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STOCKS STEADY WITH SHILL ADVANCES By W. S. COUSINS NEW YORK. Jan. 12 (I.NJS.).— All sections of the stock market moved into slightly higher prices today, but the road to an ex tended advance was blocked by liberal offerings of stocks by pro fessionals and outside traders Recoveries of 1 to 15 points in a long list of the market favor ites since Thursday presented in viting opportunities for profit taking all along the line. Still Holds Steady In spite of the profit-taking and professional short selling the mar ket held steadily, with numerous railroad and specialty stocks forg ing ahead to the best levels on the move. Southern Pacific, New Haven and New York Central led the activity in the popular rails Nickel Plate sold today at 2V* which compares with the Decem ber low at 2%. Adoption by the Senate of the reconstruction financing measure was enthusiastically hailed in Wall Street, which predicted the acceptance of the bill by the House on Thursday and its early operation in behalf of finance and industry in general. Some Top Prices At the best prices United States Steel was up a point at American Can up % at 62%; American Tel and Tel up a point at 119%; J. i. Case up %; New York Central up % Auburn Auto up 1%; Baltimore and Ohio up a point, and New Haven up 1. Call money was unchanged at 2% per cent. Government Bonds Slip As Rails Climb NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (I.N-S.). Continued reaction in the U. S. Government list and further im provement in rail bonds featured dealings on the bond market to day, with the majority of active obligations in the industrial and foreign sections maintaining a firm tone. Virtually every issue in the U. S. Government group sagged to new low levels. United States I High I Low | Last Liberty ’47 185.2 I 94.181 94.20 Lib Ist 414 s '4/ I 98 I 98 98 Lib 4th 4*4s '3B 1 98.18 98.8 I 98.11 Lib 4th 414a o 98.101 98.10! 98.10 Treasury "4'4s '52....! 99 20! 98.301 99.10 Treasury 4s '54 ' 94.40, 94 ! 94.16 Treasury 3*4s '66....1 90.8 I 89.161 90.8 Treasury 3“gs ’47 ...I 87.31, 87.311 97.31 Treas 3%s June 43.! 88 421 87.241 88.12 Treas 39 s s Mar ’43 J 88 121 87.30! 88.12 Treasury 3%s '49. . 83.201 83.3 I 83.20 Treasury 3s 55 1 82.2*1 82.3 I 82.21 Treas seller j 83 121 83.121 83,12 Dementiy I High! Low I Last Abltlbi P & Pap 65...1 22 132 32 " Alteg Corp 5s '44 '39 I 38 3814 Am I G Chem s'4s '49 I 68 I 67 68 Am Metal 514 s '34....1 55*4,1 55 5514 Atch T*SF gen 4s '951 87 86*41 8614 At T*SF cvt 414 s '4B| 92«4 92141 92*4. Atlantic & D Ist 4» ’4B| 25 25 ! 25 Balti & Ohio 4*4s ’SO! 55% 54*41 55 B A O Ist 4s '4B 1 81% 81%! 81% Berlin Elec 6s I 33%| 33141 33% Berlin City El db 6*4s| 3914! 3914! 39% Bklyn Un Gas 5e 'SO! 97 ! 96%! 97 Cal Pet 5s '391 62 ! 62 I 62 Can Nat Rys 4%s '571 75%l 75 75% Can Ndt Rys 4%5...l 77%| 77%l 77% Cent 111 El & G ss. .. .1 73 I 73 ! 73 Cent Pac Ist ref 45....1 81 % I 81% 81% Chesapeake Corp 55...1 75*41 74 75% CB&Q 11l div 3%5....l 81% I 81%! 81% C M&St P gen 4%s C.l 68 I 6« I 68 C *t StP&P adj 5s A.! 10%, 9%| 10 Chi T H A S Ist 55.. I 43 I 43 I 43 Chi Un Sta 4%s A....1 94 I 94 I 94 Cleve Un Term 4%s C.l 82 i 82 I 82 dev Un Term 5%s A.. 1100 | 99’41100 Col G A E deb 5s I 8(1*41 80%l 80% Col G A E 5s I 79%l 79%| 79% Crown W Pap 6s '51...' 70%l 6911! 70% Cuba R R Ist 5s ’52...1 40 ! 39%l 40 Beta Ed 4%s '6l 1 92% I 92%! 92% Puke Price P Ist A 6sl 73 ITS 73 nunuesne Lt Ist 4% s. . I 96%l 95%l 90 Erie RR rAi 5s '75.. | 46 I 45% I 46 Fram I D db 7%s '42.1 911% 91 I 91% Gen El Ger 6s '48..1 36 I 36 I 36 Gen Mot A C 6s '37..1 99% 991% 99% Goodvr T A R 5s '57.. I 75 I 74 I 74% Gr Trk R Can 7s '40.1 93%| 93 I 93% Harp Men 6s ww '49..| 35 I 34 I 34 Houston Oil 5%s '40.. | 63 63 I 63 Hud Co G Ist 5s '40..J 99'%| 99141 99% Indiana Limestone 65..| 18 IS I 18 Ind Nat GAO ref 55... | 96 I 96 \ 96 Inland Steel 4%s A... 79%| 79% 75% Int%Gt Nor C 5s I 42 I 42 I 42 Inter-Hydro El 6s I 50%| 50%l 50% Kan CPAL Ist B 4%5.l 93%| 93%| 03% Kan CPAL 4%s I 95%| 95 I 95 Laclede Gas s*4s C...1 75%| 75%l 75% Lautaro Nitr 6s I 12’41 11*41 12 LiggAMyers 5s I 99 I 98’4 I 99 Loews 6s 41 1 79%| 79’41 79% McCrory 5%s I 80% I 80% I 80% McKessonAßob 5%5...l 57 I 56 I 56 Metro Wat SADr 5%5l 40 I 40 40 Mi! El Ry Ist ref 5s . I 94’41 94 I 94 MStPASSM Ist con ss! 32%! 