ST. N. W.. 1231—Large, nicely fur. fr. rm. lor 2; south, exp.; relined home, best meals; reas, COI. 5093. HARVARD N. W.. 1362—Excellent food. congenial home, privileges, quiet, reas. K ST. N W.. 1733—Lovely room with pri vate bath to share with young man S4O mo. with meals: also rm. to share with young lady $35 mo. MEt, 6231. K N.W. 1333 (near downtown business). Lovely double and single: refined sur roundings: excellent home cooking, Reas. LANIER PL. N. W.. 1746—Clean rooms. a.m.i., splendid board. $35 mo, AD. 7909 M ST N. W„ 1213—Excellent food, all conveniences & privileges, very rea*. N. CAP.. 1243—Newly furn.. decorated front rm., 5 winds.. Va. eook.; men only. S ST. N W., 43—Quiet location, lovely front room for a couple: also single room, DEcatur 0622. 1922 SUNDERLAND PL., off 20th at N. H Ave., beautiful home, can accommo date 4 business men. 2 car lines, walk mg distance downtown; marvelous meals. 1744 P ST. N. W. EXCELLENT FOOD, all conveniences and privileges. Very reasonable. NO. 7876. IST ST. N W.. 2301—Nicely furn. rooms. a.m.i., all home cooking. DEc, 05(16. 13TH ST. N. W.. 2523 (nr. Central High i —Large double, single rooms, charming surroundings, excellent home cooking: con veniently located. $37.50 to $45; rented weekly if desired 16TH ST. N. W . 1010—Beautifully furn. single and double rms., every conv.. walk ing diet., good wholesome meals. MEt. 8588. ROOM AND BOARD SB. $9 $lO week Meals. $5 50 week. 809 Mt. Vernon Pl. TWO large front room*, double bed* and board. $8 week. 219 First St. N. W. 76 ISiihtirban Rooms for Rent ROOM AND BOARD for expectant mother* reasonable. Hyattsville 684-J. ST.-TTrS."."!. 1 ... 1 -SS-,-. —I, '■■ ■ A LXlft'J-’ I LU 79Furnished Rooms A REFINED hotel atmosphere at rooming house prices; every room with running water or private bath. $7 $8 50. $lO weekly The Westminster 1607 17ib St N W.. corner Que BELMONT RD,. 1836—Private famiijFot fers large 2nd floor front room, em ployed couple: delicious food abundantly provided: home privileges; 2 car hnes; reas. BET.MONT st N W 1330 Ant — Warm, clean front room, nicelv furn, next bath, ront. h w.: nriv. family: S2O mo. $260 in CASH PRIZED will be given to winners of the Slogan Contest an nounced tooay in thia Clabsified Section. C ST S. 113—2 large, bright sleep- ing rooms, suitable for four gentlemen: a m. i.. on car line, nr. Cap, & Library DE SALES ST. 1715——Oppo Mayflower Hotel. 1 large rm.. Ist fl.: suitable for 2 pl |*<>NT (JR -—Coxy r«»otn for 2 voung men next bath, twin beds constant hoi water 1901 N St N W E N W 210—2nd fl front, large room and kitchenette: a.m.i. EUCLID ST N W 1311—Large beautiful front room in good location near 2 line* and "Itvoli H ST. N. W 2000. Apt. 11—Bright, com fortable front room for 1 or 2. Heat. THE WASHINGTON TJMES ( Rentals ) 79 F ui-nhlird Roohis ~; HARVARD N W.. 1335—K4f'd nriv. turn* offer* duub. A sing, mi* 6. on all fir*..l*. closet*, e.h.w., towel*, .ladle* or gently rea*. INDIANA AVE. N W . 310—Comfortably fUnnshed room*, suitgma for tentlMleu. convenient to Georgetown Law Sehool: also one 2-room luru. apt., vary reaa. Mfek. 8993, .... KA LOK AM A RD.. 1 sl7-—Large hortie with all couvenieilce*. cart aecotumudata 4 men: lint location! 2 car line*: near Am ba**jidur Theater: home-cooked meal*. KAIXJRAMA RD.. 2013 —Altractlv* front rm., refined neighborhood home eooked meal*, rea*., near Ambassador and egr Une L NT. N W 132™ — Attractive IJi It: anil sleeping room*, single and double, run uing water. $4, $0 $7 $lO weekly, L ST. N. W.. 12 li —Single or double rms. coqt. h.w.: home pnv. rea*. MEt. 5359. 