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8 In Washington —with — ArflJ UMiIX r Society will turn back the pages of history to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of George Wash *. ington on February 22, every city in the nation holding a pageant or ball, or some fitting event to usher in the bicen tennial year, which will be devoted to honoring our First Ji 1 iRML £ * « MkWMFMHI ’Mrs. Walter K. Tuckerman ' members of the Cabinet, United States Supreme Court and ./other notables have been invited from all sections of the A "United States. Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman is chairman of i the ball committee, and she is arranging to have as honored /' guests on that occasion some of the descendants of former E Presidents. The All States Officers Society, in co-operation with th? State Societies in the District, will give a Bicentennial Ball bn Washington’s birthday for which elaborate preparations /have been made. j* Balls to Usher in Bicentennial £• The bicentennial celebration will be the inspiration for two of the largest and most interesting of the entertain \ ments planned for the late season in New York, the Beaux 4; Arts Ball, in which 500 people prominent in society and - the artistic professions will take part: and descendants of /‘the old families who made history in the early days of New V York city, will portray the leading characters in the pageant - in which Indian, Dutch, and English Colonials and American Revolutionary episodes will be given. An altogether delightful affair planned in connection with the bicentennial in New York, will be the “Pageant of Old New York and the First Inaugural Ball of the United States of America,” to be given January 22. The pageant will precede the opening of the ball, the first scene depicting the historical episode which took place in 1609, when Henry ' Hudson dropped the anchor of the Half Moon off the tip of the island. The second scene will show the Huguenot. Peter Minuet, arriving fin the same island and purchasing it ,from the Indians. The third scene will depict Peter Stuyvesant and his burghers; while the fourth will portray the inauguration of the “Father of Our Country.” The ball will open with a 1789 minuet. “President Washington” will then receive / “his” guests, and many of those who will take part are direct descendants of the guests who attended the first ——- - „ ■ inaugural ball. ** * < | Invitations Issued The President and Mrs. Hoo ver have sent out invitations for J the third of the series of eve ning receptions to be given at - the White House this season when the members of the Senate will be the guests of honor. This state function will take place Thursday evening, Jan uary 21, at 9 o’clock. * * * ‘First Lady’ Honored Mrs. Hoover was the guest in whose honor Mrs. Walter P. Brown, wife of the Postmaster General, entertained at luncheon today in her suite in the Shore '. ham. / The guests present included Mrs. Henry L. Stimson, Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley, Mrs. William DeWitt Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Francis Adams, Mrs. Ray Ly man Wilbur, Mrs. Arthur Mas tick Hyde, Mrs. Robert' Patter son Lamont and Mrs. William N. Doak. ♦ ♦ » Mrs. Edward Everett Gann, sister of the Vice President, Mr. Curtis, will not be “at home,’’ on Wednesday, but she will receive again on Wednes day, January 20. * ♦ * Attend Exhibition . The Ambassador of Japan and Mme. Debuchi, who went to New York. Saturday, to at tend an exhibition of Japanese art at the Roerich Art Gallery, spent Sunday with their son at Princeton University. They * have returned to the Capital and are again at the Embassy in Massachusetts Avenue. • ♦ ♦ Envoy Returning The British ambassador, Sir Ronald Lindsay, and Lady Lind say will return to the Capital j Thursday from New York, where they have spent the past week. Lady Lindsay is plan ning to leave January 19 for Boca, Grande, Fla. ♦ ♦ * The Secretary of War and Mrs. Patrick J. Hurley were hosts at dinner last evening in compliment to the governor general of the Panama Canal Zone, Col. Harry Burgess and Mrs. Burgess. I 'W'rflF. Furniture H N MAYER * CO U j j SEVENTH ST. Z 2 Bet. I) and E 7/ A President. The District sf Columbia commemora tive celebration will begin on