32 I 32 M SPAS SM 5%s I 20 I 20 I 20 Mob A O 3s I 12%l 12 ! 12% Montecatinl 7s xw ...I 70% I 70%l 70% N Eng TAT Ist 5s '52. 100141100 "1100 N Eng TAT 4%s 'Ol. . 1594% I 9!f*4 I 93% N Y Cent 3%s '97 ..I 73 172 % I 73 N Y Cent 4s ’34 ..! 90 I 90 I 90 N Y Ed 5s B '44 ..'I I'* 1 '* 1101 1101 N Y Ed ref 6%s '4l. '1 “>4 1108% >108%• NYNHAH 4%s '67....! 77 T 74%175% NYNHAH 6s '4B cv ..I 94% I 94 I 94 N Y Trap Rock 6s '46? 68 | 68 I 68 NYWAB Ist 4%s '46 .1 62 I 62 I 62 Niag LAO P 5s '55..1 96%l 96 I 96 No Pae 4s '97 ....I 82%l 81%l 81% No Pac gen 3s 2047 ..I 59 I 57*41 59 Orient! Dev 5%s '58..1 59*41 59%l 59% Orient! Dev 6s '53 ..I 64 164 I 64 Parls-L-Med RR 6s 'sßi 94*41 93% I 94% Paris Orl Rv 5%s '68.! 92*41 92%! 92% Penn R R 5s '64 84% I 84 I 84% Penn R R gen 5s '6B .. I 92 I 92 I 92 PCfChAStI. er C 4%5..l 92%l 92%l 92% PCCAStT. 5s B '75 1 91 I 91 ! 91 Port Gen El 4%s '60...1 60*tl so ! 60*4 Postal Tel A C 5s '53..1 34%l 34 I 34% Rem Arms 6s A '37... .1 70 I in I 76 " Rr-m Pend B%s A WW.! 44 I 44 ' 44 ■Rech GAE 5%s '4B I 97141 97 I 97 RT Ark A L Ist 4%s '341 6t I 60 I so StPAKC Sb I, Ist 4Us.l 53 ' 53 I 53 St P Un Dep ref 5s '721 97 I 97 I 97 Shd AT. «» 45 ct I 5 15 15 Sbd All Fla 6s A '35..1 2%l 2*41 2% Routh Bell TAT 5» '41.1 60T41 33%l 90% South Col Pw 6s A '47.1 00 I 89 I 89 Stand IM* N .1 5+ ’46.1101 'loo%'ld Stand Oil NY 4%5'51.l 90% I 90 % I 90% Th A R Ist ref 4s '60.1 4«%! 48 I 48% Th A R ad In 5s '60.1 .36 I 34’41 35% UELApt 1 a 5%s '54.1100 iioo linn Un OU Cal 6s A '42 I 97%1 97U1 97% T’tl PAT, ct war 5’ '59 1 45 1 43%l 44 T’tl P A T.t 5Us '47..1 49 I 48 I 48 Warn Bros P'st 6« '39 • 36%' 3’ I 30% Wsrn.'r Sng Ist 7s '4V 39 ' I 99 1 99 West Pa P Ist «S F. '63'101 !10ni 'id Vh S“w M 6s '36 "W 0 C *z. I si' Winch F»n Arm. 7%5,. 1 6 ■’■'*- I 62 *. ' 6" % Action-,ls 3d 7s '*’,...* *iM. * .s: ‘ 4. % Argentine n, A %7. . . 50 149 150 Argentine r. p -sg I s-.t Belg'nm 6*4® 49 1 «0% cs- ' Belgium ’s 1 sc 1 os’-' r-, t Belgium Ts 56 ...I 96%! 95%! 96 R Aires 6« net *0 Cifvl 40 I <O <9 Bu A’res 6%s 67 Prov! 20’4' “op.i «ot' Chriet'onsa Ss 54' 2”< I 27%' 27 ’ < Colombia "Ss 61 oct.. I 27%' ”7 I •?% Denmark as ! 75 I 75 I 75 Du E Indies 6s I S 3 I S 3 I S 3 Du ’nd'o- 6s I «•! I S 3 I S 3 Gorman Govt Inti 5%5.l 3F’tl 34*41 ssst Corm-" Fen 7s "..J sot, | sow I R 9% Marsodos ’!»%! oss'-l 90 Medellin 6%s I 13 I 1«r. I 1«% Milan 6%s ! 70% i 60 I 60 Nuremberg 6s ! 28 I 25 >25 Beru 6s | 7%| 6% I 6% TODAY’S QUOTATIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE fft. High Lew n:4.C N h*. !♦!< Abltlbl How 23H 3'a Adanm Ext> lO9\ Air R*duc <Ba)... SIX 5 5 i 20% 7 Alaska Jun 13¥ 13J£ I3?i 125a 1 Alleithanv Corn.. 182?4 Allied Chem (8).. 70*4 68% f.%%- 10% Allis Chaim <2l. .. I* 12 v> i’% Am Rank Note (2 16% 16% 16%- % 129!% M% Am Can Co 62% 61 61 - % 38% 4% Am Car AFv (1) 7% 7% 14- h 33% 7% Am Euroo Sec.... 9*» 51% 6% AmlS For Row.. 6% 8 8+ % 64 37 Am Home P 4.20 46 46 46 - « 31% 10% Am Ice (3) 16 18 16, 26 5 Am Internal!.... 6% 30% 5 Am l.ocn (1) ?% 71% Am Ma A Metal. -% 23% 4% Am Metal 64% 11% Am i’ow A L <la) 15% >5% 15% 91% 6 Am Rad SS <6Ol. 8% B*. 84+ X 37% 7% Am Rolls Mi 11... 9M 8% 8%- % 58% 12% Am Smelting <2l. 17‘5 16% 4% %Am Sol A Chem... % % ™ 31% 5 Am Steel Fon 01-• 7% 7% 7%+ % 80 34% Am Sugar 5).... 37% ?7% 27%+ % 108% 84% Am Sugar pf (7). .87 87 87 - % 201% 107% Am Tel A T <91.. U 9% 117% 119 + % 128% 60% Am Tobae (Sal... 72% 7t 71 132% 64 Am Toh B (5a).. 73% 72% 7%- % 80% 23% Am Water W (3). 29% 29% 29%- % 43%' • 9 Anaconda (IH).. H% , 11% IlK+ % 72 20 Arm D 7<& pf (7) 37 37 37 - % 4% % Arm II) A 1% 1% 1% 29% 5% Asm* D Gd« 2%) 6% f% F%+ % 203% 72% Atchison <lOl 88% 87% 88%+ % 120 25 Atlan Coast (7a). 41 39 41+1 23% 8% Atlan Resin (1).. 9% 9% 9% 295% 84% Auburn Auto (4a) 142 137% 142 +l% 6% 2 Aviat Corp (Del). .3 3 3 -4 B 27% 4% Baldwin L0c0.... 7% 77 67% 13% Balt A Ohio (5)... 19% 18% 19%+ % 68%' 18 Bane AAr (3%).. 11% 21% -1% 81 37 Beatrice Cr (4)... 42 42 42 +1 25% IT+ Rendix Aviat (1). . 17% 17% 17% 46% 19% Beat ACo (2).... 23% 23% 23%+ % 70% !7St Bethlehem Steel (2 20% 20% 20%+ % 9 6 Blaw Knox (1).... 7% 7% 7% 43 15% Bohn Alum (1W- 19% 19% ,9^*- 76% 36 Borden Co 3) 38% 38 38 + % 30% 9 Borg Warner <ll.. 11 10% W%- % 22% 7% Briens Mfg (l%a). 9 8% 8%- % 69% 30% Rklvn Man Tr <4’ 35% 35 35 - % 129 V 72% Rklvn Un Ga» 's>- 80% 80 80% 5% 1% Rudd Mfg C 0.... ’.