1759 LAMONT ST., Mt Pleasant—Large corner home, private, haa 1 beautiful front room: sacrifice 2 young men with feferencea; near bus. AD. 6841. MAlis. AVE. N W. 1750— Beautifully room with private bath: also other,r.(H»ni>, Very. rep*. .NQrth 6775. MASS. AVE. N W.. 947—Refined gantle niali to *har* 2d floor, front room NEWTON ST. N W.. 1410—Lovely, large room and ineloied back porch, for IJi.k.. I or 2 girl.a; al*o large front rm. AD. 4957. N. il. aVe . 1262 (Dupont Cir I—Large. bright, attractive room*, breukfaet if de*ired: pleasant. lioniellke. North 6181 N Hamp. ave. n w.’ is^l—Niceiy sum. large front room, next b.. suitable 2 or 3. also single room, reas priv. DEc. 5814. OTIS PL. N. W.. 1004—Nr. Park Rd. Lovely single or double rm. delie. home cook/g. splendid loca., very reas. COI. 7224 TH® ROSE INN. 1309 17th St. N. W.— Nicely furnished single & double rooms, with or without meals. DEc. 0891. WodDLEY PL. N W.' 2743—Newly dec- orated room, new furniture. Beauty Rest matties*: private opening to bath, 826 mo. 22H WASHINGTON CIRCLE—Large front, nr. b.: small front, facing park. IST ST. N 8.. 1600—Mod home, hot water heat; close in rooma, 83.50 wk. 3RD ST. N W. 215—Large outside rm.. nicely turn., 5 windows, 1.h.k., $6,50 wsk. 4TH ST. N. W., 621—Apartment for 1.h.k., elec., ga*, hot-water heat. Yes. «ir: an opportunity io pick up some extra cash Is offered Slogan writ ers who take th* time tn lead th* Slogan Contest announcement today in tht* Classified Section. 6TH ST. N. E.. 605—Large fronFroom for 2 gentlemen, priv. fam,, cont. h.w.. rea*. STH ST. S. E.. 4—Bed room and kitchen ette completely furn.. heat, gas, elec, included. 822.50 per month. 10TH ST. N. W.. 1113—Large front room: also back room: priv. family: rent reas. 10TH N. W. 1132—Large l.h.k. rm., run ning water; also single, next b., $4 wk. 11TH ST. N. E 151—1. 2 or 3 newiy decorated rooms for 1.h.k.. a.m.i., adults. II TH ST 8. E.. 128—2 front rooms, l.h.k™ opposite Lincoln Park, S3O month. UTH ST. N W 1111—Downtown; clean single A double rms,, cont. h.w., $3.50 up 12TH ST 9 E.. 439—2 large, bright rm*., light & heat included; near 1 bus and 2 car lines, single. sls: double. 820. 13TH N.W.. 1105—7 single & double front room*, elec. A *team heat. $3,60 4 $5 wk. 13TH ST N. W„ 1112—Nicely furnished room. warm, quiet. 84 wkly. Line. 9398. 16TH ST. N. W. 1509—Beautiful 100- room fireproof bldg.; outside room* near showers: elevator, new furniture: double rooms. $8.50-810 weekly. • 16TH ST. N. W„ 3423—Lovely large, front room, single A double, facing 16th St.: 2 bus line*, private family: home privileges: reasonable. AD. 8092. 17TH ST. S. E.. 113—Nicely furn. room, next bath. adj. screened porch, kitchen and all home privileges: 2 refined girl* or business couple: $25 mo, 17TH ST N. E.. 220—Three l.h.k. rm*.. completely furn. sink in kitchen, priv. home, a.m.i. Adults. Rea*. 17TH ST. S. E.. 320—3 l.h.k. rooms, eom plctely furnished, screened porch: adult*. 21 ST & G STS. N. W.—Nice bright room, suitable for 2. hot-water heat, plenty hot water. Apply 732 21st St. N. W. COLORED. 637 3d N. E.. apt. 203—Home priv., str, mod., in Cap. Maneion. LI. 3101 COLORED—I 233 IRVING ST. N. W.—3 large, well furnished room*, very reas onable. DOWNTOWN’4II 4th St. N. W.—Warm rm*,, c.b w,. quiet, owner'* home: men NICELY furnished rooms, a.m.i.. $5 wk.: also apartments, Anplv 914 9th St, N.W. LARGE 2d floor room & Porch, house kceping if desired. 426 3rd St. N W. YOUNG MAN to share bachelor apt.: reasonable. NOrth 1420, Apt. 111, sls 00 MONTH h. w. h.. cont. h. w™ also rm. and priv b, 1002 M St. N.W, SOUnfurnished Rooms B ST. S. E.. 1217—2 unfurnished roome. very reasonable. LAWRENCE ST. N. E.. 1011—Three large unfurn. rms.. next to bath, entire 2nd. fl., h.w.h.. gas and elec., reasonable: garage if desired. NOrth 2202, BTH ST. N. W.. 5023—Living room, kitch en and sleeping porch. Reasonable. GEorgia 532 5-W. 83Where to Dine BOARD, by the day or week, meals at all hours: convenient location. 