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Bal Boheme Has Gay Cabaret Program A number of Washington singers, musicians and dancers will contribute their services for the success of the ‘Seaport Caban t” program, which is to be an extn. added attraction at the “Ball of the Seven Seas,” this year’s Rai Boheme at the Willard Hotel. Monday night. It will be staged the small ballroom, which wil’ be arranged after the manner of a night club, with small tables around the four walls where refreshments may be obtained, and the performance given from the empty space in the middle of ti»e floor Miss Marjorie Lowe, a member of the standing committee for the ball, and chairman of the cabaret program, will be assisted Monday nLht »,y Ton. Brahaney, who will act as master of ceremonies. In addition tr several musical num bers and dancing acts, a skit en titled "Ah” will be presented by Anne i es, Mrs. Lewis Clephane. Jr., Dennie Connell and Harry Welker. One half of the net proceeds from the ball wili be devoted to the relief of the unemployed in accordar » with the vote of the committee. Tickets are on sale at th- Willard Hotel and at the Arts Club 2017 Eye St. N. W. Ben Lyon-EI Brendel Booked for Fox Stage Within the next month, the Fox Theater will be the scene of the personal appearances of El Brendel, the Swedish comedian, and Ben Lyon, star in his own name and the husband of Bebe Daniels of motion picture fame. The greatest schedule of pic tures has also been lined up for the Fox. Included in this list is "Cheaters At Play” with Thomas Meighan and Charlotte Green wood, which is the attraction for the week of February 12: “Busi-1 ness and Pleasure” with Will Rogers and Jetta Goudal, “She Wanted a Millionaire” with Joan Bennett, Spencer Tracy and Una Merkel. "The Gay Caballero” with George O’Brien. Victor Mc- Laglen, Conchita Montenegro and Weldon Heyburn and “After To morrow” with Charles Farrell, Marian Nixon and Minna Gom bell. Chevalier to Sing Here Sunday Night Local admirers and fans of the one and only idol of the Parisian boulevards. Maurice chevalier, harken to the glad tidings sent out by Charles Dillingham in the an nouncement that the celebrated international movie star is com ing to this city in person for an informal visit with you in which he will sing his songs in French and in English, one performance only, at the National Theater, next Sunday evening, February 7. February Sale Savings on Inner Spring MATTRESSES P>4 yy\y y 1 .i di f~>ft C S/ • »"■ For Genuine Comfort and Service Sleep on an Inner Spring Mattress Here Are Four Specials—Attractive Bargains $17.95 Inner Spring Mattress $10.95 Allowance 3-3 size for twin beds, damask covered. Less $5 for Old Mattress. JL £a Fr»r Ynnr $19.75 Inner Spring Mattress SIA- 75 lUI 1 UUI Less $5.00 for Old Mattress JL “ Old Mattress $21.75 Inner. Spring Mattress SIC. 75 Less $5.00 for Old Mattress JL V# 50c OjMIHI lIPil 50c AW “ k I D. C. STAR WELDON HEYBURN, Wash ington actor, who has made ' good in Hollywood. His first picture to be viewed here is “The Silent Witness.” opening on the Fox Theater screen today. Lionell Atwill is the star of this mystery film. When the Feature Is Shown on Screen KEITH’S—Ann Harding "Pres-j tige.” At 11:15 a. m„ 2:02, 4:39.; 7:26 and 10:03 p. m. Stage shows at 12:50, 3:27, 6:14 and 8:51 p. m. EARLE—Miriam Hopkins in “Two Kinds of Women.” At 11:35 a. m.. 2. 4:35, 7:25 and 10:05 p. m. Stage shows at 1, 3:35. 6:25 and 9:05 p. m. FOX—Lionel Atwill and Weldon ; Heyburn in “The Silent Witness.” i At 11:42 a. m.. 1:51. 