% 2% ■ !*+ % 13 2% Budd Wheel (1).. 3% 3% 3%- % 23 3St Bullard Co 4% 4’,' 4% 32% 10 Burroughs Ad (1). 12% 12% 12%+ % 31 15% Bush Term <2%).. 17 16 17+1 C 11% 2% Calu A Heeia.... 3% 3% 3%+ % 45 10 Canada Dry (3)... 11% ,11% U%+ % 45% 10% Canad Pac (114).. 14 13% 13%- % 16 4% Capital Ad A 5% 5% 5%— % 131% 31% Case J 1 35% 34% 35 + % 52% 10% Caterpil Tract (3). 13 12% 12%- % 16 2% Celanese C0rp..... ♦ ♦ 4 + % 30% 9% Cerro de Pasco (!’ 14% 14 14% + % 23% 3% Checker Cab 6% 6% 6% 54% 14% Chesapk Coro (3). 19% 18% 19% + % 46% 23's Ches &Oh (214). . 3o%' 7% :% Chi Grt Wes 4% 4% 4% 27% 7J4 Chi Grt Wes of.. 14 1% 14 + % 15% 1% CMSt P 4 P... •-% :% 2% 8% 2% CMSt P 4 P Pf. 5 4% 4%+ % 45% 5 Chi 4N W (4)... 9% 9% 9%+ !» 15%' 3% Ch Pneumatic.... 5% 5 s‘*+ %' £5% 7% Chi Rock 1 A P.. 15 14% 14%+ % 25% 11% Chrysler (1) 14% 14% >♦%+ % 170 97% Coca Cola (1a).... 110% 109% 110 45% 11% Colum Gas (2)... 14% 13% U%+ % 111% 30 Colu Carbon <5)- - 36% &% 3f % - % 23% 7 Cornel Credit (2). .9 9 9 34 15% Com Inv Trust... 19% 18% 19%+ % 1. 3 Comwl & Sou (.40' 4% 4% 4% 100% 46 Com 4 Sou pf 6). €6% 66% t6%+ % 15% 3% Conn Film 5 5 5 - % 18% % Cons Film pf (2). 10% 10% 10%'+ % 109% 5 C % Consol Gas (4)... 62% 61% 61% 107 88% Consol Gas of (5). 93 93 93 + % 30 4% Cont Baking A... 6% 6% 6% 62% 30% Contin Can (2m. 35% 35% .35%- % 51% 18'* Continen In (2.40) 22 22 22 - % 4% % Conti Motors 1% 1% 1% 12 5 Continental 0i1... 6% 6% 6% 12 % Continent Shares. % % % 86% 36% Corn Prod (3a)... 44 * 43% 43%— % 34% 1.0 Cream of Wh (2a' 22 22 22 63 20% Crucible Steel.... 21% 21% 21% 48% 25 Cudahy Packg (4). 31 3l 31 5% Curtis Wright.... 1% 1% 1% 8% 1% Curt Wright A... 1% 2% 2%+ % D 22 12% Deere 4Co pf (14b) 13% 13 13%+ % 157% 64 Del & Hud (9).... 79% 79% 79%+ 1% 102 17% Del Lac 4 W (4). 27% 16% )6%+ % 45% 3% D&R G W pf... 7!« 6% 1* 13% 6% Dome Mines (1).... 8% 8% 8% 24 11 Dom Stra Lt (1.20) 14% 14% 14% 78% 42% Drug inc (4) 53% 5?% 52%- % 14% 10 Duplan Silk (7)... 10 10 10 107 47% DuPont de N (4). 54% 54% 54%+ % , E 185% 73 Eastman Kod (sa) 81 80% 80%+ % 21% 4% Eaton Axle 1).... »% 6% t%- 11% % Eitingon Schfcd... % % % 69 7% Eitlng Sch 1 of. .10 10 10 + 2 74% 20 Eleo Aut Lite (4). 29% 29 2»%+ % 9% 2% Elec 4 Mus Ind.. 3% 3% 3%t- % 60% 9 Elec P& Lt (1).. 12% 12% 12%+ % 98% 32 Elec PAL 6pf (6). 49% 49% 49% - % 45% 23% Endicott John (3). 31 30% 31 39% 5 Erie 6% 8 8%- % 45% 6% Erie Ist Pf (4)... 11% 10% 11% F ' 29% 3% Fairbks Mor (1.80) 4% 4% 4% 3U 3 Fed Wat Sv(lJfO) 4% x 4% 4% 27% 10% Fed Dept St (1%). 14 14 14 63 41 First NSt (2%).. 49% 49% 49%+ % % % Fisk Rubber % % %- % €4% 8 Foster Wh Cord) 10 10 10 17% 2% Foundation C 3% 3% 3% 32% 15% Fourth Na In (.55) 19 19 19 - % 38% 2% Fox Film A (2%). 4% 4% 4%- % 43% 13% Freept Texas (3). 18% 18 18 - % G 7% 2% Gen Am Inves.... 3 3 3 — % 73% 28 Gen Am Tank (4). 31 31% 32+1 47 9% Gen Asphalt (2).. 13% 13% 13% 25% 9% Gen Baking (2).. 13% 13% ls%- % 9% 1% Gen) Bronze 2% <% '2%-f- % W 1% Genl Cable 2% 2% 2%+ % 25% 2% Gen Cable Av.... 5% 5 5 + % 48% 25 Gen Cigar (4).... 34 34 34 +l% 54% 22% Genl Elec (1.60).. 14% )4% i 4- % 12% 10% Gen El Sp (.60)... 11% 11% 11% 56 28% General Foods (3). 35% 33% ;5%+ % 8% 1% Gen Gas A (30).. 2% 21, $•% 50 29%t General Mills <31.. 34 34 ’4 , 48 19% Gen Motors <3).. 23% 23% 23% THE \SHINGTON TIMES Pr«». Illi—Nam* and »»•< High Low Dindend R*t* High Low 11:41 Un 10% 3% Gen Outdoor Adv.. 3% 3% 3% 84% 20%' Gen Ry Sig (5).. 25% 26 25 - % 74% 13 ' Gen Realty pf ww 13% 13% 13% 15% % Gen Theat Eq... 1% l ’%+ % 38% 9% Gillette Saf R.... 13% 13 t%+ % 9% 3% Gobel Adolf 6% 6 6 - % 42% 14% Gold Dust (2%).. 18% 18% 18%+ % 20% '3% Goodrich 5% 5% 5%+ % 52% l?% Goodyear Tire (3). 16 15% 15% - % 6% 1% Graham Paige... 4% 4% 4%+ % 22% 5% Granby Consol (I', 77 7— % 24% Grant W T (D... 28% ?8% <: B%+ % 69% 15% Gt North pf (4).. 24 13% 14 + % 11% 5% Grt West Sug... 6 6 6 6%'* 1 Grigsby Grunow. 1% 1% 1% 37% 4 Gulf State Steel.. 6% 6% 6% H 37 10% Holland Fur (2m. 10% 10% 10% 138 81 Homestak Min (6a) 125 125 15 + % 9% 2% Houd Hershev B 3% ?% 3%' ► % 68% 15% Houston 0i1...... 0% 20%' 20%- % 29% 11% Howe Sound (2).. 16% 16 16%+ % 26 7% Hudson Motor (1). H% U% % 13% 3% Hup Motors 5% 5 5 — % 1 89 9X Illinois Cent (4).. 16 14% 15%+ 4M 86 21 Indust Ravon (4) 27% 26% 27%+ 3 182 25% Ingersoll Ran (4). 32% 31% 35% * 1% 71 19% Inland Steel (2%). 