624 Eye St. N. W, MEt. 9673, THE MANILA RESTAURANT Filinino String Orchestra Will open their dinner-dance nrogram on Saturday January 9. 9 p. m to 12 p. m. Rhode Island A Haldeman Ave*.. Brent wood. Md. Hvattsville 1595. EL HAMRA STEAK DINNERS El Hamra Case 723 14th St. N W 84Apartments—Furnished B ST. S. E.. 214 (near Capitol)—Six large outside third-floor rooms (or less); in slant hot water, gas, elec., garage. BROOKLAND—2 or 3 rooms, a.m.i.. cont. h.w.. garage, nr. bus A car*. $35. DEc. 4512. CLIFTON ST. N. W . 1301—Large, bright. comfortable, nicely furnished bed or bed-living room, dining room, kitchenette, private bath: corner home: janitor adults. Reasonable, LOGAN CIRCLE N. W.. 23—First floor. three large rooms, bath & porch, elec tricity and gas included. SSO month N ST. N. W.. 1204—2 d fl., 3-rm. apt.. $9,50 week, gas, elec, inc, NO, 5977. NAT. RENTAL SERVICE locates you free in apt. or room. furn. or unfurn. 1427 St, N, W. Dlst. 6768. Extra money Is always desirable write a Slogan and see if you can win one of the 20 CASH PRIZES announced today it, this Classified Sec tion. P ST. N. W.. 2032, near Dupont Circle — Ist fl. front rm., kitchen. $35 month: gas, elec, inc,: also single room, $25. PARKWELL. 3500 13th N. W—2 ran., kit. dinette, hath shower' large dressing rm . furn . $72.50 to $77 50 (nr.furn. S6O to $65) Auto service call TGI 0597 Furnished ' Apartments It is amazing how many con veniences are tucked away in our efficiency apartments —and still there is plenty of room left for comfortable living. 1 Room Units $65-SBO a Month Everythin* 1* Included tn rent — I Dishes. Sliver Linen. Cooking Utensils. Frigidaire Ga* Elec tricity and Daily Maid Service. Building just redecorated through out—clean and fresh. Open for Inspection Until 10 P. M. New Amsterdam rA APARTMENT HOTEL 2701 Fourteenth St. N. W. Columbia 7400 J. E. HOKGETT. Mgr. ( Rentals J m POTOMACaVb. S E.. 1614—3 room* «nd bath, a.m.i.. cout._h.-w. phone. Riißid *l re. _ AdulH. gplr■ VW reasonable, IHE BOMb 113 V New Hampshire AV*. N w—2 room*. kiicb*ti dinette, bath, thower. unfurnl»h*d. 860 to 882.60: fur nished. 862 60 to <7210 FrM> refrWer*- UOUL el*v.*t*>L. KH. —_™. apartments FUR iuot Parkeld* Hotel, 1 »t, HEAUTLFtIL furnished apartment to sub let. 2 room* and bath, reasonable rate: eaj Mr, Gay Fairlea, fowl.. fOt, .44110 LIVING ROOM, oed room, kitehen Bath, screened porch, conveniently located, a. mi. ga*, elec, incl. 1306 Md, Ave. N .8. Opportunity FunlUhed Apartment 14 Rooui* and 5 Bath* Call NOrth 6876 or 2029 Connecticut Ave. N. w. Shown Only by Appointment 85 Apartments—Unfurnished APARTMENTS IN ALL SECTIONS J, C. WEEDON CO, 1727 K 9T, N. W ROI)U»VAKV~Art'».. 2121 « * *♦«**• W.—2 rim., kit™ bath, 668 MAI, OT6O CORCORAN COUWS ’. ’ 401 23d St.NAtional 6933. Franklin st n. e 634—2’’room*, kitchen, bath, large back porch: u*e of phone; $36; after 3 n. ip. . .. KENTUCKY APARTMENT 233 Kv Ave. 9. E—3 attractive room* A hath, heat, jail. *erv. Apply Janitor R ST. N. W.. 1635—S room*, bath, in ckned sleeping porch. Frigidaire; SB6 mo. s C AVE. S.~E.. 1002—3 attrac. rm*. In priv. home: every improvem’t. Lin. 6082 ROYAL ARMS? 312’1 16th Front, 2-room apartment*, porch $67.60 SULGRAVE MANOR 5130 Connecticut Ave. 6TH 3 E 73'?—2 front 2 rm., kit. 4 bath apt*., h. W. h,, on bu* & 2 ear line? 7TH ST. N. E.. 711—Entire floor,’three loom*, a.m.i., convenient location; rea*. 