4:32, 7:13 and 9:45 p. m. Stage shows at 1, 3:58, 6:39 and 9:20 p. m. RlALTO—Herbert Marshall and Edna Best in “Michael and Mary.” ; At 11:47 a. m., 1:46, 3:45, 5:44, 7:43 and 9:42 p. m, PALACE—Ruth Chatterton in “Tomorrow and Tomorrow.” At 11:30 a. m„ 2, 4:35, 7:05 and 9:40 p. m. Stage show’s at 1:20, 3:55, 6:25 and 9 p. m. METROPOLITAN—Buddy Rog ers and Clive Brook in “Husband’s Holiday.” At 11:24 a. m., 1:08, 2:53, 4:38, 6:22, 8:06 and 9:52 p. m COLUMBIA —Greta Garbo and Ramon Novarrc in “Mata-Hari.” At 11:25 a. m„ 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:35 p. m. Sei ter Assigned William Seiter has been assign-’ ed to the next Helen Twelvetree’s: starring picture for R-K-O Pa the. In the supporting cast are Eric Linden, Arline Judge, Cliff Ed wards. Polly Walker, Allan Fox, and Blanche Frederic!. THE WASHINGTON TIMES Late Stage News Direct From Broadway NEW YORK, Feb. s.—The Maude Adams-Otis Skinner trans continental tour in “The Mer chant of Venice’ has been booked up to April 2, when the company will play in Salt Lake City, Miss Adams’ birthplace, it is an nounced by Erlanger Productions, Inc. After that. the Shakespear ean revival will be seen on the Pacific Coast. Accordingly, Miss Adams and Mr. Skinner are not expected to appear on Broadway before next season. Besides Doroth Hall the cast of “Child of Manhattan.” scheduled to open at the Majestic Theater. Brooklyn, on February 22, will include Maude Odell, Jesse Ralph, William Riccardi. Mary Orr, Jack son Halliday. Helen Strickland and Franz Bends teiq. Sigourney Thayer, who tried out “Men Must Fight” last season, is preparing for immediate pro duction. “Bridal Wise,” a comedy by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, authors of “Up Pops the Devil.” Madge Kennedy will be starred and Allen Kearns will have the featured role. “Bridal Wise” is booked to open in Great Neck on February 27 before com ing to Broadway. Edward Ellis has been engaged for a leading role in “Inside Story,” the melodrama by George Bryant and Francis Verdi being sponsored by A. H. Woods. The play is being staged by A. H. Van Buren, while settings have been designed by P. Dodd Ackerman. It opens at the National during the week of February 15. The cast is headed by Louis Cal hem and Margaret Churchill. Beautiful Little Grand | Brand New 1932 Design I Here is a value that is worth while. Through the co-opera tion of the factory we are sell ing this grand at this price | for a limited time I *365 wflßm Terms $2 Weekly H Trade piano ARTHUR || jHf Il I JORDAN ’JI I ’I PIANO COMPANY ’4® 1239 G St. Cor 13 l - h r... « r... Home of the Chickerlng Bench V Delivery M Fred Stone’s New Musical Due At Belasco An announcement of thrilling import is contained in the news that Fred Stone will come to the Belasco Theater for the week commencing Monday, February 8. with popular matinees on Wednes day and Saturday, in his latest and most sumptuous musical comedy. “Smiling Faces.” In all the long line of Stone successes, this is reported to be far and away the most glamourous, and the Messrs. Shubert have sur rounded Mr, Stone with the greatest cast of his career. Fea tured with Mr. Stone is his de lectable daughter, Paula, who won for herself a host of admirers during the past two seasons in “Ripples.” her father’s piece, in which she made her debut. “Smiling Faces” is the merriest sort of musical melange, with highly humorous plot complica tions. Mr. Stone has devised an entirely fresh set of typical stunts and tricks which display his supreme versatility at its very acme of effectiveness. His role is that of one Monument spleen, a motion-picture director, and the fun devleops fast and furiously when he and his entourage in vade, in the course of their “shooting,” a staid. domain on Long island. Rooms, mnd many of them with hoardin* convenience*. are listed for Room