22 21 21 - % 11% 3 Inspiration C 2% 3% 3% 12% 4% Ins Del new (.40) 5% SM 5%- % 9% 2% Insursh Ct In (.40' 3% 3 ' 3% + % 34 4% Interboro R T.... 7% 7% 7%- % 4% % Intercom Rub % % % 15 2% Interlake 1r0n.... 3% 3% '% 179% 92 Int Busi M (6)... 10V* 103 103%- 2% 4 % Int Comhus (11... 1% 1 >%+ % 39% 3% Inter Comb pf... 8% 7% B%+ 1% 60% 22% Int Harvest (2%). 26 25% 56 + % 31 34 Int Hydro E A (2' IC% 10% 10%+ 4 73% 11 Int Match pf <4). 50% 20 20% +l% 30% 7 Inter Nickel (.40). 8% 8% B%+ % 4% % Int Pap & Pw C. % % % 43% 6% Int Pa APwnf n 8V 8% 8% 38% 7% Int Tel A T (D... 10% 9% 10%+ % 21% 8 Inters D Strs <3). 10'4 10 10 - % J 80% 15% Johns Manville (3 Z-% 22 2? - % 123% 68 Jones 4L pf (7). 81% 81% 81%+ % K 18 5%' Kaufman DS d) 6% 5% 5% 3% % Kelly Sp Tira.... 1% 1% 1%- % 29% 3 Kelsey Hayes.... 4 4 4 15% 6 Kelvinator 8% 8% 8% 31% 9% Kennecott (1).... 12% 12% 12%+ % 41 13% Kfmblv Clark (2%) 19%' 19 19% 29% 15 Kresge Co (1.60). 17% 17 17%+ % 55 26% Kress A Co (la).. 35 35 35 27% 4% Kreug A To) (1.61 6% t% 6%+ % 35% 12% Kroger Groc (1).. 14% 14% 14% L 87% 40)f Lambert Co (8).. 52% 52 5’ 61 8 Lehigh Vai RR... 17 16% 17 + 3/ 69% 35 Lehman Corp (3). 40% 40% 40%+ % 20% 5% Libbev Owens Gl. t% 6% t%- % 91 39 Ligg A Myers (4a 50 ‘■o 50 + % 91% 40 Llg AMy B (4a). 50% 50% 50% - % 55X 13% Liquid Carb (Z). -. 16% 16% 16%- %' 63% 23% Loew's Inc (3)... 29 28% ',’9 64 2% Loft Inc 3 3 3 21% 10 Loriilard T0h.... 1?% 13% l?% 35% 17% Louis Gas A (1%) W ;0% 20%- % 111 204 Lou A Nash (5).. 30% 29 30%+ % M- •-6% 12 Mclntyre P M (1). 15% 15% 15% - % 103%' 38% McKees T P (4).. 50% 50 50 - % 17 3% McKesson 4R d) 4% 4% 4% 43% 12 Mack Trucks (2). 15 15 15 — % 106% 50 Macy 4Co (3).. tB% 58% 58% - % 39 6% Manh Rv m g.... H,% 10 10 — % 61 25 Manh R gtd (7). .0 30 30 -2% 24% 9% Mar Midi (1.20).. 11 10% 11 39 15% May Dept St (2% 17% 17% 17%+ % 16% 5 Mid Cont Pet.... 6 5% 6 31% 7 Midi Stl Prod (8). 8% 8% 8%- % 26% 3% Mo Kan AT.... 7% 6% 6%- % 85 10% MKT pf A (7).. 18% 18% 18% 21% 7% Mohawk Carpet... 9 9 9 42% 5% Missouri Pac 9% 9 9 107 12 Mo Pac pf (5).... :0% 19% 20%+ 1% 29% 6% Montgy Ward.... 9% 9 9 — % 47% 15 Motor Prods (2)... 24% 24% 24%+ % 19% 5 Motor Wheel (1).. 5% 5% t%+ % 36% 7% Mullins Mfg 12% 11% 12%+ 1% 18% b Murray Corp 6% 6% 6% + % N 40% 15 Nash Motors (4).. 17% 17%' 17%+ % 83% 36% Nat Biscuit (2.80) 41% 41% 41%+ % 39% 7% Nat Cash R A... 10 9 10 50% 20 Nat Dair Pr (2.60). 23% 23% 23%- % 36% 16 Nat Distillers (2). 20 19% 20 + % 44% 10% Nat Pr ALt (1).. 14% 14% 14%- % 58 18% Nat Steel (2) 11% 21% 21% - % 76% ID Nat Sure Co (2)... 14% 14% 14% 14% 4% Nevada Con (.80)). 6 5% 5%- % 2+ 2% Newton Steel 3% 3% 3%- 4 132% 24% N 1 Cent 4) 33% 32%' 32% - % 88 2% NYC & St L... 9% 9 9 r % 94 5 NYC4St L 6 pf 10% 10 10%+ 1% 94% 17 NY NH 4 H (4).. 26% 25% 25% 119% 52 NY NH 4H pf (7) 75 75 75 12% 1 NY Investors.... 1% 1% 1% 13% 5% NY Ont & W.... 8% 8% B%+ % 29% 10 Noranda Mines.. 14 13% IH%+ % 217 106% Norfolk 4 W (10).. 124% 124 1.4 -1 90% 26 Nor Amer (10%b! 34% 33% 33%+ % 11 2% Nor Am Aviat... 4 3% 3%- % 60% 14% Northern Pac (3). 22% 21% 21% - % O 19% 5 Ohio Oil 6% 6 6 - 4 58% 16% Otis Elev (2%)... 21 • 21% 2)%- % 16% 3% Otis 5tee1......... 4% 4% 4%+ % P ' 54% 29% Pacific Gas AE (2 ;4% 34% 34% - %' 69% 35 Pacific Light (3). 39% 39% 39%+ % 11% 3% Pack Motor (.40). 5% 5 5% , 36% 19 Pan Am B (80)... 19 19 19 t>o% Paramount (2%).. 11 10% 10%'— % ,2% % Pathe Exch % % %+ % 8% 1% Pathe Ex A 2% 2% 2% 46% 22 Penick &Fd (1).. 17 27 ’.7 44% 26% Penney J C (2.40' 28% 28% 28%- % 64 16% Penn R R (8).... 21% 2X% 21%+ % JSO 106% Peoples Gas (8).. 116% 116% 116%% 10% 2% Petroleum Cor (1). 4% 4% 4%+ % 25% b% Phelps Dodge.... 8% 8 8 12%' 2% Phila RCA 1... 3% 3% 3%+ % ■ 16% 3% Phillips Petrol.... 5% b 5 1% % Pierce Oil % % % 3% % Pierce Petrol IJ< 1)* Yf+ % 37 19% Pillsbury Fl (2).. 22 22 22 - % 27 1 2 Porto Ric Tob... 4% 44 4!s+ % 26% 5% Prairie Pipe L... 7% 7% 7% 71% 36% Proc 4 Gam (2.40) 41% 41% 41%- % 56% 49X Pub SN J (3.40). 55% 54% 55%+ % ' 58% 15% Pullman Inc (4).. 21% 21 21 11% 3% Pure Oil 4% 4% 4% • 55% 10% Puritv Bak (3)... 13% 1?% 13%+ % i r ; 27% .5% Radio Corp 8% 7% B%+ 1% ] Th» National Dail v Pre» »»!—»» Nam . . Bd Nat High Low Dividend Rate Low 12:4S Ch’<e 60 9% Radj o P f b (5)... 18% 14% 18%+ 3% 6% 2% Radio Keith Orp.. 6% 6 6%* % 97% 30 Reading (4). ...... 37 37 37 + % 19% 1% Reming Rand.... 2% 2% 2%+ % 10% 2% Reo Mot (.40),... 