12TH ST S. E. 226—Large light, front apt,, heat, ga*. elec, inc.: $25 no.: adult* COLORED. CAPITdL MANSIONS. 637 3rd St. N E.—Modern fire-proof bldg , in cinerator. near Union Station and both car lines. 134 rooma. kitch.. dinette, bath. S3B Lincoln 3101, GAS heated flats. 1522 Isherwood St. N. E.. 2 rms.. kit., bath, $40.50. THE b’aRBARA. 9th and Md. Ave.”N. E. 3 room* kitchen and bath, beautiful nut aide apt . heat in building, janitor ser vice $65 per month Including Frigidaire See janitor or call Mr Clark. Steuart Bro*.. Inc™ 1011 6th St. N. W. NA, 3007 1433 COLUMBIA ROAD 2 large rooms, k. & b 547.50 1 room. k. & b.. Murphy bed. . . .837.50 Electric refrigeration if detired. THE CHANCELLOR 214 Mass. Ave. N. 8.. 1 room and bath $35 Weaver Bro* Washington Bld* Monev. Money. Money; write a Slo gan, Win a prize . . . .»ee details ot Slogan Contest in today’* Classified Section. THE RAVENEL 1610 16th St. N W ; Th* Tiffany. 1925 16th St..—Attractive apt*.. 1 rm. and bath to 4 rm*„ 2 bath*. refrigeration on hou*e carrent 835 to $126 THE HIGHVIEW 13th and Clifton Sts. N. W. Overlooks Entire City 2 room*, kitchen and bathsss.oo 3 rooms, kitchen and bath 55.00 1 room, kitchen, bath. Murphy bed.. 40.00 Elevator Service—Frigidaire See Resident Manager H. R HOWENSTEIN CO. 1315 H St. N.W. Dis. 0908. THE CHANCELLOR Clone to Union Station and Pontofflce 214 Mass. Ave. N.E. 1 room and baths3s.oo i 1 room, kitchen and bath . 537.50-545 ' 2 rooms, kitchen and bath.. $55.00 i 24-hour Switchboard and Elevator 1 Service Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager on Premises THE HARFORD (*4 Square to Central High School) 1315 Clifton St. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and hath, pantry . .563.00 Large airy rooms Frigidaire. THE AUGUSTA Cor. N. Y. and N. J. Aves. } 3 rooms, kitchen and bath.. $48.00 Frigidaire. On 2 car lines. 1361 IRVING ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen an! bath.*• $45.00 ; 3 rooms, kitchen and bath...* $65.00 ! Electric Refrigeration 1737 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and 1 porch $75.00 Frigidaire Garage Space Available 3 RIGGS COURT Apt. 1, 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $72.50 THE VELDA 1216 10th St. N.W. 2 rms.. kit. 4c bath 51?.50 YY REALTORS J Washington Bldg. Dlst. 9486. it 86 Apartments—Furnished or Unfurnished FIRST ST. N. W . 2235—Three rm*, and bath, furnished or unfurnished. 90 Houses for Kent Unfurnished— D. C. 5-ROOM bungalow. River Road. Bethesda. Md.. S2O month: Inquire Elizbeth Parker. Bethesda Md. Wise, 3895-J. FOR KENI\ BUNGALOWS— Nearby Va.. Md and DC.: 4 ruoma S3O: 5 room*. 837.50: 6 room* SSO: 7 room*. 860 Ful ton R Gordon People* Instiranc* Bldg Dlst 5231: evening ULeve 4733 DESIRABLE HOMES in all section* BOSS & PHELPS. 1417 K St, N, W. SPECIAL BARGAINS NEW UP-TO-DATE HOMES 1737 Upshur St. N. W.—B r. and gar. SBS 1212 Hemlock St. N W.—B r. and gar. 75 3615 Warder St N. W.—6 r. gar. .. 65 223 Channing St N. E.—6 r and gar. 60 1619 Monro* St. N. E.—6 r. and bath. 65 FLATS 309 10th St. N E.—4 r. and bs4o 1014 3rd St. N E.—4 r. and b4O All new. In good repair and ready to move tn. H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO. 1315 H St. N.W,DIst, 0908 Extra money is always desirable write a Slogan and see if you can win one of the 20 CASH PRIZES announced today in this Classified Sec tinn. _____ RENT COLORED Six rooms and bath. 917 Sixth St. S. E., S3O per mo. J. DALLAS GRADY, 1010 Vermont Ave. N W. District 9179. 