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CASH REGISTER CHIEFS HERE I FOR CONFAB Fifteen European managers of the National Cash Register Com pany will visit Washington today •nd tomorrow, after having spent 10 days at the company's head quarters in Dayton. These men represent nine coun tries. They will be received at the White House today by Presi dent Hoover. Representing a good cross sec tion of European conditions, the opinions of these men on the business outlook are an interest ing indication. Without excep tion and despite difficulties which each realizes must be met, they look forward to a better year in 1932. These men are concluding more than two weeks of convention and trips to New York, Chicago and now Washington. While here they will visit the White House, Mt. Vernon. Tomb of the Un known Soldier and both houses of Congress. Included in the party, which is in charge of J. H. Angleton, vice president in charge of overseas business, are R. W. Burman, Berlin, J. Luzius, Berlin; H. C. Klauser, Berlin; G. A. Marshall, London; T. Armstrong. London; D. A. F. Donald. London; R. Weise, Paris: W. Huhle, Vienna; R. Nedela. Zurich, Switzerland; W. Benz. Milan, Italy; G. E. Pietsch. Prague. Czechoslovakia; P. Delfino. Madrid; F. J. Bradley. Wellington. N. Z.. and R. w. Abbotts, Berlin. writeTspuin ANNUAL DINNER Arrangements for the annual dinner of the White House Cor respondents Association to be held March 5 at the Willard Hotel, have been completed, with Presi dent Hoover as the guest of honor. Paul R. Mallon, the president of the association announced today. Among other guests will be Vice President Curtis, the British and German ambassadors, and other members of the diplomatic col ony. the members of the Presi dent’s Cabinet, and other high Government officials. 83R The Sunshine Breakfast Growing bodies need the sun shine vitamins and the valuable mineral salts in these finer qual ity prunes. Sunsweets are tret-riptned. Never knocked from the trees. Never picked like ordinary fruit. They hang in the sunshine until so plump and heavy with good ness they actually drop from the trees of their own weight! That s why they are especially wholesome. That’s why they are extra good. A breakfast dish of Sunsweets is a breakfast dish ofgpod health. • Sealed in 1- and 2-lb. cartons to keep them dean and fresh. True tree-ripened fruit Men, Get This! Hooks-in-Back Coming Back By ENID ENGLE | PARIS. Feb. 5 (I.N.SJ.—The “Ancient Order of Husband Gown Hookers" may be called into active service again! Schiaparelli is putting her fastenings on the backs of dresses. Her collection showed a red coat dress fastening in the back, with a braided pocket mo tive on the left hip. Insinuating that women might tote their own flasks. This dressmaker has given the buttonhole makers a vaca- j tion, for most of her fastenings j are clips of various shapes, such . as metal pellets and tubes and I downright imitations of the i masculine folding collar button. • Auth’s Old Timers featuring “Songs of Yesterday’* WRC Every Monday 6:15-6:30 p.m. I Frankfurter Sausage I You want Quality—see that you get Quality by looking for the Anth name stamped on earh and every genuine Auth’s Frakfurter Sausage. They’re the best that money ean buy—Washington's favorites for more than 50 years. trfuihls I Pure Pork Sausage Links For supreme Quality—for fragrant, spicy, old-fashioned goodness, ask for Auth’s Pure Pork Sausage Links, and look for the Auth name before you buy. . If the Auth name is missing, you are not getting the genuine. I trfu&tX I Smoked Ham You don’t have to guess about getting su perior Auth Quality when you buy Smoked Ham. Every genuine Auth Smoked Ham is stamped on each end with the Auth name for your protection. Insist on Auth’s. I Pure Pork Sausage Meat Look at the package before ybu t hUV a, ’d fi n< * red la *’ e ' with t,ie Auth name. If the Auth name is I missing you are not getting what J ’°” P a - V tor - ‘ the cheapest H JIK I rp| | htit the best. Ii! H M Abß \ v -I - CZ ■ Ji ’ You just can't make a pie without sugar— and no matter how delicious Mie crust may * be, it's the filling that makes the pie. PURE CANE SUGAR is best for tasty cooking. It's uniform and dependable. When you use Jack Frost Sugars You know you are using Pure Gntf Sugar. You know it is uniform and dependable. ' You know it is clean and sanitary. Ask for Jack Frost Sugar, and