3% 3% 3% -5% 4 1 * Republic Steel.... 5% s‘j 5%— % 22% 7 R e y n Metal (1%). f% 8% 8%- % «% 32% Rey n Tob B (2).. 36% 35% »6%+ % 6 % % Richfield Oil % % % 13 Royal DNY (2.28) 15% 15% 1% + % S 69% 38% Safeway Stor (5). 44% 44%' 44!,' 62% 3 St DSan Fra.... 5% 5 s%'+ % 76 4% St L4SF of (6)4. 7% 7% 7%+ % 33% 5 st L South W... 8 8 8 % Seaboard Air L.. % % %+• % 20% 5% Seab Oil (.40),.,. 8% 8% 8%- % 63% 29% s M r« Roeb (2%).. 3i% 33 - 33%' <- % 11% 3% Servel 5 4% 4% 29% 8% Shatt F G (1).... f% i% 9% 10% 2% Shell Union Oil.. 3% 5% 3% + % 78 15 Shell Un Oil of.. 19 19 19 - % 15% 4% Sinclair Oil 64' 6 6%+ % *% % Snider Packing... % % %- % 21 8% Socony Vac d. 60). 10% 10 10%+ % 17% 6% So Porto R Su... 7% 7% 7% 109%' 25% south Pacific (4).. 34% 33% 34%+ 1% 65% 6% Southern Ry I’% U 12 + % 83 10 Sou Rwv pf (5)... 17% 17 17%+ % 20% 10% Stand Brands (1.20) 13% 13 13 + % 88z 3 s 25% Stand Gas (8m... 30% 30 30 51% 23% Std Oil of Cal (2%) 24% 24% 14% I % 52%' 25% std Oil NJ (la).. ;8% 28% :8%- 1 5% % Sterling Secur... 1% 1% I%— % 54% 9% stone 4 Webst (2) 10% 10% 10% - 4 T 36% 9% Texas Corp (2)... 12% ! % 12% 55% 19% Tex Gulf Su (3).. 24 24 24 + % 6% 1% Tex Pac C 40.... 2% 2% 24'- 4 17% 4% Tex Pac L Tn... 5% 5% 5% - %' 23 5% The Fair (2.40)... 76% 7 + i 9 1% Thermoid C 0..... 3 2% 3 +1 15%' 5% Third Avenue.... 11% 10% 11%+ 1% 59 16% Timken Roller (2) 21% 20% 20%- % 4% 1% Tobac Prod 3% 34 3‘*+ 4 18 2 Transamer Corp. 3% 34 34— 4 11% 2 Tri Contin Corp.. 3% 3%' i%+ 4 U 75% 13% Underwd El (4%). 17 17 17 72 27% Union Car (2.60).. 32 31% 32 + % 26% 11 Union Oil Cal (2). 13% 13% 13%+ % 315% 65 Union Pac (10)... 8; 80 82 +l% 38% 9% United Air 4 T... 12 11% 12 + % 61% 40 Un Air 4T pf (3) 44 44 44 + % 41% 13 United Bisc (2)... 23% 23% i3%+ 1% 2’8% 6‘* United Carbon.... li 10% 11 + % 7% 1% United Cigar 1% 1% 1%- •* 31%' 7% Unit Corp Del (% 9% 9% 9%+ % WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Peoples Drug Store, pfd., 5@ BO'/2, 5&80*/2- Capital Traction Co., $500@60. Capital Traction Co., 10@20. Washington Gas 6s B, SI,OOO @103*4. Washington Gas ss, $2,500 @ 100%. Public Utility Bond* I Bld I A*k~ Amer Tel & Tel 4'je |lO5 I Amer Tel & Tel ctl tr 55.... 1103 I Anacostia & Pot HR 5s I 58 I 82 Ana A l*ot <lual 5s I 88 I »6 C A P Tel of Va s*s 1100 I Cap Traction R R 5s I 5814! 63 City & Suburban 5s I 56 58 Geuraetown Gas Ist as 1100 i Potomac Elec <10..s 5%....1100 110114 Potomac Elec 6s 1104 Wash Alex X- Mi V Ctr....l 2 I Washington Gas 4 H 5........ I 96’41 98 Washington Gas 5s (toil 1100 >,j Wash Gas 6s series A lIVH 1100% Wash Gas 6k series B 1103141 Wash Ry & Elec 4s i 78 I 79 Miscellaneous Bonds I I Barber & Ross Inc b’.ia I 65 I Chevy Chose Club 514 s I 99 lIOOU Col Country Club sVis 1100 1103 WIN PRICE RATIOS SEEN Although steadily maintaining that drastic declines in prices, painful to debtors, were part of the age-old trend of easier living and falling prices, the Alexander Hamilton Institute has failed to be impressed by the fact that the decline virtually stopped last June after a 30-polnt drop in two years. During the depression of 1921 this slowing up was a signal for recovery. Instead of pointing to a parallel, however, the Institute has been calling attention to the extraordinary discrepancy be tween raw commodity prices and finished goods prices (Wholesale, no. retail), the raw commidity in dex being 17 per cent the lower, a situation crippling the purchas ing power of farmers and other producers of raw commodities. Now, for the first time, the dis crepancy has narrowed. Novem ber prices, the latest available, for finished goods, shows a tend ency for the indexes to draw to gether, raw commodities rising, finished goods falling. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Jan. 12 (1.N.5.).— Hogs— -20,000; 10c higher. Top, 64.40; bulk. 13.7604.36; heavy, 13.8504.10; medium, 84.2004.40; light, 24.2004.35; light light*. 2404.30; packing wwi, 53.150 3.50; pigs. 23.7504.15; holdovers, 5,000. Cattle—7,soo: steady. Calves, 2,000; steady. Beet steers, good and choice, 28011; common and medium, 24.5008; yearlings. 26 ©10.50. Butcher cattle, heifer*. 2407.50; cow*. 2305.50; bulls. 23.5005.50; calves, 85.6008; feeder steers 2406; Stocker steers. 23.500 5.75; stocker cows and heifers. 23@4. Sheep—, steady. Lambs. 