92 Suburban for Rent FIFTEEN minutes from Capitol, new four room bungalow, bath. elec., city water, 50 mo. Apply 1235 Water St. S. W. 98 Warehouses for Rent WAREHOUSE or garage, rear 1018 Irving St. N. w ADam* 9137-W. Sale Miscellaneous j Cash Register For Sale Cash REGISTER. National, for sale cheap. like new. Apply 1108 H St. N. E. 102 F~urniture and Household Goods DINING room euite. walnut, perfect cond.. cost 8475, sacrifice SIOO. ADam* 3299 FURNITURE for 2 room* and kitchenette bedroom, living room Reas. CLeve land 1619-J. SPECIAL— Regular SIOO 4-Piece Bedroom Suite American walnut 5-pl.v veneer. French vanity dresser chest of drawer*. S7O. New Bargain House. 2004 14th. The National Daily C For Sale Miscellaneous*) 105 Musical Instruments PIANOS FOR rent —s 300 up monthly. Kitt* 1330 G N W Ifo Miscellaneous tor Sale A Orthophonic Victor with • ’" l| i for $275. *acrific» for ru” 524 10th St N. W _ T'rj’KWRiTEKS — Washington TypeW/lt'J Exchange selling out retlrip* from truM 6s** Wonder Iu I bargains. 807 19tb N Wasting MACHINES—Sr*nd-rtew. na- tionally known electric washing chiii**: while they last only $52.65. on terms. $5 down and $4 per month. Bjr her * Ross Inc, nth and G St*. N, W. 116 Horses, Cattle and Vehicles “ ,0 - snd 6 mule*, good worker*. 2239 Pa. Ave 8. E. Ju*t *cro** bridge. six WORK HORSES, very che*p; one pony no m st, s e. j”L Pets CHOW ptipple, for „j e . b „t o i pedfgrw. Line, 8181).w. 1740 Potomac Av*. S. 8. PUPPIES wanted mixed. *ll kind*, good Prices. Box C-80, Time*-Herald, PUPPIES for sale. Aoston terrter*. nedi treed. champion stock. beautifully marked toy types, reasonable 1307 K*n yon St. N. W Here* • chanc* to get soni* extra cash . . . WRITE A SLOGAN. WIN A PRIZE . read detail* of Slogan Contest announced today tn thl* Clasai fled Section. 118 Fann and Dairy Products LEGHORNS, pullet*, layer* 90c each: 6d white pigeon* $] so pr Lin. 6480. 121 Office and Store Equipment — CASH REGISTfcR FOUR DRAWER' PERFECT CONDITION. MAKE OFFER. DISTRICT 470<U 125 Wanted—Miscellaneous TYPEWRITER, standard make good con dition: reasonable. AD. 4574. bet. 6*B ( Want — Miscellaneous ) 104 Wanted—Furniture FURNITURE — Absolutely highest cash Price* paid for u*ed furniture ruga, brie a-brac. Call Murray be convinced. ME. 6002 CALL DOUGLAS. NAt. 3866 1 buy everything. Modern and antique fur. niture. chinaware, md*.. etc Eve* CO 4897 ( Automobiles (135) ) AUBURN AUBURN—Late 1931 Run less than 6.500 miles' naval officer ordered away: perfect condition WE 0672. 127 Automobile Trucks for Sale REG 1929 Two-Ton Panel Truck—B37s. Will paint any color to *uit buyer. Trade and easy terms. BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO. 2525 Sherman Ave. N. W. AD, 6000. 3 PACKARD Trucks. 5-ton dump*, tinder hoist bodies. Will sell all 3 for 8275. Robert Herson’*, 100 Florida Ave. N. E. 128 Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts TIRE. TUBE AND RIM. new. 34x5, SB.OO. Phone CLarendon 974. 129 Garages and Garage Builders ROBERT E PRICE GARAGE—Fre* park fng; wash. $1 Phnoe MEt 8550 459 New York Ave. 130 Motorcycles and Bicycles ANNOUNCING 1932 MODELS Lower Prices Many Improvement* INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SALES. 1632 14th St N WDEcatur 6055 HARLEY-DAVTDSONS — New and used Terms. $5 down. $lO month. H ADDISON BOWIE, 621 H ST, N, W LATE model used motorcycles: reas. price* 4th and O Sts N. W POt, 2522. 131 Repairing—Service Stations GENERAL REPAIR WORK and door glasses at lowest prices. Herson’s Auto Exchange. 100 Fla Ave N.E. NO, 10408. 133 Wanted—Automobiles CASH FOR USED CARS. Steger Motor Co., 645 Md Ave, N, E. Lincoln 0178. FORDS & CHEVROLETS wanted. We pay unpaid balance, give difference tn cash. 1406 North Capitol St. NOrth 9507 WB BUY AND SELL AUTOMOBILES Pleasure Cars and Trucks. UNITED MOTOR CO. 40 H St, N, E. CASH for your car. Without a doubt I pay highest prices. If car is not paid sot, will pay your und. c balance, give you the differ ence in cash. No delay. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th St. DEcatur 2390 Ts Slogan Writing is your "Long Suit,” turn to the Slogan Contest . . . 20 CASH PRIZES announced today in thia Classified Section. 126 Automobiles for Sale LAMBERT’S SALE NOW ON 38 RECORD-BREAKING BARGAINS FORDS CHEVROLETS PONTIACS HUDSON STUDEBAKERS OLDSMOBILE ETC.. ETC., ETC. ANY REASONABLE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS LAMBERT The House of Confidence 1501 14th St. N.W. BRAND NEW 1931 CHEVROLETS Never Been Driven—Chevrolet Landau Phaeton Delivered for $759 Now $595 Chevrolet Sport Roadster Delivered for $604 Now $455 Ourisman Chevrolet Sales Co. 625 H St. N. E.. Open Evenings and Sunday Until 10:30 ION DAY—JANUARY 11—1932 Automobiles (135) ) BUICK BUICKS. 1929-30 A '3l model*, in and "8”. Stanley H Horner. 1015 141 h St. N. W NAt. 5800, BUICK 1930 Four-Passenger Coupe—New tires: finish like new; excellent condi tion in every wav Cost over $1,700 when new—sß9s. WARFIELD MOTOR COMPANY 1130 Conn Ave. N. W. Open Evenings. DEcatur 3110 lUiuJT •edau. 1927 line cunditiun. $226 i c«fh; Whippet coach. 1928. $275 caao: terms If deaired one-third down, balance m 12 month* Woodson Motor Co„ 8129 Georgia Ate. Silver Spring 255 CADILLAC CADILLACS-PASS. SEDAN. 1929—G00d condition throughout: sell reasonable. KEMPTON-CADILLAC CORP 1138 Conn Ave N W DEc, 3430, (jAbILLAC 1927 Snort Roadster Rum hie Seat—Six wire wheels, good tires, two (pare* mounted forward: trunk rack on rear Wonderful condition throughout— s3,s. WARFIELD MOTOR COMPANY 1130 Conn Ave. N. W. Open EveningsDEcatur 3110. CADILLAC 192(1 Ftve-P*»»enger. Two- Door Sedan—New tire*: new trunk on rear: seat cover*: general condition snows best ot <*re —$365. WARFIELD MOTOR COMPANY 1130 Conn. Ave N W. Open Evening*DEcatur 3110. CADILLAC 1926 Sedan tn 4 ine condition, 8175: low down payment, oal on easy term*. Your chance to get a good car cheap MANDELL CHEVROLET CO.. 13TH AND GOOD HOPE RD. S. E. ATLANTIC 4400. CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 1931 COACH—Lot* of «x --tra*, Call MR BOUIS, ADam* 0871-W. NOTE on new 1932 Chevrolet, cheap. Call Greenwood 2(137. MR. REDMOND. CHEVROLET 1931 COACH—FuIIy equin ped: large, roomy Fisher body. Prao ttcally new tires very clean unhoistery and not a mar or *cratch on th* fini»h—s44s. Ea*y terms. GRAHAM MOTOR SALES 1526 14th St. N, W. POt. 0772. CHEVROLET 1929 Sport Coupe $266. fully equipped, new tire*: low mileage: ,30-day free service Low down payment, balance on easy terms. MANDELL CHEVROLET LU.. 13TH AND GOOD HOPE RD S. 8. ATLANTIC 4400 CHEVROLETS—AII model*, all year*. Be fore you buy come to Owens Motor Co. • honestly priced used car display lot at 6323 Ga. Ave. fan »av* you from $lO to 325. Liberal G.M.A.C. term*. Your car in trade. CHEVROLET—AII used model* reduced In price, R, L. Taylor, 1901 14th St. N, W. USED CHEVROLETS AND FORDS OURISMAN CHEVROLET SALES CO 610 H ST N E t LINCOLN 10200 Just a minute . that’* all the time it takes to inform yourself a* to th* details of the Slogan Contest an nounced today in this Classified Section . . . read about li . . . win on* ot the 20 CASH PRIZES 126 Automobiles for Sale REAL BUYS IN USED CARS “ Motor Co. HratU., Md. IDAN-D VALUES COME AND SELECT A CAB PAY FOR IT WHILE RIDING Fords, Chevrolets, Dodge, Buick, Essex, Studebaker, Chrysler and others, including trucks and deliveries 100 CARS Pontaic <270 1929 Coach tD 4 V down Ford 1928 Q A Spt. Rdstr. <lr*U down 1928 Ford (PI HQ SPt. Roadster wl-AV Terms and Trade Open Evenings and Sunday Steuart Motor Co. 6th