the morn ing of February 22 with the singing of “America” by a vast chorus on the greensward beneath the Washington Monument, and later as the last strains of “My Country ’Tis of Thee,” to he played by massed bands are heard, President Hoover will deliver a 10-min ute memorial address in which he will pay tribute tO'George Washington, thus officially opening the bicentennial cele bration. which will last from February 22 to Thanksgiving Day. A Colonial ball is being arranged for that evening by the District of Columbia Commission for the Bicentennial to which the President and Mrs Hoover, Hosts Tonight The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Ray Lyman Wilbur will be hosts -at dinner this eve ning at the Mayflower when they will entertain in the Pan- American room of the hotel. * * * Mrs. Arthur M. Hyde, wife of the Secretary of Agriculture, will receive tomorrow afternoon in her apartment at the May flower for the first time this season. Our special Lincoln showing will be continued throughout the week. In the few days since its presentation, motorists have expressed an especially keen interest in the new Lincoln 8 and in the fact that Lincoln quality in a motor car may now be secured at prices ranging from $2900 at Detroit. ... The new car is strikingly modern in its beauty. Its precision-built engine is typically Lincoln. The entire car is characterized by Lincoln s well-known high standards of design and engineering. You are cordially invited to attend this special exhibit. WARFIELD MOTOR COMPANY 1130 CONNECTICUT AVENUE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 P.M. THE WASHINGTON TIMES News and Gossip of People and Events in Washington s .Mayfair BELGIAN AMBASSADOR AND MME. MAY HOSTS AT EMBASSY Cotillion Last Evening Huge Success The ballroom of the May flower was thronged with fash ionables from the Capital, New York, Philadelphia and Balti more last night for the second Washington Bachelor’s Cotil lion, when approximately 300 guests from official, diplomatic and residential society were present. Upon the arrival of the Vice President, Mr. Curtis honor guest at the ball, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Everett Gann, they were met at the entrance by the officers of the cotillion, who escorted them to their box through an aisle formed by members of the floor com mittee. Flag-Dr-.ped Ballroom The ballroom was decorated with flags, the Vice President’s flag being draped above his box, and the platform where the musicians played was screened with palms and ferns, the cotillion figures, led by Brig. Gen. William E. Horton, president of the cotillion, danc ing with Miss Louise Brooks, began at 11 o’clock, and about 200 persons participated in the f dance, which was beautifully executed, and formed a very colorful sight. Unusual? at tractive French favors were given to those taking part in the cotillion. Mrs. Gann stood at the head of the receiving line, wearing a becoming gown of white satin embroidered in gold, and the guests were introduced to her by Maj Gen. George Owen Squier, and in turn to the other ladies in the line. Senora de Abelli. wife of the Bolivian Minister, was in white satin emoroidered in beads, and she wore a shoulder bouquet of orchids. Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose wore a handsome model of ivory-colored velvet, adorped with a flounce of rare old lace, and she wore a beautiful antique necklace from India: Mis Warren R. Austin was handsome in a gown of green velvet and Mrs. George H Cal vert, ‘jr., was in white satin, made on flaring lines and her corsage bouquet was of gar denias. Miss Brooks was charm ing in a gown of pink lace. Chaperones at the Ball The chaperones of the eve ning were Lady Lister-Kaye, Mrs Ronald Fairfax. Mrs. Cam eron Morrison, Mrs. Robert Hinckley. Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh. Mrs. Joseph Washing ton. Mrs. Delos Blodgett, Mrs. Henry L. Doherty, of New York; Mrs Wilton J. Lambert, Mrs William Laird Dunlop, jr., Mrs. Charles Mason Remey and Mrs. R. Ewell Thornton. A seated supper was served at midnight. ♦ ♦ ♦ Representative and Mrs. Rob ert Low Bacon will return to Washington today from their New York home, where they spent the week end. HONORED gt vH IM i i Rb J F ' Hi Xi Off ■r FRAU VON PR ITT WITZ, who, with the German am bassador, was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Senator and Mrs. James Cou zens at their home on Wood land Drive last evening. Minister Honors Dean OF Corps The Italian Ambassador and Nobil Donna Antonietta de Mar tino will be the guests in whose honor the Minister of Austria and Mme. Prochnik will enter tain at dinner this evening at the legation. The Minister and Mme. Prochnik will again be hosts at dinner on Monday, January 18. * ♦ ♦ Mrs. Nash Hostess Mrs. Francis Nash enter tained at luncheon today at the Mayflower in compliment to Mrs. Hamilton Elaine. Mrs. Nash and her daughter. Miss Carolyn Nash, who have been in Washingtoii for the past month will leave Saturday for New York from whence they will sail on January 22 for France. They will spend the remainder of the winter at Monte Carlo with Captain Nash. ♦ « • Making World Cruise Mrs. Charles Minot Amory, who returned to New York last week from Palm Beach, sailed on the Franconia for a trip around the world. She was ac companied by her daughter, Miss Gloria Baker, and her son, Mr. George Vanderbilt. Another son of Mrs. Amory, Mr. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, left yesterday for Palm Beach, to be with Mr. Armory for the remainder of the season. TAe National Daily Envoy Os Italy Ranking Guest • At Dinner The Ambassador of Belgium and Mme. May entertained at dinner last evening at the em bassy on Massachusetts Avenue. Those present included the Italian Ambassador and Nobil Donna Antoinetta de Martino, the French Ambassador and Mme. Claudel, the Swedish Minister and Mme. Bostrom, the Minister of Greece and Mme. Simopoulos, Senator and Mrs. Hiram Bingham, the Undersecretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Ogden L. Mills, the Chairman of the Federal Re serve and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Hill, Mrs. Allin. Mrs. Tracy Dows, Mme. Van Kaathoven. Mrs. Frederic A Keep. Mr Coleman Jennings. Mr. Cleveland Per kins and Mr Pierre de la Blanchetai and Viscount de Lantshiere. ♦ * ♦ Countess Von Rosen Tea Guest of Honor Countess von Rosen, wife of the military attache of the Swe dish Legation, and a noted sculptress, will be presented to a group of fashionables in New York, on January 18, when Mrs. H. Edward Manville will enter tain for her at the Arden Gal leries, where an exhibition of Countess von Rosen’s work is to be held during the latter part of the month. Mrs. Manville is the mother of Countess Folke Bernadotte, who is married to the nephew of the King of Sweden, and she is a patron of the Swedish arts. The countess’ figures of chil dren are particularly well known in the art world and since arriving in this country a short time ago she has divided her time between New York and Washington. "’B f* ut y° ur “best foot I forward” right at the I start of the New Year > > by securing these Na- L 1 B t ion ally Known Makes of Footwear at re- / duced prices. “Physical Culture” Shoes for Women $y .85. EVERY PAIR IN THE HOUSE INCLUDED in this Sale, so you are certain to be . pleased. Every shoe has the Physical Culture comfort features plus advanced styles. I and for MEN the famous “Stacy-Adams” $1 1 .85 JL JL a pair bench made, custom f W /(j grade shoe for gentle- ' men, noted for style OFF an( | comfort all the ON ALL I year around, and when i 9 you can buy a pair at a Childrens REDUCED price it’s HIGH wise to do so. All siz Cl j n r sq included. Your choice SrIOISS of black or tan calf. ■EdmoDstonW). 612 13th Street N. W. CARL M. BETZ, Mgr. TUESDAY—JANUARY 12—1932 Social Notes The Ambassador of Germany and Frau von Prittwitz und Gaffron will entertain at lunch eon on Wednesday at the em bassy in honor of the house guest. Frau Helena von Nostitz- Hindenburg, niece of the Presi dent of Germany, who will ar rive in the Capital, tomorrow, for a stay of several days. Frau Nostitz-Hindenburg who is an author and art critic, will be the guest of honor at a tea to be given by the Arts Club on Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o’clock. At 5 o’clock Frau Nostitz-Hindenburg will give a talk on Rodin, the French sculptor. * ♦ ♦ The minister of Lithuania, Mr. Bronius Kasimir Balutis, entertained at dinner last eve ning at the legation in compli ment to the United States min