25.25 ©6.25; common. 23.5004.50; yearlings. 2404.75; ewes, 21@2.75; feeders. 24.25© 4.75. COARSE YARN ACTIVE NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (I.N.S.).—The coarse yarn cloths market was again active today, with the entire range of active print clothe showing advances in prices. with substantia! sales being booked. Contracts in a number of instances Were for as far ahead as u ne ‘ was g en ®r*Hy agreed that the yardage sold since Saturday morn ing was in excess of all fast week’s Activity. while confined i sis y print cloths and broad- cloths. a Inn spread in som* degree to sheetings |nd to heavy goods. TUESDAY—JANUARY 12—1932 | Bid I Ask W M Cold Storage 55...*,.*j 94 j Public Utility btucks I I •Amer Tel & Tel .....1118 j Capital Traction Co I 19 • 20 Wash Gas Lt Co I H 4 I N & W Steamboat . 1160 1210 Pot Elec Fewer 6s Dfd 1110 I Pot Elec i’wr 5M»s ufd Il*»3 1105 Wash Ry & Ei com 300 i Wash Ky & El pfd ( National Bank Stocks Min t Ask Capital |l‘4b |2i>o Columbia |375 |42b Commercial (stamped) |lB3 |2OO District 11 5 * 6 I2IU Fed Amer Ntl Bk & Tr...i 42% | Liberty |l9O 210 Lincoln |4VO |440 Metropolitan |27b *3lO Riggs |3oo (360 Second Il9b Washington t IBO 220 Tru*t Company Stocks I I _ Amer Sec & Tr Co |299 31b Nat’l Sav & Tr |3 < b ,400 Prince Georges Bk & Tr...1 28 | 40 •Union Trust jl9l |220 Wash Loan & Tr. . . ....... 4QQ 44U Savings Bank Stocks | I Bank ot Bethesda I 53 b 0 Com & Savings 326 East Washington 20 3b Pot Savings Bank 155 75 FOREIGN EXCHANGE” (Demand I Cable Great Britain sterl..l 123.41 France, franc I ! 0392 Belgium, belga I I .1389 Switzerland, franc...! .1947 • Italy. lira I I .0506 Sweden, krone ! I .1905 Norway, krone 1... i .1860 Denmark, krone ' I 1875 Germany, mark I I .2370 Greece, drach ( t .0129 Spain, peseta 1.. I 0844 Holland, florin I I .4016 Austria, schlll I I .1400 Poland, zloty 1... I .1130 Hungary, pengo I I .1750 Finland, mark I I .0155 Jugoslavia, dinar I .....I .0178 Czechoslav, cr0wn....!... | .0296% Rumania, leu I I .0059*4 Far East I I Shanghai, tael I .3325 I .3338 Hongkong, d011ar....! .2513 I .2526 Bombay, rupee I .2588 | .2598 Yokohoma, yen I .3600 I .3610 South America I I Rio de Janeiro, mils..l .0635 I .0635 Bueno* Aire* peso...! .2588 I .2588 Uruguay, dol ! .4500 .4500 Peru, soles de 0r0....| .2800 I .2800 Chili, peso | .1215 ! .1215 Canada New York funds in Montreal 2157.50 premium at 21.000. Montreal funds in New York 2157.50 discount at 21,000. grudTaverage UNCHANGED The average price for crude petroleum at 10 representative producing fields was unchanged last week from the preceding week at 87.6 cents per barrel. The average at this time a year ago was $1.24% per barrel, ac cording to the Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter. Gasoline at four representative refining centers was higher last week at 4.06 cents per gallon, compared with 4 cents per gal lon a week ago. The average at refineries a year ago was 5.31 cents per gallon. The average price at service stations in 10 representative markets was slight ly higher last week at 15.73 cents per gallon, compared with 15.72 cents per gallon in the preceding week. The average at thie time a year ago was 17.83 cents per gallon. Domestic crude oil production in the United States from Janu ary 1 to January 9, according to the above authority, was 19.- 946.000 barrels, compared with 18.853,000 barrels in th© corres ponding period of 1930. Pr*v 1621—32 Nam* and Nat High Low Dividend Rata High Low 12:46 Ch’ge 521< 261 K Unit Co Del of (3' 37 37 37 + !a 67% 17% United Fruit 24% £4 ;4% + 1% 37% 15% Un Gas Imo 1.20' 19%' 19% 19% *- % 31%' 9V Un Pc Dyew 12).. 'lO% 10% 10%- % 12% 1% US & For Sec... 2% <% -% - % 90 42 US & F Sec of (61 50 48 60+6 10% 1% U S Leather..,.. i% 2% 2%- % 15% 3% U S Leather A... 4% 4% 4%- % 37%, 10 U S Pipe & F (2). 11% 11% 11% - % 36% 5% U S Realty (11.... 6% 6% 6%'f % 20% 3% U S Rubber 4% 4% 4% 36% 6% U S Rub pf . 9% 9% 9%- % 25% 12% U S Smelt (1).... 16% 16% 16% + % 152% 35% U S Steel 14) 43% 42% 4’jJ+- % 71% 58% U S Tob (4.40)... 61 61 61 9% 1% Unit Stores 2% 2% 2% 52 20 Un Stores pf (4).. 35 35 35 57% 24 Univ Pic pf (81... 41 41 41 + 3 31 7% Util P& L A (2). f% 9% 9% V 76%' 11 Vanadium ........ 14% 14% 14%+• % 71% 20% Vulcan Defin <4l. 29% 29 29 - % W 26 % Wabash 1% 1% 1% 51 1% Wabash of A.... i% 1% 2%+ % 27% 11% Waldorf Sys (1%) 15% 15% 15%- % 57% 24 Ward Bak Os (7). 