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EIGHTH VIRGINIA DISTRICT FACES APPORTIONMENT SPLIT I ALTERNATIVES i- OFFERED TD . ASSEMBLY One Representative in Con gress Must be Eliminated Through Division » Residents of Northern Vir- > pinia are alert to the conven ing of the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond tomor- # row. when that body will be fucedwith the problem of re districting the State to elimi nate one Representative in Congress in accordance with the reapporticnment law. • All three plans to be presented the legislature will affect the t Eighth Congressional district, rep resented by Howard SmitJ), of Alexandria, and embracing the Northern Virginia area. > May Divide District The first plan is to combine the Seventh and Eighth districts, the two districts which have the lowest populations; the second plan is to cut up the Eighth dis- > trict; and the third plan is to cut up. the Tenth district, rep- , resented by St. George Tucker, close friend of Harry Byrd and Senator Carter Glass. Political observers believe the second plan will be adopted be cause of the aloofness from the State Democratic machine of Howard Smith and Charles Car lin, Alexandria attorney, and for mer Representative from the Eighth district. * Will Aid Democrats By dividing the Eighth district. * the power of the Democratic party in Northern Virginia can also be retained, for the counties in that district which are of Re- ► publican tendencies, Arlington, Fairfax, Price William, Stafford, and Alexandria City, can be in cluded in the First district, an overwhelmingly Democratic dis trict. To the Seventh district, which ’ Is considered something of a Re publican stronghold, the strongly t Democratic counties of Loudoun. Fauquier, Culpeper. Orange and Louisa will be alloted. > AUXILIARY MEET The Ladies Auxiliary to the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Depart ment will hold its regular meet ing this evening. Ten Markets Ten Markets KIDWELL’S MARKETS, Inc. Headquarters for Real Bargains OUR NEW MARKET AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION 305 9th St. N.W. Smoked Hams lb. 13c Smoked Shoulders (large), lb. 9c Smoked Shoulders (small), lb. JOc Fresh Hams (small) lb. 1214 c Fresh Shoulders (small). . .lb. 9c Tvean Pork Chops lb. 1214 c Loin and Rib Pork Chops, lb. 16c Round Steak lh. 19c Sirloin Steak lb. 20c Porterhouse Steak lb. 21c Shoulder Lamb lb. 10c Breast of lamb lb. 6c Shoulder Lamb 1214 c Smoked Sausage lb. 1214 c Sliced Breakfast Bacon (very best) lb. 19c Strip Bacon (half, whole or piece) lb. 13c Fat Back lb. 9c Fat Butts and Bean Pork (extra special) lb. 6c Sausage Meat (country style) lb. Pure Lard lb. 8c; 3 lbs. 23c Compound Lard (extra specia I) lb. 7c Fresh Pig Feet.doz. 27c; 3 doz. 75c Fresh Spare Bibs lb. 10c Sauer Kraut- Bulk Qt- 7c;3qts. 20c Can. .. .large can 10c; 3 cans 25c Fancy Table Eggs doz. 21c Fancy 3-day old Eggs. doz. 29c Very Best Creamery 28c Pure Sweet Apple Cider, gal. 21c (bring your jug) Maine Potatoes (strictly ,\.l) 10 lbs. 15c Sweet Potatoes 10 lbs. 17c Grimes Golden Apples 10 lbs. 15c; bit. 59c Oranges (large).doz. 10c;3doz. 25c Large Fancy Grapefruit each sc; 6 for 25c Baby Shell Pecans (large), .lb. 15c Black Walnut Kernels... .lb. 43c Sugar lb. 414 c 805 Oth Street X. W. 8272 M Street X. W. 2133 Penn. Ave. X. W. 3104 M Street V W. 3218 Pea Street X. W. 406 H street X. E. Ith & «■ Streets S. E. 2611 14th street N. W. 8215 Georgia Ave.. Silver Spring Northeast pmuc market. 1127 H Street X. E. THEY DON’T SUFFER FROM INSOMNIA WW——WWI—W— WWI JU'—ww. Jlll I ■■ I —■ ■■ I '•yy ■ 1 " ■-' ■■ J- .