and New York Ave. N.W. I CHRYSLER USED CAR DEPT. 30 Days’ Guarantee 1931 Ford Victoria Just like new. Run very little. Former owner going abroad. A real value for someone... I V 1929 Chrysler 75 Sedan Finished in a beautiful shade of maroon. New tire*. Why not con sider a car of this class when mak ing a purchase. This price is very fair • O 1930 Ford Sedan Maroon finish, new tire* «nd me chanically O K. Seat-cov- fIJQKA ers and other extra* wdtlU 1931 Pontiac Coupe A real value m a »m»!l coupe. Has had the best of care and the price is more than fair. 1930 Chevrolet Coach A car that has had the beet of care. Low price for quick fIJQOK sale OTHERS 1931 Plymouth Sedans4Bs 1930 Ford 6 w. w. Cabriolet.. 350 1931 Studebaker 6 Roadster, 650 1931 Chrysler 6 Sedan79s 1931 Chrysler 8 Coupeloso 1929 Pontiac Coach 375 ! 1930 Chrysler 70 Coupe7so MANY OTHERS. H. B. Leary, Jr., & Bros. 1321-23 14th St. N. W. NORTH 6826 Open Evening* find Sunday* ( Automobiles (135) ) CHRYSLER CHRYSLER 1926 TOURING Model ’’7o ’ —Repainted and in perfect condition: CO 4626 Sherman Ave. N W. AD 6000. DURANT DURANT Sedan 1930 modal 614. good fondltidn, $375. t*rm* or trad*. 646 Mo, Av*, It E Line, 0178. It .t*k*« just » minute of your time to writ* a Slogan. y*r it may mean th* placing at an additional hundred dollar* In your pocket . . . see complete de tail* of Slogan Contest offering 20 CASH PRIZES announced today in thl* Cla*»lfi«6 Section. FORD FORD 1930 Sport Cabriolet—-Color Bron •on yellow nimbi* seat: low mile.ige: sporty appearance and excellent condi tion—SSOJ warfield motor company 1130 Conn Ave N. W Open Evening*. DEcatur 3110 FORD 1929 Roadster full* equipped many extra*. $179. 30 d?y*' free ad justment service. Small down payment, balance easy term*. MANDELL CHEVROLET CO., 13TH AND GOOD HOPE RD. 8. 8. ATLANTIC 4400 LA SALLE LASALLE ROADSTER 1930—Excellent lon WM , 6 i^A^iAC Seß c6kli QW - Ave,jY; _ _ _ P _ E _ C _- . LINCOLN LINCOLN Five-PaMeneer Club Sedan— Trunk on rear: finish dark green: le conditioned in our service station. This is a real bargain—s39s WARFIELD MOTOR COMPANY Open. Eves. 1130 Conn. Ave.N.W. DE 3110 NASH NASH 1929 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN—An ex ceptional buy at SIOO. OURISMAN ('HEVROLET SALES CO. 625 H St, N, E. Lincoln 10200, NABHEB—Late model* al bargain price* Nash ORR Motor. 1622 14th St N W Just a minute . . . that's all the time It takes to inform yourself a* to the details of the Slogan Contest an nounced today in th's Classified Section . . . read about It . . . win on* of the 20 CASH PRIZES. (HJISMOBILE OLDSMOBILE Sport Conpe. 1930. $585. H. & S. Motor Co,, 2012 14th St. N, W. OLDSMOBILE—See our one eeleclion be fore you buy Simmon* Motor Co.. Old*- mobile Dealer*. 14th and S St* POt 0052 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH USED CAR DEPT. Blanton Motor Co,, 7 N Y, Ave. N. E. 126 Automobiles for bale HILL & TIBBITTSI SPECIALS ’J9 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan—Motor is A-l: new tire* Just a teal bar gain at thl* pries Appear- QO'IQ ance wonderful See it.... tPAfl*/ ’29 Ford 4-Doot Sedan—Thl* one ha* hart our thorough checking and replacing service. which QOOQ mean* It ha* to b* O. K... *29 Durant. Conpe—Here is trans portation at such low cost vou can't afford to walk Se* th!* fl*-f QQ one . WlOtz ’3O Ford Sport Roadster—Car looks like new; pa<nt tires and mechan ical condition are 100%. (PQ4Q Just drive it ’29 Ford Sport Coupe—Motor com- i pletely overhauled paint renewed: new tires Priced below th* flJ'lQff I marks' See II '2B Whippet 4-Door—ls you are look ing for good transportation. (?