36 ;6 36 +1 20% 2% Warner Picts 4 3% 4 + % 46% 3% Warren Bros t% 5% b% + % 49% 12% Warren Bcv of.. 15 15 15 26% 12 Wesson O&S (2).. 15 15 15 44% 9 W Dairy p A.... 11% 11% 11%- % 19% 4% W Maryland 76% 7 + % 13% 3 West Pae pf 6 5% 5%- % 150% 33 West Union (6).. 41% 3% 41%+ 1% 36% 11 West Air Br (2).. 15 15 15 - % 107% 19% West E& M (3%) 26% 15 .5 - % 40 7% Westvaco Chi <2l 9% 9% 9%r % 10%' 1 White Sew M.... % %- % 9% 2% Wilcox Oil & G... 3% 3% 3% 8 1% Willys Overld i% 1% 2% 56% 14% Willys Ov pf 18% 18% 18%+ 1% 3% % Wilson & Co % % % 10% 1% Wilson &Co A.. 1% 2% 2%- % 51%' 15 Wilson & Co pf.. 21% 21% 72% 35 Woolworth (2.40). 41% 41 . 41 + %* 106% 15% Worth Pump 19% 19% 19% - % 80% 46 Wrigley (4) 54 54 54 + % Y 15% 3 Yellow Trk B 4% 4% 4%+ % 76 17 Yel Truck pfd... 24 24 24 + 3% Z 5% % Zenith Radio 1% 1% I%i- % 14 6% Zuiute Prdta Hi... 8 8 8 — % <a> Optional atock or caah. <b) Partly axtra. (c> Extra •took aud cash. <d) Exira in atock. <*> Including arreara. (f 1 J-(Otlia of a ahara in stock. <g> Baid thia year (AAI 10% In atock. (ww) With warranto. <xw) Without warranto. <•! Ex-dlvklend. .( + > Ex-righta Dividend rate m dollara In parent neaea. Kear’e high and low pncea ar* carried to pr«vloua cloae. I Mln.j Ask Sec Sav & Com Bk |43t> .ouo Seventh Street |2BO | United States |o3o ,630 Wash Mechanics | SO j 60 Eire insurance Btocka~ I | American 1275 |... .*. Corcoran 160 . .. . Firemen’s | so , 40 National Union , 1A *a I 16 Title Insurance Stock* I | Columbia | 7 Real Estate ~. . 1145 1160 Miscellaneous Stock* 1 _ I Barber & Ross Inc. c0m....1 I 8 Col Medical Bldg Corn 65...1 90 1105 D C Paper Mfr pfd ( 5 Diet Natl Sec pfd. .. . I 63 I 75 Enter Brtmo-Selz A .. 1 24 I 28 -Federal Storage pfd (100 jllo t’ed-Am Co com | IB*4| 22 Fcd-Am Co pfd 89 i 93 Lanaton Monotype 64 I 65 Mer Tr Stge com 95 102 Mer Tr A Stre pfd 1 86 1 89 Mergenthaler Lino 52 j st •Natl Mtge A Inv pfd 314 4 Peoples Drug S pfd : 79 »1 Real Est M & G pfd I 5 6 security storage 10i> p 1 Ter Ref & wh Corp ' 42 I 50 The Carpel Corp j 14191 16 W Meeh Mtge com BHI Wash Med Bldg Corp 90 !105 ''dwd & Lothrop com I 29'4! -31 vvdw.l & Lothrop pfd jlor (112 MLWSEARN WL PERCENT With a net operating income of $509,502,961, class 1 railroads earned at the annual rate of 2.02 per cent during the first 11 months of 1931, the Bureau of Railway Economics announces. This compares with 3.38 per cent for the corresponding period of 1930, when the total was $835.- 852,137 Operating Revenues Gross operating revenues to taled $3,948,639,835, a decrease of 20.5 per cent, while operating ex penses were $3,024,526,027. a de crease of 17.8 per cent. For November alone the roads had a net operating income of $37,064,372, or at an annual rate of 1.68 per cent. This com pared with 2.88 per cent in No vember 1930. East Leads Nation For the 11 months, Eastern dis trict roads made the best show ing, with 2.27 per cent, as com pared with 3.78 per cent in 1930. In the Southern district, earn ings were at the rate of 1.34, com ared with 2.63 in 1930. and in the Western district, 1.95 per cent as compared with 3.16 per cent. Increase the Earning Power of Your Money FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES V /</ These conservatively appraised investments are secured on in come-producing properties right here in the NATION S Capital. Denomination* as low a* SIOO Monthly Payments if Desired Send for Booklet, ••The Success Plan" Real Estate Mortgage a Guarabty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. National lAM COTTON PRICES ARE BUOYEO HIGHER NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (I.N.S ). The cotton market displayed a more buoyant tone today, with the list showing strength and quietly extending its improvement. Trading was fairly active, with an increased volume of price fixing orders in evidence, largely from the domestic and foreign cotton trade. Figures of the Association of Cotton Textile Merchants on De cember operations were somewhat more unfavorable than had been anticipated, although curtailment in December decreased the weekly rate of production 12 per cent from the rate in November. Near noon January was up 6 at $6.45; March up 6 at $6.56; May up 7 at $6.73; July up 5 at $6.90, and October up 4 at $7.13, Firm Curb Market Undertone Is Shown NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (1.N.5.), Curb stocks maintained a firm undertone today, with a continua tion of speculative demand in the leaders influencing further moderate gains in most sections of the market. , Utilities were fractionally higher on the average. Oils were dull. Investment trusts reflected quiet demand. Aluminum was an early fu ture in the specialty list. jHigh| Low Last Aero Sunnlv A I 5Ai! Airrs worth Mfg 5\ 5V.