Hunters' convenience in the Rental Column* of today’s Claaalfled Section. f'ouafiL. QUICKLY y YIELD TO Tho National Daily SAMBHiSAH ruwwwwv *j[ I— ——, ~ „ i. J r Your hearty support and patronage made our Anniversary Sale a great >* . success. So gratifying was your response, that we continued the sale bn V all this week with another list of splendid values. Be sure to share 3 this week in the savings which you have made possible by your sincere E appreciation. Prove to your own satisfaction that Where Quality Counts Your Money Goes Furthest This week we will present each purchaser of a pound of one of our Three E Favorite Blends of Coffee with a package of 4SCO Gelatine Dessert. l lb - gsco Coffee I 32c 9e _ 0 and 1 pkg. 4SCO Gelatine Dessert) Both for . . . A real value— (KCO Coffee is a real favorite in thousands of homes l lb Victor Coffee 17 C 0 and 1 pkg. 4SCO Gelatine Dessert) Both for . . . JL I E Victor is a mild, delightful blend—try it—we know you’ll like it jn l lb Acme Coffee I Reg. 36c Value 9 and 1 pkg. 4SCO Gelatine Dessert) Both for . . . Dj Acme is a heavy-bodied blend which appeals to particular people 3 Orienta Coffee lb - tin 3sc' Ritter Cooked Spaghetti , c™ 5c B Wilkins Coffee lb - P k * 31c Ritter Tomato Soup can 5 C 3 Hom-de-lite Mayonnaise..l2c ASCO Beans with Pork... can 5c E jfl lb. Of7 Sandwich Spread 2 i a « 25c Gibb’s Pork and Beans. bi * caa l()c 9 Z Bag Z/C 4SCO Tomato Catsup. .2 bots 25c Manning’s Cooked 3 ASCO Chili Sauce bot - 20c > Gold Seal Rolled Oats 2 P k * s - 15c j *3Qc| jg s d , 1 .17 C ---SO C I g Richland Butter Cr<i y m’.S 11 "'- ib, 28c —— 0 g Derrydale Creamery Butter lb. 27c J | twelve 29c | g 3 Choice Tomatoes can loc Jello Atl F,avor *2 P k e s - 15c /icrn “ 3 Stringless Beans3 cans 2oc Del Monte Bartlett Pears 20c q jfl R ASCO Bantam Corn... .2 cans 25c Del Monte Fruit Salad bi s can 29c odUCr llTcUlt B Choice Shoepeg Corn. .3 cans 2sc Sealdsweet Grapefruit.. . can 10c A n* il* E E Farmdale Peas 2 cans 2sc Eveready Fruit Cocktail 23c Z I L'lc 0 3 Glenwood Apple Butter. J ar 15c Glenwood Apple Sauce.3 cans 25c ** 3 — — Our Bread has that “Home-baked Flavor!” N SRoefc Creek Bread S B„ W Supreme I 3- - S J 2 s 15c ftne aua " / S B Reg. 25c Gold Seal Victor Bread Slic “ l ' P . p „” u a( 5c / Q / g 0 e ® auce 20C Victor Pan Rolls KkS 8c 0 0 each ag Crullers fa 2Qc g E Aunt Jemima Pancake. .P k * 10c Reg. Sc Navy Beans... .3 lbs 10c £ A °i ce . Anrinrd’Q 9 3 ASCO Pancake Flour. . 2 p^*-15c California Lima Beans ..3 i bs -25c Caltfornia xxpl IVU VD M 3 ASCO Buckwheat Flour 2 P k z s 15c Red Kidney Beans2 lbs lsc O tali QPT ASCO Table Syrup can 10c Yellow Corn Meal 2 lbs -5c cans M E Golden Crown Syrup.... can 12c Fancy Pearl Hominy.... 2 lbs - 5c 3 Special Premium r\ . ~ T J 0 Lux Toilet Soap. .2 cakes 15c M R 6 Cups and Saucers OCldg OD JLidlHlUrV EdO3D LUX Flakes bi * P k « 25c E « __ Re». sc r Lifebuoy Soap... .3 <»>«■ 17c g Wt qZ WaskingPowderJiMOc H Wfa Corner Fete Naphtha Soap 4 23c S Octagon Kirkman’s Soap.. .4 cakes 23c B F MoT^Tnd\7eX lf on?y Soap Powder W ASCO Ammonia... b * bot. 19 C Jfl E Meat Market Specials!- 3 j Steaks! chiK" 14 29«! Roasts! S S Porterhouse £ JS BestPrimeKib § 0 lb 33 c Hams Hams ib 19c S E Top Fancy • 15 C | * lb ' 15 C Selected ! Boneless g Round Sirloin Long Cut Sauer Kraut... .lb, 5c Chuck j Cross-Cut E S lb. 25c ">• 27c Westphalias ,b - 21c ik 121' lb - 21c 0 Quality Fruits and Vegetables! 3 g Florida Grapefruit S White Potatoes 1015 c g 4 f or (17c (19c Kale 3 f 14c S Hundreds of Thousands of ftSCD Customers serve their families Finest of Foods at Appreciable Savings! E TKeke PrlrtMi Fffeettvr !t> O'ir Mrrrea and I jWIL Marketo tn 11 aohinytnn and Vicinity FRIDAY—FEBRUARY 5—1932 13