ister to Denmark, Mr. Fred erick B. Coleman. Mr. Co»e man was formerly minister to Lithuania. * * * The Attache of the British Embassy and Mrs. Harold H. Sims will entertain at dinner this evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pinckney Tuck. * * * The Assistant Postmaster General, Mr. W. Irving Glover, who spent the week-end in Newport News. where he witnessed the launching of the steamer St. John, has returned to this city and joined Mrs. Glover in their apartment at Wardman Park Hotel. * * ♦ The chief of staff, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, will enter tain at dinner February 3, in his quarters at Fort Myer. ♦ ♦ $ The commercial counsel of the Swedish legatic '. Mr. Gus taf Weidel, will be joined today by Mme. Weidel, who spent a few days in Philadelphia as the -uest of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. Mathews Dick entertained a large com pany at dinner last evening at their residence in Massachu setts Avenue Mrs. Alvin T. Hert has as her guest Mrs. William M. But ler, of Massachusetts, and she has asked a small company in for tea yesterday afternoon to meet her. * ♦ ♦ Mis Florence M. Sluskie will entertain at the dinner dance at the Shoreham this evening when her guests will include the Secretary, of the Rumanian Legation and Mme. Popovici: Dr. George D. B.jncesco, of the Rumanian Legation; Senor Jose Sara attache of the Cuban Embassy; Mme. Julia Batchel der, Mme. L. B. Piccio, Mrs. Betty Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Singer, Capt. Mason Peters, Judge Fred Dewirt and Mr. Brace Hayden Hamilton. * * * . Mrs. Grace Thompson Seton, president of the National League of American Pen Women, will entertain at a tea from 4:30 to 7 o'clock this afternoon in her apartment, at the Shoreham in honor of the members of the league At 5 o’clock. Mrs. Frances White Diehl, of Pittsburgh, motion picture chairman for the league, will speak on tier visit to Italy, where she at> tended the International Edu cational Cinematographic In stitute of the League of Nations. ♦ * * Mrs. Lawrence Townsend will entertain at a luncheon tomor row at the Mayflower, in com pliment of Conchita Supervia, Spanish mezzo soprano, and Alberto Salvi. the well known Italian harp virtuoso, who will render the program at the con cert that morning at the hotel. * * * Princess Olga Chagadaef of New York city, is at the Wil lard for a brief visit. The Princess was formerly a resident of Tislis. Caucasia. OhOtpßbtrrn " ELEVENTH ST. - BETWEEN f& G PRINTS and GAY, BRIGHT SHADES IN FROCKS «10 BRIGHTEN UP YOUR DULL WINTER COAT Cantons and sheer woolens, triple sheers, rough weaves and smooth fabrics fashion frocks for every occasion. Ohiltpsborn F ELEVENTH ST - BETWEEN fs G THESE NEW BOUCLE t COATS $39.50 Are a Discovery In Value For Women and Misses, sizes 12 to 44 Fashioned of finest fabrics and trimmed with luxurious fur sets of Skunks Fox Kit Fox Blue Wolf Karakul Persian ■ Third Floor Bolivian Envoy Dinner Guest Before Ball The Minister of Bolivia and Senora de Abelli were the rank ing guests at the dinner given last evening by Mr. and Mrs. R. M Kempton at their home hl Wesley Heights, before the Bachelors’ Cotillion. The other guests Included Mrs. Ruth Buttler, Mrs. A. F. Kempton, Mr. William Knightly, and Mr Archibald Wells. ♦ * ♦ Mr and Mrs. Thomas Bell Sweeney entertained at dinner last evening at their home on New Hampshire Avenue in com pliment to Miss Louise Brooks, of Baltimore Miss Patience McCormick Goodhart, Miss Charlotte Mayo. Miss Mary Gib son and Miss Carnealia Perin, all debutantes of the season. The guests included a group of the season’s buds and their escorts who later attended the Bachelors’ Cotillion. * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Graves Adams entertained at dinner last evening, later taking their guests to the Bachelors’ Cotil lion. * * ♦ The Chief of Protocol Divi sion of the State Department and Mrs. Warren Delano Rob bins entertained at dinner last evening at their home on Massachusetts Avenue. * * ♦ To Attend Concert Mrs. Edward Everett Gann, sister of the Vice President, Mr. Curtis, heads the list of box holders. for the Philadelphia Orchestra concert, under the diiection of Leopold Stokowski, which will be given in Constitu tion Hall this evening.