■* QA you ean't go wrong here... '3O Ford Tudor—You will ne sur- j prised at the mechanical condition ! and aopearanc- <-t thi* car ’3l Ford Tudor—Just like new; paint good, tires good and fIJDQE motor perfeo See it: only HILL & TIBBITTS 1114 Vermont Ave. N. W. Open Evening* NAt. 9850 BARRY-PATE Outstanding Values PRICES SLASHED 1931 Chev. Coupes44s 1931 Chev. Coach 485 1930 Chev. Sedan w.w.... 425 1930 Chev. Coach 345 1928 Chev. Coach 125 1927 Chev. Coach 75 1927 Chev.. Sedan 125 1931 Ford Tudor Sedan.. 395 1930 Ford Sport Rdst27s 1930 Ford Sport Coupe... 325 1929 Ford Sport Coupe... 175 1928 Ford Sport Coupe... 165 1927 Hudson Coach 95 1927 Nash Roadster 95 1926 Dodge Sedan 55 1925 Buick Phaeton 55 1928 Whippet Coach 85 1925 Studebaker Coach... 125 1928 Graham-Paige Sedan... 195 1928 Buick Coupe 225 1927 Buick Coach 150 Your Old Car Accepted in Trade Easy Terms Barry-Pate Motor Co. 2525 Sherman Ave. N. W. Open Evenings Till 9 ADams 6000 CARS lyatt*., Md 1931 Chevrolets Almost New S3BB 1930 Chevrolets S2BB 1929 Chevrolets SIBB TERMS—TRADE Ourisman Chevrolet Sales Co. 625 H St. N. E. Open Evenings and Sunday Until 10:30 I Automobiles (135) J STUDEBAKER •TtIhEBAKER COACH Spec.' Good rubber and paint: UphOlatery like Mw: co 2528 fherman Av*. N W. AD. fIOOQ, WHIPPET WHIPPET Six. 1028 Coach m fine Mt dltlon, *185: onsthirJ drwu. b*i. on terms to suit buyer On sale today. MANDELL CHEVROLET CO?, 13TH AND GOOu HOPE RD 8. A ATLANTIC 4400 WILLYS KNIGHT WILLYS-KNIGHT 5-PASB. SEDAN—Bar tain at 8108: terms. BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO 2628 Sherman Ave. N, W, AD/BQOO. 126 Automobiles for Sab LEE W, NOLAN MOTO&, cj>. llllljtb *t. N. W. northeast motor 920 Bladenaburr Rd N, E, AT. 0200. RSEb dARS Giaaa Installed In All Cara NORTHEAST AUTO EXCHANGE Corner First and H Sta. N. lai. Phone MEtropolltan 8260 Yea. air; an opportunity to pick tip come extra rash la offered Slogan writ era who take the time to road the > Slogan Contest announcement today In this Classified Section. Guaranteed Holiday Bargains « Trucks and light deliveries, pleasure > ears, all makes and models, from *2O to . *1.050 In good running order. Term* or trade: no finance charge All title* secured. > ROBT HERSON'S AUTO EXCH. 100 Fla. Ave. N. E. NOrth 1040* , 053-050 Florida Ave, N. W, AUTO MART OFFERS at bargain prices SEVERAL VERY LATE MODEL CABS INCLUDING ? '3l Ford Tudor e '29 Chev. 75 Sedan j ’3l Buick Sedan ; ’3l Pontiac Sedan t ’3l Chevrolet Del. Sedan MANY OTHERS . 13118 Hth St. N. W. •* " - - - ■ , n ■ --T- — 2 L. P. Steuart Oakland INC. Pontiac || Good Will Used Cars Guaranteed 30 Days 1930 Ist Ser. Pontiac 2-door. .$365 1929 Nash Spec. 4-d00r525 1929 Hupp Century Victoria Coupe 545 1928 Chevrolet 2-door 199 1929 Hupp Century 4-d00r... 595 1931 Ford .4-door 295 1930 Ford 2-door 295 1930 Oakland “8” 4-door 595 1929 Chrysler “65” Spt. Cpe. 445 1930 Pontiac Custom Sedan. 6-wheel 545 1930 Pontiac 2-door (late).... 445 50 Others of Various Makes And Models Bargain Basement 25 Cars Below SIOO 1927 Nash Light 6 Coach . .$69.50 1928 Pontiac Coupe. 4-wheel brakes 82.50 1928 Chevrolet Touring.... 87.50 1928 Oakland 4-d00r99.50 1927 Pontiac Spt. Coupe... 87.50 And 20 Others 1 132514th St. N.W. ! BUICK Special January Sale We offer for tale a selection of high-grade uaed care acquired from the sale of the new 1932 Buick Eight. These car* have been thor oughly reconditioned and every one la guaranteed to give the utmost in ‘ transportation SPECIAL VALUES in the following: K 193 15795 Buick 1929 Ford 1929 Tudor 4 D S 1,31 $495 SJ ”” $795 Graham-Paige 1930 $695 K. 193 ” $325 Pontiac 1929 Coach I cX 1931 .. Vi "" r1 .’5495 K $375 EASY TERMS Emerson & Orme l 17th and M Sts. N. W. 19