■ ■ TjjZ la K wsa i i c J & EhMk . IH) ■ I J Kar Kfr . '.Apt- ■ If j M ■■ sStfy 'qBK||MEgO Ml ? jjAA IB. _t IVMMMWWIIIIMMIMMIIu i jyiii. in 11 if HERE ARE SOME of the contestants in the dance marathon at the Washington Auditorium taking their 15-minute rest period on the dance floor in full view of thousands of spectators. Strenuous measures are necessary to awake them. The contest has been going nearly 1,000 hours. Mrs. T. B. Patterson To Talk on Travels Mrs. C. Catherine Coles and her sister, Mrs. Elmira Purdy, will be hostesses to the Creative Arts Club of Arlington county this evening. Mrs. T. B. Patterson will speak on her travels in Italy last summer. STOCKHOLDERS TO MEET The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Citizens Build ing and Loan Association of Montgomery County, Inc., will be held Thursday night at the new Farmers Banking and Trust Company Building in Rockville. If babies came ... wrapped in Cellophane/ = 7 “1.. ' — _ If Baby Bill or Baby Jane ' - _ Came tightly wrapped _• U - in Cellophane,; —— — Dust- and moisture-proof at birth, Would that affect the baby’s worth? ■/ - AMs——'' ===^ : You know your pleasure " j and your pride Depend upon the thing inside, And Cellophane has never yet / W / I Made up for lack in cigarette! Tho’ OLD GOLDS — ™ ' B• come in Cellophane - It isn’t that which makes us vain.. It’s prime tobacco, sun-caressed That gives their smooth and honeyed zest K;: SMOKE PURE-TOBACCO OLD GOLDS (No “artificial flavors” to scratch the throat or taint the breath... Not a cough in a carload!] op. LonihrdCMin* > IHE WASHINGTON TIMES THOUSANDS WATCH THEM SLEEP MARATHON IN 950TH HOUR The championship dance marathon at the Washington Auditorium entered its 950th hour at 11 a. m. today with 16 contestants still left of the 40 who entered the contest on December 3. z Os those left seven ' are from Chicago and one from Wash ington. The lineup of the dance teams follows: Teams—No. 2. Helen Jarn, of Chicago. Cliff Real, of Hamilton; No. 3. Corliss McLean and Bill Bangart. of Chicago; No. 11, Marge Kovac, of Bayonne, Joe Wicks, of St. Louis; No. 9. Rita Cordeau. of Washington, D. C., Israel Kremer, of Toledo; No. 13, Marge Sheffield, of Dallas. Eddie Grayson, of Chicago: No. 18, Harriett Fornell and Pat Staple ton, of Chicago; No. 20. Erna Post, of Chicago, James Barrett, of Belfast. Solos—No. 1. Freddie Oechsler, of Baltimore; No. 4, Red Nichols, Chicago. Travel economically in one of the good used cars advertised for sale to day in the Classified Section. The National Dailv TAPE MEASURES FIX COUNTY’S VALUATION Montgomery Appraises Realty With Most Thorough Method to Date The most exact and scien tific method of property valua tion for county tax assessment purposes ever attempted in any county adjacent to Wash ington is now being worked out in Montgomery county. Each of the 8.000 towelling and business structures in the metro politan area and all of the 4,000 structures in other sections of the county will be measured by rule of cubic measurement. Headed by Hempstone Griffith, chairman of the board of as sessors of the county, George E Hamilton, Phil D. Poston and Building Inspectors J. Fred Imirie and Martin L. Iverson are measuring dimensions of every house in the Chevy Chase and Bethesda areas. Later they will go into the Takoma Park and Silver Spring sections, pro ceeding north to the rural sec tions. It is expected the entire job will be finished in time for the laying of taxes in 1933. These measurements include style of building, materials of construction, size of basements number of bathrooms and such other features of building that may afford a tangible basis upon which to found a valuation. Capital Lands First Fantail Convention For the first time in 40 years the Eastern Fantail Club will hold its annual meeting next Tuesday and Wednesday here in stead of in New York or Boston, the usual convention city for pigeon breeders. More than 250 fantail pigeons are entered in competition. ALLEGES DESERTION Benjamin F. Foster, of Glen carlyn, Va., filed suit for divorce from his wife, Sadie M. Horton Foster, of Pendelton. Va., in Arlington Circuit. Court yesterday. Desertion was alleged. TUESDAY—JANUARY 12—1932 Forecast* Until R P. M. Wednesday For the District of Columbia, rain and warmer tonight and Wednesday; lowest temperature tonight stout 48 degrees; increasing southeast and south winds. For Maryland ami Virginia rain to night and Wednesday; warmer tonight and in >be interior Wednesday, increas ing southeast and south winds, becom ing fresh to strong Wednesday. IX)CAL TEMPERATI RES Yesterday Today 4 p. m 42 4 a. m 36 8 p. m 40 8 a. m 37 Midnight 38 Noon 47 DEPARTURES FROM NORMAL Accumulated excess of temperature since January V 1932. 