> 5*4 Allied Mills Alum Co of Am 57 56 56 Am Capital 8........ I ’■> Am Cities Pwr B 2 1 ; 2*4 2’4 Am Comnw A % V.> H Am Comnvv 8..1 Vj i, 2 Am Founders I 111 1 Am Gas <fe El 37 36 37 Am Light & T 20 *6 i 20%’ 20U Am Maracaibo 4*l Am Superpwr 4 4 1 / »! 4*4 Ark Pwr & Lt pfd.. Assoc Gas & E A i 4 1 4 1 Atlas Ut'l ' 6 5%< 0% Auto Vot 11 1 Auto Vot pr nt I 6% 5% 5*4 Brazil Trac 10 10 .10 Cana Marconi...* 1 l 1 »l I*4 Carrier Corp 1 10 1 9 !»14 Cent Pub SBd A I 2 2 2 Cent Sta El 2 m 2V6 2’4 C’ties Serv ' 6 m 614 Cities S r&L Gnf.... 461,: Cleveland Fl Ilium . 27 27 I 27 Colon Oil I •% I Colum Oil & Gas. vtc. . ml lv,| Comm Edison Rt& ...I 1 6 « 1 I*4 Comnwl & S war....' ! ®4 Communitv Water .... t 1 I Conn Lt & Pwr 6LjS. 9999 m 99 Cons Gas Balt Cons Gas Bali Seller 61 61 I 61 Cord Corn I 7% t 7 tyl 7 < Creole Petrol 1 "4' 11 1 '«i Crown Cent Pet. I *4 Cuneo Press 117 17 I 17 Cusi Mex I Darby Petrol I 2 2 2 Dayton Air En ! 'i' '4l x 4 Rad I I l i I IL I’4 Dubilier Corn! I ml IL 194 Durant ‘ 7 4 i 7 4 7y »' East Ut Aeso I 20m 20M) East Ut Assoc C.... 3 L 3M.1 3'4 Eisler Elect 1 2L* 2'4 2H Elec B & S I 11V 11L 11*4 Elec B&S cum nf... 50 I 50 ! 50 Et Pwr&Lt OL war..l SU; SMI Fairchild Ave A I 11 1 Ford Motor Ltd ....I 6 5% I Fox Theater A J 1 I 1 I IM$ Gen Aviation 3'4* 3'4 3*4 Gen Elect Ltd I 7 I 77 Gen G & E cv Pf 8.l 22 1 22 22 Gen Theater cv nf.... IL 1 ] Globe Und Ex 4 L 4 L 494 Goldina Sachs Tr I 3 2% 3 Gulf Oil ’• SOL 30 L 30 94 Hachrn’ster Lind 13 L 13 Hudson Bay 2L -’L 2 % Humble Oil 4 4 7 -g 4 4'4, 41 Imperial Oil Cau new. | KL 7'4 Imp Tob Gr Bril 13'6 13 L Indian Terr Oil A I 4’■> 4V- 4'4 Ind Pipe Line 6%i 6% 6’4 Insull Ut Inv I s\. 594 Ins of N A ' 30’si 30 Vs, 30 Vg internat Pet 9’s 9 1 9H Int Utilities B IL 1%1 1% Lake Shore Mines j 24Vs 24’si 24Vg Lone Star G 8% B'4' B'4 Mead Johnson I 45 Li 45 L' 45 94 Middle W Util I 6LI 6'61 6*4 Misouri K Pipe L 1 2Li 2L. 294 Nat Amer 1 IL; IL' I’4 Nat Pwr ft Lt pf 69 69 i 69 Nat Steel ws 1L i 1% 194 N Y Tel pf 'll2 112 1112 New mon t Min 13% 13% 13% New Process 3V6 3 3'6 Niag & Huds Pow ..I 6% I' 69s fi 9g Niagara Share of Md . . 3 3 Nor Sta Pow A . ...| 77'4 77’ji 77'4 Nor SPA cum pf. . 85 a i 85L 1 85 5 4 Ohio Copper 1 LI LI 94 Oilstocks Lt A I 1 Pacific W Oil ./ I 6 I SLI Pandem Oil I Ll LI 94 Paramt Mot I 3LI 3L 39a Penn P & L $7 pf ..I 97 I 97 I 97 Pennroad vtc I 3 | 2%l 3 Penn Water i 50 I 50 ! 50 Pepperell Mfg I 32 I 32 I 32 Pilot Radio A I 3 I 8. I 3 Pioneer Gold ...I 3 I 3 I 3 Pub Svc of No 11l rts..l 2LI 2'41 2L’ Pub Util Hold xw ....I LI L ! 94 Reliance Manag ....I 1%1 IL! IL Republic Gas ! Li L' 94 Roan Antelope I 5Li SLI 594 St Regis Pap I 4'41 4 I 4 Seaboard Util I I'4' I'4 19< Segal Lock 2 I 2 2 Singer Mfg 1133 1133 ! 133 Smith A O i 43 L 43 %( 43 L’ Southn Union Gas .... I'4 IL 194, Southland Royalty I 3LI 3 L 3 ’4 Stand Oil of Ind | 15 7 4| 15 94 15 7 4 Stand OH of Ky I 13L 13L 13%, Starrett Corp I 941 L 3 4 Sun Investing IL 1’» I ’4 Swift & Co new 18 94 18 L 18% Swan Finch Oil pfd •.. • I 15 I 15 15 Trans Lux 1 7 4 1% 1 7 4’ Tri Utilities I L Ll L Tung S L I 5’i 1 594 5'4 Union Amer Util ! 11 United Corp war I 3*4 I 394 3L’ United Found Corp 2'4 294 2'4 United Gas new ' 2 ' 2'4 2L United Gas new war.. L %! 8 4 United Gas pf 5394! 52% 53L United L& P A I 714 | 7 L 7'4 United L & P cv pf. . . 51L I 50 L 50L U S Electric 1 IL’ ■IL 1% Utilities P& L n..*...| 2LI 2'4 2’4 Util & Ind ... I 2L 2'41 295 Walgren Co I 11 I 11 11 Walker H I 2’ 2 i 2Li 2'4 Wenden Copr 1 Jg BwFSy5% INTEREST J SAVE For Future Independence Sound InTMtment In * t*v. In** -account carnln* S% In tcrcot I* one ot the surest paths to self-support and comfort In declining years. Open your account with (1. Open Daily > to I Saturday, Until Noon IjNATIONAd PERMANENT! BUI! ETZSTJnthTtjTwII uhmb suoeavisiOH of u s 19