know the sugar you buy. There's • kind for every purpose in distinctive sanitary cartons. —. m i , Don't mill “Melody Momtnti" next Wednesday Evening 8:30 . ’ ’’ E S. T. over this N. 8. C. Chain: ’ WJZ, WHAM, WBAt, KDKA, n J? R WCA«, WIS, WJR, WLW. Refined by THE NATIONAL SUGAR REFINING Cd. of N. J. jack Frosts - F ’ THE WASHINGTON TIMES {BRIDGE BATTLE WONBYFOUR ' Washington's “battle of the century,” operated on the install ment plan, as it were, went into the unusual last night when four players were adjudged winners. The contract bridge tourna ment, conducted every Thursday evening at the Shoreham Hotel by A. P. Stockvis, who lives at the hotel, went into its sixteenth night with 28 men and women participating. The winners were Mrs. L. H. Jackman. of the LaSalle Apart ments: Mrs. E. B. Swanson, of 2512 Q St. N. W.; J. H. Lemon, of the Alban Towers, and Mr. ' Stockvis. The National Daily l SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER I lygMyg I IN ALL GROCERY STORES Briggs’ Sausage | n K F n ** Skinless or Regular Smoked I WWing gSSR W-- : l I mW JWI JRb JEI JLJf And One 6c Can I BUbi /IL I A WAT C! Quaker Maid Beans w I ** ** F* ® — I ESTABLISHEDI — W 29c SPECIAL JCc I %■(" WHERE ECONOMY RULES” | In All Grocery Stores and Meat Depts. j I delightful baked with Sliced Pineapple BUTTER ZI EGGS ™ Freshly pasteurized BW The quality of Creamery lb . 2/c b on,y Wildmeres 23< Real quality butter that a e !'*' * ,O ' n the ran^s to * O Sunnyfteld u /Qc : : d,y of A4 r? Sunnvbrook d oz Xlr ble only through the low .. . customers and be sure Cf m.rk« I -Lb. Print. M«Z of enli „ , ali , f , cllon . Ev.„ E„ Cu.,..t..d CF* FLOUR BACON H Sunnyfield 12-Lb. bag 27c Sunnyfield Sliced . low price of Sunnyfield C O/» we , PK(L 1 t 24-Lb. BAG C > Sunnyfield Sliced Becon? Qu.lity end V popu,ar ’ CXMrf jf economy combined. i ■ i —j| IN OUR MEAT MARKETS ||h~ - i Fancy 1 2'"!""' „ L <» IN Fancy Beef L Fancy LEG of LAMB lib Roast 3-Corner Roast. PORK ROAST Lb. ISe zaizlAlTL. >b 12c • ~rrr“~r~ — — Shoulder Lamb Roast . . . lb. 10c tender beef Hindquarter Lamb Shoulder Lamb Chopi... lb. 15c nAACtm iAJSS&SIS Loin Lamb Chops. lb. 35c WIUVB KVAbI ' U>-iIC 5 Breast of Lamb lb 8c D ‘ “'f r “’j '"’/j « the finest variety of cuts obtainable. OlCdol Ul ludlllU 1M» or cooked and served cold | sandwiches. ’ JL Forequarter Lamb I „ e " J „ c " (e L. c “ f The forequarter of iamb con- Pork Choos Pork Chops fresh killed stewing I tains rib chops, shoulder to roast W ’w.svjro . v.» ’w. - Lb - l* c 2 «»• 25c lb. 17c Chickens u- 25c gamEESBSI.’ISgn-SB 'I ' ■ r==- Granulated Sugar ...... 10 ,b " 45c j Sunnyfield Pancake 2 pkn 15c I Cranberry Sauce. ..2 29c Pure Lard SJiLX 2 ,b * 15c Va. Sweet MX* nd Syrup ,nt 23c Blue Peter Sardines 2 “ n " 15c White House Milk .. . 3 . P k r . , Tidewater Herring Roe, 2 m * d Mn " 23c Sunnyfield Quick Oats. .. 3 X"2oc Del Monte ~ KS " R Raisins 10c Morton’s Salt JX7 .’.... .2 15c zr- =x z= - - SPECIAL SPECIAL p. ~ SPECIAL . A&P’s Own Blend, ot NECTAR SUNNYFIELD VlgaTetteS, Quaker Maid COFFEE nri?A wh <> l « Grain Chesterfield TOMATO The L "f t Selling JLKiA Lucky Strike *wmx**v High-Grade Ceffee, Orang. Pekoe-Mixed RICE Camel KETCHUP <he World „ PL e Sc BO’clock lb. 17c 12-oz. Pkg. 5© P.edmont Red Circle lb. 2gc ,„•» s l- 29 „. n Za Bokar ib. 2Qc :: .z iL ■■ —jj k J vs- American Cheese 8 p"« ,b 19c Sparkle r™" Gelatin .. .3 SOlP '‘'’ 20c Stringless Beans ..... .3 me * “ n * £3c Encore Macaroni pk< 5c Ann Page Preserves . lh )ar 2lc Standard Corn 3 >»«>««. c lona Peaches c R a j a h Salad Dressing .. . . 8M ,ar 12c Sultana Red Beans ““ 5c Fancy Navy Beans 3 lb> 13c Quaker Maid Chili Sauce. . bottle 17c Standard Peas 2 raed cao * 19c , | FRESH FRUITS 8- VEGETABLES | —°"t White Potatoes 10"” 15c pSXnfn Cauliflower iceoerg Lettuce Thin Skin Lemons dor 23c M .. - 5 Med. Large lAa Delicious Apples 2 "15c Head 1 Head* dA V Cooking Apples 3 10c Sweet Potatoes ;;;; • f.... ] £ Grapefruit Fancy Yellow X lh< 1 As» Crisp Celery 2 boDrbe * 25c Variety 4 *“ C Beets 2 b “ neh " 13c * for J (jC | — Carrots bnnfh 9c j: ..... . ....... | F/ nC W Rhubarb mJS* b 19c Fancy Calavo AVOCADO Fiortda vranges Yellow Onions 3 20c M „ I 12 doz 2Qc • Li, . r »' doz IQc F,esh s P' naeh 3,9 c PEAHS • • • Eacll ls® I | • Size * dF® I Fancy Bananas .... d "’ 21c* 25c | In Most Stores »■. < ■ l ="=e— . , „■ nrnr-r-’l!| T ' ===== a. . n ~ L b FRIDAY—FEBRUARY 5—1932 11