102. Excess of temperature since Janu ary 1. 1932, 102 Accumulated excess of precipitation since January 1. 1932, 2.68. AT YOUR THEATER TONIGHT OFFICIAL PROGRAMS of The»t«r M«mb«r* of tho Motion Pictnro Thoator O'*nor* of District of Columbia FOX WARNER BROS. THEATERS * NOW PLAYING 1 111 — Louise Dresser AMBASSADOR EARI l ßrlow !n F h Street l nri-H 'TTtvn BARBARA STANWYCK On the Screen —BARBARA STANWYCK in FORBIDDEN with ADOLPHE "TOMORROWS - an" - Le. Steven; and Mrt-et HOME • ■ aw BORIS KARLOFF and JOHN BOLES BERT LAHR and CHARLOTTE iniUADll 7tll in "FRANKENSTEIN- GREENWOOD in FLYING HIGH” lIUWAnLI at T B ° y Frlenil COmerty ‘ la or ie Not Subject “ HAR OF ™M™ATION ASD AVALON METROPOLITAN M.'w h with Charles Ray & a Big stage Show Boris Karloff & John Boles in ‘Frank- “C O M P R O M I S E D On the ANGH Al LOVE” enstein.’ Thelma Todd A ZaSu Pitts with BEN LYON and ROSE HOBART Midnight Showa—Tneedav'and Friday Comedy and Vltaphone Short Subject Selected Short Subjects BSiJ 8J- F -»• . AVENUE GRAND SAVOY L PALACE F St at 13th o &i«H«^."%tl:^H O i% h e h .: w '* phon " Etre. New York, Hlah Hat Revue.” rCNTDAI Ninth St. Between TlUftl I ' 4 '" ""<• P«“rk R«t HAI IIUniM r#i a «fiiL vCniHML I) and E Sts. IIVULI Northwest VV COLUMBIA 1 St. 3ilzin JOE f. brown Sylvia SIDNEY «• william col- » I NORMA SHEARER H ROBERT * n "LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD’ LIER. JR. In "STREET SCENE” _ | MONTGOMERY in “Private Lives,” Vitaphone Short Subject Comedy jj. with Reginald Denny and Una — Merkel. Usual Added Attractions. AAI f)NV Georgia Ave. and VHDif Georgia Ave. and . UUleUrtl Farragut St. lUHn Quebec Street REPUBLIC Phnoe NOrth BORIS KARLOFF and JOHN BOLES WALLACE BEERY and JACKIE NOn. Me. io Hell in "FRANKENSTEIN” COOLER in THE CHAMP” Nina Mae McKinney. Safe in Hell. Boy ppiend Comedy Vitaphone Short Subject I I I IIP f) I N 1218 (T Street 1 """"" ■ r R-K-n KEITHS TAKOMA uptown p —Atta Blake—Eccentric Dancer ‘GUILTY GENERATION’.” with l.eo ® Iw■ — _ — .. „ e, Carrillo, Constance Cumming* and No Parking Troubles” H RnnKFR T 1433 U Street Boris Karloff. Stage—Belle Bennett, RAMON NOVARRO » IfWllfcill ■ N. VV. Clyde Cook and Johnny Perkin* in “BEN-HUR” TCharle* Farrell and Janet Gaynor ' 1"' In “Delicious.” with El Brendel niIODADTQII 1319 Wisconsin ST ATE Bethesda. M PnQAI |A 218 F Street LIONEL BARRYMORE T »nd ' ELISSA Western Electric siu’nd System AnvUHUIH Southwest LANDI "THE YELIAIW TICKET" EDWARD G. ROBINSON in INA CLAIRE Comedy—" Firelighters” "FIVE STAR FINAL" M _ll.-2Li2.E2 1 51) .L QTDAMn neanwood, liTcr'sblocks QADUAEI non Ninth st. DDAAnWAV 1515 *th St. vlnMllU East of Suburban Gardens liHl fIHkL Northwest • DnURUnHI N. VV.—Near P Now Showing Talking Pictures SA L I Y BLAINE S LAWRENCE TIBBETT Double Show—“ Secrets of a Secretary” in “WOMEN MEN MARRY” In “CUBAN LOVE SONG” and “Cavalier of the West” with Kenneth Harlan Weather Details Excess of precipitation since January 1. 1932. 2.68 TIDE TABLES Today—High tides, 11:16 a. m. and 11:36 p m.; low tides. 5:38 a. m and 5:59 p. m. Tomorrow—High tides. 12:03 p m ; low tides. 6:19 a. m. and 6:46 p. m. SUN AND MOON The sun rises today 7:27 a m. and sets 5:06 p m. The sun rises tomorrow. 7:28 a. m. and sets 5:07 p m. The moon rises today, 10:16 a. m. and sets. 10:01 p. m. The nioon rises tomorrow. 10:36 a. m. and sets. 11:00 p. m. Here’s a change to get some extra cash WRITE A SLOGAN. WIN A PRIZE . see details of Slogan Contest announced today In the Clas sified Section ot this newspaper. DRUNK DRIVING LAID TO BOY Charged with driving an auto mobile while drunk and recklessly. Woodrow Sullivan. 18. of Land over. Md„ was held under $2,000 bail yesterday by Magistrate Rob ert Altemus, of Bladensburg. Sullivan's automobile struck that of George S. Miller, of Se verna Park. Md.. at the Peace Crossing, Bladensburg, smashing the automobile and injuring Mrs.. Miller, it is alleged. 15